Enhancing Maize Productivity Under Abiotic Stresses Through The Combined Use of Nitrogen, Potassium Humate, and Zinc
Enhancing Maize Productivity Under Abiotic Stresses Through The Combined Use of Nitrogen, Potassium Humate, and Zinc
Enhancing Maize Productivity Under Abiotic Stresses Through The Combined Use of Nitrogen, Potassium Humate, and Zinc
Received: 10 Jan 2024; Received in revised form: 23 Feb 2024; Accepted: 05 Mar 2024; Available online: 14 Mar 2024
©2024 The Author(s). Published by Infogain Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Abstract— The soils found in the Kharga oasis in Egypt have been identified as having low levels of
nitrogen and organic matter, along with high pH and salinity. These conditions make it difficult for the
plants to absorb essential micronutrients. In order to address this issue, a study was conducted with the
main objective of evaluating the interactive effect of potassium humate, zinc, and nitrogen fertilization on
the grain yield of maize and its various components. The study consisted of two field experiments that took
place during the growing seasons of 2022 and 2023 at the research station of the Desert Research Center
in Kharga, located in the western desert of Egypt. The treatments in the experiments involved three
different levels of potassium humate and zinc combinations, including 20 kg/ha of potassium humate, 375
ppm of zinc, and a combination of both, which were compared to a control group. Additionally, four levels
of nitrogen fertilization were applied, ranging from 100 to 400 kg/ha. The results of the study revealed that
the highest and most significant grain yields were observed in both seasons when potassium humate and
zinc were applied together, resulting in yields of 10,436 and 10,590 kg/ha in the first and second seasons,
respectively. Furthermore, it was found that the highest significant grain yields in both seasons were
achieved by applying 300 kg of nitrogen per hectare, with yields of 9423 and 9196 kg/ha in the first and
second seasons, respectively. These findings suggest that the combination of nitrogen fertilization with
potassium humate and zinc proves to be effective in maximizing the grain yield of maize. This information
is valuable for farmers and researchers in the Kharga oasis, as it provides insights into the optimal
fertilization practices that can enhance crop productivity in this specific region with challenging soil
Keywords— Maize, potassium humate, zinc, nitrogen, yield, Kharga oasis
and can be used to quickly address issues with plant Foliar micronutrient application is a fast-acting
growth, optimize soil conditions, and improve crop and efficient method to increase crop yields and improve
production and quality. On the other hand, overuse of nutrient uptake, especially in conditions when root uptake
chemical fertilizers can result in more acidic soil, is compromised, like late crop stages, nutrient-poor soils
chemically tainted water sources, damaged plants due to high soil pH. Studies show that foliar micronutrient
overgrowth, and emissions that contribute to climate treatment increases soil biological activity and increases
change. Several studies have replaced partially or nutrient-use efficiency (NUE) (Bana et al., 2022), and
completely the chemical fertilizers especially NPK with improves crop bio fortification (Hao et al., 2021). Zinc
organic fertilizers, for example in maize. Li-Chao et al. (Zn) is an essential micronutrient that is required by plants,
(2023) suggested that the kernel position effect in maize animals and humans for growth. Zinc is required for a
can be mitigated by applying both chemical and organic large number of enzymes that are involved in protein
fertilizers together, which will increase post-silking synthesis, energy transmission, and nitrogen metabolism.
nitrogen uptake and dry matter accumulation. Furthermore, Zinc foliar spray can promote the formation of
it has been demonstrated that combining biochar with reproductive organs, such as ears, and improve the
chemical fertilizers improves the physio-biochemical capacity for grain productivity in zinc-deficient maize
characteristics of the soil and maize production, suggesting plants, resulting in higher growth and yield (Singh et al.,
a possibility for raising crop productivity and soil fertility 2020). While foliar treatments have these advantages, it's
(Wu et al., 2023). These results emphasize the crucial to remember that they work better when combined
significance of investigating sustainable farming methods with appropriate soil fertilization techniques that are based
that preserve or increase crop yields while lessening on soil and tissue tests. This ensures that all nutrients are
dependency on synthetic fertilizers. managed thoroughly for the best possible plant growth
Nitrogen fertilization influences several aspects (Shahrajabian et al., 2022).
