A Model To Predict Academic Performance

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2017, VOL. 12, NO. 5, 1353-1369


A Model to Predict Academic Performance based on the

Components of Emotional Intelligence, Problem Solving
Skills and Achievement Motivation among Students of
Smart and Ordinary School
Ismail Sadipour1, Soghra Ebrahimi Ghavam2, Noorali Farrokhi3, Hassan
Assadzadeh4, Nahid Sameti5
1. Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran,
Iran(Corresponding Author)
2. Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran
3. Associate Professor, Department of Assessment and Measurement, University Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran
4. Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran
5. PhD student, Department of Educational Psychology, University Allameh Tabatabaei, Tehran, Iran


Improving the academic performance of students is one of the main concerns of authorities in
education fields. The science of psychology and education experts has tried to help research and
studies, to identify factors affecting the academic performance of students. Previously cognitive
abilities as one of the most important determinants of academic performance is recognized, but
gradually it became clear non-cognitive factors such as emotional intelligence play prominent role in
the academic performance of students. Children who have high emotional intelligence, in the use of
problem-solving skills show higher abilities, which results in improving the cognitive ability of these
students. The aim of this study provide a model predicting academic performance based on the
components of emotional intelligence, problem-solving skills and achievement motivation among
students of ordinary and smart school. The study in term of method is predictive- correlational. The
population in this study consisted of all high school students in Tehran using multi-stage cluster
sampling 583 students were selected as sample. The results showed that the direct effect of
emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students 'academic performance is significant,
but direct effect of problem-solving skills on students' academic performance is not significant. The
direct effect of emotional intelligence and achievement motivation on students' academic
performance in smart schools is significantly higher than its impact on the academic performance of
students in ordinary schools. There was any significant direct difference between problem solving
skills and academic performance of students in smart and ordinary schools. So it can be concluded
that the role of smart schools in important variables such as emotional intelligence, achievement
motivation and academic performance makes the role of smart schools brighter and stronger.


smart schools, emotional intelligence, problem- Received 20 April 2017
solving skills, achievement motivation, academic Revised 28 April 2017
performance Accepted 9 May 2017


© 2017 Sadipour et al.
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unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, on the condition that users give exact credit to the
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Today, unlike in the past, the views governing educational psychology of many
factors and learning aspects is changeable and achievable. One of the important
points is always emphasized cognitivists is educable many factors involved in
learning. Cognitivists in their work have emphasized on learnability of
creativity, problem solving, cognitive and metacognitive strategies (Baills et al.,
2001, Mesrabadi, 2001). Improving the academic performance of students is one
of the main concerns of authorities in education fields. The science of psychology
and education experts has tried to help research and studies, to identify factors
affecting the academic performance of students. Previously cognitive abilities as
one of the most important determinants of academic performance is recognized,
but gradually it became clear that non-cognitive factors such as emotional
intelligence play prominent role in the academic performance of students.
Children who have high emotional intelligence, in the use of problem-solving
skills show higher abilities, which results in improving the cognitive ability of
these students (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso, 2000).
One of the factors affecting the students' academic performance is their problem-
solving ability. The results of the studies (Matemba, Awinja, Otieno, 2014;
Barker, 2003; Ahadi, Mirzaie, Narimani and Abolghasemi, 2009) shown that
there is a direct and significant correlation between problem-solving skills and
academic performance of students. The child's ability to use thinking to solve
problems is keys to success in his life. In studies such as these, when children
repeatedly shown lack the necessary skills to cope with their problems or
listening skills or focus, feel responsibility about their assignments, or lack
importance of education, whatever these skills to nurture, help their academic
performance. In this sense, emotional literacy teaching schools increase learning
Even in times of crisis and reduce the budget can be argued that these
programs, to reverse the trend of educational decline and strengthen schools in
accomplishing their main mission to contribute and thus are worthy for the
investment (Goleman, 1995). Love and Nelson (2006) claimed that emotional
intelligence is a crucial factor for personal health and academic success of
students. They claimed that students with emotional intelligence skills are
better able to deal with difficult and complex experience of college.
Smart schools are an environment that has the potential necessary to
accomplish this goal. The school’s first introduced by Perkins et al in
collaboration with Project Zero study center at Harvard University and then in
his book entitled smart schools: better thinking and learning for children
(Perkins, 1992), was published. By definition, the smart school is the school
where in the process of implementation of all processes, including management,
monitoring, control, teaching-learning, learning resources and teaching aids,
evaluation, teacher and office, communications and principles of development
based on ICT (information and communication technology) and to improve the
research-based educational system is designed (Ministry of Education, 2011).
In this sense, the present study based on Perkins theory (1992) in the field of
smart schools, and other studies, they noted, the ability to predict the
components of emotional intelligence, problem-solving skills and achievement

