Tests All About Us 6

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Evaluation overview 1 Key Competences introduction 98

Tests introduction 3
Key Competences evaluation
Standard tests & Learning standards and
Unit 1 6 Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 2 9 Project 1 100

Unit 3 12 Project 2 102

Unit 4 15 Project 3 104

Unit 5 18 Project 4 106

Unit 6 21 Project 5 108

Unit E 24 Project 6 110

Term 1 27 Review 1 Project 112

Term 2 31 Review 2 Project 114

Term 3 35 Review 3 Project 116

Challenge tests
Unit 1 39
Unit 2 42
Unit 3 45
Unit 4 48
Unit 5 51
Unit 6 54
Unit E 57
Term 1 60
Term 2 64
Term 3 68
Tests teaching notes, transcripts & answers 72
Tests evaluation grids 95
Speaking evaluation (optional) 97

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Evaluation overview
Welcome to the Evaluation and Key Competences Evaluation for the teacher
section of this Teacher’s Resource Material for All Formative and summative tests
About Us 6. This material will help you to evaluate The tests offer the opportunity to assess children
what your children have learned. It is divided into formatively and summatively. They reflect the target
two parts: tests and evaluation in terms of the Key language of the course and the types of activities
Competences. that the children usually do, and have been
From the beginning of Primary education, evaluation developed in accordance with the Key Competences.
should be integrated into the teaching–learning In addition, Tests evaluation grids are provided so
process, combining formative (or continuous) that you may easily record test results throughout
assessment with (more formal) summative the year. See pages 3–5 for more information on the
evaluation. A proper evaluation requires observation All About Us 6 tests.
and measuring tools, which combine to give both
information about the children and an assessment Formative evaluation grids
of the evaluation process. As part of this process, In this Teacher’s Resource Material you will find a
we need to take into consideration the development Speaking evaluation grid and Key Competences
of the Key Competences and the children’s own evaluation grids, all of which are photocopiable. The
self-evaluation. optional Speaking evaluation grid offers
In this Teacher’s Resource Material we offer two opportunities to assess speaking regularly
types of evaluation tool. throughout the year. See page 4 for more
information on how to use the Speaking evaluation
1 Formative and summative tests There is an
grid with your class.
extensive range of tests, along with answers,
transcripts and marking schemes. There are The most appropriate way to assess the Key
seven formative Unit tests and three summative Competences is through observation, and so nine
Term tests at two levels (Standard and Key Competences evaluation grids have been
Challenge). provided to use with each of the six unit projects
and the three (termly) Review projects in the Class
2 Formative evaluation grids The evaluation grids
Book. See page 99 for more information on how to
provided can be used to record and assess the
use the Key Competences evaluation grids with your
progress of each child, in terms of speaking as
well as the development of the Key Competences.

Key Competences
The iGradebook provided is an easy-to-use Excel®
Key Competence-based evaluation is being
spreadsheet, which allows you to transfer your
recognized as increasingly important in the foreign-
children’s marks from the Tests evaluation grids and
language classroom. On pages 98–99, you will find a
the Key Competences evaluation grids into a useful
more detailed description of the Key Competences,
digital format. (Please note that the Speaking
which you can use together with the formative
evaluation is not included in the iGradebook as this
evaluation grids to help you assess your children’s
is an optional assessment tool.) The spreadsheet
Key Competences in English.
allows you to not only quickly access each child’s
individual grades, but the helpful Class overview
sheet also allows you to view your whole class’s
marks at a glance.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

To use the iGradebook, simply follow these steps: Activity Book
1 First, enter the names of all the children in your A number of tasks in the Activity Book help to
class in the Student Name column on the Class promote the importance of self-evaluation as a
overview sheet. Your children’s names will then learning strategy. In Lesson 5, the pupils extend the
automatically appear in the other sheets in the Class Book activity by colouring in stars depending
iGradebook. on whether they thought the story was ‘OK’, ‘good’
or ‘great’. They are also given the opportunity to
2 Depending on which evaluation method your
evaluate their unit projects with a partner in Lesson
children have completed, click on the relevant
9. The unit projects provide an opportunity for the
sheet (Standard tests, Challenge tests or the Key
children to personalize the language they have
Competences evaluation (1) or (2)). Input the
learned, and so evaluating their projects with a
mark for each pupil (maximum marks are always
partner in this way will encourage them to think
provided for reference), and the total mark and
about their achievements and personal
class averages will be automatically generated.
development at the end of each unit. Self-evaluation
3 Return to the Class overview sheet, and you will tasks such as these, help the pupils to monitor their
be able to view at a glance the whole class’s level of success and thereby build self-confidence
marks (as well as automatically generated and increase motivation.
percentages) as entered in each of the relevant
sheets. All About Me Booklet
In the All About Me Booklet, the children review the
Self-evaluation for the children unit through a variety of reading and writing activities
Self-evaluation is a key part of the learning process that can be completed either in class or at home.
and of the development of the Learning to learn Key
The booklet also has a strong focus on
Competence. It is important that the children realize
self-evaluation, with a separate ‘My progress’ page
that when they are evaluating themselves you are
for each unit, allowing children to build a sense of
not testing them; instead, self-evaluation should be
self-accomplishment as they work through each
viewed as a key motivating factor, encouraging the
unit. They can assess their performance in the unit
children to think about their learning and to take
project, as well as reflecting on their other
ownership of their language learning. In All About
achievements during the unit, by ticking various ‘I
Us 6, opportunities for self-evaluation for the pupils
can’ statements before summarizing their overall
can be found in the following components.
effort. Finally, they are encouraged to think about
their targets for the next unit, helping them to
Class Book identify areas they need to focus on in their future
A variety of activities are provided in the Class learning. In this way, the pupils are able to receive
Book that promote learner awareness and ongoing, personalized feedback on the effectiveness
self-administered evaluation. In Lesson 5 of each of their learning strategies, helping to shape and
unit, the pupils are asked to assess the story after improve their future language learning.
they have read it, encouraging them to consciously
reflect on the learning process. Likewise, in Lesson 8, Tests
the pupils think about and discuss Daisy’s projects,
Each of the Unit tests includes an All about my test
which also helps to focus their attention on their
feature that pupils complete. This feature
own unit project. This type of self-conscious
encourages the children to reflect at the end of the
evaluation and decision-making is an essential step
test on their achievements and how well they have
in encouraging pupils to individualize their learning
performed. It is through self-evaluation like this that
and develop a sense of learner autonomy.
both the pupils and teacher can identify specific
areas where more support is needed.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Tests introduction
The All About Us 6 tests are designed to motivate How to administer the tests
the children in English and to give a sense of Do not expect your children to be able to do the
achievement as they progress through the course. tests without proper preparation. It is essential to
The tests offer the opportunity to assess children offer lots of support to ensure the test results reflect
both formatively and summatively, and are offered the children’s full potential.
at two levels: Standard and Challenge, with the
You could use the Unit 1 Standard test as an
Challenge test providing variety and difficulty.
example (or, if you wish, use the Unit 1 Challenge
Depending on the ability of your children, please
test if you have a particularly high-achieving class),
choose either the Standard or Challenge level tests.
and complete the test with the whole class as part
• The formative assessment consists of the Unit of a normal lesson. Lead the children through the
tests. In the Unit tests, there are three test tasks step by step and clarify what is required at
sheets at both Standard and Challenge level. The each stage. Learning from mistakes is a vital part of
Unit tests cover three skills: Reading, Writing and learning and using the mistakes of children as they
Listening in that order; Speaking can be tested on complete the first test is valid preparation for the
a more flexible and continuous basis in the others. Also encourage the children to correct each
classroom using the Speaking evaluation grid on other’s mistakes – it’s important that they learn to
page 97 and more formally in each Term test. do this sympathetically.
• The summative assessment consists of the Term Only have children do the tests under exam
tests, which measure progress after the children conditions when they are confident and familiar
have completed a term’s work and will test core with the test format. For the Unit 2 test, you could
language cumulatively so all core language is do the tasks one skill at a time, reminding children
tested (Term 1 test will test the language from at each stage what is expected of them in each task.
Units 1 and 2; Term 2: Units 1–4 language; Term Children could then do the Units 3–6 tests and the
3: Units 1–6 language). The term tests cover all optional Unit E test independently without support.
four skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and If, however, you feel that an element of support
Speaking in that order. would still be beneficial for some children, continue
The All About Us 6 tests will also help to prepare to provide it.
your children for external exams, such as the Trinity All of the tests contain numerous pictures which can
and Cambridge English: Young Learners exams, as be used to practise listening and speaking. Enlarge
well as state-sponsored exams by introducing them these or use them on the IWB to practise or elicit
to more formal test-taking conditions in a non- language. This revises language or can be used to
intimidating way. Moreover, the activities in the prepare children for the relevant speaking test. Also
tests have been carefully designed to echo the most make sure that children are familiar with all the
current exam activity types, helping the children to rubrics used in the tests. They should have seen
start to familiarize themselves with the tests and most of the rubrics in the Class Book or Activity
build their confidence with regard to sitting external Book, but it is still wise to check the children are
exams. familiar with the rubrics before they start.
The Tests evaluation grids have been provided on
pages 95–96 to allow you to record the children’s
marks from the tests. Complete the grid for each
child, filling in their name and recording their marks
throughout the year for all the Unit and Term tests.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

How to administer the Speaking evaluation Memory game Children look at words in a category,
The Speaking evaluation grid supplements the tests e.g. technology, for one minute then turn their
by offering an optional and flexible means of books over.
assessing speaking continuously during lessons Teacher: What (objects) can you remember?
throughout the year, rather than in a more formal
In a minute Choose a category, e.g. jobs. Children
test situation.
say as many jobs as they can in a minute.
When using the grid, aim to evaluate all the children
Ping pong Divide the class into two teams and sit
on the same activity to ensure consistency,
them in two lines facing each other. Say a category
assessing a few children at a time over a few
e.g. activities. The ‘ball’ is hit between the teams as
sessions. Look at the grid and decide in advance
they say a word from that category. The teacher
which of the unit’s lessons / activities you will use to
walks along the lines pointing to the child whose
evaluate the children and which children are to be
turn it is to speak.
evaluated. Complete the grid for each child, filling in
the unit and name. Record a score out of 10 for each Categories Write category titles on the board, e.g.
lesson / activity by referring to the marking scheme adjectives and prepositions, then say words and
provided and by following the guidelines outlined in children have to point to the correct categories.
the grid. Then add up the scores to give a total score
Games with flashcards and real objects
for speaking, as well as noting any observations on
Bingo This practises recognition of the vocabulary.
the children, such as areas to improve, achievement
Children select any six cards and lay them on their
and effort.
desks. The teacher calls out twice a word at random
from the lists. Children who have that card on their
How to prepare children for the tests
desks turn it over. The first child to turn over all six
As learners need constant recycling of language, of their cards shouts Bingo! and has won.
here are some additional games and resources that
can be used to help consolidate language from the Name the cards Stick pictures on the board so that
course and help the children to prepare for the tests. children can only see the backs of the cards. Then
number them one to ten. Give a clue and ask
Games children to guess the first card. If they guess
To help children practise vocabulary, you can use correctly, turn it over and let them see it briefly.
some of the following games and ideas. Then turn the card over again. The object of the
Alphabet game Give a letter of the alphabet and game is to name all ten items correctly in turn
a category of vocabulary and ask children to say without clues.
a word as quickly as they can. For example: What’s this? Children take turns picking up a card
Teacher: adjectives: S and asking What’s this? Their partner has to respond
with the correct answer or lose the round.
Child: shy
Nought and crosses Select nine of the cards to
Once children are confident, ask them to continue revise and play Noughts and crosses. Draw a
in pairs. noughts and crosses grid on the board, as shown.
Articles game Say a word from any category and
children say if it is a or an.
Last and first letters Go round the class with a word
game. The first child says a word and the next child
has to say another word that begins with the last
letter of the previous word. For example:
sword ➜ departures ➜ spaceship ➜ play cards
The aim is to get all round the class without
repeating a word.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Other resources
Class Book The large image on the page in Lessons
1 and 2 and the story frames in Lesson 5 include all
the core vocabulary of the unit, and so these pages
can be used as an accessible and quick visual recap
of the language they will need for each Unit test.
Likewise, the three review units in the Class Book
draw together all the core vocabulary and target
grammar from each term, providing a useful source
of preparation for the Term tests.
Activity Book The Activity Book provides an ideal
option for preparing children for the tests by
consolidating and reinforcing the language from the
course. The All about grammar pages at the back of
the Activity Book also offer a quick and useful
reference for each unit’s core grammar structure,
with a simple grammar table that the children can
quickly refer to for extra support.
All About Me Booklet The All About Me Booklet
contains extra activities to recycle the language the
children have learned. Serving as a useful revision
tool before taking the tests, it allows children to
record vocabulary, as well as helping to develop the
strategies and skills necessary for taking exams.
Reinforcement and Extension worksheets The
Reinforcement and Extension worksheets provided
focus attention on written outcomes and so help
prepare children for the Reading and Writing part of
the tests in particular. They also serve as an
excellent means of reinforcing the core language
and building the children’s cognitive skills in a way
that will build their confidence ready for the tests.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Unit 1 Standard test


1 Read and write True or False. /7 marks

1 2 1 These are passwords.

2 There’s a comet in
the sky.

3 He uses a mobile
phone to take photos.

4 That laptop is hers.

3 4
5 This is an emoji.

6 There are two passwords.

Theirs is 44Lions.

7 The aliens use a

spaceship to go
5 6 to Earth.

2 Read and circle. /7 marks

1 2 3 4

1 There’s a picture of Earth / the moon on my laptop / tablet.

2 I use a webcam / memory stick for / to save photos.
3 Is this your mobile phone / email address? No, my / mine is new.
4 Whose avatar is that? It’s her / hers.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 Standard test


3 Complete Jack’s sentences about how his family uses technology. /7 marks

1 2 3

do save talk to take

4 5 6

see listen to play send

Hello! I’m Jack. This is how my family uses technology.
> My sister use∫ a password to do her homework.
1 I use my work.
2 My brother uses his friends.
3 My mum uses photos.
4 My sisters use their friends.
5 My dad uses music.
6 My brother and I use games.
7 My mum and dad use emails.

4 Write about how your family uses technology. /7 marks

save photos ​play games ​take photos ​do homework ​

listen to music ​write emails ​talk to friends

I use

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 Standard test


/8 marks

5 08
Listen and number.
a b c d

e f g h

/6 marks

6 09
Listen and circle A or B.

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Standard test


1 Read and write True or False. /6 marks

1 Lake Dale 2 1 Lake Bower is more beautiful

than Lake Dale.
2 She’s selfish.
3 The beach was
Lake Bower
very relaxing.

3 4 4 Billy is the least shy

of my friends.
5 The farmer was
very kind.
Sam Matt Billy 6 Tower Castle is less
5 6 modern than
High Castle.

High Castle

Tower Castle

2 Read and circle. /8 marks

1 2 3 4

Emma Maria

5 6 8

The Mason Seaview

The Lion
1 Jack is confident / embarrassed.
2 Leo’s is the more / most expensive café on this street.
3 The museum is modern / boring.
4 Emma is more / less confident than Maria.
5 It’s a frightening / relaxing film.
6 The beach was very crowded / dangerous.
7 He’s famous / nervous.
8 The Mason is the less / least historical hotel in this town.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Standard test


3 Complete the sentences comparing the three cafés. /8 marks

Three cafés in town

crowded expensive modern relaxing
The Red House


The Lemon Tree

1 (modern) The Red House is of the three cafés.

2 (modern) Max’s is of the three cafés.
3 (expensive) Max’s is The Red House.
4 (crowded) The Red House is Max’s.
5 (expensive) The Lemon Tree is of the three cafés.
6 (relaxing) Max’s is The Red House.
7 (relaxing) The Lemon Tree is of the three cafés.
8 (crowded) The Red House is The Lemon Tree.

4 Write sentences to compare shops in your town. /6 marks

historical ​modern ​expensive ​crowded ​relaxing


All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Standard test


/6 marks

5 10
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
1 2 3

Rose Sally Eva

4 5 6

/8 marks

6 11
Listen and circle A or B.

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Standard test


1 Read and match. /6 marks

1 I don’t need to sit a b 4 She’s walking
down. through the

c d
2 You mustn’t sit 5 He’s on the
down. stairs.

e f

3 She’s walking in 6 He’s on the

front of the escalator.

2 Read and circle. /8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 8

1 What’s the matter with Billy? 4 Come on! We mustn’t / need to go to Platform 7.
He needs to / mustn’t find a café.
5 You must / need to stand on the right.
2 You mustn’t / don’t need to pay for
the timetable. 6 Jack’s inside / outside.

3 You mustn’t / don’t need to use the stairs. 7 The departures board is above / below the lift.
8 She’s in the waiting room / ticket office.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Standard test


3 Complete the rules and information about a school trip. /7 marks

Here are the rules for our school trip next Friday.

wear ✔ arrive ✔ > ¥ou must wear school uniform.

2 3 1 at the station at
half past seven.

2 a mobile phone.

bring ✘ listen to ✔ 3 the teacher.

4 5 4 You mustn’t run on the


5 You must use the .

run ✘ use ✔ Here is some other information.

6 6 You don’t a ticket.
The school buys the tickets.

7 lunch and a drink.

buy ✘ bring ✔

4 Write rules and information about a different school trip. /7 marks

six o’clock ​escalator ​stairs ​school uniform ​ticket ​lunch ​money for the café

Here are the rules for our school trip on Saturday.

¥ou must arrive

Here is some other information.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Standard test


/7 marks

5 12
Listen and number.
a b c d

e f g

/7 marks

6 13
Listen and draw lines.
James Lucy Sam Frank

Clare Matt Anna

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Standard test


1 Read and write the names. /7 marks

1 went to the cinema.

2 played in mud.
3 collected shells. Sam

4 Did go ice skating?

Yes, he did.
5 found fossils.
6 went to a funfair.
7 visited a planetarium.



2 Read and circle the correct answers. /7 marks

Mary Anning
Mary Anning lived in Lyme Regis, England, about
200 years ago. Her parents didn’t have much
money. Mary collected shells on the beach and
people bought them from her. One day, she found
fossils on the beach. She wrote about the fossils
and dinosaurs in newspapers, and scientists visited
Mary because they wanted to see the fossils. The
fossils changed how people think about the history
of animals. Mary Anning didn’t study Science at
university, but she learned a lot about dinosaurs.
She is famous because she found those fossils.

1 Did Mary Anning live in Lyme Regis? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
2 She needed / didn’t need to get money for her family.
3 She didn’t find / collected shells on the beach.
4 She found fossils but she didn’t know about dinosaurs / and she told people about the fossils.
5 She met / didn’t meet scientists.
6 The fossils helped scientists learn about animals / dinosaurs.
7 Mary Anning became famous / a scientist at university.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Standard test


3 Complete Vicky’s sentences about last Saturday. /7 marks

1 2 3

go ✔ visit ✔ see ✔ listen ✘

4 5 6

eat ✔ collect ✔ find ✔ see ?

> Hi! We went to the coast last Saturday.

1 In the morning, we an aquarium.
2 We a lot of fish.
3 A man talked about whales. I to him.
4 We at a restaurant at lunchtime.
5 In the afternoon, we shells on the beach.
6 I a fossil, too. What did you do last Saturday? Vicky
7 PS Max yesterday? It was his birthday.

4 Imagine you went to a city last Saturday. Use the prompts and write to Vicky. /7 marks

four interesting activities ​food ​shopping ​music

Hi Vicky, I went to the city with my family on Saturday.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Standard test


/7 marks

5 14
Listen and draw lines.

/7 marks

6 15
Listen and number.
a b c d

e f g

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Standard test


1 Read and write the names. /7 marks

Vicky 1 was playing
Suzy George
Matt table football.
2 were playing
Jack board games.

Bella 3 What was doing?

She was making a ship.
Eva 4 Was reading a book?
No, he wasn’t. He was reading
a magazine.
5 weren’t
Billy playing cards. They were playing pool.
6 Were making
a snack? Yes, they were.
7 wasn’t singing.
He was playing the piano.

2 Read and circle. /7 marks

1 This is a man / woman. 1 2
2 This is a soldier / pirate.
3 This is treasure / a ship.
4 Was / Were you playing board games?
No, we wasn’t / weren’t. I was / were
reading and Peter was roller skating /

3 4

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Standard test


3 Complete Sam’s sentences about the youth club. /7 marks

1 2 3

wear ✔ play ✔ watch ✘ roller skate ✔

4 5 6

make ✘ scoot ? read ? do ?

I arrived at the youth club at half past six. 5 (Lily) ?
> I wa∫ wearing school uniform. Yes, .

1 Peter and Emma cards. 6 (you) a book?

Yes, I .
2 My friends a film.
7 (John and Amy) What
3 Tom .
4 Anna a snack. They .

4 Imagine you go to an after-school club. Use the past continuous to write

about what was happening yesterday. /7 marks

clothes ​food ​games ​activities ​reading ​art ​music

I arrived at the after-school club at half past four.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Standard test


/6 marks

5 16
Listen and circle A or B.

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

/8 marks

6 17
Listen to Peter and circle. Complete.
1 Peter went to the theatre yesterday. True / False
2 He was wearing school uniform. True / False
3 The pirates were looking for treasure. True / False
4 They were scooting / roller skating.
5 They bought a picture of a pirate / ship.
6 The artist was a woman / man.
7 When Peter looked at his grandma,
she was .
8 When Peter arrived home,
his parents were a snack.
Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Standard test


1 Read and write True or False. /7 marks

1 A photographer will take
photos of the director.
✔ 2 I’ll be a monster in the show.
3 Will Sam be a singer?
me Max
Yes, he will.
4 Rosa won’t be a dancer.
5 Max will be a camera operator.
Lily 6 Will Lily have a sword?
No, she won’t.
7 We will win the competition.

2 Read and circle. /7 marks

Megan: Hi, my name’s Megan Star. I (1) want / will be
famous in the future!
Interviewer: What do you do? Are you a (2) comedian /
camera operator?
Megan: No, I’m not funny. I’m a musician.
Interviewer: What sort of musician?
Megan: I’m a (3) singer / hairdresser. I write songs too.
I usually write sad songs. There’s a talent show at
school next week and I’m going to sing one of my
Interviewer: Will you (4) sing / to sing a sad song?
Megan: No, I (5) want / won’t. I’ll write a new, happy song.
Interviewer: And what (6) you will / will you wear?
Megan: I don’t know. I can win this competition without special clothes.
Interviewer: You’re very confident!
Megan: Well, I’m a bit nervous about performing on stage because I’m not a good
(7) photographer / dancer. But I know that I can sing well.
Interviewer: Good luck, Megan!
Megan: Thank you.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Standard test


3 Complete Vicky’s email. /7 marks

> 1 2 3

be ✔ design ✔ cut ✘ sing ✔

4 5 6

speak ✘ make ✘ like ? become ?

