WS Manual (Updated)
WS Manual (Updated)
WS Manual (Updated)
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S. N. Description Page No.
4 CO-PO Mapping 6
9 Machine Shop 19 - 28
11 Carpentry Shop 42 - 53
12 Welding Shop 54 - 67
13 Foundry Shop 68 – 82
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Vision of Institute
Mission of Institute
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POs for the session 2019-2020
Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
Design/development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Conduct Investigations of Complex Problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to
provide valid conclusions.
Modern Tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities with an understanding
of the limitations.
The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
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Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage
projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
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Subject Code – KWS - 151P Mechanical Workshop Lab LTP– 012 Credits : 1
Course Outcomes: The students will be able to
CO1 Use various engineering materials, tools, machines and measuring equipment. L3
Course Outcomes PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO 10 PO 11 PO 12
KWS.151.1P 1 2 1 2 1
KWS.151.2P 2 2 1 2 1 1
KWS.151.3P 2 2 2 1 1
KWS.151.4P 2 2 1 2 1
KWS.151.5P 3 1 2 1 2 1 1
Average 2.4 1 2 1 2 1 1
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List of Experiments (Opted)
Exp 2 To make a double lap joint as per given drawing using electric arc welding.
Exp 3 To make a Butt joint as per given drawing using electric arc welding.
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General Safety Instruction
1. Always wear Apron in the lab premises.
2. Don’t wear loose clothes, necktie, and jewelries.
3. Always wear close-toed shoes (Leather shoes).
4. Don’t run in the lab premises.
5. Always operate the machine under the supervision of the lab instructor.
6. Don’t spread oil and grease on the floor.
7. Do not operate power tools when you are ill, taking strong medications or fatigued.
8. Don’t rest against the machine.
9. Don’t play with the tools because they are sharp.
10. Don’t talk/Laugh while working on the machine.
11. Cell phones and other personal electronic devices must not be used while working at any
12. Immediately report any problems or concern to lab Instructor immediately.
13. Get first aid immediately for any injury.
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Table of Content
Exp No. 1 – Study of different types of Engineering Materials and their applications 12 - 14
Viva Voice 18
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Object:-To study of different type of Engineering materials and their properties used in various shops.
Material is nothing but a matter of substance used to create certain things. Engineering materials are the
materials used to for the application of engineering works. Based on the mechanical, physical, chemical
Ferrous metals
Ferrous metals are those metals which contains iron as their main constituent. Example: iron, steel, etc.
Due to their magnetic property ferrous metals are used in motor and electrical applications.
Non Ferrous metals are those metals which do not contain iron as their main constituent. Iron Due
absence of iron these metals have high resistance to rust and corrosion and they are non magnetic.
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Organic Materials
All organic materials are having carbon and hydrogen as a common element. In organic materials carbon
is chemically combined with oxygen, hydrogen and other non-metallic substances. Generally organic
materials are having complex chemical bonding. Example: Plastics, PVC, Synthetic Rubbers etc.
Composite material is the composition of two or more constituent materials with different physical and
chemical properties to produce a different characteristic material. Composite material may be both metals
or metal and ceramic or metal and polymer, depending upon the application requirement the combination
Polymers have chain molecule structure of carbon as back bone atoms. They are mainly made up of tough
organic materials. They are low density materials and also flexible.
(i) Thermoplastics -
Inorganic compounds
Inorganic compounds are those chemical substances that are not organic in nature. Inorganic
compounds do not contain carbon and usually are more simple compounds. Inorganic compounds may be
those materials that are made from rocks and minerals such as ceramics, stone, metal, glass, etc.
Ceramic materials are non-metallic solids. These are made of inorganic compounds such as Oxides,
Nitrides, Silicates and Carbides. Ceramic materials possess exceptional Structural, Electrical, Magnetic,
Chemical and Thermal properties. These ceramic materials are now extensively used in different
engineering fields. Examples: Silica, glass, cement, concrete, garnet, MgO, ZnO, SiC etc.
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Ferrous Material
1. Plain Carbon Steel – Plain Carbon Steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon in which percentage of carbon
ranges from 0.15 to 1.5% (by weight). In Plain Carbon Steel, carbon is the chief constituent who governs
the property of Steel. Plain Carbon steel is further classified on the basis of percentage of carbon -
2. Cast Iron – Cast Iron is also an alloy of Iron and Carbon in which has more than 1.8% carbon in it (by
weight). Cast iron can have any percentage of carbon between 1.8% to 6.67%, but practically it is in
between 1.8% to 4% only. It has got its name due to its excellent casting properties. It is hard and brittle.
There is a basic difference between cast iron and steel. Cast Iron has following properties –
2. It is difficult to machine
Applications - Cast Iron is generally used for making of pipes, machines and automotive industry parts,
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Object: - To determine the least count of vernier caliper and take different reading over given metallic
Vernier Calipers – A vernier calipers is also called the slide calipers. It is used to measure the length of a
rod, the diameter of a sphere, the internal and external diameters of a hollow cylinder, the depth of a small
Description - A vernier calliper is shown in Fig. 2.1. It consists of a long and thin steel strip provided
with a jaw J, at one end. On the strip, a scale is graduated with the value of one division equal to 1 mm.
