PP Cellular Detox Cellular Solution New Updated Feb 2024

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Cellular Detox

How To Guide
-Practitioner Version-

Pompa Program 1
Cellular Detox
Cellular Detox is made up of 3 phases: Prep Phase, Body Phase, and Brain Phase.

Prep Phase: The goal of the Prep Phase is to prepare you for cellular detoxification. In the Prep
Phase we prepare and support the cell detox pathways as well as the downstream detox

Body Phase: It is extremely important to clear the body first. Toxins move from higher
concentration to lower, thus preparing for detoxification of the brain. The Body Phase typically
lasts 3 months. Like the Prep Phase, you will be given a Core Body Phase protocol. The Core
Body Phase is made up of Core Support and Core Detox. Also like the Core Prep, you will be
given a Toolbox, which can be used for supplement rotation of your core support, as well as
adding chelators to the core detox, and the addition of target formulas for specific conditions and

Brain Phase: The addition of a fat soluble chelator (ALA) is added during the Brain Phase to
mobilize deep rooted toxins from the brain and nerve tissue. This is the phase we work to get to,
and therefore is the most important phase because it gets to the real reason why people still do
not feel well, have hormone dysregulation, can’t lose weight, can’t sleep, and still have a
diagnosis. For individuals with more severe health concerns, the Brain Phase will be repeated
consistently for at least 2+ years and continued on some level of maintenance ongoing.

Within each phase, you will be given a core protocol for that phase: Core Prep Phase, Core
Body Phase, and Core Brain Phase. The Core is a starting point, and additional supplements
can be added as needed for more detox support, to target specific conditions via glands or
organs, or to address general nutrition needs.

The supplements for the additional support are found in sections of your Toolbox.

Pompa Program 2
Prep Phase
The purpose of the Prep Phase (1 month) is to upregulate cell function, as well as support the
downstream detox pathways.

Daily core supplements can be taken together or divided into two doses, morning and afternoon,
with or without food. If you are sensitive, start with half doses and progress to taking two divided
doses - consult with your health coach.

Refer to the Prep Phase Toolbox in this guide for additional supplements that can be added to
the Core Prep Phase for added nutritional support or for support of a specific health condition.
Consult with your health coach about adding additional supplements.

Prep Phase Daily Core Supplements

Core Cellular Support - Taken Daily
Membrane R2 - Nourishes and strengthens the cell membrane. Take 2 capsules per day
together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Mito-Methylator R3/R5 - For mitochondrial energy production and methylation support. Take 2
capsules per day together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other

Inflam R4 - Inflammation response blend. Take 3 capsules per day together or in divided
doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Core Downstream Support - Taken Daily

Gut Enhancer - Repairs leaky gut and encourages a diverse microbiome. Take 3 capsules per
day on an empty stomach, all together first thing in the morning, or in divided doses (1
capsule, 3x a day). Best taken on an empty stomach, before meals.

Drainage Enhancer - Cell Communication Complex (C3) for the liver, kidneys, and for lymph
drainage. Take 3 capsules per day, together or in divided doses. With or without food and
other supplements.

Pompa Program 3
Prep Phase Toolbox

These are supplements that can be added to the Core Prep Phase for additional support and
targeting of specific conditions. This toolbox will also be helpful for rotating supplements in the
Body and Brain phases, which is a strategy to maximize their effectiveness.

Additional downstream detox support

○ Lymph Support: SENG, Lymph Drainage, Lymplex

○ Gut Support: D, Ds, Enzee, ZGLUTN, Ox Bile (for fat digestion with no
gallbladder), Megamucosa, Intestinal Restore

○ Liver Support: L-Liver, Ls, Liver Drainage

○ Kidney Support: K-Kidney, Ks, Kidney Drainage

Other health conditions (target organs or glands)

○ P-Pancreas or Synulin (if diabetic or for blood sugar dysregulation)

○ Thyroid: Gf, Thyrosyn, or TMI (follow titration protocol if autoimmune)

○ Adrenals: Ga or Adrenal Synergy

○ Brain Fog/ Cognitive Decline: Neurosyn or CytoBrainLink

○ Sleep: DREM, Slumberboost, Sandman suppositories

Nutritional Needs
○ Vitamin D (DV3)

○ Magnesium

○ Zinc

This is not an exhaustive list.

