NU eNod3C CAN E 1109 - 165717 E

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Digital transmitter

communication protocol

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Digital transmitter

Document revisions

version date description

A 12/07 - creation
- object dictionnary update
B 01/08 - presentation of functional commands transmitted by
- restore parameter object suppression (for extended
C 04/08
compatibiliy with automations)
- band-stop filter and automatic correction in
D 11/08
checkweigher added
E 09/09 - legal for trade settings description added

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Digital transmitter

1 INSTALLATION .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Switching to CANopen® protocol ................................................................. 5
1.2 Bus length and bit rate ................................................................................. 5
1.3 Line terminations .......................................................................................... 6
2 CANOPEN® PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 7
2.1 CAN 2.0A frame format ............................................................................... 7
2.2 General informations .................................................................................... 7
2.3 eNod3-C state managemement ................................................................... 8
2.3.1 NMT state commands ........................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Synchronization messages ................................................................. 10
2.3.3 Emergency messages......................................................................... 10
2.4 Error control services ..................................................................................11
2.4.1 Heartbeat and Boot-up........................................................................ 11
2.4.2 Node guarding protocol....................................................................... 11
2.5 Access to the object dictionary ....................................................................12
2.5.1 SDO communications ......................................................................... 13
2.5.2 PDO communications ......................................................................... 14
3 CANOPEN® OBJECT DICTIONARY ................................................................16
3.1 Communication objects ...............................................................................16
3.1.1 0x1000: Device profile......................................................................... 16
3.1.2 0x1001: Error register ......................................................................... 17
3.1.3 0x1003: Pre-defined error field............................................................ 17
3.1.4 0x1005: Synchronization messages COB-ID ...................................... 17
3.1.5 0x1008: Device name ......................................................................... 17
3.1.6 0x1009: Hardware version .................................................................. 18
3.1.7 0x100A: Software version ................................................................... 18
3.1.8 0x100C: Life guard.............................................................................. 18
3.1.9 0x100D: Life time factor ...................................................................... 18
3.1.10 0x1010: Store parameters................................................................... 18
3.1.11 0x1017: Producer Heartbeat time ....................................................... 19
3.1.12 0x1018: Device identity ....................................................................... 19
3.1.13 0x1400: RPDO1 communication parameter........................................ 19
3.1.14 0x1600: RPDO1 mapping parameter .................................................. 19
3.1.15 0x1800: TPDO1 communication parameter ........................................ 20
3.1.16 0x1A00: TPDO1 mapping parameter .................................................. 21
3.1.17 0x1801/0x1802: TPDO2/TPDO3 communication parameter .............. 21
3.1.18 0x1A01: TPDO2 mapping parameter .................................................. 22
3.1.19 0x1A02: TPDO3 mapping parameter .................................................. 22
3.2 eNod3-C specific objects.............................................................................23
3.2.1 0x2000: Functioning mode .................................................................. 24
3.2.2 0x2001: CAN bit rate........................................................................... 24
3.2.3 0x2002: eNod3-C identifier ................................................................. 24
3.2.4 0x2003/0x2004: Functional command and command state registers . 25
3.2.5 0x3000: Number of calibration segments............................................ 25
3.2.6 0x3001: Calibration loads.................................................................... 25
3.2.7 0x3002: Maximum capacity................................................................. 25
3.2.8 0x3003 Scale interval.......................................................................... 25
3.2.9 0x3004: Sensor capacity..................................................................... 25
3.2.10 0x3005: Global scale adjusting coefficient .......................................... 26

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Digital transmitter
3.2.11 0x3006: Input signal range .................................................................. 26
3.2.12 0x3007: Polynomial correction ............................................................ 26
3.2.13 0x3200: Sensor sensitvity ................................................................... 27
3.2.14 0x3500: Motion.................................................................................... 27
3.2.15 0x3501: Zero modes *......................................................................... 27
3.2.16 0x3600 : legal for trade (R76) activation ............................................. 28
3.2.17 0x3601 : legal for trade indicators ....................................................... 29
3.2.18 0x4000: A/D conversion frequency ..................................................... 29
3.2.19 0x4002: Digital filter settings * ............................................................. 30
3.2.20 0x4001: Self-adaptive filter.................................................................. 30
3.2.21 0x4501: Logical inputs configuration ................................................... 31
3.2.22 0x4509: Logical outputs configuration................................................. 31
3.2.23 0x4601/0x4609: Set point1/2 configuration ......................................... 32
3.2.24 0x4700: Trigger level........................................................................... 33
3.2.25 0x4701: Measuring time Tm (checkweigher & peak control)............... 33
3.2.26 0x4702: Dynamic zero time (checkweigher) ....................................... 33
3.2.27 0x470A: Stabilization time Ts (checkweigher)..................................... 33
3.2.28 0x470B: Checkweigher coefficient ...................................................... 33
3.2.29 0x4800: Safety mode .......................................................................... 34
3.2.30 0x4900: Delta min TPDO2 .................................................................. 34
3.2.31 0x4901: Delta min TPDO3 .................................................................. 34
3.2.32 0x5000/0x5001/0x5002: Current measurement .................................. 34
3.2.33 0x5003 : Measurement status ............................................................. 34
3.2.34 0x5004 : Results ................................................................................. 36
3.2.35 0x5100 : Logical inputs level ............................................................... 36
3.2.36 0x5200 : Logical outputs level ............................................................. 37

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1.1 Switching to CANopen® protocol

eNod3-C is equiped with a CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B compatible interface supporting CANopen®
communication protocol. eNod3-C can be connected to the CAN bus using the CANH and CANL
connections on the 9-pin connector (terminals 1 and 2 ; see diagram below).
By default, eNod3-C is set to operate in ModBus RTU protocol (RS232 or RS485 communication) at a
baud rate of 9600.
To switch from RS485/232 to CAN communication it is necessary to remove the appropriate jumper.

WARNING: the communication protocol used by eNod3-C is selected on every power-up of the
device. By default, the baud rate for CAN communication is 125 kbauds. It can be modified during
eNod3-C setting up phase

OFF: CANopen
ON : RS485/422

CAN bus interface

1.2 Bus length and bit rate
The bit rate on the CAN bus for data transfer depends on the bus length. The following table shows
the bit rates supported by eNod3-C and the corresponding maximum bus length:

bit rate bus max length nominal bit time

1 Mbit/s 25 m 1 µs
800 kbit/s 50 m 1,25 µs
500 kbit/s 100 m 2 µs
250 kbit/s 250 m 4 µs
125 kbit/s 500 m 8 µs
50 kbit/s 1000 m 20 µs
20 kbit/s 2500 m 50 µs

‰ Notes:

¾ For bus whose length is greater than 200 m, using optocouplers is recommended.

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Digital transmitter
¾ For bus whose length is greater than 1000 m, using repeaters may be necessary to
ensure the quality of transmissions.