This is the main scale. Another small steel strip provided with a jaw J, at its end, can slide over the main
scale strip. This strip also has a scale graduated with 10 divisions on it, the length of which is equal to 9
mm. It is called the vernier scale. For more precise measurement, the vernier scale can have 20, 25 or 50
divisions marked on it and the total length of vernier divisions will be equal to the length of one division
less (i.e., 19, 24 or 49 divisions respectively) on the main scale. Standard least count of vernier Calipers is
0.1 mm. The lower jaws are called the outside jaws and they are used to measure the length of a rod,
diameter of a sphere or external diameter of a cylinder. The upper jaws are called the inside jaws which
are used to measure the internal diameter of a hollow cylinder (or Pipe).
Least count of a vernier caliper is equal to the difference between the values of one main scale division
Least Count = (Value of one main scale division) / (Total number of division on vernier Scale)
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(If Value of one main scale division is 1mm and total 10 division on the vernier scale then least count of
(pth division is the division on vernier scale which coincides with any division on the main scale)
Zero Errors
1. Positive Zero errors – On bringing the two jaws together, if zero marks of the vernier scale is on the
right of the zero mark of the main scale, the zero error is said to be positive zero error.
Correction in Measurement
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2. Negative Zero errors – On bringing the two jaws together, if zero marks of the vernier scale is on the
left of the zero mark of the main scale, the zero error is said to be negative zero error.
Correction in Measurement
Observation Table
S.N Object Least Zero Main Vernier scale Reading Observed Length =
Count Error Scale (V.S.R = pth div x L.C)
(Main Scale Reading +
(mm) (mm) Reading Vernier scale Reading)
1 Wire 0.02 NA
2 Plate 0.02 NA
3 Rod 0.02 NA
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Viva Voice
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Table of Content
Exp No. 1 – Study of Lathe machine and tools used on Lathe machine 22 - 24
Viva Voice 28
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1. Machine Shop
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Object:-To study of centre lathe machine and tools used in lathe machine.
Lathe machine is a basic machine which is used in every metal forming industries. It is combination of
many parts which works together to perform a desire function. A lathe machine is used to machine
cylindrical work piece which is 360 degree symmetrical form the axis of rotation. It used to perform
various operations such as turning, chamfering, boring, facing, internal threading, shaping, slot cutting
etc. on cylindrical work.
Parts of lathe machine: The lathe machine consists of following essential parts -
1. Bed
It is the main body of the machine. All main components are bolted on it. It is usually made by cast iron
due to its high compressive strength and high lubrication quality. It is made by casting process and bolted
on floor space.
3. Chuck
Chuck is used to hold the workspace. It is bolted on the spindle which rotates the chuck and work piece as
well. It is of two type four jaws chuck and three jaws chuck used as per the nature of the job.
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2. Tool post
It is used to hold the tool at correct position. It is bolted on the carriage. Tool holder is also mounted on
the tool post, which may be adjusted to any working position.
4. Head stock
Head stock is the main body parts which are placed at left side of bed. It is serves as holding device for
the gear chain, spindle, driving pulley etc. It is also made by cast iron.
5. Tail stock
A Tail stock is situated on bed. It is placed at right hand side of the bed. The main function of tail stock is
to support the job when required.
6. Lead Screw
It is a long threaded shaft, located in front of the carriage, running from the head stock to the tail stock. It
is geared to the spindle and controls the movement of the tool, either for automatic feeding or for cutting
7. Compound Rest
It supports the tool post. By swiveling the compound rest on the cross slide, short tapers may be turned to
any desired angles.
8. Legs
Legs are used to carry all the loads of the machine. They are bolted on the floor which prevents vibration.
9. Carriage
It is situated between the head stock and tail stock. It is used to hold and move the tool post on the bed
vertically and horizontally. It slides on the guide ways. Carriage is made by cast iron.
10. Apron
It is situated on the carriage. It consist all controlling and moving mechanism of carriage.
Chips pan is placed at lower side of bed. The main function of it to carries all chips removed by the work
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12. Guide ways
Guide ways take care of movement of tail stock and carriage on bed.
Speed controller switch is situated on head stock which controls the speed of spindle.
14. Centers
There are two centers known as dead center and live center. The dead center is positioned in the tail stock
spindle and the live center, in the head‐stock spindle. While turning between centers, the dead center does
not revolve with the work while the live center revolves with the work.
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Object: - To prepare a job as per given dimension by performing various lathe operations.
Tools required – Centre lathe machine with single point cutting tool steel rule, Vernier Caliper.
Job Description –
RH Thread
Φ 30 mm Φ 25 mm Φ 20 mm
30 mm 20 mm 30 mm 20 mm
Lathe is used to produce variety of product by performing a number of operations such as centering,
turning, facing, knurling, boring, counter boring, facing, threading, parting off, slot cutting etc. on
cylindrical workpiece. These processes are as follows -
Centering is the process of hold the job in a work holding device chuck, drive plate, and face plate
on center of lathe machine. It is required to turn any job concentric to lathe centers for cylindrical
Turning is the operation of removing the excess material from the work piece to produce a cylindrical
surface to the desired length. The job is held between the centre of a rotating chuck and the tool moves in
a longitudinal direction to give the feed towards the headstock with proper depth of cut.
It is an operation of reducing the length of the work piece by feeding the perpendicular to the lathe axis.
This operation is done to produce a flat surface on the end of the work piece.
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It is an operation of obtaining a rough surface on the work piece to provide effective gripping. This is
done by providing diamond shape on the surface which leads to increase the friction at the surface. It is
done using a knurling tool. The knurl tool consists of a set of hardened steel roller.
Thread cutting
It is the operation in which continuous helical grooves or threads are obtained by feeding single point
cutting tool against the rotating job. Thread can be cut externally as well as internally.