of plant growth and resource utilization, which is Several benefits in crop productivity were
important for maximizing maize grain yield. The main increased when nitrogen fertilizer and zinc foliar treatment
benefits of nitrogen fertilization on maize include increase were combined. In wheat, Zhang et al., 2021 stated that,
photosynthesis (Nasar et al., 2021), radiation use foliar Zn and soil N applications effectively raised wheat
efficiency (RUE; Bonelli et al., 2020), water use grain production and N and Zn concentrations, especially
efficiency (WUE; Guo et al., 2021), and nitrogen uptake in the endosperm, and this is could be useful approaches to
(Su et al., 2020. In addition to improve root architecture treat Zn insufficiency. In dry conditions, foliar application
and the distribution of deep roots, increase height of the of zinc either alone or in conjunction with other substances
plant, ear, and leaf area, increase the number of ears per like trehalose can improve maize growth and nutrient
hectare and grain production per ear, higher total grain status (Klofac et al., 2023). While N fertilization increases
yield and nitrogen usage efficiency (NUE) Ma et al., 2022. overall grain yields and nutrient concentrations, there are
High nitrogen inputs may initially maximize maize yield, still some restrictions on the precise advantages of
but they can lead to a decrease in NUE if excessive applying N and the foliar application of Zn together.
amounts are applied. Optimal nitrogen fertilizer rates However, in order to maximize the nutritious content of
typically range from 200 to 300 kilograms per hectare cereal grains, it is still imperative to optimize the time and
(kg/ha) (Su et al., 2020 and Geith et al., 2022). Split dosage of these inputs. Consequently, more research is
applications of nitrogen fertilizer can help maintain NUE required to identify the best formulations, doses, and
and reduce losses due to leaching or denitrification application schedules.
(Davies et al., 2020) Research findings indicate that humic acid may
The choice of nitrogen fertilizer rate and timing cause mild acid stress responses in maize seedlings,
depends on local environmental conditions, soil types, and resulting in increased root development and physiological
agronomic practices. Omar et al. (2020) found that out of responses (Baía et al., 2020). Additionally, combining
the four N treatments, the optimal N application between humic acid with zinc foliar application enhanced
50–100 kg N ha-1 potentially increased the maize yield, sunflower production under drought stress by increasing
however Hammad et al. (2022) recommended that for grain weight, head diameter, and number of seeds per head
temperature-tolerant hybrid maize, applying 300 kg N ha −1 (Hammati 2016). Although there aren't many research
is advised as one of the best agricultural management studies about maize in the literature, there is a general
techniques to get the highest possible grain production. evidence supporting the idea that applying zinc and humic
acid together improves crop health and productivity in a
variety of crops (Manas et al., 2014 and Sharma et al.,
2021 7.84 3.38 6.86 13.68 2.74 14.82 0.41 - 5.43 4.37 9.47
2022 7.79 3.32 6.14 15.32 2.93 14.51 0.45 - 5.69 4.76 10.24
Kharga oasis is characterized by a tropical arid potassium humate (C9 H8 K2 O4) to the soil at a rate of 20
climate. The mean annual temperature is 25°, average kg/ha which was added three times with the N fertilization,
mean temperature is 12°C and the average maximum and the application of chelated zinc spray at a rate of 250
temperature is 41°C. The maximum absolute temperature g/100 L of water (in the form of 15% EDTA-ZnNa2
is 52°C which usually occurs in August and the absolute (C10H12N2O8ZnNa2), or 375 ppm, at three times i.e., 3,5
minimum temperature is 2°C which usually occurs in and 7 weeks after sowing. Sub-plots were occupied by
January. August is typically a low-wind month; from four N fertilizer levels: 100 kg/ha, 200 kg/ha, 300 kg/ha,
November to January, wind speed gradually increases, and 400 kg/ha. Nitrogen was supplied in three doses
peaking from March to May and producing the infamous within 35 days of sowing, or until the 7–8 leaf stage of
"El-Khamasin" dust storms. The relative humidity has an maize growth.