Pompa Program 4
Prep Phase and Coaching Call Notes

Pompa Program 5
Body Phase
The Body Phase (minimum 3 months) is where your cellular detox begins. Some supplements
are taken daily and some are cycled ON and OFF.

Refer to this guide for detailed information about adjusting your detox cycles, extra detox
support therapies, using additional chelators, and mitigating detox symptoms.

Refer to the Body Phase Toolbox in this document for additional supplements that can be added
to the Core Body Phase for added nutritional support or for support of a specific health
condition. Consult with your health coach about adding additional supplements.

Body Phase Core Daily Support

Core Cellular Support - Taken Daily

Membrane R2 - Nourishes and strengthens the cell membrane. Take 2 capsules per day
together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Mito-Methylator R3/R5 - For mitochondrial energy production and methylation support. Take 2
capsules per day together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other

Inflam R4 - Inflammation response blend. Take 3 capsules per day together or in divided
doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Core Downstream Support - Taken Daily

Gut Enhancer - Repairs leaky gut and encourages a diverse microbiome. Take 3 capsules per
day on an empty stomach, all together first thing in the morning, or in divided doses (1
capsule, 3x a day). Best taken on an empty stomach, before meals.

Drainage Enhancer - Cellular Communication Complex (C3) for the liver, kidneys, and for
lymph drainage. Take 3 capsules per day, together or in divided doses with or without food
and other supplements.

Pompa Program 6
Core Body Detox - Typical Doses
These are cycled and only taken "ON" cycle: 3 on/ 4 off, or 7 on/ 7 off

CytoDetox: Take 0.5-1 ml, 3x a day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR.
Take internally and swallow. For sensitive individuals: .25-.5 ml 3x a day or dosing according
to your health coach.
*No more than 12 hours between doses. Aiming for every 6-8 hours is optimal.

Cell CLR: Intracellular glutathione. 2 capsules, 2x a day with or without food. For sensitive
individuals: 1 capsule, 2x a day. Can be taken with core supplements and food.

Gut CLR: Activated binder. 2-6 capsules at bedtime, at least 1 hour away from supplements
and food, and 2 hours away from medications. Gut CLR is best kept 15-20 minutes away from
CytoDetox and at least 30 minutes away from chelators DMSA and Brain CLR (ALA)


DMSA: 12.5-100mg every 4 hours - for at least 72 hours (3 FULL days).

Speak with your coach about if you have a personal need for DMSA. If you have amalgam
fillings, DMSA is not recommended.

4 Simple Rules of Detox

1. Detox is always cycled.

2. Always stay ON cycle for at least 3 days to clear enough to prevent redistribution.

3. Always stay OFF cycle for at least the # of days ON cycle to give the body time to rest
pathways and set up a concentration gradient so we clear more toxins in the next cycle.

4. Chelators must be taken within (preferably under) their half-life. CytoDetox = 12 hour
half life - it’s best to take 3x a day to ensure you’re under the half life, to prevent
redistribution. DMSA = 6 hour half life, but take every 4 hours to prevent redistribution.

When entering the Brain Phase, ALA (Brain CLR) will be added = take every 4 hours to
prevent redistribution.

Pompa Program 7
About Detox Cycling
The purpose of cycling:
1. To rest detox pathways.
2. To allow time for toxins to move from a higher concentration to lower.

The cycles used most often:

● 3 / 4: 3 days on, 4 days off - Best to start with this cycle in the Body Phase.
● 7 / 7: 7 days on, 7 days off
● 4 / 10: 4 days on, 10 days off - Most often used in the Brain Phase
● 3/ 11: 3 days on, 11 days off - Mostly used in the Brain Phase (or when you feel better
OFF cycle, and worse ON cycle)

*Some cycles may not work out to be in weekly cycles as you might need to adjust due to

For example: During a 10 day OFF cycle, you begin to feel worse on day 7. Starting an ON
cycle would be suggested at this point. There is flexibility as long as you follow the 4 simple

Tip: It is suggested to detox on the same days each week to coincide with natural cycles of the
7 day week. For children and working adults, detoxing on Fri-Sat-Sun might be optimal to limit
detoxing during school and work. Find what works best for you.

Important to note: When you are not feeling well ON cycle, do not stop the chelators before 3
days (this will only create redistribution)! Just lower the dose and take it more frequently.