Taper Turning
When the diameter of a piece changes uniformly from one end to the other, the piece is said to
be tapered. Taper turning as a machining operation is the gradual reduction in diameter from one part of a
cylindrical workpiece to another part.
Parting uses a blade-like cutting tool plunged directly into the workpiece to cut off the workpiece at a
specific length. It is normally used to remove the finished end of a workpiece from the bar stock
Reaming is the operation of finishing and sizing a hole which has been already drilled or bored. The tool
used for performing such operation is called reamer, which has multiple cutting edges. The reamer is held
stationary on the tailstock the work is revolving at a very slow speed feed against tool (reamer).
Boring is the operation of enlarging the hole which is already drilled or punched. It cannot be used for
producing a hole. Boring is similar to the external turning operation and can be performed in a lathe. The
speed of this process is slow.
Counter-boring is the operation of enlarging the end of the hole upto a certain distance. The operation is
similar to boring and plain boring tools or a counter-bore may be used. The tool is used called a counter-
bore. The speed is slightly less than drilling.
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Sequence of operations
1. Centering
2. Facing
3. Plain Turning
4. Step Turning
5. Taper Turning
6. Thread Cutting
Parting off
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Viva Voice
4. What is feed?
6. What are the advantages of sand casting over other manufacturing techniques?
7. What is centering?
14. What are the advantage of using Quick return motion mechanism ?
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Table of Content
Viva Voice 41
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2. Fitting Shop
1. Don’t keep working tools at the edge of the table.
2. Wear goggles while working on vice to protect your eyes against saw dust.
3. Always use a file with a properly fitted, tight handle.
4. Select the proper hacksaw according to the material of workpiece.
5. Always clean the surface of the workpiece before start the working.
6. Position the workpiece such that the cut to be made is close to the vice.
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Object: - Study of tools and operation used in Fitting Shop.
Theory – Sometimes, it becomes necessary to replace or repair component which must be fit accurately with
another component on reassembly. This involves a certain amount of hand fitting. The assembly of machine
tools, jigs, gauges, etc, involves certain amount of bench work. The term ‘Fitting’ deals which the assembly
of mating parts, through removal of metal, to obtain the required fit. Fitting work requires a number of simple
hand tools and considerable manual efforts. The operations in fitting works consist of filing, chipping,
scraping, sawing drilling, and tapping etc.
Holding Tools
(i) Bench Vice – The bench vice is a work holding device. It is the most commonly used vice in a
fitting shop. The bench vice is shown in figure below. It is fixed to the bench with bolts and nuts.
The vice body consists of two main parts, fixed jaw and movable jaw. When the vice handle is
turned in a clockwise direction, the sliding jaw forces the work against the fixed jaw. Jaw plates are
made of hardened steel. The vice body is made of cast iron.
(ii) V-block – V‐block is rectangular or square block with a V‐groove on one or both sides opposite to
each other. The angle of the ‘V’ is usually 900. V‐block with a clamp is used to hold cylindrical
work securely.
(iii) C- Clamp – This is used to hold work against an angle plate or v‐block or any other surface, when
gripping is require Its fixed jaw is shaped like English alphabet ‘C’ and the movable jaw is round in
shape and directly fitted to the threaded screw at the end. The working principle of this clamp is the
same as that of the bench vice
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Marking and Measuring Tools
(i) Try Square – It is measuring and marking tool for 900 angle .In practice, it is used for checking
the squareness of many types of small works when extreme accuracy is not required The blade of
the Try square is made of hardened steel and the stock of cast Iron or steel. The size of the Try
square is specified by the length of the blade.
(ii) Scriber – A Scriber is a slender steel tool, used to scribe or mark lines on metal work pieces. It is
made of hardened and tempered High Carbon Steel. The Tip of the scriber is generally ground at
120 to 150. It is generally available in lengths, ranging from 125 mm to 250mm .It has two pointed
ends the bent end is used for marking lines where the straight end cannot real.
(iii) Odd Leg Caliper –This is also called ‘Jenny Caliper’ or Hermaphrodite. This is used for marking
parallel lines from a finished edge and also for locating the center of round bars; it has one leg
pointed like a divider and the other leg bent like a caliper. It is specified by the length of the leg up
to the hinge point.
(iv) Divider –It is basically similar to the calipers except that its legs are kept straight and pointed at the
measuring edge. This is used for marking circles, arcs laying out perpendicular lines, by setting
lines. It is made of case hardened mild steel or hardened and tempered low carbon steel. Its size is
specified by the length of the leg. Trammel is used for drawing large circles or arcs.
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(v) Punches – These are used for making indentations on the scribed lines, to make them visible
clearly. These are made of high carbon steel. A punch is specified by its length and diameter (say as
150’ 12.5mm). It consists of a cylindrical knurled body, which is plain for some length at the top of
it. At the other end, it is ground to a point. The tapered point of the punch is hardened over a length
of 20 to 30mm.
(a) Dot Punch – Dot punch is used to lightly indent along the layout lines, to locate center of
holes and to provide a small center mark for divider point, etc. for this purpose, the punch is
ground to a conical point having 60° included angle.
(b) Center Punch – Center punch is similar to the dot punch, except that it is ground to a conical
point having 90° included angle. It is used to mark the location of the holes to be drilled.
Fig – Punches
Cutting and finishing Tools
(i) Hack Saw – The Hack Saw is used for cutting metal by hand. It consists of a frame, which holds
thin blade, firmly in position. Hacksaw blade is specified by the number of teeth for centimeter.
