EPIL Collective Security

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Collective Security

Erika de Wet, Sir Michael Wood

Content type: Product: Max Planck

Encyclopedia entries Encyclopedia of Public
Article last updated: July International Law [MPEPIL]

Collective security — Humanitarian intervention — Aggression — Armed conflict, international — Ethnic
cleansing — Genocide
Published under the auspices of the Max Planck Foundation for International Peace and the Rule of Law
under the direction of Rüdiger Wolfrum.

From: Oxford Public International Law (http://opil.ouplaw.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber:
University of Pretoria; date: 19 December 2016
A. Concept
1 Collective security has been referred to as ‘a system, regional or global, in which each state in
the system accepts that the security of one is the concern of all, and agrees to join in a collective
response to threats to, and breaches of, the peace’ (Lowe and others 13). In recent years it has
come to have a wider meaning. In the 2005 UNGA Report ‘In Larger Freedom’ (at paras 77–78), the
United Nations Secretary-General embraced a comprehensive concept of collective security
as suggested by the → High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change which was convened
by him in 2004. In accordance with this concept, any event or process that leads to large-scale
death or lessening of life chances undermines States as the basic unit of the international system
and poses a threat to international security. So defined, there are six inter-connected clusters of
threats with which the world must be concerned. The first include economic and social threats,
including poverty, infectious disease, and environmental degradation. The remaining five clusters
concern traditional threats to State security, namely inter-State conflict, internal conflict,
→ weapons of mass destruction, → terrorism, and transnational organized crime (UN High-Level
Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change 25).

2 The expression ‘collective security’ is not a term of art in international law. It belongs more to the
discipline of international relations, where a ‘collective security system’ may be distinguished from
military alliances, which are usually aimed at defence against third States on the one hand, and
‘world government’ which implies a much greater degree of integration on the other.

3 While the expression ‘collective security’ does not occur in the → United Nations Charter
(‘UN Charter’), it is often used to refer to the system for the maintenance of international peace and
security under the UN Charter and the corresponding provisions of regional organizations. Some
question whether the UN Charter provides for a true collective security system (Lowe and others
13–15), but United Nations organs regularly use the term, at least in an aspirational way (see
for example, UNGA Res 60/1 ‘2005 World Summit Outcome’ [16 September 2005]; Statement by the
President of the Security Council [19 November 2008]).

4 The system of collective security under the UN Charter is reflected principally in the provisions
concerning the maintenance of international peace and security, especially those relating to the
UN Security Council (→ United Nations , Security Council). These include Art. 2 (4) UN Charter,
which contains a general prohibition on the threat or use of force (→ Use of Force, Prohibition;
→ Use of Force, Prohibition of Threat), except in the case of → self-defence, recognized by Art. 51
UN Charter, or the use of force by or authorized by the UN Security Council under Chapter VII UN

5 If it determines, in accordance with Art. 39 UN Charter, the existence of a threat to the peace
(→ Peace, Threat to), breach of the peace (→ Peace, Breach of), or act of → aggression, the UN
Security Council may make recommendations, or decide what measures shall be taken by
members of the UN to maintain or restore international peace and security. Such measures may be
non-forcible, such as → economic sanctions under Art. 41 UN Charter, or may involve the use of
force as provided in Art. 42 UN Charter. In this manner, the UN Charter attempts to realize the first
purpose of the UN set forth in Art. 1 (1) UN Charter, namely ‘[t]o maintain international peace and
security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of
threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the

B. Historical Evolution
6 The → League of Nations had been preceded in the 19th century by the arrangements known
as Concert of Europe (→ History of International Law, 1815 to World War I) and some theoretical
schemes for perpetual peace from earlier periods (W Penn An Essay towards the Present and

