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Application Report

SWRA522E – June 2016 – Revised October 2018

CC13xx Combined wM-Bus C-Mode and T-Mode

This application report describes a combined wM-Bus C-Mode and T-Mode patch for the CC13xx
SimpleLink™ Sub-1 GHz ultra-low power wireless microcontroller.
Recommended register settings discussed in this application report can be downloaded from

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 2
2 Combined wM-Bus C-Mode and T-Mode Patch ......................................................................... 2
2.1 RX..................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 TX ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Recommended Operating Limits ................................................................................. 3
2.4 Configuration and Status Registers .............................................................................. 4
3 Building a Software Example ............................................................................................... 5
4 C-Mode Measurement Summary .......................................................................................... 7
4.1 Sensitivity vs Frequency Deviation ............................................................................... 7
4.2 C-Mode Blocking .................................................................................................... 8
4.3 PER versus Input Power Level ................................................................................... 8
4.4 PER versus Frequency Offset ................................................................................... 10
5 T-Mode Measurement Summary ......................................................................................... 11
5.1 Sensitivity versus Frequency Deviation ........................................................................ 11
5.2 Sensitivity versus Data Rate Offset ............................................................................. 11
5.3 T-Mode Blocking .................................................................................................. 11
5.4 PER versus Input Power Level .................................................................................. 11
5.5 PER versus Frequency Offset ................................................................................... 14
5.6 PER versus Symbol Rate Offset ................................................................................ 16
6 References .................................................................................................................. 17
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1 Introduction
This application note provides a brief description of the patch, relevant status and configuration registers,
and required overrides. The performance figures for the CC1310 device when using the patch are
included in Section 4 and Section 5.
All measurements were performed on the CC13xxEM-7793_4L reference design [1].
Measurements show that the CC13xx device meets EN13757-4:2012 [2] specifications with margin.

2 Combined wM-Bus C-Mode and T-Mode Patch

The wM-Bus PHY T-Mode and C-Mode are not available in ROM code, and a wM-Bus patch is needed to
support these physical layers. The wM-Bus stack must use Proprietary API commands together with
wM-Bus related overrides. The patch is part of the SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Software Development Kit [5]
and recommended settings and overrides are covered in Section 2.3.

2.1 RX
The wM-Bus T-Mode and C-Mode patch can receive both T-Mode and C-Mode packets.
For C-Mode, the first 16 chips of the sync word (=0x543D) are equal to the preamble and sync word of
T-Mode. The next 8 chips in C-Mode are the bit pattern 01010100. This pattern will never occur in a
3-out-of-6 encoded T-Mode frame.
When the CC1310 wakes up into RX, it will start to search for a valid sync word (=0x543D). Because it is
not known whether it is a T-Mode or a C-Mode packet, 8 chips following the sync word will also be
• If 01010100 is not detected, a T-Mode packet will be received and the patch will handle the 3-out-of-6
decoding. No CRC check is done by the patch. Automatic CC1310 CRC check must be disabled. CRC
check must be handled by the application software.
• If 01010100 is detected, a C-Mode packet will be received. The patch automatically removes the
01010100 signaling byte. No CRC check is done by the patch. Automatic CC1310 CRC check must be
disabled. CRC check must be handled by the application software.
After setting the CC13xx device into RX, a search for valid sync word will only take place if one of the
following conditions is fulfilled:
• (16 bit preamble detection with 0 bit errors) && CS
• (12 bit preamble detection with up to 2 bit errors) && CS over 20 symbols.
The carrier sense (CS) threshold is set to –107 dBm. In an environment with a noise floor above –107
dBm, it is advantageous to increase the CS threshold to reduce the likelihood of processing a false
packet. If the CC13xx device is preoccupied processing a false packet, there is a finite possibility that a
true packet will be missed.
The CS threshold is set by bits [7–0] in register 0x400 4609 (see Table 1).