Hacksaw blades have a number of teeth ranging from 5 to 15 per centimeter (cm). Blades having
lesser number of teeth per cm are used for cutting soft materials like aluminum, brass and bronze.
Blades having larger number of teeth per centimeter are used for cutting hard materials like steel
and cast Iron. Hacksaw blades are made of H.S.S, These blades are hard and brittle and can break
easily by twisting and forcing them into the work while sawing.
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(ii) Files – Filing is one of the methods of removing small amounts of material from the surface of a
metal part. A file is hardened steel too, having small parallel rows of cutting edges or teeth on its
surfaces. On the faces, the teeth are usually diagonal to the edge. One end of the file is shaped to fit
into a wooden handle. The figure shows various parts of a hand file. The hand file is parallel in
width and tapering slightly in thickness, towards the tip. It is provided with double cut teeth. On the
faces, single cut on one edge and no teeth on the other edge, which is known as a safe edge.
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Tools required: - Bench Vice, Scriber, Punch, Hacksaw, Steel Scale, Try square
Drawing: -
Sequence of Operations: -
1. Measuring
2. Marking
3. Filing
5. Punching
6. Sawing
7. Finishing
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Procedure: -
1. The burrs in the pieces are removed and the dimensions are checked with a steel rule.
2. The pieces are clamped one after the other and the outer mating edges are filed by using rough and
smooth files.
3. The flatness, straightness and squareness i.e. right angle between adjacent sides are checked with help of
4. Chalk is then applied on the surfaces of the two pieces.
5. The given dimensions of the T-fitting are marked with help of vernier height gauge carefully.
6. Using the dot punch, dots are punched along the above scribed lines.
7. Using the hack saw, the unwanted portions are removed.
8. Using the flat chisel, the unwanted material in the piece Y is removed.
9. The cut edges are filed by the half round file.
10. The corners of the stepped surfaces are filed by using a square or triangular file to get the sharp corners.
11. The pieces (X and Y) are fitted together and the mating is checked for the correctness of the fit.
Precautions: -
1. Care is taken to see that the marking dots are not crossed, which is indicated by the half of the punch
dots left on the pieces.
2. Apply pressure in forward direction during hack sawing.
3. Fix blade in hack saw frame with correct tension.
4. During hack sawing the coolant like water or lubricating oil is to be used.
5. Use precision instruments like venire calipers and vernier height gauge carefully.
6. Files are to be cleaned properly after using.
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Object: - To perform drilling and grinding operations and make internal thread inside the hole as
per given dimension in a piece of mild steel.
Tools required: - Bench Drill machine, Scriber, Punch, Steel Scale, Twist Drill, Reamer
Design Description: –
30 mm 10 mm
40 mm
30 mm
40 mm 5 mm
1. Bench Drilling Machine – Holes are drilled for fastening parts with rivets, bolts or for producing
internal thread. Bench drilling machine is the most versatile machine used in a fitting shop for the
purpose. Twist drills, made of tool steel or high speed steel are used with the drilling machine for
drilling holes.
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2. Twist Drill – Twist drills are used for making holes. These are made of High speed steel. Both
straight and taper shank twist drills are used. The parallel shank twist drill can be held in an ordinary
self-centering drill check. The tapper shank twist drill fits into a corresponding tapered bore provided
in the drilling machine spindle.
3. Taps– Taps are made of high carbon steel or high speed steel, used for cutting internal thread in a
drill hole. Hand Taps are usually supplied in sets of three in each diameter and thread size. Each set
consists of a tapper tap, intermediate tap and plug or bottoming tap.
4. Reamers – Reaming is an operation of sizing and finishing a drilled hole, with the help of a cutting
tool called reamer having a number of cutting edges. For this, a hole is first drilled, the size of which
is slightly smaller than the finished size and then a hand reamer or machine reamer is used for
finishing the hole to the correct size. Hand Reamer is made of High Carbon Steel and has left‐hand
spiral flutes so that, it is prevented from screwing into the whole during operation. The body of the
reamer is given a slight tapper at its working end, for its easy entry into the whole during operation, it
is rotated only in clock wise direction and also while removing it from the whole.
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Procedure: -
1. Remove the burrs, oil, grease, dirt and dust from the metallic pieces and
2. After surface preparation, check the dimensions of the metal piece with a vernier caliper.
3. If required then remove excess material by sawing or by filing the metal piece.
4. Check the flatness, straightness and squareness of the metal piece with the help of Try-square.
5. Take the measurement with the help of steel rule and marks the points with chalk where hole is to be
6. Once the dimensions are measured marked them using the dot punch.
7. Now select the correct size drills, put it into the check and lock it firmly.
8. Adjust the speed of the machine to suit the work by changing the belt on the pulleys. Use high speed for
small drills and soft materials and low speed for large diameter drills and hard materials.
9. Hold the work firmly in the vice on the machine table and clamp it directly on to the machine table.
10. Put on the power, locate the punch mark and apply slight pressure with the feed handle.
11. Apply the same process for making of all the holes.
12. By using set of reamers finish the internal surface of the hole.
13. Check the diameter of the holes with the help of vernier caliper
14. Using suitable tap make internal threads in the drilled holes.
15. Prepare all the surfaces then take measurements and finish the work.
Precautions: -
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Viva Voice
14. The length of the hacksaw blade is usually in the range of?
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Table of Content
Experiment No. 3 – To prepare a cross Half Lap Joint as per given drawing. 51 – 52
Viva Voice 53
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3. Carpentry Shop
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Carpentry vice:-It is a work holding device. When handle vice is turned in a clockwise
direction, the sliding jar forces the work against the fixed sawn. The greater the force applied to
the handle, the tighter to the work held.
