Magnetism - MR Njeka

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You are probably most familiar with magnets as referred to as non-magnetic materials.
providing a way to attract some other things. A Magnetism is the phenomena arising from the
magnet is the natural substance that attracts force caused by magnets. This is the force of
certain substances like iron or nickel by the force attraction or repulsion. Magnetic materials can
of attraction. The ‘certain’ substances attracted also me made magnets in an artificial way. They
by magnets are called magnetic materials and can be made of desired shape and size and of the
iron is such a material. Some substances like desired magnetic field.
wood are not attracted by magnets are thus

Magnetism affects the daily lives of people in a in sound- and video-recording equipment, and
number of ways, including contributing to magnetic recording material is used on
advances in medicine and personal safety. computer disks.
Magnets are used in many electronic machines Magnets are also applied in the medical sciences.
and devices. Modern day applications are Some of such applications include magnet
widespread and cover almost all areas. The list therapy used for the pain management without
of important technological applications of use of medicines, use of magnets to stimulate the
magnetism is very long. For instance, large nerves in the human body and enhance blood
electromagnets are used to pick up heavy loads. circulation, and the uses the magnets to cure
Magnets are also used in meters, motors, and arthritis, gout, spondylitis and other problems
loudspeakers. Magnetic tapes are routinely used related to the nervous system among others.

Fig. 1.1: Maglev train. (Source:

Fig. 1.1 shows a maglev train. This is a train that combines high-speed with a smooth ride and quiet
operation. The magnetic levitation train rides on a cushion created by the electromagnetic repulsion
between on-board magnets and other magnets embedded in the trackway below the train. The train
thus does not run on wheels. As a result, the ride is very smooth and there is no metal-to-metal contact
to generate noise and steel dust.

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Magnets are substances that attract certain types of materials, known as magnetic materials.
Lodestone, discovered by the Chinese 2,000 years ago was found to attract other materials. Magnetism
can be defined as a force of attraction or repulsion that acts at a distance.

Magnetic and non-magnetic materials

In terms of magnetism, materials are classified based on how they behave when they are near a
magnet. In general, materials can either be magnetic or non-magnetic. Magnetic materials can be
thought of as materials that are attracted by magnets. Examples include iron, steel, cobalt, tin and
nickel. Non-magnetic materials are those that cannot be attracted by magnets. Wood, glass and
copper are examples of non-magnetic substances.
Finer classification of materials based on their behaviour in a magnetic field include,
 Ferromagnetic materials: materials that are strongly attracted by magnets. Examples iron, nickel,
 Paramagnetic materials: Materials that are weakly attracted such that the magnet seems to have no
effect on them are called (mostly non-magnetic materials). Good examples include aluminium and
 Diamagnetic materials: Materials that are weakly repelled by strong magnets. Carbon graphite
and Bismuth are good examples of strong diamagnetic materials.
Shapes of magnets
Magnets come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Every different shape has a special name. The most
common shapes include bar, horseshoe, ring, cylindrical and a number of other unique forms. See Fig.

Fig. 1.2: Common shapes of magnets

In most cases, bigger magnets are stronger, but now always. Small magnets can be enhanced to
increase strength by using different materials. Each magnet’s shape has an influence how it is used.
Ring magnets, for example, are used in loudspeakers while circular magnets are used in doors.

Properties of magnets
Generally, magnetics behaves in certain unique ways. These are the properties of magnets. They
Directional property
When a magnet is suspended freely with a string, it always settles in a north-south direction. The side
facing north is the North Pole while South Pole is the side facing pointing to the south.
Activity 1.1: Directional property of a magnet
The requirements are a bar magnet, a thread and a retort stand.
 Tie the thread at the centre of the magnetic
 Suspend the bar magnet on a retort stand

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 Displace the magnet and allow it to swing freely until it stops.