Table 1. Carrier Sense Threshold

Register Bit Field Name Description
0x4004 6090 7–0 CS_THR Carrier Sense Threshold CS_THR_dBm = CS_THR–256 [dBm]

As an example, the following register write sets the carrier sense threshold to –107 dBm:
HW_REG_OVERRIDE (0x6090, 0x0A95)
Increasing the carrier threshold to –104 dBm (for example) gives HW_REG_OVERRIDE (0x6090,

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2.2 TX
The wM-Bus T-Mode and C-Mode patch can transmit both T-Mode and C-Mode packets.
• In T-Mode, the patch does the 3-out-of-6 encoding of data.
• In C-Mode, the patch automatically inserts 01010100 signaling byte after the preamble and sync word.
The patch does not do any encoding of data in C-Mode.
• Automatic CC1310 CRC calculation must be disabled. CRC calculation must be handled by the
application software.
wM-Bus must be run with wM-Bus T-Mode and C-Mode MCE patch and may run RFE from ROM.

2.3 Recommended Operating Limits

The patch is only designed for wM-Bus T-Mode and C-Mode. This means that the patch has many values
that are hard coded (for example, data rate in RX and packet format). To make the patch work properly,
the user must set the following:
• Set the data rate to 100 kbps in RX.
• Set the number of preambles to ≥4 bytes.
• Set the sync word to 0x0000 543D.
• Set the number of sync word bits to 16.
• Enable the MSB first.
• Set the RF frequency to 868.95 MHz.
• Do not change the correlator setting through the Prop API. Use override (uint32_t)0x0004 8103 to let
the patch control the correlator setting.
• The maximum sync search time is 6 minutes. If sync is not found within this time limit, RX should be

2.3.1 API Configuration

Table 2 lists the required changes to the recommended 50-kbps, 2-GFSK radio operation commands from
SmartRF™ Studio [4] to be compliant with recommended operation limits listed in Section 2.3. [3] contains
a complete list of the four radio operation commands listed in Table 2, together with necessary include
paths and overrides.

Table 2. API Settings Required for the Patch

Radio Operation Command Field Name Value
modulation.modType 0
modulation.deviation 0xC8 (T-Mode), 0xB4 (C-Mode)
symbolRate.preScale 0xC
symbolRate.rateWord 0xCCCD
rxBw 0x27
preamConf.nPreamBytes 0x4
preamConf.preamMode 0
formatConf.nSwBits 0x10
formatConf.bMsbFirst 0x1
centerFreq 0x0364
intFreq 0x8000
loDivider 0x05
frequency 0x0364
fractFreq 0xF333
CMD_PROP_TX syncWord 0x0000 543D
CMD_PROP_RX syncWord 0x0000 543D

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2.3.2 Register Overrides

Table 3 lists the overrides needed in addition to the recommended 50-kbps, 2-GFSK radio register
settings from SmartRF Studio [4] to be compliant with recommended operation limits listed in Section 2.3.
[3] contains a complete list of the necessary overrides together with radio operation commands and
include paths.

Table 3. Additional Register Overrides Required for the Patch

Override Comment
HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6064,0x1101) AGC winsize 2 samples
HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6090,0xA095) CS threshold to –107 dBm
(uint32_t)0x0004 8103 Let the patch control the correlator setting
HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x51F8,0x0000) Clear state in internal radio register due to frequency change
HW32_ARRAY_OVERRIDE(0x405C,1) Set divider bias to disabled
(uint32_t)0x1800 0200 Divider 5
0xC004 0031
TX shape in T-Mode (1)
0xC004 0031
TX shape in C-Mode (1)
Only one of the shapes must be selected. The shapes should be defined as follows:
uint32_t txShapeTMode[] = {0x0000 0000, 0x0000 0000, 0x0000 0000, 0x4B11 0200, 0xF2F0 E1A6, 0xF2F2 F2F2};
uint32_t rxShapeCMode[] = {0x0000 0000, 0x0000 0000, 0x0000 0000, 0x440F 0200, 0xD9D8 CA96, 0xD9D9 D9D9};

Three of the 50-kbps, 2-GFSK radio register settings from SmartRF Studio must be changed (see
Table 4).

