ManualFlowSign EN v.1.0.21

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User Manual
Version 1.0.21



1. Overview .................................................................................................4
2. Purpose ...................................................................................................4
3. Glossary of terms and acronyms..............................................................4
4. User Registration.....................................................................................5
5. Setup the TOTP Authorization for Remote Signing ................................ 10
6. User Login ............................................................................................. 15
6.1 Fill in the personal information.............................................................. 17
6.1.1 Manual registration of personal data ............................................. 18
6.1.2 Registration of personal data by video identification ........................ 18
6.2 Password recovery .............................................................................. 22
7. Dashboard ............................................................................................. 24
7.1 Download signed Terms and Conditions ................................................. 24
7.2 Manuals ............................................................................................. 24
7.3 Change password................................................................................ 25
7.4 Logout ............................................................................................... 25
7.5 Flows................................................................................................. 26
7.5.1 Flows created by me ................................................................... 26
7.5.2 Flows that require my signature ................................................... 28
7.5.3 Flows supervised by me .............................................................. 29
7.5.4 Flow templates ........................................................................... 30
8. Create a Signing Flow ............................................................................ 37
8.1 Files manager ..................................................................................... 37
8.1.1 Adding files for signing ................................................................ 37
8.1.2 Adding Justifying Files ................................................................. 38
8.1.3 Encrypt the files ......................................................................... 39
8.1.4 File restrictions ........................................................................... 39
8.1.5 Remove files .............................................................................. 41
8.1.6 Replace files............................................................................... 41
8.2 Participants manager ........................................................................... 42
8.2.1 Adding new users by the DRA ...................................................... 43
8.2.2 Add new users without DRA rights - two-step enrolment ................. 44
8.2.3 Replace flow participants ............................................................. 46
8.3 Configure signatures ........................................................................... 47
8.4 Email notifications ............................................................................... 49
8.5 Review flow ........................................................................................ 50
9. Signing Flow .......................................................................................... 52
9.1 Remote signing ................................................................................... 52
9.2 Local signing (using a token) ................................................................ 56
10. Decline a Signing Flow........................................................................... 63
11. Download Signed Documents ................................................................ 64
12. States of the Signing Flow ..................................................................... 65
13. Actions .................................................................................................. 66
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14. Automatic renewal of the digital certificate (Rekey) ............................. 73
14.1 Communication after data validation by Certsign .................................. 76
14.1.1 Case A: The data match .............................................................. 76
14.1.2 Case B: The data do not match .................................................... 76
15. Re-enrollment ....................................................................................... 79
15.1.1 User with enrollment rights .......................................................... 79
15.1.2 User without enrollment rights ..................................................... 82
16. Auto-Enrollment .................................................................................... 83

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1. Overview
Paperless flowSIGN is a web application designed for multiple signing flows of PDF
documents (except for interactive forms), which embeds both the option of remote
signing and local signing using qualified certificates stored on token like cryptographic
Paperless flowSIGN allows the definition of signing flows, the process of acceptance
and signing of documents, the download of signed documents and the integration with
other computer systems. The product can address both the internal flows of an
organization and the signing flows between organizations or between organizations
and individuals.
Defining a signing flow is easy, by following the steps below:
➢ upload the PDF documents to be signed;
➢ optionally:
• upload the justifying files (these documents will not be signed)
• encrypt the flow with a password.
Both options are displayed if the administrator has configured them to be available.
➢ set the people involved in the flow;
➢ configure the placeholder of the signature in the PDF file;
➢ set email notifications;
➢ start the signing flow.
In the signing process, the user is notified by e-mail of each new assignment, accesses
the application, authenticates and signs the documents. Remote signing of all
documents in a flow is done in one step.

2. Purpose
This document aims to provide guidelines on how to use flowSIGN to create and sign
or supervise Flows by using a simple and attractive platform.

3. Glossary of terms and acronyms

Acronym Meaning Description

RSS Remote Signing Service Remote signing service

OTP One Time Password The code received via SMS / email that can
be used only once and has a limited validity

TOTP Time-based One Time The code generated by an Authenticator

Password application, which can be used only once and
has a limited validity period

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DRA Delegated Registration The delegated registration authority, acting
Authority according to the rules established by
certSIGN as RA (Registration Authority)

IE11 Internet Explorer 11 Web browser which can be used to access

the flowSIGN application. Alternative web
browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox

OCR Optical character In the flowSIGN application, the optical

recognition character recognition is used for the video
identification of a newly enrolled user.

4. User Registration
As a user, you receive an invitation by email, with a link that will redirect you to the
registration process.
We recommend using Paperless flowSIGN in Google Chrome.

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Note: To run the Paperless flowSIGN application in Internet Explorer 11 (IE11)

browser, the browser must load the page using IE11 / Edge document mode. The
application will not work if the "Compatibility view" option is enabled.

Thus, it is important that the "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" setting
is disabled, and that the server used for Paperless flowSIGN is not added to the
list of "Websites you've added to Compatibility View".

✓ Check the settings by accessing the IE11 browser -> Tools -> Compatibility
View settings

✓ Verify that the Paperless flowSIGN application page is not added to the
"Websites you've added to Compatibility View" field, check the "Use Microsoft
compatibility lists" box and access the "Close" button:

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It is important to note that IE11 (Internet Explorer 11) also allows the policy-level
configuration of an "Enterprise Mode" which can overwrite any configuration related
to "Compatibility view". Thus, in the hypothetical case where a client adds
Paperless flowSIGN to the Enterprise Mode Compatibility View list through the
group policy, the Paperless flowSIGN application will not work.
Follow the 3 steps below to complete the registration process:

Step 1: Check personal details and confirm phone number;

Step 2: Validate identity by entering the authorization code;
Step 3: Set password.

