Ini's Work

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Mr. Shuaibu

May, 2023

This is to certify that INI UWAKMFON with matriculation number
2031920011 undergoes her industrial training SIWES at BICT(Burea for
information and communication technology Lafia), Nasarawa state.


This SIWES report is dedicated to GOD Almighty, Mr. Shuaibu. for their
spiritual and financial support during my SIWES program.


My appreciation first goes to God almighty, the creator of Heaven and Earth
for granting me the grace and privilege to be able to complete this SIWES
program successfully and on schedule.

I am also grateful to my industrial based supervisors and my tutors for their

thorough supervision and useful advice which helped and also contributed to
the success of the SIWES program. May the almighty God make their days
on Earth longer to reap the fruit of their labour to the fullest in JESUS  name.

Also I cannot but acknowledge my university H.O.D, prof. Abah Joshua and
all the lecturers in the department.

Thanks and GOD bless you all.


Title Pages

Title page                                                                                                    i
Declaration                                                                                                 ii

Certification                                                                                               iii

Dedication                                                                                                  iv

Acknowledgement                                                                                      v

Table of content                                                                                          vi


1.0   Introduction                                                                                          1

1.1   About SIWES                                                                                      1

1.2    Brief history of SIWES                                                                       2

1.3    Aim and objectives of SIWES                                                           3

1.4    Role of student during SIWES                                                            3

1.5    Objectives of the report                                                                       4

1.6    The logbook                                                                                         4


2.0    Organization Chart                                                                               6

2.1    Brief history of the establishment                                                        5


3.0 Introduction to python                                                                     7

3.1 Some python modules                                                                     14

3.2 Experiences Gained                                                                         18

3.3 Projects Done 21

3.4 Conclusion 24

3.5 Recommendation 24



This chapter gives a brief history of SIWES, its aims and objectives, as well
as a short narrative on my application and posting. It also introduces
intelligent solution providers (ISP)  of  Computer, where I had my SIWES



The student work experience scheme (SIWES) is a worldwide program

practiced in countries like Japan, Australia, USA, Europe, and in African
countries too. It is popularly known as co-operative education and referred to
as sandwich in Europe. It is a six (6) months students industrial work
experience scheme (SIWES) taken in the third year of the degree program,
where the students go to various establishments related to their course of

The program was initially introduced in Nigeria by the Industrial Training

Fund (I.T.F.) which was established under Decree 47 of 1972 by the Supreme
Military Council, headed by General Yakubu Gowon. The Decree was billed
to take effect from 31st March, 1974 and had as its core objective, the gradual
reduction of the percentage of foreign participation in most of Nigeria’s
economic activities, accompanied by a systematic cooperation  of locally
oriented skilled manpower into the vast economic sector.

One of the key functions of the ITF is to work as cooperative body with
industry and commerce where students in institutions of higher learning can
undertake mid-career work experience attachment in industries which are
compatible with student’s area of study. The students Industrial Work
Experience Scheme (SIWES) is a skill Training program designed to expose
and prepare students for the Industrial work situation which they are likely to
meet after graduation. Participation in SIWES has become a necessary pre-
condition for the award of diploma and degree certificate in specific
disciplines in most institutions of higher learning in the country in accordance
with the education policy of government.


The word SIWES (Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme) was

introduce by the federal government in the year 1973 to develop the
technological, physical and social skill of our nation, through this, adequate
and intelligent student are provide the department involved the actual
challenge various discipline before they can be awarded as am National
Diploma (ND) graduate.

SIWES was founded in 1973 by ITF (Industrial Training Funds) to address the
problem of tertiary institution graduates' lack of appropriate skills for
employment in Nigerian industries. The Students' Industrial Work Experience
Scheme (SIWES) was founded to be a skill training programme to help expose and
prepare students of universities, Polytechnics and colleges of education for the
industrial work situation to be met after graduation.
The ITF (Industrial Training Fund) organization decided to aid all interested

Nigerian students and created the SIWES program. The federal government

officially approved and presented it in 1974. During its early years, the scheme was

entirely supported by the ITF, but as the financial commitment became too much

for the fund, it withdrew in 1978. The National Universities Commission (NUC)

and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) were given control of the

scheme by the federal government in 1979. The federal government handed over

supervision and implementation of the scheme to ITF in November 1984. It was

taken over by the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in July 1985, with the federal

government bearing entire responsibility for funding.


 Provide an avenue for students in institutions of higher learning to

acquire industrial skills and experience in their approved course of
study and also by interacting with people with more experience in the
field under consideration.
 Prepare students for the industrial work situation which they are likely
to meet after graduation.
 Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling
equipment and machinery that are mostly not available in their various
 Provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge in real
world situation thereby reducing the gap between theoretical
knowledge and practical work.
 Enlist and strengthen employers’ involvement in the entire educational
process and prepare students for employment in Industry and


 Attend SIWES orientation programme before going on attachment.

