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Analysis of Environmental Impact for Concrete Using
LCA by Varying the Recycling Components, the
Compressive Strength and the Admixture
Material Mixing
Taehyoung Kim 1 , Sungho Tae 2, * and Chang U Chae 1
1 Building and Urban Research Institute, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology,
Daehwa-dong 283, Goyandae-Ro, ILsanseo-Gu, Goyang-Si 10223, Korea; [email protected] (T.K.);
[email protected] (C.U.C.)
2 School of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Sa 3-dong, Sangrok-Gu,
Ansan-Si 04763, Korea
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +82-31-400-5187; Fax: +82-31-406-7118

Academic Editors: Vivian W. Y. Tam, Khoa N. Le and Liyin Shen

Received: 21 March 2016; Accepted: 13 April 2016; Published: 20 April 2016

Abstract: Concrete is a type of construction material in which cement, aggregate, and admixture
materials are mixed. When cement is produced, large amounts of substances that impact the
environment are emitted during limestone extraction and clinker manufacturing. Additionally,
the extraction of natural aggregate causes soil erosion and ecosystem destruction. Furthermore, in the
process of transporting raw materials such as cement and aggregate to a concrete production company,
and producing concrete in a batch plant, substances with an environmental impact are emitted into
the air and water system due to energy use. Considering the fact that the process of producing
concrete causes various environmental impacts, an assessment of various environmental impact
categories is needed. This study used a life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental
impacts of concrete in terms of its global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication
potential, ozone depletion potential, photochemical ozone creation potential, and abiotic depletion
potential (GWP, AP, EP, ODP, POCP, ADP). The tendency was that the higher the strength of concrete,
the higher the GWP, POCP, and ADP indices became, whereas the AP and EP indices became slightly
lower. As the admixture mixing ratio of concrete increased, the GWP, AP, ODP, ADP, and POCP
decreased, but EP index showed a tendency to increase slightly. Moreover, as the recycled aggregate
mixing ratio of concrete increased, the AP, EP, ODP, and ADP decreased, while GWP and POCP
increased. The GWP and POCP per unit compressed strength (1 MPa) of high strength concrete were
found to be about 13% lower than that for its normal strength concrete counterpart. Furthermore, in
the case of AP, EP, ODP, and ADP per unit compressed strength (1 MPa), high-strength concrete was
found to be about 10%~25% lower than its normal strength counterpart. Among all the environmental
impact categories, ordinary cement was found to have the greatest impact on GWP, POCP, and ADP,
while aggregate had the most impact on AP, EP, and ODP.

Keywords: concrete; life cycle assessment; environmental impact; admixture; recycled aggregate

1. Introduction
Concrete is a construction material manufactured by the mixing of cement, aggregate, mixed
water, and admixture materials. In the process of producing cement, which is the main composition
material for concrete, not only do natural resources such as limestone and clay become depleted, but
environmental impact substances are also emitted during clinker manufacturing through pyro process

