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ASTR200 Winter Term 1 Assignment 2, 30 marks

Due 12:00 pm noon PDT on Sept. 24, 2021, in Gradescope.

Your answers must be clearly explained and neatly presented, or marks will be deducted.

1. Asteroid Ryugu.
162173 Ryugu (or Ryugu for short) is a near-Earth object and classified as a potentially
hazardous object. In December 2020, the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa2 returned
dust samples collected from Ryugu, after spending more than a year on the asteroid
(it deployed the first rovers to operate on an asteroid, and only the second time that
samples from an asteroid have been returned to Earth!). Let’s consider the orbit of
Ryugu in detail.
The orbital period of Ryugu is 1.30 years and its orbital eccentricity is 0.1902.

(a) What is the semi-major axis of Ryugu’s orbit around the Sun?

(b) Use the orbital data of Ryugu to estimate the mass of the Sun.

(c) Calculate the distance of Ryugu from the Sun at perihelion and at aphelion.

(d) Determine the orbital speed of the Ryugu when at perihelion and at aphelion.

(e) A hypothetical mission is planned to adjust Ryugu’s orbit to reduce the risk of
its impact on Earth. The new orbit will be a circular orbit around the Sun at
0.8 au instead (between Venus and the Earth). What is the Ryugu’s new orbital
period around the Sun?
2. Kepler’s 3rd law in an exoplanetary system.
In 2017, NASA announced the discovery of Earth-sized planets within the habitable
zone of the TRAPPIST-1 star. This table’s data shows the orbital data for the 7 known
planets in the TRAPPIST-1 system:

Planet Orbital Period P (days) Orbital radius a (au)

1b 1.510826 0.01154
1c 2.421937 0.01580
1d 4.049219 0.02227
1e 6.101013 0.02925
1f 9.207540 0.03849
1g 12.352446 0.04683
1h 18.772866 0.06189

(a) Plot log10 P vs. log10 a, with the distances in metres and the periods in seconds
(i.e., MKS units). You may use graph paper or a plotting program.

(b) Show that the slope of a straight line through the data is 3/2.

(c) Calculate the mass of the TRAPPIST-1 star from the value of the y-intercept of
your graph.

3. Kepler’s equation.
The star HD 168443 is orbited by two planets. Planet b has an orbital semi-major
axis of ab = 0.2391 au, an orbital period of Pb = 58.112 days, orbital eccentricity of
eb = 0.529, and longitude of periastron of ωb = 173◦ . Planet c has an orbital semi-
major axis of ac = 2.873 au, an orbital period of Pc = 1750 days, orbital eccentricity
of ec = 0.211 and longitude of periastron of ωc = 65◦ . A schematic of the orbit
is shown below with ωc indicated, measured from the Line of Nodes (adapted from
Kane & Raymond, AJ 784, 104 (2014)). At one point in time, the two planets are in
conjunction with their star, with the planets both being at an angle of 135◦ from the
Line of Nodes (that is, in the bottom right-hand portion of the diagram).


(a) What is the true anomaly θ of each planet in its orbit?

(b) For each planet, convert the true anomaly θ to eccentric anomaly E.

(c) Next, for each planet, use Kepler’s equation to convert the eccentric anomaly E
to the mean anomaly nt∗ .
(d) What is the mean motion of each planet in radians/day?

(e) In this alignment, how many days have passed since each planet passed its re-
spective periastron?

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