Future Prospects of Paper Batteries A Review

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)

Future Prospects of Paper Batteries: A Review

Mohit Rathore Mohd Zuhaib
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
GLA University, Mathura, India GLA University, Mathura, India
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract - Ultrathin, flexible and secure energy storage Ref. [5] originally reported a paper battery, including a
2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE) | 979-8-3503-3072-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/AECE59614.2023.10428650

devices, are seeing increased attention as a means to meet the cathode of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and an
varied form and function requirements of today's products. anode of lithium metal. They were successful in generating
New studies show that carbon nanotubes may have the best voltage between 0.5 and 2.5 volts. Nanotubes were
chance of adopting the adaptable batteries that might make our manufactured for use in batteries in the same way as super
devices even smaller. The paper battery may provide enough capacitors. Ref. [6] used Carbon Nanotube (CNT) as both the
power for next-gen electronics. The size and mass of the battery cathode and the anode in conjunction with Li-particle battery
become a problem beyond a specific point. Paper battery segments by overlaying on to paper and obtaining a voltage of
would be the most effective approach to resolve this issue. This
1-4 volts, significantly boosting its performance. It has high
manuscript discusses several issues with conventional batteries
and explores how paper batteries may be utilized to solve them.
mechanical flexibility and vitality thickness. However, they
It also discusses several potential applications where paper are not eco-friendly as it uses Li particle batteries, which may
batteries can be utilized to enhance their performance. Studying release toxic compounds during disintegration. Ref. [7-10]
the benefits, drawbacks, future uses, and limits of Paper have used CNT as the cathode and Lithium as the anode to
Batteries is the primary goal of this research. The article also create batteries with a high-power capacity. They have battery
intends to provide light on the design and manufacturing power that is practically equivalent to many batteries. The cost
techniques of Paper Batteries. of the lithium makes them a poor investment.
Keywords - Paper Battery, Nano Tubes, Conventional Batteries, Given that these batteries won't be able to meet flexible
Pacemaker, Sustainable Development power requirements. Ref. [11] created a half charge card-sized
battery using a stack of magnesium foil as the anode, spongy
I. INTRODUCTION paper as the intermediate, and copper chloride as the cathode.
Almost every gadget such as clocks, mobile phones, It can achieve 1.56 V in 10 seconds. Different batteries were
desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and even cars rely on analysed by [12] from different perspective such as
batteries in today's modern world. To store electrical energy, configuration, advantages drawbacks, application and natural
the battery largely converts it into chemical form, which may impacts. Micrometric-sized graphite (anode) and LiFePO4
be converted back into electricity whenever needed. When the (cathode) were investigated by [13] in order to produce all-
power supply is limited by high electricity demand, batteries paper-based Li-particle cells with convenience and little
at renewable energy sources can store more energy and ecological impact. It does not utilise any organic solvents, and
discharge it whenever required. The battery's rapid response the polymer folios they've created can be efficiently re-
and negligible loading time have made it popular for power scattered in water with some simple mechanical mixing, much
backup and fluctuation handling in domestic and industrial like regular paper hand sheets. Ref. [14] attempted to improve
settings. A battery's features and properties may vary. The performance, shape flexibility, and health resistance by using
performance of a battery is determined by the time required to LiFePO4 (cathode), Li4Ti5O12 (anode), single-walled carbon
charge and discharge it. As portable devices develop thinner nanotube (SWNT), and cellulose nanofibre (CNF) as
and more compact, battery size has become the industry's separator. Ref. [15] develop a paper battery based on
primary challenge. Due to efficiency, performance, safety LiMn2O4 and carbon coated TiP2O7, having high capacity
concerns, size, and cost, batteries are not typically considered and a reasonable life cycle. Ref. [16] uses aluminium as an
a standard and fully integrated power system component. anode as it is a good conductor. It has enough tensile strength,
However, an inexpensive, dependable, and environmentally hardness, joint quality, and surface roughness that has been
friendly battery is required for technology to progress. tested and characterised. The quest for the ultimate power
Unfortunately, there is a practical limitation imposed by the source continues that can function as both a capacitor and a
battery's bulk and capacity. The problem can ultimately be battery. However super capacitor can be recharged in seconds
solved by "Paper Battery." [1-2] and can be cycled multiple times. It also has a strong self-
discharge rate and is quite costly. A battery may have a low
Researchers led by Professor Robert Linhardt, Professor rate of self-discharge, but it will take longer to charge and
Omkaram Nalamasu, and Professor Pulickel Ajayan of cannot be recycled indefinitely. Due to this there is a need to
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute created the Paper battery in strike a balance between battery and capacitor.
August 2007. The first working prototype, providing a Electrochemical batteries are widely used presently, despite
terminal voltage of 1.5V, was demonstrated by Lolo Cui and their limitations in terms of lifespan, leakage issues, and
his analytical team at Stanford University in December 2009. impact on the environment, which undermines the goals of
For this reason, experts worldwide are continually renewable and ecological development. However, fuel cell
attempting to develop more cost-effective, highly efficient batteries are bulky and expensive. The solar cell battery has
batteries. Numerous types of batteries are available today, the same limitations as other forms of intermittent power
including electrochemical, fuel cell, solar, and paper batteries. backup. It is not flexible and can only be used in certain
A paper battery was recently created by fusing Li-ion-based situations. Paper batteries have several benefits over
chemicals with paper [3-4]. traditional batteries [17], like ultra-thin and flexible,
rechargeable, biodegradable, non-toxic, not overheating,