Sustainability 2016, 8, 389; doi:10.3390/su8040389

Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 2 of 14

due to large amounts of energy use [1]. Additionally, the extraction of natural aggregate can lead to
soil erosion or ecosystem destruction, while the waste sludge and wastewater emitted from a concrete
batch plant have harmful effects on the water ecosystem [2].
As concrete has several impacts on the environment, the selection of various environmental
impact categories is needed. When only a single environmental impact is evaluated,2 of
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389
assessment could lead to false interpretations of concrete’s eco-friendliness. Therefore, efforts and
investment due to large
to develop amounts
a design of energyfrom
standard use [1].
perspective theofextraction of natural
the life cycle aggregateto
of concrete canminimize
lead to soil erosion or ecosystem destruction, while the waste
its environmental impact are being conducted. In environmentally advanced nations such sludge and wastewater emitted from a as the
concrete batch plant have harmful effects on the water ecosystem [2].
U.K. and Sweden, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) [3] and the Swedish Environmental
As concrete has several impacts on the environment, the selection of various environmental
categories[4]is are developing
needed. When only Product
a single Category Rulesimpact
environmental (PCRs)isand conducting
evaluated, certification
the limited
on construction could lead products from their production
to false interpretations of concrete’s to their disuse.Therefore,
eco‐friendliness. The development
efforts and of the
draft version [5] ofto ISO
develop a design
13315-2 standard from themanagement
(environmental perspective of theforlife cycle of concrete
concrete to minimize
and concrete structures),
its environmental
an international standard impact are beingconcrete,
regarding conducted. isInongoing.
However, advanced nations
in Korea, such as the U.K.
quantitative studies on
and Sweden, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) [3] and the Swedish Environmental
the environmental impact in the concrete industry are at their starting points, and data for policymaking
Management Council [4] are developing Product Category Rules (PCRs) and conducting certification
and technological support to products
focused on construction turn thefrom concrete industry into
their production a sustainable
to their industry are
disuse. The development also
of the lacking [6].
Most research
version [5] hasof aISOstrong
13315‐2 tendency to be management
(environmental focused onfor global
concretewarming wherein
and concrete greenhouse
structures), an gas
emissions are evaluated.
international standard In regarding
to thoseisconcerning globalinwarming,
ongoing. However, studies on
Korea, quantitative product
studies on thecategory
rules andenvironmental
standards impact developmentin the concrete industry are atozone
on acidification, their starting
layerpoints, and dataand
destruction, for policymaking
eutrophication are
and technological support to turn the concrete industry into a sustainable industry are also lacking
also in their primary stages [7,8]. The object of this study is to evaluate the effects of the increase
[6]. Most research has a strong tendency to be focused on global warming wherein greenhouse gas
in compressive
are evaluated. admixture
In addition material mixing, recycled
to those concerning aggregate
global warming, mixing,
studies andcategory
on product the amount of
binder on environmental
rules impact in a on
and standards development quantitative
acidification,manner. Thedestruction,
ozone layer environmental impact assessment
and eutrophication are on
wasinbased on thestages
their primary life cycle
[7,8]. assessment
The object of thisprocess
is to evaluate inthe
ISO 14040 series [9,10],
of the increase in and
environmental impact strength, admixture
assessment indexmaterial mixing,onrecycled
was based “Korean aggregate mixing, methodology”
Eco-indicator and the amount suggested
binder on environmental impact in a quantitative manner. The environmental impact assessment on
by the Ministry of Environment in Korea [11]. Environmental impacts (global warming, acidification,
concrete was based on the life cycle assessment process suggested in the ISO 14040 series [9,10], and
eutrophication, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation, and abiotic depletion) were evaluated
environmental impact assessment index was based on “Korean Eco‐indicator methodology”
in a quantitative
suggested by manner usingof1000
the Ministry concretein designs
Environment ofEnvironmental
Korea [11]. a mix proportion impactsdatabase, and the major
(global warming,
causes ofacidification,
environmental impact were
eutrophication, ozoneanalyzed.
depletion, photochemical ozone creation, and abiotic depletion)
were evaluated in a quantitative manner using 1000 concrete designs of a mix proportion database,
2. Method of Environmental
and the Impact Assessment
major causes of environmental impact werefor Concrete

2.1. Goal2.and
Environmental Impact Assessment for Concrete

Goal andselected for environmental impact assessment was ordinary concrete, and based on
Scope Definition
various functions of concrete,
The product selectedconcrete structures
for environmental andassessment
impact the formation of concrete
was ordinary products
concrete, were
and based on selected
as majorvarious
functions. Concrete
functions of concrete, 1 m3 was
size ofconcrete selected
structures andasthe
functionalof unit.
concrete products were
product as major
of concreteConcrete size of
(Cradle to1Gate)
m3 waswasselected as theas
selected functional unit. boundary for the life
the system
The product stage of concrete (Cradle to Gate) was selected as the system
cycle assessment of concrete, as can be seen in Figure 1. Furthermore, the production stages boundary for the life
of concrete
cycle assessment of concrete, as can be seen in Figure 1. Furthermore, the production stages of
were divided into raw material, transportation, and manufacturing stages, and the environmental
concrete were divided into raw material, transportation, and manufacturing stages, and the
impact of factors in each
environmental stage
impact on airinand
of factors each water systems
stage on was evaluated
air and water systems was[12].
evaluated [12].

Figure 1. Process of environmental impact assessment.

Figure 1. Process of environmental impact assessment.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 3 of 14

2.2. Inventory Analysis

Based on the life cycle assessment ranges (system boundary) of concrete, input factors and output
factors such as energy, raw material, product, and waste were analyzed. To this end, as can be seen
from Table 1, the LCI DB (Life Cycle Index Database) on each of the input materials and energy sources
in concrete production was investigated.

Table 1. Life Cycle Index (LCI) Database.

Division Reference Nation

Cement National LCI Korea
Coarse aggregate National LCI Korea
Fine aggregate National LCI Korea
Raw material Blast furnace slag Ecoinvent Swiss
Fly ash Ecoinvent Swiss
Water National LCI Korea
Chemical admixture Ecoinvent Swiss
Electric National LCI Korea
Diesel National LCI Korea
Transportation Truck National LCI Korea

The LCI DB on the input materials and energy sources used in this life cycle assessment utilized
the existing data of Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport [13] and Ministry of
Environment [14]. As the LCI DB is different for each country, the DB offered in one’s own country
should be used. However, the LCI DB on ground granulated blast-furnace slag, fly ash, and admixture
in Korea’s LCI DB has not been established yet. Therefore, the DB [15] of ecoinvent, an overseas LCI
DB, was used.

