Environmental Impact Assessment (Eia)

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Landfill is the most common form of disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW)
in many countries. However, this system also causes the problem such as the
generation of leachate and biogas derived from the waste decomposition. Leachate is
defined as the liquid from the percolation of rainwater on the waste. It was generated
by municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills contains a high level of organic pollutants
arising from biological and physical-chemical processes within the controlled landfills.
Treatment of leachate can be difficult for a number of reasons:

 High concentrations of organic and inorganic pollutants

 Variability of the characteristics over times.
 Reaching standard quality before discharging into surface waters
 Reduce the load of leachate before discharge into surface waters

In case for mature leachates from (MSW) landfills, archiving the regulator levels
treatment is the greatest problem before it discharging into the sewage system
because it involves the high concentration of ammonium associated with the
biodegradability of the chemical oxygen demand (COD). The pollution of soil and water
from leachate can cause high probability outbreak of dangerous diseases especially
for the resident near landfills.

Table 1 Classification of landfill leachate according to the composition
changes (Alvarez-Vazquez et al., 2004; Chian and DeWalle, 1976).

Many treatment methods have been used to treat leachate, for example
advance oxidation techniques, membrane processes, biological processes,
coagulation-flocculation method and so on. For the characteristic change of leachate
in the past few years, these methods have some shortage such as efficiencies
decreasing and increasing cost. It is very important to determine proper method and
optimal operating conditions to dispose leachate. Achieving compatibility between the
maximum removal of pollutants from landfill leachate is a tough job. Therefore, this
research will focus in effective and economical treatment methods to solve this


1. To increase knowledge about wastewater treatment.

2. To know the effectiveness of wastewater treatment according to certain methods.

3. To find the best way to carry out treatment on contaminated water.





First route

In the early process for the first route, the raw leachate will be treated using
Fenton reagent (AOP-Fenton). Once finished, the leachate will be sent to
microfiltration unit (MF-1) in order to remove sludge formed in oxidation process.
Finally, at the end of process in first route, the permeate of MF was nanofiltrated (NF-

Second route

In a second route, the raw leachate will be microfiltered (MF1-2) to be separated

into two part which is permeate and concentrate. Then the concentrate will undergo
the AOP-Fenton process and subsequently, the result of second unit MF will be sludge
to removal (MF2-2). Both permeates MFs will be mixed, then will be sent to the NF
(NF-2). The permeate of the NF-2 consisted on treated effluent, and the concentrate
return to the stage of AOP-Fenton.

Figure 1: Scheme of a route 1 (a) and 2 (b) for treatment of leachate


Route 1 Route 2
Parameter Raw Treated Removal Raw Treated Removal
Leachate Leachate Efficiency Leachate Leachate Efficiency
COD 2.848,4 106,0 96% 3.702,5 211,2 94%
Total Solids 10.274 2.942 71% 10.493 1.612 85%
Colour 1.691,0 10,8 99% 1.688,9 14,7 99%
N-NH3 1319 274 79% 1567 461 71%
Phosphorus 32 3 92% 32 3,3 90%
Chlorides 2799,1 1066,3 62% 2699,2 622,0 77%

Table 1: Values of the main physicochemical parameter for the raw leachate
and the treated effluent and global removal efficiencies for routes 1 and 2

Base on the data provided, it can be concluded that the second route is more
suitable for the treatment of landfill leachate. It presented removal efficiencies quite
satisfactory for all parameters monitored, and lower fouling on the membranes,
resulting in lower operating cost regarding cleaning the membranes and replacement
of modules.



By using iron nanoparticles, a pilot was designed and performed at a batch

system to investigate COD, BOD5, TS and colour removal of Hamada landfill leachate.
Firstly, an experiments will be performed in a batch reactor, the most effective factors
as pH (2.5, 4.5, 6.5 and 8.5), reaction times (5, 10, 15, and 20 min) and concentration
of iron nanoparticles (1250, 2500, 4000, and 5000 mg/L) were investigate. Analysis of
sample then will be triplicated to increase the reliability, and accuracy and precision of
the experiment.

The optimum values of each variable were selected and the performance of
iron nanoparticles was evaluated by using One-Way ANOVA test statistic and SPSS-
13 software.