 Try this different times at different places

Fig. 1.3: Directional property of a magnet

In this activity, it is observed that the magnet rests in one particular direction all the time. This
direction is always north-south. See Fig. 1.3. This is caused by the earth’s magnetic field. The north
pole of a magnet ‘seeks’ the north pole of the earth as the south pole of the magnet ‘seeks’ the south
pole of the earth. The north pole of a magnetic is therefore referred to as the north seeking pole while
the south pole is called the south seeking pole. This is the method used to identify unknown poles of
a magnet as well identifying magnets from a set of materials. In such problems, the materials are freely
suspended and allowed to settle. Those that always points in north-south direction are the magnets.
Note: The working of a magnetic compass is based on principle that when a magnet is freely suspended, it freely
rests in the north-south direction. A magnetic compass has a small magnetic suspended on a pivot.

Magnetic poles
Magnets are double-poled substances with both North and South poles. When a bar magnet is cut in
half, two smaller magnets are produced, each with its own north and south poles. What if you cut the
half-bar-magnet? You will still obtain two smaller magnets, each with its own north and south poles
as shown in

Fig. 1.4: Magnetic poles

There cannot be a single poled magnet. This can be explained under domain theory of magnetism
(later in this topic).
Strength of the magnet
The strength of a magnet is concentrated at the poles. This can be shown by dipping the magnet into
iron fillings or by sprinkling iron fillings on a magnet.
Activity 1.2: Strength of a magnet
The requirements are a bar magnet, iron filings in a small box.
 Dip the magnet in iron fillings

Fig. 1.5: A magnet dipped in iron filings to show where magnetic force is strongest
As shown in Fig. 1.5, it is observed that more iron filings cling to the poles. This is an indication that
the strength of a magnet is not uniform along the length of the bar magnet. Magnetic force is stronger
at the poles of a magnet.

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Law of magnetism
If two bar magnets are pushed together end to end, they will either attract each other or repel each
other, depending on which poles are used.
Activity 1.3: Investigating law of magnetism
The requirements are two bar magnets, threads and a stand.
 Suspend a bar magnet as shown in figure, so that it can freely rotate.
 Allow it to come to rest. You will notice that it remains in north-south direction.
 Bring N pole of second bar magnet near N pole of the suspended bar magnet. What do you
 Now bring a S pole near the N pole of the suspended magnet. What do you observe?

Fig. 1.6
As shown in Fig. 1.6 (a) the N pole is the suspended magnet swings away. The N pole repels N pole. In
Fig. 1.6 (b), the N pole of the suspended magnet is pulled onto the S pole. The S pole attracts the N
pole. In each case, when like poles are near each other, there is repulsion and when there are unlike
poles near each other there is attraction. From this experiment, we can conclude that:
 Like poles repel each other, and
 Unlike poles attract each other.

Fig. 1.7: The law of magnetism

This is the law of magnetism, which states that;
Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

Note: Attraction is not the surest way to identify magnets.

Repulsion is the surest method of determining whether two substances are magnets. This is because a magnet
attracts all magnetic materials as well as an unlike pole of another magnet, but only repels if the other material is
a magnet, when a like pole is used.

Test yourself
1. Given two rods, one a bar magnet and the other an iron rod. Using a string, describe how you
would identify the bar magnet.
2. Describe an experiment to show that the strength of a magnet is at the poles
3. Give a reason why attraction as a method of identifying magnets may not give accurate results.
4. Explain how a magnetic compass identifies the north.
5. When you break a bar magnet in half, how many poles does each piece have?

Magnetic field
Consider an iron nail placed on a table and a magnet brought close to it from a distance. The nail is

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not attracted when the magnet is far away from it. But as the magnet moves closer, it get to a point
when the nail is finally attracted. This means that there is region around a magnet where its force can
be experienced. This region is known as magnetic field. Magnetic field is thus,
The region around a magnet where the strength of the magnet is felt.
This region can be seen by dipping a magnet in iron filings. See Fig. 1.8.

Fig. 1.8: A magnet in iron filings to show a magnetic field

Magnetic field lines

A Magnetic field is not visible but is shown by imaginary lines called magnetic field lines. A magnetic
field has a direction, which is shown by an arrow on the field lines. The direction of a magnetic field
at any point is the direction in which a free magnetic north pole would move if placed at that point in
the field. Therefore, arrows are put on field lines to show the direction of the force and point away from a N pole
towards a S pole. Their closeness is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field or of the force that
would be exerted by the magnet.
Activity 1.4: Plotting magnetic field lines
The requirements are a magnet, a piece of paper and iron filings in a salt shaker.
 Cover the magnet with the piece of paper
 Sprinkle the iron filings evenly over the covered magnet
 Sketch the observation
 Use a magnetic compass at various points to identify the direction of magnetic field and draw
magnetic field lines.