Step 1. Check personal details

At a click on the invitation link, you are redirected to the first step of the registration
process. In this first step of the registration process, enter your phone number
(including country prefix), validate it and accept the terms and conditions. If the data
provided is valid, you will be redirected to the next step.

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Step 2. Validate identity by entering the authorization code

An authorization code is sent to you by SMS.

Enter this code into the corresponding registration screen and validate it. The initial
code is valid by default for 10 minutes (the remaining time until code expiration is
displayed in this page).

Note: A Resend code button is activated on the code validation page after two
minutes. Use the Resend code button in case you did not receive the authorization
code at the first attempt. After receiving the code, follow the previous step:

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Step 3. Set Password

By default, the username is your email address. Go on by setting a password that

contains at least 8 characters, one lowercase, one uppercase, one digit and one special
character, then click “Register”.

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5. Setup the TOTP Authorization for Remote Signing
There is NO need for an additional manual setting in Paperless flowSIGN applications
that are setup for the remote signing with OTP authorization sent by SMS/ email or for
local signing with a token. You may proceed with Chapter 6.
If you have selected the TOTP authorization for the remote signing with Paperless
flowSIGN, you need to set the TOTP authorization mechanism, following the steps
You will receive an email/ SMS invitation to setup the TOTP authorization mechanism.

Follow the link received by email / SMS to continue.

You will receive the authorization code by SMS/ email:

Enter this code into the corresponding field, on the registration page.
At this step of setting the authorisation mechanism, you must install an
Authenticator application on your mobile device.

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Use your mobile phone to install one of the Authenticator applications, as mentioned
in the authorization mechanism setup screen.

After installing the application on your mobile device, return to the authorization
mechanism setup page and:
(1) scroll to the end of the page,
(2) enter the authorization code previously received by SMS,
(3) check the box "I confirm that I have installed an authentication application
and I understand that the code will be displayed only once"
(4) access the "Continue" button:

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Open the Authenticator app. on your mobile phone (Google Authenticator was used
for the example below).
Select the Scan a barcode option.


(1) If you access the screen „CONFIGURARE MECANISM DE AUTORIZARE”

(“AUTHORIZATION MECHANISM SETUP”) on laptop/ PC, frame the QR code
according to the guidelines received on your mobile phone:

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(“AUTHORIZATION MECHANISM SETUP”) screen directly from the mobile phone
on which you installed the Authenticator application, then press the „Salvează pe
dispozitiv” (= save to device) button;
(3) If you can't scan the QR code, you have the option to insert the code displayed
on the “AUTHORIZATION MECHANISM SETUP” screen, in the Authenticator
application on your mobile phone.
The message “Account added” along with the code needed to complete the
authorization mechanism setup will be displayed on your phone.

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Enter this code in the “Code” field, in the "AUTHORIZATION MECHANISM SETUP"
screen and click the Send button.

For a successful setup of the TOTP authorization mechanism, a confirmation message

will be displayed, as shown in the screenshot below:

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6. User Login
After the registration process is complete, you will be redirected to the login page,
where you must enter a valid set of credentials.
To log in to Paperless flowSIGN, enter your credentials (email address used upon
user registration and the previously set password).
Click the “Sign in” button.

After signing in, the application asks for permission to access protected resources, as
shown in the print screen below. This screen will be displayed only at your first login.
Click the Grant button to login in to Paperless flowSIGN application.

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Wait for your profile to load in the Paperless flowSIGN application:
(1) If your personal data has already been transmitted and recorded in the application,
you will be redirected to the main application screen (Dashboard) - Chapter 7
(2) If your personal data needs to be registered in the application, you will be
redirected to the screen for filling it out - Chapter 6.1 below.
After login, the “Information Note” is displayed in order to move on to the enrollment
step 2 (manual data completion / video identification). To continue, read the note and
click the „Am luat la cunoștință” (I took note) button:

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6.1 Fill in the personal information

After authentication, it is verified if your personal data required for the issuance of the
digital signature has been registered in the application, and if necessary, you are asked
to provide them.

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Depending on the settings made by the administrator of the application, registration
of personal data will be possible:
• either by manual registration of data (Subchapter 6.1.1),
• or by video identification (Subchapter 6.1.2).

6.1.1 Manual registration of personal data

Wait for your profile to be loaded:

You must enter your personal data in the corresponding fields. Depending on the
settings made by the administrator, your identity card (a clear full-size photo of the
ID card) should be uploaded or not in the screen to manually register your personal
data. To complete the registration process, click the "Register" button:

After filling in your personal data, you will log in to the application and you will be
redirected to the main screen of the application (Dashboard) - Chapter 7.

6.1.2 Registration of personal data by video identification

If your application was configured by the administrator of the application for the
registration of personal data through video identification, you will be automatically
redirected to the page below.