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Future Peace of Europe: By the Establishment of an European Diet, Parliament, or Estates [Taylor
London 1693, reprinted by Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1983]; CI Castel de Saint-Pierre Projet
pour rendre la paix perpétuelle en Europe [Schouten Utrecht 1713, reprinted by Fayard Paris
1986]; I Kant Zum Ewigen Frieden [Nicolovius Königsberg 1795, reprinted by Fischer Frankfurt
2008]). The establishment of the League in 1919 marked the first serious attempt to institutionalize
collective security in modern times. The League’s goals included → disarmament, the prevention of
war through collective security (→ Conflict Prevention), the settling of disputes between countries
through → negotiation, → diplomacy, → arbitration, and → judicial settlement of international
disputes, and the improvement of global welfare. However, the League Covenant did not seek to
outlaw the unilateral use of force and lacked a system for central decision-making and the
enforcement of → sanctions . The members of the League undertook to respect and preserve as
against external aggression the → territorial integrity and political independence of all members of
the League, but the Council was only empowered to ‘advise upon the means by which this
obligation shall be fulfilled’ (Art. 10 League Covenant). In the central provision of the League
Covenant on the use of force the members agreed to submit a matter that might lead to a rupture to
arbitration or judicial settlement or to inquiry by the Council, but thereafter merely agreed ‘in no
case to resort to war until three months after the award by the arbitrators or the judicial decision, or
the report of the Council’ (Art. 12). These provisions were supplemented by the → Kellogg-Briand
Pact (1928), which sought to outlaw war as an instrument of national policy. In practice, the League
proved to be ineffectual in the face of Italy’s conquest of Abyssinia (1936) and the aggressive acts
of Germany and the Soviet Union. The League found itself unable to agree on collective
sanctions , let alone to take military action. One of the lessons drawn was that in order for any
collective security system to be effective, the existence of a centralized decision-making
procedure for determining acts of aggression and imposing enforcement measures was essential.

7 The notion of collective security developed against the background of inter-State military conflict
and the desire to prevent the outbreak of such conflict (→ Armed Conflict, International). This was
also the case for the collective security system under the UN Charter elaborated against the
backdrop of World War II. As a result, the enforcement system contained in Chapter VII UN Charter
was not designed to deal with intrastate conflicts (→ Armed Conflict, Non-International).
Nonetheless, since the adoption of the UN Charter, and in particular since the end of the → Cold
War (1947–91), the large number of internal armed conflicts around the globe has resulted in the
deployment of the enforcement mechanisms foreseen under Chapter VII UN Charter. These
included measures ranging from sanctions to military measures in relation to, inter alia, the
former Yugoslavia (→ Croatia [eg UNSC Res 1037 (1996) (15 January 1996) SCOR 51st Year 25];
→ Bosnia-Herzegovina [eg UNSC Res 824 (1993) (6 May 1993) SCOR 48th Year 11]; and → Kosovo
[eg UNSC Res 1244 (1999) (10 June 1999) SCOR 54th Year 32]), Somalia (eg UNSC Res 794 [1992]
[3 December 1992] SCOR 47th Year 63; → Somalia, Conflict), Haiti (eg UNSC Res 841 [1993] [16
June 1993] SCOR 48th Year 119; UNSC Res 940 [1994] [31 July 1994] SCOR 49th Year 51; → Haiti,
Conflict), → Angola (eg UNSC Res 864 [1993] [15 September 1993] SCOR 48th Year 59), → Rwanda
(eg UNSC Res 929 [1994] [22 June 1994] SCOR 49th Year 10), → Congo, Democratic Republic of
the (eg UNSC Res 1078 [1996] [9 November 1996] SCOR 51st Year 115), → Liberia (UNSC Res 788
[1992] [19 November 1992] SCOR 47th Year 99), → Sierra Leone (eg UNSC Res 1132 [1997] [8
October 1997] SCOR 52nd Year 83); → Côte d’Ivoire (eg UNSC Res 1464 [2003] [4 February 2003]
SCOR [1 August 2002–31 July 2003] 176), → Sudan (eg UNSC Res 1769 [2007] [31 July 2007]
SCOR [1 August 2006–31 July 2007] 234), Libya (eg UNSC Res 1973 [2011] [17 March 2011] SCOR
[1 August 2010–31 July 2011] 390), and Mali (UN Doc S/RES/2100 [2013] [25 April 2013]).

C. UN Charter Provisions on Collective Security

8 The main provisions of the UN Charter on collective security are Art. 2 (4) (prohibition of the
threat or use of force); Art. 51 (inherent right of individual or collective self-defence); and Arts 39–
42, concerning respectively the determination of a threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act

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of aggression (Art. 39); provisional measures (Art. 40); measures not involving the use of armed
force (Art. 41); and measures involving the use of armed force (Art. 42).