2.3. Environmental Impact Assessment

In general, an impact assessment is divided into the following stages: classification, in which list
items elicited from the list analysis are gathered into corresponding impact categories; characterization,
in which the items are categorized into impact categories, and the impact for each category is quantified;
normalization, where the environmental impact of each impact category is divided by the total
environmental impact of a specific area or period and, lastly; weighting, where the relative advantage
among the impact categories is identified. Here, the classification and characterization stages are
essential components as per the standards of ISO 14044, while the normalization and weighting
stages can be applied as optional components. Currently, as normalization and weighting factors
customized for concrete are not yet developed, this study evaluated up to the characterization stage.
Environmental problems arising from this are global warming, ozone depletion, photochemical ozone
creation, abiotic depletion, eutrophication, and acidification. Therefore, as seen in Table 2, based on the
reference material and impact index of the six environmental impact categories such as Global Warming
Potential (GWP), Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication
Potential (EP), Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP), and Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP),
characterization values for each environmental impact category of concrete were calculated. As for
the reference material and impact index for each environmental impact category, they were based
on the database adopted by Korea’s Ministry of Environment’s Environmental Declaration [16], and
classification and characterization were conducted using the LCI DB selected beforehand.
Classification consists of classifying and gathering impact materials according to environmental
impact categories. Generally, when impact materials taken from LCI DB are classified by
their environmental impact category, and when they are grouped according to the categories of
environmental impact, the impact pattern of each material on the environment can be clearly identified.
From the classification details of concrete LCI DB of this study, based on the reference material
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 4 of 14

and impact index on each environmental impact category, Table 3 shows examples of ordinary
cement and coarse aggregate. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) guideline [17]
defines 23 types in total, including carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), and nitrous oxide (N2 O),
as substances that have an impact on global warming, while the reference material is carbon dioxide
(CO2 ). Resource depletion is based on the standard suggested by Guinee (1995) [18], and considers 89
types of resource items in total including crude oil, natural gas, and uranium (U). As for the acidification
impact index, while it differs by regional characteristics and atmospheric environment, the impact
index suggested by Heijung et al. and Hauschild and Wenzel [19] was applied as it is applicable to any
region. Twenty-three impact materials in total, including sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), hydrogen sulfide (H2 S),
and hydrogen fluoride (HF), all appear as sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), the reference material.

Table 2. Characterization value of composition material for concrete.

Environmental Impact Categories

(kg-CO2eq /unit) (kg-SO2eq /unit) (kg-PO4 3´ eq /unit) (kg-Ethyleneeq /unit)
Cement kg 9.48 ˆ 10´1 1.28 ˆ 10´3 1.34 ˆ 10´4 2.43 ˆ 10´3
Fine aggregate kg 1.49 ˆ 10´3 1.10 ˆ 10´2 1.92 ˆ 10´3 1.07 ˆ 10´4
Fly ash kg 1.50 ˆ 10´2 1.16 ˆ 10´4 6.94 ˆ 10´5 6.57 ˆ 10´5
Water kg 1.14 ˆ 10´1 1.94 ˆ 10´4 6.57 ˆ 10´5 4.86 ˆ 10´7

Table 3. Classification value of composition material for concrete. The six environmental impact
categories are as follow: Global Warming Potential (GWP); Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP);
Acidification Potential (AP); Eutrophication Potential (EP); Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP); and
Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP).

Environmental Impact Categories Composition Material

Inventory List
GWP ADP AP EP ODP POCP Cement Aggregate
Ammonia (NH3 )   6.95 ˆ 10´7
Carbon dioxide (CO2 )  9.31 ˆ 10´1 3.40 ˆ 10´1
CFC-11  2.05 ˆ 10´9 4.02 ˆ 10´13
Methane (CH4 )   1.71 ˆ 10´2 5.57 ˆ 10´4
Sulfur dioxide (SO2 )   1.27 ˆ 10´2 4.42 ˆ 10´4
Phosphate (PO43´ )  4.22 ˆ 10´8

As for the eutrophication impact index, Heijung et al. and Hauschild and Wenzel’s impact
index was applied, just as it had been applied in the acidification impact index. Among a total of
11 types of impact materials such as phosphate (PO4 3´ ), ammonia (NH3 ), and nitrogen oxides (NOx ),
the reference material was phosphate (PO4 3´ ). In the case of ozone depletion, the impact index
suggested by World Metrological Organization (WMO) [20] was selected, which considers a total of
23 types of impact materials such as CFC (chlorofluorocarbon)-11, Halon-1301, and CFC-114, and takes
CFC-11 as the reference material. Among a total of 128 types of impact materials, including ethylene,
NMVOC (Non-methane volatile organic compounds), and ethanol, photochemical ozone creation
takes ethylene as reference material, and the impact index suggested by Derwent et al. (1998) [21]
and Jenkin and Hayman (1999) [22] was applied. Characterization is the process of quantifying the
environmental traits of classified impact materials according to each environmental impact category.
In the classification stage, the corresponding impact materials in each environmental impact category
were identified and linked to, but as the impact index of each impact material is different, it was hard
to identify the extent of impact in a quantitative manner. Therefore, the characterization value of
concrete was calculated in a quantitative manner by multiplying the environmental load of impact
materials with the impact index for each environmental impact category, and adding all of them.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 5 of 14

