The Sacrifical Offerings

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PURPOSE PURPOSE Sacrifices in the

The sin offering (also called the purification offering)
The trespass/guilt offering (also called the reparation
offering) offered expiation for sins against both God
dealt with purifying sinners against defilement. In es- and other men. They dealt with breaches of covenant
sence, it “purifies” the sinner rendering him/her loyalty, the profanation of holy property and relation-
“clean.” ships. Its goal was reconciliation. These sins included:
Sacrifice was an act of
those against self, against God, and against mankind.
Its purpose was to cover sins of ignorance and/or atonement. If man wanted to
Against Self: have relationship with God,
those committed unintentionally. Leviticus 6:28. The
it was very costly. Due to
atonement offered by the sacrifice relieved the offeror  concealing the truth their sin, great sacrifice was
from his/her impurity before God.  contamination required; God's holiness
requires a blood sacrifice.
 careless talk
The sacrifices in the Old Testament are often bro-
Portions of this offering could be consumed by the  using things dedicated to God for personal gain ken into two categories, ‘seraph’ and “gatar”. The
priests, but only under particular circumstances:  ignorant sins committed against God's law first group were shameful offerings, due to the sin
of the offeror. The second group of offerings were
First, if the offering was made on behalf of the con- Against mankind: given to express thankfulness to God. These were
gregation or the priests, it could not be eaten. Instead,  distrustful; lying to a neighbor pleasant offerings; a sweet aroma to the Lord.
the remaining meat of the animal must be burned out- “Gatar” means a sweet smelling odor rising UP to
 dishonesty between partners God. “Saraph” means to consume with intense
side of the camp. Second, if the offering was made on
behalf of individuals or leaders, it could be consumed  despoiling (taking by violence) heat, signified wrath coming DOWN.
by the priests. However, this is a Most Holy offering
 denial of property
and could only be consumed within the tabernacle SWEET OFFERINGS (GATAR)
gate. It could not be consumed by the priest’s family. CONSUMPTION?
Third, the fat and blood always belong to God. These
must not be part of the consumed portions.  Burnt Offering
Potions of this offering could be consumed by the
 Grain (Meal) Offering
priests. However, as with the sin offering, this is a Most
STEPS Holy offering, and could only be consumed within the  Peace (Fellowship) Offering
tabernacle gate.
First, The animal was brought to the tabernacle
entrance for sacrifice (based on what the SYMBOLISM OF THE SARAPH FFERINGS
offeror can afford). The animal had to be male and
without blemish. Second, the offeror placed his hands  The sinfulness of man requires atonement to escape
on the animal, transferring his sins to the animal and the punishment for sin.  Sin Offering
the sacrificial benefits to him/herself. Third, the ani-
mal was slaughtered; the blood was sprinkled in the  The consequences of one man’s sin are first found  Guilt Offering
holy place, on the horns of the altar of incense, and in his relationship with God, and secondly found in
the bottom of the brazen altar his relationship with fellow man.
 The holiness of God, His people and His property is
to be taken with utmost seriousness.
The peace offering (also called fellowship offering)
was a celebration of peace ALREADY made with
The burnt offering was a sweet aroma to the Lord, The grain offering was a sweet smelling sacrifice which God. It was a sweet smelling sacrifice in which the
involving total consecrated sacrifice of an animal. The often accompanied the burnt offering. It involved the offeror gave an animal as a sacrifice and shared a por-
animal had to be male and without blemish, based on offeror giving cooked or uncooked bread. The offering tion in a covenant meal. There were three categories
what the offeror could afford. This was a very costly HAD to include the following: of peace offerings: praise, vow, and freewill offerings.
sacrifice, since no portion would be kept by the
 Fine frankincense
priests. These offerings were given in either petition Praise offering: giving thanks to God for what he has
or praise, with the offerer acknowledging his/her need  Flour done.
for and commitment to the grace of God.  Oil Vow offering: a sacrifice given for answered prayer.
 Salt Freewill offering: an offering voluntarily and freely
CONSUMPTION? offered to God.

No portion of this offering was to be consumed by the
Portions of this offering could be consumed by the Portions of this offering could be consumed by both
priests or lay people.
priests, but only within the tabernacle gate as it was a the priests and lay people with stipulations based on
Most Holy offering. the category. Praise offerings must be consumed on
STEPS OF THE SACRIFICE the first day. Vow & Freewill offerings must be con-
sumed by the second day.
First, the animal was brought to the entrance of the
tabernacle. Second, the offeror laid a hand on the head First, the offeror prepares the grain and brings it to the STEPS OF THE SACRIFICE
of the animal~ transferring the benefits of the subse- priest. Second, the priest takes handful off the grain and
quent offering to the offeror. Third, the animal was burns it on the altar (a memorial portion). Third, the
First, the animal could be chosen by the offeror,
killed and placed upon the altar. Fourth, the animal remainder of the offering goes to feed the priests and
because it was to be shared in a covenant meal with
was burned in its entirety, offered as a complete and their sons.
the Lord. Second, contrary to the burnt offering, only
total offering to God.
the fat and kidneys were sacrificed in this offering.
SYMBOLISM OF THE GRAIN OFFERING Third, the remainder of the animal was eaten by the

 It was an act of worship where the offeror SYMBOLISM OF THE SACRIFICE

 Atonement requires a substitute; before a Holy acknowledged need for God’s grace and favor for
God, men needed to provide an offering before basic needs.
approaching Him.  This offering expresses and celebrates the peace
 It showed the costliness of sacrifice: flour, oil, and between the Israelites and God.
 The sacrifice to God by Christ was a frankincense were very expensive.
 They have peace with God, peace from God and
COMPLETE and TOTAL sacrifice.  It emphasized the covenant relationship with the the peace of God.
Lord: God takes care of His people.
 This sacrifice served primarily as a communion
 Christian worship requires a complete and total supper between God and His people. It celebrated
consecration of the self to God. the covenant promises of God, which made recon-
ciliation possible.

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