Coodination Chemistry Part 1

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1. The coordination number of Cu in KCu(CN)2 is :

a. 2
b. 3
c. 6
d. Polycoordinated

2. Which of the following ion has a strong tendency towards coordination number 2:
a. Hg+2
b. Zn+2
c. Cd+2
d. All have same tendency

3. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Due to large separation of (n-1)d and ns orbitals in Zn+2 and Cd+2, these ions tend to be harder.
b. Due to small separation of (n-1)d and ns orbitals in Hg+2 ion, it is quite soft in nature.
c. The coordination number of Cu in Cu(SP(CH3)3)Cl3 is 3.
d. The d-orbital involved in hybridization sd is dz2.
e. All of the above.

4. Match the following:

Complex Coordination number

1. CsCuCl3 i. 6
2. KCuCl3 ii. 4
3. NH4CdCl3 iii. 8
a. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii
b. 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i
c. 1-ii, 2-i, 3-i
d. None of the above.

5. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the tetrahedral structure?

a. Tetrahedral structure are favored by large ligands Cl-, Br-, and I-.
b. Metal ions having pseudo-noble gas electron configuration such as Zn+2, Ga+3.
c. Metal ions having noble gas configuration Be+2.
d. Transition metals which do not favor structure by virtue of the CFSE such as Co+2.
e. All of the above.

6. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Be(acac)2 is optically inactive.
b. Be(acac)2 can show enantiomerism.
c. Be(acac)2 exists as tetrahedral complex.
d. All of the above

7. Which of the following statement regarding molecule [Fe(PR3)(CO)COCH3(cyclopentadiene)] is


a. The coordination about the iron is that of distorted octahedron.

b. It is chiral in nature.
c. The configuration at the iron atom is designated as S.
d. All of the above.

1. Cs3CoCl5 and (NH4)3ZnCl5 contain discrete MCl4 tetrahedral anions and free chloride ions.
2. Pentafluoroaluminate is composed of infinite chains, -F-AlF4-F-, in which the coordination number
of the aluminum is 6.
+2 -2
3. [CoCl2dien] is not a 5-coordinate molecule but a salt, [Co(dien)2] [ CoCl4] containing octahedral
cations and tetrahedral anions.
4. MX2(Et4dien), cobalt complex is 5-coordinate, but the corresponding nickel compound is 4-
+ -
coordinate, [NiX(Et4dien)] X

8. Which of the following is correct regarding the structure of [CuCl5]-3?

a. It has a trigonal bipyramidal structure.
b. The equatorial bond length is longer than axial bond length.
c. The dz2 orbital is directed at axial ligands and contain only one electron.
d. All of the above.

9. Read the following statements regarding the structure of regular TBP:

i. The equatorial bond length is always smaller than the axial bond length.
ii. The equatorial bond length is always bigger than the axial bond length.
iii. The bond length of equatorial and axial depends upon then type of molecule and it can vary
iv. In complex having d10 configuration, the axial and equatorial bond length can be of equal length.

Which is correct?
a. i and iv
b. iii and iv
c. ii and iv
d. only i

10. Which of the following correctly represents the tendency of ligands to occupy equatorial position
in TBP structure?
a. NO+ > CO> CN-> SnCl3- > Cl-> PR3> C2H4
b. NO+ > CO> CN-> C2H4> SnCl3- > Cl-> PR3
c. NO+ > CO> CN-> PR3> C2H4> SnCl3- > Cl-
d. NO+ > CO> CN-> SnCl3- > PR3> Cl-> C2H4

11. Correct statement regarding complexes having TBP structure with d8 configuration?
a. Good π-acceptor ligand will prefer the equatorial position.
b. Electropositive substituents at apical sites and electronegative substituents at equatorial sites.
c. Generally axial bond lengths are shorter than the equatorial bond length.
d. All of the above.
Note: Energy level diagram
D4d: Square antiprismatic
D2d: Dodecahedral
12. The lowest energy level of square antiprism and dodecahedral is:
a. dz2 and dx2-y2
b. dxz,yz and dxy
c. dz2 and dx2-y2
d. None of the above