Table 1: Physico-chemical properties of used iron nanoparticles in this study


As shown in Figure 1 and Figure 3, the effect of Nanosized Zero Valent Iron
(NZVI) for treatment of Hamadan landfill leachate (initial COD = 85000 mg/L) was
investigated in this paper. It can be observed that this technique was a fast procedure
and 47.94% removal efficiency was obtained in 10 min. The optimal condition was at
pH value about 6.5, temperature of 18 ± 1oC and iron nanoparticles concentration of
2500mg/L. High compatibility and efficiency of this process was proven by landfill
leachate pre-treatment or post-treatment, so this removal method may be
recommended for municipal solid waste landfill leachate treatment plants.



Landfill leachate treatment using a photooxidation processes take the short

reaction time and acceptable costs. The mechanism of photooxidation is based on the
production of powerful free radicals (•OH) that oxidize, degrade, and even mineralize
organic pollutants. Landfill leachate treatment by a photochemical process has been
many studied. A Y-ray irradiation system can lead to increases in BOD5 (bio-chemical
oxygen demand in 5 days) and degradation of some COD. By using an UV system,
around 90% cyanide removal can be attained.

The UV/oxidation process or UV/H2O2 + O3 process was the most effective for
TOC (total organic carbon) removal and a UV/H2O2 process had been utilized in
Germanyin a full-scale plant. The photo-Fenton process (Fe(II) + H2O2 with UV-light)
can obtain a 70% COD and 83% TOC removals in the treatment of landfill leachate.
The COD removal rate is related to irradiation intensity, the amount of H2O2 and Fe(II)
added, pH value and COD loading. A 70% TOC removal can be obtained in treatment
of landfill leachate by UV/TiO2 process.

As the conclusion, treatment of landfill leachate from by coagulation–

photooxidation process was effective. A 64% removal of COD and 90% removal of
colour were obtained treatment using a coagulation–photooxidation process was
affected by pH. In the pH range of 3–8, the lower pH value was the most effective.


Figure 1: The effect of coagulations dose on the removal of COD and colour
from landfill leachate

The removal of COD increased slowly. The removal of colour increased with
the addition of coagulant as a line.

Figure 2: The effect of pH values on the removal of COD and colour from
landfill leachate.

Based on figure 2, We can conclude that the complex leachate contains some
conjugated acidic or alkali matter, which turned into colourless conjugated structure
and did not precipitate under acidic condition.

10 | P a g e
Figure 3: The effect of direct irradiation on the removal of COD from landfill

We conclude that the complex leachate contains some conjugated acidic or

alkali matter, which turned into colorless conjugated structure and did not precipitate
under acidic condition.

11 | P a g e
Figure 4: The effect of irradiation on the removal of COD from landfill leachate
at different pH values after coagulation.

Based on the data, a 64% removal of COD and 90% removal of color were
obtained treatment using a coagulation–photooxidation process was affected by pH.
In the pH range of 3–8, the lower pH value was the most effective.

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Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is classified as a pollutant which is known for its
ability to enhance the biodegradability of pollutants due to the relatively high content
of organic matter. An aeration process supplies the oxygen to the wastewater and acts
as an oxidation of organics. Moreover, oxygen can also enhance the biodegradation
of organics by bacteria which use oxygen to break down the organic matter into the
form of CO2 and H2O [20]. Stripping of ammonia is a simple desorption method
utilized to reduce the ammonia concentration of leachate. Ammonia reacts with water
to form ammonium hydroxide, as shown in Equation below:

NH4 + + OH−* ↔ H2O +NH3 *

The alkaline wastewater flows downward when the air enters through the bottle.
As the air continues to flow, the wastewater moves in the opposite direction and
ascends to the top of the aeration bottle. NH3 is stripped from dropping water droplets
into the air flow, and then released into the atmosphere. In this research, the
effectiveness of aeration processes used in the treatment of a leachate/POME mixture
was evaluated. The optimum experimental conditions for POME dosages were
designed, and the ability to remove the different medicines was studied. In addition,
the efficacyof POME in the leachate removal of heavy metals was also investigated.
The removal of heavy metals by POME during aeration may be attributed to the high
level of suspended solids in POME, whichmay act as a natural coagulant.