The baud rate used by eNod3-C can be selected and modified by writting a specific code in the
appropriate entry of the object dictionary (see § 3.2.2).
A « bit Timing » adapted to each baud rate is also specifed by CANopen® specification. A bit is
composed of time quantas and is characterized by the Sample point, which corresponds to the
moment at which the bit state is taken into account.
Thus, the data transfers have to respect the following values, according to CANopen® specification:

bit rate length of time quantum tQ location of sample point

1 Mbit/s 125 ns 6 tQ
800 kbit/s 125 ns 8 tQ
500 kbit/s 125 ns 14 tQ
250 kbit/s 250 ns 14 tQ
125 kbit/s 500 ns 14 tQ
50 kbit/s 1,25 µs 14 tQ
20 kbit/s 3,125 µs 14 tQ

1.3 Line terminations

So as to avoid signal reflection phenomena that may lead to communication errors, the CAN bus must
be closed through termination resistors. 120-ohm resistors should be placed at each bus

node 1 node n


120 Ω 120 Ω


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2.1 CAN 2.0A frame format

Every data frame sent on the CAN bus has the following structure:


1 bit 1 bit 2 bits 2 bits 7 bits
11 bits 4 bits 0 ⇒ 64 bits 16 bits

arbitration field control field

- Start of frame (SOF): 1 bit

The beginning of a request or a data frame is indicated by the transmission of one
dominant bit.

- Arbitration field: 12 bits

This field contains the message COB-ID on 11 bits and the RTR bit, dominant for data
frames and recessive for remote frames.

- Control field: 6 bits

The first two bits are reserved and must be transmitted as dominant. The four remaining
bits encode the size of the transmitted data in bytes. This is called «Data length code»
(DLC) with 0 ≤ DLC ≤ 8.

- Data: from 8 to 64 bits

For each byte, the most significant bit (MSB) is transmitted first.

- Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC): 16 bits

The result of the CRC calculation is made up of 15 bits that guarantee the integrity of the
transmitted message. The last bit is used to delimit the field and always is transmitted as

- Acknowledgement (ACK): 2 bits

During two bus clock periods, the bus is available for acknowledgement of the message.
All the nodes that received the message without error generate a dominant bit. Else, an
error frame is generated. The second bit is always recessive.

- End of frame (EOF): 7 bits

The end of the frame is represented by a sequence of 7 consecutive recessive bits.

The CANopen® layer defines particularly the content of the arbitration and the control fields and the
data field structure.

2.2 General informations

CANopen® is a communication protocol especially dedicated to industrial applications. It allows to
connect up to 127 different devices on a same bus giving them the possibility to access the bus at
any time. Simultaneous emissions are managed by an arbitration system that uses priority levels. This
control hierarchy of data transfers guarantees that there is no collision of frames on the bus while
ensuring a high level of reliability in communications. The low priority messages are canceled and
reissued after a delay.
The protocol defines serveral message types characterized by their COB-ID (Communication Object
Identifier) that determines the message priority level. The COB-ID is composed of a function code
and the node identifier (between 1 and 127).

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Digital transmitter
The node identifier is the device’s address on the network. The function code specifies the priority and
the purpose of the message. Assignement of a particular identifier to each device connected to
the bus is mandatory.

There are 6 different message types:

Ö read/write requests: SDO (Service Data Object)
Ö real time transfers: PDO (Process Data Object)
Ö nodes state management: NMT (Network Management)
Ö warnings: EMCY (Emergency)
Ö synchronization events: SYNC (Synchronization)
Ö node state indications: Boot-up/Heartbeat and Node guarding

CANopen® messages COB-ID (hex)

TPDO1 181 – 1FF
RPDO1 201 – 280
TPDO2 281 – 2FF
TPDO3 381 – 3FF
SDO (Tx) 581 – 3FF
SDO (Rx) 601 – 67F
Heartbeat/Boot-up/Node guarding 701 – 77F

2.3 eNod3-C state managemement

For the CANopen® network, eNod3-C is considered as a NMT slave. It means that its state can be
modified by a NMT master present on the bus.
eNod3-C can be put into one of the four existing states, allowing or forbidding the reception/emission
of CAN messages.
These four states constitute the follwoing NMT state machine:

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2 6

Pre-operational Stopped

3 5
3 4


¾ 1 : eNod3-C device power-up

¾ 2 : automatic transition after the end of initialisation
¾ 3 : reception of a « Start Node » indication
¾ 4 : reception of a « Stop Node » indication
¾ 5 : reception of an « Enter pre-operational mode » indication
¾ 6 : réception of a « Reset node » or a « Reset communications » indication

eNod3-C communication capacities for each state are given in the following table:

initialisation pre-operational operational stopped

Emergency X X
Boot-up X
Heartbeat X X X

2.3.1 NMT state commands

Except during the initalisation phase, eNod3-C is able to handle any NMT master’s requests for
changing its current state. All these network management messages are all made the same way : a
two-byte data frame with a COB-ID equal to zero:

COB-ID DLC byte 1 byte 2

0 2 NMT code node identifier

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The 2nd byte of the data field contains the node identifier of the device concerned by the request. Its
value must be between 0h and 7Fh. The 0h value means that the NMT command concern all the
nodes of the network.
The 1st byte codes the command sent to the node. There are five existing commands supported by
Ö « Start node » : 01h. eNod3-C is set into operational state
Ö « Stop node » : 02h. eNod3-C is set into stopped state
Ö « Reset node » : 81h. resets eNod3-C (with the same effects as a power-up),
eNod3-C is set back into initialisation state
Ö « Reset communication » : 82h. eNod3-C is set back into initialisation state
Ö « Enter pre-operational mode » : 80h. eNod3-C is set into pre-operational state

Note : The stopped state can be configured (cf §3.2.27) so as to set eNod3-C into a safety mode.
2.3.2 Synchronization messages
SYNC messages are emitted on the bus by a producer node. This service is unconfirmed so the
consumer nodes do not have to respond to SYNC messages. A SYNC message does not carry any
data (DLC = 0). eNod3-C is only seen as a consumer of SYNC messages whose COB-ID is equal to
80h as it is indicated at index 1005h, sub-index 00h of the object dictionary.

2.3.3 Emergency messages

eNod3-C internal errors are reported via emergency frames. Two types of errors can trigger the
transmission of an emergency message :

¾ Communication errors
¾ A/D converter (input voltage)

Each emergency frame is built as follows:

COB-ID DLC byte 0 byte 1 bytet 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7
80h emergency error register
8 additional informations
+ ID eNod3-C code content

Emergency messages is an unconfirmed service. A frame is emitted when a new error occurs and
when it is acknowledged. The table below describes the emergency stantdard codes supported by
eNod3-C and the translation of the additional informations bytes (in ASCII):

emergency code (hex) meaning

0 error acknowledged
3200 voltage error
8120 CAN bus communication error
8130 life guard error

error additional information

4B4F no error
474C life time has elapsed
564F sensor signal outside of the input signal range
5054 CAN transmitter in error passive state
5052 CAN receiver in error passive state

The error register value is also part of the emergency frame (see § 3.1.2) so as to indicate if other
internal errors have been detected.

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Digital transmitter
The number of reported errors is given by an error counter in the pre-defined error field located at
index 1003h, sub-index 00h and the last reported error can be read from the same entry at sub-index
2.4 Error control services
CANopen® uses smart mechanisms to control permanently the nodes state on the bus. eNod3-C
supports Boot-up and Heartbeat messages and Node guarding protcol. Using both services is not
allowed. If both are configured so as to be functional, only the Heartbeat is used.