Fig. 1.9: Magnetic field lines

Fig. 1.9 (a) shows the observation made. The iron filings line up with the magnetic field. Each iron
behaves like a tiny bar magnetic, so when exposed to a magnetic field all the tiny bar magnetic try to
line up with the magnetic field lines. This pattern represents magnetic field lines that can be drawn
and direction shown with the help of a magnetic compass as shown in Fig. 1.9 (b)

Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines along the direction of force of the magnetic field
Characteristics of magnetic field lines
 Magnetic field lines of force start from the North Pole and end at the South Pole.
 Magnetic lines of force cannot intersect each other.
 They are closer where the field is stronger
 They repel each other sideways and form closed paths without intersecting
Fig. 1.10 shows how magnetic field lines are drawn to interpret the strength of a magnet, or a magnetic

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Fig. 1.10: Strength of a magnetic field interpreted from magnetic field lines
Magnetic field lines have no beginning or end. Rather, they always form a closed loop. In a permanent magnet,
the field lines actually continue within the magnet itself to form a closed loop. (These lines are not shown in

Magnetic field patterns

For every type of a magnet, magnetic field pattern can be drawn by the help of iron fillings. Fig. 1.11
for example, shows the magnetic field patterns of a bar magnet and a horseshoe magnet respectively.

Fig. 1.11: Magnetic field patterns of a bar magnet and a horseshoe magnet

Magnetic field patterns between two or more magnetic poles

The combined field due to two neighbouring magnetic poles can also be plotted to give patterns like those in Fig. 1.12.

Fig. 1.12
Fig. 1.12. (a) two unlike poles are close to each other. This filed pattern is similar to that produced between the poles of a
u-shaped magnet and a horseshoe magnet as shown in Fig. 1.11 (b). Fig. 1.12. (b) shows repulsion where two like poles
are facing each other. The point X is called a neutral point. At X the field due to one magnet cancels out that due to
the other and there is no magnetic field hence no lines of force.
Fig. 1.13 below shows three more magnetic patterns between a set of magnetic poles.

Fig. 1.13: Magnetic field pattern

Understanding magnetism: Domain theory of magnetism.

In ferromagnetic substances dipoles (small atomic magnets) form large groups called domains. These
dipoles face in one direction in a domain. But the domains may face in one or different directions. In
an un-magnetized material, dipoles in different domains face in different directions hence their
resultant magnetism is zero. See Fig. 1.14.

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Fig. 1.14: Unmagnetised magnetic material

When a magnetic material is placed in a magnetic field (or is being magnetized) the dipoles start
aligning in one direction. This way, the material starts becoming a magnet. See Fig. 1.15 (a). This
continues until a point when all domains face the same direction. At the point, the material is said to
saturated as shown in Fig. 1.15 (b).

Fig. 1.15: Magnetisation process

When a material is fully magnetized we say it is saturated. This means that the magnetism of the
material cannot be increased by any other method.
Graph of magnetization method against magnetism
When a material is being magnetized by any method, its magnetism increases with until a
maximum point where magnetism cannot be increased anymore. This is the point of saturation.

Fig. 1.16
Non-magnetic materials do not have domains. The dipoles are so randomly arranged such that they cannot
achieve any alignment during the process of magnetization. See Fig. 1.17.