Bar clamp:-It is a rectangular (or) square block with V-groove on one or both sides opposite to
each other. It holds cylindrical work pieces.
Fig1. - Carpenters
Carpenters ViceVice Fig.2 - Bar or T-Cramp
Steel Rules:- Steel Rules are used for measuring dimensions. . Bar
Steel or of
Rule T-Cramp
lengths are 30cm and
60cm respectively. These are used for measuring large dimensions as well as curved or angular
surface dimensions.
Marking Gauges:- Marking Gauges are used to mark lines parallel to the edges of a wooden
piece. It mainly consists of a wooden stem sliding inside a wooden stock. The stem carries a steel
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point for marking lines. The stock position on the stem can be varied and fixed rigidly by
tightening the thumb screw.
Try square:-It is used for marking and testing the perpendicular of planed surfaces. It consists of
a steel blade, fitted in a cast iron stock. It is also used for flatness. The size of a try square used
for varies from 150 mm to 300 mm, according to the length of the blade.
Cutting Tools –
(a) Saw:- Saw is a cutting tool which has teeth on one edge and cutting is affected by
reciprocating motion of the edge relative to the work piece. When cutting occurs during the
forward motion; such a saw is called push type saw, and when the cutting occurs during the
backward motion; such a saw is called pull type saw.
i. Hand Saw- This saw is used for short straight cuts. It has a blade of 25-40cm length 6- 10cm
width. The number of teeth per cm length ranges from 3-5.
ii. Tenon Saw (Back Saw)- It has a parallel blade of 25-40cm length and 6-10cm width. The
number of teeth per cm length ranges from 5-8.
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Fig.7 - Hand Saw Fig.8 - Tenon Saw
(b) Chisels:- The common type of chisels used is briefly explained below.
i. Firmer Chisels- they are most common and general purpose chisel used by a carpenter.
They have flat blade of 15-50 mm width and 125mm length.
ii. Dove Tail Chisel (beveled edge firmer chisel) - These chisels are used for fine and delicate
works as well as for cutting corners.
iii. Mortise chisel – These chisels are used for heavy and deep cut to remove large quantity of
wood. These chisels have width of about 15mm but the blade thickness may range from 6 –
15 mm.
(c) Rasp – It is also known as rasp file. It is a finishing tool used to make the wood surface
smooth, remove sharp edges, finishing fillets and other interior surfaces. Sharp cutting teeth are
provided on its surface for this purpose.
(d) Iron Jack Plane – A jack plane is a general-purpose wood working bench plane, used for
dressing timber down to size in preparation for truing and/or edge jointing. It is usually the first
plane used on rough stock, but for rougher work it can be preceded by the scrub plane.
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Fig. 11 - Iron Jack Plane
(a) Cross Half Lap Joint: - In a cross lap joint, both members continue beyond the joint, each
member has two shoulders and one cheek. This is used for making internal cabinet frames and
simple framing and bracing etc.
(b) Corner Half Lap Joint: - In a corner half lap joint, material is removed from both of the
members so that the resulting joint is the thickness of the thickest member. Most commonly in
half lap joints, the members are of the same thickness and half the thickness of each is removed.
(c) Half Lap Dovetail Joint:- This is a lap in which the housing has been cut at an angle which
resists withdrawal of the stem from the cross-piece. This is used for framing applications where
tension forces could pull the joint apart.
(d) Mortise Tenon Joint:- A mortise and tenon joint connects two pieces of wood in this type of
joint the adjoining pieces connect at right angles. This joint is used for making chairs & tables
and styles furniture.
(a) Cross Half Lap Joint (b) Corner Half Lap Joint (c) Half Lap Dovetail Joint
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Tools and equipment used: - Steel rule, Try square, Marking gauge, Rip saw, Tenon saw, Mortise
Drawing: -
Sequence of operations: -
1. Planning
2. Measuring
3. Marking
4. Sawing
5. Checking for flatness
6. Chiseling
7. Finishing
8. Assembling
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Procedure: -
1. The wooden pieces are made into two halves and are checked for dimensions.
3. An adjacent side is planned and checked for squareness with a try square.
4. Marking gauge is set and lines are marked at 40-50 mm to make the thickness and width
6. Using tenon saw, the portions to be removed are cut in both the pieces.
Precautions: -
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Tools required: -Steel rule, Try square, Marking gauge, Rip saw, Tenon saw, Mortise chisel,
Mallet, Jack plane, Wood rasp file
Drawing -
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Operations: In order to prepare the job, following operations are performed the given sequence
1. Planning
2. Measuring
3. Marking
4. Sawing
5. Checking for flatness
6. Chiseling
7. Finishing
8. Assembling
Procedure: -
1. The given reaper is checked for dimensions.
2. They are planed with jack plane and checked for straightness.
3. The two surfaces are checked for squareness with a try square.
4. Marking gauge is set and lines are marked at 30 and 45 mm to mark the thickness and
width of the model respectively.
5. The excess material is first chiseled with firmer and then planned to correct size.
6. The mating dimensions of the parts X and Y are then marked using steel rule and
marking gauge.
7. Using the crosscut saw, the portions to be removed are cut in both the pieces, followed by
8. The ends of both the parts are chiseled to the exact lengths.
9. The fine finishing is given to the parts, if required so that, proper fitting is obtained.
10. The parts are fitted to obtain a slightly tight joint.
Result: - Cross half lap Joint is prepared as per given drawing.