 Comply with the establishment’s rule and regulation.
 Arrange living accommodation during the period of attachment.
 Record all training activity done and other assignment in the log book.
 Complete SPEI from ITF, FORM 8 and get it endorsed by the
employer for submission to the ITF.


The objectives of the SIWES report are;

 To make through explanation of the work done during my four month

industrial training.
 To fulfill the requirement for national diploma in computer science.
 To contribute to the body of knowledge and to enhance the
understanding of the writer about a similar or same job.


The logbook issued to student on attachment by the institution was used to
record all daily activities that took place during the period of attachment, and 
it was  checked  and endorse by the industry based/institution based
supervisors and ITF during supervision.




The Nasarawa state Bureau for ICT (BICT) has commenced operations as
a licensed provider for the enrolment of Nigerians for the issuance of the
National Identification Number (NIN).

Speaking at one of the functional centres the Director General Shehu

Ibrahim stated that the registration exercise would be carried out
concurrently across the 13 LGAs of the state for free, stating that the
Nasarawa state government would try to ease the heavy human traffic at
many registration centres across the state, as most people were making
frantic efforts to registration ahead of the deadline to link their NINs with
mobile lines ,

The DG stated that with the inclusion of Nasarawa State to conduct

enrolment of all persons including legal residents into the National Identity
Database (NIDB) on behalf of the National Identity Management
Commission (NIMC), the hardship faced to register would be reduced
especially in the urban areas in the first phase.

He further explained that with BICT being a partner in Digital Identity

Ecosystem , Nasarawa State residents would receive a broader range of
enrolment and NIN collection centres , equally supporting the National
Identify Ecosystem to conduct enrollment of all persons through data
capture services and NIN issuance.

Lastly he disclosed that technicians were franticly working to ensure all 13

centres were up and running in ALL the LGAs within the coming week,
further stating that residents within the state capital could visit the Taal
Elibrary in Lafia where enrolment services would be available from 8 am –
5pm Monday –Saturday, hinting that all the E-libraries and some Local
Government Secretariats would be used as enrolment centres.
The Federal Government had approved an extension of the deadline for
National Identity Number (NIN)-Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) data
verification to the 30th of June, 2021.

It is noteworthy that Sections 27 and 29 of the National Identity

Management Commission Act 2007 provides for the mandatory use of NIN
for accessing several government services. This is similar to the use of
Social Security Number and National Insurance Number for accessing
services in the United States of America and the United Kingdom

The Federal Government has called on citizens and residents to obtain

their NIN and it is important to take advantage of the extension



Python programming is an extensive high-level programming language

that is known for its simplicity,vulnerability and it’s readability also. The
report displays an overview and large extension of Python development, its
advantages,uses,how it affetcs our world at large and also
someconsiderations for organizations looking to make Python as their
primary development language. One of the main uses of python is that it is
commonly and broadly used in various domains like web development,
scientific computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence and data

Considering some analysis and on python development, I would be

considering some key benefits in the programming language and how it
has also affected our world at large in Tech

Benefits of Python Development

Python offers several advantages that make it a popular choice among

a. Readability: Python's syntax emphasizes code readability and

maintainability, making it easier for developers to write and understand

b. Large Standard Library: Python comes with a comprehensive standard

library that provides ready-to-use modules for various tasks, reducing
development time and effort.

c. Extensive Third-Party Libraries: Python has a vast ecosystem of third-

party libraries, frameworks, and tools that simplify complex tasks, such as
web development (Django, Flask), data analysis (Pandas, NumPy), and
machine learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch)

d. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python is available on multiple platforms,

including Windows, macOS, and Linux, allowing developers to write code
once and run it on different systems without significant modifications.

e. Integration Capabilities: Python seamlessly integrates with other

languages such as C, C++, and Java, enabling developers to leverage
existing codebases and libraries.

Python Development Tools Python provides a rich set of development tools

that enhance productivity and facilitate the development process:

a. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): IDEs like PyCharm, Visual

Studio Code, and Spyder offer features like code autocompletion, debugging,
and project management, making development more efficient.

b. Package Managers: Python package managers like pip and conda simplify
the installation and management of third-party libraries and dependencies.
c. Testing Frameworks: Python has robust testing frameworks like unittest,
pytest, and doctest that help developers write test cases and automate the
testing process.

d. Documentation Tools: Tools like Sphinx enable developers to generate

documentation for Python projects, making it easier for users and contributors
to understand and use the codebase.