! We recommend using the Google Chrome browser for the video identification.
Since the video identification will take place online, through an audio / video
interview with a certSIGN operator, in order to use this feature, you will need:
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 A good Internet connection;
 A device with a functional microphone and webcam;
 Your valid Identity Card, issued by the Romanian authorities, in original.
Check your pre-filled phone number and email address. The "Video identification"
option will be automatically selected in the drop-down list. In order to continue, you
should first agree to the biometric data processing by certSIGN, in accordance with
the "Information note on the processing of personal data by certSIGN" by ticking the
appropriate checkbox (Sunt de accord cu prelucrarea de catre certSIGN a datelor
biometrice in conformitate cu “Nota de informare privind prelucrarea datelor cu
caracter personal de catre sertSIGN”):

To start the video identification, make sure you have at hand your valid Identity Card
issued by the Romanian authorities. Then click the „Apăsați aici pentru a începe”(Click
here to get started):

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To continue with the video identification process, you must give your consent for
certSIGN to access the microphone and camera from the device you use for
identification; Hit the "Allow" button to continue:

The message „În așteptarea unui operator” (Waiting for an operator) will be displayed
on the screen immediately and the online connection with one of the certSIGN
operators will be established right away.
Follow the instructions received through the video identification application.
The video identification process follows two distinct steps:
1. Scanning the data from the Identity Card using the OCR technology (Optical
Character Recognition):

2. Face scanning, to check if the person being identified is the same person from
the Identity card.

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After the 2 steps have been completed, you are asked to wait for the operator to
validate the retrieved data and to validate the request registration. The following
message will also be displayed on the screen: „Vă rugăm așteptați până când acest
mesaj dispare” (Please wait until this message disappears).

The data from your ID card, collected through the automatic OCR process, is displayed
on the screen, available for viewing and verification.
After completing the registration, a successful identification message is displayed:
“Identificarea a fost realizată cu succes” (Identification was successful). Press the "OK"

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On the screen where you were automatically redirected, press the
You will be automatically redirected to the login page. You will be able to log in and
afterwards redirected to the main screen of the application (Dashboard) - Chapter 7.

6.2 Password recovery

If you forgot your password, you can recover it by clicking the “Forgot your password?”
button in the login screen.

Type in your email address in the screen displayed and click the “Send” button.

If the address matches one of your accounts, you will receive an email with a reset
password link, as shown below.

Check your email and follow the “Recover Password” link.

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You will be redirected to the password recovery page, where you must validate your
identity by entering the authorization code received by SMS.

Enter this code (received via SMS) in the password recovery screen and click the
“Validate code” button.

After validating your identity, type in a new password that meets the password
constraints of the authorization server and click the “Change your password” button.

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7. Dashboard
The flowSIGN dashboard is displayed after the successful login. In this dashboard
you can create, supervise, sign, download the signed files, edit or delete flows,
depending on the rights assigned.

7.1 Download signed Terms and Conditions

Download the signed Terms and Conditions document by accessing the icon,
located at the top right section of the FlowSign menu bar:

The document will be downloaded in PDF format:

7.2 Manuals

The manuals (in Romanian and English) can be downloaded by accessing the
icon at the top right of the FlowSign menu bar and by selecting the desired document
from the list:

The manual will be downloaded in PDF format:

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7.3 Change password

Changing the password can be done by accessing the icon („Configuration”),

located at the top right section of the FlowSign menu bar. Select the “Change
Password” option:

To change the password it is necessary to type in the current password, followed by

the new password, which must meet the displayed requirements (at least one
lowercase, at least one uppercase, at least one digit, at least one special character and
at least 8 characters long). Then click the "Change Password" button:

7.4 Logout

To logout, access the icon (available on the top bar of the FlowSign menu) and

then the button

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7.5 Flows

The dashboard contains the following tabs:

7.5.1 Flows created by me

By clicking this tab you can view the flows you created and the details of a particular
flow, such as: date created, status* (draft, editing, completed, declined, pending),
number of files to sign, number of participants, number of signatures and the actions
you can perform on a file (edit, delete, download).

 draft
 editing
 completed
 declined
 pending

For further details about the states of a flow, see Chapter 12 States of the Signing
flowSIGN is set by default to display “Flows created by me” with the states: Draft,
Editing, Pending.
The flowSIGN application is set by default to display "Flows created by me" with the
status: Draft, Editing and Pending.
In order to filter the flow states, click on the arrow next to the Status section.
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Check the box (es) next to the state by which you want to filter the flows.
To complete the filtering, use the mouse to access an area outside the selection

The filtering results will be displayed in the flows list.

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7.5.2 Flows that require my signature

This tab displays the flows that require your signature. You can sign a flow or decline
its signing.
In order to filter the flows by their states, click the down arrow next to the My pending

Check the box (es) next to the status by which you want to filter the flows. To complete
the filtering, use the mouse to access an area outside the selection window.

The filtering results will be displayed in the list of flows that require your signature.

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7.5.3 Flows supervised by me

This tab displays the flows under your supervision. As a supervisor you can review a
In order to filter by other states of the Flows supervised by me, click the down arrow
next to the Status tab.

Check the box (es) next to the status by which you want to filter the flows. To complete
the filtering, use the mouse to access an area outside the selection window.

The filtering results will be displayed in the list of flows that are supervised by you.

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7.5.4 Flow templates

This tab displays the flow templates saved by you or shared with you.

The following "Actions" may be available in the Flow templates tab:

Access to actions

For the template

Actions owner For a template
(= the user who shared with
created the you

Create a new flow based on a saved ✓ ✓


Template status (view template ✓ ✓


Share template ✓ -

Edit template ✓ -

Delete template ✓ -

 To create a new flow based on a saved template, access the icon from the
“Actions” column

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The name for the new flow is pre-filled with the name of the template and you can
change it, then access the „Create” button:

Follow the steps for creating a flow, as described below in CHAPTER 8.

 To view the template information (for example: template owner, start date,
name of the file/s included in the template, participants and the flow

supervisor/s), access the icon in the “Actions” column:

 To share the template with your organization or with a list of participants, access

the icon in the “Actions” column:

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If you choose to share the template with your organization, drag the "Shared with
Organization" slider:

The red coloured slider (as seen in the screenshot below) indicates the template will
be shared with the organization. To confirm, hit the "Save" button:

You can choose to share the template with one or more participants (already registered
in FlowSIGN) by entering the email address of the desired participant and clicking "+".