Table 4. Register Overrides to be Changed from 50-kbps,

2-GFSK Radio Register Settings
Override Comment
MCE_RFE_OVERRIDE(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) Run the MCE and RFE patches
HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x6088,0x082E) PA ramping
HW_REG_OVERRIDE(0x608C,0x0407) PA ramping and AGC settle wait = 16 samples

2.4 Configuration and Status Registers

Table 5 lists the configuration register available in the wM-Bus patch.

Table 5. Configuration Registers

Register Bit Field Name Description Default
0: Transmit T-Mode packet
14 TxPacketType 0x00
1: Transmit C-Mode packet
0: No invert T-Mode data
13 Invert Data 0x00
0x4004 52B4 1: Invert T-Mode Data
0: Preamble qualifier enabled
12 DisablePQT 0x00
1: Preamble qualifier disabled
11–0 Not in use 0x00

This register can only be changed through static overrides of the following format:

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Table 6 lists the status registers available in the wM-Bus patch.

Table 6. Status Registers

Register Bit Field Name Description Default
0: Received T-Mode packet
0x4004 5178 15–0 RxPacketType 0x00
1: Received C-Mode packet
0x4004 5180 15–0 SyncTimCnt Sync search timeout counter 0x00
0x4004 5184 15–0 SymRateEst Symbol rate estimation 0x00

The registers can be read using the CMD_READ_RFREG API command.

2.4.1 T-Mode Packets

The patch is default transmitting T-Mode packets. T-Mode packets are transmitted as long as Bit 14 of the
hardware register 0x4004 52B4 is zero.
The patch automatically does the 3-out-of-6 coding. The 3-out-of-6 coding is according to EN13757-4
The application software needs to read the RxPacketType (see Table 6) in order to know which packet
type is received.

2.4.2 C-Mode Packets

The patch is transmitting C-Mode packets when the TxPacketType (see Table 5) is set to 1. The C-Mode
packet has no coding.
The patch automatically inserts and removes the C-Mode signaling byte 01010100 following the preamble
and sync word.
The application software needs to read the RxPacketType (see Table 6) in order to know which packet
type is received.

3 Building a Software Example

To test the RF performance of the patch, the user can refer to the rfPacketRX and rfPacketTX example
available when downloading the SimpleLink™ CC13x0 Software Development Kit [5]. See the Proprietary
RF Quick Start Guide for more information. A local link to this guide can be found in the
documentation_overview_simplelink_cc13x0_sdk.html found here:
C:\ti\simplelink_cc13x0_sdk_x_xx_xx_xx\docs (assuming that installation has been to default location)
The smartrf_settings.c file must be modified with the settings from [3].

NOTE: When using the rfPacketRX/TX examples, the correct packet format will not be transmitted
(with respect to CRC and length information).

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The example and settings use variable packet-length mode and the default CRC from the CC13xx device,
so the packets sent will appear as shown in Figure 1.
4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync
CC13xx 1 Length Byte
0x55555555 0x543D
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 x x x x x x x x
10 Bits Sync
wM-Bus Preamble (19 x 01)

Frame A
4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync Signaling Byte
CC13xx 1 Length Byte
0x55555555 0x543D 0x54
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 x x x x x x x x

32 Bits Sync
wM-Bus Preamble (16 x 01)

Frame B
4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync Signaling Byte
CC13xx 1 Length Byte
0x55555555 0x543D 0x54
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 x x x x x x x x

32 Bits Sync
wM-Bus Preamble (16 x 01)
Copyright © 2016, Texas Instruments Incorporated

Figure 1. Packets Sent When Using rfPacketTx (Not Showing Payload and CRC)

The receiver will be set up to look for a 2-byte sync word (0x543D) and then to interpret the next byte
received as the length byte.

