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1 Meaning of SIWES

The five capitalized letters SIWES stand for the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme was created
to help students from Nigeria get practical knowledge and wide horizons based on their future
profession while they are still studying at the university.

1.3 History of SIWES


It used to be so that students who entered Nigerian institutions to study science and technology didn’t
get any practical knowledge before graduation. As the result, they couldn’t easily find a job in the field of
their study due to lack of working experience. It was a big problem for thousands of Nigerians until 1973.

The ITF organization (the abbreviation stands for the Industrial Training Fund) decided to help all
interested Nigerian students and established the SIWES programme. It was officially approved and
presented by the Federal Government in 1974 and is now coordinated by ITF along with NUC (the
National Universities Commission).

Consequently, SIWES is a planned and structured program based on stated and specific career objectives
which are geared toward developing the occupational competencies of participants.

Despite the challenges faced by SIWES in the four decades of its existence, the Scheme has not only
raised consciousness and increased awareness about the need for training of SET students, but has also
helped in the formation of skilled and competent indigenous manpower which has been manning and
managing the technological resources and industrial sectors of the economy.

Participation in SIWES has become a necessary condition for the award of degrees and diplomas to SET
students graduating from higher institutions in Nigeria. It is, therefore, not in doubt that SIWES is a
veritable means or tool for National Economic Development.

The main thrust of ITF programs and services is to stimulate human performance, improve productivity,
and induce value-added production in industry and commerce. Through its SIWES and Vocational and
Apprentice Training Programme, the Fund also builds capacity for graduates and youth self-employment,
in the context of Small Scale Industrialization, in the economy.
The Industrial Training Fund is a grade ‘A’ parasternal operating under the aegis of the Federal Ministry of
Industry, Trade, and Investment. It has been operating for 42 years as a specialist agency that promotes
and encourages the acquisition of industrial and commercial skills required for national economic

1.3 Vision Statement

To be the prime Skills Training Development Organization in Nigeria and one of the best in the world.

1.5 Mission Statement


To set and regulate standards and offer direct training intervention in industrial and commercial skills
training and development, using a corps of highly competent professional staff, modern techniques, and

1.5 Aim of SIWES

The effort is aimed at helping/training students in the Nigerian tertiary institutions in the practical aspect
of their field of study by exposing students to machines and equipment, professional work methods, and
ways of safeguarding the work areas and workers in industries and other organizations.

1.7 Objectives of SIWES


The Industrial Training Fund’s policy Document No. 1 of 1973 which established SIWES outlined the
objectives of the scheme. The objectives are to:
1) It provides an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to acquire industrial skills and
experience during their course of study.

2) It exposes Students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that
may not be available in their institutions.

3) It makes the transition from school to the world of work easier and enhances students’ contact
for later job placements and a chance to evaluate companies for which they might wish to work.

4) It provides students with the opportunities to apply their educational knowledge in real work
and industrial situations, there by bridging the gap between theory and practice.

5) The program teaches the students how to interact effectively with other workers and supervisors
under various conditions in the organization.

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