motivation and academic performance of students in ordinary and smart schools


Theoretical Foundations
Smart School is a school in which the execution of all processes, including
management, monitoring, control, teaching-learning, learning resources and
teaching aids, evaluation, master and office affairs, communications and
principles of development, based on information and communication technology
(ICT) to improve the research-based educational system is designed (Ministry of
Education, 2013).
Emotional intelligence mainly as the ability to review their own and others
feelings and emotions, distinguish between emotions and use emotional
information in problem-solving and ordering defined behavior (Meyer, 2014).
Sharma (2005) defined motivation as "an activity person to motivate and
stimulate mode for person or other groups in proper condition to do or regulate
the activities associated with the design goals; or the excited state of the people
that under appropriate circumstances or behavior in relation to the goals
performed and set out".
Academic performance is a set of academic behavior that progress in two
dimensions of achievement or declining academic achievement in the field of
achieving information. This function can be used in conjunction with other
factors such as school and university classroom activities and communicate with
classmates and professors (Maw, 1997 According to Shaver, Salimi and Homaee,

Research background
Aghili and Fotohinia (2014) in a study examined the effect of smart technology
on motivation and academic achievement of high school students in Gonbad
Kavoos city. The research method was quasi-experimental with control group.
The results showed that academic achievement in experimental group that used
the smart board than the control group, increase 9.32 units and the academic
achievement of the experimental group than the control group increased 1.019.
According to equation regression coefficients, adjusted coefficient of
determination showed that the variables of smart boards and motivation,
explained 0.18 variance of academic achievement.
Heidari, Vaziri and Adli (2013) in a study to evaluate the smart schools based on
standards and to compare its performance with their regular schools.
Population consisted of all girls high schools in Yazd city, two ordinary high
schools and two smart high schools using cluster sampling was selected. The
results showed that the current status of smart schools in terms of teaching-
learning content, FAVA infrastructure, trained teachers and low-level computer-
based communication in schools and only in components administrators use
computer is desirable. Also, there was no significant difference between critical
thinking and student’s performance in smart and ordinary school, but there was
significant difference in academic achievement and student’s performance.
Jandra Jenna (2013), in the form of a pilot study with a pretest / posttest and
control group design, examined the effect of smart class on academic

For this purpose, using random sampling, 60 students were selected. The results
showed that the learning environment with smart classrooms to teach students
both weak and strong significantly is better than traditional classes.
Zarei Zavaraki and Malazadegan (2014) in a research compared the motivation
of fifth-grade male students in smart schools with ordinary schools. Research
design was causal-comparative and statistical population included all students
in fifth-grade elementary schools in Tehran. From population 62 students from
smart schools and 62 students from ordinary schools were selected and
evaluated. The sampling method used in this research is purposive sampling
because samples have been chosen must be considered closest to the standards.
Hermans achievement motivation questionnaire to determine the motivation of
students in two smart and ordinary schools have used.
The results showed that there is no significant difference between the
motivation of students in smart and ordinary and FAVA facilities has any
significant effect on the motivation of students.
Timmis, Cook (2004) in a study entitled "motivate learners to online learning:
organizational strategies and needs" to evaluate the motivational topics related
to online learning. The paper concluded that virtual learning opportunities to
motivate learners. Strategies such as external motivator, clear expectations in a
virtualized environment have special tips for taking advantage of opportunities
in virtual learning environments considered.
Mirzajani and Dellaviz Biklaee (2013) in a study called emotional intelligence of
students in smart schools, within an experimental method using pre-test / post-
test with control group showed that the smart school students than students in
ordinary schools is significantly higher than emotional intelligence.