13. Which of the following complex is incorrectly represented?(hint: based on soft hard interaction)
a. [CpFe(CO)2(NCSe)]
b. [Co(CN)5SCN]-3
c. [Rh(NH3)5NCS]+2
d. [Co(NH3)5NCS]+2

14. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. In octahedral complex presence of soft π-bonded ligands favor the presence of more soft π-
bonded ligands.
b. In square planar complexes soft π-bonded ligands discourage the presence of other π-bonders
and favor the addition of other σ-only ligands.
c. Symbiosis prevails in octahedral complex whereas antisymbiosis in square planar complexes.
d. All of the above.

1. Ferric ferrocyanide (Prussian blue) consists of [low spin, Fe(II)-C≡N-Fe(III),high spin]

2. Ferric ferricyanide (Berlin green) consists of = Fe(III)

3. Ferrous ferrocyanide (White) consists of = Fe(II)

4. Ferrous ferricyanide (Turnbull’s blue) consists of *low spin, Fe(II)-C≡N-Fe(III),high spin]

5. –Fe-NC-Cr-CN-Fe- [brick red] -Fe-CN-Cr-NC-Fe- [dark green]

15. The selectivity of alkali metals towards crown-5, crown-6 and crown-7 follows:
a. Li+, Na+ and K+
b. Na+, K+ and Li+
c. K+, Li+ and Na+
d. None of the above

16. The tendency of participation of dz2 orbital in coordination number 2 follows the order:
a. Hg=Ag> Au > Cu
b. Hg > Ag > Au > Cu
c. Ag > Hg > Au > Cu
d. Cu > Au > Ag > Hg
17. The geometry of complex [Cd(OAr)2(thf)2+ and *Zn(OAr’)2(thf)2] are:
a. Square planar and distorted tetrahedral
b. Both are square planar
c. Both are distorted tetrahedral
d. Policyclic

18. Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Low spin d6 favor the square pyramidal configuration.
b. d8, d9 and d10 favor the TBP configuration.
c. d1, d2, d3 and d4 also favor the TBP versus SP configuration.
d. All of the above.

19. The d-orbital involved in TBP and SP configuration respectively is:

a. dz2 and dx2-y2
b. dx2-y2 and dz2
c. dxy and dxz
d. dxz and dz2

20. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the site preference in square pyramidal
a. Under normal situation d0-d6 and d10, apical bond is stronger than the basal bond
b. In d5 configuration basal bond is stronger than the apical bonds.
c. Good donors usually (d0-d6, d10) seek the apical position whereas in d8 complex electronegative
ligands prefer the apical position.
d. All of the above.

21. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the site preference in TBP complex?
a. MOT analysis indicate that most dn configuration prefer the more electronegative substituent at
the axial position.
b. In d5, electronegative substituents prefer the equatorial position and electropositive substituents
at axial position.
c. In d8 complex good π-accepting ligands prefer the equatorial position.
d. All of the above.

22. Which of the following structure is correct?

a. I, II and IV
b. I, V and III
c. II, IV and VI
d. All are correct

23. Which factors are responsible for high coordination number?

a. High oxidation state, hard ligands and large nonacidic cations.
b. Low oxidation state, hard ligands and large nonacidic cations.
c. High oxidation state, soft ligands and small nonacidic cations.
d. Low oxidation state, soft ligands and small nonacidic cations.

24. Which factors are responsible for low coordination number?

a. Low oxidation state, soft ligands and low basicity counteranions.
b. High oxidation state, soft ligands and small nonacidic cations.
c. Low oxidation state, hard ligands and high basicity counteranions.
d. None of the above.

25. Complex [Ni(Cl)2(PPh3)2] and [Pd(Cl)2(PPh3)2] are:

a. Paramagnetic and diamagnetic
b. Diamagnetic and paramagnetic
c. Both are diamagnetic
d. Both are paramagnetic

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