Table 2: Physico-chemical characteristics and heavy metals of palm oil mill

effluent (POME).

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Figure 1: Effects of reaction time variation on COD, TSS, color, and NHᶟ-N
removal efficiency (with natural pH, leachate only, aeration 20 L/min)

In this stage, the effect of the reaction time on leachate with a ratio of 900 mL
leachate/100 mL POME was investigated during the aeration time. The optimum
reaction time was reached on the 24th day of aeration, and the maximum removal
efficiencies for COD, TSS, colour, and NH3-N reached 91%, 54%, 50%, and 98%,

14 | P a g e
Figure 2: Effects of reaction tim variation on COD, TSS< colour and NHᶟ-N
removal efficiency (with natural pH, leachate/POME (900mL POME), aeration
power 20L/min)

The results showed an increase in the removal efficiency of all targeted

parameters. The maximum removal of NH3-N, COD, TSS, and color was 96%, 89%,
53%, and 41%, respectively. As shown in Figure 3, there was a higher removal
efficiency for NH3-N than COD, but color showed the lowest removal efficiency.

15 | P a g e
Figure 3: Effects of reaction time variation on COD, TSS, Color and NHᶟ-N
removal efficiency (with natural pH, leachate /POME (700 mL leachate/300 mL
POME), aeration power 20L/min).

The maximum removal efficiencies for COD, TSS, color, and NH3-N were 89%,
21%, 42%, and 94%. The removal efficiency of NH3-N increased sharply in the first
10 days of aeration, reaching 90%, and it did not demonstrate a further marked
increase in removal efficiency, reaching 94% by the 24th day.

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Figure 4: Effects of reaction time variation on COD, TSS, Color and NHᶟ-N
removal efficiency (with natural pH, leachate /POME (500 mL leachate/500 mL
POME), aeration power 20L/min)

According to the figure 4, a limited removal efficiency of COD (43%) was

found when treating leachate without any POME dosages.

Figure 5: Effect of the leachate/POME rations on COD, TSS, color, and NHᶟ-N
removal efficiency after 24 days of mixing aeration (with natural pH, aeration
power 20 L/min).

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The treatment system is adapted for 70L activated sequential group reactors,
constructed of acrylic with internal dimensions (42 x 42 x 66 cm), rounding system
consisting of air diffusion system in liquid mass and mechanical stirrer strength of 12
HP and 1014 g. The operating routine and sampling plan are shown in figure 1 which
consists of feeding the system with a washing rate of 10% (7 liters of leachate to 70
liters of reactor volume), it is likely that you use the dilution phenomenon to control the
concentration of contaminants at the beginning of the anoxic reaction phase to provide
a certain stability for the treatment process that prevents the occurrence of inhibition
phenomena in biomass due to nitrogen toxicity in high concentrations.

Thereafter, starting the Anoxic Stage, slow stirring provides complete mixing of
the liquid in the reactor with the aim of reducing the total mass of oxidized nitrogen in
the form of nitrite (NO2-) from becoming nitrogen gas (desnitrity). After starting the
Aeration Stage, when the dissolved oxygen concentration in the reactor maintains
around 2-2.5 mgO2 / L to oxidize ammonia nitrogen to a level undetectable by the
analytical method used, therefore aeration is stopped and deposition lasts for about
30 minutes.

Table 1 shows the operating conditions used during the treatment cycle.

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Figure1: Chronological sequence of treatment cycles

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Table 2. Results of Anoxic Phase

Based on the results in Table 2, it can be shown that the denitrition process
using its own organic matter present in leachate as a carbon source limited by a small
number of organic matter can decompose biologically due to the material being
frequently soaked (characteristics of old waste disposal solutions in the stabilization
phase methanogenic) with high molar masses and very complex structures such as
the case of humic materials that may pose difficulties for biodegradation.

20 | P a g e
Table 3. Results of Aerated Phase

`The results in Table 3 show the stability in the nitrite process and the
appropriate operating strategy to ensure continuous nitrite accumulation in the reactor
prevents from nitrate formation and it shows the adaptation of microorganisms to high
concentrations of ammonia nitrogen exposed to them.