If you want to share the template with multiple participants, enter the new participant
email address and click "+" again. Repeat for each new participant you want to add.
The list of participants you entered for sharing the template will be displayed in the
"Shared with users" field:

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By accessing „-” next to the participant's email address, you can opt out of this
participant from the sharing list.

 To edit the template, go to the icon in the “Actions” column

! From the moment you start editing a template, no other user will be able to create
flows based on it until you finish editing it.
You can complete the editing at any time by accessing the "FINISH EDITING"

By accessing the icons, you can:

add files,

replace files/flow participants,

delete files/flow participants.

The steps for creating the signature flow are detailed in CHAPTER 8.
In step 1. “Files manager” you can add new files, replace or delete files from the

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In step 2. “Participants manager” you can add new participants to the flow, you
can replace or delete participants:

In step 3. “Configure signatures” you can change the placeholder of signatures:

In step 4. “Email notifications” you can edit/change the subject of the message
that will be sent by email, you can edit/change the private messages for one or more
participants: ":

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In step 5. “Review flow” you can review the entire flow. To save your changes, go
to the "FINISH EDITING" button (either at the top right of the screen or bottom left
corner of the screen):

 To delete the template, access the icon in the “Actions” column.

To confirm the action you must click the "OK" button:

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• You can create templates from existing flows (by accessing the edit
button in step 5. Review flow -follow the instructions in CHAPTER 8),
or within the new flows (follow the instructions in CHAPTER 8).
• If a template is deleted by the owner, it will also be deleted for the
entire organization / for all users with whom it was shared.
• A flow created on a template will NOT be deleted, even if the owner
deleted the basic template.
• It is NOT possible to create templates with encrypted files.

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8. Create a Signing Flow
This option is enabled only if the administrator has configured your account with rights
to initiate signing flows.
To create a signing flow, start by typing a name in the “Signing Flow” name field, then

click the button at the right side of the field.

8.1 Files manager

8.1.1 Adding files for signing

At this step you add the PDF file(s) to be signed (the “Files” section).

! The service can be used for PDF documents, except for interactive forms.
To upload the files that need to be signed, you can either:
a) Browse files by clicking “SELECT FILES TO UPLOAD”,


b) Use the Drag and drop option for the documents you want to add to the flow
(drag the files in the marked space, as shown in the screen):

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8.1.2 Adding Justifying Files

Optionally, you can also add justifying files, which do not require signing ("Justifying
Files"). Depending on your account settings, various file types may be uploaded.
To upload the Justifying files, you can choose one of the following options:
a) Browse files by clicking „SELECT JUSTIFYING FILES TO UPLOAD”,

b) Use the Drag and drop option for the documents you want to add to the
flow (drag the files in the marked space, as shown on the screen):

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8.1.3 Encrypt the files

Optionally, you can encrypt the files from a flow by checking the "Encrypt files" box.
In the password field, enter an encryption password, and then attach the file (s):

Subsequently, the initiator of the flow must communicate the password to the signers,
respectively supervisors (for example via SMS).

8.1.4 File restrictions

Depending on the settings configured by your flowSIGN administrator, 3 level

restrictions/limitations will be set, both for the files uploaded for signing and for the
justifying files:
1) Size limit of the file that can be uploaded for signing/for justifying files;
2) Size limit of the number of files that can be uploaded for signing/for justifying

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3) Volume limit of the files/ justifying files for each signing flow.

If the user exceeds these limits, a pop-up message will be displayed in the flowSIGN
1) Message for exceeding the limit (Mb) files/ justifying files that can be uploaded for
signing ("the uploaded file is too large")
a) Example for signing file:

b) Example for justifying file:

2) Message for exceeding the limit of the number of files/ justifying files uploaded for
signing (for the example below a maximum of 5 files is accepted and the
corresponding message is "only 5 documents are allowed").
a) Example for signing file:

b) Example for justifying file:

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3) The message for exceeding the volume of files/ justifying files (Mb) for each signing
flow ("the uploaded file is too large; the total flow size limit is exceeded")
a) Example for signing file:

b) Example for justifying file:

8.1.5 Remove files

You can remove a file by clicking the (Trash icon) on the right. You can also
rearrange the files by dragging them up and down the list.
After you have uploaded the files to be signed, click Next to move to the next step.

8.1.6 Replace files

You can replace a file by accessing the (replace) icon located on the right. Once
you have uploaded the files that will be signed, go to the "Next" button to proceed to
the next step.

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8.2 Participants manager

At this step you add the participants to the signing flow. Participants are assigned one
of the following roles:
➢ Supervisor – the person who only supervises the flow, receiving
notification each time a participant signed and when the signing
flow is completed.
➢ Signer – the person involved in the signing process, who must
sign the uploaded documents;

I. Supervisor:
- can only supervise how the signing process is going.
- can also be a signer, if he is assigned such role
II. Signers can be:
1. Already enrolled and to add them you must type the email address, select
the Signer role, then click the Add button.

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2. Not enrolled, in which case, adding new users is allowed or not,
depending on how your application is configured.
a) If your instance does not allow adding new users, a warning message
will pop up and you will be allowed to only add users that are already

❗ A user that is not enrolled could not be added.

b) In the case where the application is setup to allow adding new users,
depending on the specificity of your organization, follow the
instructions in subchapter 8.2.1 or 8.2.2.