It’s our youth theatre play in June. 4 The writers .

> James will be the king.
5 The dancers the maze.
1 The clothes designer
6 (people)
amazing clothes.
the play? Yes, they .
2 The comedian our hair.
7 (we) famous?
3 The singers a lot of songs. No, we .

4 Imagine you are going to perform a play in a competition next year.

Use will and won’t to write about it. /7 marks

actor ​director ​sing ​dance ​confident ​win ​photographer

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Standard test


/7 marks

5 18
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
1 2 3 4

5 6

/7 marks

6 19
Listen to Suzy and Billy and and circle. Complete.

1 Suzy’s dad is a builder. True / False

2 Billy will see Suzy on Saturday. True / False

3 Suzy won’t go near her grandparents’ horses. True / False

4 Suzy and her grandad will go to a new .

5 She won’t use to help her.

6 Suzy learns that Billy is a .

7 She buy a ticket for his show.

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Standard test


1 Read and write the names. /7 marks

Helen Pierre Sam Tanya

Vicky Lucy Mark

1 is a hero. 5 Have you read an Italian book,

2 has been to Spain.
Yes, I have.
3 Has made a snack?
6 hasn’t eaten for five hours.
Yes, she has.
7 is French.
4 has travelled by train.

2 Read and circle. /7 marks

1 2

Have you ever been to

What’s this?
the UK / USA?
It’s a hero / code.
No, I don’t / haven’t.

3 4

I’ve ate / eaten Has / Have James

American food. I like it. watched a German film?

5 6

What’s her job? I love Spanish / Spain

She’s a pigeon / pilot. food. It’s the best!

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Standard test


3 Complete Kate’s email. Use ’ve, ’s, have, has, haven’t or hasn’t and the verbs in the box. /7 marks

been ​
bought ​
eaten ​
listened ​
watched ​
seen ​
taken ​

> 1

Hi! My amazing summer has finished !

✔ ✔
> I ’ve travelled around Europe with my
2 3
1 I Italian food – and French,
German and Spanish food.
✘ ✔ 2 I TV.
4 5 3 My brother a French T-shirt.
4 My mum and dad a lot of
✔ ✘ 5 My sister to music.
6 7 6 We to a German funfair.
7 (you) my photos?
Write soon! Kate
✔ ?

4 Imagine you’ve been on a journey. Where have you been? What have you done?
Write an email to Kate. /7 marks

countries ​food ​shooping ​photos ​people ​interesting places / activities

Hi Kate!

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Standard test


/8 marks

5 20
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

/6 marks

6 21
Listen and circle A or B.

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B

Total for test / 42 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Standard test


1 Look at the picture and write Yes or No. /8 marks

1 This is a laptop. 5 Our house is the least crowded

house of the three houses.
2 It’s got a webcam.
6 Jill uses her mobile phone
3 John’s shy.
to take photos.
4 His house is less modern
7 Her mum’s confident.
than ours.
8 We can see a comet.

2 Read the text. Choose the correct words. /8 marks

Computer games
I like playing computer games on my (1) . The games aren’t (2)
(about £3.00 each) and they’re really fun. My three favourite computer games are My World, Dark
Forest and Music Box. In My World, you design cities, schools, hospitals, lakes and mountains.
My sister’s very good at it. I build modern worlds, but (3) are more historical.
They’re more beautiful than (4) ! Dark Forest is the most (5)
game. I don’t play it at bedtime! Music Box is slow and quiet. It’s (6) relaxing
than the other games. You click on colours (7) play a piano.
I use (8) to listen to the music.

1 avatar memory stick laptop 5 kind frightening selfish

2 expensive embarrassed crowded 6 more less least
3 she her hers 7 for by to
4 me mine my 8 spaceships emojis headphones

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Standard test


3 Complete Vicky’s blog. /8 marks

1 2 avatars ​confident ​crowded ​Hers ​his ​
mobile phone ​relaxing ​spaceship

At the weekend I use technology at home

and I spend time outside, too. My brother
3 4 and I use our tablets to play computer
games. Mine is blue and (1)
is red. We play Zoom! You click on a
(2) to escape dangerous
comets. I also talk to people online. I’m the
least (3) of my friends, but
I’m not shy online. I chat with a girl in
5 6
London. We use (4) to stay
safe online. (5) is a girl with
big eyes and purple hair. It’s more beautiful
than mine! I like technology, but I think it’s
less (6) than walks in the
countryside. My family and I often walk on
the beach at the weekend. We like Kerne
Beach but a lot of people go there. We
usually go to Sennen Beach because it’s less
(7) . I sometimes use my
(8) to take photos, but I
prefer going without technology.

4 Write about what you do at home and out of the house at the weekend. /8 marks

technology ​people ​places

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Standard test


/8 marks

5 22
Listen and draw lines.

/8 marks

6 23
Listen to Jim and write.

> Jim’s got a new tablet.
1 It was Jim’s sister’s .
2 He thinks ‘Catch the Aliens’ is the most
computer game.
3 He uses his to send messages to his friends.
4 He puts a lot of in his messages.
5 He emails on his dad’s laptop.
6 Jim’s friend was in the forest.
7 They could see the and it was very big.
8 Jim reads books about people.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Standard test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /8 marks

8 Look at the pictures and tell the story. /8 marks

1 2

3 4

Total for test / 64 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Standard test


1 Look and read. Choose the correct words. /8 marks

platform ​concert ​mobile phone ​relaxing ​exit ​the moon ​fossils ​lifts

1 People visited this place 5 500 years ago, castles

for the first time in a had stairs, but they
spaceship in 1969. didn’t have these.
2 You use this to speak 6 People sometimes find
to people, take photos and these on the beach.
play games on. They’re more difficult to
3 You must wait behind find than shells.
the white line here. 7 You use this to go outside
4 Tired people need to do a station or other building.
these kinds of activities. 8 You don’t need headphones
to listen to music here!

2 Look at the pictures and read the story.

Then complete the sentences. Use 1, 2 or 3 words. /8 marks

A karting adventure
Emma and Clare often use their mum’s laptop to play computer
games. Yesterday, they played a new karting game. They clicked
the karts to go round and round. ‘This is boring,’ said Clare. ‘You
mustn’t click that button!’ said Emma, but Clare clicked it.
Suddenly, Clare and Emma weren’t outside the game. They were
inside it! They saw a forest, a desert and a mountain. Emma was
nervous, but Clare was confident. ‘Let’s go to the mountain!’ she
said. ‘OK,’ said Emma. Their karts went fast.
First, they went through a beautiful forest. There was a lot of mud.
Next, they went through a sandstorm in the desert. ‘This is
frightening!’ said Emma. Then, they went up the mountain. They
saw a snake. ‘This is very frightening!’ said Clare. ‘We need to go!’
They saw the desert and the forest below them. ‘Look! I can see
our house down there!’ said Emma. ‘Let’s go home!’

1 Emma and Clare often play computer games 5 They went through in the
on . forest.
2 At first, the new game was . 6 There was a in the desert.
3 Then, the girls were the 7 The was the most
game. frightening place.
4 Clare was 8 The girls’ house was the
than Emma. mountain.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Standard test


3 Complete Paul’s blog post. /8 marks

ate ​boring ​fossil ​mine ​mustn’t ​outside ​tablet ​waiting room

1 2

Last weekend I went to the coast with

my family. We went by train. We arrived
at the station at eight o’clock in the
morning. My little brother was very
3 4 excited. He didn’t want to sit in the
(1) . On the platform,
we had to say to him, ‘You
(2) run!’ about ten
times! The train journey was the most
(3) part of the day. I
5 6
used my headphones to listen to music
on my new (4) . The
beach was beautiful. We collected shells
and I found a (5) . At
lunchtime, we (6) at a
restaurant. We had our desserts
(7) the restaurant
because the weather was good. We had
ice creams. They were very big. I took a
photo of (8) !

4 Imagine you went to the city by train last weekend. What did you see?
What did you do? Write a blog post. /8 marks

the station ​people ​places ​activities ​food and drink

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Standard test


/8 marks

5 24
Listen and colour.

/8 marks

6 25
Listen to Sarah and write.

A Day Out

> How old was Sarah last week? 12

1 Where did she go on Sunday? to the

2 Who did she meet? a singer

3 How did she feel? She was .

4 Whose phone did she use to take a photo?

5 What did she do at a lunchtime? She chicken, vegetables and rice.

6 Where did she see Mark Tyler again? in front of the

7 What did she think of the Big Dipper? It was very .

8 How did she feel? She was very .

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Standard test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /8 marks

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to your teacher. /8 marks

Total for test / 64 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Standard test


1 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. /8 marks

an aquarium ​a builder ​a comedian ​a craft activity ​a director ​an email address ​

an emoji ​an escalator ​a key ​a planetarium ​a snack ​a waiting room

1 Are you hungry? You can make this in the kitchen.

2 People sit inside this at the station.
3 You can use this to show how you feel (e.g. happy, embarrassed, nervous) when you write on a
tablet, laptop or mobile phone.
4 This person organizes actors in the theatre or at a TV studio.
5 You visit this place to see fish, turtles and dolphins.
6 You use scissors, glue and paper to do this. What will you make? A box? A necklace? A birthday
7 Do you want to write to someone on your laptop? You need to have this.
8 You use this to go up and down inside a building.

2 Read the story. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. /8 marks

A happy meeting
This happened to me last Friday. I (1) on the
platform at Westley Station. There was nobody to talk to and I
didn’t (2) a book to read. (I had my dad’s laptop
with me, but you need a (3) to use it and I don’t
know it. ) It was very (4) on the platform so I
went to a shop in the station and I (5) a
magazine. I read it on the train. There was a story in it about
Clara Wyatt. She’s a famous clothes designer. I think she makes
the (6) beautiful dresses in the world. An hour
later I arrived at Park Street Station. When I was walking
(7) the exit, a woman said ‘Excuse me, is this (8) ?’ to me.
It was Clara Wyatt with my magazine!

1 ’m sitting was sitting will sit 5 bought ate drank

2 have having had 6 more less most
3 webcam tablet password 7 inside through below
4 boring selfish kind 8 ours theirs yours

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Standard test


3 Complete the information sheet. Use must, mustn’t, will, won’t and the verbs below. /8 marks

arrive ​bring ​eat ​go ​meet ​see ​take ​visit

1 2
Trip to Highford
It’s our trip to Highford next week! Please
read this information sheet.
1 You at the station at
✔ ✘
seven o’clock.
3 4
2 You can bring a mobile phone on the trip,
but you an expensive
3 We karting.
✔ ✘
4 Please bring money for karting and lunch.
5 6 (Don’t worry, we at
the most expensive restaurant!)
5 We the planetarium.
6 but we it because it’s
✔ ✘ closed this month.

8 7 In the afternoon, we’re going to visit a TV

studio. You a famous
8 You can ask questions, but you
✔ ✘ any photos.

4 Write an information sheet about your country. Use will, won’t, must and mustn’t. /8 marks

historical / relaxing / beautiful / famous places ​interesting activities ​food and drink ​clothes

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Standard test


/8 marks

5 26
Listen and draw lines.

/8 marks

6 27
Listen to Billy and write.

A surprise at youth club

> Billy goes to youth club on †hursday evenings.
1 Billy likes playing .
2 Jack likes playing .
3 Billy and Jack like watching films.
4 When Billy arrived last week, Jack was saying,
‘It’s !’
5 Jack is the least person Billy knows.
6 Jack and Pippa were fighting about a .
7 Jack stand in front of the exit.
8 Billy thinks Jack and Pippa will be good .

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Standard test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /8 marks

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to your teacher. /8 marks

Total for test / 64 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 Challenge test


1 Read and circle. /10 marks

Hi Suzy
Look at the (1) laptop / tablet in this picture. It’s (2) my / mine!
(3) Your / Yours is better, but I’m very happy with this one! I use it
every day (4) writing / to write my blog. Mum and Dad gave it to me
for my 11th birthday. They also gave me a (5) key / password for the
door of (6) our / ours house. :-) I wear it on a necklace to school.
I’ve made some new friends. They’re Italian! At school, we use a chat
room (7) to practise / for practising Spanish with some children in
Italy. It’s good. My Spanish is worse than (8) their / theirs!
Speak soon, Lucy
PS My mum wants to send your mum some photos.
What’s (9) her / hers (10) email address / password?

2 Read and complete. /10 marks

avatars ​Earth ​hers ​his ​Mine ​mobile phone ​tablets ​their ​Theirs ​to

This is a picture of me and my friend Will. We always use his

(1) to take photos. (2)
is newer than Will’s, but (3) takes better

Will’s got a sister called Anna, and I usually go to

(4) house at the weekend.
We play computer games on our (5) .
We use (6) to stay safe online.
(7) are really cool! His is an alien and
(8) is a monster.

Our favourite game is Comet! Comets are coming to

(9) and you click on them
(10) stop them. We’re very good at it!

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 Challenge test


3 Complete Jack’s sentences about how his family uses technology. /10 marks

do ​fly ​learn ​listen to ​play ​save ​see ​send ​take ​talk to

1 2 Hello! I’m Jack. My brother, sisters and I use technology

a lot. I study on the computer and I use a
(1) my work. My
sister uses a (2)
her homework. We’ve got a lot of friends. My brother
uses his (3) his
friends. My sisters
3 4 (4)
their friends. My parents use technology, too. They
(5) emails.
My mum (6)
photos. My dad
(7) music and
5 6 (8) Spanish.
My brothers and I have fun at the weekend. We
(9) games.
My favourite game is ‘WorldExplorer’. You
(10) to the
moon. How about you?

8 9 10

4 Write about how you and your family use technology. /10 marks

I use

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 1 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 28
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
1 2 3

4 5

/10 marks

6 29
Listen to Sophia and circle.
1 Sophia’s using her laptop. True / False
2 She watches films on her dad’s laptop. True / False
3 She plays Go, aliens! on her mobile phone. True / False
4 In Go, aliens!, you use a spaceship to go to the moon. True / False
5 In Room, you open boxes with keys. True / False
6 Sophia doesn’t know her brother’s email password. True / False
7 She always remembers hers. True / False
8 Emma doesn’t use emojis / uses writing and emojis in her emails.
9 Sophia uses her mobile phone / tablet to listen to music.
10 She uses her / her sister’s headphones.

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Challenge test


1 Read and write True or False. /10 marks

Hi Lily, how was your weekend? Mine was good. On Saturday morning, Mum
and I went to the new shopping centre. It’s called Summervales. The other
shopping centres in town look very old-fashioned now. We didn’t buy anything.
I think I prefer the Waterfield shopping centre. It’s less modern, but it’s also
less expensive! In the afternoon, we went to a museum. There were some
beautiful flower paintings. A French artist painted them two years ago. She
was at the museum. I said ‘Hello’ in French and asked her a question, but she didn’t understand
me! Oh no! But she was very nice and spoke to me in English. Unfortunately, it was difficult to
see the paintings because there were a lot of people at the museum. In the evening, I went to
the cinema with Billy and Rose. There were three films at the cinema. I wanted to watch Mr Late
(a funny film) or Chips and TV (a family film), but we watched Look Out! It was frightening! On
Sunday I just played computer games at home because I was tired.
See you soon, Kate
PS Guess what? The singer Marvin Martin was at Summervales! I took a photo!

1 Summervales is the most 6 Kate was embarrassed

modern shopping centre at the museum.
Kate’s town. 7 The artist was kind.
2 The Waterfield is more 8 Kate and her friends
expensive than watched the least
Summervales. frightening film.
3 The museum was crowded. 9 For Kate, Saturday was
4 It was boring. more relaxing than Sunday.
5 There were some historical 10 There was a famous person
flower paintings at at Summervales on Saturday.
the museum.

2 Read and complete. /10 marks

less ​least ​the least ​more ​the most ​confident ​historical ​kind ​nervous ​relaxing

On Tuesday, Dad and I went to Lake Dale. It’s very quiet and (1) . I don’t
like busy places and Lake Dale is the (2) crowded place I know. With its
trees and waterfalls, I think it’s (3) beautiful place in our country.
There’s an island in the lake with a castle on it. The castle’s very (4)
– it’s about 300 years old. Dad wanted to swim to the island, but I wasn’t (5) so we
went by boat. Tickets for the boat and castle are (6) expensive than tickets just to
the island, but the boat man was (7) . He said, ‘Tuesday is (8) busy
day of the week. You can go in the castle and you don’t need to pay.’
Dad wanted to go up the castle. I was a bit (9) because it’s about 20 metres high
and very old. But Dad said, ‘Don’t worry! It’s (10) dangerous than the climbing wall
at the sports centre!’ So we went to the top and it was great.
All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Challenge test


3 Complete the sentences comparing the three cafés. /10 marks

Three cafés in town

crowded expensive modern relaxing
The Red House


The Lemon Tree

The Red House, Max’s and The Lemon Tree are three cafés in my town. Max’s is in Duke Street.
It’s (1) (modern) of the three cafés and it’s (2) (crowded)
. It’s (3) (expensive) The Red
House, but it’s (4) (expensive) The Lemon Tree. I really like The Red
House. It’s (5) (expensive) café in town and the food is very good.
It’s quiet, but it’s (6) (crowded) The Lemon Tree. I think it’s
(7) (relaxing) café in town. I don’t like The Lemon Tree.
It’s (8) (relaxing) and (9) (modern)
The Red House. It’s (10) (expensive) café in town, too.

4 Compare three shops in your town. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 2 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 30
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
a b c

Rose Sally Eva

d e

/10 marks

6 31
Listen to Mark and circle.
1 Mark is shy / confident.
2 Waterman’s shopping centre is more / less expensive than Neal’s shopping centre.
3 It’s more / less modern than Neal’s.
4 Mark’s brother is selfish / kind.
5 Larry’s pizza restaurant is more / less crowded than Carlo’s.
6 For Mark, Larry’s is more boring / interesting than Carlo’s.
7 PJ Cameron is famous / nervous.
8 Mark thinks Grove Park is the most / least relaxing park in the city.
9 Grove Park is more / less beautiful than Bridgehouse Park.
10 Bridgehouse Park is the most dangerous / historical park in the city.

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Challenge test


1 Read and circle T (True) or F (False). /10 marks

On school days I get up at seven o’clock because I need to have a shower

and have breakfast before I leave the house. (On Saturday and Sunday, I
can get up at nine o’clock!) I go to school by coach. I meet my friends in
front of the coach station and then we sit in the waiting room. My school
has a lot of rules. We must arrive at school at nine o’clock. We must wear a
white shirt, a green jumper and grey trousers or skirt. We mustn’t run inside
the school. There are lifts at the school, but only the teachers can use them.
We must use the stairs! I usually play football with my friends in the
playground at lunchtime. Sometimes the teachers play too! OK, I need to go
now. I’m going to watch a film on TV with my brother. (I did all my
homework yesterday. ) Bye! Matt

1 Matt needs to get up at seven o’clock 6 They must walk when they
on school days. T/F go from classrooms. T/F
2 He doesn’t need to get up at seven 7 Teachers mustn’t use the lifts. T/F
o’clock at the weekend. T/F 8 At Matt’s school, you mustn’t do
3 He meets his friends inside the coach sport in the playground. T/F
station. T/F 9 Matt must buy a ticket to watch
4 They mustn’t arrive at school a film with his brother. T/F
at half past nine. T/F 10 He doesn’t need to do any
5 They must wear school uniform. T/F homework now. T/F

2 Read and circle. /10 marks

Conversation 1 Conversation 3
A: We (1) mustn’t / need to get the 11:45 train A: Billy’s tired. He (8) must / needs to sit down.
to Exeter. I looked at the (2) departures Let’s sit on the platform.
board / timetable on my phone yesterday. B: No, I don’t want to sit (9) inside / outside. I
B: Look! The 11:45 to Exeter is on the can see a (10) waiting room / escalator.
(3) departures board / timetable now. Come Let’s sit there for ten minutes.
on! We (4) must / need to go to Platform 7.
Conversation 2
A: Good morning, can I see your ticket, please?
B: I haven’t got a ticket.
A: You (5) mustn’t / don’t need to travel
without a ticket. The ticket office is next to
the entrance, (6) below / above the big clock.
B: Does my child need a ticket?
A: Yes, he (7) must / doesn’t need to have a
ticket to travel. That’s the rule.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Challenge test


3 Complete the rules and information about a school trip. /10 marks

1 2 arrive ​bring (x2) ​buy ​do ​listen to ​

run ​sit in ​take ​wear

✔ ✔ Here are the rules for our school trip next Friday.

3 4 You (1) school uniform.

(2) at the station at
half past seven.
✘ ✔ (3) a mobile phone.

5 6 (4) the teacher.

(5) because it’s
✘ ✔ (6) the waiting room.
Here is some other information.
You don’t (7) a ticket.
(8) lunch and a drink.
✘ ✔ (9) photos.
9 10 (10) homework.

✘ ✘

4 Write rules and information about a different school trip. /10 marks

Here are the rules for our school trip on Saturday:

Here is some other information:

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 3 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 32
Listen and draw lines.
Vicky   ​
James  ​
Lucy   ​
Frank   ​

Sam   ​
Clare   ​
Matt   ​
Anna   ​

/10 marks

6 33
Listen and circle.
1 George and Clara need to buy tickets / 6 They see Luke. He’s above /
find Luke. below them.
2 They walk / run through people at the 7 George wants to / needs to
station. press the red button.
3 They need to go to the ticket office / 8 Clara and George must / don’t need to
Platform 4. buy a ticket.
4 They need to go over a bridge / 9 They can / mustn’t run on the platform.
through a waiting room. 10 They need to use a phone to speak to
5 They use the stairs / escalator. someone / eat.

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Challenge test


1 Read and complete. /10 marks

did ​didn’t ​bought ​buy ​found ​saw ​see ​bowling ​dragon ​planetarium

Dear Uncle James,

Thank you for my birthday present. (1) you get my
email? I usually go (2) for my birthday, but this year
I wanted to do something different. In the morning we went karting.
It was fun, but I (3) win any races. Then we went
shopping. Amy (4) a T-shirt. It’s got a picture of a
(5) on it. I saw a nice bag, but I didn’t
(6) it because it was very expensive. Then Amy
(7) some money in the street!
In the evening, we visited the (8) . We (9) the moon and stars.
I didn’t (10) any aliens!
See you soon, Paul

2 Read and write True or False. /10 marks

Hi! We went to Lyme Regis for our holiday. It rained every day, but we did
lots of interesting things. We went to an aquarium. It was small, but there
were lots of fish. We watched a funny film at the cinema. We went for a
walk in the rain. There was a lot of mud and I got dirty. On the last day,
we went to a museum and I learned about Mary Anning. She lived in
Lyme Regis about 200 years ago. Her parents didn’t have much money.
She collected shells on the beach and people bought them. One day, she
found fossils on the beach. She wrote about the fossils and dinosaurs in
newspapers. Scientists visited Mary because they wanted to see the fossils. The fossils changed
how people think about the history of animals. Mary Anning didn’t study Science at university,
but she learned a lot about dinosaurs. She is famous because she found those fossils.
See you soon, Alex

1 Alex saw fish at an aquarium. 6 She collected shells because

she wanted people to buy them.
2 He didn’t go to the cinema.
7 She found dinosaur fossils.
3 He walked in mud.
8 Scientists didn’t see her fossils.
4 Did Mary Anning live in
Lyme Regis? No, she didn’t. 9 The fossils helped scientists
learn about dinosaurs.
5 Mary needed to get money
for her family. 10 Mary Anning became
a famous scientist.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Challenge test


3 Complete Vicky’s email. /10 marks

1 2 eat ​collect ​find ​go (x3) ​listen ​see (x2) ​visit

3 4 Hi! We had a day at the coast last Saturday.