annual mean value of roughly 39%. In general, Maize was sown under drip irrigation system in
atmospheric precipitation in the form of rainfall is ridges with 70 cm apart and 4 m in length (plot area was
incredibly rare (1 mm/year) with heavy rainstorms from 28 m2). Sowing was in hills, on one side of the ridge (the
time to time. distance between hills was 25 cm)
2. Experimental Design and Layout The sowing was carried out at the first week of
The experimental treatments were set up in a August in both seasons, according to the suitable sowing
split-plot design with four replications. In comparison to time of the study region. After soil preparation, The
the control, the main plots represented the addition of conventional crop practices of the region were applied in
both seasons. P was applied in the form of calcium The data were analyzed using SPSS (version 20),
monophosphate (15.5% P2O5) at the rate of 350 Kg/ha, and treatment means were compared using the least
while N was applied in the form of Ammonium nitrate significant difference (LSD 0.05) for the individual factors
(33.5% N) and K was applied in the form of potassium as well as the interaction.
sulfate (48% K2O) at the rate of 125 Kg /ha. Experimental
units were kept weed-free through hand hoeing at early
stages and hand pulling at later stages to eliminate the
1- Impact of Potassium humate and zinc
weed effect.
3. Studied Characters and Measurements
Table 3 illustrates the impact of applying Zn and
The harvesting was performed on the same time potassium humate on maize yield parameters. Notably, the
in each treatment, where the grains moisture content was most noteworthy outcomes in terms of plant height were
between 20% and 30%, according to the conventional observed during both the first and second seasons when
harvesting practices in the region . Grain yield (Kg/ha) was both potassium humate and Zn were applied together. The
determined from four inner guarded ridges of each plot plant height values recorded were 233.5 cm and 220.5 cm,
and transformed to yield/ha. The yield components i.e., respectively, surpassing the results obtained from
Plant height (cm), ear height (cm), Ear length (cm), Ear individual applications. These findings strongly indicate
diameter (cm), number of rows per ear, number of grains that the combined use of potassium humate and Zn
per row and 100-grains weight (g) were calculated in exhibits a synergistic impact on enhancing the growth of
samples of 10 plants: maize, specifically in relation to plant height.
4. Statistical Analysis
Table 3. Effect of Zn and potassium humate application on maize growth parameters in the two studied seasons.
Treatment Plant Ear Ear length Ear No. of No. of 100-grain Grain yield
height height (cm) diameter rows/ear grains/row weight (g) (kg/h)
(cm) (cm) (cm)
The first season 2022
Control 226.9 c 127.3 c 21.25 c 15.17 b 13.83 a 39.33 c 31.17 c 7528 d
Zn 229.5 b 129.8 b 22.21 b 15.63 ab 14.17 a 41.33 b 33.33 b 8773 b
P.H. 229.0 b 128.9 b 21.42 c 15.67 ab 14.58 a 39.92 c 32.33 a 8273 c
P.H.+Zn 233.5 a 132.6 a 23.92 a 15.96 a 14.67 a 43.67 a 33.42 b 10436 a
The second season 2023
Control 218.4 b 117.5 c 21.77 b 19.23 c 14.08 b 39.25 c 29.33 c 7657 d
Zn 213.8 c 118.0 b 21.10 bc 19.81 b 14.42 ab 40.58 b 31.50 b 8675 b
P.H. 208.0 d 114.9 d 20.63 c 20.00 ab 14.42 ab 39.33 c 30.92 b 8456 c
P.H. +Zn 220.5 a 123.7 a 23.99 a 20.23 a 14.75 a 42.00 a 32.37 a 10590 a
In terms of ear height of maize, the highest values ranging from 15.63 to 15.96 cm. However, in the
significant values in both seasons were achieved by second season, the application of potassium humate and a
applying both potassium humate and Zn. The ear height in combination of potassium humate and Zn resulted in
the first season was 132.6 cm, while in the second season significantly higher values of 20 and 20.23 cm,
it was 123.7 cm. Regarding of ear length, the most respectively. This demonstrates the positive impact of
significant increase was observed when also applying both these treatments on ear diameter growth.
potassium humate and Zn in both seasons. During the first There was no consistent trend observed in the
season, the ear length measured 23.92 cm, while in the number of rows per ear in both seasons. However, there
second season it reached 23.99 cm. was a clear trend in the number of grains per ear. The
During the first season, there was no significant application of potassium humate and Zn resulted in the
variability in ear diameter when Zn and potassium humate highest significant values of 43.67 and 42.0 in the first and
were applied either individually or in combination, with second seasons, respectively. This suggests that the use of
ISSN: 2456-1878 (Int. J. Environ. Agric. Biotech.)