2.4.1 Heartbeat and Boot-up

¾ Boot-up: This message sent by eNod3-C means that initialisation phase is complete and
that the node has entered into pre-operational state. It consists in the following frame :

COB-ID DLC byte 1

700h + ID eNod3-C 1 0

¾ Heartbeat: if a Heartbeat period (in ms) different of 0 is set in the entry «Producer
heartbeat time» of the object dictionary, eNod3-C generates at his perioda frame
containing its state coded on one byte. The corresponding frame is similar to the Boot-up
mechanism frame :

COB-ID DLC byte 1

700h + ID eNod3-C 1 eNod3-C state

The eNod3-C state byte can take the different following values:
Ö 04h : the node is in the «stopped» state
Ö 05h : the node is in the «operational» state
Ö 7Fh : the node is in the «pre-operational» state

Using Heartbeat protocol allows a NMT master to check that all eNod3-C on the bus are operational.

2.4.2 Node guarding protocol

Node guarding protocol is anoher way to check the nodes state. But unlike Heartbeat protocol, it
needs requests from a NMT master. In this case, the NMT master sends periodically a remote transmit
request (remote frame) to the node with COB-ID 700h + ID eNod3-C. eNod3-C has to respond by
sending a single-byte data frame with its coded state (see §2.4.1).
This frame is similar to Heartbeat frame but there is an important difference. Most significant bit of the
state byte is a toogle-bit. The value of this bit must alternate between two consecutive responses from
the NMT slave. The value of the toggle-bit of the first response after the Guarding Protocol becomes
active, is 0. It is only resetted to 0 when a « reset communications » or a « reset node » command is
If two consecutive responses have the same value of the toggle-bit, then the new response should be
handled as if it was not received by the NMT master.

Two parameters of the object dictionary are necessary to set and define node guarding protocol :
« guard time » and « life time factor »:

¾ guard time: this parameter expressed in milliseconds indicates the period with which the
node is being polled by the NMT master. This value can be different from one node to
¾ life time factor: when node guarding protocol is active, node life time is given by
multiplication of the guard time and the life time factor.

Node guarding activation is effective when guard time has been set (and if Heartbeat protocol is not
used) and after reception of the first remote transmit request. If life time factor is also configured and if
no remote transmit request is handled within the node life time, eNod3-C sends an emergency

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telegram then switches to stopped state. The life guarding error is acknowledged when the state is
changed by a NMT command and after reception of a new remote transmit request.

NMT master eNod3-C /slave

remote transmit request

request COB-ID = 700h + eNod3-C ID indication

Node guard

confirm b7 b6 ......... b0 response

toggle-bit eNod3-C state

remote transmit request

request COB-ID = 700h + eNod3-C ID

confirm b7 b6 ......... b0 response

toggle-bit eNod3-C state

2.5 Access to the object dictionary

The most important element of a CANopen® compatible device is its object dictionary (OD). Each
node object that can be accessed via the bus is part of a table called object dictionary. The dictionary
entries can be adressed by a couple of an index (2 bytes) and a sub-index (1 byte) with the following

index (hex) object

0000 not used

0001 ⇒ 001F static data types
0020 ⇒ 003F complex data types
0040 ⇒ 005F manufacturer specific complex data types
0060 ⇒ 007F device profile specific static data types
0080 ⇒ 009F device profile specific complex data types
00A0 ⇒ 0FFF reserved
1000 ⇒ 1FFF communication profile area
2000 ⇒ 5FFF manufacturer specific profile area
5FFF ⇒ 9FFF standardised device profile area
A000 ⇒ BFFF standardised interface profile area
C000 ⇒ FFFF reserved

Only the grayed elements of the table are accessible through eNod3-C OD.
The whole object dictionary is accessible and can be configured from usual CANopen® configuration
tools. This can be done using eNod3-C available EDS file.

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2.5.1 SDO communications
The model for SDO communication is a client/server model as described below:

request indication
data frame 1
8 bytes

Client Server
confirmation response
data frame 2
8 bytes

The node that sends the request is the client application whereas eNod3-C only behaves as the
server application. There are two types of requests, write and read requests. Both have the same

COB-ID DLC byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 byte 4 byte 5 byte 6 byte 7
1 Command
11 bits Index sub-index Data
byte byte
580h or 600h
8 see table LSB MSB / LSB - - MSB
+ eNod3-C ID

The client request uses the SDO(Rx) COB-ID (600h + ID eNod3-C) and the server uses the SDO(Tx)
COB-ID (580 + ID eNod3-C).
The command byte depends on the requested data length:

Command byte for request (client) Command byte for response (server)

43h ⇒ 4-bytes data

read data ⇒ 40h 4Bh ⇒ 2-bytes data
4Fh ⇒ 1-byte data
write 4-bytes data ⇒ 23h
write 2-bytes data ⇒ 2Bh 60h
write 1-byte data ⇒ 2Fh

For a read request, the value of the four last bytes of the frame (data) does not matter.
If an error occurs during a SDO communication, eNod3-C responds with the command byte 80h and
the four data bytes contain one of the following SDO abort codes. The data transfer is aborted.

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SDO abort code (hex) description

6010000 unsupported acces to an object

6010002 attempt to write a read-only object
6020000 object does not exist in the object dictionary
the number and length of the objects to be mapped would
exceed PDO length
attempt to read a net/gross measurement during taring or zeroing
6070012 data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
6070013 data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
6070030 value range of parameter exceeded
6070031 value of parameter written too high
6070032 value of parameter written too low
8000020 data can not be stored to the application
data can not be transferred or store to the application beacuase
of the present device state

2.5.2 PDO communications

SDO protocol is not the only way to access the object dictionary. PDO allow to transfert datas without
including their index and sub-index in the frame. Both are stored in an OD specific field called PDO
The model used for PDO transmissions is also different. It is a Producer/Consumer model in which
datas are sent by a producer node (TPDO) to a consumer node (RPDO) without any confirmation.
Each PDO is described by a combination of two parameters of the OD : the PDO communication
parameters and the PDO mapping. The PDO communication parameters describe the functioning of
the PDO and the PDO mapping describes its content.
eNod3-C uses 3 TPDO (2 are programmable) and 1 RPDO.

The PDO transmission mode can be set in the corresponding object with the following attributes :

Ö Synchronous : PDO transmission is triggered by the reception of one ore more

SYNC messages. Several options are available:

- cyclic: PDO is sent after reception of n (1 ≤ n ≤ 240) SYNC messages.

- acyclic: PDO is sent atreception of the first SYNC message following a

specific device event (activation of a logical input assigned to « send
TPDO » or data variation superior to +/- delta)

- on remote transmit request: PDO is sent after the first SYNC message
following a remote transmit request frame with the PDO COB-ID.

Ö Asynchronous : PDO transmisson does not depend on the SYNC messages on

the CANbus. Several options are available:

- on remote transmit request: PDO is sent at reception of a remote transmit

request frame with the PDO COB-ID.

- activation of a logical input assigned to « send TPDO » or data variation

superior to +/- delta)

- on a timer event: PDO is sent periodically (with a settable period).