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Solid waste landfills can cause severe environmental impacts if leachate and
gas emissions are not controlled. Leachate produced at municipal landfills contains
large numbers of organic and inorganic contaminants.

In addition, many different methods are currently used to treat garbage disposal
licenses. A large number of these methods are adapted for wastewater treatment
processing and can be divided into the two main categories such as biological
treatment and physical / chemical treatment.

As a base rule, leachate are characterized by high values of COD, pH,

ammonia nitrogen and heavy metals, as well as strong colors and odors. At the same
time, the characteristics of the leachate solution also vary with respect to the
composition and volume as well as the biodegradable substances present in the solute
over time. All of these factors make leachate treatment difficult and complicated.

Figure 1: The experimental pilot unit for chemical treatment.

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Figure 2: Turbidity removal efficiency using different substances weights.

Figure 3: Conductivity removal efficiency using different substances weights.

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Figure 4: TDS effluent concentration using different substances weights.

Figure 5: BOD effluent removal ratio using different substances weights.

As shown in figure 6 is the relationship between the change in BOD removal

efficiency and the amount of Perlite and Bentonite. This relationship was determined
according to the optimum value of 90 mg / l alum. Perlite and Bentonite vary from 5
to 100 mg / l at the optimal alum dose.

24 | P a g e
Figure 6: COD effluent removal ratio using different substances weights.

Based on figure 7 represents the relation between the change in COD removal
efficiency and the amount of Perlite and Bentonite. COD in the presence of Alum with
a dose of 90 mg/l achieved 84.0% removal ratio that the effluent was 1320 mg/l from
an influent of 8250 mg/l.

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From landfill in southeastern Brazil, the leachate was used by pre-treatment of

stripping of ammonia. Table 1 shown the main characteristics of leachate:

Parameters Mean Values

Colour(uH) 2086

COD(mg/L) 3942

BOD(mg/L) 207

BOD5/COD 0.06

PH 8.46

Humic Substances (mg/L) 2565

TKN (mg/L) 2163

NH3-N (mg/L) 1529

Chloride (mg/L) 2749

Total Solids (g/L) 9.7

The submerged microfiltration that has many polys or ether-imide at hollow fiber
membranes has been used by Membrane Bioreactor. On this module, that have a
maximum pore size which is 0,5 µm and the area 0.04 m2. 298L/h.m2.bar microfiltered
water has been used to measure the hydraulic permeability membrane. Acclimation
step have been experienced in this MBR operation which is we can see the increases
concentration leachate like 20%,40%, 60%, 80% and 100%. At the same time
reduction of concentration Sabouraud broth at 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, and last 0g/l in the feed.
Because of the biomass has achieved COD removal greater than 70% with deep -
soluble food 100% concentration without the addition of Sabouraud broth, this step

26 | P a g e
had to be stopped. 10,000 mg/L is the initial concentration of S. cerevisiae used
(baker's yeast lyophilized).

Between 25 until 30°C and pH 3.5, a system was kept with careful. 0.2L/h.m2
and 5L/h.m2 respectively have permeated on their own flow, this is enough to maintain
HRT48 hours along with useful volume of 9.60L. In every 15 minutes with 15 second,
backwash has been used with a flow of 0.5 Nm3/h. Its suitable for aeration rate around
of 12.5 Nm3/h.m2 with flow of 0.5Nm3 /h.

27 | P a g e

Until now the researchers are searching the stage of acclimatization (100%
leachate together 1g/L of Sabouraud broth). Therefore, based on the result are very
related with this step. The expectation of operation until finish is about 100 days. The
number of 2993 until 8833mg/L has been considered as COD of Sabouraud broth
during the acclimation COD feed varied. At the same time the colour ranged in about
749 to 128749 mg/L. based on figure 1, 2 and 3, that figure showed the efficiency of
removal of colour, COD and humic substance during acclimation.

Figure 1: Colour removal efficiency

Figure 2: COD removal efficiency

28 | P a g e
Figure 3: Humic substances removal efficiency

Based on the figures above, we will see the average efficiency of colour
removal was 82.08%, COD removal was 74.04%, and humic material 67.17%.
Permeate has a COD concentration range of 24 - 2,624 mg / L, its colour ranges from
107 to 706 mg / L and a humic substance 4 a 331 mg / L. The changing of pH was
high from 2.5 until 9.5 at the early then decreased to from 3.0 until 4.0. At the
beginning, the high of variation pH and already problem operation especially which
are related to aeration system and deregulation of parameter flow.