Fig. 1.17 Non-magnetic material

Hard and soft magnetic materials

Magnetic materials are classified as magnetically hard or soft, depending on the extent to which they retain
their magnetism.
 Soft magnetic materials, such as iron, are easily be magnetized but also tend to lose their
magnetism easily. They are used to make temporary magnets.
 Hard magnetic materials, such as steel and cobalt, are difficult to magnetize, but once they are
magnetized, they tend to retain their magnetism. They are used to make permanent magnets.
Making magnets (Magnetization)
Just as two materials, such as rubber and wool, can become charged after they are rubbed together,
an unmagnetized magnetic material like iron can become a magnet through appropriate means. For
example, if a piece of iron is placed near a strong permanent magnet, the piece of iron will eventually
become magnetized. The following methods can be used to make magnets.
Magnetization by induction
This is a process by which a magnetic material becomes a magnet by being placed in a magnetic field.
If an iron piece is placed near the north pole of a magnet, the magnetic field through it affects its
magnetic dipoles. The dipoles get aligned in one direction to produce a south pole near the north pole
of the magnet. Hence by induction, the iron piece obtains the properties of magnetism. See Fig. 1.18.

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Fig. 1.18: Magnetic induction of a magnetic material

Note that magnetic induction is only possible when the material is magnetic. If the material is
not magnetic, then the magnetic field would not be affected. Fig. 1.19 shows a copper rod (non-
magnetic) between two magnet poles. The magnetic field lines are not affected since induction
does not occur.

Fig. 1.19: A non-magnetic material in a magnetic field

Magnetism by induction can also be observed by carrying out the activity below

Activity 1.5: Magnetisation by induction

The requirements are a magnet, several thumb pins.
 Attach one thumb pin one pole of the magnet
 Bring another thumb pin on the first one as shown in Fig. 1.20
 Continue adding more pins
 Detach the first pin from the magnet and observe what happens

Fig. 1.20: Magnetisation by induction of thumb pins

The thumb pins are observed to stick on other. The thumb pins become magnets by induction as long as the
first pin is attached to the magnet. The pins attain opposite poles at the ends as shown. When the first clip is
detached from the magnet, all the pins fall. This is because they all loose magnetism. The poles of the
subsequent pins are such that they acquire an opposite pole to the pole at the point attached. This is why the
clips would repel if two of them were attached to the magnet close to each other as shown in Fig. 1.21.

Fig. 1.21

Magnetization by stroking
The object to be magnetized is placed on a bench then a bar magnet is dragged along the length of the
bar from one end to the other. This is repeated several times and the object becomes magnetized.
There are two types of stroking; single-stroke and double-stroke.
Single stroke
A magnetic material is stroked with the same pole of the permanent magnet from one end to the other
end in one direction. Fig. 1.22 shows a unmagnetised steel bar being stroked several times by a
permanent magnet. The bar is stroked every time by the same pole (N pole) of the permanent magnet
from one end to the other end in one direction. The magnet is lifted sufficiently high above the steel
bar between successive stoke.

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Fig. 1.22: Single stroking method of magnetisation

The steel bar would eventually become a magnet. Note that the pole produced at the end of the steel
bar (S pole) is opposite to the stroking pole used.

Double stroke
The steel bar can also be magnetised using two permanent magnets. This speeds up the magnetising
process. Two opposite poles are used to stroke the steel bar from the centre to outwards. See Fig. 1.23.
The use of opposite poles helps in producing a magnetized steel bar with two opposite poles at the

Fig. 1.23: Double stroking method of magnetisation

 When using two magnets, the stroking pole used in each magnet has to be opposite, and they stroke the steel
bar in opposite directions.
 Using two magnets to stroke magnetizes faster than that using one magnet.
 Both stroking methods only produces weak magnets.

Consequent poles
This a situation in which a bar magnet acquires same poles at the ends and an opposite pole at the
middle. This is can be achieved when a bar is stroked with same poles of two magnets, as in Fig. 1.24.

Fig. 1.24: Consequent poles resulting for double stroke

One should therefore never assume, that a bar magnet always has opposite poles at its ends.
Magnetization by electric current
This is the use of magnetic effect of an electric current through a solenoid (insulated wire of many
turns). When direct current flows through a solenoid, a magnetic field is created. When a magnetic material
rod is placed inside the solenoid, the rod becomes magnetized. The magnetic material placed inside the
solenoid is referred to as a core.
Activity 1.6: Magnetisation by induction
The requirements are a solenoid (a coil of insulated copper wire), an iron nail, d.c supply, rheostat,

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connecting wires, a switch and iron fillings.