8.2.1 Adding new users by the DRA

If your company has DRA (Delegated Registration Authority) rights to register a new
user through the application, type in the email, assign the role of "Signer" and hit the
"ADD" button.
After this step, a new screen is displayed. All the fields in this screen are mandatory:

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After filling out the mandatory fields in the form, upload a photo of the user’s ID, by
clicking the SELECT USER ID PHOTO, button.
There are two signing options:
1) „Can sign from distance”, using one of the options for which your
account is setup (signing via SMS or via TOTP) and
2) „Can sign with token”.

! You may not select the „Can sign with token” option if the first option (“can sign
from distance”) is already checked.
1) flowSIGN instances setup for the options that use the Remote Signing
service (RSS) in the signing flow.
Signing is done using one of the options for which your account was
• Signing using OTP: the required signing code will be received SMS/
• Or signing by using TOTP: in this case you will use the code in the
Authenticator application installed on your phone.
2) flowSIGN instances setup for the option that uses the local signing (with
token) in the signing process.
In this case, the documents to be signed will be first downloaded by the
signer, then signed and uploaded into the application.
For further details about the signing process, see Chapter 9: Signing Flow.
The option "Can create flows" is displayed depending on your application configuration
settings. Check the box if you want the new enrolled user to be able to initiate flows.
After following the steps described above, click the “Register” button.
You can add as many users you need by repeating the steps above. You can rearrange
the order of participants by dragging an item up or down the list. To move forward,
click “Next”.

8.2.2 Add new users without DRA rights - two-step enrolment

If your organization does not own DRA (Delegated Registration Authority) rights, the
enrolment of a new user will be done in two steps:
Step 1: Fill in the e-mail and depending on your needs, assign to the new user
the "Signer" or "Supervisor" role and click the "ADD" button:

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After this step, a new screen is displayed. This screen contains certain fields,
depending on how your administrator has set up your account, such as:
- mandatory fields (marked in red)
- and, possibly, other optional fields.
The details related to the new user’s organization (Organization name, CUI of the
organization, Department, Title) will not be available for editing afterwards by the new
registered user.

Depending on your application setup you can select from the drop-down menu the
certificate profile you want to assign to the new user, or there may be no certificate
profile available for selection - in this case, there is a default configuration made by
the system administrator:

The option "Can create flows" is displayed depending on your application settings.
Check the box if you want the new enrolled user to be able to initiate flows.
To complete the registration, click the "Register" button.
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Next, follow the steps required to create the signing flow (described in the following
After completing the signing flow, the new user will receive an invitation to create an
account in the Paperless flowSIGN application on the email indicated in the
enrolment step.
Step 2: This step is performed by the person enrolled in the flow at step 1:
• Chapter 4 User Registration and
• Chapter 6.1 Fill in the personal information
The way personal data is registered (either manually or by video identification) will be
based on the profile set for the user at Step 1.

8.2.3 Replace flow participants

Access the icon (replace):

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Add the email address of the new participant to the flow and hit the "Add" button:

8.3 Configure signatures

As the initiator of the signing flow, you must configure the placeholder of the signature,
by drawing a rectangle for each signer, on the document to be signed.
First, select the document, then the signer at the left side of the screen by clicking the
email address then, on the right side, in the document preview, select the place where
you want the signature to be located.
You must do this step for each signer and document of the flow.
There are two ways to configure the signature placeholder on documents:
1) Using the mouse, with a click on the desired location:

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(! If you use the application on the mobile phone, the signature can only be placed
using the click function.)
2) or using the mouse and the drag & drop option to size the signature area

Click “Next” to proceed to the next step.

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8.4 Email notifications

At this step, as the initiator of the signing flow, you will set email notifications that will
be sent to each signer/supervisor. The flow is linear. The email is sent to the first
signer, then to the next, and so on.
You can edit the text of the email notification for all the signers or you can create a
private message for a signer/supervisor (select the email address, then write the
message in the marked field, at the right of the screen).

Note: It is very important to save the message before clicking Next. Otherwise the
signers will NOT receive the messages.

After saving the messages, a confirmation message is displayed.

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8.5 Review flow

At this final step (5), you can review the flow, check the participants and the
documents to be signed before initiating the signing flow and optionally, you can create
a flow template.
 Create a flow template (optional)

In the "Name*" field, enter the desired name for the template and hit the "Save"

You will receive a confirmation for successfully saving the template "Flow template
[.....] was successfully saved".

! The files uploaded to a flow that is saved as a template will be found in the template.
If you share the template with the organization or with other users, they will have
access to the files uploaded to the flow template.

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[.....]–> A template code is automatically generated when creating the template. This
code is useful to differentiate the templates with the same name.

You will also find this code in the "Flow templates”, on the "Template codes" column.
A template being edited will be marked in yellow on the "Flow Templates" file:

! It is NOT possible to create templates for flows that contain encrypted files:

 Starting the signing flow

After the review, click the (START SIGNING FLOW button) .

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9. Signing Flow
Each participant in the flow receives a notification by email from
[email protected], depending on the set order.
Files can be signed using the methods previously described, depending on how the
flowSIGN application is setup and/or how you have set up the signing of documents
(Subchapter 8.2):
There are two signing options:
• Remote signing (RSS) using one of the options your account was setup for
(signing with OTP received via SMS / email or with TOTP generated by an
Authenticator application)
• Sign with token (local signing, where the signed files will be uploaded in the
application after they have been signed using a token)
To sign the documents encrypted by the initiator of the flow, the participants in the
signing flow should know the password and type it at the step where it is required.
The document to be signed will not be displayed until the correct password is entered.