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The following table recaps the trigger modes that can be choosen by entering the hexadecimal code in
the PDO communication parameter.

Code acyclic
cyclic synchronous asynchronous transmit Effect
(hex) (event)
PDO transmission after a SYNC
message following one of these
00 X X - activation of a logical input
assigned to « send TPDO »
- mapped object variation superior
to +/- delta

01 – F0 PDO transmission after n SYNC

( = n)
X X messages

F1 - FB reserved

data update at reception of a

remote transmit request and PDO
FC X X transmission after reception of a
SYNC message

data update and PDO transmission

FD X X at reception of a remote transmit

PDO transmission is triggered by

one of these events:
- activation of a logical input
FE X assigned to « send TPDO »
- mapped object variation superior
to +/- delta

Periodic PDO emission. Period can

FF X be configured (min = 1 ms).

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3.1 Communication objects

largest mappable
index description access type
sub-index (PDO) ?
0x1000 0 device profile RO N unsigned32
0x1001 0 error register RO N unsigned8
0x1003 1 pre-defined error field variable N /
0x1005 0 SYNC messages COB-ID RO N unsigned32
0x1008 0 device name CO N visible string
0x1009 0 hardware version CO N visible string
0x100A 0 software version CO N visible string
0x100C 0 guard time R/W N unsigned16
0x100D 0 life time factor R/W N unsigned8
0x1010 1 store parameters variable N /
0x1017 0 producer heartbeat time R/W N unsigned16
0x1018 1 device identity RO N /
0x1400 2 RPDO1 communication parameter RO N /
0x1600 1 RPDO1 mapping parameter RO N /
0x1800 2 TPDO1 communication parameter RO N /
0x1801 5 TPDO2 communication parameter variable N /
0x1802 5 TPDO3 communication parameter variable N /
0x1A00 1 TPDO1 mapping parameter RO N /
0x1A01 3 TPDO2 mapping parameter R/W N /
0x1A02 3 TPDO3 mapping parameter R/W N /

¾ R/W: read/write
¾ RO: read only
¾ CO: constant value
¾ Y: yes
¾ N: No
¾ / : the sub-indexes of the entry have different sizes

3.1.1 0x1000: Device profile

This entry describes the device and its functionalities.
Access: Read only
Default value: 3220000h
The 16 less significant bits contain the standardised device profile, the 16 most significant bits contain
additional informations on the product.

0x0322 0x0000

- 0x0000 ⇒ does not follow a standardised profile

- 0x0322 ⇒ 3 functioning modes, 2 logical inputs and 2 logical outputs

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3.1.2 0x1001: Error register
The device internal errors are indicated by flag bits of this byte.
Access: Read only
Default value: /

bit set to 1 meaning

0 generic error detected

1 reserved (0)
2 A/D converter input voltage error
3 reserved (0)
4 CAN bus communication error
5 reserved (0)
6 reserved (0)
7 EEPROM error

Bit 0 (generic error) is set to 1 if at least one error is detected.

3.1.3 0x1003: Pre-defined error field

This entry of the OD stores the errors that have been reported by emergnecy telegrams

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
reported errors
0x00 R/W 0 N unsigned8
0x01 last reported error RO 0 N unsigned32

The reported errors counter (sub-index 00h) is accessible through write or read request but 0 is the
only allowed value for writting transactions. By writting a zero to this sub-index, the error counter is
resetted and the last reported error (sub-index 01h) is erased.
Attempts to write any other value is aborted with the 0x06090030 SDO abort code.

3.1.4 0x1005: Synchronization messages COB-ID

The COB-ID of SYNC messages supported by eNod3-C is stored at this index.
Access: Read only
Default value: 80h

3.1.5 0x1008: Device name

The device name is coded as a 4-bytes string (ASCII).
Access: Read only
Default value: 646F4E65h

0x646F 0x4E65

- 0x64 ⇒ d
- 0x6F ⇒ o
- 0x4E ⇒ N
- 0x65 ⇒ e

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3.1.6 0x1009: Hardware version
The device hardware version is coded as a 4-bytes string (ASCII).
Access: Read only
Default value: 30302E31h
- 0x30 ⇒ 0
- 0x2E ⇒ .
- 0x31 ⇒ 1

3.1.7 0x100A: Software version

The device software current version is coded as a 4-bytes string (ASCII).
Access: Read only
Default value: 37352E32h

0x3735 0x2E32

- 0x37 ⇒ 7
- 0x35 ⇒ 5
- 0x2E ⇒ .
- 0x32 ⇒ 2

3.1.8 0x100C: Life guard

This setting is one of the elements used by node guarding protocol. When Heartbeat is inactive and
Life guard is different from 0, eNod3-C responds to NMT master periodic (period equal to life guard)
remote transmit requests.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h

3.1.9 0x100D: Life time factor

By multiplying the life guard by the life time factor the node life time (cf. §2.4.2) can be determined.
When node guarding is active, if the node has not been polled within this duration (in ms), eNod3-C
state is set to stopped. eNod3-C beahviour while stopped can be configured via the object at index
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h

3.1.10 0x1010: Store parameters

This entry can be used to store in non-volatile memory (EEPROM) eNod3-C current settings. It allows
to keep them despite a power failure and some of them only apply after a storage in EEPROM
followed by a reset (hardware or software) procedure. The entry has two sub-index.

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x01 N unsigned8
save all
0x01 R/W 0x01 N unsigned32

Storing all settings in EEPROM requires writting the ASCII string « save » (65766173h) to sub-index
- 0x65 ⇒ e
- 0x76 ⇒ v
- 0x61 ⇒ a
- 0x73 ⇒ s

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Digital transmitter

When accessing to sub-index 1 with a read request, eNod3-C responds wirh value of 1 that means
that parameteres are stored in non-volatile memory only on request.

3.1.11 0x1017: Producer Heartbeat time

If a period different from 0 is written to this index, eNod3-C periodically generates a Heartbeat frame
(see §2.4.1). It is expressed in ms and must be comprised between 1 and 65535.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h

3.1.12 0x1018: Device identity

This index includes SCAIME « vendor ID » supplied by CAN in Automation (CiA)

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x01 N unsigned8
0x01 Vendor-ID RO 0x00000142 N unsigned32

3.1.13 0x1400: RPDO1 communication parameter

The informations concerning the datas received by eNod3-C via PDO communication are stored in
this entry of the OD.
This entry has three sub-index:

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x02 N unsigned8
COB-ID 0x00000200+
0x01 RO N unsigned32
0x02 RO 0xFF N unsigned8

¾ The RPDO1 messages COB-ID is automatically updated when eNod3-C iidentifier is

¾ The transmission type for RPDO1 messages can not be overwritten. A value of FFh
means that the RPDO are taken into account by eNod3-C upon reception.