 Connect the solenoid to a direct current (d.c) supply.
 Place the iron nail inside the solenoid.
 Switch on the d.c supply
 While still connected, move the nail near iron fillings. See Fig. 1.26.
 Switch off the d.c supply

Fig. 1.25: Magnetising an iron nail by electrical method

When current is switched on, the steel nail attracts the iron filings after some time. Flowing current in the
solenoid has a magnetic effect around the wire which magnetizes the iron nail. This kind of a magnet is called
an electromagnet. When the circuit is witched off, the iron filings are seen to fall off from the nail. The iron
nail loses magnetism when current stops flowing. A d.c can therefore be used to produce permanent magnets
especially when steel rods are used. In fact, electrical method is the most effective method of magnetization.
It is much quicker than stroking method and produces strong magnets.
The poles of the magnet in electrical method can be determined by a simple method known as the
Flemings Right Hand Grip rule. This rules states that,
When the fingers of a right hand are curled in the direction of the conventional current in the
solenoid and the extended thumb, the thumb points to the north pole.

Fig. 1.26: Flemings right hand grip rule

This rule as can be used to identify the poles of a core in a solenoid when a current is passed through
it. In order to successfully apply this rule, the following steps are used
 Sketch the direction of current on the wire at the positive terminal, then on the wires over the
 Grip (or imagine to grip) the solenoid with the right hand such that the fingers are curled in
the direction of current flow.
 The stretched thumb represents the North pole of a magnet.
Fig. 1.27 shows how to apply the Flemings Right Hand Grip rule.

Fig. 1.27: Applying the Flemings Right Hand Grip rule

Factors affecting the strength of the electromagnet

The following can be varied in activity 1.6 in order to how they affect the strength of the iron nail as a
 Changing the amount of current. An ammeter is added in the circuit and the rheostat varied to
increase the amount of current.
 The number of turns per unit length in the solenoid. This is can be done by winding more turns

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of the copper wire over the iron nail.

 Changing the length of the solenoid. Using a linger solenoid.
 Changing the core type. Using a different magnetic material than the iron nail like a steel nail
 Trying a different shape of the core. For example, using u-shaped nail.
The effect of the above variables on magnetism is identified by looking at how much iron filings are
attracted. When done, the following are the observations made in each case,
 Increasing the amount of current increases the amount of iron filings attracted on the iron
nail. This implies that the higher the amount of current through the solenoid, the stronger the
 Increasing the number of turnings per unit length of the solenoid increases the amount of iron
filings attracted on the iron nail. This implies that the higher the number of turns per unit
length of the solenoid, the stronger the magnet.
 Increasing the length of the solenoid increases the amount of iron filings attracted on the iron
nail. This implies that the longer the solenoid, the stronger the electromagnet.
 Changing the type of the core affects the amount of iron filings attracted, how fast they are
attracted and how long they remain attracted when the current is switched off. For example,
when a steel nail is used, it takes longer for the iron filings to be attracted. When the current
is switched off, it also takes longer for the iron filings to fall off from the steel nail. This implies
that it takes longer for steel to be magnetised. Steel also retains magnetism for a longer time
than iron.
 Changing the shape of the core to u-shaped increase the amount of iron filings attracted.
In summary, the following are the factors affecting the strength of an electromagnet
i. Amount of current: Large current causes a stronger electromagnet
ii. Length of the solenoid: A longer solenoid produces a stronger electromagnet
iii. Type of the core: Some materials like iron are easily magnetized while others like steel are not
easily magnetized.
iv. Shape of the core: A u-shaped core causes a stronger electromagnet than a straight core.
v. Number of turns per unit length of the solenoid: higher number of turns per unit length of the
solenoid produces a stronger electromagnet.

Demagnetizing is the process of removing magnetic properties of a magnet. It involves altering the
alignment of domains in a magnet. The following methods are which a magnet can lose its magnetism;
 Hammering a magnet with its poles facing E-W direction. Hammering disarranges the dipoles
as the earth’s magnetic field rearrange the dipole to face same direction
 Heating the magnet strongly
 Placing a magnet inside a solenoid and passing an a.c. current through it for a short time. An
alternating current is an electric current which varies its direction many times per second. This
changes the orientation of dipoles in the domains many times per second leading to
disorganized domains.