In the morning, we (1) .
There were a lot of beautiful fish and we also
(2) . A man talked about
whales for a long time. At first it was interesting, but then
5 6 it became boring and I (3) to
him. We (4)
at lunchtime and then we walked on the beach.
I (5) . (They’re in my bedroom
now.) I (6) , too! (It’s still in
8 my bag.) At four o’clock, we (7) .
It was fun and I won a few races. In the evening,
we (8) and then
(9) . We watched
a film called Dragon Storm. How about you? What did you
9 10
do last Saturday?
PS (10) (you) Max yesterday?
It was his birthday.

4 Imagine you went to a city last Saturday. Write to Vicky. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 4 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 34
Listen and circle A or B.
1 2 3


4 5


/10 marks

6 35
Listen to Jane. Complete the sentences and answer the questions.
1 Jane saw dolphins . 5 Jane the karting race.
a at an aquarium a didn’t win
b in the sea b and her dad won
c from a boat c won
2 On the first day, what did Jane do on the 6 She the funfair
beach? a only watched people at
a wrote her name b enjoyed
b went karting c didn’t like
c found a snake 7 Jane and her family went to a
3 What did Jane see on the beach? at a stadium.
a a lot of mud 8 They went to the
b a fossil a few times.
c a sandstorm
9 W
 hat did Jane buy in Florida?
4 What did Jane’s mum and dad find? a small
a a snake
b a fossil 10 What did she eat?
c a beautiful shell lots of

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Challenge test


1 Read and complete. /10 marks

arrived ​ate ​ship ​treasure ​was he ​was making ​

was roller skating ​was watching ​were playing ​went

Yesterday I went to my friend Harry’s house. Harry’s got a big family.

When I (1) at his house, Harry was in the kitchen. He
(2) a snack. We had a drink and (3)
some fruit and then we (4) into the living room. His
older sister (5) a film on TV. His older brothers
(6) a board game. In the garden, his younger sister
(7) and his younger brothers were playing with a
toy (8) . Harry’s dad was in the garden, too. What
(9) doing? He was looking for (10) .
We decided to go to the park!

2 Read Sophia’s story. Circle and answer the questions. /10 marks

School summer party

There was a party at school last summer. It started at half past six.
I wanted to leave the house at quarter past six, but Mum was talking on the
phone. When she finished, we went to school by car. I said goodbye to Mum
and I went into school. It was seven o’clock. There was music in the school
hall and people were dancing. Mr Smith is my Maths teacher. He usually
wears a brown jacket and brown trousers, but he was wearing jeans and a
T-shirt. He and some other teachers were dancing and chatting. Where were my friends? Were
they dancing? No, they weren’t. Paul and James were playing table football, and Kathy and Anna
were playing pool. At half past seven, we started dancing and we didn’t stop! At half past nine,
I went home with Mum. ‘Were you working while I was at the party?’ I asked. ‘No, I wasn’t,’ she
said. ‘I went to the cinema with my friends and we watched a really good film about soldiers.’

1 Sophia’s mum was talking on 7 Was Paul playing table football?

the phone at quarter past six. True / False
2 Sophia’s mum was talking 8 What were Kathy and Anna doing?
on the phone in the car. True / False
3 The party started at half past six. True / False
9 At eight o’clock, Sophia and her friends
4 Sophia arrived at half past six. True / False
5 Her Maths teacher was wearing
a brown jacket. True / False 10 What was her mum doing? She

6 He was singing. True / False .

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Challenge test


3 Complete Sam’s email. /10 marks

1 2 do ​ make ​ play ​read ​

roller skate ​scoot ​watch ​wear

✔ ✔
3 4
I arrived at the youth club at half past six.
Everybody was doing different things. Peter and Emma
(1) .
✔ ✘ James (2) .
Lily (3) .
5 6
She (4) .
I (5) school uniform.
My friends (6) .
✔ ✘ (7) (they) ?
8 Yes, .

(8) (Adam) What ?

He .

? ?

4 Imagine you go to an after school club. Yesterday, you arrived at four o’clock.
What was happening? Write past continuous sentences. /10 marks
Suzy George






All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 5 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 36
Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘.
1 2 3 4 5

/10 marks

6 37
Listen to Peter and complete the sentences.

1 Peter with his grandparents yesterday.

a went to the theatre
b went shopping
c watched a film
2 He was wearing . 5 The pirates met an artist.
a school uniform The artist was .
b pirate clothes a a man
c new clothes b a woman
3 The pirates were looking for . c famous
a an ocean 6 When the youngest pirate
b treasure into the sea, he saw a big jellyfish.
c a ship 7 The pirates had a fight when they were
4 Were they on stage? Yes, making a .
they were. 8 Peter was at the end of
a playing cards the play.
b talking
c scooting 9 His grandma was .
10 When Peter arrived home, his mum was

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Challenge test


1 Read Jim’s email. Circle and answer the questions. /10 marks

Hi, I’m going on a school trip tomorrow. In the afternoon we’re

going to visit a TV studio. They’re filming the story of Theseus and
the Minotaur and they’re going to film the monster in the maze in
the afternoon. It will be amazing to see! I want to walk in the maze,
but my teacher says we can’t. We won’t meet the actors but we
will meet the director. We’re going to meet the clothes designer, too.
We’ll see the king’s clothes and Theseus’s sword. I said to my
teacher, ‘Can we wear the clothes? Can we use the sword?’ but she
said, ‘No!’ I’m very excited about tomorrow. I will talk to the camera operators about what they
do. I’d love to do that job! OK, I have go now. A photographer is coming to take photos of our
class tomorrow morning. Mum usually cuts my hair, but she’s taking me to the hairdresser
today! See you soon, Jim

1 Paul will be at the TV studio in 6 He will / won’t wear the actors’ clothes.
the morning. True / False 7 Will he see the sword?
2 He’ll see the monster in Yes, he will. / No, he won’t.
the maze. True / False 8 Paul will be / wants to be a camera
3 He won’t walk in the maze. True / False operator.
4 He wants to meet the actors. True / False 9 Who will take photos at Paul’s school
5 Will he meet the actors?  Yes, he will. / tomorrow morning?
 No, he won’t. 10 Who will cut Paul’s hair today?

2 Read and complete. /10 marks

comedian ​dancer ​king ​singer ​sing ​to sing ​will be ​will you ​won’t ​’ll

A: Hi, my name’s Megan Star. B: Will you (5) a sad song?

Remember my name because I
A: No, I (6) . I (7)
(1) famous in
write a new, happy song.
the future!
B: Oh, what do you do? Are you B: And what (8) wear?
a (2) ? A: I don’t know. I can win this competition
without special clothes.
A: No, I’m not. I don’t make people laugh. I’m a
musician. B: You’re very confident!
B: What sort of musician? A: Well, I’m a bit nervous about being on stage
because I’m not a good (9) .
A: I’m a (3) . I write songs too.
But I know that I can sing well. And one day
I usually write sad songs. There’s a talent
show in our town next week and I want I will sing to the (10) in a big
(4) one of my songs.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Challenge test


3 Complete Vicky’s blog. Use will or won’t and the verbs below. /10 marks

be (x2) ​fight ​go scooting ​do ​
play ​watch ​wear ​win (x2)

It’s Friday again! Yippee! After school

✔ ✘ I (1) with my friends.
I (2) any homework.
Tomorrow, I (3)
with my friends. We (4) .
On Sunday, I’ll go to Youth Theatre.
✘ ✔ I (5) costume.
I (6) with a sword. Our
Youth Theatre performs amazing plays. We’re
going to take part in a competition next
month. (7) (we) the
competition? Yes, we will! We
✔ ✔
(8) the prize! I really
like being on stage. When I’m older, I
(9) .
(10) I famous!

? ✔

4 Write a blog about what you and your friends will do today, tomorrow, next weekend
and when you’re older. Use will and won’t. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit 6 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 38
Listen and circle A or B.
1 2 3


4 5


/10 marks

6 39
Listen to Suzy and Billy and complete.
1 Suzy’s dad .
a is an actor
b designs clothes
c is a builder
2 Billy won’t see on Saturday. 5 Suzy and her grandad will go to a new
a Suzy .
b The King 6 She won’t use to help her.
c a wooden castle
7 She’ll use her .
3 Suzy will be on Sunday.
a at home 8 Suzy learns that Billy is a .
b with her family 9 She go to his show next
c at the theatre month.
4 She won’t go near the . 10 Will she buy a ticket?
a horses
b sheep
c bull

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Challenge test


1 Read and complete. Circle. /10 marks

My friend Maria
Maria’s my best friend. Her mum’s British and her dad’s Italian. Maria speaks
English and Italian at home. She went to Italy for the first time last year and
was very happy there. Lucky her! I’ve never been to another country. I’ve
watched lots of French and German films and I really want to go to those
countries. (I like American films too, but I don’t want to go to the USA.)
I like Maria’s mum and dad. Her dad’s a firefighter. He’s done lots of amazing things. Last year, a
family had a terrible fire in their house and Maria’s dad helped them escape. He saved their lives!
Maria’s mum works in a factory. She likes animals. She wants a cat or a dog, but their house is
very small so she’s got a bird called Eric! He’s grey and white and very friendly!
Maria and I have played table football every day this summer and we’ve done lots of other things
too. Ice skating was the best! It’s been very special because in September, Maria and her family
are going to live in Italy. I will miss them very much .

1 Where does Maria’s mum come from? 6 Maria’s dad is a because he

a the UK b Italy c Italian helped a family in a fire.
2 Maria Italian. a hero b pilot c firefighter
a hasn’t learnt b never speaks 7 Eric is a .
c sometimes speaks a person b pigeon c pilot
3 Maria Italy. 8 The writer hasn’t seen Maria
a often goes to b has been to very much this summer. True / False
c hasn’t been to 9 She and Maria have been
4 The writer to France. ice skating. True / False
a often goes b has been c hasn’t been 10 Maria won’t live near the
5 The writer American films. writer next year. True / False
a doesn’t watch b watches
c only watches

2 Read and complete. /10 marks

has ​hasn’t ​have ​haven’t ​been ​eaten ​travelled ​USA ​Spain ​Spanish

A: My cousin Sam will be here this summer. A: Yes, he (6) . He’s visited
(1) I talked about him before? (7) because his grandma’s
B: No, you (2) . (8) . And he’s
A: He’s from the (3) . He (9) through France.
(4) visited the UK before. B: What sort of things will you do?
This is his first time. A: He wants to go to an Indian restaurant!
B: Oh, wow! Has he (5) to B: I’ve (10) at the Raj
Europe? restaurant. It’s very good.
A: OK, we’ll go there!

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Challenge test


3 Complete Kate’s email. Use ’ve, ’s, have, has, haven’t or hasn’t and the verbs in the box. /10 marks

1 2 been ​bought ​eaten ​listened ​ met ​
watched ​packed ​started ​travelled ​written

✔ ✔

3 4

Hi! My amazing summer has nearly finished !

I’ve had so many good experiences with my family!
✔ ✔ I (1) through a forest
and I (2) food.
5 6
I (3) to the and
I (4) a . My brother
(5) a T-shirt and my
✔ ✔
sister (6) to music.
8 We (7) any TV.
School starts next week. I (8) my
yet, but I (9) my
✘ ✘ . How about you?
9 10
PS My dad (10) a message in
. Can you read it?

✔ ✔

4 Imagine you went on a journey this summer.

Write an email to Kate about your experiences. /10 marks

Hi Kate! I’ve

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit E Challenge test


/10 marks

5 40
Listen and circle A or B.

1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A B 9 A B 10 A B

/10 marks

6 41
Listen to Vicky and Jack and circle. Complete.
1 Jack hasn’t done his homework. True / False
2 He’s been at home all weekend. True / False
3 Jack and Vicky have been to the aquarium. True / False
4 Jack’s got a new Italian bag. True / False
5 He’s played his new game. True / False
6 He’s read his new book. True / False
7 He’s found some information for his homework online. True / False
8 He’s spoken to a about his homework.
9 How many big shells has he collected?
10 Where does his Art teacher come from?

Total for test / 60 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Challenge test


1 Read Clare’s blog and circle. /10 marks

My friend Nori lives in Tokyo, Japan. We play games online. I use my tablet. Our favourite game is
Journey to Earth. You’re aliens on the moon and you build a spaceship to travel to Earth. I was
a kind alien, but Nori was very selfish! He didn’t want to give me the key for my spaceship! I
sometimes write to Nori because I’ve got his email address. Last week, he used his webcam to
show me his city. He walked along the streets of Tokyo and he talked to me in English. He’s got
two sisters and his English is worse than theirs, but he’s very confident.
Nori’s city is famous and mine is too. There are lots of modern buildings in Tokyo. My city is old
and small, but his is big and crowded. Yesterday, Nori’s mother invited my family to Tokyo, and
my parents said yes! I want to meet Nori, but I’m worried about travelling to Japan because it’s
a long way!

1 Clare uses her tablet to play 6 Nori is / isn’t embarrassed when he

computer games. True / False speaks English.
2 In Journey to Earth, you click 7 His sisters are better / worse at speaking
on aliens to travel to Earth. True / False English than Nori.
3 Nori’s alien was more selfish 8 Clare’s city is less modern / bigger /
than Clare’s. True / False less historical than Tokyo.
4 Clare sends Nori emails. True / False 9 Nori’s city is more famous / more crowded /
5 Nori and Clare were / weren’t in Tokyo less famous than hers.
last week. 10 How does Clare feel about going to Japan?
frightened / nervous / excited

2 Read the text and complete the sentences with 1, 2 or 3 words. /10 marks

Hi, I’m Maria. I play computer games on my laptop. They’re about £3 each and they’re really fun.
My World, Dark Forest and Music Box are the best. Lots of my friends play My World, but Dark
Forest and Music Box aren’t famous. In My World, you use blocks to design towns on islands.
My brother Sam’s very good at it. I build modern towns, but his are more historical and more
beautiful than mine! Dark Forest is the most frightening game. Dangerous animals want to eat
you. Music Box is more relaxing than the other games. You need a password to play it. You play a
piano by clicking on different colours. It’s slow and quiet, but it isn’t boring and the music’s nice.
I’ve got headphones so only I can hear it!

1 The writer uses to play games. 6 The writer thinks Dark Forest is .
2 How much do the games cost? 7 Music Box is
3 My World is the most of the of the three games.
three games. 8 Maria has got a for Music Box.
4 Maria and Sam build towns in My World. Hers 9 You click on different colours to
are beautiful than his. .
5 The animals in Dark Forest are . 10 Maria listen to the music.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Challenge test


3 Complete Vicky’s blog. /10 marks

avatars ​crowded ​
her ​hers ​his ​least ​
less ​mobile phone ​
spaceship ​to

Hello, I’m Vicky. At the weekend I use technology at home and I spend time outside, too.
My brother and I use our tablets (1) play computer games. Mine is blue and
(2) is red. We play Zoom! You click on a (3) to escape from
dangerous comets. I also use chat rooms. I’m usually the (4) confident of my
friends, but I’m not shy online. I chat with a girl in London. (5) username is
KatyT. We use (6) to stay safe online. (7) is a girl with big eyes
and purple hair. It’s more beautiful than mine! I like technology, but I think it’s
(8) relaxing than walks in the countryside. My family and I usually go for a walk
on the beach at the weekend. We like Kerne Beach, but a lot of people go there. We usually go to
Sennen Beach because it’s less (9) . I sometimes use my (10)
to take photos, but I prefer going without technology.

4 Write to Vicky about what you do at home and out of the house at the weekend. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 42
Listen and draw lines.


/10 marks

6 43
Listen to Jim and circle. Complete the sentences.
1 Jim’s sister is selfish. True / False
2 Jim thinks Catch the Aliens is less boring than City Build. True / False
3 Jim uses his phone to send messages to his friends. True / False
4 He uses emojis in messages and emails. True / False
5 He reads emails on his dad’s laptop. True / False
6 Using technology is Jim’s favourite way to relax. True / False
7 Jim’s friend was in the forest.
8 For Jim, the forest was more at night than in the day.
9 They could see a big in the sky.
10 Jim likes reading books about people.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 1 Challenge test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /10 marks

8 Look at the pictures and tell the story. /10 marks

1 2

3 4

Total for test / 80 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Challenge test


1 Read and circle. /10 marks

My family and I travelled by train (1) visit / visiting / to visit my dad’s

friends Julia and Bill last summer. Bill and Julia live a simple life.
They’ve got an (2) avatar / email address / emoji, but they haven’t
got tablets or mobile phones. They live in a small village on a
peninsula. It isn’t (3) historical / modern / crowded because only 280
people live there! When we arrived at the train station, we (4) see /
’re seeing / saw lots of flowers outside on the (5) waiting room /
platform / escalator. I liked Julia and Bill’s house. A lot of the houses
in that village are modern, but (6) his / hers / theirs is very old. When
we arrived, Bill said, ‘Hello! Come in!’ and Julia said, ‘We want you to
have a really good time here!’ They’re very (7) dangerous / kind /
expensive people. So, what (8) we did / did we do / do we do?
We visited a small aquarium and we walked on the beach. We (9) ate / didn’t ate / didn’t eat at
any restaurants because there weren’t any restaurants! On Saturday evening we went to a
(10) bowling / ticket office / concert. Some people played the guitar and sang lots of old songs
about the sea. It was very relaxing.

2 Read the story and answer the questions. /10 marks

A karting adventure
Emma and Clare often use their mum’s laptop to play computer games.
Yesterday, they played a karting game called ‘Magic Karts’. They clicked
the karts to go round and round. ‘This is boring,’ said Clare. There was a
dragon in front of her kart. ‘You mustn’t click it!’ said Emma, but Clare
clicked it. Suddenly, the girls weren’t outside the game. They were inside it! They saw a forest, a
desert and a mountain. Emma was nervous, but Clare said, ‘This is fantastic! Let’s go to the
mountain!’ ‘OK,’ said Emma. Their karts went fast. First, they went through the forest. There was a
lot of mud and their karts got dirty. They saw a beautiful waterfall. Then, they went through a
sandstorm in the desert. ‘This is frightening!’ said Emma. Finally, they went up the mountain. They
saw a snake. ‘This is very frightening!’ said Clare. ‘We need to go home!’ The desert and the forest
were below them. ‘Look!’ said Emma. ‘I can see our house! It’s near the forest. Let’s go!’ ‘Yes,’ said
Clare and they went karting down the mountain.

1 What do Emma and Clare use to play 6 Who was more confident, Emma or Clare?
computer games?
2 What was in front of Clare’s kart? 7 What did they go through in the forest?

3 Who was nervous about it? 8 What did they see in the desert?
4 Why did Clare click it? Because the game was
. 9 Which place was the least frightening?
5 What happened? The girls were
the game. 10 Why did they go down the mountain?
Because they wanted to .

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Challenge test


3 Complete Paul’s blog post. /10 marks

above ​ate ​boring ​fossil ​funfair ​mine ​mustn’t ​outside ​tablet ​waiting room

Last weekend I went to the coast with my family.

We went by train. We arrived at the station at eight
o’clock in the morning. My little brother was very
excited. He didn’t want to sit in the (1) .
On the platform, we had to say to him, ‘You
(2) run!’ about ten times! The train
journey was the most (3) part of the
day. I used my headphones to listen to music on my
new (4) . The beach was beautiful.
We collected shells and I found a (5) .
At lunchtime, we (6) at a restaurant. We had our desserts (7)
the restaurant because the weather was good. We had ice creams. They were very big.
I took a photo of (8) ! In the afternoon, we went to a (9) .
I went on the most frightening ride. First, it went up very slowly. We were about 20 metres
(10) the beach. Then we went down very quickly! I loved it!

4 Imagine you went to the city by train last weekend. What did you see?
What did you do? Write a blog post. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 44
Listen and draw lines.


/10 marks

6 45
Listen to Sarah and write.

A Day Out
> Sarah was 12 last week.
1 She went to on Sunday.
2 She met a singer.
3 She was shy than the singer.
4 Whose phone did she use to take a photo?
5 She ate chicken and for lunch.
6 She saw the singer again in front of the .
7 For Sarah, the Big Dipper was very .
8 Mark Tyler saw her and she was very .
9 Sarah’s mum bought her the most scarf in the shop.
10 Sarah’s mum is very .

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 2 Challenge test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /10 marks

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to your teacher. /10 marks

Total for test / 80 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Challenge test


1 Read Peter’s email. Choose the correct words. /10 marks

a bull ​a comedian ​a craft activity ​a key ​a lift ​a snack ​modern ​

below ​ours ​yours ​’ll ​must ​mustn’t ​roller skating ​table football

Hi! Today’s the first day of our school trip. We’re staying in a big
(1) building on the coast. I’m in a small room with Hugo.
We can see the sea! James and Billy’s room is (2) ours.
Their room is bigger than (3) , but they can’t see the sea!
There’s (4) in the building, but we (5)
use it. (The teachers can use it, but we have to use the stairs!)
This morning we did (6) . Then we went for a walk
in the country. We walked through a field of cows. We saw (7) in the next
field. It was walking very fast. We didn’t go in that field! OK, I (8) go now. I’m
going to play (9) with Hugo. I (10) win, of course! Peter

2 Read Anna’s blog and answer the questions. Circle. /10 marks

Last Friday I was sitting on the platform at Westley Station. There was
nobody to talk to and I didn’t have a book to read. (I had my dad’s laptop,
but you need a password to use it and I didn’t know it. ) I was bored so I
went to a shop in the station. I saw a magazine called My Life. It was more
expensive than the other magazines, but I bought it because it had a story
about Clara Wyatt, the clothes designer. I know other clothes designers
are more famous than her, but I think hers are the most beautiful dresses
in the world. I finished the magazine on the train, then I started talking to the woman next to
me about her job. She cuts people’s hair at a big hotel. We played some games together
because she had some cards. Two hours later, we arrived at Park Street. When I was leaving
the station, a woman said to me, ‘Excuse me, is this yours?’ It was Clara Wyatt with my
magazine! I’m going to keep it for ever now!