Safety precautions: -
1. Loose cloths are to be avoided.
2. Tools to be placed at their proper placed.
3. Hands should not be placed in front of sharp edged tools.
4. Use only sharp tools.
5. Care should be taken, when thumb is used as a guide in cross cutting and ripping.
6. Handle while chiseling, sawing and planning with care.
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Viva Voice
1. Which are the marking and measuring tools used in carpentry shop?
7. Name five tools (Other than marking and measuring) used in carpentry.
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5. Welding Shop
1. Do not wear clothing or gloves that have been exposed to flammable liquids.
2. Do not look at the arc without wearing a full-faced welding mask with a shade 10 or darker filter
3. Never start welding process without checking the connection.
4. Always operate machines at a safe distance.
5. Don’t spread used rags around the welder and other sources of ignition.
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Tools Used: Welding SetupElectrode holder, Ground Clamp, wire brush , Chipping Hammer, Face
shield, Hand Gloves
Welding is the process of joining similar metals by the application of heat, with or without application of
pressure or filler metal, in such a way that the joint is equivalent in composition and characteristics of the
metals joined. In the beginning, welding was mainly used for repairing all kinds of worn or damaged
parts. Now, it is extensively used in manufacturing industry, construction industry (construction of ships,
tanks, locomotives and automobiles) and maintenance work, replacing riveting and bolting, to a greater
extent. The various welding processes are:
A transformer is a device that takes power directly from power supply line and transforms it to the
voltage required for welding. A transformer that increases the voltage from primary to secondary is
called a step-up transformer. Conversely, a transformer designed to do just the opposite is called a step-
down transformer.
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Electrode holder
The electrode holder is connected to the end of the welding cable and holds the electrode. It should be
light, strong and easy to handle and should not become hot while in operation. Figure shows one type of
electrode holder. The jaws of the holder are insulated, offering protection from electric shock.
Ground clamp
It is connected to the end of the ground cable and is clamped to the work or welding table to complete the
electric circuit. It should be strong and durable and give a low resistance connection.
Wire brush
A wire brush is used for cleaning and preparing the work for welding. Wire brush is made up of mild
steel. It is used to remove dirt, dust, rust etc. on the surface of the workpiece.
Chipping hammer
A chipping hammer is used for removing slag formation on welds. One end of the head is sharpened like
a cold chisel and the other, to a blunt, round point. It is generally made of tool steel. Molten metal
dispersed around the welding heads, in the form of small drops, is known as spatter. Removing the spatter
and slag formed on and around the welding beads on the metal surface is known as chipping.
It is made of steel plate and pipes. It is used for positioning the parts to be welded properly. Welding cabin is made‐up
by any suitable thermal resistance material, which can isolate the surrounding by the heat and light emitted during the
welding process. A suitable draught should also be provided for exhausting the gas produced during welding.
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Hand gloves
These are used to protect the hands from electric shocks and hot spatters during the welding process.
Face shield
A face shield is used to protect the eyes and face from the rays of the arc and from spatter or flying
particles of hot metal. It is available either in hand or helmet type. The hand type is convenient to use
wherever the work can be done with one hand. The helmet type though not comfortable to wear, leaves
both hands free for the work.
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Objective: To make a double lap joint, using the given mild steel pieces and by arc welding.
Job Description
20mm Tack Weld
70 mm
Tack Weld
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1. Take the two mild steel pieces of given dimensions and clean the surfaces thoroughly from rust, dust
particles, oil and grease.
2. Remove the sharp corners and burrs by filing or grinding and prepare the work pieces.
3. The work pieces are positioned on the welding table, to form a lap joint with the required over lapping.
4. The electrode is fitted in to the electrode holder and the welding current is set to a proper value.
6. Wearing the apron, hand gloves, using the face shield and holding the over lapped pieces the arc is
struck and the work pieces are tack‐welded at the ends of both the sides
7. The alignment of the lap joint is checked and the tack welded pieces are reset, if required.
8. Welding is then carried out throughout the length of the lap joint, on both the sides.
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Objective: Preparation of butt joint using shielded metal arc welding process.
Job Description-
3. The metallic pieces are thoroughly cleaned from rust grease, oil, etc.
5. Select electrode diameter, based on thickness of work piece and hold it on the electrode holder.
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6. Select suitable range of current for selected diameter.
7. Switch on the power supply and initiates the arc by either striking arc method or touch and drag
9. In full welding process after completion one part before going to second part. Slag is removed from
the weld bed. With the help of metal wire brush or chipping hammer.
10. Then the above process will be repeated until to fill the groove with weld bed or weld metal.
Result - Butt joint is prepared as per given drawing by using arc-welding process
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Object: To study the Tungsten Inert Gas welding (TIGW) and metal inert gas welding (MIGW).
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), also known as tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding, is an arc
welding process that uses a non-consumable tungsten electrode to produce the weld. The weld area and
electrode is protected from oxidation or other atmospheric contamination by an inert shielding
gas (argon or helium), and a filler metal is normally used, though some welds. When helium is used, this
is known as heli-arc welding. A constant-current welding power supply produces electrical energy, which
is conducted across the arc through a column of highly ionized gas and metal vapors known as plasma.
2. The torch tip is to be positioned above the plates so that white cone is at a distance of 1.5mm to 3mm
from the plates.
4. Now filler rod is to be held at a distance of 10mm from the flame and 1.5 mm to 3 mm from the
surface of the weld pool.
