Dsa Report Final-1

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Submitted by
YASHARTH SINGH [RA2211028030021]
KANISHK VIJ [RA2211028030015]
HEMANT SHEORAN [RA2211028030005]
Under the guidance of
(Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering)

in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of






FEB 2024
(Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)


Certified to be the bonafide record of work done by YASHVARDHAN RATHI

(RA2211028030013), YASHARTH SINGH (RA2211028030021), KANISHK VIJ
(RA2211028030015), HEMANT SHEORAN (RA2211028030005) of 4th semester 2nd year
Campus of Department of Computer Science & Engineering in Design and Analysis of
Algorithms, during the academic year 2023-2024.


Ms. Megha Agarwal Dr. Avneesh Vashistha

Assistant Professor Head of the Department
Computer Science & Engineering Computer Science & Engineering

It gives us immense pleasure to express our deep sense of gratitude to Ms. Akanksha Bisht,
whose constant encouragement and valuable guidance have been the source of inspiration in the
completion of this work. Without her sustained interest and sound counsel, this work would have
not gained the present form. We are equally thankful to all teaching faculty and ever willing
supporting staff members and students of SRM IST Delhi NCR Campus Ghaziabad UP. We are
also thankful to my family for all their love and affection that helped us to fare well in my task.
We thank all those who directly or indirectly helped us during this work.


YASHARTH SINGH [RA2211028030021]
KANISHK VIJ [RA2211028030015]
HEMANT SHEORAN [RA2211028030005]
In the project, we have created a supermarket simulation. We have simulated a total of three
stores within the supermarket (clothes store, departmental store, decor store). We have connected
all three simulated stores to a single administrative interface. The administrative interface
contains the data for all the stores. Each of the three simulated stores also has its own unique
administrative interface. The data for each store can only be accessed by the main administrative
interface and the unique administrative interface for that store through a secure login process.
We are developing a management system simulation for the administrative interface of the

A Supermarket Management System (SMS) is a comprehensive software solution designed to

streamline and automate the operations of a supermarket or grocery store. It encompasses
various functionalities to manage inventory, sales, purchases, customer relationships, and
overall store operations efficiently.

Here's an introduction highlighting the key components and features typically found in a
Supermarket Management System:

1. Inventory Management: This feature allows supermarket staff to track the quantity,
location, and status of each product in real-time. It includes functionalities such as stock
updates, barcode scanning, categorization of products, and alerts for low stock levels.
2. Point of Sale (POS): The POS system enables cashiers to process transactions quickly and
accurately. It includes features like barcode scanning, multiple payment methods (cash,
credit/debit cards, mobile payments), discounts, and refunds. Integration with inventory
management ensures that stock levels are automatically updated after each sale.
3. Sales Analytics: Supermarket owners can gain insights into sales trends, popular products,
and customer preferences through sales analytics tools. This helps in making informed
decisions regarding pricing strategies, promotions, and inventory management.
4. Supplier Management: This module helps in managing relationships with suppliers by
tracking orders, deliveries, and payments. It ensures timely replenishment of stock and
maintains a smooth supply chain.
5. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM functionalities allow supermarkets to
build and maintain relationships with customers through loyalty programs, personalized
promotions, and feedback mechanisms. It helps in understanding customer behavior and
preferences, leading to improved customer satisfaction and retention.

S.N. Artifacts Signature

1 Introduction of the Project

2 Existing problems and proposed solutions

3 Software used and Expected Results

4 Source Code

5 Output of the Project

6 Future Scope of the Project

7 Conclusion
There are a total of three stores represented in a simulated supermarket program that we have
developed. Within this program, there is an administrative interface that requires a username
and password for authentication purposes. Information about the ownership of these stores
must be entered correctly (i.e. Username & Password).

Cloth Store :-

Clothing retailers serve an important function. Invoice record systems that utilize a stack-
based billing concept where bills are created on a given date and stacked for later retrieval
and use in revenue calculations. Such systems enable retailers to efficiently calculate total
prices and generate revenue reports.

We will add new product items to the linked list data structure. When adding a product, it
will be appended to the existing list. To update a product’s quantity, we will modify the
quantity field for that item. We can also change the product identifier if needed.

Departmental Store :-

This also has some function related to billing creation. The bill which has been created will
be pushed into the state in a LIFO (last in, first out) manner.