Conceptual model:
Based on what was said, the conceptual model of this study can be demonstrated
as follows:

Research Methodology
With respect to the question, hypothesis and purpose of the research
methodology of this study, was predictive- correlational. The study aimed to
examine change one or more variable, with some changes to one or more other
variables. The present study aimed to examine variables such as emotional
intelligence, problem-solving skills and academic achievement in predicting
academic performance of students of ordinary and smart school. The population
in this study is all high school students in Tehran. According to the Education
Department of Tehran Province, the total high school students (sixth, seventh
and eighth grades) and the second high school (ninth, tenth and eleventh
grades) are equal to 756329 people, of which 507489 on ordinary schools and
248840 students are enrolled in smart schools.
The multi-stage cluster sampling method used, selected sample accurately
represents the population studied. Cochran formula was used to estimate the
sample size.
The research samples are 640. However, among all the questionnaires, 611
questionnaires were collected after reviewing them, 28 questionnaires because
they were not fully completed and incomplete data were excluded from analysis.
Therefore, the data of 583 questionnaires were analyzed.
To collect the data, Hermans Achievement Motivation Scale (1970) Bar-On
Emotional Intelligence Scale (2000), Social Problem Solving Inventory- revised:
short form (SPSI-R: SF), Dortaj academic performance questionnaire (2014) is
used: in this study, the descriptive data, mean, frequency, tables and graphs and
to evaluate hypotheses and causal relationships between variables was used
path analysis. Data analysis was performed using AMOS software.

Inferential results
To analyze the research hypotheses, path analysis were used. The statistical
method is in fact an extension of regression. In other words, in path analysis the
role of mediator and mediation, as well as direct role of exogenous variables on
the endogenous variable and the mediating role of mediating variables were
In the diagram (1) structural model has been given by researchers to explore
hypotheses 1 to 3 drawn and standardized coefficients as well as the variance
explained by exogenous variables on endogenous and mediator’s variables as
schematics have been reported.

Diagram 1: The main research path analysis model to evaluate the role of
learning strategies in mediating problem solving, academic motivation and
emotional intelligence and academic performance

Research hypothesis
First hypothesis: emotional intelligence directly affects academic achievement.
For a detailed review of the results, standard regression, and non-standard
coefficients predicted in Table 1 have been reported. According to this table it is
clear that all path coefficients are statistically significant (P <.01). According to
the results reported in Table 1 it is clear that the standard coefficients of
predicting academic performance through emotional intelligence is equal to
0.335 and the value of the correlation coefficient at the level of P <.01 was
significant. The standard coefficients of predicting academic performance
through learning strategies is equal to 0.362.

Table 1: standard and non-standard regression coefficients predicting academic

performance and emotional intelligence and learning strategies

Standard Critical significance
Dependen standardized Standardized
predictor deviation value level
t coefficients coefficients

Learning Emotional .636

 .320 .026 12.491 0.01
strategies Intelligence
Academic  .275
Performanc .362 .076 4.779 0.01
Academic  Emotional .505
Performanc Intelligence .335 .039 8.688 0.01

But the most important part of this hypothesis is whether emotional intelligence
directly affects academic performance or not? The value of the regression
coefficient has a significant amount of data is considered to be statistically

Second hypothesis: problem solving skills directly affect academic

Before any interpretation of the indicators fit with path coefficients obtained
data must be considered.
In Table 2 Index of the model fitness for model 3 has been reported.

Table 2: Fitness index of the data with model 3

Fitness index obtained value acceptable amount

Chi square 467.730 (degrees of Non-significant
freedom equal to 11)

NFI 0.94 Higher 0.90

CFI 0.93 Higher 0.90
GFI 0.94 Higher 0.90
RMSEA 0.06 Smaller 0.08
Given that all three fitness indicators are statistically in the acceptable range,
so it can be concluded that 3 model with experimental data obtained in this
study is an acceptable fit.

