Ed 327 Final Lesson Plan 2

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Step 1: Create the LP using this template and share with your CMT (in advance of your teaching).

Step 2: Implement
the LP and write a short reflection (see prompts at the bottom of your LP template).

Date: 3/13 Teacher Name & CMT: Ms. Crowe Class: Algebra

Grade Level: 8th Unit Name/Topic: Factoring / Solving by Roots Lesson Number: 4 Length: 35 minutes

Stage 1: Desired Results

Note: Only list the desired results that are relevant for THIS lesson plan, not the entire unit.

Academic Content Standard(s):


Solve linear equations and inequalities with rational number coefficients fluently, including those whose solutions
require expanding expressions using the distributive property and collecting like terms. Represent real-world
problems using linear equations and inequalities in one variable and solve such problems.

Enduring Understandings / Goals (Why): Essential Questions:

Students will understand how to approach a problem. Students will keep considering the old rules they have learned with
Students will understand the important reason why when taking a square
root you need the +- sign. Students will keep considering what they have learned and mastered
about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Students will understand how to analyze a problem.

Questions to elicit deeper thinking or build upon about the topic...

“Why do we need the +- symbol when taking a square root?”

“Why can we not take a square root of a negative number?”

“What happens when there is not a perfect square?”

More: What is the root of a graph? Why does a square root produce a
positive number and a negative number?

Student (SMART) Objectives(s):

Outcome(s) students will be able to demonstrate knowing the material by being able to appropriately take the square root of a number to find the roots
of the quadratic function.

SMART objectives are:

 Specific: Concrete, detailed, and well defined so that you know where you are going and what to expect when you arrive
 Measureable: Numbers and quantities provide means of measurement and comparison
 Achievable: feasible and easy to put into action
 Realistic: Considers constraints such as resources, personnel, cost, and time frame
 Time-Bound: A time frame helps to set boundaries around the objective

Stage 2: Evidence of Learning (Assessments)

Performance Task(s) tied to: Other Evidence
Students will show their learning by being able to use the new information Formative: Students will be formatively assessed by the teacher
and techniques they have learned to solve the problems they are given. when they are walking around the classroom to observe how
the students are handling the work. Students will also be
Students will show their learning by being able to use their knowledge of assessed through their participation.
square roots to find the ‘roots’ of a quadratic function.

Evaluative Criteria: Summative (if any beyond the performance task):

Students’ success would look like the students understanding the
information and being able to do the problems in an appropriate time.
Students’ success would look like the students being to independently
work on the problems.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

General Methods for Instruction:

(Highlight all that apply)
Group Discussion Guided Practice Question/Answer Teacher Modeling Problem-based Simulation Cooperative Learning Lab Learning

Stations Writing to Learn Inquiry Learning Independent Learning Small Group Direct Instruction Workshop Role Play Game


Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room or Other: Classroom

Targeted Support(s) for Diverse Learners Technology Integration (purpose):

Specific Support and Who will provide that

Use of smart board and iPad.
Why? What’s the intention
Needed (Special support?
Education Support (support be provided? and/or accommodations
and modifications):

- Teacher will provide students opportunities to ask questions.

- Teacher will be rotating around the classroom to see if any students may need
more help.
- Teacher will show different ways of explaining a specific topic of information
using different learning techniques

Intentional Co-Teaching or Grouping Strategies:

❏ 1 Teach 1 Observe (gather specific data)

❏ 1 Teach 1 Assist (float to support/engage)
❏ Parallel Teaching (same material/smaller groupings)
❏ Station Teaching (divide content, repeat to groups)
❏ Alternative Teaching (grouping specialized
❏ Team Teaching (delivering lesson together)

Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities

Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect Rationale: (Based
& build in checks for understanding) to prior knowledge & assets): on Research/theory)

3 minutes Observing and making sure students are grabbing their Students will read the board and grab their materials. Students will follow a routine
materials for the lesson. Students will answer the question of the day. that is familiar to them. They
Teacher will go over the question of the day with the class. can read the board to see what
they are doing today, what is
coming up, and the fun
question of the day.

4 minutes Teacher will read the prompt and ask the students to take a few Students will work independently or with their partner Minutes It is useful for the
moments to work the warm-up problem(s) on their own. to do the warmup problem(s). students to be able to work on
problems alone. By having a
warmup this allows the
students to get their minds
flowing on the subject.
Additionally, going over
something they have previously
learned before it is expanded
more in the upcoming lesson
will support their future

3 minutes Teacher will bring the class back together to go over the Students will be focusing their attention to the front of It is vital a student is seeing a
warmup problem(s). Teacher will work through the problem the classroom to see if they did the warmup problem(s) problem being worked out
with the class if there was confusion or also involve the students correctly or see how it is worked out. Students will correctly to gain more
to come up to the board or use the iPad to write down the contribute to any questions the teacher may ask such confidence in their
solution. as what the next steps are or what the answer is. mathematical skills.

20 minutes Teacher will have the students shift gears to note taking. For Students will take out their notebooks and begin Having the students work
this lesson the teacher will have the students open their writing all the notes that are on the board. Students through problems with the
notebook and have them start to copy the notes that are being will be actively listening and participating such as taking teacher is a great way for them
written on the board. The teacher will talk about main points of notes, asking questions, and trying the problems they to see patterns and understand
the lesson beforehand relating it to old information they have are assigned. Students will be respectful to the teacher concepts. Students are able to
learned. The teacher will walk the students through the first and the rest of the class when notes are happening to ask questions throughout the
problem so they can see the steps and what important ensure everyone is able to focus and retain the lesson which can be helpful to
information is new. Throughout the rest of the lesson the information being provided. clear any confusions students
teacher will encourage the students to try problems on their may have.
own and then come together afterwards to go over it. The
teacher will even encourage students to work a problem with
information they may have not learned yet to see if they will
pick it up themselves.
The teacher will be walking around during the time given to the
students to work on problems alone to help answer any
questions or see how the students are responding to the lesson.
The teacher will ensure to keep the students reminded of how
much time they have left to work on the problem before the
group will come back together to go over it.

3 minutes Minutes The teacher will go over the main points that were Students will be able to analyze what they learned Recapping what was learned in
learned throughout that specific lesson. The teacher will ask the during the lesson and are given the chance to ask any the lesson is very important as
students if they have any questions or if they may want to see questions they may have. it allows the students to be able
another problem. to hear and see what important
information they should be
pulling away from this lesson.

~ Minutes With whatever time is left the teacher will allow the students to Students will put away their materials and get ready to Having the students play a
play a friendly game of silent basketball. go to their next class. Students will be given the choice game can be a great way for
to participate in a class game before the bell. them to learn other social skills
or create bonds with their
classmates or teacher.
Data-Driven Reflection and Decisions
Based on the specific objective(s), Performance Task(s), and Evaluative Criteria set for today’s lesson, what was the result? How well did the
class do collectively on meeting the objective at the level you expected? Were there any patterns, collective misconceptions/gaps? Who needs
specific support/reteach? Now, justify your next step in planning. What will you do next? Why (research-based)? What do you anticipate the
result to be?

The students were able to pick up on the information quite well. Students were able to understand the key points of the lesson and the
required steps of finding the answer to their problems due to old and new knowledge. The class did very well in picking up the objectives of the
lesson which was expected. When the students were encouraged to try a problem that we knew would cause them to do extra thinking, a good
portion of the class figured out why the problem was not working. By teaching the students the definition of a root and what they are, this will help
the students in the future to understand what they are looking for when doing a problem centered around this lesson.

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