1 Did Anna sit outside at the station? 6 Why does Anna likes Clara Wyatt? Because
she makes beautiful dresses / is famous.
2 Did she read a book? 7 Did Anna read the magazine on the train?
3 She didn’t use her dad’s laptop. Why? Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
8 She played pool / cards / board games with
4 My Life was / wasn’t the least expensive a hairdresser.
magazine in the shop. 9 Anna met Clara Wyatt when she was going
5 Did Anna buy My Life? through the station exit / in front of the
No, she didn’t. She found it. / Yes, she did. station.
10 She will / won’t give the magazine to a friend.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Challenge test


3 Complete the information sheet. Use must, mustn’t, will, won’t or don’t need to
and the verbs below. /10 marks

arrive ​bring ​do ​eat ​go ​meet ​see ​take ​visit ​wear

Trip to Highford
It’s our trip to Highford next week! Please read this information sheet.
1 ✔ You at the station at seven o’clock.
2 ✘ You school uniform.
3 ✘ You can bring a mobile phone on the trip, but you
an expensive tablet.
4 ✔ We karting.
5 ✘ Please bring money for karting and lunch. (Don’t worry, we
at the most expensive restaurant!)
6 ✔ ✘ We the planetarium, but we
it because it’s closed this month.
7 ✔ We’re going to visit a TV studio in the afternoon. You
a famous comedian.
8 ✘ You can ask questions, but you any photos.
9 ✘ You any homework about the trip.

4 Imagine some visitors are coming to your country. What will they see and do?
What do they need to bring? Write an information sheet. /10 marks

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Challenge test


/10 marks

5 46
Listen and draw lines.

/10 marks

6 47
Listen to Billy and write.
1 Billy’s youth club activities 4 Billy was late last week because he needed to
happen find his .
outside the village hall. a school bag b key c webcam
a always 5 When he arrived, he didn’t understand why
b sometimes Jack and Pippa were .
c never a angry b shy c kind
2 Billy and Jack like playing 6 Jack is the least person
games. Billy knows.
a the same
b different 7 Jack and Pippa were fighting about a
c board .

3 They think frightening films are 8 Sam was feeling .

than historical films. 9 Jack stand in front of the
a more boring exit.
b less dangerous
10 Billy thinks Jack and Pippa will be very good
c better
All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Term 3 Challenge test


7 Listen and talk to your teacher. /10 marks

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to your teacher. /10 marks

Total for test / 80 marks

All about my test

out my
How do you feel? Tick ✔. ab


I am happy with my result.


I am happy, but I can study harder.

I need to study harder.

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Unit tests transcripts / answers Standard test teaching notes

Unit 1 Standard test 3 He’s got a webcam. He uses it to talk to his friends.
4 A: Whose are those headphones?
B: They’re his.
1 Read and write True or False. 5 A: Wow! I can see aliens!
Answers B: Really?
1 False ​2 False ​
3 True ​
4 True ​
5 False ​ 6 He’s got a tablet. He uses it to play games and listen to
6 True ​7 True music.
2 Read and circle.
1 B ​
2 A ​
3 A ​
4 B ​
5 B ​
6 B
1 the moon, tablet ​2 memory stick, to ​ Unit 2 Standard test
3 mobile phone, mine ​4 hers
Writing 1 Read and write True or False.
3 Complete Jack’s sentences about how his family Answers
uses technology. 1 False ​
2 True ​
3 True ​
4 False ​5 False ​
6 True
2 Read and circle.
1 a / my memory stick to save ​2 a / his mobile phone
to talk to ​3 a / her tablet to take ​4 a / their webcam Answers
to see ​5 headphones / his headphones to listen to ​ 1 embarrassed ​ 2 most ​
2 boring ​
4 less ​
6 avatars to play computer ​7 laptops / their laptops 5 frightening ​
6 crowded ​
7 famous ​8 least
to send
4 Write about how your family uses technology. Writing
3 Complete the sentences comparing the three cafés.
Example answer
I use a laptop to write emails. I use my mobile phone to Answers
listen to music. My dad uses a memory stick to save 1 the most modern ​2 the least modern ​3 more
photos. My brothers use their tablets to play games. My expensive than ​4 less crowded than ​5 the most
sister uses her mobile phone to do homework. My mum expensive ​ 6 less relaxing than ​7 the least relaxing ​
uses a webcam to talk to friends. My brother and I use 8 more crowded than
our mobile phones to take photos.
4 Write sentences to compare shops in your town.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Example answers
(Maximum 7 marks.)
Richard’s, Dean’s and Everyday are three food shops in
my town.
Listening Richard’s is the most historical of the three shops and it’s
the most beautiful. It’s more relaxing than the other
5 Listen and number. 4.08
shops because the shop assistants are very friendly.
1 A: Whose is this mobile phone?
Everyday is the biggest of the three shops and it’s the
B: It’s mine. least expensive. It’s more crowded than Richard’s.
2 A: Is this Jane’s key? Dean’s is less crowded than Everyday. It’s more boring
B: No, it isn’t. Hers is silver. than the other shops because it doesn’t sell sweets.
3 This is where we all live.
4 I use a password to play computer games. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
5 A: Are these memory sticks Anna’s? (Maximum 6 marks.)
B: No, they’re ours.
6 The only way to travel here is by spaceship. 5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.10
7 I never use this emoji! 1 The bus was crowded today.
8 These avatars are theirs. 2 Sally’s shyer than Rose. Eva’s the most confident.
3 A: There’s a forest near my grandparents’ house.
B: Is it frightening?
1 c ​2 f ​3 h ​
4 e ​5 g ​
6 a ​7 d ​
8 b A: It’s the least frightening place I know! It’s very
6 Listen and circle A or B. 4.09 relaxing!
1 A: I can see a laptop. 4 We sometimes sing songs in our English lessons. Suzy
isn’t shy, but Billy is always embarrassed!
B: Yes, it’s hers.
5 A: So how did you feel on the mountain path?
2 A: Wow!
B: It was really dangerous. I was nervous!
B: What?
A: I can see a comet!
B: Cool!
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

6 T
 here’s a big bridge and a small bridge. The small
bridge is more historical than the big bridge. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
(Maximum 7 marks.)
1 ✘ ​
2 ✔ ​
3 ✔ ​
4 ✔ ​
5 ✔ ​
6 ✘
6 Listen and circle A or B. 4.11 5 Listen and number. 4.12
1 A: You can get drinks at the shop. 1 The departures board is above the entrance.
B: Yes, but the shop is more expensive than the café. 2 The timetables are near the exit.
2 The bridge is the most dangerous thing here. 3 You mustn’t sit on the escalator.
3 This café is less expensive than the other café. 4 He needs to check the departures board.
4 A: Katy Macy was at the castle today. 5 You don’t need to use the stairs. There’s a lift.
B: Who? 6 The ticket office is below the departures board.
A: Katy Macy. She’s famous. 7 You mustn’t cross the white line on the platform.
B: Oh, of course! Wow!
5 There are a few parks around here. This park is the
least beautiful. 1 d ​2 f ​3 a ​4 e ​5 c ​6 g ​7 b
6 We went to the café. The waiter was very kind.
6 Listen and draw lines. 4.13
7 A: I live near the castle.
1 A: Where’s Frank?
B: Oh, that’s nice. I love that old place.
B: He’s going through the entrance.
A: Yes, me too. But our house is more modern than Unit 3 Standard test

the castle! 2 A: Where’s Sam? We need to go to the platform.


B: Ha, yes! B: He’s looking at the timetables.


8 A: Did you go to the café? 5

A: Oh yes! Sam! Come on! We need to go!

Listen and number. /7 marks

3a A: I need to speak to Clare. Where is she? d

B: Yes, we did. It was very crowded. b c

B: She needs to get a ticket. She’s at the ticket office.

Answers 4 A: Is Lucy in the waiting room?
1 A ​
2 A ​
3 A ​
4 B ​
5 B ​
6 B ​
7 A ​
8 B B: No, she isn’t. She’s outside the station.
5 A: Can you see Matt?
Unit 3 Standard test B: Yes,e he’s over there.f He’s going through
g the exit.
6 Look there’s Anna. She needs to use the lift.
7 A: James is over there.
1 Read and match. B: Where?
Answers A: Over there, in front of the escalator.
1 d ​
2 b ​
3 a ​
4 c ​
5 f ​
6 e 6

Listen and draw lines. /7 marks


James Lucy Sam Frank

2 Read and circle.
1 needs to ​2 don’t need to ​3 mustn’t ​ 4 need to ​
5 must ​ 6 outside ​7 above ​ 8 waiting room

3 Complete the rules and information about
a school trip.
Clare Matt Anna
Answers Total for test / 42 marks

1 You must arrive ​2 You mustn’t bring ​ ll about mytest

Unit 4AStandard test
3 You must listen to ​4 platform ​5 waiting room ​ out my
6 need to buy ​7 You need to bring ReadingI am happy with my result.
How do you feel? Tick ✔.


1 Read and
I am write
happy, butthe names.
I can study harder.
4 Write rules and information about a different I need to study harder.
school trip. Answers
Example answer 1 Kate ​
2 Bella ​
All About Us 6
3 James ​
4 Sam ​
5 Tom ​
6 Alice ​
© Oxford University Press

7 Fred
Here are the rules for our school trip on Saturday.
You must arrive at the station at six o’clock. You must use 2 Read and circle the correct answers.
the stairs. You mustn’t use the escalator.
Here is some other information.
You don’t need to wear school uniform. You need to buy a 1 Yes, she did. ​2 needed ​ 3 collected ​
4 and she told
ticket at the ticket office. You don’t need to bring lunch. people about the fossils ​5 met ​ 6 animals ​
7 famous
You need to bring money for the café.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

Writing 6 Listen and number. 4.15

3 Complete Vicky’s sentences about last Saturday. 1 A: Did you eat at home yesterday evening?
B: No, we didn’t. We ate at a Chinese restaurant. I ate
Answers fish and rice and I drank green tea.
1 visited ​ 2 saw ​ 3 didn’t listen ​4 ate ​ 5 collected ​ 2 A: Did you go to the cinema for your birthday?
6 found ​ 7 Did you see B: No, I didn’t. I went to the funfair with some friends.
3 A: We went for a walk at the weekend. It was nice, but
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. there was a lot of mud!
B: Did you wear rubber boots?
4 Imagine you went to a city last Saturday. Use the A: Yes, I did.
prompts and write to Vicky. 4 A: Did you visit the aquarium?
Example answer B: Yes, we did. And we met a really interesting woman.
She studies turtles.
On Saturday morning, we went bowling. At lunchtime, we
ate at a pizza restaurant. I didn’t have pizza, I had pasta 5 We went to the desert and we saw a sandstorm.
and cheese. In the afternoon we went ice skating and 6 A: I went ice skating at the weekend. I enjoyed it.
then we went shopping. I bought a T-shirt. In the evening, B: Did you wear a hat?
we went to a concert. We listened to some really good A: No, I didn’t, but I wasn’t cold.
music. 7 A: We went to the beach last week.
B: Did you collect shells?
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. B: Yes, I did. I found a few.
(Maximum 7 marks.)
1 c ​2 b ​3 g ​4 f ​5 a ​6 d ​7 e
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.14 Unit 5 Standard test
1 I went to a party on Monday. I wore a dinosaur suit and
I won a prize! Reading
2 On Tuesday, I made a dragon with my friends. 1 Read and write the names.
3 On Wednesday, I went karting. It was fun. I won two Answers
4 A: On Thursday, I saw a dinosaur. 1 Eva ​ 2 George and Matt ​3 Clare ​
4 Hugo ​
5 Bella and Mary ​6 Henry and Martha ​7 Billy
B: Really?
A: Well, I didn’t see a dinosaur. I saw a dinosaur fossil. It 2 Read and circle.
was at the museum.
5 A: On Friday, I found a snake.
B: Oh! 1 woman ​ 2 soldier ​
3 treasure ​
4 Were, weren’t,
6 A: Did you go to the concert on Saturday? was, roller skating
NameB: Yes, I did. It was fantastic.
Unit 4 Standard test
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
On Sunday, I went bowling with my friends. We had fun!


Listen and draw lines. /7 marks 3 Complete Sam’s sentences about the youth club.

Wednesday 1 were playing ​2 weren’t watching ​
Thursday 3 was roller skating ​4 wasn’t making ​
Friday 5 Was Lily scooting, she was ​6 Were you reading, was ​
Saturday 7 were John and Amy doing, were doing craft activities
4 Imagine you go to an after-school club. Use the
past continuous to write about what was happening
Example answer
My friends weren’t wearing school uniform. James was

Listen and number. /7 marks

eating a snack. Clare was playing table football. Suzy and
Vicky weren’t playing board games. They were reading.

a b c d
Mark was painting a picture. Kate and Billy were singing.

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.

(Maximum 7 marks.)
e f g

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Total for test / 42 marks
Standard test teaching notes

Listening Writing
5 Listen and circle A or B. 4.16 3 Complete Vicky’s email.
1 There were some pirates. They were singing. Answers
2 The children were doing a craft activity.
1 will design ​2 won’t cut ​3 will sing ​4 won’t speak ​
3 The man was playing the guitar.
5 won’t make ​6 Will people like, will ​
4 A: Was the woman playing pool? 7 Will we become, won’t
B: No, she wasn’t. The woman was playing table football.
5 A: Were the soldiers playing cards? 4 Imagine you are going to perform a play in a
B: Yes, they were. competition next year. Use will and won’t to write
6 The children weren’t wearing school uniform. about it.

Answers Example answer

1 B ​
2 B ​
3 B ​
4 A ​
5 A ​
6 A I’ll be an actor. My friend Sarah will be the director. Sarah
won’t sing. I will dance. I’ll be confident. We will win the
6 Listen to Peter and circle. Complete. 4.17 competition. The photographer will take photos.
A: I think I saw you on the bus yesterday evening.
Peter: Oh, yes, I was going to the theatre with my Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
grandparents. (Maximum 7 marks.)
A: You looked very smart!
Peter: Thanks. I was wearing a new shirt with my jeans. Listening
A: So what did you see at the theatre?
5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.18
Peter: It was a play called The Three Pirates. I really
enjoyed it. The pirates were very funny. 1 A: What do you want to be?
A: Were they looking for treasure? B: I want to be a camera operator.
Peter: No, they weren’t. They had treasure, but they didn’t 2 A: Will I win the competition?
have a ship! So they were travelling around the B: Yes, you will!
world, and looking for a ship. They went around the 3 I don’t want to be a clothes designer. I want to be a
stage and the theatre on scooters. The pirates met hairdresser.
an artist who was painting a picture of a ship. The 4 I’ll use this string to make a picture of a bull.
pirates offered him some money and he gave them 5 I won’t be a famous singer.
the picture. Then, the picture of the ship became 6 The king will meet a monster in the maze.
real, and the pirates had lots of adventures. There 7 I’m not going to be a photographer. I want to make
was lots of great music and at the end I was singing people laugh. I’ll be a comedian.
all the songs.
A: Did your grandparents enjoy it too? Answers
Peter: Well, my grandad enjoyed it, but when I looked at 1 ✘ ​
2 ✔ ​
3 ✔ ​
4 ✔ ​
5 ✘ ​
6 ✔ ​
7 ✘
my grandma, she was sleeping!
A: What time did the play finish? 6 Listen to Suzy and Billy and circle. Complete. 4.19
Peter: About 10 o’clock. When I got home it was about Suzy: Hi, Billy.
quarter to eleven. My brothers and sister were in Billy: Hi, Suzy. I was walking past the theatre yesterday and
bed, but my parents were eating a snack, so I had I saw your dad. He was coming out of the theatre with
something to eat too. lots of beautiful clothes. Is he a clothes designer?
Suzy: No, he isn’t. He builds things for the theatre. At the
moment he’s making a wooden castle for a play
1 True ​ 2 False ​3 False ​
4 scooting ​
5 ship ​
6 man ​ called The King.
7 sleeping ​ 8 eating Billy: Oh, I’m going to see the The King on Saturday!
Suzy: You’ll see my dad’s castle then!
Unit 6 Standard test Billy: Will you be there?
Reading Suzy: No, I won’t. I’m going to visit my grandparents in
Scotland at the weekend.
1 Read and write True or False. Billy: Oh, right. What will you do there?
Answers Suzy: I’ll go horse riding on Saturday. I always do that
1 False ​
2 True ​
3 False ​
4 True ​
5 False ​6 False ​ because they live on a farm and they’ve got three
7 True beautiful horses. I’ll stay away from my grandparents’
bull, though! They bought it last year and it’s really
2 Read and circle. big! I’m very nervous of it.
Billy: What else will you do?
Suzy: My grandad wants to take me to a new park near their
1 will ​2 comedian ​ 3 singer ​
4 sing ​
5 won’t ​ house. It’s got a really good maze in it.
6 will you ​7 dancer Billy: Oh, I love mazes! I hope you don’t get lost!
Suzy: No, I won’t!
Score: 1 mark for each answer.
Billy: Will you use string?
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

Suzy: What do you mean? Listening

Billy: Like Theseus. He used string to find his way out of
5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.20
the maze and escape the monster!
1 A: I’ve been to the UK and I’ve been to Germany.
Suzy: Oh, yes! No, I won’t use string. I’ll use something
more modern than string – I’ll use my mobile phone! B: Wow! Have you been to the USA?
Billy: Good idea! OK, Suzy, I need to go now. A: The USA? Erm, no, I haven’t.
Suzy: Where are you going? 2 I’ve written a message in code! You’ll never
understand it!
Billy: I’m going to my dance lesson.
3 I haven’t done my homework.
Suzy: Wow! You’re a dancer! I didn’t know that!
4 A: Have you been to Spain?
Billy: Yes. We’re going to perform in a show next month.
Would you like to come? B: Yes, I have. I’ve been to Madrid.
Suzy: Yes, please. How will I get a ticket? A: Have you been to Barcelona?
Billy: Don’t worry, I’ll get you a ticket. My mum will pay. B: No, I haven’t.
Suzy: Really? Oh, that’s great! Thank you! 5 A: Has Anna found her key?
B: No, she hasn’t.
Answers 6 A: Why have they given her a prize?
1 True ​
2 False ​
3 False ​
4 maze / park ​5 string ​ B: It isn’t a prize. It’s an award because she’s a hero.
6 dancer ​
7 won’t She’s helped a lot of people in dangerous situations.
7 A: Is Billy German?
Unit E Standard test B: No, he isn’t but he goes to the German school.
Reading 8 My sister has listened to French music every day
this week!
1 Read and write the names.
1 ✔ ​ 2 ✔ ​ 3 ✘ ​
4 ✘ ​ 5 ✔ ​ 6 ✔ ​ 7 ✘ ​ 8 ✔
1 Sam ​ 2 Lucy ​ 3 Helen ​ 4 Mark ​ 5 Tanya ​ 6 Vicky ​
7 Pierre 6 Listen and circle A or B. 4.21
1 Sarah hasn’t been to Italy, but she’s been to the UK.
2 Read and circle. 2 A: Has the pigeon arrived?
Answers B: Yes, it has.
1 UK, haven’t ​2 code ​ 3 eaten ​ 4 Has ​ 5 pilot ​ 3 We’re going to watch a film this afternoon. It’s about a
6 Spanish pilot.
4 I’ve been to the USA!
Writing 5 We’ve just eaten at the new French restaurant. It’s
3 Complete Kate’s email. Use ’ve, ’s, have, has, haven’t 6 A: What’s on that piece of paper?
or hasn’t and the verbs in the box.
B: It’s a code!
1 ’ve eaten ​2 haven’t watched ​3 has / ’s bought ​
1 A ​
2 B ​
3 B ​
4 A ​
5 B ​
6 B
4 have taken ​5 hasn’t listened ​6 have / ’ve been ​
7 Have you seen
4 Imagine you’ve been on a journey. Where have you
been? What have you done? Write an email to Kate.
Example answer
Hi Kate,
I’ve had a good summer, too. I’ve been to Britain and the
USA! I’ve eaten British food and American food. I’ve
watched lots of films and I’ve met interesting people. I’ve
played cards with American soldiers and I’ve played pool
with British builders! I’ve taken lots of photos.
PS I’ve bought a leather jacket and a wool hat!

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. (Maximum

7 marks.)

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Term tests transcripts / answers Standard test teaching notes

Term 1 Standard test Name8 A: Where shall I put these little aliens. Term 1 Standard test

B: In the spaceship, of course!

Reading Listening

1 Look at the picture and write Yes or No. /8 marks

5 Listen and draw lines.


1 Yes ​
2 Yes ​
3 No ​
4 No ​
5 No ​
6 Yes ​
7 No ​
8 Yes
2 Read the text. Choose the correct words.
1 laptop ​
2 expensive ​
3 hers ​
4 mine ​
5 frightening ​
6 more ​7 to ​8 headphones

3 Complete Vicky’s blog.
1 his ​2 spaceship ​
3 confident ​
4 avatars ​
5 Hers ​
6 relaxing ​
7 crowded ​8 mobile phone
4 Write about what you do at home and out of the
6 Listen to Jim and write. 4.23 /8 marks

6 Listen to Jim and write.

house at the weekend. 23

Interviewer: Is that Jimyour tablet, Jim?

Example answer
Jim: Yes, it is. It’sgotnew.
> Jim’s a new tablet.