At the time of signing, to view the entered password, access the icon. After you
typed the password, press the “OK” button:

9.1 Remote signing

The signing process is done using one of the options that were setup for your account:
• Signing with OTP received via SMS/ email: in this case, the code
used for signing will be sent by SMS/ email;
• Or signing with TOTP generated by an Authenticator application:
in this case, the code in the Authenticator application will be
used for signing.

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As signer, you can go to the signing page either by:
a) Clicking the link in the email notification.

Or by
b) Clicking the “Flows that require my signature” tab and then the SIGN icon

Before signing, you must read the document and check “I have read the files above
before signing them”, then click SIGN FLOW. Optionally, before signing, a comment
can be added in the "Comment" field.

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Note: If you do not have a valid certificate in the system, you must accept also the
general terms and conditions by checking the "I Accept Terms & Conditions" checkbox.
A new certificate will be issued as soon as the authorisation process is completed.

Authorise the signing process by entering the code received.

Depending on the option for which your flowSIGN instance was setup, you will receive
the code for remote signing as follows:
a) For the OTP (One Time Password) via SMS/ email signing instances, you
will enter the code received by SMS/ email:

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b) For TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) signing instances, using the
Authenticator application, you must open the Authenticator installed on
your phone. To authorize the remote signing, enter the code displayed by
the Authenticator app. in the signing page of flowSIGN.

After the authorisation process has been completed and the signature applied to the
document(s), a notification is triggered to the next signer.

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9.2 Local signing (using a token)

As a signer, you can go to the signing page either by:

a) Clicking the link in the email notification:

Or by

b) Clicking the “Flows that require my signature” tab and then the icon

Click the button with the document to be signed and then click “DOWNLOAD

Open the previously downloaded PDF document (s) (if you have multiple documents
to sign, each document must be signed locally, with the individual token).
To sign documents with a token, make sure you have the token connected, then go to
the "Tools" menu, followed by the "Certificates" option:

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Click the “Digitally sign” option.
The pop-up message instructs you to draw with the mouse (click & draw) the area in
which you want to place your signature. Click “OK":

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As indicated in the pop-up message, draw a rectangle using the mouse (drag & drop),
indicating the size and location of your signature:

Select the certificate to use for signing the document (1) and continue the process by
clicking Continue (2):


Check the digital signature details and confirm by clicking the “Sign” button:
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To save the signed document, select a location and a document title, then click the
“Save” button:

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Enter the PIN of your token to complete the document signing:

Your signature will be displayed on the signed document, on the location previously
selected and drawn.

To complete the signing process, upload the signed files in flowSIGN, by clicking
the “UPLOAD SIGNED” button.
Make sure that after you have uploaded the signed files in flowSIGN you can view
the signature in the document signed using a token (before uploading it in the
application, the signature is not visible in the signature placeholder, as shown in the
screenshot below):

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Select the signed document and click Open to upload it in flowSIGN:

A message confirming the successful upload of the file is displayed (for the example
below: "File declaration_POPESCU_semnat.pdf uploaded"):

On the screen you will be able to view and check the uploaded document with the
signature applied (2).
To complete the signing in flowSIGN, click “FINISH SIGNING” (3):

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A confirmation message of the successful signing flow is displayed: Flow was
successfully signed.

Each time a participant in the flow signs a flow, the initiator of the flow receives an
email notification:

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10. Decline a Signing Flow
As a signer, you have the right to refuse signing the document(s) in a signing flow, for
various reasons.

Go to the Flows that require my signature tab, click the decline icon , in the Actions
section to refuse signing the document(s).

A decline flow confirmation window is displayed. Enter the reason for refusing to sign
the document(s) and click OK.

The owner/initiator of the signing flow will receive an email notification informing him
about the fact that the signing flow was declined by the one of the signers. The
notification will include the name of the signing flow, as well as the reason for refusing
to sign it:

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11. Download Signed Documents
After the signing flow has been completed, each participant receives a notification as
shown below:

Each participant in the signing flow can download the document(s) signed by clicking

the Download icon on the dashboard corresponding to each role.

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! If the document (s) were encrypted by the initiator of the flow, you must enter the
password in order to download the document (s) from the flow.

12. States of the Signing Flow

Draft after a signing flow has been added, it is in the Draft state, until the
moment of its initiation, when the status will change in Pending. The
initiator can continue to configure a flow in the draft state by
pressing the Edit icon (the pencil) on the toolbar of the flow.
Pending after a flow has been initiated, it enters the Pending state and it is
sent for signing to the first signer in the flow. Throughout the flow,
as long as the flow is transmitted for signing from one signer to
another, the flow status remains Pending.
Completed when the last signer of the flow has signed, the status of the signing
flow changes to Completed.
Declined if one of the signers refuses to sign the flow, then the flow is
interrupted (it is not sent to the next signer) and its status becomes
Editing the initiator can change certain configurations on a flow while in the
Pending state, by pressing the Edit (pencil) icon next to the flow.
When the Edit (pencil) icon is pressed for a flow already initiated,
the status of the flow changes to Editing and is withdrawn from
signing and supervising for the current signer, respectively
supervisors. After the initiator of the flow starts the modified flow
again, the state changes to Pending.

The diagram below depicts the states of a signing flow.

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Diagram 1- States of the Signing Flow

13. Actions
In the "Actions" section, in the "Flows created by me" and "Flows supervised by me"
menus there are several icons for performing actions and viewing details, as shown

1. Download
File download is available to all participants in a signing flow whether the flow is either
in the “Pending”, “Completed” or “Declined” state.
Click this icon to download the files in the signing flow.

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! If the document (s) were encrypted by the initiator of the flow, you must enter the
password in order to download the document (s) from the flow.