NOTE: Remember that the signaling byte is removed by the patch.

Figure 1 shows that for C-Mode packets, the CC13xx device will not send the last byte of the sync word
(the byte containing info regarding frame format [A or B]).
To make an example that uses the correct packet format, the following actions must be taken:
In TX mode, the user should use fixed packet length and disable CRC. For T-Mode, the length info should
be the first byte, while for C-Mode, the byte containing the frame format information should be the first
byte and the length byte should be the second byte (see Figure 2).
4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync Payload
CC13xx 0x55555555 0x543D Length Byte + rest of packet
010101010101010101010101010101010101010000111101x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
10 Bits Sync
wM-Bus Preamble (19 x 01)
Frame A
4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync Signaling Payload
0x55555555 0x543D Byte 0x54 0xCD + Length Byte + rest of packet
0101010101010101010101010101010101010100001111010101010011001101x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

wM-Bus 32 Bits Sync
Preamble (16 x 01)
Frame B
CC13xx 4 Bytes Preamble 2 Bytes Sync Signaling Payload
0x55555555 0x543D Byte 0x54 0x3D + Length Byte + rest of packet
0101010101010101010101010101 •010101010100001111010101010000111101x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
wM-Bus 32 Bits Sync
Preamble (16 x 01)
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Figure 2. TX When Using Fixed Packet Length

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Because the patch is supporting both C-Mode and T-Mode and the receiver is unaware which packets will
be received, the receiver is only searching for a 16-bit sync word (0x543D) because this is common for
both modes. If a T-Mode packet is received, the length information will be the first byte the RF Core writes
to the data entry used to store the received packet. If a C-Mode packet is received, the byte containing the
frame format information is the first byte put in the data entry and the length byte is the second byte (the
signaling byte is removed by the patch). This means that it is not possible to configure the radio in variable
packet length mode because the length information is located at different byte indexes with respect to the
16-bit sync word. Fixed packet length cannot be used either because the length is not known by the
The solution is to configure the receiver for unlimited length and then use the CMD_PROP_SET_LEN to
set the proper length after the length information has been received.

NOTE: When using unlimited length mode, partial read entries must be used.

Pseudo Code:
Use the following steps for pseudo code:
1. Enter RX and wait for the Rx_N_Data_Written interrupt.
2. When interrupt is received, read RxPacketType (see Table 6) to determine if the packet is T-Mode or
3. If T-Mode, interpret the first byte in the entry as the length byte.
4. If C-Mode, interpret the second byte as the length byte.
5. Use the length information to set the proper length using CMD_PROP_SET_LEN.

4 C-Mode Measurement Summary

All measurements performed with 4-byte preamble except PER versus Input Power Level (see
Section 4.3).

4.1 Sensitivity vs Frequency Deviation

C-Mode allows the frequency deviation parameter to vary from ±33.75 kHz to ±56.25 kHz, where ±45 kHz
is the nominal value. Table 7 lists the measurement results.

Table 7. C-Mode 1% BER Sensitivity (55% PER, 10-Byte Payload)

Frequency [MHz] Typical Sensitivity [dBm] Deviation [kHz]
–105.6 33.75
868.95 –106.3 45 (nominal)
–105.9 56.25

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4.2 C-Mode Blocking

Table 8 lists the C-Mode blocking performance. Wanted signal is 3 dB above the minimum useable
sensitivity level.