9 Before the Security Council can take any measures in order to enforce collective security, it first
has to cross the threshold that triggers the possibility of collective enforcement action under
Chapter VII UN Charter by determining the existence of a threat to the peace, breach of the peace,
or act of aggression in accordance with Art. 39 UN Charter.

10 Non-forcible measures under Art. 41 have in the past included broad economic sanctions
regimes that affected large sections of the economy of the affected State, such as the sanctions
regimes against Iraq (UNSC Res 661 [1990] [6 August 1990] SCOR 45th Year 19; → Iraq-Kuwait War
[1990–91]) and → Serbia (UNSC Res 757 [1992] [30 May 1992] SCOR 47th Year 13). Since the
1990s the Security Council has shown a preference for sanctions that are more narrowly
targeted, aimed at a specific sector, or at a government, rebel group or other entity, or individuals.
Examples include oil embargoes, arms embargoes (including nuclear-related materials), travel
bans, assets freezing, or any combination of the aforementioned (eg Sierra Leone [eg UNSC Res
1132 (1997) (8 October 1997) SCOR 52nd Year 83]; → Taliban [eg UNSC Res 1267 (1999) (15
October 1999) SCOR 54th Year 148]; Sudan [eg UNSC Res 1556 (2004) (30 July 2004) SCOR (1
August 2003–31 July 2004) 150]; North Korea [eg UNSC Res 1718 (2006) (14 October 2006) SCOR
(1 August 2006–31 July 2007) 279]; Iran [eg UNSC Res 1737 (2006) (23 December 2006) SCOR (1
August 2006–31 July 2007) 259]; Democratic Republic of the Congo [eg UNSC Res 1807 (2008) (31
March 2008) SCOR (1 August 2007–31 July 2008) 126]); Libya [eg UNSC Res 1973 (2011) (17
March 2011) SCOR (1 August 2010–31 July 2011) 390; Guinea Bissau [eg UNSC Res 2048 (2012)
(18 May 2012)]).

11 As far as measures involving the use of force are concerned, Art. 43 (1) UN Charter directed
Member States to make → armed forces available to the Security Council at its request. Under Arts
46 and 47, the Military Staff Committee, consisting of the Chiefs of Staff of the five permanent
members of the Security Council or their representatives, was to advise and assist the Security
Council. But these provisions have remained largely a dead letter. While the Military Staff Committee
has continued to meet, it has done nothing of substance since the late 1940s (though it was
mentioned in UNSC Res 665 [1990] [25 August 1990] [SCOR 45th Year 21] in connection with the
Iraq-Kuwait war). Numerous proposals have been made over the years, particularly in the 1990s,
for UN standing forces of one sort or another (see generally Roberts).

12 However, as the Art. 43 agreements never materialized, the UN was forced to look for
alternatives. It found a solution in the authorization of ‘able and willing’ States and/or regional
organizations to carry out military measures on its behalf (Blokker 542). The authorization model
was used for the first time during the → Korean War (1950–53) (UNSC Res 82 [1950] [25 June
1950]). The return of the Soviet Union to the Security Council prevented further use of this
instrument during the Cold War era (Blokker 542–43). The only exception was UNSC Resolution 221
(1966) of 9 April 1966 which was adopted to enforce the oil embargo against Southern Rhodesia
(→ Rhodesia/Zimbabwe). However, since 1990 this model has been revived, beginning with UNSC
Resolution 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990, which was adopted after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
The concept of authorization is nowadays well established in the practice of the Security Council
and was also recognized by the → European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Behrami and
Behrami v France (at para. 133).

13 The most obvious basis for authorizing States to engage in military operations on its behalf can
be found in Art. 42 UN Charter. It is now clear that the existence of an Article 43 agreement is not a
prerequisite for the Security Council to resort to Art. 42 UN Charter, as this would severely limit the
powers of the Security Council under this article. Consequently, Chapter VII UN Charter has been
interpreted to mean that the Security Council can authorize Member States to undertake military
measures for the restoration or maintenance of international peace and security, where they are

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willing to do so. This argument gains strength if one reads Art. 42 in conjunction with Art. 48 (1) UN
Charter. The latter concretizes States’ obligation to carry out binding decisions of the Security
Council, in that it provides the Security Council with the power to determine who will participate in
enforcement action. If one reads Art. 48 (1) together with Art. 25, it provides the Security Council
with the power to determine that the action required for the execution of Security Council decisions
is undertaken by all or only some UN Members. This complements the material basis for authorizing
Member States to undertake military measures on behalf of the Security Council, provided in Art. 42
(Krisch 1337).

