Daily Planner - G4

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Learning Outcome Activity planned Formative Assessment Tool Resources used

Day1: Students will understand the Divide students into small groups Discussion: Reconvene as a class White board
Introduction concepts of globes and explain and provide each group with a and discuss the advantages and Panel board
to Globe their importance in understanding globe and identifying continents limitations of globes a. Encourage Globe
geography. and oceans. students to share their
observations and insights.

Reflections: Students will get the knowledge about globe and its limitations.

Day2: students will understand the Divide students into small groups Peer assessment: World map White board
Introduction concepts of maps and explain and provide each group with a map exploration World map
to Maps their importance in understanding and identifying continents, oceans. Panel board

Reflections: Students will share their ideas about map and they will demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of maps.

Learning Outcome Activity planned Formative Assessment Tool Resources used

Day3: Types Students will know how about Map comparison: Compare and Quick quiz. White board
of maps different types of maps. contrast different types of maps Ex: Maps
discussing their purpose, features, 1. Which type of map shows Panel board
and what information they convey. natural features like
mountains, rivers and
2. What type of map displays
political boundaries such
as countries, states, and
3. What type of map would
be used to show the
average annual rainfall in
different regions?

Reflections: Students will analyze different types of maps and its features.

Learning Outcome Activity planned Formative Assessment Tool Resources used

Day4: Students will know how to reading Group activity: Give participants a Discussion: After the activity, White board
Reading maps, understanding directions, list of directions (e.g., "Go north for gather participants to discuss Printed Maps
Maps and interpreting scale. 2 blocks, then turn east") and ask their experiences and what they Panel board
them to follow the instructions on learned about directions and
the map. They can use compass scale. Review any challenges or
directions or landmarks to guide questions that arose during the
their movements. activity.

Reflections: Students will analyze how different symbols are used to represent various features.

Day5: students will understand the Distribute maps of different regions List out symbols and their meanings. White board
Reading concepts of colours and symbols. or cities to each student. Instruct Map
Maps them to identify and label specific Panel board
features based on the provided

Reflections: Students will analyze how different symbols are used to represent various features

Learning Outcome Activity planned Formative Assessment Tool Resources used

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