5. As the backward welding allows better penetration, back ward welding is to be used.
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6. After the completion of welding, slag is to be removed by means of chipping hammer and wire brush.
2. Automotive Industry
3. Weld thin sections of stainless steel and non- ferrous metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and
copper alloy
4. used in a number of repair applications, from fixing a child’s toy, like a wagon or old-fashioned pedal
car, to repairing aluminum tools
MIG Welding
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) or metal inert gas (MIG), is a welding process in which an electric
arc forms between a consumable MIG wire electrode and the work piece metal, which heats the work
piece metal, causing them to melt and join. Along with the wire electrode, a shielding gas feeds through
the welding gun, which shields the process from atmospheric contamination. Gas metal-arc (MIG)
welding is a process in which a consumable, bare wire electrode is fed into a weld at I controlled rate of
speed. This process produces high welds without the use of fluxes or the necessity of post cleaning the
weld. There are three basic sizes of wire electrode may be used: 3/32 inch; 3/64 inch; and 1/16 inch. Any
type of metal may be welded, provided the welding wire electrode is of the same composition as the base
metal. The unit is designed for use with an AC-DC conventional, constant current type welding power
3. The gas flow begins, Inert gas (argon, helium, or a mixture of the two as used in TIG welding) shields
the weld zone from contamination.
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5. The torch handle contains a complete motor and gear reduction unit that pulls the welding wire
electrode from a 4 inch diameter spool containing one pound of wire electrode.
8. After the completion of welding, slag is to be removed by means of chipping hammer and wire brush.
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Viva Voice
1. What is welding?
7. Which type of power sources are used in the electric arc welding?
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Viva Voice 82
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6. Foundry Shop
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Aim: - To study the various types of Moulding sand and tools used in sand casting process.
Foundry practice deals with the process of making casting in moulds. This is found to be the cheapest
method of metal shaping. The process involves the operations of pattern making, sand preparation, mould
preparation, melting of metals, pouring in moulds, cooling, shake it out, finishing, and inspection.
It is a cavity in a molding core, formed by a pattern. It is similar in shape and size that of the actual
casting plus some allowance for shrinkage, machining etc., molding is the process of making molds.
Types of Moulds
Temporary moulds - Temporary moulds are made of sand and other binding materials and may be
produced either through hand molding (or) machine molding.
Permanent moulds - Permanent moulds are made of ferrous materials and alloys i.e., cast iron, steel etc.
Molding Sand
Moulding sand is defined as granular particles resulting from the breakdown of rocks, due to the action of
natural forces, such as frost, wind, rain, heat and water currents. The principle ingredients of molding
sands are
When sand is in its natural (more or less moist) state, it is referred to as green sand. It is a mixture of
silica sand, with 18 to 30% clay and 6 to 8% water. The clay and water give bonding strength to green
sand. It is fine, soft, light and porous. Green sand is generally used for small or medium sized casting.
Coal dust is mixed in green sand to prevent defects in castings. Green sand moulds are cheaper and take
less time to prepare.
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(ii) Dry Sand
Dry sand moulding is employed for large castings. The moulds prepared in green sand are dried or baked
to remove, almost, all moisture of the moist sand. The structure in the moulding boxes after drying
becomes stronger and compact. Venting is therefore necessary but not to that extent, as in the case of
green sand mould. For larger heavy moulds, cow dung, horse manure, etc. are mixed with the sand of
coarse grains.
It is a mixture of clay and sand milled with water to a thin paste. Loam sand contains 50% clay and 50 %
sand. It also contains fire clay. It is used for casting larger regular shaped castings like chemical pans,
drums, etc.
It is used directly next to the surface of the pattern and it comes into contact with the molten metal. Since,
it is subjected to the most severe conditions. it must possess high strength and refractoriness. It is made of
silica sand and clay, without the addition of used sand.
Parting sand is clay tree, fine grained silica sand, is used to keep the green sand from sticking to the
pattern and also to prevent the cope and drug from cleaning.
The old, repeatedly used moulding sand, black in colour due to addition of coal dust and burning or
coming in contact with molten metal is known as backing sand or floor sand or black sand. It is used to
fill in the mould at the back of facing layer.
It is used for making cores. It is silica sand mixed with core oil (linseed oil, rosin, light mineral oil and
other binders). For the sake of economy pitch or flour and water may be used as core sand for large cores.
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Tools and equipment - Following tools are equipment are used in sand molding
It is wooden board with smooth surfaces. It supports the flasks and the pattern, while the mould is being
It is a base, made of wood or metal, open at both ends. The sand is rammed in after placing the pattern to
produce a mould it is made of 2 parts; cope is the top half of the flask, having guides for the aligning
paints to enter. Drag is the bottom half of the flask having aligning pins.
(iii) Shovel
It is used for mixing and tempering molding sand and for transferring the sand in to the flask. It is made
of steel blade with a wooden handle.
(iv) Rammer
It is used for pocking or ramming the sand, around the pattern one of its ends called the peen end, is
wedge shaped and is used for packing sand in spaces, pockets and corners in the early stages of ramming.
It is a piece of metal or wood with straight edge. It is used remove the excess sand from the mould after
ramming to provide a level surface.
It is tapered wooden pin used to make a hole in the cope sand through which the molten metal is poured
into the mould.
It is tapered wooden pin used to make a hole in the cope sand over the mould cavity for the molten metal
to rise and feed the casting to compassable the shrinkage that take place during solidification.
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(viii) Trowel
It is used to smoothen the surface of the mould. It may also be used for reproducing the damaged portion
of the mould. A trowel is made in many different styles and sizes each one recallable for a particular hole.