Pompa Program 8
How to Adjust and Customize Detox Cycles
Based on Symptoms
Always ask yourself how you are feeling ON cycle vs. OFF cycle. Typically it’s one of 3 answers:

1. Feel no difference ON vs. OFF: Increase doses to work toward typical or max doses.

2. Feel better ON cycle / worse OFF cycle:

○ Staying on a longer ON cycle is advisable. A 7 / 7 cycle is recommended.
○ Stay on GutCLR during OFF cycle (½ dose you took during ON cycle). Ex: 4 GutCLR
before bed ON cycle = 2 GutCLR before bed OFF cycle.
○ Take extra Gut CLR (often up to 6 capsules can help).
○ Stack specific additional downstream support from your Toolbox (i.e., adding L or Ls for
liver, K or Ks for kidneys, or SENG or Lymph Drainage for lymph, etc…). Work with your
coach to determine what detox organ is needing extra support.
○ Do coffee enemas and/or do a PC push (aka Bile push). Find directions in your portal.
○ Titrate down on chelators the last day or 2 of the ON cycle to avoid dramatic drop
(oftentimes day 2 of off cycle is the most symptomatic, and this action step is the
answer). You can even add an extra day of an ON cycle at a lower dose.
○ Shorten the OFF cycle, but never shorter than the ON. 3/4 or 3/3 cycles are better for
this. Reminder: 3/3 does not fit into a 7 day week, but may offer more relief.

3. Feel worse ON cycle / better OFF cycle:

○ Reduce the doses of CytoDetox and Cell CLR by ½ or ¼ to tolerance.
○ Implement shorter ON cycles, and increase duration of the OFF cycle - 3/11 or 4/10.
○ The addition of another chelator (i.e, DMSA) may be introduced. See section below for
information about additional chelators.
○ Do coffee enemas or use Xeneplex and/or do a PC push (aka Bile Push).
○ Increase the frequency of the chelators to prevent redistribution (CytoDetox, DMSA), and
decrease the dose (take less, more often). See chelator info in a section below for more
instruction on DMSA.
■ Ex: 12.5 mg DMSA every 3 hours instead of 25 mg every 4 hours.
■ Ex: Taking .25 ml CytoDetox 4-5 times per day instead of 1ml 3x per day.

Pompa Program 9
Body Phase Toolbox
These are the supplements that can be added to the core for additional support and targeting of
specific conditions. The Toolbox will also be helpful for rotating supplements, which is a strategy
to maximize their effectiveness. Choose products depending on symptoms or health conditions
and occasionally rotate for optimal effectiveness.

Cellular Support

Additional downstream detox support and supplement rotation

● Lymph Support: SENG, Lymph Drainage, Lymplex. Follow regular doses.

● Gut Support:
○ Probiotics: Megasporebiotic, Terra Byome, Immune Byome, Skin Byome
○ Digestive support: Truzymes, ION, LGUT (leaky gut), D, Ds, ZGlutn
● Liver Support: L, Ls, Lb, Liver Drainage
● Kidney Support: K, Ks, KDIR (for water retention), Kidney Drainage
● DMSA: *see teaching on DMSA and additional chelators

Other Health Conditions (target organs or glands)

● Thyroid: Gf, TMI (iodine), ThyroSyn

● Diabetes: Glucoshift, Synulin, P, Ps
● General Hormone F+, Femicrine, FPMS, MPC, M+
● Adrenal Support: Ga, Adrenal Synergy, AdrenaRelax, AdrenaBuild
● Sleep: DREM, Seriphos, SlumberBoost (at least 30 mins before Gut CLR)

Nutritional needs

These are important nutritional needs missing in most diets today.

● Vitamin D3 / K2 (DV3)
● MIN - multi-mineral complex. Replacing minerals is critical. Stay on throughout detox.
● Magnesium
● Andreas Seed Oils - 1-2 tsp a day
● TMI (iodine)

This is not an exhaustive list.

Pompa Program 10
Body Phase / Coaching Call Notes

Pompa Program 11
Brain Phase
The Core Brain Support supplements are included for the first month in the Brain Phase.
For individuals with more severe health concerns, the Brain Phase will be repeated consistently
for (on average) 2 years and continued on some level of maintenance ongoing.

