Servicebulletin 663 Iolmaster Keyboarderror Bootproblems

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Service Bulletin

Surgical Products Ophthalmology Service-Bulletin Version

No. 663 No. 1.0

Aktion / Action Status Kostenerstattung / Cost Recovery Gültigkeit / Validity

Sofort Hersteller Bis :

Immediate Manufacturer Until (date):

Nächster Besuch VG oder Vertretung Nach:

First Opportunity Agent / Dealer After (date):

Bei Reparatur Kunde Bis Serien-Nr.:

In the event of repair Customer To (ser. No.):

Kundenwunsch Servicekodierung Ab Serien-Nr.:

At customer request Service Coding From (ser. No.):

Zur Information IC Fließt ein in Serviceunterlage(n)

For Information Only Incorporated in service document(s)

FC Ersetzt Service Bulletin Nr.:

This bulletin replaces no.:

Re: IOLMaster® XP
Keyboard error and boot problems

1. General Information:

Under certain circumstances start/boot problems and keyboard error may occur with
the IOLMaster XP. The following Service Bulletin describes in detail the possible errors
and provides troubleshooting procedures therefore.

2. Error Description:

• After the IOLMaster was switched on, the BIOS boot sequence is interrupting by a
keyboard error message and a short warning tone appears. The system is not
proceeding with the startup procedure.
• After the IOLMaster was switched on, the display remains black and all green
status LEDs on the keyboard are continuously illuminated. The system is not
proceeding with the startup procedure.

Version 1.0
Service-Bulletin No. 663 IOLMaster® XP 1/2
3. Troubleshooting:
• If one of both described errors occurs, please switch the IOLMaster off and wait
until the display is completely black or disconnect the main power.
• Check all keyboard connections (PS/2), disconnect and connect them a couple of
times and/or replace the keyboard.
• Check the additional peripherals, for example like connected printers or USB
devices. According to the user manual only printers approved by Carl Zeiss
Meditec should be used.
• In case of a used parallel printer port connection, always start the IOLMaster while
the connected printer is off.
• Please connect the printer via the USB port instead of the parallel printer port.
(IEEE 1284 standard), this may also eliminate the described errors.

Please contact us at [email protected] for any questions
you may have regarding this Bulletin or the procedures described within.

MAG-ST / Dittbrenner

Version 1.0
Service-Bulletin No. 663 IOLMaster® XP 2/2

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