I play computer games at home at the weekend. I use my Interviewer: It’s nice. 1 It was Jim’s sister’s .

sister’s laptop to play games on because it’s more Jim:

2 He thinks ‘Catch the Aliens’ is the most
Thanks. computer game.
modern than mine. Interviewer: Was it expensive? 3 He uses his to send messages to his friends.
I’ve got an email address and I sometimes write to my Jim: No. My 4sister
He puts got
a lot ofa new one in sohis she gave me
grandparents. There’s one problem. I always forget my hers. 5 He emails on his dad’s laptop.
Interviewer: Oh, that was kind of her.
6 Jim’s friend was in the forest.
I think walks in the countryside are the most boring thing. 7 They could see the and it was very big.
Jim: Yes. 8 Jim reads books about
I don’t like visiting historical places. I sometimes go people.

shopping at the weekend. I meet my friends at the Interviewer: Do you play Catch the Aliens on it?
modern shops in town. Jim: No! That’s the most boring game! I like City
All About Us 6
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Interviewer: Oh, yes, I know that game. So what else do
(Maximum 8 marks.) you do on your tablet? Do you send
messages to your friends?
Jim: No, I use my mobile phone for that.
Listening Interviewer: Oh, of course. Do you write long messages?
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.22 Jim: Hmm, no, not really. I like using emojis.
1 A: Whose is that avatar? Interviewer: So you put a lot of emojis in your messages?
B: It’s his. Jim: Yes, I do.
2 A: Can you see the comet? Interviewer: And do you send emails?
B: Yes. Jim: Well, I use my dad’s laptop to read emails
A: Put it on the picture of Earth. from my older brother, but I never write
B: On Earth, OK. emails!
3 You use these to listen to music on a tablet or a phone Interviewer: Do you think technology is relaxing?
or a laptop. Put them with the most modern mobile Jim: I don’t know … I like technology, but I also
phone. like doing things with my friends and family.
4 A: I’d like to use the most expensive laptop. Interviewer: What sort of things do you do?
B: OK, that’s fine. You need to use this password. Jim: Well, last weekend I went to the forest with
5 A: Do you use this key to open the window? my dad, my sister and a friend. But we didn’t
B: Yes, I do. There are two windows. That’s the key for go in the day. We went at night!
the less beautiful window. Interviewer: Oh, wow! Was it frightening?
A: OK. Jim: Yes, a bit! But my friend was more nervous
6 A: Whose is this email address? than me. The forest was very beautiful –
more beautiful than in the day. There was a
B: It’s hers.
big moon in the sky.
7 A: I’ve got a memory stick here. You can use it with your
Interviewer: Sounds amazing. So do you like being
tablet to save photos.
B: Thanks.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

Jim: Yes, I do. I’ve got a book about a man who 8 Look at the pictures and tell the story.
lives in a forest and another book about a 1 Start describing the first picture, e.g. Jack’s in a
famous woman who climbs mountains. I like computer shop. It’s very modern. It’s very … Then ask
those books, they’re more interesting than the child to continue telling the story.
books about aliens and things like that!
Example answer
Jack’s in a computer shop. It’s very modern. It’s very
1 tablet ​
2 boring ​
3 mobile phone ​4 emojis ​ crowded. He’s looking at the most expensive laptop.
5 reads ​6 nervous ​
7 moon ​ 8 famous There are aliens on the laptop. They’re in a spaceship.
There’s a webcam on the laptop. The aliens can see Jack.
Speaking He’s nervous.
7 Listen and talk to your teacher. Jack uses the headphones to listen to the aliens. He talks
Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you? to the aliens. He’s confident now.
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1 and 2 Lots of people are watching Jack. He’s very embarrassed!
flashcards in five sets on the table: But there’s a spaceship outside the shop.
Set 1 Score: 2 marks for correct sentences about each
* memory stick, key, mobile phone, webcam picture. (Maximum 8 marks.)
Set 2
* selfish, kind, nervous, embarrassed Total: 8 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
Set 3 pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
* spaceship, comet, Earth, moon
fluency and pronunciation.)
Set 4
* expensive, boring, crowded, beautiful
1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say Term 2 Standard test
What’s this?
2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card
and say why it is different. 1 Look and read. Choose the correct words.
3 Repeat with the other four sets. Answers
Example answers 1 the moon ​2 mobile phone ​3 platform ​
4 relaxing ​
Set 1 5 lifts ​
6 fossils ​
7 exit ​
8 concert
Key is different because it’s less modern than the other 2 Look at the pictures and read the story. Then
objects / it isn’t technology. complete the sentences. Use 1, 2 or 3 words.
Set 2
Kind is different because the other adjectives have a Answers
negative / bad meaning. 1 their mum’s laptop ​2 boring ​ 3 inside
Set 3 ​4 more confident / less nervous ​5 mud ​
Spaceship is different because it is man made. 6 sandstorm ​ 7 mountain ​ 8 below
Set 4
Beautiful is different because it has a positive / good Writing
meaning. 3 Complete Paul’s blog post.
1 waiting room ​2 mustn’t ​ 3 boring ​
4 tablet ​
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence or 5 fossil ​
6 ate ​7 outside ​ 8 mine
question. (Maximum 4 marks.)
4 Imagine you went to the city by train last weekend.
2 Then ask the pupil the following questions:
What did you see? What did you do? Write a blog
* Have you got a mobile phone / laptop / tablet? How post.
often do you use it?
* Has your friend / brother / sister got a mobile phone / Example answer
laptop / tablet? How is it different from yours? Last weekend we went to the city by train. We arrived at
* What’s the most beautiful / modern / historical / West Station at half past nine. The station in my town is
relaxing place in your town / city / country? Tell me very boring, but West Station is the most beautiful and
about it. historical station in the city. We met my friend and his
* Tell me about your best friend. dad at the station. We drank some juice at a café, then
we walked to the aquarium. We saw fish and turtles. We
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer. ate lunch at a pizza restaurant. In the afternoon we went
(Maximum 4 marks.) bowling, but I didn’t win!

Total: 8 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence. (Maximum 8 marks.)
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

Listening Answers
5 Listen and colour. 4.24 1 funfair ​ 2 famous ​ 3 shy ​4 her mum’s ​5 ate ​
1 A: Can you see the shells? 6 ticket office ​7 frightening ​
8 embarrassed
B: Yes, I can. They’re near the departures board.
A: Yes. There’s a shell below the departures board. Speaking
Colour it pink. 7 Listen and talk to your teacher.
2 A: A boy and a girl are using their laptops to write. Can Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you?
you see them?
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1–4 flashcards in
B: Yes, I can. four sets on the table:
A: Colour hers black. Set 1
3 A: John went ice skating this morning. * frightening, dangerous, boring, relaxing
B: I like ice skating! Set 2
A: Colour his T-shirt red. * lift, stairs, escalator, platform
B: OK. Set 3
4 A: There’s a dinosaur in the station! It’s in front of the * go to the cinema, go bowling, collect shells, visit an
ticket office. aquarium
B: A dinosaur? Oh, yes! Set 4
A: Colour it blue. * snake, dragon, alien, dinosaur
5 There’s a fossil above the departures board. Colour it 1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say
yellow. What’s this? What’s he / she doing?
6 A: Mark visited the planetarium today. 2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card
B: The planetarium… Oh, yes! He’s got a spaceship! and say why it is different.
A: Colour the spaceship green. 3 Repeat with the other three sets.
7 A: Can you see Vicky? She needs to eat.
Example answers
B: Oh, yes, she needs to go to the café.
A: Colour her rucksack red. Set 1
8 A: Did you go to the cinema last week? Frightening, dangerous and boring have a negative (bad)
B: Yes, I did. meaning, but relaxing has a positive (good) meaning.
A: Did you see the film about dragons? Set 2
B: Yes. You use a lift, stairs and escalator to go up and down. You
A: There are two dragons in the picture. Colour the less use a platform to wait for trains.
dangerous dragon green. Set 3
You need to pay to go to the cinema, go bowling and visit
Answers an aquarium, but you don’t need to pay to collect shells.
See transcript. You are inside when you go to the cinema, go bowling or
visit an aquarium, but you collect shells outside.
6 Listen to Sarah and write. 4.25
Set 4
It was my birthday last week. I was twelve. On Sunday, You can see snakes in the world today, but you can’t see
I went to the funfair with my family. At first, I had a really dragons, aliens or dinosaurs.
good time. I walked round the funfair and I went on some
Dragons, aliens and dinosaurs have legs, but snakes don’t
rides. They were fun.
have legs.
Then I saw Mark Tyler! Do you know him? He’s a famous
singer. I said to my mum, ‘I need to take a photo of him!’ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
and I went over to say hello to him. I was shy, but I used (Maximum 4 marks.)
my mum’s mobile phone to take a photo of him and me.
(I can’t find mine at the moment!) 2 Then ask the pupil the following questions:
At lunchtime, we went to a restaurant. I was hungry and I * What did you buy / do / eat / drink yesterday?
ate chicken, vegetables and rice and I drank lots of juice. * What did you do last weekend?
After lunch, I went to the ticket office and I bought a ticket * What did you do last summer?
for the biggest ride at the funfair. It’s called the Big Dipper. * What do you need to do today?
Who did I see again in front of the ticket office? Mark Tyler!
Well, guess what? The Big Dipper was the most frightening Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer.
ride at the funfair! I didn’t like it at all! And who looked at (Maximum 4 marks.)
me? Mark Tyler! I was so embarrassed!
Total: 8 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Standard test teaching notes

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Example answer

Talk to your teacher.
You will have a wonderful time in my country. You will see
1 Point to the big pictures and ask the pupil to find eight
the most beautiful forests and you will visit the most
differences between the two pictures.
historical buildings. You will go ice skating and you will go
Answers to concerts. You will eat our famous food at relaxing
(any eight of these ten) restaurants. You must bring warm clothes because my
country is cold. You must visit London! You don’t have to
The station in Picture B is more modern / less historical travel on the underground, you can walk around too. You
than the station in Picture A. must bring your mobile phone to take photos!
In Picture A, the departures board is above the lift. In
Picture B, it’s above the ticket office. Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
The station in Picture A is more crowded than the station (Maximum 8 marks.)
in Picture B.
In Picture A, there are stairs, but in Picture B there’s an
escalator. Listening
In Picture A, the big family is outside the station, but in 5 Listen and draw lines. 4.26
Picture B, they’re inside the station. 1 A: Can you see the king?
In Picture A, the boy has a (toy) dragon. In Picture B, he B: Yes, I can. He’s wearing expensive clothes!
has a (toy) dinosaur.
A: You’re right. Put him in front of the bull.
The little girl in Picture A visited a planetarium. The little
B: OK.
girl in Picture B visited an aquarium.
2 A: Where shall I put the string?
In Picture A, the boy with headphones is going through
the exit. In Picture B, the boy’s going through the B: The string? Put it above the exit.
entrance. 3 A: I can see a dragon.
In Picture A, he went bowling. In Picture B, he went to the B: Yes. Put the dragon on the moon.
cinema. 4 A: What about this memory stick? Is it the director’s?
In Picture B, the woman on the platform is famous. In B: No, it isn’t his. It’s the camera operator’s. Put it near
Picture A, the woman on the platform isn’t famous. her.
5 A: The photographer’s camera is less modern than mine!
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. B: Ha, yes. Put the photographer below the singer.
(Maximum 8 marks.) 6 A: I can see some shells. I like collecting shells on
the beach.
Total: 16 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence. B: Me too. Put these shells on the stairs.
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good A: Right.
fluency and pronunciation.) 7 A: Where shall I put this sword?
B: Put it above the actor.
A: It’s very dangerous!
Term 3 Standard test B: Yes, it is.
Reading 8 A: The treasure’s beautiful
1 Look and read. Choose the correct words and write B: Yes, it is. Put it in front of the ship.
Term 3 Standard test

them on the lines. A: OK.


Answers 5

Listen and draw lines. /8 marks


1 a snack ​2 a waiting room ​3 an emoji ​4 a director ​

5 an aquarium ​6 a craft activity ​7 an email address ​
8 an escalator
2 Read the story. Choose the correct words and write
them on the lines.
1 was sitting ​2 have ​3 password ​
4 boring ​
5 bought ​ 6 most ​7 through ​
8 yours

3 Complete the information sheet. Use must, mustn’t,
will, won’t and the verbs below.
1 must arrive ​2 mustn’t bring ​3 will go ​4 won’t eat ​
5 will see, won’t visit ​6 will meet ​7 mustn’t take
4 Write an information sheet about your country. Use 6

Listen to Billy and write. /8 marks

will, won’t, must and mustn’t.

A surprise at youth club

> Billy goes to youth club on †hursday evenings.
1 Billy likes playing . 80
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
2 Jack likes playing .
3 Billy and Jack like watching films.
Standard test teaching notes

6 Listen to Billy and write. 4.27 Set 4

I go to a youth club in the village hall on Thursday You need a ball or balls when you play pool, play table
evenings. My best friend Jack goes too. My favourite football and go bowling, but you don’t need a ball when
activity is pool and his is table football. We usually play you play board games.
pool because I think it’s more relaxing than table football.
We sometimes watch films at youth club. We don’t like Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
historical films – they’re boring. We like frightening ones (Maximum 4 marks.)
with dangerous characters!
2 Then ask the pupil the following questions:
I usually arrive at youth club at six o’clock, but last week
* How do you use technology?
I arrived at quarter to seven. When I walked through the
door, I could hear Jack. He was saying, ‘It’s mine! It’s * What are the rules at your school?
mine!’ in a very loud voice. I was surprised. Jack’s the * What were you doing on Saturday afternoon?
kindest person I know. He’s never selfish – not like other * Where will you be next Saturday?
people! What was the problem?
I looked inside the hall. Jack and Pippa were fighting. Pippa Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer.
had a big fossil in her hand. ‘Give me the fossil!’ Jack was (Maximum 4 marks.)
shouting. ‘No!’ Pippa was saying. ‘I found it!’
Total: 8 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
Suddenly, my friend Sam was talking too. ‘Great!’ he said, pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
‘Really good. But Pippa – you need to stand below the You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
window, and Jack, you mustn’t stand in front of the exit. fluency and pronunciation.)
OK. Let’s do it again!’
That’s when I understood. Sam was directing a play and
Jack and Pippa are actors. They’ll be very good, that’s for 8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to
sure! your teacher.
1 Point to the big pictures and ask the pupil to find eight
Answers differences between the two pictures.
1 pool ​ 2 table football ​3 frightening ​4 mine ​ Answers
5 selfish ​6 fossil ​7 mustn’t ​ 8 actors
(any eight of these ten)
Speaking In Picture A, two pirates are playing cards.
In Picture B, two soldiers are playing cards.
7 Listen and talk to your teacher. The funfair in Picture A is more modern / less dangerous
Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you? that the funfair in Picture B.
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1–6 flashcards in In Picture A, the man is outside the ticket office.
four sets on the table: In Picture B, he’s inside.
Set 1 In Picture A, the child is a monster / dinosaur.
* crowded, planetarium, aquarium, ticket office In Picture B, it’s an alien.
Set 2 In Picture A, the boy is roller skating, but in Picture B he’s
* pirate, king, avatar, clothes designer scooting.
Set 3 In Picture A, the girl is using a mobile phone to take a
* go karting, scooting, roller skating, watch a film photo. In Picture B, she’s using a tablet.
Set 4 In Picture A, the woman is a dancer.
* play pool, play table football, play board games, go In Picture B, she’s a hairdresser.
bowling In Picture A, the spaceship is above the moon.
1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say In Picture B, it’s below the moon.
What’s this? What’s he / she doing? In Picture A, we can see the entrance to a maze.
2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card In Picture B, we can see the entrance and the exit.
and say why it is different. In Picture A, the girl is confident about the ride.
3 Repeat with the other four sets. In Picture B, she’s nervous.

Example answers Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.

Set 1 (Maximum 8 marks.)
Planetarium, aquarium and ticket office are places, but Total: 16 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
crowded describes places. pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
Set 2 You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
Pirate, king and clothes designer are (real) people, but an fluency and pronunciation.)
avatar is a picture of a person.
Set 3
You move when you go karting, roller skating and
scooting, but you don’t move when you watch a film.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Unit tests transcripts / answers Challenge test teaching notes

Unit 1 Challenge test Answers

Reading 1 ✔ ​
2 ✘ ​
3 ✘ ​
4 ✔ ​
5 ✔
1 Read and circle. Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
1 laptop ​ 2 mine ​ 3 Yours ​
4 to write ​5 key ​
6 our ​ 6 Listen to Sophia and circle. 4.29
7 to practise ​8 theirs ​
9 her ​
10 address A: Hi Sophia, what are you doing?
Sophia: I’m doing my homework.
2 Read and complete.
A: Is it your laptop?
Answers Sophia: No, my dad bought it last week.
1 mobile phone ​2 Mine ​3 his ​
4 their ​
5 tablets ​ A: So it’s his?
6 avatars ​7 Theirs ​
8 hers ​
9 Earth ​10 to Sophia: Yes.
A: Oh, right.
Writing Sophia: I use it to watch films on too. I’ve got a tablet, but
I can’t watch films on it.
3 Complete Jack’s sentences about how his family
uses technology. A: Do you play computer games on it?
Sophia: Yes, I do. Go, Aliens! is my favourite.
Answers A: What’s that?
1 memory stick to save ​2 password to do ​ Sophia: There are lots of aliens. You’re on the moon and
3 mobile phone to talk to ​4 use a / their webcam to see ​ you click on a spaceship to escape the aliens. The
5 use a / their laptop(s) to send ​6 uses a / her tablet to aliens are bad!
take ​7 uses headphones to listen to ​ A: Sounds fun!
8 (uses headphones) to learn ​9 use avatars to play ​ Sophia: It is. I’m on level 26 now. I like Room too.
10 use a spaceship to fly A: What’s that?
4 Write about how you and your family use technology. Sophia: There are different boxes in different rooms and
you use keys to open them.
Example answer A: Oh, right. I don’t know that game.
My family uses technology a lot. I have an email address. Sophia: I can send you an email with information about it.
I use my laptop to write emails, but I use my mobile A: Oh, thank you. Have you got an email address?
phone to listen to music. My dad uses his tablet to take Sophia: Yes, I have. I don’t send a lot of emails because I
photos and he uses a memory stick to save photos. My can never remember my password! My little
brothers use their tablets to play games. They have brother’s is easy to remember, but I always forget
avatars. My sister uses her mobile phone to talk to her mine.
friends. My mum uses a webcam to see my cousins. My
A: Who do you send emails to?
brother and I use our mobile phones to take photos.
Sophia: My friend Emma, but she doesn’t like writing. She
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. (Maximum uses lots of emojis in her emails to show her
8 marks.) Award 1 additional mark for spelling and 1 feelings, and not many words.
additional mark for punctuation. Total 10 marks. A: Do you and Emma talk on the phone much?
Sophia: No, not really. I usually use my mobile phone to
listen to music. My sister’s headphones are better
Listening than mine, so I usually use hers!
5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.28 Answers
1 A: I don’t want to put a photo on my profile so I’m using 1 False ​ 2 True ​3 False ​ 4 False ​5 True ​6 False ​
this avatar. 7 False ​ 8 uses writing and emojis ​9 mobile phone ​
B: I like it! 10 her sister’s
2 A: What are you playing?
B: It’s a really good game! There are some aliens and Unit 2 Challenge test
they use a comet to get to Earth. You click them to
move them. It’s great fun! Reading
3 John and Mary have both got laptops. They use them to 1 Read and write True or False.
do their homework. His is the small one.
4 A: I often use my mum’s tablet to do my homework.
B: What’s that picture? 1 True ​
2 False ​
3 True ​4 False ​5 False ​
6 False ​
A: It’s the moon. 7 True ​
8 False ​
9 False ​10 True
5 A: I really want to save this work and put it on my blog 2 Read and complete.
tomorrow. Whose are these memory sticks?
B: They’re ours. Answers
A: Oh! Can I use them? 1 relaxing ​
2 least ​
3 the most ​4 historical ​
5 confident ​
6 more ​ 7 kind ​
8 the least ​9 nervous ​
10 less
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Writing 6 Listen to Mark and circle. 4.31

3 Complete the sentences comparing the three cafés. A: Hi, Mark. Are you happy to answer some questions?
Mark: Yes, yes, of course!
A: Good.
1 the least modern ​2 the most crowded ​3 more Mark: What do you want to ask?
expensive than ​4 less expensive than ​5 the least A: Ha, well the first question is what do you do on a
expensive ​ 6 more crowded than ​7 the most relaxing ​ typical Saturday?
8 less relaxing (than) ​9 less modern than ​10 the Mark: OK, well on Saturday morning I usually go to the
most expensive shopping centre with my older brother.
4 Compare three shops in your town. A: Waterman’s shopping centre?
Mark: Oh, no, Waterman’s is very expensive! We go to
Example answer Neal’s shopping centre. The shops and restaurants
Richard’s, Dean’s and Everyday are three food shops in there are cheaper. I mean it’s older than
my town. Waterman’s, but that doesn’t matter.
Richard’s is the most beautiful of the three shops. It’s a A: What do you do at the shopping centre?
very old shop so it’s the most historical. It has lots of Mark: My brother always gives me some money to spend,
interesting things. It was on TV last year, so it’s the most and he always says ‘Which shop would you like to
famous shop in my town. It’s more relaxing than the go in first?’ and we go there.
other shops because the shop assistants are very friendly. A: That’s nice!
Everyday is a supermarket. It’s the biggest of the three Mark: I know. Then, after shopping, we have lunch at
shops. It’s also the least expensive. It’s more crowded Carlo’s pizza restaurant.
than Richard’s. A: Carlo’s … I prefer Larry’s pizza place. There are
Dean’s the most modern of the three shops and it’s the always so many people at Carlo’s!
most expensive. It’s less crowded than Everyday, but it’s Mark: Well, it’s true that you can always get a table at
more boring than the other shops because it doesn’t sell Larry’s, but it’s … well, it’s very quiet there and, you
sweets. know … not very exciting!
A: I know what you mean!
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. (Maximum
8 marks.) Award 1 additional mark for spelling and 1 Mark: Anyway, on Saturday afternoon I usually go to
additional mark for punctuation. Total 10 marks. Grove Park with my friends.
A: Is that the park near the sports centre?
Mark: Yes, it is. We sometimes see PJ Cameron there!
Listening A: PJ Cameron? The football player? Really?
5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.30 Mark: Yes.
1 A: How many bridges are there over the river in that part A: Wow!
of the city? Mark: He’s very friendly. He always says hello to us.
B: Two. They’re both about 250 metres long, but the big A: Amazing!
bridge is about 60 metres wide and the small bridge is Mark: And, yeah, we just relax there. City Park – and the
only about four metres wide. The small bridge is more other parks in the city – are so noisy and busy. I
historical than the big bridge. mean, they’re good if you want to play football or
2 A: Who’s the kindest of your friends? tennis or something, but at Grove Park we just sit
B: Oh, I can’t answer that question! They’re all kind. The and talk.
main difference between them is that Rose is the most A: And Grove Park’s very beautiful, too, isn’t it?
confident. Mark: Yes, the trees and flowers are lovely … But of course
3 A: There’s a forest near my grandparents’ house. there’s Bridgehouse Park on the other side of the
B: Is it frightening? city. It’s got small lakes, islands, waterfalls …
A: It’s the least frightening place I know! It’s very A: Well, yes, that’s true. Bridgehouse Park is about 150
relaxing! years old, it’s the only park like that in the city. It’s a
4 We sometimes sing songs in our English lessons. Suzy great place for families to visit. It’s very special.
isn’t shy, but Billy is always embarrassed! Answers
5 A: So how did you feel on the mountain path? 1 confident ​2 more ​3 more ​4 kind ​
5 less ​
B: It was really dangerous. I looked down into the valley 6 boring ​7 famous ​8 most ​9 less ​
10 historical
and I was nervous!
1 ✘ ​
2 ✘ ​
3 ✔ ​
4 ✔ ​
5 ✔

Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Unit 3 Challenge test 8 A: James is over there.