https://dx.doi.org/10.22161/ijeab.92.8 75
Abdelhamid et al. Enhancing maize productivity under abiotic stresses through the combined use of nitrogen,
potassium humate, and zinc
potassium humate and Zn can positively impact the water retention in the soil, increased availability of
number of grains per ear in maize crops. essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and
In terms of 100-grain weight, the highest potassium, and enhanced microbial activity (Gatabazi,
significant value was observed in the first season with the 2014; Kumar et al., 2022). Zn plays a crucial role in plant
application of potassium humate, yielding a value of 32.33 development, especially in photosynthesis and enzyme
g. Interestingly, in the second season, the combination of activation (Solanki, 2021; Khan et al., 2022). By applying
potassium humate and Zn application resulted in an even potassium humate and Zn together, farmers can ensure that
higher significant value of 32.37 g. This suggests that the their crops receive all the necessary elements for healthy
combined application of potassium humate and Zn may growth and maximal productivity. The improved yield can
have a synergistic effect on grain weight. be attributed to the enhanced nutrient uptake and
utilization, as well as the stimulation of plant metabolism
Regarding maize grain yield, the highest
by potassium humate and Zn.
significant values were observed in both seasons when
potassium humate and Zn were applied together, 2- Impact of nitrogen fertilization
outperforming individual applications. During the first Table 4 presents the impact of N application rates
season, the combined application resulted in a yield of on maize growth parameters. In terms of plant height, the
10,436 kg/ha, while in the second season, the yield most significant increase in the first season was observed
reached 10,590 kg/ha. with the application of 400 kg N/ha, resulting in a height
The results suggest that the synergistic effect of of 226.5 cm. During the second season, application rates
potassium humate and Zn on maize grain yield is of 300 and 400 kg N/ha produced statistically similar
particularly strong when applied together. The combined results, with plant heights of 215.9 cm and 216.9 cm,
application seems to have a positive impact on plant respectively. These results suggest that higher N
growth, development, and ultimately yield. Potassium application rates can lead to increased plant height in
humate, derived from natural organic matter, acts as a soil maize. However, there may be a point of diminishing
conditioner, enhancing soil structure and promoting returns, as the difference in plant height between the 300
nutrient uptake by the roots (Kumar et al., 2013; Ibrahim kg N/ha and 400 kg N/ha treatments was not statistically
and Ali, 2018; Jin et al., 2022). This leads to improved significant in the second season.
Table 4. Effect of nitrogen application rate on maize growth parameters in the two studied seasons.
N levels Plant Ear height Ear length Ear diameter No. of No. of 100-grain Grain yield
height (cm) (cm) (cm) rows/ear grains/row weight (g) (kg/h)
The first season 2022
100 kg 226.7 c 127.9 c 21.13 b 15.29 b 14.58 a 38.17 c 31.33 c 7936 d
200 Kg 231.1 b 130.8 b 22.67 a 15.50 ab 14.33 a 40.83 b 33.08 b 8581 c
300 Kg 234.7 c 132.7 a 22.58 a 15.96 a 14.25 a 43.75 a 31.50 c 9423 a
400 Kg 226.5 a 127.3 c 22.42 a 15.67 ab 14.08 a 41.50 b 34.33 a 9070 b
The second season 2023
100 kg 214.3 b 117.0 c 21.29 a 19.58 b 14.58 a 38.83 c 30.65 a 8322 d
200 Kg 213.8 b 117.9 c 21.75 a 19.83 ab 14.42 a 40.83 b 31.38 a 8840 c
300 Kg 215.9 a 119.1 b 21.81 a 19.83 a 14.33 a 43.25 a 31.08 a 9196 a
400 Kg 216.9 a 120.8 a 21.69 a 19.85 ab 14.33 a 38.25 c 31.38 a 9020 b
During the first season, the highest significant length, ear diameter, and number of rows per ear in both
value for ear height was achieved by applying 300 kg seasons. This suggests that while N application had a clear
N/ha, resulting in a height of 132.7 cm. In contrast, the impact on ear height in both seasons, it did not have a
highest value in the second season was attained by consistent effect on other important maize yield
applying 400 kg N/ha, resulting in a height of 120.8 cm. components such as ear length, diameter, and number of
However, there was no distinctive trend in terms of ear rows per ear. This could indicate that factors other than N
levels may be influencing these traits in the maize plants, yield through various mechanisms. One possible
highlighting the complexity of plant growth and explanation for the lower yield with 400 kg N/ha could be
development. N toxicity, where excessive N can lead to imbalances in
In terms of the number of grains per row, the nutrient uptake and negatively impact plant growth
highest significant values were achieved in both seasons (Vitousek et al., 2009; Guo et al., 2019; Aliyu et al.,
by applying 300 kg N/ha, with values of 43.75 and 43.25, 2021). Additionally, high levels of N can also contribute to
respectively. Additionally, the highest significant value for increased susceptibility to diseases and pests (Szulc et al.,
100-grain weight in the first season was achieved by 2008; Huber et al., 2012; Veromann et al., 2013; Virla et
applying 400 kg N/ha, with a value of 34.33 grams. al., 2023).