Table 8. C-Mode Blocking

Frequency Offset Blocking
[MHz] [dB]
±10 68 / 67
±5 61 / 54
±2 52 / 51
±1 51 / 42
±0.5 47 / 45

4.3 PER versus Input Power Level

The following lists PER versus Input Power Level parameters:
• 100 bps, ±45-kHz deviation (nominal)
• 100 bps, ±33.75-kHz deviation (minimum deviation)
• 100 bps, ±56.25-kHz deviation (maximum deviation)
• 200 packets were transmitted at each power level
• 55% PER (packet error rate) corresponds to 1% BER (bit error rate)

4.3.1 4-Byte Preamble

Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error (%)

-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D002

Figure 3. C-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, 4-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation

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4.3.2 5-Byte Preamble

Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation

Packet Error Rate (%)

-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D003

Figure 4. C-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, 5-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation

4.3.3 6-Byte Preamble

Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D004

Figure 5. C-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, 6-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation

4.3.4 10-Byte Preamble

Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D005

Figure 6. C-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, 10-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation

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4.4 PER versus Frequency Offset

The frequency offset can be up to ±25 ppm in C-Mode. In Figure 7 through Figure 9, 55% PER
corresponds to 1% BER.

Figure 7. C-Mode 100 kbps, ±45 kHz, 10-Byte Payload Figure 8. C-Mode 100 kbps, ±33.75 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

Figure 9. C-Mode 100 kbps, ±56.25 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

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5 T-Mode Measurement Summary

All measurements are performed with 4-byte preamble except PER versus input power level (see
Section 5.4).

5.1 Sensitivity versus Frequency Deviation

T-Mode allows the frequency deviation parameter to vary from ±40 kHz to ±80 kHz, where ±50 kHz is the
nominal value. Table 9 lists the measurement results.

Table 9. T-Mode Typical 1% BER Sensitivity (55% PER, 10-Byte Payload)

Frequency [MHz] Typical Sensitivity [dBm] Deviation [kHz]
–105.0 40
868.95 –105.0 50 (nominal)
–101.6 80

5.2 Sensitivity versus Data Rate Offset

The chip transmit rate for meter to other in T-Mode is between 90 kcps and 110 kcps, where 100 kcps is
the nominal value. Table 10 lists the measurement results.

Table 10. T-Mode Typical 1% BER Sensitivity (55% PER, 10-Byte Payload)
Frequency [MHz] Typical Sensitivity [dBm] Chip Rate [kcps]
–105.2 90
868.95 –105.0 100 (nominal)
–104.6 110

5.3 T-Mode Blocking

Table 11 lists the T-Mode blocking performance. Wanted signal is 3 dB above the minimum useable
sensitivity level.

Table 11. T-Mode Blocking

Frequency Offset [MHz] Blocking [dB]
±10 68 / 67
±5 60 / 53
±2 52 / 51
±1 51 / 42
±0.5 47 / 46

5.4 PER versus Input Power Level

• 100 kcps, ±50-kHz deviation (nominal)
• 100 kcps, ±40-kHz deviation (minimum deviation)
• 100 kcbps, ±80-kHz deviation (maximum deviation)
• 90 kcps, ±50-kHz deviation (minimum data rate)
• 110 kcps, ±50-kHz deviation (maximum data rate)
• 200 packets were transmitted at each power level
• 55% PER (packet error rate) corresponds to 1% BER (bit error rate)

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5.4.1 4-Byte Preamble

100 100
Nominal Nominal
90 90
Maximum Deviation Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation 80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

Packet Error Rate (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 -2
Input Power Level (dBm) D010
Input Power Level (dBm) D011

Figure 10. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, Figure 11. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level,
4-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload. 4-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Data Rate

5.4.2 5-Byte Preamble

100 100
Nominal Nominal
90 90
Maximum Deviation Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation 80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

Packet Error Rate (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D012
Input Power Level (dBm) D013

Figure 12. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, Figure 13. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level,
5-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload. 5-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Data Rate

5.4.3 6-Byte Preamble

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100 100
Nominal Nominal
90 90
Maximum Deviation Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation 80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

Packet Error Rate (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D014
Input Power Level (dBm) D015

Figure 14. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, Figure 15. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level,
6-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload. 6-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Data Rate

5.4.4 10-Byte Preamble

100 100
Nominal Nominal
90 90
Maximum Deviation Maximum Deviation
80 Minimum Deviation 80 Minimum Deviation
Packet Error Rate (%)

Packet Error Rate (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -10
-110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20
Input Power Level (dBm) D016
Input Power Level (dBm) D017

Figure 16. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level, Figure 17. T-Mode PER vs Input Power Level,
10-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload. 10-Byte Preamble, 10-Byte Payload.
Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Deviation Nominal, Minimum, and Maximum Data Rate

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5.5 PER versus Frequency Offset

The frequency offset can be up to ±60 ppm in T-Mode. In Figure 18 through Figure 22, 55% PER
corresponds to 1% BER.