The concentration of MLSS is very different during acclimatization period.

Cause of that, the technique of count of colony-forming units and platting are suitable
to produce biomass (TORTORA et al, 2003). It has intense competition between wild
filamentous fungi. In about 30 days, from 1010 CFU / ml has been increased to 1030
CFU/ml of S. cerevisiae. This thing is increasing day by day. The concentration of fungi
has increased to 1008 CFU/ml in 25 days and 1011 CFU/ml for 80 days. So we can
conclude the fungi has also caused of removal COD from the leachate.

Based on the fouling of membrane, there has a good system. Figures 4 show
us about the vibration of TMP over time. Cause the increasing of TMP more frequently
in problem aeration module, the bad effect which intensified fouling in 56 th until 85th
day. However, occurs approximately every 20 days NaOCL 2% has been used as a
general chemical cleaning.

29 | P a g e
Figure 4: Variation of TMP

According to the results, treatment of waste disposal solutions with high content of
reciprocal compounds has been proposed based on the above finding. There have 2
information we get. First are the average of the protein concentration of bound EPS
was 55.83 mg/L and of soluble EPS was 562.14 mg/L. Next information is production
of bound of EPS and soluble EPS was 8.85 and 466.8 mg/L.

Wichitsathian et al (2004) and Dan et al (2002) are agree and support the
statement of use of MBR with yeast for a treatment with the high of salinity and waste
disposal solution. The journalist did a compared yeast with yeast. That shows the MBR
with yeast more efficiency to demonstrate a lower rate of fouling and removing COD
and reduced EPS production.

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Groundwater boundaries and hydrogeological conditions in coal subsidence areas are

very complex. More over mathematical models that rely solely on methods of analysis
are usually unable to describe the actual hydrogeological conditions. for examples the
boundary conditions of aquifer heterogeneity and others. Caused by that, the
numerical simulation method is suitable for solving differential equations. Based on
the Groundwater Modelling System (GMS), the numerical simulation the best method
to apply. The advantage is the platform can be used to create groundwater simulation
in 3D.

The closure cover system should be made from high-density polythene geomembrane
(HDPE). It is very important to prevent landfills from contaminating groundwater.
Based on the hydrogeological conditions of the site, in the waste disposal area will be
implemented by vertical anti-seepage system. Based on the status of the landfill, there
are several factors such as, permeability coefficient less than 10-7cm s-1, total wall area
in about 20267 m2, thickness more than 600mm, HDPE geomembrane and bentonite
made for anti-seepage wall.

Based on the natural and closure of the landfill and considering biodegradation or not,
there have main four numerical simulations method which is first is natural state
without biodegradation. Second is natural state with biodegradation. Next closure state
without biodegradation and last closure state with biodegradation. NH₃₋N has been
used as a simulation factor on landfill. The starting concentration of NH3-N is 223 and
0.2 mg L2. In about 7300 days, NH3-N has been simulated to coupling solute transport
models the groundwater.

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1) The natural state

In a natural, in about 7300 days the model has been ran. (a) In 3650 days
without focus biodegradation, the NH3-N has spread horizontal migration almost 320m,
while the horizontal migration distance of NH3-N has spread about 500m for 7300 days.
(b) In 3650 days with focus to biodegradation, the NH3-N has spread horizontal
migration almost 290m, while the horizontal migration distance NH3-N has big spread
compared to the others around 430m for 7300 days as shown in figure.

Based on the result of modelling, natural conditions without closure can be considered
the worst conditions since the leachate formed by the infiltration of rain and the
concentration of contaminants has decreased significantly to biodegradation.

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2. The closure state

In about 7300 days the modal has been ran in closure state. In 3650 days without
focus the biodegradation, the NH3-N has spread horizontal migration almost 110m,
while the horizontal migration distance of NH3-N has spread about 130m for 7300 days.
(b) In 3650 days with focus to biodegradation, the NH3-N has spread horizontal
migration almost 100m, while the horizontal migration distance of NH 3-N not to
significantly and about 120m for 7300 days as shown figure.