However, there was no specific trend observed in the Impact of interaction between potassium humate, Zn,
second season. This suggests that the application of 300 kg and nitrogen application
N/ha is optimal for maximizing the number of grains per Table 5 shows the influence of the interaction
row in both seasons. However, when it comes to 100-grain effect between potassium humate, Zn, and N application
weight, a higher rate of nitrogen application (400 kg N/ha) rate on maize growth parameters. In terms of plant height,
may be more beneficial in certain circumstances, such as the most significant values were observed in both seasons
in the first season. The lack of a specific trend in the when applying 300 kg N/ha in conjunction with potassium
second season could indicate that other factors may have humate and Zn. The plant height reached 243.7 cm in the
influenced the results, and further investigation may be first season and 229.7 cm in the second season under these
needed to determine the most effective nitrogen conditions. This suggests that the combination of 300 kg
application rate for that particular season. N/ha with potassium humate and Zn had a positive impact
The highest significant grain yield in both seasons on the growth and development of maize plants, resulting
was achieved by applying 300 kg N/ha, with values of in taller plants compared to other treatments. The
9423 and 9196 kg/ha in the first and second seasons, significant increase in plant height could be attributed to
respectively. It is noteworthy that this treatment resulted in the synergistic effects of nitrogen, potassium humate, and
a higher yield than applying 400 kg N/ha. This may be Zn on promoting nutrient uptake, photosynthesis, and
attributed to the fact that higher doses of N can impair overall plant health.
Table 5. Effect of the interaction between potassium humate, Zn, and nitrogen application rate on maize growth parameters
in the two studied seasons.
Zn + P.H Plant Ear Ear length Ear No. of No. of 100-grain Grain
treatments N height height (cm) diameter rows/ear grains/row weight (g) yield
(cm) (cm) (cm) (kg/h)
The first season 2022
100 222.3 g 127.0 e 19.83 i 15.00 bc 13.58 a 33.67 g 30.00 f 6964 i
200 228.3 de 127.0 e 21.67 efg 14.83 c 13.67 a 40.67 cde 31.67 ef 7305 h
300 229.6 cde 129.0 21.33 fgh 15.50 abc 13.67 a 41.00 cde 33.00 cde 7954 fg
400 227.3 def 126.3 e 22.17 cdefg 15.33 abc 13.58 a 42.00 cd 30.00 f 7891 g
100 227.0 129.3 21.50 fgh 15.67 abc 14.67 a 38.67 ef 33.00 cde 8215 f
defg cde
200 229.3 cde 130.0 22.00 defg 15.33 abc 14.58 a 40.67 cde 34.00 bc 8215 f
300 234.0 bc 132.7 bc 22.17 cdefg 15.83 abc 14.33 a 45.00 ab 35.33 ab 9465
400 227.7 def 127.3 de 23.17 bcd 15.67 abc 13.67 a 41.00 cde 31.33 ef 9197 d
100 226.3 efg 127.3 de 20.17 hi 15.33 abc 15.67 a 37.00 f 31.33 ef 7096 hi
200 230.3 cde 129.7 22.50 cdef 15.33 abc 13.67 a 39.00 ef 33.00 cde 8020 fg
300 231.3 cd 131.0 cd 22.17 cdefg 16.17 abc 14.67 a 43.33 abc 33.00 cde 9296
400 228.0 de 127.7 de 20.83 ghi 15.83 abc 14.33 a 40.33 de 32.00 de 8678 e
100 231.0 cde 128.0 de 23.00 cde 15.17 abc 14.58 a 42.67 bcd 31.67 ef 9469 c
200 236.3 b 136.3 ab 24.50 ab 16.33 ab 14.67 a 43.33 abc 33.67 bcd 10784 a
P.H.+ Zn
400 223.0 fg 128.0 de 23.50 abc 15.83 abc 14.33 a 43.00 32.00 de 10512 b
The second season 2023