2. Download justifying files

In order to download the justifying documents, access the above mentioned icon:

3. Flow status
Flow status view is available to the owner/initiator and to the supervisor of the signing

By clicking this icon, the following details about the flow will be displayed:
• Flow name

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• Owner
• Date initiated
• Flow status (draft/pending/completed/declined/editing)
• In case the signing is declined, the details about the declining reason and
the date on which the signing was declined will be mentioned.
• If one of the signers adds comments, they will be displayed in the
“Comment/Decline reason” section
• Files to be signed
• Justifying files (only if uploaded by the flow initiator)
• Participants in the signing flow and the signing date
• Signing status for each participant in the flow (Signed or declined)
• Supervisor(s).

In case of declining to sign, the information about the reason for declining and the
date on which the signature was declined will be mentioned:

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4. Edit
The edit icon is available to the owner/initiator of the flow. He/she can change certain
configurations on a flow while in the Pending state, by pressing the Edit ( ) icon next
to the flow. When the Edit icon is pressed for a flow already initiated, the status of the
flow changes to Editing and is withdrawn from signing and supervising for the current
signer, respectively supervisors. After the initiator of the flow starts the modified flow
again, the state changes to Pending.
To edit a flow, click the "Edit" icon next to that flow.

! If the document (s) were encrypted when the flow was created, you must enter the
password before you can edit the flow.
Repeat the steps from Chapter 8. Create a signing flow, then click Next.
• At Step 1, Files manager, you can add or delete files as long as none of the
participants signed the selected signing flow. After this step, click Next.

• At Step 2, Participants manager, you add or remove participants (signers or

supervisors) to/from the selected flow, as described in Chapter 8. Create a
signing flow.
After completing these actions, click Next.

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• At Step 3, Configure signatures, follow the guidelines provided in Chapter 8.
Create a signing flow.
After that click Next.

• At Step 4, Email notifications, follow the guidelines provided in Chapter 8.

Create a signing flow and click Next.

• At Step 5, Review flow, you can review the signing flow before initiating it.
At this step you have the option to create a template based on the flow (as
described in 8.5 Review flow) and 7.3.4 Flow templates).
To start the signing flow, click “START SIGNING FLOW”.

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! The files uploaded to a flow that is saved as a template will be found in the template.
If you share the template with the organization or with other users, they will have
access to the files uploaded to the flow template.

5. Delete
Click the “delete” icon if you want to delete a signing flow.

You will be asked to accept the deletion of the flow ("OK") or the cancellation of the
action to delete the flow ("Cancel").

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If you approve deletion, the signing flow will be removed for all participants.

6. „Review”
The action is available to the flow supervisors, from the „Flows supervised by me”
To review a flow, access the “Review” icon:

! If the document (s) were encrypted by the flow initiator, you need to enter the
password to review the flow.

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14. Automatic renewal of the digital certificate
30 days, respectively 15 days before the digital certificate expires, the flowSIGN user
receives a notification email at the registered e-mail address (the message is editable,
the text below being provided as example).
The 15 days notification prior to the digital certificate expiry date will no longer be
issued if, in the meantime, the user completes the renewal application and gets it

Follow the link received by e-mail (previous screenshot) or log in to the flowSIGN
application where a banner type message is displayed, as shown in the screenshot
below (the message is editable, the text below being provided as example).
To renew your digital certificate, hit the "Update Now" button:

The User Information column does not contain editable fields, but if the data does not
match, it is important to update the user details.

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To update this information, you need to contact your administrator by email.

If you do not want to complete the certificate renewal request yet, click the "Back"
button at the top of the screen (right corner) to return to the main application screen.

! We recommend you return and complete the certificate renewal procedure by

the date mentioned in the message displayed on the flowSIGN home page.
Should you fail to complete the renewal procedure by the time the digital
certificate expires, you will no longer be able to apply the electronic signature,
which is technically disabled (in which case you need to resume the identification
process in order for a new certificate to be issued).

Fill in the editable fields in the "USER ID" column, then upload a clear picture (JPEG,
PNG, etc.) of the ID card and access the "Register" button:

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Error! Bookmark not defined.Error! Bookmark not defined.

At the next step, before a new certificate is issued for remote signing, you must first
read and accept the terms and conditions:

To continue, check the box next to "I agree to the terms and conditions" and access
the "Sign" button.
To sign, enter the code received via SMS (authenticator), then access the "OK" button.
At the end, you will receive the following confirmation message: "Your request has
been submitted for approval."

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You will be redirected to the main screen and you can start using the application.
The warning regarding the need to renew your user certificate will no longer be
displayed on the screen, if the renewal application is under validation by a Certsign

14.1 Communication after data validation by Certsign

14.1.1 Case A: The data match

If all the transmitted data match those on the identity card, the request will be
validated by a Certsign operator, and the user will automatically receive a confirmation
email, like the one below (the message is editable, the text below being provided as
The certificate will be automatically renewed 3 days (this period is configurable) before
the current certificate expires.

14.1.2 Case B: The data do not match

If the data filled in at the initiation of the renewal application do not match those in
the identity card, the user will be notified by e-mail that her/his application has been

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In this case, the user receives an email like the one below (the message is editable,
the text below being provides as an example):

In the flowSIGN interface, after login, a banner like message is displayed to the user
stating that the certificate renewal request has been rejected, as shown below (the
message is editable, the text below is provided as an example).
To correct the data and initiate the renewal request, access the "Update Now" button:

If you do not want to complete the certificate renewal request yet, click the "Back"
button at the top of the screen (right corner) to return to the application homepage.