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)

lasting a long time, being readily reused and recyclable, and batteries. Cadmium, mercury, lead, lithium, and zinc are all
so on. metals that have been recognized as being very poisonous.
Infants and toddlers may swallow small buttons or disc
The highlights of this paper are as following: - batteries. The battery's electrical discharge can cause
i) Traditional batteries and their drawbacks are significant tissue damage or even death in the digestive
highlighted and discussed the need for and importance of system.
paper batteries. Here are some of the drawbacks of fuel cells:
ii) Provide a detailed survey of construction, working, 1) The cost of hydrogen-based fuel cells makes their
advantages and applications of various paper batteries. widespread consumer adoption unlikely at present [19]. Their
use is still restricted to rocket launchers. As with other
II. TRADITIONAL BATTERIES AND THEIR DRAWBACKS essential ingredients, liquid hydrogen, and hydrogen peroxide
A. Electrochemical Battery drive up the price of liquid hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide.
An electrochemical battery consists of one or more 2) Portability and Size: There is no way to transport
electrochemical cells, which first store chemical energy before them, and they are not sturdy. Unfortunately, fuel cells are still
converting it to electrical energy or vice versa. The battery too bulky to be used in portable electronic or medical
contains at least one electrochemical cell to produce and store equipment.
energy. There are various electrochemical cell types;
however, they all typically consist of at least one voltaic or 3) Solar cells cannot be used during a complete energy
electrolytic cell. The disadvantages of electrochemical blackout or while emergency power is being backed up.
batteries are short life expectancy, leakage issue, and 4) Adaptability: Unfortunately, not all battery-operated
environmental concerns. devices are suitable for use with solar cells.
B. Fuel-cells Battery 5) Need for an Auxiliary backup battery: A backup
Hydrogen fuel and oxygen are mixed in a fuel cell battery battery is necessary if a solar cell fails to function.
to produce electricity, heat, and water [18]. These batteries do
not produce dangerous gases. As long as these fuel inputs are IV. PROPERTIES OF PAPER BATTERY
available and the reaction is spontaneous and exothermic, the
battery can continuously generate D.C. power to meet a Paper offers exciting properties as a solution for the
particular external demand. Current fuel cell batteries suffer manufacturing of low-cost rechargeable batteries:
from the following disadvantages such as expensive, • It can be available at affordable pricing and can be
flammable, portability and size.
readily accessible.
C. Solar Cell Battery • Since it burns easily, paper electronics may be
Solar cell batteries are entirely renewable energy sources "recycled" at little cost.
because they convert the sun's free, limitless energy into • It is lower in weight, and it can be folded easily
electricity without emitting harmful pollutants, making them
environmentally friendly. Current flows via the external load (easily bent).
as an electron is drawn to the positively charged P-type • It has a large quantity of surface space available for
material and a hole is drawn to the negative charge of the N- reagent retention.
type material. Current limitations of solar cell batteries are: • It doesn't harm the ecosystem, doesn't interfere with
initial Cost, versatility and adaptability, Space and Portability. other organisms, and breaks down naturally [20].