3.1.14 0x1600: RPDO1 mapping parameter

The RPDO1 mapping parameter contains the index (byte 3, byte 2), the sub-index (byte 1) and the
size of the mapped object (byte 0) where received datas are automatically transferred.
This entry has two sub-index:

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
number of
0x00 mapped RO 0x01 N unsigned8
1st object
0x01 RO 0x20030008 N unsigned32

The data stored in sub-index 01h can be read as :

- 0x2003 ⇒ OD entry index
- 0x00 ⇒ OD entry sub-index
- 0x08 ⇒ 8-bits size

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This RPDO is especially dedicated to accept functional commands coded on one byte such as
« Tare » or « Zero ». The possible commands are listed below:

effect note
code (hex)
00 set command register to IDLE state
35 cancel current tare
checkweigher functioning mode only limited
36 dynamic zero acquisition
to ± 10% of the maximum capacity
37 output 1 activation if output 1 is assigned to « level on request »
if noutput 2 is assigned to « level on
38 output 2 activation
requestd »
39 output 1 desactivation f output 1 is assigned to « level on request »
if noutput 2 is assigned to « level on
3A output 2 desactivation
requestd »
necessary to launch a physical
C8 calibration request
calibration procedure
must be preceded by the calibration request
C9 zero calibration acquisition
command (C8)
must be preceded by the two last commands
CA calibration with load 1
(C8, C9)
must be preceded by the three last
CB calibration with load 2 (if required)
commands (C8, C9, CA)
must be preceded by the four last
CC calibration with load 3 (if required)
commands (C8, C9, CA, CB)
save calibration (end of a physical or
CD EEPROM storage of calibration datas
a theoretical calibration)
limited to ±10 % of the capacity, volatile zero
CF zero acquisition
value not stored in EEPROM
D0 tare request
new calibration zero must be saved in
D1 zero adjustment
D3 abort calibration leaves current calibration before it ends
adjustment with sensor’s sensitivity and
D4 sensitivity adjustment load cell capacity, must be followed by
the « save calibration » (CD) command
in checkweigher and in peak control
EA clear result functioning modes, processed values
launches a checkweigher or a peak control
F1 start cycle measurement cycle (depending on the
choosen functioning mode)
in checkweigher functioning mode, end of
F2 end of cycle
the cycle, a new result is calculated

3.1.15 0x1800: TPDO1 communication parameter

The informations concerning the datas sent by eNod3-C via PDO communication are stored in this
entry of the OD.
This entry has three sub-index:

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Digital transmitter

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x02 N unsigned8
COB-ID 0x00000180+
0x01 RO N unsigned32
TPDO1 eNod3-C ID
0x02 RO 0xFE N unsigned8

¾ The TPDO1 messages COB-ID is automatically updated when eNod3-C identifier is

¾ The transmission type for TPDO1 messages can not be overwritten. A value of FEh
means that the TPDO are sent upon a variation of the mapped value.
¾ This transmit PDO is sent by eNod3-C to indicate the current state of the last functional
command received (in progress, complete or error).

3.1.16 0x1A00: TPDO1 mapping parameter

The TPDO1 mapping parameter contains the index (byte 3, byte 2), the sub-index (byte 1) and the
size of the mapped object (byte 0) that is sent. The corresponding entry manages the current state of
the last functional command:

Ö 0x01 ⇒ command in progress

Ö 0x02 ⇒ command complete
Ö 0x03 ⇒ error during command application

This entry has two sub-index:

sub-index description acces default value type
(PDO) ?
number of
0x00 mapped RO 0x01 N unsigned8
1st object
0x01 RO 0x20040008 N unsigned32

3.1.17 0x1801/0x1802: TPDO2/TPDO3 communication parameter

Both objects are similar and aim at describing transmit PDO they are assigned to.

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x05 N unsigned8
TPDO2 0x80000280
or or
0x01 R/W N unsigned32
TPDO3 0x80000380
COB-ID + eNod3-C ID
0x02 R/W 0x01 N unsigned8
0x05 timer event R/W 0 N unsigned16

¾ TPDO2 and TPDO3 COB-ID are automatically updated when eNod3-C identifier is
¾ Both TPDO can be activated by settitng to 0 bit 31 of their COB-ID (sub-index 01h).

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¾ The transmission type and the timer event duration can be choosen according to the table
in §2.5.2.

3.1.18 0x1A01: TPDO2 mapping parameter

The TPDO2 mapping parameter contains the index (byte 3, byte 2), the sub-index (byte 1) and the
size(s) of the mapped object(s) (byte 0) included in TPDO2 frames. Up to 3 objects can be mapped
in the same PDO but the total data length can not exceed 8 bytes.
This entry has four sub-index:

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
number of
0x00 mapped R/W 0x02 N unsigned8
1st object
0x01 R/W 0x50040220 N unsigned32
2nd object
0x02 R/W 0x50010020 N unsigned32
3rd object
0x03 R/W 0 N unsigned32

3.1.19 0x1A02: TPDO3 mapping parameter

The TPDO2 mapping parameter contains the index (byte 3, byte 2), the sub-index (byte 1) and the
size(s) of the mapped object(s) (byte 0) included in TPDO3 frames. Up to 3 objects can be mapped
in the same PDO but the total data length can not exceed 8 bytes.
This entry has four sub-index:
sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
number of
0x00 mapped R/W 0x02 N unsigned8
1st object
0x01 R/W 0x50040420 N unsigned32
2nd object
0x02 R/W 0x50040320 N unsigned32
3rd object
0x03 R/W 0 N unsigned32

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3.2 eNod3-C specific objects
‰ Note: some of the functionalities of the object dictionary with a * are only accessible with
eNod3-C whose firmware version ≥ 2.60.

laregst mappable
index description access type
sub-index (PDO) ?

0x2000 0 functioning mode R/W N unsigned8

0x2001 0 CAN bit rate R/W N unsigned8
0x2002 0 eNod3-C identifier (ID) R/W N unsigned8
0x2003 0 functional command register R/W Y (RPDO1) unsigned8
0x2004 0 command state register RO Y (TPDO1) unsigned8
0x3000 0 number of calibration segments R/W N unsigned16
0x3001 3 calibration loads variable N /
0x3002 0 maximum capacity R/W N unsigned32
0x3003 0 scale interval R/W N unsigned16
0x3004 0 sensor capacity R/W N unsigned32
0x3005 0 global scale adjusting coefficient R/W N unsigned32
0x3006 0 input signal range R/W N unsigned8
0x3007 3 polynomial correction variable N /
0x3200 0 sensor sensitivity R/W N integer32
0x3500 0 motion R/W N unsigned8
0x3501 2* zero modes * variable N /
0x3600 0 legal for trade activation R/W N unsigned8
0x3601 3 legal for trade indicators RO N /
0x4000 0 A/D conversion frequency R/W N unsigned16
0x4001 0 self-adaptive filter activation R/W N unsigned8
0x4002 10 * digital filters settings * variable N /
0x4501 3 logical inputs configuration variable N /
0x4509 2 logical outputs configuration variable N /
0x4601 3 set point 1 configuration variable N /
0x4609 3 set point 2 configuration variable N /
0x4700 0 trigger level R/W N integer32
0x4701 0 measuring time Tm R/W N unsigned16
0x4702 0 dynamic zero time (checkweigher) R/W N unsigned16
0x470A 0 stabilization time Ts (checkweigher) R/W N unsigned16
0x470B 0 checkweigher coefficient R/W N unsigned32
0x4800 0 safety mode R/W N unsigned8
0x4900 0 delta min TPDO2 R/W N unsigned32
0x4901 0 delta min TPDO3 R/W N unsigned32

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laregst mappable
index description access type
sub-index (PDO) ?