B: Where?
A: Over there, in front of the escalator.
1 Read and circle T (True) or F (False). 9  Vicky’s in the waiting room. She needs to sit down for
Answers ten minutes.
10 A: Where’s Sam? We need to go to the platform.
1 T ​
2 T ​
3 F ​
4 T ​
5 T ​
6 T ​
7 F ​
8 F ​
9 F ​
10 T
Name B: He’s looking at the timetables.
Unit 3 Challenge test

2 Read and circle. A: Oh yes! Sam! Come on! We need to go!


Answers 5

Listen and draw lines. /10 marks


1 need to ​2 timetable ​ 3 departures board ​ Vicky James Lucy Frank Sophia

4 need to ​5 mustn’t ​ 6 below ​ 7 must ​ 8 needs to ​

9 outside ​10 waiting room

3 Complete the rules and information about
a school trip.
1 must wear ​2 You must arrive ​3 You mustn’t bring ​
4 You must listen to ​5 You mustn’t run ​
6 You must sit in ​7 need to buy ​8 You need to bring ​
9 You don’t need to / mustn’t take Sam Clare Matt Anna Paul
​10 You don’t need to do
6 Listen and circle. /10 marks

6 Listen and circle.
4 Write rules and information about a different

1 George and Clara need to buy tickets / 6 They see Luke. He’s above /
school trip. It’s
Luke. past seven on a Monday belowmorning.
them. George and
2 They walkare/ run
the train
people atstation.
the 7 George wants to / needs to
Example answer ‘Where
is he?’ says Clara. ‘Where’s Luke! We must stop
press the red button.
3 They need to go to the ticket office / 8 Clara and George must / don’t need to
You must arrive at the station at six o’clock. You must give him!’
Platform 4. buy a ticket.
your parents’ mobile phone number to the teacher. You ‘Yes,’ says
4 They need George,
to go over a bridge‘he
/ mustn’t getcanon
9 They the run
/ mustn’t train!’
on the platform.
must use the stairs at the station. You mustn’t use the The station is very busy.
through a waiting room. 10 They need to use a phone to speak to
escalator. You mustn’t go to the shops at the station. on! We need to run!’ someone / eat.
5 They use the stairs / escalator.
You don’t need to wear school uniform. You need to buy a But they can’t run. The station is crowded.Total for test / 60 marks

ticket at the ticket office. You don’t need to bring lunch. A ll ab ou t my test
They walk to the departures board. out my
You need to bring money for the café. You don’t need to ab
‘Look!’ says HowClara. ‘The
do you feel? Tick London
✔. train leaves at seven
bring a notebook and pen.

thirty-four. Platform Four. Let’s go!’
I am happy with my result.

I am happy, but I can study harder.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, 1 mark ‘We need Ito cross the bridge. Where are the stairs?’ George
need to study harder.
for spelling and 1 mark for punctuation. asks.
(Maximum 10 marks.) ‘The escalator is quicker,’ says Clara. 47
They get on the escalator. There are a lot of people on it.
All About Us 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

‘I can see him!’ says George. ‘Look! He’s up there! He’s up

Listening there! Can I press this red button to stop the escalator?
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.32 Please?’
1 A: Where’s Frank? ‘No!’ says Clara. ‘You mustn’t press the red button!’
B: He’s going through the entrance. ‘Luke! Luke!’ they call, but Luke doesn’t hear them.
2 Look there’s Anna. She needs to use the lift. On the platform, a man stops them. He works at the
3 A: I can see Sophia. station.
B: Where is she? ‘Can I see your tickets?’ he asks.
A: She’s below the departures board. ‘We haven’t got any tickets,’ says Clara.
4 A: I need to speak to Clare. Where is she? ‘You mustn’t travel without a ticket,’ says the man.
B: She needs to get a ticket. She’s at the ticket office. ‘We don’t want to travel,’ says Clara. ‘We need to stop that
man.’ She points at a young man with dark hair.
5 A: Is Lucy in the waiting room?
‘OK,’ says the man.
B: No, she isn’t. She’s outside the station.
She and George start to run.
6 A: Can you see Matt?
‘Don’t run!’ shouts the man. ‘No running on the station
B: Yes, he’s over there. He’s going through the exit.
7 A: Paul needs to go carefully!
Clara and George walk. They walk very quickly.
B: Why?
The London train arrives and the doors open.
A: He’s on the stairs, look.
‘Luke!’ shouts Clara.
B: Oh, yes.
‘Luke! Stop!’ calls George.
Luke sees them. He stops.
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

‘Your mobile phone!’ they shout. ‘It was on the kitchen 3 

A: What did you do at the weekend?
table!’ B: We went to the cinema and saw a film about
‘Oh, wow! You are superstars!’ says Luke. He takes the dinosaurs.
phone. ‘Thank you so much!’ Clara and George say a quick 4 
We went to the coast. We didn’t find any fossils on the
goodbye to their brother, then he is on the train. The doors beach, but we found some nice shells.
close and the train leaves for London. 5 
A: What was the best thing at the planetarium?
‘I need breakfast,’ says George. B: I saw part of a spaceship.
‘Me too,’ says Clara. ‘Where’s the cafe?’
1 B ​
2 B ​
3 B ​
4 A ​
5 B
1 find Luke ​2 walk ​
3 Platform 4 ​4 over a bridge ​
5 escalator ​6 above ​
7 wants to ​8 don’t need to ​ Score: 2 marks for each correct answer.
9 mustn’t ​ 10 eat
6 Listen to Jane. Complete the sentences and answer
Unit 4 Challenge test the questions. 4.35
Reading A: Did you have a family holiday last year?
Jane: Yes, we did. We went to Florida.
1 Read and complete.
A: Oh, wow! I’d love to go to Florida! Did you have a
Answers good time?
1 Did ​
2 bowling ​
3 didn’t ​4 bought ​
5 dragon ​ Jane: Oh, yes! The best thing was seeing dolphins!
6 buy ​
7 found ​8 planetarium ​9 saw ​
10 see A: Oh, did you see them at an aquarium?
Jane: No, they were in the sea. We walked on a pier and
2 Read and write True or False. we saw them in the water. They were amazing.
Answers A: Were the beaches in Florida beautiful?
1 True ​
2 False ​
3 True ​4 False ​ 5 True ​
6 True ​ Jane: Yes, they were. On the first day, I wrote my name
7 True ​
8 False ​
9 False ​10 False on the beach, but on the second day the weather
was very windy. I looked out of my window and
there was a small sandstorm on the beach!
Writing A: Wow!
3 Complete Vicky’s email. Jane: Yes, it was quite strange. But the worst thing was
that my mum and dad found a snake in their room
at the hotel!
1 visited an / the aquarium ​2 saw (some) snakes ​ A: Oh dear! Anyway, tell me more about the good
3 didn’t listen ​4 ate at a restaurant ​5 collected things in Florida.
(some) shells ​6 found a fossil ​7 went karting ​ Jane: Erm … We went karting!
8 went bowling ​9 went to the cinema ​10 Did you see
A: That sounds fun! Did you win any races?
4 Imagine you went to a city last Saturday. Write to Jane: Yes, I did. I raced my dad and I won!
Vicky. A: Good for you!
Example answer Jane: And we went to a funfair.
A: Ooh, was it frightening?
On Saturday morning, we went bowling. Then we went to
Jane: No, it was exciting! I went up and down and round
the planetarium. At lunchtime, we ate at a pizza
and round! I loved it! Oh yes, and we went to the
restaurant. I didn’t have pizza. I had pasta and cheese. In
sports stadium, but we didn’t watch a match. We
the afternoon we went ice skating. Then we went
went to a concert. The music was amazing. And we
shopping and I bought a T-shirt. We saw a funfair, but we
went to the cinema a few times.
didn’t go to the funfair. In the evening, we went to a
concert. We listened to some really good music. A: You were busy!
Jane: Yes.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, 1 mark for A: Did you buy anything in Florida?
spelling and 1 mark for punctuation. (Maximum Jane: Erm … well, we went to a museum and I bought a
10 marks.) small fossil. Nothing else.
A: What about the food in Florida? Did you like it?
Jane: Yes, it was good. I ate lots of ice cream because it
Listening was very hot. And I drank lots of fruit juice.
5 Listen and circle A or B. 4.34
1 A: Did you go ice skating?
1 b ​2 a ​ 3 c ​ 4 a ​5 c ​
6 b ​
7 concert ​
8 cinema ​
B: No, we didn’t. We went bowling and then we ate at
9 fossil ​
10 ice cream
a restaurant.
2 There was a little girl and she had a toy dragon.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Unit 5 Challenge test 6 Listen to Peter and complete the sentences. 4.37
Reading A: I saw you on the bus yesterday evening. Were you
going to the cinema?
1 Read and complete. Peter: No, I wasn’t. I was going to the theatre with my
Answers grandparents.
A: You looked very smart!
1 arrived ​2 was making ​3 ate ​4 went ​
5 was watching ​6 were playing ​7 was roller skating ​ Peter: Thanks. I was wearing a shirt and jacket with my
8 ship ​ 9 was he ​10 treasure jeans. I bought them last week.
A: So what did you see at the theatre?
2 Read Sophia’s story. Circle and answer the questions. Peter: It was a play called The Three Pirates! I really
enjoyed it. There was a lot of music. About 100
children were singing on stage, but the pirates didn’t
1 True ​ 2 False ​
3 True ​4 False ​5 False ​6 False ​ speak. They only acted. They were very funny. They
7 Yes, he was. ​8 Kathy and Anna / They were playing had lots of treasure, but they didn’t have a ship. So
pool. ​9 were dancing ​10 was watching a film (about they were travelling around the world and looking
soldiers) for a ship. They went around the stage on scooters.
Then, they met an artist …
Writing A: Oh! A famous artist?
3 Complete Sam’s email. Peter: No, no, no. Anyway, he was painting a picture of a
ship. The pirates offered him some money and he
Answers gave them the picture. Then, the picture of the ship
1 were playing cards ​2 was roller skating ​3 was became real, and the pirates had lots of adventures.
scooting ​ 4 wasn’t making a snack ​5 was wearing ​ The youngest pirate jumped in the sea and as he
6 weren’t watching a film ​7 Were they doing craft was jumping, he saw a big jellyfish. He was very
activities / a craft activity, they were ​8 was Adam doing, scared! Then, the pirates were making a snack and
was reading (a book) they were all very selfish and they had a big fight.
There was lots of great music and at the end
4 Imagine you go to an after-school club. Yesterday, everyone was singing all the songs.
you arrived at four o’clock. What was happening? A: Were you singing too?
Write past continuous sentences. Peter: Yes, I was. But my grandma wasn’t. She was
Example answer sleeping!
A: What time did the play finish?
Eva was playing table football. George and Matt were
playing board games. Bella and Mary were playing pool. Peter: About 10 o’clock. When I got home, it was about
Jack was singing. Clare was making a ship. Suzy and Vicky quarter to eleven. My dad was in bed, but mum was
were dancing. Hugo was reading a magazine. Billy was reading. We talked about the play and then I went
playing the piano. Henry and Martha were making a to bed.
snack. Answers
1 a ​ 2 c ​
3 c ​4 c ​5 a ​6 jumped ​
7 snack ​
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, 1 mark for
8 singing ​
9 sleeping ​
10 reading
spelling and 1 mark for punctuation. (Maximum
10 marks.)
Unit 6 Challenge test
Listening Reading
1 Read Jim’s email. Circle and answer the questions.
5 Listen and tick ✔ or cross ✘. 4.36
1 A: I was playing a game with Nancy. Answers
B: What game? 1 False ​2 True ​3 True ​ 4 True ​5 No, he won’t. ​
A: Oh, we were playing pool. 6 won’t ​7 Yes, he will. ​8 wants to be ​
2 I can see a man. 9 a photographer ​10 a hairdresser
3 A: Were you playing board games in the park?
2 Read and complete.
B: No, we weren’t. I was roller skating and my sister was
doing a craft activity. Answers
4 A: What’s his job? 1 will be ​2 comedian ​ 3 singer ​
4 to sing ​5 sing ​
B: He’s a soldier. 6 won’t ​ 7 ’ll ​
8 will you ​9 dancer ​10 king
5 It was a hot day. Sam and Ellie were playing cards in the
1 ✔ ​
2 ✘ ​
3 ✘ ​
4 ✔ ​
5 ✔

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Writing Suzy: No, I won’t. My dad and I are going to visit my

grandparents in Scotland at the weekend. I’ll be
3 Complete Vicky’s blog. Use will or won’t and the home again on Monday.
verbs below.
Billy: Oh, right. What will you do there?
Answers Suzy: I’ll go horse riding on Saturday. I always do that
1 ’ll / will watch a film ​2 won’t do ​3 won’t play board because they live on a farm and they’ve got three
games ​ 4 ’ll / will go scooting ​5 ’ll / will wear a ​ beautiful horses. My grandparents bought a bull last
6 ’ll fight (a monster) ​7 Will we win ​8 will win ​ year and it’s really big! I’m very nervous of it and I’ll
9 ’ll / will be an actor ​10 ’ll be stay away from it. I’ll help with the sheep, though.
Billy: What else will you do?
4 Write a blog about what you and your friends will Suzy: My grandad wants to take me to a new park near
do today, tomorrow, next weekend and when you’re their house. It’s got a really good maze in it.
older. Use will and won’t. Billy: Oh, I love mazes! I hope you don’t get lost!
Example answer Suzy: No, I won’t!
It’s Monday today. After school, I’ll walk home with my Billy: Will you use string?
friend Alex. I’ll have a snack and I’ll do my homework. Suzy: What do you mean?
Then I’ll have a bath and I’ll have dinner. I’ll use my tablet Billy: Like Theseus. He used string to find his way out of
to play games. Tomorrow, I’ll go to school again. I’ll play the maze. He needed to escape the monster!
football after school. I won’t go to the planetarium and I Suzy: Oh, yes! No, I won’t use string. I’ll use something
won’t go ice skating! Next weekend, I’ll go to the cinema more modern – my mobile phone!
and I’ll go roller skating. When I’m older, I’ll be a teacher Billy: Good idea! OK, Suzy, I need to go now.
or a writer. I won’t be a clothes designer. My friend Sam Suzy: Where are you going?
will be a camera operator. Billy: I’m going to my dance lesson.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, 1 mark for Suzy: Wow! You can dance! I didn’t know that!
spelling and 1 mark for punctuation. Billy: Yes. We’re going to perform in a show next month.
(Maximum 10 marks.) Would you like to come?
Suzy: Yes, please. How will I get a ticket?
Billy: I’ll get you a ticket. My mum will pay.
Listening Suzy: Really? Oh, that’s great! Thank you!
5 Listen and circle A or B. 4.38 Answers
1 A: Do you want to be an actor in the show?
1 c ​
2 a ​ 3 b ​ 4 c ​ 5 maze / park ​6 string ​
B: No, I won’t remember the words. 7 mobile phone ​8 dancer ​ 9 will / ’ll ​
A: What do you want to do? 10 No. / No, she won’t.
B: I want to organize other people in the shows.
A: You like telling people what to do! Unit E Challenge test
B: Yes, I do.
2 A: I’ll use this string to make a picture of a monster. Reading
B: That’s a good idea. 1 Read and complete. Cricle.
3 I won’t be a famous singer and I won’t sing in an opera Answers
4 A: You’ll be amazing! 1 a ​2 c ​
3 b ​
4 c ​
5 b ​
6 a ​
7 b ​
8 False ​
9 True ​
10 True
B: Thanks. But I won’t win the competition.
5 I don’t want to be a photographer. I want to make 2 Read and complete.
people laugh. I’ll be a comedian.
1 Have ​2 haven’t ​
3 USA ​ 4 hasn’t ​
5 been ​
6 has ​
1 A ​
2 A ​
3 B ​
4 B ​
5 A 7 Spain ​
8 Spanish ​9 travelled ​10 eaten
6 Listen to Suzy and Billy and complete. 4.39
Suzy: Hi, Billy.
Billy: Hi, Suzy. I was walking past the theatre yesterday 3 Complete Kate’s email. Use ’ve, ’s, have, has, haven’t
and I saw your dad. He was coming out of the or hasn’t and the verbs in the box.
theatre with lots of beautiful clothes. Is he a clothes Answers
Suzy: No, he isn’t. He makes things for the stage. At the 1 ’ve travelled, German ​2 ’ve eaten Italian ​3 ’ve been,
moment he’s making a wooden castle for a play USA ​ 4 ’ve met, pilot ​5 has / ’s bought, French ​
called The King. 6 has / ’s listened, Spanish ​7 haven’t watched, British ​
8 haven’t started, Maths homework ​9 ’ve packed,
Billy: Oh, I’m going to see the The King on Saturday!
(school)bag ​ 10 has / ’s written, code
Suzy: You’ll see my dad’s castle then!
Billy: Will you be there? Score: 1 mark for each complete correct answer.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

4 Imagine you went on a journey this summer. 6 Listen to Vicky and Jack and circle. Complete. 4.41
Write an email to Kate about your experiences. Jack: Hi, Vicky!
Example answer Vicky: Hi, Jack. Are you OK?
I’ve had an amazing summer too. I’ve travelled across Jack: No, I’m not. I need to do my homework for
America by coach. I’ve eaten American food! I’ve crossed tomorrow morning.
the Atlantic by boat and I’ve visited different countries in Vicky: Oh, right. Why haven’t you done it?
Europe. I’ve taken lot of photos. I’ve seen lots of beautiful Jack: It’s been a busy weekend. I’ve been on the beach,
places and made lots of new friends. I haven’t done any at the shops, at the aquarium …
homework! Vicky: That does sound busy! How was the aquarium? I
haven’t been there.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence, 1 mark for Jack: It was interesting, and relaxing too. I liked it.
spelling and 1 mark for punctuation. (Maximum 10 Vicky: Did you buy anything at the shops?
marks.) Jack: Yes, I did. I bought a book about German cars and
a bag. It’s from Italy. Oh, yes, and I bought a new
board game too.
Vicky: Cool. Have you played it yet?
5 Listen and circle A or B. 4.40 Jack: No, I haven’t. Too busy! I haven’t even opened my
1 Sarah hasn’t been to Italy this summer, but she’s been new book, either.
to the UK. She had a really good time. Vicky: So, what are you going to do about your
2 A: Has the pigeon arrived? homework?
B: Yes, it has, and it’s got the message on its leg. Jack: I’ll do it now.
3 A: I haven’t been to the cinema for ages! Vicky: What’s it about?
B: There’s a good film on at the moment. It’s about Jack: It’s about people who work in the secondary sector
a pilot. – builders, engineers, and so on. I’ve read some
A: OK, let’s go and see it. things on the internet. I can use them in my
4 We’ve just eaten at the new French restaurant. homework.
It’s really good. Vicky: That’s good. Your dad’s brother is a builder,
5 A: What’s on that piece of paper? isn’t he?
B: It’s a comet, look. Jack: Yes, he is. I spoke to him about his job last week.
6 A: He’s a good singer. It was really helpful.
B: Yes, he is. I love those German songs. Vicky: Well, good luck! Oh – I’ve got one more question.
7 John’s looked everywhere for his key, but he can’t find it. Why were you on the beach?
8 Lucy’s used her mobile phone to take a photo. Have you Jack: I was collecting shells. I need some big shells for
seen it? a craft activity at school.
9 A: Hi, how are you? I haven’t seen you for ages. Vicky: Did you find any?
B: I’m good thanks. I’ve just come back from the USA. Jack: Only five. I’m going to go and get some more next
It was fantastic. week. I need about fifteen. We’ve got a new Art
teacher. She’s from France and she wants us to
10 A: What’s that artist painting?
make lots of things.
B: Who knows! She hasn’t started yet.
Vicky: Oh, right.
Answers Jack: OK, I really must go now!
1 A ​
2 A ​
3 B ​
4 B ​5 A ​
6 B ​ Vicky: Oh yes, of course, bye!
7 A ​
8 B ​
9 A ​
10 A Jack: Bye!
1 True ​
2 False ​3 False ​4 True ​
5 False ​
6 False ​
7 True ​
8 builder ​9 five ​
10 France

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Term tests transcripts / answers Challenge test teaching notes

Term 1 Challenge test

Term 1 Challenge test
NameOn Sunday, I was on the beach. It was the most relaxing
day of the week.
Reading Listening

1 Read Clare’s blog and circle.
/10 marks

5 Listen and draw lines.


1 True ​2 False ​3 True ​
4 True ​5 weren’t ​
6 isn’t ​ Tuesday
7 better ​
8 less modern ​9 more crowded ​ Wednesday
10 nervous Thursday
2 Read the text and complete the sentences with 1, 2
or 3 words.

1 her / a laptop ​2 (about) £3 (each) ​3 famous ​
4 less ​ 5 dangerous ​ 6 frightening ​
7 the most relaxing ​8 password ​ 9 play a piano ​
10 uses headphones to
6 Listen to Jim and circle. Complete the sentences./10 marks

6 43
Listen to Jim and circle. Complete the sentences.

1 Jim’s sister is selfish. True / False
2 Jim thinks Catch the Aliens is less boring than City Build. True / False
3 Complete Vicky’s blog. A: Is that your3 tablet, Jim?
Jim uses his phone to send messages to his friends. True / False
Jim: Yes, it is. My4 sister got
He uses emojis inamessages
new one so she gave meTrue
and emails. hers.
/ False
Answers A: Oh, that was kind
5 He reads of her.
emails on his dad’s laptop. True / False

1 to ​ 2 his ​3 spaceship ​ 4 least ​ 5 Her ​ 6 avatars ​ Jim: Yes. 6 Using technology is Jim’s favourite way to relax. True / False

7 Hers ​ 8 less ​ 9 crowded ​ 10 mobile phone A: Do you play Catch the Aliens on it?
7 Jim’s friend was in the forest.
8 For Jim, the forest was more at night than in the day.
4 Write to Vicky about what you do at home and out of Jim: No! That’s the most boring game! I like City Build.
9 They could see a big in the sky.
the house at the weekend. A: Oh, yes, City Build’s very people.
10 Jim likes reading books about
famous. So what else do you
do on your tablet? Do you send messages to your
Example answer friends?
I play computer games at home at the weekend. I use my Jim: No, I use my phone for that.
sister’s laptop to play games on because it’s more A: Oh, of course. Do you write long messages?
modern than mine. Computer games are more relaxing Jim: Hmm, no, not really. I like using emojis.
than going to the beach. They’re more exciting too. You A: So you put a lot of emojis in your messages?
can go to the moon or meet aliens! Jim: Yes, I do. 62
I think walks in the countryside are the most boring thing.
All About Us 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

A: And do you send emails?

