Random Variables Discrete and Continuous Explained

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Random variables and probability distributions: discrete and

continuous explained

Before discussing further on the topics of binomial and Poisson distributions,

we should get our mind clear about the differences between discrete and
continuous random variables.

In carrying out any experiment, we generate test results which are basically
random by nature. Hence, a random variable provides us a means for
describing the experimental outcomes using numerical values. In other
words, random variables must assume numerical data for statistical
interpretation. The probability distribution for a random variable describes
how probabilities are distributed over the values of the random variables.
This probability distribution is typically defined in terms of probability
density function (pdf) when we refer to the continuous random variables..

A random variable can be classified as being either discrete or continuous

depending on the numerical values it assumes.

Discrete random variables

A random variable that may assume either a finite number of values or an

infinite sequence of values such as 0, 1, 2 …is referred to as a discrete
random variable. For example, if we flip a coin and count the number of
heads, the number of heads can be any integer value between 0 and plus
infinity. But, the outcome is in integer and cannot have an result say 3.5
heads. Hence, the number of heads must be a discrete variable.

Now if we flip a coin twice, we can have four possible outcomes: HH, TT, HT,
TH. The random variable representing the number of heads that results
from this statistical experiment can only take on the values of 0, 1, 2,
3 …and so it is a discrete random variable.

The probability distribution for this statistical experiment is shown in the

following table:
Number of Probability
0 0.25
1 0.50
2 0.25

This is an example of a discrete probability distribution which relates each

value of a discrete random variable with its probability of occurrence.
The discrete pdf is the probability that the random variable takes the value of
x in the form of function f(x):

f(x) = Pr[X=x]

Therefore, the pdf provides the probability for each value of the random
variable. An important advantage of defining a random variable and its
probability distribution is that once the probability distribution is known, it
will be relatively easy to determine the probability of a variety of events that
may be of interest to a decision maker.

In the development of a probability function for any discrete random

variable, the following two conditions must be satisfied:

f(x) ≥ 0
Σ f(x) =1

For example, suppose we roll a dice once in an experiment, the chance (or
probability) to have a dot number 1 to 6 faced upwards is 1/6 because there
are n = 6 possible values. Hence, the probability function for this discrete
uniform random variable is f(x) = 1/6 and f(x) =1. In general, we can define
the discrete uniform probability function as f(x) = 1/n where n = the number
of values the random variable may assume.

Continuous random variables

A random variable that may assume any numerical value in an interval or

collection of intervals is called a continuous random variable. Any
experimental outcomes based on measurement scales such as concentration,
weight, temperature, etc. can be described by continuous random variables.
Examples are aplenty for any laboratory experiments. For example, in an
experiment of measuring the temperature of discharged waste gas through a
stack, the possible values measured can be in the range of say, 150oC ≤ x ≤
200oC. Hence, an infinite number of values are possible for x, including
values such as 162.5oC, 175.0oC, 183.33oC, and so on. Hence, we see that it
describes a random variable that may assume any value in an interval of

A fundamental difference separates discrete and continuous random

variables in terms of how probabilities are computed.

For a discrete random variable, the probability function f(x) provides the
probability that the random variable assumes a particular value. With
continuous random variables, the counterpart of the probability function is
the probability density function (pdf), also denoted as f(x). The difference is
that this pdf does not directly provide probabilities. Instead, the area under
the graph of f(x) corresponding to a given interval can be proved to provide
the probability that the continuous random variable x assumes a value in that
interval. Therefore, when we compute probabilities for continuous random
variables, we are actually computing the probability that the random variable
assumes any value in an interval.

Once a pdf f(x) is identified, the probability for x to take a value between
some lower value x1 and some higher value x2 can be found by computing the
area under the graph of f(x) over the interval from x1 to x2.

One easy way to distinguish whether a random variable is discrete or

continuous is to think of the values of the random variable as points on a line
segment. Choose two points representing values of the random variable. If
the entire line segment between the two points also represent possible
values for the random variable, then this random variable is continuous.

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