The addition of a fat soluble chelator (ALA) is added during the Brain Phase to mobilize deep
rooted toxins from the brain and nerve tissue. Consult with your health coach about additional

Core Brain Support Supplements: Typical Doses

Core Cellular Support - Taken Daily

Membrane R2 - Nourishes and strengthens the cell membrane. Take 2 capsules per day
together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Mito-Methylator R3/R5 - For mitochondrial energy production and methylation support. Take 2
capsules per day together or in divided doses. May take with or without food and other

Inflam R4 - Inflammation response blend. Take 3 capsules per day together or in divided
doses. May take with or without food and other supplements.

Core Downstream Support - Taken Daily

Gut Enhancer - Repairs leaky gut and encourages a diverse microbiome. Take 3 capsules per
day on an empty stomach, all together first thing in the morning, or in divided doses (1
capsule, 3x a day). Best taken on an empty stomach, before meals.

Drainage Enhancer - Cellular Communication Complex (C3) for the liver, kidneys, and for
lymph drainage. Take 3 capsules per day, together or in divided doses. With or without food
and other supplements.

Pompa Program 12
Core Brain Detox Supplements: Typical Doses
Start with the same on/off cycles you have used in the Body Phase
and then switch to longer OFF cycles. Your coach will work with you to create a schedule.

Brain CLR (25 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid): Take 1 - 2 capsules every 4 hours around the clock
until a higher dose is tolerated. Once you move up to 100mg per dose, you may begin taking
Brain CLR+ (100 mg capsules).

CytoDetox+ : Take 0.5-1 ml, 3x a day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut
CLR. Take internally and swallow. May be taken with Brain CLR. For sensitive individuals:
.25-.5 ml 3x a day or dosing according to your health coach. Start at 1/2 the dose you were
taking of regular CytoDetox.
*No more than 12 hours between doses. Aiming for every 6-8 hours is optimal.

Cell CLR: 2 capsules, 2x a day with or without food. For sensitive individuals: 1 capsule, 2x
a day. Can be taken with core supplements and food.

Gut CLR: 2-6 capsules at bedtime, at least 1 hour away from supplements and food, and 2
hours away from medications. Gut CLR is best kept 15-20 minutes away from CytoDetox and at
least 30 minutes away from chelators DMSA and Brain CLR (ALA)

ALA rules and strategies:

ALA, like DMSA, has a short half-life in the body, and must be taken every 4 hours. 1 capsule of
Brain CLR = 25mg. This is where you will start. You may eventually progress up to 200mg (2
capsules of Brain CLR+) every 4 hours. Progression will be based on symptoms or lack thereof.

Important to Note: ALA may be taken at the same time as CytoDetox or CytoDetox+. If you
need smaller doses of ALA, try opening up the Brain CLR (25 mg) and portioning it out into
empty capsules.

Pompa Program 13
Brain Phase Toolbox
These are the supplements that can be added to the core for additional support and targeting of
specific conditions. The Toolbox will also be helpful for rotating supplements, which is a strategy
typically started in the Brain Phase to maximize their effectiveness.

Cellular Support

● Membrane R2 substitutions and rotations (if needed): Vista 1&2, Pureform Omegas,
Phosphatidylcholine 4:1 (PC oil) from BodyBio
● R3 substitutions and rotations (if needed): MitoGenic, Benagene
● R5 substitutions and rotations (if needed): MoRS, Methylation Pro Topical Cream
(formerly Neuro-Immune Stabilizer)

Additional downstream detox support and supplement rotation

● Lymph and drainage alternatives: SENG, Lymph Drainage, Lymplex.

● Gut support:
○ Probiotics: Megasporebiotic, Terra Byome, Immuno Byome, Skin Byome
○ Digestive support: Truzymes, ION, Gastro Restore, LGUT
● Liver support alternatives: L, Ls, Lb, Liver Drainage
● Kidney support alternatives: K, Ks, KDIR, Kidney Drainage
● DMSA: Take every 4 hours around the clock of ON cycle. *see teaching on DMSA

Other health problems or diagnoses (target organs or glands)

● Thyroid: Gf, TMI (iodine), ThyroSyn, Upgraded Peak Thyroid

● Diabetes: Glucoshift, Synulin, P, Ps
● Brain: Neurosyn, B-Brain, CytoBrainLink, CALM, CytoBrainMag, CytoBrainSpark
● General hormone F+, Femicrine, Fpms, TruBalance Fem+, M+, MPC
● Adrenal support: Ga, Adrenal Synergy, AdrenaRelax, AdrenaBuild
● Sleep: DREM, Seriphos, SlumberBoost. Endourage ZZZ, Sandman suppositories

Nutritional needs
● Vitamin D3 / K2 (DV3)
● MIN - multi-mineral complex
● Magnesium
● TMI (iodine)
● Andreas Seed Oils
This is not an exhaustive list.