I don’t like going to parks. And I don’t like visiting
Jim: Well, I use my dad’s laptop to read emails from my
historical places. I sometimes go shopping at the
older brother, but I never send emails!
weekend. I meet my friends at the modern shops in town.
I like looking at the most expensive things. A: Do you think technology is relaxing?
I’ve got an email address and I sometimes write to my Jim: I don’t know … I like technology, but I also like doing
grandparents. There’s one problem. I always forget my things with my friends and family.
password! A: What sort of things do you do?
Jim: Well, last weekend I went to the forest with my dad,
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence (up to a my sister and a friend. But we didn’t go in the day. We
maximum of 8), 1 mark for spelling and 1 mark for went at night!
punctuation. (Maximum 10 marks.) A: Oh, wow! Was it frightening?
Jim: Yes, a bit! But my friend was more nervous than me.
The forest was very beautiful – more beautiful than in
Listening the day. There was a big moon in the sky.
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.42 A: Sounds amazing. So do you like being outside?
On Monday, I arrived home and I used a key to open my Jim: Yes, I do. I’ve got a book about a man who lives in a
front door because my parents were at work. forest and another book about a famous woman who
On Tuesday, I remembered to take my memory stick to climbs mountains. I like those books, they’re more
school, but my homework wasn’t on it! I was really interesting than books about aliens and things like
embarrassed! that!
On Wednesday, I visited a castle with school. It was boring. Answers
On Thursday, I used a webcam for the first time to talk to
1 False ​ 2 False ​ 3 True ​ 4 False ​ 5 True ​ 6 False ​
my teacher. I was shy!
7 nervous ​ 8 beautiful ​ 9 moon ​ 10 famous
On Friday, I talked to my class about the moon. I was
nervous, but it was OK.
On Saturday, I was in the city with my friends. I was the
most confident of the three of us.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Speaking 8 Look at the pictures and tell the story.

1 Start describing the first picture, e.g. Jack’s in a
7 Listen and talk to your teacher.
computer shop. It’s very modern. It’s very … Then ask the
Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you? child to continue telling the story.
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1 and 2
flashcards in five sets on the table: Example answer
Set 1 Jack’s in a computer shop. It’s very modern. It’s very
* memory stick, key, mobile phone, webcam crowded. He looks at the most expensive laptop.
Set 2 There are aliens on the laptop. They’re in a spaceship.
* selfish, kind, nervous, shy There’s a webcam on the laptop. The aliens can see Jack.
Set 3 He’s nervous.
* famous, beautiful, dangerous, embarrassed Jack uses the headphones to listen to the aliens. He talks
Set 4 to the aliens. He’s more confident now.
* mobile phone, laptop, avatar, tablet Lots of people are watching Jack. He’s very embarrassed!
But there’s a spaceship outside the shop …
Set 5
* comet, aliens, Earth, email address Score: 2 marks for correct sentences about each
1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say picture. (Maximum 10 marks.)
What’s this?
2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card Total: 10 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
and say why it is different. pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
3 Repeat with the other four sets. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)
Example answers
Set 1
Key is different because it’s less modern than the other
Term 2 Challenge test
objects / it isn’t technology. Reading
Set 2 1 Read and circle.
Kind is different because the other adjectives have a
negative / bad meaning. Answers
Set 3 1 to visit ​2 email address ​3 crowded ​ 4 saw ​
Embarrassed is different because we only use it to talk 5 platform ​ 6 theirs ​
7 kind ​8 did we do ​
about people. The other adjectives can describe people 9 didn’t eat ​10 concert
and places.
Set 4 2 Read the story and answer the questions.
Avatar is different because it’s online. Answers
Set 5 1 their mum’s laptop / a laptop ​2 a dragon ​3 Emma ​
Aliens are different because they aren’t real / people 4 boring ​ 5 inside ​
6 Clare ​ 7 mud ​ 8 a sandstorm ​
never see them. 9 the forest ​10 go home / go to their house
Email address is different because the others are about
space. Writing
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence or 3 Complete Paul’s blog post.
question. (Maximum 5 marks.) Answers
2 Then ask the pupil the following questions: 1 waiting room ​2 mustn’t ​
3 boring ​4 tablet ​
Have you got a mobile phone / laptop / tablet? How 5 fossil ​
6 ate ​7 outside ​
8 mine ​9 funfair ​
often do you use it? 10 above
Has your friend / brother / sister got a mobile phone / 4 Imagine you went to the city by train last weekend.
laptop / tablet? How is it different to yours? What did you see? What did you do? Write a blog post.
What’s the most beautiful / modern / historical /
relaxing place in your town / city / country? Tell me Example answer
about it. Last weekend we went to the city by train. We arrived at
Compare two cafés / shops / parks / mountains / West Station at half past nine. The station in my town is
beaches in your country. How are they different? very boring, but West Station is the most beautiful station
Tell me about your friends. in the city. It’s very historical. We met my friend and his
dad at the station. We drank some juice at a café. Then
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer. we walked to the aquarium. We saw fish and turtles. I
(Maximum 5 marks.) bought two fossils at the shop – one for me and one for
my friend. His is bigger than mine. I’m very kind! We ate
Total: 10 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to lunch at a pizza restaurant. In the afternoon we went
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence. bowling. I didn’t win!
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)
All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

A: Who’s that?
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence (up to a
Sarah: He’s a famous singer. I said to my mum, ‘I really
maximum of 8), 1 mark for spelling and 1 mark for
need to take a photo of him!’
punctuation. (Maximum 10 marks.)
A: And did you get a photo?
Sarah: Yes, I did. I went over to speak to him.
Listening A: Was he friendly?
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.44 Sarah: Yes, he was, but do you know what? He was shy
A: What did you do on Monday? too. In fact, he was more shy than me! Anyway, I
used my mum’s mobile phone to take a photo of
B: I bought a webcam. I’m going to use it to talk to my him and me.
friends in chatrooms.
A: Why did you use hers?
On Tuesday, I met my friend Sam and we went bowling. Sarah: Oh, I can’t find mine at the moment! Anyway, at
It was funny because I waited outside the entrance and lunchtime, we went to a restaurant. I was hungry
he waited inside the entrance! But then I phoned him and I ate chicken and chips. After lunch, I went to
and we found each other! the ticket office and I bought a ticket for the
A: What did you do on Wednesday? biggest ride at the funfair. It’s called the Big Dipper.
B: In the morning, I went to a party and I won a prize! In And guess who was in front of the ticket office?
the aftenroon, we drank milkshake at a café. A: The famous singer?
On Thursday morning, I used a photo to make a new Sarah: Yes.
avatar! In the afternoon, I went karting. A: Did he buy a ticket too?
A: On Friday I visited Tamford castle. I like historical Sarah: Yes, he did. Well, the Big Dipper was the most
places. Tamford Castle is really old and dangerous. frightening ride at the funfair! I didn’t like it at all!
B: I went to Morley Castle last year and it was more A: Oh no!
dangerous than Tamford Castle. You can walk around Sarah: And who looked at me? Mark Tyler! I was so
outside the castle, but you mustn’t go inside. embarrassed!
A: Oh dear! Did your day get better after that?
A: What did you do on Saturday?
Sarah: Yes, it did. I went to the shop and I saw a scarf with
B: My friends and I bought lots of coloured paper and then a beautiful pattern on it. It was the most expensive
we made a paper dragon. scarf in the shop, but my mum bought it for me.
A: Wow! A: That was kind of her.
A: What are you going to do on Sunday? Sarah: Yes, it was. I’ve got a very kind mum!
NameB: I’m going to go shopping because I needTerm
to2buy a new
Challenge test

memory stick.
1 the funfair ​2 famous ​ 3 less ​ 4 her mum’s ​
Answers /10 marks 5 chips ​6 ticket office ​7 frightening ​8 embarrassed ​

5 44
Listen and draw lines.

9 expensive ​ 10 kind
Tuesday Speaking
7 Listen and talk to your teacher.
Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you?
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1–4 flashcards in
five sets on the table:
Set 1
* memory stick, fossil, mobile phone, headphones
Set 2
* frightening, dangerous, boring, relaxing
Set 3
/10 marks
* lift, stairs, escalator, platform

6 Listen to Sarah and write.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.

A Day Out Set 4

> Sarah was 12 last week.
* go to the cinema, go bowling, collect shells, visit an
6 Listen to Sarah 1and write.
She went to 4.45 on Sunday.
Sarah: It was my birthday last week.
2 She met a singer.
Set 5
A: Oh, how old3 She were was
you? shy than the singer.
4 Whose phone did she use to take a photo? * snake, dragon, alien, dinosaur
Sarah: I was twelve. 5 She ate chicken and for lunch. 1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say
A: 6 SheDid you
saw the do
singer anything
again in front of thespecial? . What’s this? What’s he / she doing?
7 For Yes, I did.
Sarah, the Onwas
Big Dipper Saturday
very I went to. a concert and then 2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card
8 Markon Sunday
Tyler saw her andIshewent to the funfair with
was very . my family. and say why it is different.
A: 9 Sarah’s
Didmum you have
bought a most
her the good time? scarf in the shop.
3 Repeat with the other three sets.
Sarah: Well, yes, I did, at first. .I walked round the funfair
10 Sarah’s mum is very

and I went on some rides, and they were fun.

And, guess what? I saw Mark Tyler!

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
All About Us 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Example answers In Picture A, the big family is outside the station, but in
Picture B, they’re inside the station.
Set 1
In Picture A, the boy has a (toy) dragon. In Picture B, he
A memory stick, a mobile phone and headphones are has a (toy) dinosaur.
new / modern. A fossil is very old.
The little girl in Picture A visited a planetarium. The little
Set 2 girl in Picture B visited an aquarium.
Frightening, dangerous and boring have a negative (bad) In Picture A, the boy with headphones is going through
meaning, but relaxing has a positive (good) meaning. the exit. In Picture B, the boy he’s going through the
Set 3 entrance.
You use a lift, stairs and escalator to go up and down. You In Picture A, the boy with headphones went bowling. In
use a platform to wait for trains. Picture B, he went to the cinema.
Set 4 In Picture B, the woman on the platform is famous. In
You need to pay to go to the cinema, go bowling and visit Picture A, the woman on the platform isn’t famous.
an aquarium, but you don’t need to pay to collect shells.
You are inside when you go to the cinema, go bowling or Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
visit an aquarium, but you collect shells outside. (Maximum 10 marks.)
Set 5
Total: 20 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
You can see snakes in the world today, but you can’t see
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
dragons, aliens or dinosaurs.
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
Dragons, aliens and dinosaurs have legs, but snakes don’t fluency and pronunciation.)
have legs.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Term 3 Challenge test

(Maximum 5 marks.)
2 Then ask the pupil the following questions:
1 Read Peter’s email. Choose the correct words.
* What did you do inside / outside your home at the
weekend? Answers
* What did you buy / do / eat / drink yesterday? 1 modern ​ 2 below ​ 3 ours ​4 a lift ​5 mustn’t ​
* What did you do last weekend? 6 a craft activity ​7 a bull ​8 must ​ 9 table football ​
* What did you do last summer? 10 ’ll
* What do you need to do today?
2 Read Anna’s blog and answer the questions. Circle.
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer. Answers
(Maximum 5 marks.)
1 Yes / Yes, she did. ​3 No / No, she didn’t. ​
Total: 10 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to 3 (Because) she didn’t know the password(.) ​
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence. 4 wasn’t ​ 5 Yes, she did. ​6 makes beautiful dresses ​
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good 7 Yes, she did. ​8 cards ​ 9 when she was going
fluency and pronunciation.) through the station exit ​10 won’t

8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to Writing

your teacher. 3 Complete the information sheet. Use must, mustn’t,
1 Point to the big pictures and ask the pupil to find ten will, won’t or don’t need to and the verbs below.
differences between the two pictures.
1 must arrive ​2 don’t need to wear ​3 mustn’t bring ​
The station in Picture B is more modern / less historical 4 ’ll / will go ​5 won’t eat ​6 ’ll / will see, won’t visit ​
than the station in Picture A. 7 ’ll / will meet ​8 mustn’t take ​9 don’t need to do
In Picture A, the departures board is above the lift. In
Picture B, it’s above the ticket office. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer
The station in Picture A is more crowded than the station (question 6 is worth two marks).
in Picture B.
In Picture A, there are stairs, but in Picture B there’s an

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes
Term 3 Challenge test

4 Imagine some visitors are coming to your country. 5

Listen and draw lines. /10 marks

What will they see and do? What do they need to 46

bring? Write an information sheet.

Example answer
You will have a wonderful time in my country. You will see
the most beautiful forests and you will visit the most
historical buildings. You will go ice skating and you will go
to concerts. You will meet actors and comedians. You will
eat our famous food at relaxing restaurants. You must
bring strong shoes and warm clothes because my country
is cold. You don’t need to bring food and drink because
you will love the food and drink in my country. You don’t
need to be nervous. People in my country are very kind
and friendly!

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence (up to a

maximum of 8), 1 mark for spelling and 1 mark for
punctuation. (Maximum 10 marks.)
/10 marks

6 Listen to Billy and write.

6 Listen to Billy

and write.
1 Billy’s youth club activities
4 Billy was late last week because he needed to
Listening I go to a youth club on Thursday happen evenings.
find his Sometimes
. we
go ice skatingoutside or karting, but
the village hall.
we are usually
a school bag
b key
in the
c webcam
5 Listen and draw lines. 4.46 a always
village hall. b sometimes 5 When he arrived, he didn’t understand why
1 A: Can you see the king? Jack and Pippa were .
My best friend Jack and I don’t like
c never
doing craft
a angry activities
b shy c kind or
B: Yes, I can. He’s wearing expensive clothes! playing board games. My favourite
2 Billy and Jack like playing 6 Jackactivity
is the least is pool and his
A: You’re right. Put him in front of the bull. games.
is table
a the same football. We usually play pool because
Billy knows.
I think it’s
B: OK. more relaxing than table football.
b different We sometimes .
7 Jack and Pippa were fighting about a
c board
2 A: Where shall I put the string? films at youth club, but we only8like
3 They think frightening films are
Sam was feeling
films .
B: The string? Put it above the exit. dangerous characters! We don’t9 watch
than historical films. Jack boring historical
stand in front of the

3 A: I can see a dragon. films.

a more boring exit.
b less dangerous
B: Yes. Put the dragon on the moon. I usually
c better arrive at youth club at10six Billyo’clock, butPippa
thinks Jack and last week
will be I
very good
4 A: What about this memory stick? Is it the director’s? was late because I was looking for my key for ages. (In the70
end, I found it in my school bag!) Anyway, I arrived at
All About Us 6 PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

B: No, it isn’t his. It’s the camera operator’s. Put it

youth club at quarter to seven. When I walked through the
near her.
door, I could hear Jack. He was saying, ‘It’s mine! It’s
5 A: The photographer’s camera is less modern than mine! mine!’ in a very loud voice and Pippa was saying ‘You’re a
B: Ha, yes. Put the photographer below the singer. monster! Give it to me!’ I was really surprised. Jack’s the
6 A: I can see some shells. I like collecting shells on the kindest person I know. He’s never selfish – not like other
beach. people! What was the problem?
B: Me too. Put these shells on the stairs. I looked inside the hall. Jack and Pippa were fighting. Pippa
A: Right. had a big fossil in her hand. ‘Give me the fossil!’ Jack was
7 A: Where shall I put this sword? shouting. ‘No!’ Pippa was saying. ‘I found it!’
B: Put it above the actor. Suddenly, my friend Sam was talking too. ‘Great!’ he said.
A: It’s very dangerous! ‘I’m confident about this. It’s going to be fantastic! But
B: Yes, it is. Pippa – you need to stand below the window, and Jack,
you mustn’t stand in front of the exit. OK. Let’s do it again!’
8 A: The treasure’s beautiful.
That’s when I understood. Sam was directing a play and
B: Yes, it is. Put it in front of the ship. Jack and Pippa are actors in the play. Well, they will be very
A: OK. good, that’s for sure!
9 A: There’s a snake!
B: Yes. Put it on the laptop.
A: Right. The snake’s on the laptop. 1 b ​2 b ​ 3 c ​
4 b ​ 5 a ​6 selfish ​
7 fossil ​
10 A: Whose is that avatar? 8 confident ​9 mustn’t ​10 actors
B: Can you see the two pirates?
A: Yes. Is it his?
B: No, it’s hers.
A: OK.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press
Challenge test teaching notes

Speaking 2 Then ask the pupil the following questions:

* How do you use technology?
7 Listen and talk to your teacher.
* What are the rules at your school?
Ask the pupil What’s your name? Then ask How are you?
* What did you do yesterday?
1 Put the following All About Us 6 Units 1–6 flashcards in
five sets on the table: * What were you doing on Saturday afternoon?
Set 1 * Where will you be next Saturday?
* crowded, planetarium, aquarium, ticket office
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate answer.
Set 2 (Maximum 5 marks.)
* pirate, king, avatar, clothes designer
Set 3 Total: 10 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
* go karting, scooting, roller skating, watch a film pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
Set 4 You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)
* play pool, play table football, play board games,
go bowling
Set 5 8 Look at the pictures and find the differences. Talk to
* collect shells, singer, go to a concert, headphones your teacher.
1 Point to a few of the cards in the different sets and say Point to the big pictures and ask the pupil to find ten
What’s this? What’s he / she doing? differences between the two pictures.
2 Point to the first set. Ask the pupil to choose one card Answers
and say why it is different. In Picture A, two pirates are playing cards.
3 Repeat with the other five sets. In Picture B, two soldiers are playing cards.
The funfair in Picture A is more modern / less dangerous
Example answers
than the funfair in Picture B.
Set 1 In Picture A, the man is outside the ticket office.
Planetarium, aquarium and ticket office are places, but In Picture B, he’s inside.
crowded describes places. In Picture A, the child is a monster / dinosaur.
Set 2 In Picture B, it’s an alien.
Pirate, king and clothes designer are (real) people, but an In Picture A, the boy is roller skating, but in Picture B he’s
avatar is a picture of a person. scooting.
Set 3 In Picture A, the girl is using a mobile phone to take a
You move when you go karting, roller skating and photo. In Picture B, she’s using a tablet.
scooting, but you don’t move when you watch a film. In Picture A, the woman is a dancer.
Set 4 In Picture B, she’s a hairdresser.
You need a ball or balls when you play pool, play table In Picture A, the spaceship is above the moon.
football and go bowling, but you don’t need a ball when In Picture B, it’s below the moon.
you play board games. In Picture A, we can see the entrance to a maze.
Set 5 In Picture B, we can see the exit.
You listen to a singer, you listen when you go to a concert In Picture A, the girl is confident about the ride.
and you use headphones to listen to music, but you look In Picture B, she’s nervous.
when you collect shells.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. (Maximum 10 marks.)
(Maximum 5 marks.)
Total: 20 marks (You may wish to award ½ marks to
pupils who can answer, but do not produce a sentence.
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
fluency and pronunciation.)

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Marking grids
Unit 1 test Mark Max marks
Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Unit 2 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Unit 3 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Unit 4 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Unit 5 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press

Marking grids
Unit 6 test Mark Max marks
Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Unit E test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 14 20
Writing 14 20
Listening 14 20
Total for test 42 60

Term 1 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 16 20
Writing 16 20
Listening 16 20
Speaking 16 20
Total for test 64 80

Term 2 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 16 20
Writing 16 20
Listening 16 20
Speaking 16 20
Total for test 64 80

Term 3 test Mark Max marks

Standard Challenge

Reading 16 20
Writing 16 20
Listening 16 20
Speaking 16 20
Total for test 64 80

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press
Speaking evaluation (optional) Assessment criteria
10: Excellent 8–9: Very good 6–7: Good
5: Adequate 1–4: Needs improvement

Name Pairwork activity (Lesson Everyday language Rhyme Project presentation Total for Observations
2) / (Lesson 6) / (Lesson 7 (Lesson 3 activity 4) / (Lesson 7) (Lesson 9) Speaking
speaking cards) (Lesson 8 activity 5)
Participates in a short Participates in Says the Delivers a
dialogue using the target everyday exchanges. pronunciation presentation about
language. tongue twister with their unit project.
appropriate sounds,
stress and intonation.

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

All About Us 6   PHOTOCOPIABLE   © Oxford University Press

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

/ 10 / 10 / 10 / 10

1 Standardising evaluation 2 Applying the marking scheme
Be sure to assess each child on the same item. Use the marking scheme key to award marks out of 10 for each assessment opportunity.

Add observations on areas to improve, achievement and effort throughout the year.
Key Competences introduction
What are the Key Competences in the foreign understanding. They also learn how to be good
language classroom? citizens alongside the course characters, and the
The Key Competences describe a range of skills, All about values themes explicitly explore positive
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour developed in all behaviour. Values and citizenship, interpersonal
subjects to serve children for life and learning outside and social skills, codes of conduct, norms of
the classroom. behaviour and customs in similar and different
environments are all positively modelled, helping
European legislation defines eight Key Competences,
children absorb socio-political concepts like
distinguishing between communication in the mother
equality and diversity and spark interest in other
Social and civic competences

tongue and a foreign language; these two have been

people’s culture and customs.
combined to create seven Key Competences in the
Cultural awareness and expression

Spanish educational system: Learning to learn

Learning to learn

1 Linguistic competence This competence encompasses the development

Linguistic communication

of study skills and attitudes that help children to

2 Social and civic competence Digital competence

continue learning inside and outside the

3 Learning to learn Mathematical competence and basic competences

classroom efficiently and autonomously.

in science and technology

4 Digital competence
Lots of the activities in All About Us are designed
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

5 Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship to get children thinking about how they learn,
6 Cultural awareness and expression
Social and civic competences what sort of learner they are and what learning
7 Mathematical competence and basic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
strategies they can adopt to become more
in science and technology efficient learners. Self-evaluation plays an
important part in this, as does the development
Learning to learn

 inguistic competence
Linguistic communication
of positive learning attitudes and self-reliance as
This encompasses effective communication and
Digital competence a learner.
expression in a range of contexts, such as at
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology All About Us 6 offers explicit opportunities for
Social and civic competences

home, during leisure time or at school, according

self-evaluation, learning to learn and reference
to the children’s age and stage of development.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression

materials to support the development of this

Throughout the six levels of All About Us, input of Competence (see page 2 for more information
Learning to learn

vocabulary and grammar essential for effective on self-evaluation).

Linguistic communication

communication is presented in motivating

Digital competence
Digital competence

contexts and through a variety of mediums to fire

This involves the confident and critical use of
Mathematical competence and basic competences

children’s curiosity and encourage a genuine

in science and technology

information and basic skills in information and

desire for communication. Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

communication technology (ICT).

Every activity in All About Us is designed with a
The blend of digital and print material in All About
linguistic outcome for children, and the course has
Us mean that Digital competence can be
Social and civic competences

been specially developed to provide challenging

developed on a day-to-day basis. All About Us
Cultural awareness and expression

and motivating input alongside the development

recognizes that technology is a part of everyday
of the four skills of reading, writing, listening and
Learning to learn

life, both inside and outside the classroom, and

speaking. Linguistic communication

encourages children to be safe and responsible

Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
users while also providing opportunities to develop
Digital competence

This competence describes the range of social,

Cultural awareness and expression the necessary IT skills to do this effectively.
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology

interpersonal and intercultural skills and

Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

behaviour that equip individuals to participate

This competence is related to Learning to learn,
effectively and constructively in society.
Linguistic communication

and also describes values and attitudes such as

All About Us presents language to children in
Digital competence

perseverance, self-esteem and the capacity to

different everyday contexts in which they can calculate risks and identify solutions to problems,
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology

broaden their social and civic knowledge and

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
and the ability to turn ideas into action.