14 Another possible basis for authorizing States to use force would be the right of self-defence
recognized in Art. 51 UN Charter (Gill 92). In fact, it has been argued that the authorization of the
use of force against Iraq in UNSC Resolution 678 (1990) of 29 November 1990 was an exercise of
the right of self-defence recognized in Art. 51, rather than a collective security measure. However,
the question does arise whether Art. 51 is intended to be used by the Security Council itself. It
seems that this Article would instead provide a basis for action by States, either individually or
collectively, if an → armed attack occurs, pending Security Council action. Once the Security
Council itself authorizes States the use of force on its behalf, it does so on the basis of Arts 42 and
48 (1) (Krisch 1337; Weston 520).

15 When authorizing States to use force on its behalf, the Security Council normally does not
specify the Charter Article(s) on which it relies. Instead it authorizes the use of ‘all necessary
means’ or ‘all necessary measures’ after reference to the fact that it is ‘acting under Chapter VII’,
but without indicating the exact Charter Article. Examples include UNSC Resolution 678 (1990) of
29 November 1990 (para. 2; Iraq); UNSC Resolution 929 (1994) of 22 June 1994 (para. 3; Rwanda);
UNSC Resolution 1080 (1996) of 15 November 1996 (SCOR 51st Year 117; para. 3; Democratic
Republic of the Congo); UNSC Resolution 1272 (1999) of 25 October 1999 (SCOR 54th Year 130;
para. 4; East Timor); UNSC Resolution 1386 (2001) of 20 December 2001 (SCOR [1 January 2001–
31 July 2002] 272; para. 3; → Afghanistan, Conflict); UNSC Resolution 1546 (2004) of 8 June 2004
(SCOR [1 August 2003–31 July 2004] 60; para. 10; → Iraq, Invasion of [2003]; UNSC Resolution
1973 (2011) of 17 March 2011 (SCOR [1 August 2010–31 July 2011] 390, para. 4; Libya); and
UNSC Resolution 2100 (2013) of 25 April 2013 (para. 18; Mali).).

16 In recent times pressure has developed for so-called → humanitarian intervention. This is not
addressed in the Charter, yet States and groups of States have sometimes asserted such a right
without Security Council authorization. The classic example is the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) intervention over Kosovo in 1999. This was followed by efforts to develop the
concept of → responsibility to protect (‘R2P’),under which as a last resort the Security Council
could, under certain conditions, authorize the use of force to protect populations from → genocide,
→ war crimes, → ethnic cleansing, and → crimes against humanity (2005 World Summit Outcome
paras 138–39, reaffirmed by the Security Council in Resolution 1674 [2006] [28 April 2006] SCOR
[1 August 2005–31 July 2006] 228). The Security Council authorized military interventions in Libya
(UNSC Res 1373 [17 March 2011] para. 4) and Côte d’Ivoire (UNSC Res 1375 [30 March 2011]
para. 6) have been hailed as concretizations of R2P, given their explicit aim of protecting civilians
under (immanent) threat of attack. However, some, including the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia,
India, China, and South Africa) criticized NATO for interpreting the mandate to use force in Libya as
an authorization to effect regime change, which was an abuse of the mandate. This disagreement
about the scope of the military mandate in Libya has resulted in a backlash against the R2P
concept within the Security Council. For example, attempts to adopt even weakly formulated
measures in relation to the civil war in Syria (see France, Germany, Portugal, and the United
States: Draft Resolution [4 October 2011]) have been blocked by China and Russia (Berman and
Michaelsen, 350–57).

D. Collective Security and Regional Organizations

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17 Apart from authorizing individual States to enforce military measures on its behalf, the Security
Council can also utilize regional organizations for this purpose. This follows from Art. 53 (1) UN
Charter, which determines that the Security Council shall, where appropriate, utilize regional
arrangements or agencies for enforcement action under its authority.