This process is shown in Equation (1), and here, CIi equals the characterization value, Loadj equals
the impact material j’s environmental load, and eqvi,j equals the environmental impact index of the
impact material j that is within the environmental impact category of i. Table 3 shows an example of
the environmental impact characterization value of raw material used in the production of concrete in
this study. ÿ ÿ
CIi “ CIi,j “ pLoadj ¨ eqvi,j q (1)

Here, CIi is the size of impact that all the list items (j) included in the impact category i have on
the impact category in which they are included. CIi,j is the size of impact that the list item j has on
impact category i, Loadj is the environmental load of the jth list item, and eqvi,j is the characterization
coefficient value of jth list item within impact category I [23].

(1) Global Warming Potential (GWP)

Global warming is a phenomenon that refers to the rising average surface temperature of the
Earth, primarily due to the increasing level of GHG (Greenhouse Gases) emissions. The standard
substance for GWP is CO2 . Global warming causes changes in the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
and in coastlines due to rising sea levels. The category indicator of GWP is expressed by Equation (2):
GWP “ Loadpiq ˆ GWPpiq (2)

where Load(i) is the experimental load of the global warming inventory item (i) and GWP(i) is the
characterization factor of global warming inventory item (i).

(2) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP)

Ozone depletion refers to the phenomenon of decreasing ozone density through the thinning of
the stratospheric ozone layer (15–30 km altitude) as a result of anthropogenic pollutants. This leads to
increased UV (Ultraviolet Ray) exposure of human skin, which implies a potential rise in incidence of
melanoma. The standard substance for ODP is CFCs, and the category indicator of ODP is expressed
by Equation (3): ÿ
ODP “ Loadpiq ˆ ODPpiq (3)

where Load(i) is the experimental load of the ozone depletion inventory item (i) and ODP(i) is the
characterization factor of inventory item (i) of the ozone depletion category.

(3) Acidification Potential (AP)

Acidification is an environmental problem caused by acidified rivers/streams and soil due to
anthropogenic air pollutants such as SO2 , NH3 , and NOx . Acidification increases mobilization and
leaching behavior of heavy metals in soil and exerts adverse impacts on aquatic and terrestrial animals
and plants by disturbing the food web. The standard substance for assessing AP is SO2 . The category
indicator of AP is expressed by Equation (4):
AP “ Loadpiq ˆ APpiq (4)

where Load(i) is the experimental load of the acidification inventory item (i) and AP(i) is the
characterization factor of inventory item (i) of the acidification category.

(4) Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP)

Input materials (natural resources) required for concrete production are classified into renewable
resources, such as groundwater and wood, and nonrenewable resources, such as minerals and
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 6 of 14

Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 ADP = Load(i) × ADP(i) (5)14

6 of

where Load(i) is the environmental load of the ADP inventory item (i) and ADP(i) is the
fossil factor
fuels. Abiotic for the ADP
depletion refersinventory item (i). of nonrenewable resources and the ensuing
to the exhaustion
environmental impacts. The category indicator of ADP is expressed by Equation (5):
2.5. Photochemical Oxidant Creation Potential (POCP)
ADP “ Loadpiq ˆ ADPpiq (5)
Photochemical oxidant creation refers to the reaction of airborne anthropogenic pollutants with
sunlight that produces chemical products such as ozone (O3), leading to an increase in ground level
where Load(i) is the environmental load of the ADP inventory item (i) and ADP(i) is the characterization
ozone concentration; this causes smog that contains chemical compounds adversely affecting
factor for the ADP inventory item (i).
ecosystems and hazardous to human health and crop growth. Ethylene is used as the standard
(5) for POCP.
Photochemical The category
Oxidant Creationindicator
POCP is expressed by Equation (6):

Photochemical oxidant creationPOCP refers=to∑theLoad(i) × POCP(i)

reaction of airborne anthropogenic pollutants with (6)
sunlight that produces
where Load(i) chemical products
is the environmental load such
of theas POCP
ozone inventory
(O3 ), leading
itemto (i)
an and
increase in ground
POCP(i) is the
level ozone concentration; this causes smog that contains
characterization factor for the POCP inventory item (i). chemical compounds adversely affecting
ecosystems and hazardous to human health and crop growth. Ethylene is used as the standard
substance for POCP.
2.6. Eutrophication The category
Potential (EP) indicator of POCP is expressed by Equation (6):
Eutrophication is a phenomenon POCPin which
“ inland
Loadpiqwaters are heavily loaded with excess nutrients
ˆ POCPpiq (6)
due to chemical fertilizers or discharged wastewater, triggering rapid algal grow and red tides. The
where substance
Load(i) forenvironmental
is the EP is PO43−. Theload
category indicator
of the POCP ofinventory
EP is expressed byand
item (i) Equation (7): is the
characterization factor for the POCP inventory item (i).
EP = ∑ Load(i) × EP(i) (7)
(6) Eutrophication
where Potential
Load(i) is the (EP)
environmental load of the EP inventory item (i) and EP(i) is the characterization
factor for the EP inventory
Eutrophication item (i). in which inland waters are heavily loaded with excess nutrients
is a phenomenon
due to chemical fertilizers or discharged wastewater, triggering rapid algal grow and red tides. The
3. Environmental Impact Analysis of Concrete
standard substance for EP is PO4 3´ . The category indicator of EP is expressed by Equation (7):