0x5000 0 net measurement value RO Y integer32

0x5001 0 gross measurement value RO Y integer32
0x5002 0 A/D conveter points value RO Y integer32
0x5003 0 measurement status RO Y unsigned16
0x5004 5 results RO Y /
0x5100 0 logical inputs level RO Y unsigned8
0x5200 0 logical outputs level RO Y unsigned8

‰ Note : All the bits that are not mentioned in the description of the settings below are reserved
(= 0).
3.2.1 0x2000: Functioning mode
This entry allows to select one of eNod3-C functioning modes. A modification of this setting is only
taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset (hardware or software) procedure.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h

bits b2 b1 b0 functioning modes comments

000 Transmitter
010 Checkweigher Valid after an EEPROM storage and
011 Triggered peak control a reset procedure

100 Non-triggered peak control

bit b3 signal processing
0 signal processing active digital/self-adaptive filters, set points
management and polynomial
1 signal processing shunted adjustment activation.

3.2.2 0x2001: CAN bit rate

The bit rate of the CAN bus can be selected within this object according to §1.2 limitations. A
modification of this setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset (hardware
or software) procedure.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 03h
The codes corresponding to the different possible bit rates are given below:
- 0x01 ⇒ 20 kbit/s
- 0x02 ⇒ 50 kbit/s
- 0x03 ⇒ 125 kbit/s
- 0x04 ⇒ 250 kbit/s
- 0x05 ⇒ 500 kbit/s
- 0x06 ⇒ 800 kbit/s
- 0x07 ⇒ 1 Mbit/s

3.2.3 0x2002: eNod3-C identifier

In a CANopen® network, each COB is uniquely identified by one COB-ID which depends on the node
identifier. This setting is stored at this index of the OD and can be assigned a value between 1 and

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Digital transmitter
127 (01h and 7Fh). A modification of this setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage
and a reset (hardware or software) procedure. eNod3-C CAN identifier is equal to the address used
for RS232/485 communication.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 01h
3.2.4 0x2003/0x2004: Functional command and command state registers
For a complete description of this entry, please refer to §3.1.16 and §3.1.17.
Access: Read/write and Read only
Default value: 00h

3.2.5 0x3000: Number of calibration segments

Defines the number (from 1 to 3) of calibration segments used for the physical calibration procedure.
Usually for linear installations, 1 segment is sufficient.
Access: Read/write
Default value : 1h
3.2.6 0x3001: Calibration loads
Before launching a physical calibration procedure, each calibration segment must be given a
corresponding user value (for example, 1000 points for a 1kg load). Admitted values are between 0 et

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 3 N unsigned8

0x01 calibration load 1 R/W 0x00002710 N unsigned32

0x02 calibration load 2 R/W 0x00004E20 N unsigned32

0x03 calibration load 3 R/W 0x00007530 N unsigned32

3.2.7 0x3002: Maximum capacity

When the absolute value of gross measurement plus 9 divisions exceeds the maximum capacity, bits
b1 (positive overloading) or b3 (negative overloading) of status bytes are set to 1. Moreover, power-up
zero and zero requests are only handled if measurement is included within a 10% range of the
specified capacity. Admitted values are between 0 et 1000000d.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 186A0h

3.2.8 0x3003 Scale interval

The scale interval is the minimal difference between two consecutive indicated values (gross/net).
Access: Read/write
Default value: 1h
Admitted values are listed below:
- 1d ⇒ 0x0001
- 2d ⇒ 0x0002
- 5d ⇒ 0x0005
- 10d ⇒ 0x000A
- 20d ⇒ 0x0014
- 50d ⇒ 0x0032
- 100d ⇒ 0x0064

3.2.9 0x3004: Sensor capacity

Sensor capacity is used in association with sensor sensitivity (index 3200h, sub-index 00h) so as to
make a theroetical calibration. Admitted values are between 0 et 1000000d.

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Access: Read/write
Default value: 186A0h
3.2.10 0x3005: Global scale adjusting coefficient
Initial calibration can be adjusted thanks to the global scale adjusting coefficient. Adjustment applies
on the whole curve. The unity for this coefficient is 1E-6 that means 1000000d = 1. Admitted values
are between 900000d and 1100000d.
A modification of this setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset
(hardware or software) procedure.
Access: Read/write
Default value: F4240h

3.2.11 0x3006: Input signal range

The admitted voltage range on the analog input is defined by this parameter. A modification of this
setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset (hardware or software)
Access: read/write
Default value: 6h
The supported codes are listed below:

bits b2 b1 b0 input signal range (mV/V) notes

000 500

001 250

010 124

011 62

100 31

101 15

Default value, recommended for

110 7,8
strain gages load cell

bit b3 analog signal type

0 bipolar positive and negative signal

1 unipolar positive signal

3.2.12 0x3007: Polynomial correction

Non-linearity problems might be corrected using the 2nd order polynomial correction. The adjusted
measurement is thus expressed by the following adjusting formula :

Adjusted measurement = Mes – A*(Mes)² - B*(Mes) – C

with Mes = actual measurement

The coefficients have specific values. Each of them is expressed with its own unit :
¾ The unit for coefficient A is 1E-12 ; that means 100 000 000 000d = 1.
¾ The unit for coefficient B is 1E-9 ; that means 100 000 0000d = 1.
¾ Coefficient C is directly expressed as A/D converter points.

The coefficients are easily calculated using eNodView software calculation tool.

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sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
largest sub-
0x00 RO 0x03 N unsigned8
0x01 coeff. A R/W 0 N integer32
0x02 coeff. B R/W 0 N integer32
0x03 coeff. C R/W 0 N integer32

3.2.13 0x3200: Sensor sensitvity

Sensor sensitivity is used for theoretical calibration. This procedure also requires the knowledge of the
corresponding capacity. The unit for this setting is 1E-5 mV/V ; that means100 000d = 1.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 30D40h
3.2.14 0x3500: Motion
Measurement is stable if X consecutive measurements following the reference measurement are
included in the stability interval (see following table) else the current measurement becomes the
reference measurement. X depends on the Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion rate.
A modification of this setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset
(hardware or software) procedure.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 1h

bits b2 b1 b0 Stability interval Notes

000 no motion detection

001 0,25d
010 0,5d
1d = 1 division
011 1d
100 2d

A/D conversion frequency (meas/s)

50 Hz rejection 60 Hz rejection

6,25 7,5 1
12,5 15 2
25 30 3
50 60 5
100 120 9
200 240 17

3.2.15 0x3501: Zero modes *

‰ Note: for firmware versions < 2.60, there is no sub-index for this object. The zero tracking
and the initial zerosetting can be activated by setting to 1 bits b0 and b1.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h
‰ Note: for firmware versions ≥ 2.60 this entry of the OD has 3 sub-index :

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Digital transmitter

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x02 N unsigned8
0x01 zero mode R/W 0x04 N unsigned8
zero checkweigher
0x02 R/W 0x05 N unsigned8
correction range

¾ 0x01 : Zero mode:

bit b0 zero tracking notes

1 zero tracking enabled zero tracking is active on a ± 10%
0 zero tracking disabled range of the maximum capacity

bit b1 initial zero setting

1 initial zero setting active initial zero setting is limited to ± 10%
0 without initial zero setting of the maximum capacity
zero checkweigher automatic
bit b2
automatic correction enabled in
1 cf. description in documentation ref.
checkweigher mode
0 automatic correction disabled

¾ 0x02: Zero checkweigher automatic correction range:

This automatic correction of the zero value is only available in checkweigher functoning mode. It
allows to follow the evolution of the zero in checkweigher functioning mode, for example on a
conveyor belt on which there is some product accumulation. This function only is efficient when the
measured signal is filtered enough with a few noise and oscillations.
When switched on, an average value is calculated if comprised within the defined interval around the
calibration zero. This calculation is inhibited during the weighing period and gives a virtual zero that is
substracted from the theoretical checkweigher result so as to give the final checkweigher result that is
updated at the end of the item passage.