18 Since the 1990s the central role of the Security Council in relation to collective enforcement
has been challenged by the actions of some regional organizations, which have engaged in
military action in the absence of an explicit Security Council authorization. This was (in part)
motivated by the widespread and systematic human rights atrocities committed in the States in
which these organizations intervened.

19 In accordance with one line of argument, Art. 53 UN Charter constitutes a ‘right of emergency’
for regional organizations (Walter 261). Just as States can rely on the right to self-defence
recognized in Art. 51 UN Charter in a case of an armed attack unless or until the Security Council
takes action, regional organizations would have the power to intervene where the Security Council
remains inactive in situations of → gross and systematic human rights violations. This argument is
underpinned by the rationale that the chances for abuse of the military mandate by a regional
organization is unlikely, due to the institutional and collective control provided within the regional
body, as well as by the higher degree of disinterest and objectivity within an organization
composed of mutually independent States (Walter 262; Franck [2007] 25).

20 The line of argument favouring a ‘right of emergency’ for regional organizations contradicts the
wording of the second sentence of Art. 53 (1) UN Charter, according to which no enforcement
action shall be taken by regional organizations without authorization by the Security Council. The
suggestion that the Security Council could prevent the regional organization from intervening by
adopting a Chapter VII resolution turns the Charter system on its head, as it forces the Security
Council to justify why it is not adopting military measures. In this way the Security Council is
required to do the opposite of what is envisaged by the Charter system which is, in accordance
with Art. 27 (3) UN Charter, based on an ‘opt-in procedure’ in the case of enforcement action, as
opposed to an ‘opt-out’ procedure (De Wet 296). Second, any Chapter VII resolution intended to
terminate the regional organization’s military action could be frustrated by a veto of a permanent
member which is silently condoning the illegal military operation. A case in point was the attempt of
→ Russia to terminate the air campaign in Kosovo. On 26 March 1999 Russia submitted a draft
resolution that would have condemned the NATO military action as a breach of international law
(see Belarus, India, and Russian Federation: Draft Resolution [26 March 1999]). However, this draft
resolution, which was supported only by → China and → Namibia, failed to receive more than three

21 Moreover, although the structure of the regional organizations and their collective decision-
making procedures may lessen the possibility of abuse, the possibility remains. For example, it is
possible that in situations where some members constitute a dominant economic and military force
within a regional organization, they would be able to engineer a military intervention in accordance
with their strategic interests. Questions have, for example, in the past been raised about the
dominant role of Nigeria in the → Economic Community of West African States (‘ECOWAS’) during
its interventions in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the 1990s.

22 Despite these objections the → African Union (AU) has formally claimed for itself the right to
intervene in Member States in instances of gross human rights violations. In accordance with Art. 4
(h) Constitutive Act of the African Union, the organization may intervene in a Member State
pursuant to a decision of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government in respect of grave
circumstances, namely: war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity (Abass and Baderin
15). In accordance with Art. 7 (1) Constitutive Act of the African Union, the Assembly may take
such a decision on the basis of a two-thirds majority. Apart from arguing that the AU would be
claiming a ‘right of emergency’ for itself, it is also arguable that Art. 4 (h) constitutes a collective,

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ex ante form of → intervention by invitation. Since the Member States of the AU have given their
express consent to military intervention under certain conditions, the use of force would fall outside
the scope of the prohibition in Art. 2 (4) UN Charter and not be in violation of the UN Charter.
However, this argument in turn raises the question whether such an invitation can be extended for
an open-ended period of time, or whether it has to be limited to a particular conflict (Abass and
Baderin 17 and 19). Moreover intervention by invitation is already explicitly covered in Art. 4 (j)
Constitutive Active of the African Union, which provides the right of ‘Member States to request
intervention from the Union in order to restore peace and security’. It is therefore unlikely that Art. 4
(h) would also relate to intervention by invitation, as Art. 4 (h) would then amount to a mere
repetition of Art. 4 (j) Constitutive Act. For the time being, however, the debate pertaining to Art. 4
(h) remains academic as it is yet to be relied on in practice. Thus far, all military interventions under
the authority of the African Union have been based on the explicit invitation of the African
government concerned and often accompanied by a Chapter VII United Nations Security
Council resolution (De Wet [2013] forthcoming).

