Cdi BC Pricelist Domestic

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Domestic - Effective December 1, 2022 ENROLMENT AGREEMENT REPORTING

Application Assessment and E-Resource and

Fee Administration Fees Material Fees

Accounting and Payroll Administrator $12,919 $150 $325 $3,481 $16,875

Addictions & Community Services Worker $15,199 $150 $325 $2,237 $17,911
Anatomy and Physiology $152 $15 $13 $332 $512
Applications of Physics (PHY011) $648 $15 $11 $314 $988
Biology Essentials - 3 Weeks (FT) $152 $15 $13 $194 $374
Biology Essentials - 5 Weeks (PT) $152 $15 $13 $194 $374
Business Administration $9,124 $150 $325 $1,846 $11,445
Business and Digital Marketing Management $11,470 $150 $325 $2,048 $13,993
Chemistry Connections (CHEM080) $432 $15 $11 $105 $563
Communications Principles (CMNS090) $432 $15 $11 $124 $582
Computer Aided Design and Drafting Specialist $13,403 $150 $325 $1,460 $15,337
Cybersecurity Specialist $26,825 $150 $325 $5,949 $33,249
Dental Assisting $21,625 $150 $325 $3,093 $25,193
Dental Clinical Assistant $12,600 $150 $325 $1,590 $14,665
Dental Chairside Assisting with Radiography $9,400 $150 $325 $1,590 $11,465
Dental Reception (Certificate) $8,400 $150 $325 $1,040 $9,915
Dental Reception - International $10,500 $350 $325 $1,040 $12,215
Dental Reception with Radiography $10,200 $150 $325 $1,340 $12,015
Dental Radiography $3,000 $150 $325 $795 $4,270
Dental Receptionist $8,091 $150 $325 $1,135 $9,701
Dental Office Administration - Radiography Specialization $15,940 $150 $325 $1,481 $17,896
Dental Technician $40,733 $150 $325 $5,499 $46,707
Denturist $69,333 $150 $325 $6,471 $76,279
Denturist - International $90,133 $350 $325 $6,471 $97,279

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Education Assistant $14,952 $150 $325 $2,454 $17,881
Early Childhood Education $14,636 $150 $325 $1,790 $16,901
Early Childhood Education (Diploma) $23,693 $150 $325 $2,113 $26,281
Early Childhood Education Infant-Toddler Educator $19,192 $150 $325 $2,041 $21,708
Early Childhood Education Post Basic $9,313 $150 $325 $958 $10,746
Early Childhood Education Post Basic - Infant/Toddler (PT) $6,347 $150 $325 $853 $7,675
Early Childhood Education Post Basic - Infant/Toddler (FT) $6,347 $150 $325 $853 $7,675
Early Childhood Education Post Basic - Special Needs (PT) $6,326 $150 $325 $778 $7,579
Early Childhood Education Post Basic - Special Needs (FT) $6,326 $150 $325 $778 $7,579
Early Childhood Education Special Needs Educator $19,253 $150 $325 $2,014 $21,742
English Essentials $152 $15 $13 $175 $355
Foundations of Mathematics $152 $15 $13 $232 $412
Global Supply Chain Management and International Trade $14,478 $150 $325 $3,137 $18,091
Graphic Design Technology $12,788 $150 $325 $1,262 $14,525
Health Care Assistant $9,627 $150 $325 $914 $11,016
Health Care Communications (CMNS091) $432 $15 $11 $41 $499
Hospitality Certificate of Specialization (certificate) $4,416 $150 $325 $587 $5,478
Hospitality Management $12,096 $150 $325 $1,614 $14,185
Human Biology (BIOL090) $432 $15 $11 $225 $683
Human Resources and Payroll Coordinator $16,074 $150 $325 $3,719 $20,268
Immigration Assistant $14,291 $150 $325 $1,492 $16,258
Information Systems Support Specialist $8,116 $150 $325 $2,223 $10,814
Introduction to Massage Workshop $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
IOD2 - Expanded Training in Orthodontics $2,660 $15 $13 $0 $2,688
Law Enforcement Foundations $12,973 $150 $325 $3,613 $17,061
Legal Administrative Assistant $13,152 $150 $325 $1,600 $15,227
Logistics & Supply Chain Management $13,698 $150 $325 $2,474 $16,647
Math Applications $505 $15 $13 $160 $693
Mathematics for Health Sciences (MATH071) $432 $15 $11 $96 $553
Medical Laboratory Assistant $18,133 $150 $325 $1,870 $20,478
Medical Office Assistant $12,748 $150 $325 $1,519 $14,741

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Medical-Pharmacy Assistant $14,849 $150 $325 $2,249 $17,573
Medical Spa Therapy $16,277 $150 $325 $3,428 $20,179
Mobile Application Development $15,924 $150 $325 $1,561 $17,960
Network Systems Administrator $15,410 $150 $325 $3,777 $19,662
Network Systems Engineer $20,434 $150 $325 $4,701 $25,610
Office Administration $9,528 $150 $325 $1,535 $11,538
Paralegal $24,338 $150 $325 $2,343 $27,156
Payroll & Income Tax Practitioner $6,066 $150 $325 $2,597 $9,138
Pharmacy Assistant $10,757 $150 $325 $1,869 $13,101
Pharmacy Technician $16,472 $150 $325 $2,588 $19,535
Post-Graduate Certificate for Internationally Educated Nurses $17,216 $150 $325 $1,153 $18,844
Practical Nursing $31,982 $150 $325 $2,499 $34,956
Professional Counsellor $19,000 $150 $325 $1,781 $21,256
Rehabilitation Therapy Assistant $20,262 $150 $325 $2,253 $22,990
Registered Massage Therapy $38,909 $150 $185 $2,660 $41,904
Social Media Marketing $13,286 $150 $325 $1,230 $14,991
Social Media and Web Marketing $20,693 $150 $325 $1,832 $23,000
Social Services Worker - Foundations $9,822 $150 $325 $1,934 $12,231
Social Services Worker - Recovery Specialist $16,445 $150 $325 $2,561 $19,481
Social Services Worker - Youth Specialist $16,208 $150 $325 $2,522 $19,205
Social Services Worker - Professional $18,243 $150 $325 $2,895 $21,613
User Interface and User Experience Design $16,840 $150 $325 $555 $17,870
Veterinary Health Care Assistant $11,083 $150 $325 $1,303 $12,862
Warehouse and Distribution Management $13,209 $150 $325 $1,450 $15,134
Web and Mobile Application Development $22,016 $150 $325 $1,942 $24,433
Web Development $16,078 $150 $325 $1,523 $18,076
Business and Digital Marketing Management with Co-op $15,911 $350 $325 $2,048 $18,634
Hospitality Management with Co-op $16,739 $350 $325 $1,614 $19,028
Business and Hospitality Essentials with Co-op $6,798 $350 $325 $1,012 $8,485
English for Academic Purposes Advanced $2,280 $150 $0 $100 $2,530

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