Based on the result above, there has several conclusions were taken which is first is
in its natural state, the migration distance with biodegradation was 14% lower than
the distance without biodegradation. Secondly, the horizontal migration distance is
almost the same whether considering biodegradation under closure conditions or

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Leachate from the reconcile tank of Yanqun Landfill in Xuzhou was used for
this experiment. The properties of leachate after analysis and its value are stated in
the table below.

Table 1 The properties of leachate from Yanqun Landfill

The grouping of electrocoagulation cell was made up of plexiglas with the

dimensions of 150mm X 120mm X 110mm. A digital dc power supply (WYK-503, 0-
55V, 0-3.5A) give a regulated electricity current was used. The monopolar
electrocoagulation unit be made up of ten electrodes and each electrode was 120mm
X 70mm. The electrodes were immersed in the electrochemical reactor to a depth of
80 mm, and the space between electrodes was 10 mm. In this discontinuous system,
1L leachate was vaccinated into the water cell and the solution was blended with a
magnetic stirrer by the speed of 200 rpm. Through the experiments, electrode material,
current density, electrolysis time, pH of solution and concentration of Clˉ after 90
minutes was changed. COD and NH₃₋N of the effluent was measured.

34 | P a g e
Figure 1. The schematic experimental setup in this study

By using the dichromate method, COD was calculated. NH₃₋N was evaluated
by the Nessler’s reagent spectrophotometry. The discovery of TP was Ammonium
molybdate spectrophotometric procedure. The method of measuring pH and turbidity
is by using a pH monitor (WTW-526) and a turbidity monitor (WZS-185). All studies
were conducted in an area with a temperature of 25 centigrade.

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Effect of electrode materials.

Figure 2. Effect of electrode materials on COD and NH₃₋N removal (left: COD;
right: NH₃₋N)

The performance of the electrocoagulation process is influenced by different

electrode materials. Apart from its cheap price, aluminium and iron are easily available
and effective making it often used. For this case, Fe and Al electrodes were
differentiated on the situation that: 2.98 mA/cm² current density, 50 min electrolysis
time, 6.5 pH.

Figure 2 proves that iron anodes show better COD and NH₃₋N removal
performance than aluminium anodes. After 30 min, the results for COD (32.7%) and
NH₃₋N (24.8%) with iron electrodes gave a more significant effect than aluminium
electrodes, the removal ability of COD and NH₃₋N with aluminium electrodes was 21.3
and 20.8%, respectively. Particles formed by Fe(OH)³ are more systematic than those
formed by Al(OH)³. Through this study, iron electrodes are considered to be the best

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Effect of electrolysis time.

Figure 3. Effect of electrolysis time on COD and NH₃₋N removal

Within 5 to 110 minutes, the effect of electrolysis time was investigated with the
following conditions: 6.4 initial pH, 2.98 mA/cm² current density value. Figure 3 shows
an increase in time from 5 to 90 minutes resulting in an increase in COD removal
efficiency from 18.8 to 45.0% and NH₃₋N removal from 9.4 to 44.1%, it remained
significantly the same after 90 min. If the electrolysis time increases, the iron
concentration ions and hydroxide flux also increase. In addition, the bubble production
rate also increased. The effects of coagulation and flotation are to cause pollutants in
leachate. The time continues to increase as well as the use of a lot of electrical energy.
The optimum time of electrolysis is 90 minutes.

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Effect of current density

Figure 4. Effect of current density on COD and NH₃₋N removal

Current density is an important operating characteristic that influences

coagulant dose. The current densities studied were 1.98, 2.98, 3.97,4.96 and 5.95
mA/cm². Effect of current density on removal efficiency shows on Figure 4 with the
following conditions: pH 6.8, electrolysis time 30 minutes. Figure 4 shows the COD
removal efficiency at current densities of 1.98 to 4.96 mA / cm² increased from 23.6 to
93% and from 19.8 to 32%. For NH₃₋N removal, it did not show significant change at
higher current densities. Greater amount of hydroxide flocs for the removal of
pollutants are affected by increasing current density and the extent of anodic
dissolution of iron. Rate of bubble production increases and the size of the bubble
decreases with increase current density, resulting in faster removal of pollutants by H₂