Magnetic shielding
Have you ever wondered about how to shield a magnet? Can a magnetic field be blocked so that it does
not get to a particular region? Can a sensitive device therefore be shielded from magnetic fields?
Magnetic shielding is to prevent magnetic field lines from reaching the magnetic sensitive equipment
whose operation may be affected by the fields. In other words, magnetic field is redirected by a
magnetic shield. Magnetic shielding involves putting a ferromagnetic material in the path of a
magnetic field. Such a material, like iron concentrates the magnetic field lines and divert them out
from the ends. A non-magnetic material has no effect on magnetic field and thus magnetic field lines
passes through them. Fig. 1.28 shows this contrast.

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Fig. 1.28: Effect of materials in a magnetic field

Activity 1.6: Invesigating magnetic shielding

The requirements are a strong magnet, two pieces of cardboard of equal size, two thin wooden rods,
paper clips, a plastic ruler and a steel knife and glue
 Connect the solenoid to a direct current (d.c) supply.
 Place the wooden rods parallel to each other and glue the two cardboards one on top and the
other on the bottom of the rods
 Place the magnet on top of the cardboard
 Raise the office pins one at a time to the bottom side and notice what happens. The pins should
be attracted to the magnet and so will hang from the bottom of the cardboard.
 Insert the plastic ruler into the space between the cardboards, move it around, and notice what
happens. The paper clips should be unaffected.
 Now insert the flat blade of a steel knife into the space between the cardboards, move it from
side to side, and notice what happens. Do the paper clips fall off?

Fig. 1.29
The magnetic field of the magnets passes through the cardboards and the space between them hence
attracting the pins. A plastic ruler is a non-magnetic material and has no effect on the magnetic field.
When inserted between the boards, the magnetic field passes through it unaffected and the pins
remains attracted. The steel knife on the other hand is magnetic as affects the magnetic field. It thus
acts as a magnetic shield. For this reason, the magnetic field does not reach the bottom cardboard.
The pins fall off. The region below the knife do not have a magnetic field and is thus shielded.
Fig. 1.30 shows how an iron rod and an iron ring shields the regions marked ‘X’.

Fig. 1.30
The neutral points marked ‘X’ do not have magnetic field. Watches (non-digital), electron beams in
cathode ray tubes and TV sets are shielded from external magnetic fields by placing a soft-iron cylinder
around the neck of the tube or watch.
Storing magnets
Magnets should be stored in pairs with unlike poles adjacent to each other attached to pieces of soft
iron called keepers.

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The keepers ensure that dipoles are arranged in closed loops hence maintaining their alignment. This
therefore retains magnetism in the magnets.

Maintaining magnets
i. Magnets should not be hammered especially with their poles facing E-W direction.
ii. Magnets should not be heated strongly or dropped roughly on hard surfaces.
iii. Magnets should not be placed near alternating currents.
iv. Magnets should be kept dry and clean since rust can make them lose their magnetism.

Uses of magnets
i. Used in making other magnets
ii. Used in making loud speakers
iii. Used in making moving coil meters
iv. Used in making telephone speakers.

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Magnetism Topical Questions

1. State the law of magnetism.
2. State and explain the functions of the keeper when storing magnets.
3. Fig. 1.31 below shows a steel bar to be magnetized.

Fig. 1.31
Complete the circuit such that both poles P and Q acquire opposite polarity (South - North
4. Fig. 1.32 below shows a bar magnet. Point A and B are in front of the magnet.

Fig. 1.32
On the axis provided, sketch a graph showing how the magnetic field strength changes from A to

5. Using domain theory, explain the process of magnetization.

6. Fig. 1.33 below shows a block of copper placed between two poles of a magnet. Complete the
diagram to magnetic field lines.