4. Python Web Development Python is widely used for web development

due to its simplicity and the availability of powerful frameworks:

a. Django: Django is a high-level web framework that follows the Model-View-

Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It provides a robust set of tools and
features for building scalable and secure web applications.

b. Flask: Flask is a lightweight web framework known for its simplicity and
flexibility. It allows developers to create web applications quickly and
efficiently, making it ideal for small to medium-sized projects.

c. Pyramid: Pyramid is a general-purpose web framework that provides

flexibility and scalability. It follows a minimalist design philosophy, allowing
developers to choose the components they need for their specific project

5. Python Data Analysis and Machine Learning Python's extensive libraries

and frameworks make it an excellent choice for data analysis and machine
learning tasks:

a. Pandas: Pandas is a powerful library for data manipulation and analysis. It

provides data structures and functions to clean, transform, and analyze
structured data effectively.

b. NumPy: NumPy is a fundamental library for scientific computing in Python.

It provides efficient data structures and mathematical functions for working
with arrays and matrices.
c. TensorFlow: TensorFlow is a popular open-source library for machine
learning and deep learning. It offers a flexible architecture to build and deploy
machine learning models on various platforms.

d. PyTorch: PyTorch is another widely used machine learning library that

provides a dynamic computational graph and extensive support for neural
networks. It is known for its user-friendly interface and strong community

6. Python Security Considerations While Python development offers

numerous benefits, it is crucial to consider security aspects:

a. Secure Coding Practices: Developers should follow secure coding practices,

such as input validation, proper error handling, and protection against
common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

b. Dependency Management: Regularly update dependencies to ensure they

are free from known vulnerabilities. Employ tools like pip-check or
dependency vulnerability scanners to identify and address security issues.

c. Code Review and Testing: Conduct thorough code reviews and implement
automated testing to catch potential security vulnerabilities before deploying
the code.

d. Security Libraries: Utilize security-specific libraries like cryptography for

encryption and hashing, and use frameworks like Django with built-in security


# Statements and Syntax in Python

• Assignments, Expressions and prints
• If tests and Syntax Rules
• While and For Loops
• Iterations and Comprehensions
# File Operations
• Opening a file
• Using Files
• Other File tools
# Functions in Python
• Function definition and call
• Function Scope
• Arguments
• Function Objects
• Anonymous Functions
# Modules and Packages
• Module Creations and Usage
• Module Search Path
• Module Vs. Script

• Package Creation and Importing

# Classes in Python
• Classes and instances
• Classes method calls
• Inheritance and Compositions
• Static and Class Methods
• Bound and Unbound Methods
• Operator Overloading
• Polymorphism
# Exception Handling in Python Programming
• Default Exception Handler
• Catching Exceptions
• Raise an exception
• User defined exception

# Advanced Python Concepts

Command Line arguments, Display Hooks

Standard data streams and Redirections
Osmodule , Sub-process module
Forking processes
Exec functions
Working with comprehensions
Working with Descriptors, Iterators, Generators and Decorators
The yield statement
range and x-range
Working with Context Managers
Wrapping Objects
Callback functions
Duck Typing, Monkey Patching in Python

Encapsulating Object Creation: Factory


Web development activities that are done at the back end of programs are

referred to as backend development. Back-end development covers server-side

web application logic and integration and activities, like writing APIs, creating

libraries, and working with system components instead of frontend development,

which focuses on customer-facing services and programs. Backend developers

build code that allows a database and an application to communicate with one

another. Backend developers take care and maintain the back-end of a website,

including databases, servers, and apps, and they control what you don't see.

Some of the skills you’ll need as a backend programmer includes

programming languages and frameworks such as Nodejs and ExpressJs, Java,

Python and Django, C#, PHP and Laravel, Perl Ruby, etc. You’ll also need

database management systems like MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle, etc. You’ll also
need some hosting platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud

Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, etc. and off course, you’ll also need

troubleshooting and debugging skills.

With this, I’d like to now list some of the backend skills I’ve learnt in the

course of my SIWES program. They include:

 PHP:

Short for Hypertext Pre-Processor, is a backend programming

language and one of the most powerful. It is known for its powerful

security but a bit slower compared to the Nodejs. I use it alongside

with MySQL database management system to build the backend of

complex websites.

 MySQL:

MySQL is a database management system which is undeniably the

most popular of all others. I use it to manage my database alongside

with PHP to build my backend codes.

 Laravel:
Laravel is the most popular and undeniably the best PHP framework

that exists. It makes building complex backend codes a lot easier,

faster and helps a lot in eliminating spaghetti codes.

o Web Hosting:

I have also learnt how to host websites on hosting platforms like

Namecheap and 000webhost, exporting and importing my databases

to the phpMyAdmin platform of my domain.