For a detailed review of the results of the regression coefficients, standard and
non-standard predicted in Table 3 have been reported. This table shows that
according to regression coefficient problem solving skills has not significant
effects on academic performance.
Table 3: standard and non-standard regression coefficients predicting academic
performance and problem-solving skills and learning strategies

standardized Standardized Standard Critical significance
Dependent predictor coefficients coefficients deviation value level

standardized Standardized Standard Critical significance
Dependent predictor coefficients coefficients deviation value level

Learning problem
.625 .056 .580 11.106 0.01
strategies solving skills

Academic  Learning
.668 .083 .544 8.035 0.01
Performance strategies
Academic  problem
.109 .076 .082 1.428 0.01
Performance solving skills

This indicates that the second hypothesis is not confirmed.

Third hypothesis: achievement motivation directly affects the academic
Before any interpretation of the path coefficients, first fitness index with data
must be considered. Table (4) model fitness index of the data for model 4

Table 4: indicators fitted with version 4

Fitness index obtained value acceptable

Chi square 476.720 (degrees of freedom non-significant
equal to 41)

NFI 0.94 higher

CFI 0.92 higher
GFI 0.94 higher
RMSEA 0.08 smaller 0.08

Given that all three fitness indicators are statistically in the acceptable range,
so in this study it can be concluded that 4 model with experimental data
obtained has acceptable fitness.
For a detailed review of the results, standard and non-standard regression
coefficients in the table (5) have been reported.
Regression coefficient in this table shows that achievement motivation has a
direct and significant effect on academic performance.
Table 5: standard and non-standard regression coefficients predicting academic
performance and problem-solving skills and learning strategies
standardized Standardized Standard Critical significan
Dependent predictor
coefficients coefficients deviation value ce level

Learning  achievement
.645 .068 .486 9.441 0.01
strategies motivation
Academic  Learning .643 .076 .499 8.428 0.01

standardized Standardized Standard Critical significan
Dependent predictor
coefficients coefficients deviation value ce level

Performance strategies
Academic  achievement
.320 .085 .187 3.776 0.01
Performance motivation

In other words, the outcome of this table clearly indicates that regression
coefficient directly predicting academic performance through motivation is
statistically significant. The achievement motivation has direct effect on
academic performance.

Fourth hypothesis: the direct effect of emotional intelligence and academic

performance of students in ordinary and smart schools is different.
In hypothesis fourth to sixth type of school as a moderating variable is
evaluated. The difference between the fitness values of chi-square method and
CFA used to examine the role of schools in moderating the relationship between
the variables.
In fact, this method is a prerequisite for a group comparison that specifies that
the measurement models are unchanged between groups.
That is, they have similar regression coefficients.

According to Chen (2007) and more difference than 0.01 CFA and more than
0.015 represent there is a significant difference between the two models and two
models are not similar.
Or in other words, moderating variable has significant role in moderating the
relationships between variables measuring the structural model. So it can be
concluded that there is a difference between the two groups in the direct path
coefficient. Analysis of the structural model for each group separately indicate
the path coefficient between emotional intelligence with academic performance
for students in smart schools is much more than ordinary schools (see diagrams
2 and 3).

Diagram 2 Structural equations modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies and emotional intelligence in academic performance (smart
According to diagram 2 it is clear that the direct path coefficient between
emotional intelligence and academic performance is equal to 0.59. Also according

to the diagram (2) path coefficient for the group of ordinary students is equal to

Diagram 3 Structural equations modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies and emotional intelligence in academic performance
(ordinary schools)
Thus, it was concluded that the direct path coefficient between emotional
intelligence and academic performance for students in smart schools is more
than ordinary schools.

Fifth hypothesis: the direct effect of problem-solving skills and academic

performance of students in smart and ordinary schools is different.
In this hypothesis as mentioned above the multi-group structural equation
method to determine moderating role of school, direct coefficients between the
problem-solving skills and academic performance is bound to a fixed value.
According to Chen benchmark was found that the size difference between
RMSEA indices for the two groups is much smaller than the standard value. The
results indicate that there is a significant difference between the two groups in
the amount of direct coefficients between problem-solving skills and academic
To compare the direct coefficients of the two models, in diagrams (4) and (5)
models have been analyzed by the software AMOS is shown.