Trowel Shovel
(e) (f)
(g) (h)
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Object : - To study of various types of patterns, their types and pattern allowance used in sand casting
A pattern is the replica of the desired coasting, which when packed in a suitable materials produces a
cavity called mould. This cavity when filled with molten metals, produces their desired coasting of the
Types of pattern -
Wood and metal patterns are used in foundry practice. Various kinds of patterns that we use in casting
process are
Fig. 2.1- Single Piece Pattern Fig. 2.2- Two Piece Pattern Fig. 2.3- Gated Pattern
Fig. 2.6- Sweep Piece Pattern Fig. 2.7 - Loose Piece Pattern
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Fig. 2.8 - Follow Board Pattern Fig. 2.10 - Cope and Drag pattern
Single piece pattern is the cheapest pattern among all other types of pattern. This pattern generally
used in simple processes such as making of flat rectangular box etc. It is applied in small scale
production. It is expected to lie in cope or drag.
Two- piece pattern is also called as split piece pattern. It is the popularly used for intricate castings. In
two- piece pattern half part is always molded in drag and other half part is molded in cope. It is used in
applications where it is very difficult to withdraw casting from the mold.
3) Gated Pattern
Gated types of patterns are used to make multiple components inside the single mold. Gated pattern is
nothing but the pattern consisting one or more patterns. For joining different patterns gates are used.
4) Skeleton Pattern
Skeleton pattern is used for castings which have simple size and shape. These castings are usually large in
size. These are nothing but frames of wood that highlight the area which is to be cast.
Basically Match plate pattern is a split pattern. Cope and drag areas are on the opposite faces of metallic
plate. The metallic plates are termed as Match Plate. This is very expensive and gives accuracy as well as
high yield. This pattern is widely used for casting metals like aluminium.
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6) Sweep Pattern
In sweep pattern we make use of wooden board. This wooden board of proper size is to be rotated about
one edge to shape the cavity as circular or rotational symmetry. It is used for making of Circular discs,
wheels, large kettles are produces by making use of sweep pattern.
It is very difficult to remove one piece of solid pattern which is above or below the parting plane having
projections from the mold. With the help of loose piece types of patterns projections can be made by
loose pieces. It requires skilled labor work as well as it is very expensive.
Follow board pattern consists of tool that is a simple wooden board which is used for several reasons. The
wooden board is used as a base in follow board pattern for molding process. This pattern is used in
processes where casting structures are weak and they may break after the application of force
Sometimes castings have very difficult and complicated designs. In such difficult situations multi piece
types of patterns are used. 3 or more patterns are included in multi piece pattern.
In the given diagram bottom part is drag, top part is cope where the middle part is termed as check box.
In this pattern Cope (upper portion) and drag (lower portion) are separately molded on molding box. After
molding these two separate parts are combined to form the entire cavity. This pattern types are used in the
production of large castings.
Pattern Allowances:
A pattern is always made larger than the required size of the casting considering the various allowances.
These are the allowances which are usually provided in a pattern.
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1) Shrinkage or contraction allowance:
The various metals used for casting contract after solidification in the mould. Since the contraction is
different for different materials, therefore it will also differ with the form or type of metal.
2) Draft allowance
It is a taper which is given to all the vertical walls of the pattern for easy and clean withdraw of the
pattern from the sand without damaging the mould cavity.
The allowance is provided on the pattern if the casting is to be machined. This allowance is given in
addition to shrinkage allowance. The ferrous metals require more machining allowance than non ferrous
This allowance is provided on patterns used for casting of such design in which the contraction is not
uniform throughout.
This allowance is provided in the pattern to compensate for the rapping of mould because the pattern is to
be rapped before removing it from the mould.
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Aim: - To prepare a sand mould cavity using one stepped single piece pattern.
Tools required: -
Material required: -
Sequence of operation: -
1. Sand preparation
2. Sand mixing
3. Pouring
4. Finishing
Procedure: -
1. Place the pattern on the molding board, with its flat side on the board.
2. Place the drag over the board, after giving a clay wash inside.
4. Allow loose sand, preferably through a riddle over the pattern, unit it is covered to a depth of 2 to 3 cm.
5. Pack the molding sand around the pattern and into the corners of the flask (by fingers).
6. Place some more sand in the flask and pack the pattern with a rammer, using first the peen end and then
butt end.
7. Strike-off the excess sand from the top surface of the drag with the strike-off bar.
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9. Blow-off the loose sand particles with the bellows and smoothen the upper surface.
10. Place the cope on to the drag in position. Locate riser pin on the highest point of the pattern.
11. Place the sprue pin at about 5 to 6 cm from the pattern on the other side of the riser pin.
14. Make holes with the vent rod to about 1 cm from the pattern.
15. Remove the sprue and riser pins by carefully drawing them out. Funnel shaped hole is made at the
top of the sprue hole, called the pouring cup.
16. Insert the draw pin into the pattern. Wet the edges around the pattern. Loosen the pattern by
rapping. Then draw the pattern straight up.
17. Cut gate in the drag from the sprue to the mold. Blow off any loose sand particles in the mold.
18. Close the mold by replacing the cope and placing weights on it.
25 mm
15 mm
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Fig. 3.2 – Sand Casting arrangement
3. Never stand near or look over the mold during the pouring because of the molten metal might be
too hot.
4. Do not shake out a casting too hastily, which may result in second and third degree burns.
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Viva Voice
6. What are the advantages of sand casting over other manufacturing techniques?
7. What is Crucible?
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