3.2.16 0x3600 : legal for trade (R76) activation

The activation of the settings related to the use of eNod3-C in compliance with OIML R76
recommandation is done by setting to 1 b0 bit of this entry (see §4 in documentation ref. 165702) .
The activation of this switch has the following effects on the behaviour of the device :
Ö the legal for trade counter is incremented every time a storage in EEPROM is
requested if a metological setting has been modified (cf. §3.2.17).
Ö a new legal for trade CRC-16 value is calculated every time a storage in EEPROM
is requested if a metrological setting has been modified (cf. § 3.2.17).
Ö taring is now impossible if gross measurement is negative
Ö zero acquisition range is reduced from 10% of the capacity to 2%.
Ö the weight value is set to –1 during the 15 seconds that follow a device reset
Ö the motion criterion (cf. § 3.2.14). is forced to 0.25d and can not be modified
anymore. An attempt to change its value is refused by a SDO error frame.
Ö The A/D converter is set into unipolar mode (cf. § 3.2.11). and can not be
modified anymore. An attempt to change its value is refused by a SDO error
Access : Read/write
Default value : 0H

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Digital transmitter
3.2.17 0x3601 : legal for trade indicators
If the legal for trade option is switched ON, the legal for trade counter and the legal for trade CRC-16
are incremented every time a storage in EEPROM is requested if one (or several) of these settings
has been modified :
- A/D converter configuration
- scale coefficients
- global span adjusting coefficients
- non-linearity polynomial correction coefficients
- scale interval
- sensor capacity
- maximum capacity
- zero calibration value in A/D converter points
- legal for trade switch
- initial zerosetting and zero tracking
- functioning mode
- motion criterion

Sub-index Description Access Default value Type
(PDO) ?

0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x02 N unsigned8

legal for trade

0x01 RO 0 N unsigned16
legal for trade
0x02 RO 0 N unsigned16
0x03 RO 3 N unsigned16
program version

3.2.18 0x4000: A/D conversion frequency

A modification of this setting is only taken into account after an EEPROM storage and a reset
(hardware or software)
Access: Read/write
Default value: 1h
The different admitted frequencies and their corresponding binary codes are listed in the follwing table.

bit b0 rejection

1 50 Hz rejection
0 60 Hz rejection
A/D conversion rate (meas/s)
bits b4 b3 b2 b1
50 Hz 60Hz
0000 100 120
0001 50 60
0010 25 30
0011 12,5 15
0100 6,25 7,5
1001 1600 1920
1010 800 960
1011 400 480
1100 200 240

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Digital transmitter
3.2.19 0x4002: Digital filter settings *
‰ Note: the band-stop filter is only available with firmware versions ≥ 2.60.

A digital low-pass filter whose order is selectable might be included in the measuring process.
Possible orders are 0 (digital filter inactive), 2, 3 or 4.
¾ The recurrence relations then applies:

2nd order ⇒ Sn = 1/A(en + 2en+1 + en-2 – BSn-1 – CSn-2)

3ird order ⇒ Sn = 1/A(en + 3en-1 + 3en-2 + en-3 – BSn-1 – CSn-2 –DSn-3)
4th order ⇒ Sn = 1/A(en + 4en-1 + 6en-2 + 4en-3 + en-4 – BSn-1 – DSn-3 – ESn-4)

¾ The band-stop filter * has the following equation:

2nd order : sn = X(en + en-2) + Y(en-1 – sn-1) – Zsn-2

This entry has 7 or 11 * sub-indexes:

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x06 N unsigned8
0x01 filter order R/W 0x03 N unsigned8
0x02 1/A coefficient R/W N real32
( = 0.0166995171)
0x03 B coefficient R/W N real32
(= -107.652641)
0x04 C coefficient R/W N real32
(= 73.1241684)
0x05 D coefficient R/W N real32
(= -17.3534946)
0x06 E coefficient R/W 0 N real32
0x07 band-stop activation * R/W 0 N unsigned8
0x08 coefficient X * R/W N real32
(= - 1,97783399)
0x09 coefficient Y * R/W N real32
(= 1.962420864)
0x0A coefficient Z * R/W 0xBF7C0290 N real32

Coefficients depend on A/D conversion rate and desired cut-off frequency. The coefficients are
defined using eNodView software. By default, eNod uses a third order filter with a 10-Hz cut-off
frquency designed for a 100 Hz sampling rate.

3.2.20 0x4001: Self-adaptive filter

This type of filter can be set in cascade after the low-pass digital filter and is particularly useful for
static measurements, avoid using it in dynamic or dosing process. The aim of this filter is to eliminate
erratic measurements and to average consistent measurements.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 0h

bit b0 self-adaptive filter

1 filter on
0 filter off

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3.2.21 0x4501: Logical inputs configuration
eNod3-C is equiped with two logical inputs. They can be configured in many ways described below :

bits b2 b1 b0 input assignment notes

000 none input state is ignored

001 tare tare command

limited to ± 10% of the maximum
010 zero
- in tranmistter mode, triggers the
send TPDO2 (input 1) emission of a TPDO if it is event-
send TPDO3 (input 2) triggered
or - in checkweigher mode, a new zero
dynamic zero whose range is limited to ± 10% of the
maximum capacity is calculated
100 measurement widcow in triggered peak control mode
- in transmitter mode, cancels current
- in peak control mode, sets max and
101 clear
min values to current measurement
- in checkweigher mode, cancels the
last result
110 start checkweigher cycle on rising/falling edge
- in checkweigher mode, launches a
new checkweigher cycle
stop checkweigher cycle - in triggered peak control mode, a
111 or new cycle only can be started if this
allow new cycle input has been previsouly activated
(rising or falling edge according to the
choosen logic)
bit b3 logic mode

0 negative logic

1 positive logic

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x03 N unsigned8
minimal holding
0x01 R/W 0x50 N unsigned16
time (ms)
0x02 input 1 assignment R/W 0 N unsigned8
0x03 input 2 assignment R/W 0 N unsigned8

Minimal holding time concerns both logical inputs and is expressed in milliseconds. It corresponds to
the minimal stabilization time of the inputs.