Diagram 4: Structural equation modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies, problem-solving skills in academic performance (smart
According to the path coefficients reported in diagrams (4) and (5) it is clear that
there is very little difference between the direct coefficients of the models that
confirming the previous description.

Diagram 5: Structural equation modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies, problem-solving skills in academic performance (ordinary

Sixth hypothesis: the direct effect of achievement motivation and academic

performance of students in smart and ordinary schools is different.
The same consideration of direct path coefficient for both groups and run the
AMOS software using MULTI-GROUP SEM showed that the difference RMSEA
and CFA is more than enough for the two groups. So it can be concluded that
there is a difference between the two groups in the direct path coefficient.
Analysis of the structural model separately show the direct path coefficient
between achievement motivation and academic performance for students in
smart schools is more than in ordinary schools (see diagram 6 and diagram 7).

Diagram 6: Structural equation modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies in the relationship between achievement motivation and
academic performance (smart schools)

Diagram 7: Structural equation modeling to investigate the mediator role of

learning strategies in the relationship between achievement motivation and
academic performance (smart schools)

Testing hypothesis
First hypothesis: emotional intelligence directly affects academic performance.
As you can see, the data analysis showed that emotional intelligence directly
affects academic performance. In other words, it was shown that the size of the
direct impact of emotional intelligence on academic performance is equal to
0.505 that the value of the regression coefficient is a significant amount of data.
The findings of study is inconsistent with findings Gross, 2005, and is consistent
with findings Jager 2007; Jafari and Ahadzadeh 2014; Hatami Taghizadeh and
Mohebbinia 2012, Bakhshi Sureshjani 2008; Nikoogoftar 2008 and Bakhshi
Sureshjani 2008. It seems academic performance by being able to set personal
goals and optimistic vision and motivation, and met them facilitated (Bar-On,
Bar-On suppose the assessment of the level of emotional intelligence among
students significantly in anticipation of their study can be used. He argues that
such information can be guided intervention with students who need to identify
and to enhance the social and emotional intelligence competencies and skills will
aid in optimal academic performance (Mahzon et al., 2013).

Second hypothesis: problem solving skills directly affect academic

The results of the regression coefficient showed that problem solving skills has
not significant effects on academic performance. In other words, the hypothesis
problem solving skills has a direct impact on academic performance rejected.
The finding of this study is consistent with studies Matemba, Awinja, Otieno,
2014; Barker, 2003; Ahadi, Mirzaie, Narimani and Abolghasemi, 2009. It is said
that problem solving skills increases the individual's belief than his ability.
Many of human behavior influence on mechanisms motivated and controlled.
Among the mechanisms of their influence, none more important and pervasive
is the belief in personal development (Ganji and Amirian, 2011). In other words,
it seems the smart schools examined in this study, although computers and
technology used for training students, but the content of such training is not
such develop problem finding and problem-solving skills in students and hence

is able to improve a larger share of the academic performance of students in

ordinary schools.
Third hypothesis: achievement motivation directly affects the academic
In this hypothesis, the results of regression coefficient clearly showed that
achievement motivation directly predicting academic performance that is
statistically significant. The achievement motivation has direct effect on
academic performance. The finding of this study is consistent with studies
Amraei et al. 2011; Tella 2007 and DeLong, Winter, & Yackel 2004.

Several studies show that motivational factors are effective in cognitive

engagement and learning control in the learning process (DeLong et al., 2004;
Mayer, 2001).
As Wlodkowski stated "motivation just because is one of the main causes of
learning is not important, but motivation is mediated transfer of learning and
learning outcomes (Wlodkowski, 1985). Motivation and academic performance
would influence implementation homework and show a willingness to learn
(Harakoiz, Baron, Kartrz, Leto and Elliott, 1997).