III. NEED FOR PAPER BATTERY Batteries made of bendable, ultrathin paper, with the
Fundamental issues linked to current battery packs are: application of power/energy storage and generation, are
created when carbon nanotubes are added to a sheet of paper
A. Narrowed Lifespan: An elementary battery performs made from cellulose. A high-capacity battery and a super
an irreversible chemical reaction, transforming chemical capacitor are integrated into paper batteries [21].
energy into electrical energy. It must be charged to restore a
secondary battery to its original state. This involves applying Cellulose + Carbon Nanotubes = Paper Battery
an external electrical current to the cell, reversing the chemical In this context, cellulose is a fibrous compound used to
processes that took place inside the battery. However, in make paper and pulp indigestible to humans due to its
underdeveloped countries like India, the cost of rechargeable complexity. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are cylindrical
batteries is still higher than that of primary batteries. structures made up of carbon atoms organised in a chain of
stacked, tightly-packed benzene rings. This new synthetic
B. Leakage: The chemicals that seep out, whether on nanomaterial is a member of the fullerene family, the third
purpose or by mistake, might be dangerous. Zinc can function allotropic carbon form after the naturally occurring sp2
as both a reactant and a container for the other chemicals in (planar) and sp3 (cubic) forms [5, 21]. These are more
disposable batteries. For example, Reagents may leak out of conductive than the greatest semiconductors and can
the cardboard and plastic case of this sort of battery if withstand forces greater than steel. They are available in both
discharged to a dangerous level and recharged. Damage to single and multi-walled configurations [5, 22]. Paper batteries
battery-operated machinery may result from active chemical owe much of their functionality to the materials that make
leaking. them up: Cellulose and Carbon Nanotube [22].
C. Toxic metal contamination is only one of several Properties of Cellulose:
environmental issues brought about by the increasing usage of

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)

x High Flexural strength; Low Resistance

x Environmentally safe
x Bio absorbable
x Superb Absorption
x Permeable
x Capable of Being Recycled and used Multiple Times
x Non-poisonous
Properties of Carbon Nanotubes:
Fig. 1. Structure of Single and Multi-Carbon Nanotubes [22]
x Width-to-length proportion - 1:107
x Tensile Strength: Very High (Greater than Steel)
Additional Properties acquired by Paper Batteries:
x Superior Packing Density & Low Mass Density
x The open circuit voltage (O.C.V) ranges from 1.5 to
x Very lightweight and adjustable 2.5 volts when considering a specimen, the size of a
x Greater Conductivity of Electric Current (better Than postage stamp.
Silicon) x The O.C.V of paper batteries increases in direct
x Resistance of just around 33 ohms per square inch proportion to the concentration of C.N.T.s.

x An O.C.V (open circuit voltage) of 1.5–2.5V at the x Layering the paper and C.N.T. sheets results in a
output is specified multiplication of the output voltage.

x The C.N.T. concentration is closely related to the Electrode

O.C.V. of paper batteries
CNT Layer 2 Micro Metre
x Layering Paper with Carbon Nanotubes scales up the LTO Layer 30 Micro Metre
output voltage; splitting the paper and C.N.T. layers
downscale the voltage
Paper Layer 100 Micro Metre
x In most cases, the thickness is between 0.5 and 0.7
LCO Layer 30 Micro Metre
x The current density is nominally set at 0.1mA/cm2 of
an active area CNT Layer 2 Micro Metre

x Capacity nominally ranges from 2.5 to 5 Electrode

mAh/cm2/active area
x R.T. (real-time): Three-year shelf life
Fig. 2. Component Layers in a Paper Battery
x The usable temperature range is between -75°C and
A. Construction of Paper Batteries
x Completely free of poisonous metals (such as Hg, Pb, The paper battery combines cellulose-based paper with
Cd, etc.) C.N.T. Depending on the design, in addition to being a high-
x The battery will not overheat or cause any other safety capacity paper battery, the paper may also work as a super
issues if it is mistreated or becomes damaged capacitor. Cellulose, an intricate organic compound, is
mechanically commonly present in paper and pulp materials. C.N.T.s serve
as the key components in paper batteries. The component
x No restrictions on shipping, storage, or disposal due to layers of a paper battery can be seen in Figure 2.
safety concerns
C.N.T.s are carbon allotropes composed of graphite, and
they have been crafted into cylindrical tubes with a diameter
measured at the nanometer scale and lengths spanning several
millimeters. These C.N.T.s are exclusively composed of
carbon atoms, organized into a series of compacted benzene
rings that are rolled into a tubular structure. This innovative
artificial nanomaterial belongs to the fullerene family, which
is the third allotropic form of carbon. Based on their layer
count and structures, C.N.T.s are categorized into two types:
single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and multi-walled
carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) [23]. They can be seen in
Figure 1.