In this section, I am going to itemize the experiences that I was able to achieve

while working and learning in BICT and the relation to my field of study. These

experiences include, teaching experience, record keeping, maintenance of the

computer laboratory,projects done. So now, I’m going to be explaining these

experiences and how they relate to my field of study

1. Learning Experience: in the first session of my experience at bitc I started

learning python programming language and its components knowing it is a

backend programming language. At first learning thr contents wasn’t easy but
as time went on it started making sence and I learnt the syntax, procedures,

debugging my code and even started consulting little projects like calculator

and more in the course. So i’ll say at first it wasn’t easy but as time went on I

started consulting even higher projects

2. Maintainance Keeping:

i my company, I was often asked and given the role to take records of

expenses and transactions being made by the company under the supervision

of the head of operations at the organisations. Including things like how

much diesel or fuel was spent per week, how much units of the prepaid

meter we use in a week, also for maintenance of the different tools used in

the organization and not just that but also the computers at the organization

was under my care at some point. Now this experience is actually related to

my field of study but it actually does. Now we have database management

right, which is a part of my field, with this experience, it has actually shown

me how databases and records work and make me to handle databases

efficiently whether computer based or paper based.

3. Teaching Experience:

After training for 4 months, I was given the role to teach some set of

younger students who had finished either their Junior waec or Senior waec.

And, I was able to teach basics of computer including Microsoft

word,excel,powerpoint and even front end designing such HTML, CSS and

Bootstrap. It was quite tough at first because I had no experience in teaching

before, but after sometime, I started to get used to it. I even found out that it

was a lot different teaching adults than teaching kids, in fact it was harder

because you had to bring it down to the children understanding. After

sometime, my boss gave me the role of a python tutor for some middle-aged

men and then I was able to see the difference between teaching children and

teaching adults so I can proudly say that I gained teaching experience while

at my company.

4. Working with a Team:

Knowing that python is a complex programming language,i was involved in

some projects where I had to work with a team because the higher I went the

more the projects became much more difficult. I had the experience of

working with a team while doing projects on my company’s website and little

works that were given to us by the company’s Hod. So I can strongly say I

have the experience of working with a team.

5. Maintenance of the Computer Laboratory:

I was also able to achieve the experience above. At a time during my

internship, I was in charge of keeping the lab in order, not actually sweeping

and mopping the place, NO, I mean helping make sure that those who use

the lab don’t damage or take any of the company’s properties home. I also

do the desktop connections, like connecting the VGA cord from the desktop

to the CPU or connecting the mouse or the keyboard, etc. Of course, this

relates a lot to my field because as a computer scientist, you should be able

to maintain the tools or items you use to work and also learn basic computer



 1. BMI Calculator

MI, short for Body Mass Index, is a measure of relative weight based on the mass and
height of an individual. We generally use the Body Mass Index in order to categorize
people on the basis of their height and weight. These categories are underweight,
healthy, overweight, and even obesity. Moreover, it is also adopted by various
countries in order to promote healthy eating.

We can consider Body Mass Index (BMI) as a substitute for direct measurements of body
fat. Besides, BMI is a low-cost and easy-to-perform method of screening for weight
classes that may cause health-related problems.

Understanding the working of BMI Calculator

A BMI Calculator accepts the weight and height of an individual and calculates the Body
Mass Index (BMI) of that person.

For Example, if the height and weight of a person are 155 cm and 57 kg. The BMI of that
person will be 23.73 (approx.), which signifies that the person is healthy.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure of body fat on the basis of height and weight,

On the basis of the BMI of an individual, the calculator returns a statement stating the
overall health of the person.

The following table shows how the classification of BMI is done in order to identify the
health status of a person.
The output

2. Decision Tree with python

To make a decision tree, all data has to be numerical.

We have to convert the non numerical columns 'Nationality' and 'Go' into
numerical values.
Pandas has a map() method that takes a dictionary with information on how to
convert the values.

{'UK': 0, 'USA': 1, 'N': 2}

Means convert the values 'UK' to 0, 'USA' to 1, and 'N' to 2

The decision tree uses your earlier decisions to calculate the odds for you to
wanting to go see a comedian or not.

Let us read the different aspects of the decision tree:


The SIWES program expected to be undergone by all students in the school

of applied science in all tertiary institution in Nigeria.
I therefore deeply appreciate the industrial training of my school (Kogi  State
Polytechnic, Lokoja) for involving themselves in such a worldwide program.
The importance of this training cannot be over emphasized industrial training
by some operations carried out during the program.


I like to use this medium to explore the federal Government at all stage to
take this SIWES program more seriously seen by the students of applied
science as a virtual improvement in future of  technology in our nature.

Government should also ensure a proper supervision of SIWES student so

that the purpose of the programme will be achieved.

The federal Government should make adequate provision in the annual

budget for proper funding of SIWES in view of the potential of the scheme to
contribute to enhancing the quality of the pool to technical skill available to
the economy.

A comprehensive and detail directory of employer who accept students for

SIWES is urgently required to facilitate placement of student in industry.

In order to guarantee quality assurance of institution and the ITF. The ITF
should ensure that the backlog in payment of students allowance is cleared
urgently to remove the negative image being created for SIWES.

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