3.1. Mix Design Database EP “

Loadpiq ˆ EPpiq (7)
In order to evaluate the life cycle environmental impact of concrete, about 1000 concrete mix
designs Load(i) is the environmental
were surveyed. As shown in load of the
Figure 2, EP
theinventory item (i) and EP(i)
range of compressive is the
strength characterization
is 18 MPa~80 MPa.
factor for the EP inventory item (i).
Among them, 800 are normal strength (below 18~40 MPa) concrete mix, and 200 are high‐strength (40~80
MPa) concrete mix.
3. Environmental Impact Analysis of Concrete
Furthermore, there are 76 concrete mixes that use only OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) as
3.1. Mix 546
binder, concrete
Design mixes in which GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag) is mixed, 253
concrete mixes where fly ash is mixed, and 125 concrete mixes where both GGBS and fly ash are
In order to evaluate the life cycle environmental impact of concrete, about 1000 concrete mix
mixed. The range of unit binder amount was distributed the most in 300~400 (kg/m3), and the least in
designs were surveyed. As shown in Figure 2, the range of compressive strength is 18 MPa~80 MPa.
500~600 (kg/m3). The effect of the admixture mixing ratio on the unit binder amount was not very
Among them, 800 are normal strength (below 18~40 MPa) concrete mix, and 200 are high-strength
significant. Also, based on the Korean statute regarding the mandatory amount of recycled aggregate
(40~80 MPa) concrete mix.
to be used, the recycled aggregate mixing ratio was divided into 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%.

(a) Compressive strength of concrete (b) Supplementary cementitious materials

Figure 2. Cont.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 7 of 14
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 7 of 14

(c) Replacement level of admixture (d) Unit content of binder


3.2. Environmental Impact According to Concrete Strength

Furthermore, there are 76 concrete mixes that use only OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) as binder,
The stronger
546 concrete mixesthe concrete
in which was,(Ground
GGBS the greater tendencyBlast
Granulated it had to increase
furnace Slag) isthe global
mixed, 253warming
mixes where (GWP), photochemical
fly ash is mixed, andozone creationmixes
125 concrete potentialwhere (POCP),
both GGBS and abiotic
and flydepletion
ash are mixed. potential
range ofAccording
unit binder toamount
existingwasresearch results,
distributed theitmost
was in found
300~400 that (kg/m
the mixing3 ), andamount
the leastofinordinary
cement ). Thetheeffect
of theimpact on themixing
admixture increase of GWP,
ratio on thePOCP,
unit binder and ADPamount [24,25].wasAs notshown in Figure
very significant.
3a, when
Also, based extracting limestone
on the Korean andregarding
statute iron ore, which are the main
the mandatory amount rawofmaterials
recycledfor ordinary
aggregate to cement,
be used,
sulfur dioxideaggregate
the recycled and sulfuric acidratio
mixing are emitted
was divideddue tointothe use
0%, of10%,dynamite,
20%, and which composed of sulfuric
acid, nitric acid, and sulfur substances. Also, due to the energy used in extracted ore and clinker
3.2. Environmental
crushing plants, NO Impact According to Concrete Strength
x and PO43− are emitted. During the production of ordinary cement, the pyro