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Effect of initial pH

Figure 5. Effect of initial pH on COD and NH₃₋N removal

The pH of the solution plays an important role in the electrocoagulation

process. To test the effect, the initial pH was adjusted to 3.9, 5.8, 6.7, 7.5 and 10.1.
Efficiencies of COD and NH₃₋N removal are shown in Figure 5 with continuous
operating time of 30 minutes and current density of 2.98 mA/cm². Highest removal of
COD and NH₃₋N were detected at initial pH 6.7 and 7.5, and the efficiencies of COD
and NH₃₋N were 35.3% and 25.3%. When pH tends towards acidic or basic values,
the drop of removal efficiency occurred. PH increased to 7.1 from 3.9, the effluent pH
increased to 7.8 from 5.9, and the influent pH is lower than the initial pH when the
initial pH is greater than 7.1. Hydrogen generation can increase the pH value at the
electrocoagulation cathodes and the liberation of hydroxide ions from iron hydroxide.
It is not necessary to regulate raw water pH to take into account the raw water pH.

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Effect of Clˉ addition

Figure 6. Effect of Clˉ on COD and NH₃₋N removal

To save electricity, the electrical conductivity of the solution is an important

parameter. NaCl was used as the supporting electrolyte to increases the electrical
conductivity of the solution. The element that supports the electrolyte is NaCl. The
current density is 2.98 mA/cm² at 30 minutes. The data were studied at 819, 1500,
2000, 2500 and 3000 mg/L levels of the effects of Clˉ on the removal efficiency. Figure
6 shows the change in the concentration of Clˉ from 819 mg/L to 2500 mg/L yield an
increase in the efficiency of COD removal to 38.9 from 29.8% and the NH₃₋N removal
from 23.5 to 32.6%, it does not change significantly after 2500mg/l. The passivation of
the electrode can be relief and the ability of electric conduction can be improved when
the Clˉ concentration increases. Clˉ will be discharged at the anode to generate Cl₂,
then it can be chemically turn to ClOˉ which can oxidize the pollutants effectively,
during the coagulation process. 2000 to 2500 mg/L is the best concentration of Clˉ to
take into account the cost.

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A single bacteria strain, such as Brevibacillus panacihumi strain ZB1 is the

microorganism that will be used in this study and it was obtained from a local textile
wastewater treatment plant.

Landfill leachate source

From a locally landfill site on Johor, Malaysia, the leachate sample was then
earned. At the 121 ˚C and pressure of 101.3kPa, the sample was sterilized for 15

Isolation and screening of leachate degrader

By using streak plate method, five bacterial strains were isolated from landfill
leachate. This material was then used as an inoculum (10 % v/v) for the treatment of
leachate sample in terms of Ammoniacal nitrogen removal undergoing (150 rpm) of
shaking condition at 37 ˚C for 24 hours. Apart from using isolated bacterial strains, the
treatment production of leachate sample was also analysed by using known bacterial
strains, such as Brevibacillus Panacihumi strain ZB1, Lysinibacillus Fusiformis strain
ZB2. Both gained from the local textile treatment plant, and Enterococcus Faecalis
strain ZL isolated from local palm oil mill effluent.

Reactor set-up

With an internal diameter of 3 cm and height of 72 cm with a volume of 300 mL,

a fabricated lab-scale glass reactor was used in this investigation as shown in Figure
1. Air is generated from a fine air bubble diffuser and an air pump (RS-248A aquarium
air pump) pointed at a bottom of the reactor with superficial air upflow velocity of 1.0–
1.2 cm/s to provide aeration to the system throughout the current treatment process.
Prior to actual treatment, the inoculum (10 % v/v) was adapted with the leachate
sample for 10 days. Every 24 hours, a total of 150 mL effluent was being washed out
leaving half of the content in the reactor, giving 50 % volumetric exchange rate through
acclimatization period. Then, the reactor was filled in with another 150 mL of fresh
leachate sample with 10 % v/v of inoculum to make sure the sustainability of the
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biomass formed. The treatment accomplished out by analysing the ammoniacal
nitrogen, COD and heavy metal removal by this particular reactor system at regular
intervals for 7 days, after ten days of acclimatisation session. The experiment was
repeated three times to obtain the average value for further calculations.