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Fig. 3. Paper battery fabrication process and applications

Trait Paper Battery Traditional WALLED CNTS
Pliability Yes No SWCNTs MWCNTs
Bio-compatible Yes No Only one graphene layer Multiple graphene layers
Bio-degradable & Non- Yes No Catalyst requirement for the Capable of being manufactured in
toxic synthesis the absence of a catalyst
Leakage & No Yes Synthesis in large quantities is a Synthesis in large quantities is easy
Thermal Overload challenge
Re-energizable Yes Yes & No both Functionalization-related Fewer defectors, but a high bar for
Reworkable Yes Yes & No both defection rates increase improvement
Electroconductivity High Low Inadequate purity Extremely clean
Longevity High Low Simple in terms of both Characterization and assessment are
Tensility High Low characterization and assessment both challenging in this case
Efficacy High Low Reduced levels of accumulation Increased accumulation throughout
Expense Low High throughout the body the body
Bulk Smaller Larger Easy to twist Hard to twist
Mass Lower Heavier
Shape Foldable & Not easily foldable B. Arc-Discharge Method
Moldable The original technique for creating CNTs is arc discharge
Casing Not required Must be encased between graphite electrodes. A DC current is created between
Production methods for single-wall and multiwall carbon two graphite electrodes at a pressure of around 500 torr in a
nanotubes: - vacuum or inert gas (helium or argon). While mixed metals
1. Arc-Discharge method (using arc vaporization of catalysts (Fe, Co, and Ni) are not needed for the manufacture
of MWCNTs, they are necessary for the synthesis of
two carbon rods) SWNCTs created through arc discharge [25-26].
2. Laser Ablation method (using graphite)
3. Chemical Vapour Deposition (using hydrocarbon C. Laser Ablation method: -
sources such as C.O. and CH4) [24] The laser ablation method includes heating a graphite
Integration Fabrication Techniques target to temperatures high enough to melt the carbon inside.
This method may be used to create both MWCNTs and
Li-ion Battery
Substate Solution Air brush SWCNTs. To create SWCNTs, metal particles are introduced
Metal air Battery
to graphite targets in a manner similar to the arc discharge
Solution vapour

method to act as catalysts [27-28].

Spray Coating

D. Applications
Paper-based batteries and
Energy Storage Due to advancing technologies and the dropping cost of
C.N.T.s, paper batteries are expected to have applications in
the following domains. The application and fabrication
Light weight Ecofriendly
Sensor process is explained in Figure 3.

Inexpensive Wearable Electronics

Flexible Portable Devices


Electronics Medical Science Automobile and Other Possible Applications
In cell phones, digital cameras, and In Pacemakers for the heart, insulin pump or In Long Air Flights RFID tags
laptop batteries the implantable radio chip reducing Refuelling
In the calculator, wristwatch, and other In Artificial tissues (using Carbon In Hybrid Car Batteries Smart Newspapers, talking posters
battery friendly devices nanotubes)
In wireless communication In Cosmetics, Drug-delivery systems Lightweight guided E-cards, Greeting cards with audio and
missile light
In Enhanced Printed Circuit Board In biosensors, including devices like - Aircraft and spacecraft
(P.C.B.) glucose meters and sugar meters etc.
Wireless mouse & keyboards and other Blood and sugar monitoring portable - Toys, sound books
computer accessories devices

developed country. Today, when even a day without

V. CONCLUSION electricity is unacceptable, paper batteries will usher in a
The global energy shortage may be one of the most completely new approach to this problem. Biodegradable,
challenging issues now a days. It’s a more concerning issue lightweight, and non-toxic paper batteries might be used to
for a country like India that's still in the process of being a power the next generation of gadgets, medical equipment, and
hybrid cars, ushering in a whole new wave of ground-breaking

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2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)

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Nanotechnology, oct. 2007.
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