the stage the where
concretemaximum energy tendency
was, the greater is inputted it hadandtothe most the
increase materials with an
global warming
potential (GWP), impact are emittedozone
photochemical [26]. This is because,
creation potential in the process
(POCP), andofabiotic
increasing the rotary
depletion kiln
temperature up to 1000~1450 °C in order to produce clinkers, the input
(ADP). According to existing research results, it was found that the mixing amount of ordinary cement of fuels such as Bunker‐C Oil,
bituminous coal, waste tires, and waste plastics emits environmental
had the greatest impact on the increase of GWP, POCP, and ADP [24,25]. As shown in Figure 3a, when impact substances such as
carbon dioxide
extracting (CO2)and
limestone andiron
ore, which(NHare3). the
is because most fuels
raw materials used arecement,
for ordinary mainly sulfur
composed of
carbon and hydrogen, and are made from crude oil that contains oxygen
and sulfuric acid are emitted due to the use of dynamite, which is composed of sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and sulfur [27]. Also, the
and sulfur of cement
substances.put Also,
in high duestrength concrete
to the energy used(40~80 MPa) was
in extracted ore about 20% more
and clinker crushingthanplants,
in normal
strength concrete
3 ´ (below 18~40 MPa). Therefore, as natural resources
and PO4 are emitted. During the production of ordinary cement, the pyro process is the stage where such as limestone, iron ore, and
gypsum, which are the major elements of cement, were used,
maximum energy is inputted and the most materials with an environmental impact are emitted [26].abiotic depletion potential (ADP)
increased. However,
This is because, in thethe higherofthe
process strength the
increasing was,rotary
the acidification
kiln temperature potentialup to (AP) and eutrophication
1000~1450 ˝ C in order
to produce (EP) indicesthe
clinkers, showed
input ofa tendency
fuels suchtoasbecomeBunker-C slightly decreased, as
Oil, bituminous coal,shown
Figureand4d,f. It
was found that the coarse aggregate mixing amount of concrete had
plastics emits environmental impact substances such as carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and ammonia (NH3 ). the greatest impact on AP and
is becauseasmost coarse aggregate
fuels used aremixing
composed of concrete
of carbon decreased
and hydrogen,to 850~880 andkg/m
3 when its
are made from
strength was increased to 890~910 kg/m 3 on an average, it was
crude oil that contains oxygen and sulfur [27]. Also, the amount of cement put in high strength found that environmental impact
concrete (40~80produced MPa) inwas
coarse aggregate
about 20% more production
than inprocess
normalalso decreased.
strength concrete As shown
(belowin Figure
18~40 3b,
Therefore, asoilnatural
and dynamite,
resources such which were usediron
as limestone, in ore,
logging and blasting
and gypsum, whichprocesses
are the major to produce
aggregate, were mainly made up of coal‐type mineral and sulfuric acid.
of cement, were used, abiotic depletion potential (ADP) increased. However, the higher the strength Hence, sulfur dioxide (SO2),
was, theacid (H2SO4), and
acidification nitrate
potential (NOand
(AP) 3 ), eutrophication
− which have an potentialimpact on(EP) acidification
indices showed and eutrophication,
a tendency to
are emitted. Also, when extracting and crushing the blasted rocks,
become slightly decreased, as shown in Figure 4d,f. It was found that the coarse aggregate the use of light oil emits ammonia
(NH 3), ammonium (NH4), phosphate (PO43−), and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
amount of concrete had the greatest impact on AP and EP. Generally, as coarse aggregate mixing
amount of concrete decreased to 850~880 kg/m3 when its strength was increased to 890~910 kg/m3
on an average, it was found that environmental impact substances produced in coarse aggregate
production process also decreased. As shown in Figure 3b, lubricating oil and dynamite, which were
used in logging and blasting processes to produce aggregate, were mainly made up of coal-type
mineral and sulfuric acid. Hence, sulfur dioxide (SO2 ), sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ), and nitrate (NO3 ´ ),
which have an impact on acidification and eutrophication, are emitted. Also, when extracting and
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 8 of 14

crushing the blasted rocks, the use of light oil emits ammonia (NH3 ), ammonium (NH4 ), phosphate
(PO 3´ ), and nitrogen oxides (NO ).
4 2016, 8, 389 x 8 of 14

(a) Ordinary Portland cement (b) Natural aggregate

(c) Ground granulated blast furnace slag (d) Fly ash

(e) Recycled aggregate (f) Diesel/Kerosene

Figure 3.
Figure 3. Production
Production process
process of
of raw
raw material
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 9 of 14
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 9 of 14

(a) Global Warming Potential (GWP) (b) Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)

(c) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) (d) Acidification Potential (AP)

(e) Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) (f) Eutrophication Potential (EP)

concrete strength.