Figure 1 shows Schematic diagram of the designed ASBR system


For this investigation, the treatment of landfill leachate, a total of five pure
cultures of bacteria was successfully isolated from the leachate sample. Apart from
that, Brevibacillus panacihumi strain ZB1, Lysinibacillus fusiformis strain ZB2 and
Enterococcus faecalis strain ZL were also three other bacteria involved in the selection
process. After being incubated under shaking condition at 37 C for 24 hours, the
ammoniacal nitrogen removal capacity obtained ranged from 3 to 23 % essentially. B.
panacihumi strain ZB1 reached the highest removal was 23 %. 3–14 % is the lower
ammoniacal nitrogen removal efficiency was observed for the other isolated bacteria,
this because of that they do not possess the potential like B. panacihumi strain ZB1
has, where it is an aerobic bacteria that functioned well under aerobic situation.
Furthermore, the strain based on to Brevibacillus genus which is possible to reduce

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The removal of ammoniacal nitrogen by the designed reactor system using B.
panacihumi strain ZB1 is shown in Figure 2. Through seven days of aerobic treatment
process, results showed that the bacterial strain ZB1 was able to remove the
ammoniacal nitrogen up to 65 %. Nitrification will take place during the treatment
process because B. panacihumi strain ZB1 is a kind of nitrifying bacteria. During
aerobic condition, strain ZB1 will start nitrification that will imply two steps which is the
oxidation of ammonia/ammonium to nitrite and an oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate.
Under this process, the chemistry is shown in the following equation: Nitrification:

For 24 hours, zeolite as effluent obtained was then adsorbed by the effective
adsorbent the removal efficiency was drastically increased up to 96 % (nearly
complete removal was achieved). Final result shows that the presence of zeolite may
be an effective alternative for increasing the performance of the wastewater treatment
plant, used as a secondary treatment step for polishing the ammoniacal nitrogen
content. Basically, the uses of natural and modified zeolite as ion exchanger was one
of the technologies used to detach various contaminants because of their high ion
exchange capacity, high specific surface areas and relatively little cost. The
performance of different treatments was investigated in this study to evaluate the
efficiency of ammonia nitrogen removal from waste disposal solutions. Through a
study conducted by Ozturk et al. (2005) reported that from an initial concentration of
950 mg/L, the maximum removal of ammoniacal nitrogen was 62.8 %. By using an
electrochemical reactor, the maximum removal of ammoniacal nitrogen with an initial
concentration of 1060 mg/L obtained was 49 % according to Moraes and Bertazzoli
(2005). When compared to the effective of other treatment processes, the presentation
of this study can be considered outstanding achievement. Basically, a coupling of
aerobic nitrification and anaerobic denitrification catalysed by autotrophs and
heterotrophs, separately was the traditional method of nitrogen removal.

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Table 4 shows Metal content in landfill leachate wastewater

The concentrations of metals in landfill leachate wastewater used in this study

shown in Table 4. The concentration of aluminium, vanadium, chromium, magnesium,
cuprum, and lead was able to reduce from 8 to 50 % by B. panacihumi strain ZB1
through the study results. A biological-physical treatment can reduce the weight of
metals present in the wastewater significantly when the polishing step by zeolite
adsorption improve the removal performance after seven days of aerobic treatment by
the planned reactor system.

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As a conclusion, in our group we can conclude that the leachate in this world
never gone but can decrease the volume or concentration. Based on the journals the
we have studied, we learnt the leachate was very not good for a nature and human
because of the unpleasant smell and contains all sorts of harmful chemical and will
cause cancer or other serious harm to human health. Therefore, we need do a
something like treatment to decrease that’s problem. The treatments are very
important to avoid dangerous diseases. At the same time, landfill in our country need
have a good management and division of labour to prevent excessive leachate and
uncontrolled garbage.

As KKTMSG students, we will do our best to take care of the environment so

that environmental pollution can be reduced and provide comfort to the environment
such as humans, flora and fauna.

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