Pompa Program 14
Brain Phase / Coaching Call Notes

Pompa Program 15
How long will you continue the detox cycles?

Healthy and symptom-free: 6 months of Brain Phases are typical. Transition to a few ON
cycles per year for maintenance, indefinitely.

Symptomatic and more-severe: At least 2 years of regular cycles of Brain Phase (typically
3/11 or 4/10), making needed adjustments as you go.

After 2 years you will start to take longer off cycles.

For example, 1-2 months off at a time. An increase of symptoms toward the end of a longer off
cycle will mean you will want to increase frequency again.

Pompa Program 16
Additional Notes and References:
Additional Chelators
This information is provided so you will know the proper ways to use the approved
additional chelators. If you add additional chelators while you still have amalgams in your teeth,
it is possible you could experience some uncomfortable symptoms as they pull from the
mercury. Check with your health coach before adding any products.

These chelators can be added to the core detox during the Body and/or Brain Phase
to clear and mitigate symptoms, as well as increase the effectiveness of the detox.

How-to and General Rules:

● Take 12.5mg-100mg - every 4 hours, around the clock for 72 hours.
● Great for lead and inorganic mercury.
● Add in when you are struggling ON Cycle for better results.
● Clears the body and prevents redistribution because it is water soluble.
● Will be used in a Urine Toxic Metal test as a provoking agent.
● Must be taken every 4 hours around the clock to prevent redistribution.
● Sulfur in the thiol group can flare up candida, therefore if you are prone to candida it is
recommended to use an anti-candida supplement.
● Order DMSA from Northern Health Products for 100mg capsules. (Can break up into
smaller doses and put in a capsule if needed).
● Typically not added in until you have been on the Body Phase for at least a month.

● Contains a special form of EDTA which has an amazing affinity for mercury, as well as
the same number of binding clinoptilite particles as regular CytoDetox.
● Take as a progression from the regular CytoDetox. Move to Cyto+ once you have
reached a typical dose of CytoDetox (1ml, 3x a day) - OR - have finished all 3 bottles of
the regular CytoDetox.
● CytoDetox+ is typically introduced sometime in the Body or Brain Phases at 1/2 of the
dose of regular CytoDetox and worked up to a typical dose.
● Once CytoDetox+ is introduced, you will not return to regular CytoDetox.
● Take optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR. Take internally and
swallow. May take along with supplements, DMSA and ALA.
● Typically not added until the end of the Body Phase or beginning of Brain Phase
● Great for lead and some forms (found in Cyto+) attract mercury.
● Half-life is 12 hours - take every 10 hours to prevent redistribution. Best 3x a day.
● There are suppository versions to help with overnight detox symptoms and redistribution.
Chelatox (Mitozen) and Medicardium (Remedylink).

Pompa Program 17
Starting Doses and Typical Doses of Detox Supplements:

CytoDetox: Starting 0.5 ml 3x a day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR.
Take internally and swallow. May be taken with DMSA and ALA. Typical: May work up to 1ml, 3x
a day only per coach’s suggestion. Then move to CytoDetox+ (purple label) once you finish your
3 bottles of CytoDetox.

ALA (Brain CLR): BRAIN PHASE ONLY -- Starting at 12.5 - 25 mg every 4 hours. Progress to
50 mg, then 100 mg (which is the amount in 4 capsules of Brain CLR, or 1 capsule of Brain
CLR+) every 4 hours. May be taken with or without food (with food, or a bite of food to eliminate
any possible burning sensation).

DMSA: 12.5, 25, 50,100 mg - every 4 hours, with or without food, and at least 30 minutes away
from Gut CLR.