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Many of the communicative activities in All About Evaluating the Key Competences in the foreign
Us contribute to the development of this language classroom
competence, with children working In All About Us, the material has been carefully
independently, in pairs or in groups to achieve a developed to ensure that the learning that takes
specific goal. These might include the Review place in every lesson supports the development of
projects, a performance of a song or chant or a the Key Competences. (In the Teacher’s Guide you will
communication activity, to name but a few. find suggestions as to how the course material fulfils
These activities require planning, cooperation and specific Key Competences.) The Key Competences
organizational skills, such as time-management, evaluation materials provided in this section can be
flexibility and determination.
Social and civic competences
used with each of the six unit projects and the three
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
(termly) Review projects in the Class Book. These
projects have each been developed to ensure that the
All About Us offers plenty of opportunities to
Learning to learn

learning that takes place supports the development

develop an appreciation of the importance of the
Linguistic communication
of all the Key Competences.
creative expression of ideas, experiences and
emotions in a range of media, for example
Digital competence

through music and song, acting out stories, and

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
How to administer the Key Competences
craft and art activities. evaluation
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

The Key Competences evaluation grids are provided

Children are encouraged to creatively express
as photocopiable sheets as well as editable
themselves through participation in such
documents on Oxford Premium. The grids allow you
activities as singing and performing songs and
to assess your children’s development of the Key
chants, the acting out of stories or rhymes and
Competences in a practical way, by clearly detailing
arts and crafts in the classroom, and through
Social and civic competences

how each of the projects covers each competence

learning about the culture of English-speaking
and with the help of an easy-to-use marking scheme
Cultural awareness and expression

countries around the world. The many

Learning to learn
to grade each objective against.
personalization tasks to be found in the course
material also build children’s confidence in their
Linguistic communication
At the end of each project, simply print off the
own creative expression.
Digital competence relevant Key Competences evaluation grid and
complete for each child by filling in the name and
 athematical competence and basic
Mathematical competence and basic competences

awarding marks out of 10 for each indicator by

in science and technology

competences in science and technology

following the guidelines provided in the grid. You can
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence is the ability to apply then give a total mark for each competence and for
mathematical thinking to a range of situations, the whole project. There is also space for you to add
with the emphasis being placed on process, observations, in order to monitor individual students’
activity and knowledge, while science and progress across the projects.
technology refers to the mastery and the use and
application of knowledge and methodologies To accompany each of the Key Competence
which explain the natural world. evaluation grids, there are tables that map how the
activities and the Key Competences developed in
All About Us brings in a wide range of concepts each project fulfil the required Learning standards
from across the curriculum, including Science and and Assessment criteria for Primary education. These
Maths in which these competences are directly tables are already completed for you and can be used
applied. In addition, many other language as a reference tool to help you evaluate the Key
activities in All About Us require some degree of Competences and complete the evaluation grid for
mathematical thinking or the application of each student.
scientific knowledge, such as conducting a simple

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 1 project: Instructions for how 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
to draw an avatar 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Name: Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary for technology / 10
Social and civic competences
Understands and uses sequencers to order instructions / 10
Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for instructions / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Social and civic competences
Successfully presents the instructions to the class / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
inCultural awareness
science and and expression
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Cultural awareness and expression
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
Sense of initiative
work and ideas
Learning to learnand entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning to learn
Linguistic communication
Learning to learn
Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet / 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Successfully uses the internet to find photos of things they like / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science
Digital and technology
Uses the internet to check facts
Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression
/ 10
in science and technology
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
Mathematical and entrepreneurship
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Independently researches different avatars
/ 10
Sense of initiative
to learn and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way
in science and technology / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Puts into practice organizing, spelling and grammar tips while planning their project
/ 10
Social andcommunication
civic competences

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science to
Makes decisions about how to present instructions in a particular order / 10
Total mark / 150
Sense of initiative
Linguistic and entrepreneurship

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 1 project: Instructions for how to draw an avatar
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Social and civic competences
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital of interest via listening to Daisy’s project
or competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression

Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science
Social and
andand technology
civic competences
Learning tocivic
Production of oral texts
Participates in social conversations where instructions are Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural and expression
Cultural awareness and
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after needs or familiar topics
writing the project
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed
Learning to learn
to learn
Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Digital competence
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications

Linguistic competence and basic competences
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Comprehension of written texts
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital competence
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
information in simple informational materials through
Cultural awareness and expression
information from very short and simple written texts
analysing Daisy’s instructions Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence
competence and
and basic competences
basic competences
in science
science and technology
and technology
main points of a text
Social and
Learning tocivic
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
for completing the project through successfully following
Sense of
of initiative
initiative and entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurship Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
the awareness
Linguistic stages expression
and of
communication the project topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Digital to learn

Composes short, simple, information-type texts when Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
preparing instructions for how to draw an avatar Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Linguistic communication
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense ofcompetence
initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences

in science and technology

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 2 project: A holiday advert 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary for places / 10
Understands and uses language to ask and answer questions / 10
Social competence
and civic competences
Understands and uses comparative and superlative adjectives / 10
Social and civic competences
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for a holiday advert / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
inSocial awareness and expression
civic competences
Successfully presents their holiday advert to the class / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Sense of initiative
Learning to learnand entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
work and ideas
Learning to learn
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning to learn
Linguistic communication
Learning to learn
Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet / 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Successfully uses the internet to find photos of a holiday destination / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science
Digital and technology
Uses the internet to check facts
Mathematical competence and basic competences / 10
in science and technology
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
Mathematical and entrepreneurship
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Independently researches a chosen holiday destination / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way
inSocial and
and technology
civic competences
/ 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Creates a visually attractive holiday advert / 10
Learning to learn
Total mark / 150

Linguistic communication

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 2 project: A holiday advert
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
Social and civic competences
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital of interest via listening to Daisy’s project
or competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Learning to learn
Participates in social conversations where instructions are Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
writing the project
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest
Digital competence Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences Fulfils the communicative function(s) of an oral text
in science and technology
Comprehension of written texts
Social and civic competences
Digital competence
Digital competence
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
information in simple informational materials through information from very short and simple written texts
Cultural awareness and expression
analysing competence and basic competences
Daisy’s holiday advert
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
in science and technology
main points of a text
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
for completing the project through successfully following Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
the awareness
stages expression
and of the project topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Linguistic communication
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Learning to learn
Digital competence
Composes short, simple, information-type texts when Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
preparing a holiday advert Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in written texts
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 3 project: A magazine advice column 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses prepositions / 10
Understands and uses the modals need to / don’t need to and must / mustn’t / 10
Digital competence
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for an advice column / 10
Social and civic competences
Successfully presents their advice column to the class / 10
Social and civic
Mathematical competences
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competence
Cultural civic competences
andawareness and expression
Social and civic competences
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
work and ideas
Learning awareness
Cultural to learn and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Demonstrates social and interpersonal skills by responding to individual problems with / 10
appropriate advice
Learning to learn

Learning to learn
Learning learn
Learning to learn
Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Digital competence

Successfully uses the internet to find photos to illustrate problems

Digital competence and basic competences
/ 10
in science
Digital and technology
Uses the internet to check facts
Mathematical competence and basic competences / 10
in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
in science and entrepreneurship
and technology and basic competences
in science and technology
Independently researches problems / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
/ 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Social and civic competences
Demonstrates an ability to identify solutions to problems by giving appropriate advice / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Total mark / 150
Learning to learn

Linguistic communication
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 3 project: A magazine advice column
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital and
or competencecompetences via listening to Daisy’s project
main points
Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Social and civic competences
Participates in social conversations where instructions are
Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative
to learnand entrepreneurship
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
writing the project
Cultural awareness and expression

Linguistic communication
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest
Learning to learn
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Digital competence Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Fulfils the communicative function(s) of an oral text
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Comprehension of written texts
in science and technology

Digital competence
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital and civic competences
Social competence
information in simple informational materials through information from very short and simple written texts
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
analysing Daisy’s advice column
Mathematical competence and basic competences Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Cultural awareness and expression main points of a text
in science and technology

Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Sense ofand civic competences
initiative and entrepreneurship
for completing the project through successfully following Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
Sense of initiative
to learnand entrepreneurship
the stages of the project topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Cultural awareness and expression understand meaning
Linguistic communication
Production of written texts
Composes short, simple, correspondence-type texts when
Learning to learn
Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
preparing a magazine advice column
Digital competence Knows sociocultural aspects of everyday life and applies this knowledge to produce
appropriate written texts
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Digital competence
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences

Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 4 project: A postcard 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary for activities / 10
Social and civic competences
Understands and uses a range of adjectives / 10
Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for a postcard / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Social and civic competences
Successfully presents their postcard to the class / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
inCultural awareness
science and and expression
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Cultural awareness and expression
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
Sense of initiative
work and ideas
Learning to learnand entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning to learn
Linguistic communication
Learning to learn
Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project
Linguistic communication
/ 10
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet / 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Successfully uses the internet to find photos of a day trip destination / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science
Digital and technology
Uses the internet to check facts
Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression
/ 10
in science and technology
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
Mathematical and entrepreneurship
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Independently researches a day trip destination
/ 10
Sense of initiative
to learn and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way
in science and technology / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Puts into practice organizing, spelling and grammar tips while planning their project
/ 10
Social andcommunication
civic competences

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science to
Demonstrates an understanding of how to use a Venn diagram / 10
Total mark / 150
Sense of initiative
Linguistic and entrepreneurship

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 4 project: A postcard
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
Social and civic competences
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital of interest via listening to Daisy’s project
or competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Learning to learn
Participates in social conversations where instructions are Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
writing the project
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest
Digital competence Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences Fulfils the communicative function(s) of an oral text
in science and technology
Comprehension of written texts
Social and civic competences
Digital competence
Digital competence
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
information in simple informational materials through information from very short and simple written texts
Cultural awareness and expression
analysing competence and basic competences
Daisy’s postcard
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
in science and technology
main points of a text
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
for completing the project through successfully following Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
the awareness
stages expression
and of the project topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Linguistic communication
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Learning to learn
Digital competence
Composes short, simple, correspondence-type texts when Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
preparing a postcard Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in written texts
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 5 project: A diary 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
Name: 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary for activities / 10
Understands and uses the past continuous / 10
Social competence
and civic competences
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for a diary / 10
Social and
and civic competences
civic competences
Successfully presents their diary to the class / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
inCultural awareness
science and and expression
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Cultural awareness
awareness and expression
and expression
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
Sense of initiative
work and ideas
Learning to learnand entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning to learn
Learning to
to learn

Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project / 10

Linguistic communication
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet / 10
Linguistic communication
Linguistic communication
Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best
Social and civic competences
/ 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Digital competence
Digital competence

Successfully uses the internet to find photos

Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression
/ 10
in science and technology
Digital competence
Uses the internet to check facts / 10
Mathematical competence
competence and
and basic competences
basic competences
in science
science and technology
and technology

Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way / 10
Sense ofof initiative
initiative and entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurship

Puts into practice organizing, spelling and grammar tips while planning their project
Social andcommunication
civic competences
/ 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Digital competence
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science to
Logically orders events / 10
Total mark / 150
Sense of initiative
Linguistic and entrepreneurship

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 5 project: A diary
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Social and civic competences
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital of interest via listening to Daisy’s project
or competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression

Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science
Social and
andand technology
civic competences
Learning tocivic
Production of oral texts
Participates in social conversations where instructions are Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural and expression
Cultural awareness and
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after needs or familiar topics
writing the project
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed
Learning to learn
to learn
Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Digital competence
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications

Linguistic competence and basic competences
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Comprehension of written texts
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital competence
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
information in simple informational materials through
Cultural awareness and expression
information from very short and simple written texts
analysing Daisy’s diary Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence
competence and
and basic competences
basic competences
in science
science and technology
and technology
main points of a text
Social and
Learning tocivic
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
for completing the project through successfully following
Sense of
of initiative
initiative and entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurship Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
the awareness
Linguistic stages expression
and of
communication the project topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Digital to learn

Composes short, simple, information-type texts when Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
preparing a diary Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Linguistic communication
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense ofcompetence
initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences

in science and technology

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Unit 6 project: A description of school 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
in the future 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Name: Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary for places / 10
Social and civic competences
Understands and uses language for talking about future predictions / 10
Digital competence
Successfully prepares and uses relevant language for a description / 10
Social andawareness and expression
Social and civic
civic competences
Successfully presents their description to the class / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to
learn and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Checks and discusses a friend’s work in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
work and ideas
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
Uses a Project Checklist to structure their approach to the project / 10
Learning to learn
Reflects on their work by completing a project review activity in the All About Me Booklet / 10
Digital competence
Linguistic communication
Linguistic communication
Understands and adopts a useful study skill in the form of a mind map / 10
Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Digital competence
in science and technology
Uses the internet to check facts / 10
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence
of initiative competences
and entrepreneurship
competence and
and basic
basic competences
in science
science and technology
and technology
Independently researches a school in the future / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Organizes and presents the researched information in a coherent way
in science and technology / 10
Sense ofof initiative
initiative and entrepreneurship
and entrepreneurship
Puts into practice organizing, spelling and grammar tips while planning their project / 10
Social and civic competences

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Demonstrates flexibility when checking and revising their work with a friend / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
Expresses themselves creatively by personalizing their project / 10
Conveys information clearly and imaginatively when visualizing the future / 10
Learning to learn
Total mark / 150

Linguistic communication

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Unit 6 project: A description of school in the future
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar
Social and civic competences

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital of interest via listening to Daisy’s project
or competence main points
Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Cultural awareness and expression
Mathematical competence and basic competences general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Participates in social conversations where instructions are Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
given via the check and revise activity with a friend after
Cultural awareness and expression
needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
writing the project
Linguistic communication

Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest
Learning to learn Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Digital competence
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Linguistic communication
Comprehension of written texts
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Understands key information and locates specific Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Social and
Digital civic competences
information in simple informational materials through information from very short and simple written texts
Digital competence
Sense Daisy’s description
of initiative and entrepreneurship Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence
Cultural awareness and basic competences
and expression
main points of a text
in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Social and civic competences
for completing the project through successfully following Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
Sense of initiative
to learn and entrepreneurship
the stages of the project
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
understand meaning
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
Production of written texts
Composes short information-type texts when preparing Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
Learning to learn
a description of school in the future
Digital competence Knows sociocultural aspects of everyday life and applies this knowledge to produce
appropriate written texts
Linguistic communication Fulfils the communicative function(s) of a written text
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Digital competence Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Review 1 project: A play: A recycling problem! 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
(a poster) 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Name: Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary from Units 1 and 2 / 10
Social and civic competences
Understands and uses grammar structures from Units 1 and 2 / 10
Digital competence
Successfully performs a play / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Successfully sings the songs from Units 1 and 2 / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Participates in a group activity to plan, prepare and practise a play / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Collaborates with others in a group in project activities / 10
Social and civic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
Negotiates with other team members to agree who will play each part in a play / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Evaluates others’ plays in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s work / 10
Learning to learn
Social and
Digital civic competences
and ideas
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Successfully follows instructions for making a poster / 10
in science and technology

Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best / 10

Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
to learn and entrepreneurship

Works with the group to divide up the tasks required to perform a play
Social and civic competences
/ 10
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Volunteers answers to questions / 10
in science and
Linguistic technology

Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness
Mathematical and expression
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Expresses themselves creatively by acting out a story / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Creates an attractive poster / 10
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Demonstrates an understanding of the benefits of recycling old technology / 10
Linguistic communication
Total mark / 150
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Digital competence

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Review 1 project: A play: A recycling problem! (a poster)
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
Social and civic competences
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar or

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital interest via watching and listening to other groups’ plays
of competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression
Understands the main points of short, simple and Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences
well-structured discussions through planning a play general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Learning to learn

Participates in social conversations through planning a play Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Participates in everyday exchanges when completing
Linguistic communication
speaking activities related to planning their play
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed
Learning to learn Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
Digital competence
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Linguistic communication
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Comprehension of written texts
Social and civic competences
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital competence
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
for holding the play through successfully following the information from very short and simple written texts
stages awareness expression
ofandthe project Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Mathematical competence and basic competences main points of a text
in science and technology
in science and technology
Social and civic competences Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Learning to learn

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Cultural awareness and expression

topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Linguistic communication
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Learning to learn
Digital competence
Composes short information-type texts when planning the Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
play and making a poster for the play Knows sociocultural aspects of everyday life and applies this knowledge to produce
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences appropriate written texts
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Digital competence Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Review 2 project: A play: A Treasure Hunt 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
(a programme) 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Name: Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary from Units 3 and 4 / 10
Understands and uses grammar structures from Units 3 and 4 / 10
Digital competence
Successfully performs a play / 10
Social and civic competences

Successfully sings the songs from Units 3 and 4 / 10

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competence
Social andawareness and expression
civic competences
Participates in a group activity to plan, prepare and practise a play / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Collaborates with others in a group in project activities / 10
Cultural to
learn and expression
Negotiates with other team members to agree who will play each part in a play / 10
Social and civic competences
Evaluates others’ plays in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s work / 10
and ideas
Cultural awareness and expression
Demonstrates an understanding of the value of different places in a town / city for other / 10
Digital competence
people communication

Learning to learn
Learning to learn
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Successfully follows instructions for making a programme / 10
Digital competence
in science and technology

Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best / 10

Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
in science and technology
Works with the group to divide up the tasks required to perform a play
Social and civic competences
/ 10
Digital competence
Volunteers answers to questions / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness
Mathematical and expression
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Expresses themselves creatively by acting out a story / 10
Creates an attractive programme / 10
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Total mark / 150

Linguistic communication

Digital competence
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Review 2 project: A play: A Treasure Hunt (a programme)
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
Social and civic competences
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar or

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital interest via watching and listening to other groups’ plays
of competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression
Understands the main points of short, simple and Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences
well-structured discussions through planning a play general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Learning to learn

Participates in social conversations through planning a play Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Participates in everyday exchanges when completing
Linguistic communication
speaking activities related to planning their play
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed
Learning to learn Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
Digital competence
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Linguistic communication
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Comprehension of written texts
Social and civic competences
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital competence
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
for holding the play through successfully following the information from very short and simple written texts
stages awareness expression
ofandthe project Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Mathematical competence and basic competences main points of a text
in science and technology
in science and technology
Social and civic competences Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Learning to learn

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Cultural awareness and expression

topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Linguistic communication
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Learning to learn
Digital competence
Composes short information-type texts when planning the Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
play and making a programme for the play Knows sociocultural aspects of everyday life and applies this knowledge to produce
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences appropriate written texts
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Digital competence Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Key Competences evaluation Assessment criteria: Total Competence mark:
10: Excellent 140–150: Excellent
Review 3 project: A play: No Electricity! 8–9: Very good 120–139: Very good
Social and civic competences 6–7: Good 85–119: Good
(a profile page for a pop group) 5: Adequate 61–84: Adequate
1–4: Needs improvement 0–60: Needs improvement
Name: Cultural awareness and expression

Indicators for evaluating the Key Competences

Learning to learn
Mark Total Competence Observations
/ 10 mark

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Linguistic competence
Linguistic communication
Understands and uses vocabulary from Units 5 and 6 / 10
Social and civic competences
Understands and uses grammar structures from Units 5 and 6 / 10
Digital competence
Successfully performs a play / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Successfully sings the songs from Units 5 and 6 / 10
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competence
Social and civic competences
Learning to learn
Participates in a group activity to plan, prepare and practise a play / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Collaborates with others in a group in project activities / 10
Social and civic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Linguistic communication
Negotiates with other team members to agree who will play each part in a play / 10
Cultural awareness and expression
Evaluates others’ plays in a way that demonstrates respect for each other’s work / 10
Learning to learn
Social and
Digital civic competences
and ideas
Learning to learn
Learning to learn
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Successfully follows instructions for making a profile page for a pop group / 10
in science and technology

Demonstrates a positive attitude to learning by trying their best / 10

Linguistic communication
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Sense of initiative
to learn and entrepreneurship

Works with the group to divide up the tasks required to perform a play
Social and civic competences
/ 10
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Volunteers answers to questions / 10
in science and
Linguistic technology

Cultural awareness and expression

Cultural awareness
Mathematical and expression
competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Expresses themselves creatively by acting out a story / 10
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Creates a profile page for a pop group / 10
Learning to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Demonstrates an understanding of the benefits of solar power / 10
Linguistic communication
Total mark / 150
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Digital competence

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Learning standards and Assessment criteria mapping
Review 3 project: A play: No Electricity! (a profile page for a pop group)
Cultural awareness and expression

This project fulfils the following Learning standards and related Assessment criteria across the Key Competences indicated below.
Learning to learn
Learning standards Assessment criteria
Comprehension of oral texts
Linguistic communication
Understands the main points of short, simple and Identifies gist and the main points in very short and simple oral texts
Social and civic competences
well-structured presentations on topics that are familiar or

All About Us 6  © Oxford University Press

Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Digital interest via watching and listening to other groups’ plays
of competence main points
Cultural awareness and expression
Understands the main points of short, simple and Discriminates basic sound, accent, rhythmic and intonation patterns and recognizes
Mathematical competence and basic competences
well-structured discussions through planning a play general communicative meanings and intentions related to said patterns
in science and technology
Social and civic competences
Social and civic competences
Production of oral texts
Learning to learn

Participates in social conversations through planning a play Participates using basic and simple language in short conversations about immediate
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression needs or familiar topics
Cultural awareness and expression
Participates in everyday exchanges when completing
Linguistic communication
speaking activities related to planning their play
Makes brief, simple, previously prepared and rehearsed
Learning to learn Knows and applies basic strategies in order to produce short and simple monologues
Learning to learn
Digital competence
presentations on everyday topics or topics of interest Knows how to use basic syntactic structures in oral communications
Linguistic communication
Pronunciation is generally understandable
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology
Comprehension of written texts
Social and civic competences
Understands instructions, directions and basic information Identifies the topic at hand and understands the general gist, main ideas and specific
Digital competence
Digital competence
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
for holding the play through successfully following the information from very short and simple written texts
stages awareness expression
ofandthe project Knows and applies basic strategies in order to understand gist, key information or
Mathematical competence and basic competences
Mathematical competence and basic competences main points of a text
in science and technology
in science and technology
Social and civic competences Recognizes the most common meanings of basic syntactic structures in written texts
Learning to learn

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship Recognizes high-frequency, written lexis related to everyday situations and common
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Cultural awareness and expression

topics related to experiences, needs and interests, using clues from the text to
Linguistic communication
understand meaning
Production of written texts
Learning to learn
Digital competence
Composes short information-type texts when planning the Knows and applies basic strategies to produce simple written texts
play and making a profile page for a pop group Knows sociocultural aspects of everyday life and applies this knowledge to produce
Linguistic communication
Mathematical competence and basic competences appropriate written texts
in science and technology
Knows how to use basic syntactic structures
Digital competence Applies basic graphemes and written symbols to write words or short sentences
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Mathematical competence and basic competences
in science and technology

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