Fourth hypothesis: the direct effect of emotional intelligence and academic

performance of students in ordinary and smart schools is different.
As abovementioned, the hypothesis fourth to sixth, type of school as a
moderating variable examined. It was shown that there is a direct difference
between two groups in term of path coefficient. Analysis of the structural model
for each group separately showed that the direct path coefficient between
emotional intelligence and academic performance for students of smart schools
is much more ordinary schools.
According to these findings, it seems compared to ordinary schools, emotional
intelligence in smart schools, has a greater share in the academic success of
students that finding of this study is consistent with studies Charitaki, 2015,
Marzukiet al., 2015; Mirzajani and Dellaviz Biklaee, 2013; Schultz-Zehnder et
al., 2002.
One of emotional intelligence strategies of students is that we find new approach
to school performance. This means that it is a place to see the training of the
students targeted. In other words, in the classroom, we should know thinking
and feeling together (Parsa, 2001).

Fifth hypothesis: the direct effect of problem-solving skills and academic

performance of students in smart and ordinary schools is different.
As shown, there is no significant difference between direct coefficients of
problem-solving skills and academic performance in both groups. In other words,
it is clear that there is very little difference between direct coefficients of the
model. So the hypothesis was rejected.
In the smart school, student participation and group activities in use computer,
makes them more adept at solving problems because such places students in
shaping and defining strategies and solutions, encouraged (Wegerif & Dawes,
2008). Three principles of the seven principles that Perkins (1992) defined for
smart schools, emphasis on understanding; training and skills to acquire and

transfer it to the new position and accepting to deal with complex situations,
was suitable situation to improve students' problem-solving skills in the schools.

Sixth hypothesis: the direct effect of achievement motivation and academic

performance of students in smart and ordinary schools is different.
There is a difference between the two groups in term of direct path coefficient.
Analysis of the structural model for each group separately showed that the
direct path coefficient between achievement motivation and academic
performance for students in smart schools is more than in ordinary schools.
Students who are internally motivated and assignment to enjoy its intrinsic
continue the task more focus to strategies for efficient learning and they learn
quite a pleasant experience (Merchant and Paulson, 2001).
Educational practices in smart schools is to make learning more interesting,
more motivated, exciting and meaningful and makes the body, soul and mind of
children in the learning process involved (project team of smart schools, 1997).
Educational practices in schools is an intelligent way to make learning more
interesting, more motivated, exciting and meaningful, and makes the body, soul
and mind of children in the learning process involves (a smart school project,
Skill and enthusiasm that the children used their computers is amazing (Battro,
A. M., 2010). Enjoying multimedia educational content in teaching the use of
active teaching methods, provides quick and clear feedback to the students,
learning for students in smart schools to make a pleasant experience and leads
students with their academic interest and more motivated and involved in
educational issues.

The present study aims at preparing a model predicting academic performance
based on the components of emotional intelligence, problem solving skills and
achievement motivation of students in smart and ordinary school. Today, the
school education system in the country needs to use of ICT, provide the
possibility of continuous learning and new opportunities for people to experience
life in the information society, so that this technology not as an instrument, but
also in terms of infrastructure enabling for education and professional training
is considered. Smart schools are an environment that has the potential
necessary to accomplish this goal. The role of smart schools in important
variables such as emotional intelligence, achievement motivation and academic
performance makes the role of smart schools brighter and stronger.
Using and applying smart and updated technology, on the one hand, improve
the teaching-learning in teachers and students, the teachers and students to use
the World Wide Web can upgrade their academic level and the development of
the country.
However, the lack of infrastructure such as LAN and Internet connection,
consistent lack of structure, lack of familiarity with new teachers, insufficient
human resources trained, lack of physical and financial resources to equip
schools, intelligent computer systems and equipment and supplies required by
the school, including the problems that led to reduce benefits and positive effects
of smart schools in Iran.

Thus it can be concluded that the role of smart schools in important variables
such as emotional intelligence, achievement motivation and academic
performance makes the role of smart schools brighter and stronger. Using and
applying smart and updated technology, on the one hand, improve the teaching-
learning in teachers and students, the teachers and students to use the World
Wide Web can upgrade their academic level and the development of the country.
The results indicate the usefulness to policymakers in the field of education.


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