Cell CLR: 2 capsules 2x a day. For sensitive individuals, start with 1, 2x a day. For those with a
higher tolerance, 3 capsules may be considered. May be taken with or without food.

Gut CLR: Start: 2 before bed. Typical: 4 before bed. Take at least 1 hour away from
supplements and food, and 2 hours away from medications. Gut CLR is best kept 15-20 minutes
away from CytoDetox and at least 30 minutes away from chelators DMSA and Brain CLR (ALA)

Important to Note: Individuals who do better with higher doses or express a high tolerance can
start at the typical doses (i.e., CytoDetox 1ml, 3x, Brain CLR+ 100 mg every 4 hours, DMSA 100
mg every 4 hours, Cell CLR 2, 2x a day, Gut CLR 4 before bed).

Max Doses of Detox Supplements (it is not required to take max doses):

● CytoDetox - up to 2 ml 3x a day (only per coach’s suggestion)

● Cyto+ - up to 2 ml, 3x a day

● Brain CLR+ - 200 mg every 4 hours = 1200 mg / day. 2 caps every 4 hours.

● DMSA - 200 mg every 4 hours (1200 mg/ day)

● Cell CLR - 3 capsules, 2x a day

● Gut CLR - 6 capsules before bed.

Pompa Program 18
Systemic Formulas Supplement Conversions

Core Prep Supplements Typical Doses:

Supplements can be taken together or divided into two doses, morning and afternoon, with or
without food. If you are sensitive, start with half doses and progress to taking in two divided doses -
consult with your health coach.

Vista 1: 1 hard & 1 soft capsule per day. Liquid: 30 drops (15 drops = 1 capsule)
Vista 2: 2 gelcaps per day. Liquid: 2 full droppers
MoRS: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)
eNRG: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)
L-Liver: 2 capsules per day. Liquid CXL: 10 drops (5 drops = 1 capsule)
K-Kidney: 2 per day. Liquid CXK: 10 drops (5 drops = 1 capsule)
Ion: ½-1 tsp, 3x per day, at least 20 minutes before meals and away from water

Core Body Supportive Supplements Typical Doses:

These are taken daily, and do not follow any cycling.
Core Cellular Support:
Vista 1: 1 hard & 1 soft capsule per day. Liquid: 30 drops (15 drops = 1 capsule)
Vista 2: 2 gelcaps per day. Liquid: 2 full droppers
MoRS: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)
eNRG: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)

Core Downstream Detox Support:

Ls*: 2 capsules per day. Liquid CXLS: 10 drops (5 drops = 1 capsule)
Ks*: 2 capsules per day. Liquid CXK: 10 drops (5 drops = 1 capsule)
Ion: ½-1 tsp, 3x per day, at least 20 minutes before meals and away from water

*Important to Note: The core support supplements from the Prep Phase have been rotated from L-Liver
and K-Kidney to Ls and Ks. This core body can be maintained for the typical 3 month Body Phase.

Core Body Detox Supplements Typical Doses:

These are cycled 3 days on/ 4 days off

CytoDetox: 0.5-1 ml, 3x a day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR. Take internally
and swallow. For sensitive individuals: .25-.5 ml 3x a day or dosing according to your health coach. May

Pompa Program 19
be taken with DMSA
*No more than 12 hours between doses. Aiming for every 6-8 hours is optimal.

GCEL: 2 capsules, 2x a day with or without food. For sensitive individuals: 1 capsules, 2x a day. Can be
taken with core supplements and food.

BIND: 2-6 capsules at bedtime, at least 1 hour away from supplements and food, and 2 hours away from
medications. BIND is best kept 15-20 minutes away from CytoDetox and at least 30 minutes away from
chelators DMSA and Brain CLR (ALA)

Core Brain Support Supplements: Typical Doses

These are taken daily, and do not follow any cycling.

Vista 1: 1 hard & 1 soft capsule per day. Liquid: 30 drops (15 drops = 1 capsule)
Vista 2: 2 gelcaps per day. Liquid: 2 full droppers
MoRS: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)
eNRG: 2 capsules per day. Liquid: 30 drops per day (15 drops = 1 capsule)
Lb: 2 capsules per day. Liquid CXLb: 10 drops per day (5 drops = 1 capsule)
(once in the Brain Phase, rotate liver support every month - L, Ls, Lb, Liver Drainage)
MIN: 1-2 capsules per day, OFF cycle only, or both ON and OFF (if you have higher mineral needs)
Ion: ½-1 tsp, 3x per day, at least 20 minutes before meals and away from water

Important to note: This Core Brain Support is included for the first month in the Brain Phase. However, to
maximize effectiveness, some supplements can be rotated monthly here on. See section below on how-to rotate
and your toolbox will be used for supplement suggestions.