! We recommend you return and complete the certificate renewal procedure by

the date mentioned in the message displayed on the flowSIGN home page.
Should you fail to complete the renewal procedure by the time the digital
certificate expires, you will no longer be able to apply the electronic signature,
which is technically disabled (in which case you need to resume the identification
process in order for a new certificate to be issued).

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The reason your request was rejected for is displayed as a message at the top of the
user's details.
Correct the erroneous data reported in the message.
Further on, upload a clear full-size photo (JPEG, PNG, etc.) of the identity card/
passport and hit the "Register" button (= Register):

At the next step, after having applied the corrections, repeat the steps you followed
when you submitted the initial application for a new certificate for remote signing to
be issued, namely: read and accept the terms and conditions and to continue, check
the box next to “I agree to the terms and conditions” and access the “Sign” button.
To sign the request, enter the code received via SMS (authenticator), then hit the "OK"
At the end, you will receive the following confirmation message "Your request has been
submitted for approval".

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You will be redirected to the main screen and you can start using the application.

The warning regarding the need to renew your user certificate will no longer be
displayed on the screen, if the renewal application is under validation by a Certsign

If the data provided is correct, the user will receive a notification, as mentioned in:
14.1.1. Case A: The data match.

15. Re-enrollment
15.1.1 User with enrollment rights

A flow initiator who has the right to enroll other users can Re-enroll a user whose
certificate has expired in two ways, as needed:
1) From the FlowSign menu, by accessing the “Go to Re-enrollment” option:

In the next step, fill in the e-mail address of the user to be re-enrolled, then click the
"Search" button:

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Once the user is identified by the system, the message related to the expiration of the
user's certificate is displayed (“The certificate for ……….. expired. Please enter the user
info in the form below”). The fields with the corresponding information to the profile
on which the user is already enrolled will be displayed.
The user profiles can be different, and the re-enrollment initiator can change the profile
by choosing from the available list (depending on the profiles available for that
The initiator should fill in the necessary data, corresponding to the displayed form, and
for confirmation, he will access the "Register" button:

A confirmation for the successful registration of the user's re-enrollment request will
be displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Depending on the profile selected by the initiator, the user whose certificate has
expired, after logging in to the flowSIGN application, will go through the appropriate
steps for re-enrollment and identification.

2) When initiating a flow for which the user will be designated as a signer:
In the step number  of the flow, the initiator will type in the e-mail address of the
user who has an expired certificate and then will access the "ADD" button.
As soon as the user is identified by the system, the message related to the expiration
of the user's certificate will be displayed (“The certificate for ……….. expired. Please
enter the user info in the form below”). The fields with the corresponding information
to the profile on which the user is already enrolled will be displayed.
The user profiles can be different, and the re-enrollment initiator can change the profile
by choosing from the available list (depending on the profiles available for that

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Depending on the profile selected by the initiator, the user whose certificate has
expired, after logging in to the flowSIGN application, will go through the appropriate
steps for re-enrollment and identification.

The initiator will fill in the necessary data, corresponding to the displayed form, and if
the profile requires, he will upload a clear full-size photo (JPEG, PNG, etc.) of the
identity document (ID card / passport). To confirm, click the "Register" button:

The initiator will continue the steps to initiate the signing flow.

Note: If a user is enrolled with a profile that does not allow the certificate to be
reissued, at the moment the certificate has expired, it will no longer be possible to
assign the user to the flow and an error message will be displayed:

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15.1.2 User without enrollment rights

To re-enroll a user with an expired certificate, the initiator without user enrollment
rights must contact a person within the company who has the right to enroll/re-enroll
1) The option “Go to Reenrollment” from the FlowSign menu is not available for
a user without enrollment rights:

2) A flow initiator without enrollment rights will not be allowed to enroll a user
with an expired certificate, even if he initiates a flow for which that user is
designated as a signer.
The initiator without user enrollment rights will receive an error message about
adding a user with expired certificate to a flow:

Note: If a user’s certificate expired after the user had been added to the flow,
when initiating the signing, he/she will receive an error message like the one below
(“Your certificate has expired. The flow initiator was notified, please contact him”),

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and the flow initiator is notified by e-mail about the user attempting to sign with an
expired certificate for which the re-enrollment is required:

To re-enroll the user whose certificate has expired, follow the steps at 15.1.1.

Notes: Depending on how your flowSIGN account is structured, it is possible to

set up a notification to be sent to all initiators with user enrollment rights, when
a user with an expired certificate tries to sign the flow.

16. Auto-Enrollment
Enrolling a user can be requested from flowSIGN by a user who has the Auto-
Enrollment option active (user who has the right to enroll other users) by accessing
the arrow in the FlowSign menu and then the option “Go to Auto-Enrollment”:

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The applicant will choose for the person to be enrolled, the desired profile from the
dropdown list:

He /she will fill in an identifier for the person to be enrolled and, depending on the
permissions, he/she will be able to choose if the person to be enrolled will be allowed
to create flows.
Then the applicant will access the “Generate invite” button:

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The link for access and the generated authorization code should to be sent by the
initiator of the invitation to the person invited for enrollment.
We recommend the transmission of the access link and authorization code to be
performed separately, using two different communication channels (the access
link on one channel, for example e-mail, and the authorization code through another
communication channel, for example via SMS):

The user may choose to generate the enrollment invitations for multiple people. To
generate an invitation for a new person, access the “Generate new invite” button.
To send new invitations, re-access this button after you have finished sending the
details to each new guest.
A new access link and a new authorization code will be generated for each invitation.

! An access link can only be used once.

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The person invited will access the received link, and in the "Authorization Code" field
will type the authorization code received from the initiator of the invitation:

Next, the user performing his/her registration, will follow the enrollment steps (please
check chapter 4. User registration).

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