3.3. Environmental
Environmental Impact Impact According
According to to Admixture
The higher
higher thethe admixture
admixture mixingmixing ratio
ratio of
of concrete
concrete was,
was, the
the lower
lower the
the global
global warming
warming potential
(GWP), acidification potential (AP), ozone depletion potential (ODP),
(GWP), acidification potential (AP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), abiotic depletion potential abiotic depletion potential
(ADP), and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) became. But
and photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) became. But the eutrophication potential (EP) the eutrophication potential
index index
showedshowed a tendency
a tendency to increase
to increase slightly
slightly [28,29].
As shown in Figure 5a,b,e, as the admixture mixing
shown in Figure 5a,b,e, as the admixture mixing ratio
ratio increased
increased to to 10%,
10%, 30%,
30%, and and 50%,
compared to to OPC
OPC (mixing
(mixing ratioratio 0%),
0%), GWP,
decreased toto
asas much
much as
as about
about 10% 10% to 28%.
to 28%. ThisThis
waswas because,
because, whenwhen producing
producing GGBSGGBS
and FA and
(FlyFA (Flythe
ash), ash), theofeffect
effect of by‐
products of other industrial
of other industrial products,products,
such as CO such, as CO2, CH4, N2O, CO, S, soft coal, hard coal, and crude
2 CH4 , N2 O, CO, S, soft coal, hard coal, and crude oil on
global warming potential (GWP), the photochemical ozone ozone
on global warming potential (GWP), the photochemical creation creation
potential potential
(POCP), (POCP), and
and abiotic
abiotic depletion potential (ADP) were very small compared to the
depletion potential (ADP) were very small compared to the process of ordinary cement production. process of ordinary cement
As shown inAs shown
Figure inGGBS
3c, Figureis3c, GGBS is produced
produced by crushing, by crushing,
mixing, and mixing, andblast-furnace
cooling cooling blast‐furnace
slag, the
by-product of iron ore, and natural gypsum together [30]. As shown in Figure 3d,inFA
the by‐product of iron ore, and natural gypsum together [30]. As shown Figure 3d, FA by
is produced is
produced by saving, selecting, and scaling fly ash, the by‐product. Manufacturing
saving, selecting, and scaling fly ash, the by-product. Manufacturing plants of GGBS and FA used plants of GGBS
and FA used
electricity andelectricity
light oil asand light
their oil assources,
energy their energy
and itsources, andthat
was found it was found that
substances substances
emitted due toemitted
the use
due to the use of light oil and electricity were of 45 types including
of light oil and electricity were of 45 types including carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane
), sulfuric
ammonia acid(NH(S), ammonia (NH3), and nitrogen oxide (NOx).
3 ), and nitrogen oxide (NOx ).
As shown in Figure 5c,d, it was found that, compared to OPC, AP and ODP were reduced to
about 1%~3% as the admixture mixing ratio increased. In the process of GGBS production, nitrogen
oxide (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), halon, and CFC, the major impact materials of AP and ODP, were
emitted in lesser amounts compared to the production process of ordinary cement, but there was no
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 10 of 14

considerable difference. As shown in Figure 5f, it was found that compared to OPC, EP increased up
to about 3%~9% as the admixture mixing ratio increased. This was due to the fact that emissions of
NH4, NH3, NO3, N2, and PO43−, the main materials that have an impact on EP in the production process
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 10 of 14
of GGBS and FA, were greater than when ordinary cement was produced [31].

(a) Global Warming Potential (GWP) (b) Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)

(c) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) (d) Acidification Potential (AP)

(e) Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) (f) Eutrophication Potential (EP)

admixture (GGBS
(GGBS ++(fly
FA) mixing
mixing ratio.

3.4. Environmental Impact According to Recycled Aggregate

As shown in Figure 5c,d, it was found that, compared to OPC, AP and ODP were reduced to
about 1%~3%the recycled aggregatemixing
as the admixture mixingratio
ratio of concrete
increased. increased,
In the process ofacidification potential
GGBS production, (AP),
oxide (NOx ), sulfur potential (EP),(SO
dioxide ozone depletion
2 ), halon, and potential
CFC, the (ODP), and abiotic
major impact depletion
materials of APpotential
and ODP, (ADP)
decreased, but the
emitted in lesser global compared
amounts warming potential (GWP) and
to the production photochemical
process of ordinary ozone
cement,creation potential
but there was no
(POCP) increased
considerable [32]. As shown in Figure 5f, it was found that compared to OPC, EP increased up to
shownas inthe
Figure 6a, when
admixture the recycled
mixing aggregate
ratio increased. mixing
This was ratio
due towas
theincreased, GWP wasoffound
fact that emissions NH4 ,
NHhave, increased
NO , N , to
and up
PO to3´about
, the 14%~29%
main compared
materials that to
have concrete
an impact in which
on EP only
in thenatural aggregate
production was
process of
3 3 2 4
GGBS and ThisFA, waswerebecause,
greaterin than
the production
when ordinaryprocess of recycled
cement aggregate,
was produced major impact materials in
terms of global warming potential (GWP) such as CO2, CH4, and N2O, were emitted more than in the
3.4. Environmental
case of natural aggregate Impact production
According toprocess.
RecycledAs Aggregate
shown in Figure 3e, recycled aggregate is produced
by crushing,
As the separating, and selecting
recycled aggregate waste
mixing concrete
ratio from the
of concrete demolition
increased, of building structures.
acidification The
potential (AP),
amount of light oil and electricity used in the complicated process of making
eutrophication potential (EP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), and abiotic depletion potential (ADP) 1 ton of recycled
decreased,thus butbecomes
the global greater than the
warming amount(GWP)
potential of energy
andused to produce 1ozone
photochemical ton of creation
natural aggregate.
(POCP) increased [32].
As shown in Figure 6a, when the recycled aggregate mixing ratio was increased, GWP was found
to have increased to up to about 14%~29% compared to concrete in which only natural aggregate was
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 11 of 14