Core Brain Detox Supplements: Typical Doses

These are cycled 3 ON/ 11 OFF or 4 ON/ 10 OFF

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)/ Brain DTX: Take 12.5 mg-100mg every 4 hours around the clock until a higher
dose is tolerated. BrainDTX = 100 mg per capsule. Unique dosing will be recommended by your coach.

CytoDetox+ : 0.5-1 ml, 3x a day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR. Take internally
and swallow. For sensitive individuals: .25-.5 ml 3x a day or dosing according to your health coach. May
be taken with DMSA, ALA and other chelators. Start at 1/2 the dose of regular Cyto.
*No more than 12 hours between doses. Aiming for every 6-8 hours is optimal.

GCEL: 2 capsules, 2x a day with or without food. For sensitive individuals: 2 capsules, 1x a day

Pompa Program 20
BIND: 2-6 at bedtime, taken at least 1 hour away from supplements and 2 hours away from medications.
BIND can be taken at least 15-20 away from CytoDetox+ and at least 30 minutes away from DMSA and

Liquid Conversions:

Supplement Dose Replaces

Vista 1 Liquid 1 dropper Membrane R2

Vista 2 Liquid 2 droppers Membrane R2
Enrg Liquid 1ml = 30 drops Mito Methylator R3/R5
Mors Liquid 1ml = 30 drops Mito Methylator R3/R5
CXL 10 drops Drainage Enhancer
CXK 10 drops Drainage Enhancer

Vegan Supplement Dosing

Prep Phase

eNRG: 1 dropper per day

Pureform Omegas liquid: 1/2 tsp per day

DesBio Liver Drainage: 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day between meals

DesBio Kidney Drainage: 10 drops under the tongue, 3 times per day between meals

Methylation Pro Topical Cream (formerly Neuro-Immune Stabilizer): 1 pump AM and 1 pump PM 2-3
hours before bedtime

ION: 1/2 tsp 3 times per day 30 minutes before meals

Body Phase

Daily Core

eNRG – 1 dropper (1ml) per day

Pureform Omegas liquid – 1/2 tsp per day

Pompa Program 21
Liver Drainage - 10 drops under tongue, 3x a day between meals (or put into water and drink)

Kidney Drainage – 10 drops under tongue, 3x a day between meals (or put into water and drink)

Methylation Pro Topical Cream (formerly Neuro-Immune Stabilizer): 1 pump AM and 1 pump PM 2-3
hours before bedtime


Cytodetox - 0.5ml 3x per day, optimally at least 15-20 mins away from food or Gut CLR. Take internally
and swallow.

Gcel – open capsules and take 2, 2x daily

BIND – open capsules and take 2 – 6 before bed. Take at least 1 hour away from supplements and food,
and 2 hours away from medications.. BIND can be taken at least 15-20 minutes from CytoDetox and at
least 30 minutes away from DMSA and ALA.

Brain Phase

Daily Core

eNRG (liquid) - 1 dopper (1ml) per day

ION - refer to "how to guide"

Methylation Pro Topical Cream (formerly Neuro-Immune Stabilizer): 1 pump AM and 1 pump PM 2-3
hours before bedtime

Pureform Omegas liquid - 1/2 tsp per day

MIN - 1-2 caps per day

DesBio Liver Drainage - 10 drops under tongue, 3x a day between meals (or put in water)

Detox Supplements 3/11 or 4/10

Brain DTX (must open capsules) - refer to "how to guide"

Cyto+ - 0.5ml 3x daily, optimally at least 15-20 minutes away from food and BIND. Take internally and

Gcel – open capsules and take 2, 2x daily

BIND – open capsules and take 2 – 6 before bed. Take at least 1 hour away from supplements and food,
and 2 hours away from medications.. BIND can be taken at least 15-20 minutes away from CytoDetox
and at least 30 minutes away from DMSA and ALA.

Pompa Program 22

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