3.2.22 0x4509: Logical outputs configuration

eNod3-C is equiped with two logical outputs. They can be configured in many ways described below :

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Digital transmitter
bits b2 b1 b0 ouput assignment notes
set point 1 assigned to output 1
000 set point
set point 2 assigned to output 2
001 motion
010 checkweigher result available
only in checwkeigher or triggered
011 cycle in progress
peak control modes
100 defective measurement see measurement status
output 1 corresponds to input 1
101 input image
output 2 corresponds to input 2
output level is driven by the
110 level on request appropriate commands
see § 3.1.16
bit b3 logic mode
0 negative
1 positive

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x04 N unsigned8
output 1
0x01 R/W 0x08 N unsigned8
output 2
0x02 R/W 0x08 N unsigned8
output 1 activation
0x03 R/W 0x00 N unsigned16
output 2 activation
0x04 R/W 0x00 N unsigned16

¾ The activation duration of outputs assigned to the « level on request » fucntion can be
configured through sub-index 0x03 and 0x04.
¾ If these values are set to 0, outputs remain active until the reception of the specific
desactivation command.

3.2.23 0x4601/0x4609: Set point1/2 configuration

Set point 1 is assigned to ouput 1 and set point 2 is assigned to output 2. Set point functioning is
defined in sub-index 1 and their low/high values are defines in sub-index 2/3.

bit b0 commutation type

1 hysteresis
0 window
bits b3 b2 b1 functioning notes
000 gross whatever the functioning
001 net mode

010 max in peak control mode

011 min in peak control mode
100 peak to peak in peak control mode
101 checkweigher result in checkweigher mode
110 running total in checkweigher mode

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Digital transmitter

¾ 0x4601: Set point 1 functioning

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x03 N unsigned8
set point 1
0x01 R/W 0 N unsigned8
0x02 low value R/W 0x00007530 N integer32
0x03 high value R/W 0x00009C40 N integer32

¾ 0x4609: Set point 2 functioning

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x03 N unsigned8
set point 2
0x01 R/W 0 N unsigned8
0x02 low value R/W 0x00002710 N integer32
0x03 high value R/W 0x00004E20 N integer32

3.2.24 0x4700: Trigger level

This setting can be used in checkweigher and triggered peak control modes. Admitted values are
between 0 et ± 1000000d. If an input is assigned to ‘start checkweigher cycle’, trigger level is ignored.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 2710h

3.2.25 0x4701: Measuring time Tm (checkweigher & peak control)

For checkweigher and triggered peak control functioning modes, the cycle duration depends on the
choosen measuring time value (Tm) defined in ms.
Access: Read/write
Default value: C8h

3.2.26 0x4702: Dynamic zero time (checkweigher)

This setting is only used in checkweigher functioning mode. It determines the time during which
measurements are taken into account so as to acquire a new volatile zero. This new value is
caculated by averaging the measurements and is limited to a range of ± 10% of the maximum
Access: Read/write
Default value: 64h

3.2.27 0x470A: Stabilization time Ts (checkweigher)

The stabilization time (Ts) is only used in checkweigher funcitioning mode. It is defined in ms. For
further informations, see descritpion of checkweigher functioning mode in user’s instructions
documentation (ref. 165 702).
Access: Read/write
Default value: 64h

3.2.28 0x470B: Checkweigher coefficient

The checkweigher result (index 5004h, sub-index 02h) may be weighted by this coefficient. Its unit is
1E-6 ; that means 1000000d = 1.
Access: read/write
Default value: F4240h

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Digital transmitter
3.2.29 0x4800: Safety mode
This entry defines eNod3-C functioning when in stopped NMT state. Safety mode is used if bit 0 is
set to 1. The functioning modes (checkweigher, transmitter and peak control) are then inhibited and
outputs logical states are given by bits b1 (output 1 level) and b2 (output 2 level) eNod3-C leaves the
safety mode upon reception of a NMT command.
Access: read/write
Default value: 0h

3.2.30 0x4900: Delta min TPDO2

In transmitter functioning mode, if TPDO2 transmission type is « event-triggered » and if input 1 is not
assigned to « send TPDO2 » function, then TPDO2 is sent when the value of the first mapped
object varies from ± delta.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 64h

3.2.31 0x4901: Delta min TPDO3

In transmitter functioning mode, if TPDO3 transmission type is « event-triggered » and if input 2 is not
assigned to « send TPDO3 » function, then TPDO2 is sent when the value of the first mapped
object varies from ± delta.
Access: Read/write
Default value: 64h
3.2.32 0x5000/0x5001/0x5002: Current measurement
These three entries contain the current measurement value (net, gross and A/D converter points). All
these variables can be mapped into a PDO.
Access: Read only
Default value: /

¾ 0x5000: Net measurement value

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 net measurement RO / Y integer32

¾ 0x5001: Gross measurement value

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 RO / Y integer32

¾ 0x5003: A/D converter points value

sub-index description acess default value type
(PDO) ?
A/D converter
0x00 RO / Y integer32
points value

3.2.33 0x5003 : Measurement status

Internal errors and other informations are coded on two bytes that can be mapped in a PDO.
Access: Read only
Default value: /

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Digital transmitter

status bits function notes

0 sets the output if assigned to
1 sensor signal > input signal range « defective measurement »
0 sets the output if assigned to
1 positive overloading « defective measurement »
0 sets the output if assigned to
1 sensor signal < input signal range (negative) « defective measurement »
0 sets the output if assigned to
1 negative overloading « defective measurement »
0 motion sets the output if assigned to
1 false « motion »
0 zero out of the ¼ of division
1 zero in the ¼ of division
1 settings not saved in EEPROM
0 input 1 low level
1 input 1 high level
0 input 2 low level
1 input 2 high level
0 output 1 low level
1 output 1 high level
0 output 2 low level
1 output 2 high level
0 no tare
1 at least a tare has been processed

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
0x00 RO / Y unsigned16
measurement status

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Digital transmitter
3.2.34 0x5004 : Results
This entry divided into 6 sub-indexes contains the different measurement results calculated and
determined by eNod3-C.

mappable ?
sub-index description access default value type
0x00 largest sub-index RO 0x09 N unsigned8

0x01 tare value RO 0 Y integer32

0x02 checkweigher result RO 0xFFFFFFFF Y integer32

peak control min
0x03 RO / Y integer32
peak control max
0x04 RO / Y integer32
peak control peak to
0x05 RO 0 Y integer32
peak value
0x06 RO 0 Y integer32
number of cycles
0x07 RO 0 Y integer32
average value
0x08 RO 0 Y integer32
running total
0x09 RO 0 Y real32
standard deviation

3.2.35 0x5100 : Logical inputs level

This entry contains the current logical inputs level.
Access: Read only
Default value: /

bit b0 input 1 level

0 low level
1 high level
bit b1 input 2 level
0 low level
1 high level

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
logical inputs
0x00 RO / Y unsigned8

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Digital transmitter
3.2.36 0x5200 : Logical outputs level
This entry contains the current logical outputs level.
Access: Read only
Default value: /

bit b0 output 1 level

0 low level
1 high level

bit b1 output 2 level

0 low level
1 high level

sub-index description access default value type
(PDO) ?
logical outputs
0x00 RO / Y unsigned8

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