100 209.7 ef 113.0 gh 21.58 abcd 18.83 c 14.00 a 36.67 e 28.17 e 6917 g
200 216.3 d 115.7 fg 21.67 abcd 19.33 bc 14.00 a 41.00 bcd 30.00 cde 7873 ef
300 221.3 c 121.3 cd 22.00 abcd 19.42 bc 14.00 a 42.33 ab 30.00 cde 7936 ef
400 226.3 ab 120.0 de 21.83 abcd 19.33 bc 14.33 a 37.00 e 29.17 de 7903 ef
100 209.7 ef 113.0 gh 20.75 bcd 19.83 ab 14.67 a 39.33 cde 30.83 bcd 8396 d
200 211.3 ef 118.0 ef 20.83 bcd 19.67 abc 14.33 a 40.67 bcd 31.67 abc 8396 d
300 221.3 c 122.0 21.58 abcd 19.92 ab 14.33 a 43.00 ab 32.17 abc 9020 c
400 213.0 de 122.0 21.25 abcd 19.83 ab 14.33 a 39.33 cde 31.33 abcd 8889 c
100 199.7 g 112.0 h 20.00 d 19.83 ab 15.00 a 37.67 e 30.33 bcde 7870 f
200 208.0 f 112.0 h 20.33 cd 19.83 ab 13.00 a 38.67 de 30.50 bcd 8330 de
300 213.0 de 120.3 21.17 abcd 20.25 ab 14.33 a 43.33 ab 31.83 abc 8965 c
400 212.0 ef 115.3 fg 21.00 abcd 20.08 ab 14.33 a 37.67 e 31.00 abcd 8659 cd
100 213.0 de 121.0 22.58 abc 19.83 ab 14.67 a 39.00 cde 31.63 abc 10105 b
P.H.+ Zn
200 216.3 d 123.3 23.33 a 20.43 b 15.33 a 43.00 ab 32.25 abc 10762 a
300 229.7 a 125.3 a 23.42 a 20.50 b 14.67 a 44.33 a 33.17 a 10861 a
Significant improvements in ear height were that these treatments can potentially enhance the growth
observed when applying either 200 or 300 kg N/ha in and development of maize plants. However, the lack of a
combination with potassium humate and Zn. In the first specific trend in the second season suggests that other
season, ear heights reached 136.3 and 138 cm, while in the factors may have influenced the results.
second season, they measured 123.3 and 125.3 cm, In terms of ear diameter, number of rows per ear,
respectively. Similarly, these treatments also led to the and number of grains per row, no significant trends were
highest significant values in ear length during the first observed among the treatments. However, during the first
season, with measurements of 24.5 and 24.67 cm. season, the weight of 100 grains showed a notable result
However, no specific trend was observed in the second with the highest significant value of 36 grams in the
season. These results suggest that the combination of treatment involving the application of 300 kg N/ha along
nitrogen, potassium humate, and Zn can have a positive with potassium humate and Zn. Conversely, no specific
impact on ear height and length in maize crops. The trend was evident in the second season. This suggests that
significant improvements seen in the first season indicate the combination of 300 kg N/ha, potassium humate, and
Zn had a positive impact on grain weight in the first were combined with potassium humate and zinc spray.
season. However, it is important to note that this trend was These findings suggest that maize plants exhibited a clear
not consistent in the second season, indicating that other response to the applied nutrients. However, it is worth
factors may have influenced the results. noting that the highest application of nitrogen fertilizer led
The highest grain yields in the first season were to a lower grain yield, indicating a potential loss of
achieved by applying either 200 or 300 kg N/ha along with nitrogen fertilizers.
potassium humate and Zn. Specifically, the grain yields in
these treatments were 10,784 and 10,978 kg/ha, REFERENCES
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