Fig. 1.33
7. An iron ring is placed between two magnets as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 1.34
a. Sketch the magnetic field pattern between the poles and mark the neutral point, X on the
b. State one application of the concept tested above.
8. State one application of soft iron in magnetism.
9. Two magnets A and B in Fig. 1.35 were brought from a point high above a table towards a steel

Fig. 1.35
State with a reason which magnet will attract the pin at a bigger height above the table.
10. Fig. 1.36 below represents a soft iron bar being magnetized

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Fig. 1.36
Explain the shape of the graph.
11. A ferromagnetic material was magnetized using single stroking method. Sketch a graph to show
how the strength of the magnet being created varies with the number of strokes
12. Explain in terms of domain theory what happens when a bar magnet is placed in a solenoid in
which an alternating current flows.
13. The figure below shows two magnets being used to strike a steel bar.

a. Identify he method of making magnets represented by the diagram.

b. Identify the polarity of A and B
14. The figure shows an electromagnet. State the polarities at X and Y


15. One method of producing a weak magnet is to hold a steel rod in the North -South direction and
then hammer it continuously for some time. Using domain theory of magnetism explain how this
method works.
16. Use domain theory to differentiate between magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
17. You are given three bars. One is magnetized with opposite poles at its ends. Another is magnetized
with consequent poles. The third is not magnetized. Describe an experiment which you would
perform to identify each.
18. Figure below shows a U-shaped magnet stored with a keeper.

Fig. 1.37
Explain how this method helps to retain magnetism longer.
19. A soft iron bar AB is placed in a magnetic field of a horse shoe magnet as shown below. What are
the polarities of A and B?

Fig. 1.38

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20. Give a reason why attraction in magnetism is not regarded as a reliable method of testing for
21. Two similar razor blades were placed on a wooden block and the other on an iron block as in figure

It was observed that the razor blade on the wooden block is attracted by the magnet while that on
the iron block was not. Explain
22. Use Fig. 1.39 below to answer the questions that follows.

Fig. 1.39
a. Show the direction of the current on the turns when the switch S is closed.
b. State the polarity at P
c. Explain using domain theory what happens on the soft iron bar
d. If steel bar was used instead, what could be the difference?

Checkpoint KCSE Physics Form Two: By Mr. Njeka-0723054060: “We all are smart in Physics” 16

Magnetism Topical Answers

No. Answer changes the orientation of dipoles in
1. Like pole repel while unlike pole the domains many times per second
attract leading to disorganized domains. This
2. The keepers acquire opposite polarity demagnetises the bar magnet
and keep the dipoles in a closed loop 13. a. Double stroke
retaining their magnetic strength. b. A = South B = North
3. Electrical method 14. X- South Y-South
15. Hammering causes domains to vibrate.
As they settle, some face or align
north-south due to earth’s magnetic
16. Magnetic materials have their domains
4. Magnetic strength is high at the poles, pointing in closed loops while in non-
less at the middle but not zero. The magnetic materials domains point in
curve not to touch the x axis (not zero) different directions
17. Suspend all and let them settle freely.
The one that settle in N - S direction is
magnetised with opposite poles at the
ends. Use the magnetized bar to
identify the other two.
5. Every magnetic material consists of 18. The keeper is magnetized- this makes
tiny particles known as dipoles. In the dipoles to form a closed loop
non-magnetized material, the dipoles 19. A-North pole, B-South pole
of different domains face in different 20. Attraction occurs between unlike poles
directions. Magnetization involves of a magnet and can also occur
aligning the dipoles to face in one between a magnet and unmagnetised
direction. When all diploes face one magnetic material
direction, no further magnetization can 21. The magnet induces magnetism into
be added;(magnetic saturation) the razor which in turn Induces the
6. iron block hence the razor remains
attracted to the iron block

Copper is not magnetic material, so it

has no effect in a magnetic field
7. b. P is South Pole.
c. Dipoles in the domain are aligned in
the process of magnetism
d. Steel retains magnetism than soft
bar. Steel will also take longer to be
Being a magnetic material, iron ring magnetized.
has a shielding effect
b. shielding in watches, analogue
meters like ammeters
8. In electromagnets, in transformer core,
in motor core, in generator core
9. The more the magnetic field lines, the
stronger the magnet/magnetic field. A
10. Magnetism increases with strokes till

12. The alternating current varies its

direction many times per second. This

Checkpoint KCSE Physics Form Two: By Mr. Njeka-0723054060: “We all are smart in Physics” 17

Checkpoint KCSE Physics Form Two: By Mr. Njeka-0723054060 : “We all are smart in Physics”

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