23 Throughout the 1990s, regional organizations have occasionally sought to justify military
interventions on the basis of so-called ex post facto authorizations by the Security Council (Franck
[2007] 25). Even though this does not find any textual basis in the UN Charter, it cannot be
excluded that the Security Council could develop a practice of retroactive authorization. However,
in order for such an authorization to be convincing, it would have to be given in unambiguous
terms. Otherwise regional organizations or States could attempt to justify unauthorized, unilateral
interventions on the basis of obscure language in subsequent Security Council resolutions which
were not intended for that purpose. Examples of (albeit ambiguous) attempts to justify military
interventions by regional organizations on the basis of ex post facto Security Council authorization
include the interventions in the 1990s by ECOWAS in Liberia and Sierra Leone.

E. Conclusion
24 The UN Charter system of collective security has undergone significant evolution since 1945.
Especially since the end of the Cold War, the authorization of willing and able States or regional
organizations to use military force on behalf of the UN has become a well-established substitute for
the Art. 43 agreements foreseen in the UN Charter. In the post-Cold War era it provides a pragmatic
way to facilitate military operations in a fashion that also takes account of the military complexities
surrounding a military intervention, such as the need for unified command and control. Some have
questioned whether the international law on the use of force as set out in the UN Charter is still
relevant today, in the face of modern threats. Yet in September 2005, the Heads of State and
Government meeting in the UN General Assembly solemnly declared ‘that the relevant provisions of
the Charter are sufficient to address the full range of threats to international peace and security’
(World Summit Outcome para. 79; Wood 4).

25 At the same time, the central role of the Security Council in maintaining international peace and
security is facing significant challenges, not least because of the persistent perception of the
abuse of the → veto by the permanent members. As a result, there is a tendency amongst
economically and militarily strong States and regional organizations to circumvent the perceived
ineffectiveness of the Security Council through various mechanisms. These range from the
expansive interpretation of open-ended military mandates and the scope of the right to self-
defence, to attempts to develop new customary exceptions to Art. 2 (4) UN Charter, such as a
residual right of intervention for regional organizations and the right of States to exercise a
‘responsibility to protect’ in instances of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Although most of these developments are highly controversial, their presence in the discourse may
lead to a weakening of the central authority of the Security Council in the maintenance of
international peace and security.

26 Finally, it is worth noting that there has been a renewed academic debate as to whether there

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could be a role for the General Assembly in instances where the Security Council fails to authorize
the use of force in the face of widespread human rights atrocities. Such a role would seem to
contravene Art. 11 (2) UN Charter, which reserves (all aspects of) enforcement action exclusively
to the Security Council (→ Certain Expenses of the United Nations [Advisory Opinion] 164–65),
and to be beyond the powers of the General Assembly which are only recommendatory. Unlike the
Security Council, the General Assembly has no power of authorization. One could, however,
attempt to justify such a role with the argument that the General Assembly would be exercising an
emergency role for which it had already set a precedent of a sort with the adoption of the → Uniting
for Peace Resolution (1950) at the time of the Korean War (Österdahl [1999] 133 et seq). The
United Nations Secretary-General has, however, cautioned against measures that strayed from
paras 138–39 2005 World Summit Outcome. These paragraphs underscored the central role of the
United Nations Security Council in protecting the civilian population where the respective State
failed to do so (UNGA Report of the Secretary-General [12 January 2009] ‘Implementing the
Responsibility to Protect’ UN Doc A/63/377, para. 67).

Select Bibliography
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Select Documents
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From: Oxford Public International Law (http://opil.ouplaw.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber:
University of Pretoria; date: 19 December 2016
Constitutive Act of the African Union (done 11 July 2000, entered into force 26 May 2001)
2158 UNTS 3 (as amended).
‘Report of Rapporteur of Committee III/3 to Commission III on Chapter XII’ in US Department of
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UNSC Res 1973 (2011) (17 March 2011) SCOR 56th Year 390.

From: Oxford Public International Law (http://opil.ouplaw.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2015. All Rights Reserved. Subscriber:
University of Pretoria; date: 19 December 2016

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