mixed. This was because, in the production process of recycled aggregate, major impact materials
in terms of global warming potential (GWP) such as CO2 , CH4 , and N2 O, were emitted more than
in the case of natural aggregate production process. As shown in Figure 3e, recycled aggregate is
produced by crushing, separating, and selecting waste concrete from the demolition of building
structures. The amount of light oil and electricity used in the complicated process of making 1 ton of
recycled aggregate
Sustainability 2016, 8,thus
389 becomes greater than the amount of energy used to produce 1 ton11of of natural
aggregate. As shown in Figure 6c–f, when the mixing ratio of recycled aggregate was increased to
10%,As shown
20%, andin30%,Figure 6c–f, whento
compared thethe
mixing ratio of
concrete inrecycled aggregate
which only wasaggregate
natural increased towas10%,mixed,
20%, and AP, EP,
ODP, and ADP were reduced to as much as about 9%~29%. Analysis revealed that it wasADP
30%, compared to the concrete in which only natural aggregate was mixed, AP, EP, ODP, and because,
were reduced to as much as about 9%~29%. Analysis revealed that it was because, in the process of
in the process of producing recycled aggregate, NOx , NH3 , SO2 , NH4 , halon, and CFC, the major
producing recycled aggregate, NOx, NH3, SO2, NH4, halon, and CFC, the major impact materials of
impact materials of AP, EP, ODP, and ADP, were emitted less compared to the production process
AP, EP, ODP, and ADP, were emitted less compared to the production process of natural aggregate.
of natural aggregate.
In particular, In particular,
as natural resources wereas natural
not used resources were
in recycling wastenotconcrete
used inwhich
recycling waste concrete
was construction
which was construction waste, it was found that soft coal, hard coal, and
waste, it was found that soft coal, hard coal, and crude oil, the major impact materials of crude oil, the major impact
materials of abiotic
depletion depletion
potential (ADP), potential (ADP), were
were significantly significantly
reduced. As shown reduced.
in FigureAs6b,shown
as thein recycled
Figure 6b, as
the recycled
aggregate aggregate
mixing ratio mixing
was ratio was increased,
increased, compared to compared
was found found to
be reduced to be reduced
2%~9%. CH , CO, S, and C H the major impact materials of photochemical ozone
to about 2%~9%. CH4 , CO, S, and C4 H10, the major impact materials of photochemical ozone creation
4 4 10, creation potential
potential (POCP)in recycled aggregate
in recycled production
aggregate process,
production were emitted
process, less than
were emitted lessin thein
than case
theof natural
case of natural
aggregate production process, but there was not
aggregate production process, but there was not much difference. much difference.

(a) Global Warming Potential (GWP) (b) Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential (POCP)

(c) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) (d) Acidification Potential (AP)

(e) Abiotic Depletion Potential (ADP) (f) Eutrophication Potential (EP)

Figure 6. Environmentalimpact
6. Environmental impact analysis
analysis by
recycledaggregate mixing
aggregate ratio.
mixing ratio.
Sustainability 2016, 8, 389 12 of 14

4. Conclusions
(1) By using the concrete life cycle assessment (LCA) technique suitable for the Korean situation,
the effects of increase in strength, admixture material mixing, recycled aggregate mixing, and
the amount of binder on environmental impact (global warming, acidification, eutrophication,
ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creation, and abiotic depletion) were evaluated in a
quantitative manner.
(2) It was found that the higher the strength of the concrete, the higher were the indices of global
warming potential (GWP), photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP), and abiotic depletion
potential (ADP). However, the acidification potential (AP), and eutrophication potential (EP) indices
showed a tendency to decrease slightly.
(3) As admixture mixing ratio of concrete increased, the global warming potential (GWP),
acidification potential (AP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), abiotic depletion potential (ADP), and
photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) decreased, but the eutrophication potential (EP) index
showed a tendency to increase slightly.
(4) As the recycled aggregate mixing ratio of concrete increased, the acidification potential (AP),
eutrophication potential (EP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), and abiotic depletion potential (ADP)
decreased, but the global warming potential (GWP), and photochemical ozone creation potential
(POCP) increased.
(5) GWP and POCP per unit compressive strength (1 MPa) of high-strength concrete (60 MPa)
were found to be about 13% lower than that of normal strength (24 MPa). Also, in the case of AP, EP,
ODP, and ADP per unit compressive strength (1 MPa), high-strength concrete (60 MPa) was found to
be about 10%~25% lower than that of normal strength (24 MPa).
(6) Among the six environmental impact categories, it was found that ordinary cement had the
greatest impact on global warming potential (GWP), photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP),
and abiotic depletion potential (ADP), and aggregate had the most effect on acidification potential
(AP), eutrophication potential (EP), and ozone depletion potential (ODP).

Acknowledgments: This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National
Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning
(No.2015R1A5A1037548) and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea
government (MSIP) (No.20110028794).
Author Contributions: All authors contributed substantially to all aspects of this article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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