Figure 18. T-Mode 100 kcps, ±50 kHz, 10-Byte Payload Figure 19. T-Mode 100 kcps, ±40 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

Figure 20. T-Mode 100 kcps, ±80 kHz, 10-Byte Payload Figure 21. T-Mode 90 kcps, ±50 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

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Figure 22. T-Mode 110 kcps, ±50 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

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5.6 PER versus Symbol Rate Offset

PER versus symbol rate offset was measured for nominal, minimum, and maximum deviation.
Figure 23 through Figure 25, 55% PER corresponds to 1% BER.

Figure 23. T-Mode ±50 kHz, 10-Byte Payload Figure 24. T-Mode ±40 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

Figure 25. T-Mode ±80 kHz, 10-Byte Payload

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6 References
See the following resources for more information:
1. Texas Instruments, CC13xxEM-7793_4L, Reference Design
2. European Standard, EN 13757-4:2012: Communication System for Meters and Remote Reading of
3. Texas Instruments, http://www.ti.com/lit/zip/SWRA522 (.zip file with recommended settings and
4. Texas Instruments, SmartRF Studio 7
5. Texas Instruments, SimpleLink CC13x0 Software Development Kit

SWRA522E – June 2016 – Revised October 2018 CC13xx Combined wM-Bus C-Mode and T-Mode 17
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Copyright © 2016–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
Revision History www.ti.com

Revision History
NOTE: Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.

Changes from D Revision (March 2017) to E Revision .................................................................................................. Page

• Updated the associated zip file for this document. ................................................................................... 1

Changes from December 20, 2016 to March 31, 2017 .................................................................................................... Page

• Added patch/SDK information to Section 2 ............................................................................................ 2

• Added reference information for Table 2 ............................................................................................... 3
• Added reference information for Table 3 ............................................................................................... 4
• Changed Table 3 .......................................................................................................................... 4
• Deleted patch storage text from Section 3 ............................................................................................. 5
• Changed Table 8 to only show integer numbers for the blocking .................................................................. 8
• Changed Table 11 to only show integer numbers for the blocking ............................................................... 11

Changes from December 5, 2016 to December 20, 2016 ............................................................................................... Page

• Changed Table 3 .......................................................................................................................... 4

Changes from September 7, 2016 to December 5, 2016 ................................................................................................ Page

• Changed Section 2.3 ..................................................................................................................... 3

• Changed Section 2.3.2 ................................................................................................................... 4
• Changed Table 9 ........................................................................................................................ 11
• Changed Table 10 ....................................................................................................................... 11
• Changed the PER in Section 5.4 ...................................................................................................... 11
• Changed titles of graphs in Section 5.4.1 and Section 5.4.2 ...................................................................... 12
• Changed titles of graphs in Section 5.4.3 and Section 5.4.4 ...................................................................... 12
• Changed the PER in Section 5.5 ...................................................................................................... 14
• Changed titles of graphs in Section 5.5............................................................................................... 14
• Changed the PER in Section 5.6 ...................................................................................................... 16
• Changed titles of graphs in Section 5.6............................................................................................... 16
• Changed Section 6 ...................................................................................................................... 17

Changes from June 22, 2016 to September 7, 2016 ....................................................................................................... Page

• Made minor editorial corrections ........................................................................................................ 2

18 Revision History SWRA522E – June 2016 – Revised October 2018

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Copyright © 2016–2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated

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