Insertion at the user level. We have utilized a linked list data structure in this function. We will
insert the node at the end of the current linked list when we want to add the product to it. We
will delete the product when it expires. It must be removed from the linked list, so we will
delete the node from the list. Update the product quantity.

Decor Store :-

This also features some capabilities such as deducing product quantity upon creation,
updating products, and similar functions. However, in this implementation all tasks are
accomplished with the assistance of linked lists.

Potential Problems:

 Limited Functionality:
o Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for products might be the
starting point, but consider expanding to include features like:
 User management (admin, cashier roles)
 Discount management (coupons, promotions)
 Stock management (low stock alerts, reordering)
 Sales reports (daily, weekly, monthly)
 Customer relationship management (loyalty programs)
 Data Persistence:
o Relying solely on in-memory data structures can lead to data loss upon program
termination. Explore options for persistent storage:
 Text files (simple but less efficient)
 CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files (portable, easier to read/write)
 Databases (SQLite for simplicity, MySQL/PostgreSQL for complex
 Error Handling:
o Unforeseen user input, file operations, or database interactions can cause crashes.
Implement robust error handling:
 Input validation (check for numeric input, product existence)
 Exception handling (catch and handle file I/O, database errors)
 User-friendly error messages
 Security:
o If managing sensitive customer information, basic security measures are essential:
 Password hashing (avoid storing plain text passwords)
 Access control (restrict unauthorized user actions)
 User Interface (UI):
o A console-based interface can be cumbersome. Consider:
 Menu-driven interface for ease of navigation
 Graphical User Interface (GUI) libraries (Qt, wxWidgets) if using a GUI

Proposed Solutions:

 Modular Design:
o Break down your code into well-defined classes and functions for better
maintainability and scalability.
o Organize functionalities logically (e.g., Product class, Billing class,
InventoryManagement class).
 Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
o Leverage OOP principles like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation to
create reusable components and improve code organization.
 Data Structures:
o For efficient product lookup and management, consider using data structures like:
 Arrays (simple but inflexible)
 Linked lists (dynamic but slower for random access)
 Hash tables (faster for finding products by ID/code)
o Choose the structure that best suits your access patterns.
 Testing:
o Write unit tests to verify the correctness of individual functions or classes.
o Consider integration testing to ensure different modules work together seamlessly.
 Documentation:
o Document your code with comments (explain logic, assumptions) for easier
understanding by yourself or others.
While C++ is the programming language you're using for your supermarket management
system, the choice of additional software depends on the functionalities you want to implement
and your approach to data persistence and user interface. Here are some potential software
options to consider:

Data Persistence:

 Text Editors: Simple text editors like Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac) can be used
to create and manage text or CSV files for basic data storage.
 Spreadsheet Software: An application like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can be
helpful for initial data entry or prototyping, but may not be ideal for long-term data
management in your program.
 Database Management Systems (DBMS): If you need more robust data storage and
querying capabilities, consider using a DBMS:
o SQLite: A lightweight, embedded database engine that doesn't require a separate
server process. It's a good choice for simpler projects.
o MySQL, PostgreSQL: These are popular open-source relational databases that
offer more features and scalability for complex data structures and larger datasets.

User Interface (UI):

 Console Interface (Default): C++ offers basic input/output functionalities for building a
text-based menu-driven interface. While functional, it might not be the most user-friendly
 GUI Development Libraries: If you want a more visually appealing and interactive UI,
you can explore C++ GUI libraries like:
o Qt: A cross-platform framework offering a wide range of UI widgets and tools.
o wxWidgets: Another cross-platform library that provides a native look and feel on
different operating systems.

Expected results:

Improved Efficiency and Productivity:

 Reduced Manual Tasks: Automating tasks like inventory management, billing, and
reporting can free up staff time for other areas.
 Faster Checkout Times: Self-checkout systems or streamlined billing processes can lead
to shorter queues and improved customer satisfaction.
 Better Stock Management: Automatic reordering and stock level monitoring can
minimize stockouts and overstocking, reducing waste and ensuring product availability.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

 Convenience: Mobile app integration and self-checkout options can provide a more
convenient shopping experience.
 Personalized Recommendations: Data-driven recommendations and targeted
promotions can lead to increased customer satisfaction and potentially higher basket
 Improved Information Access: Interactive kiosks or digital signage can provide
customers with readily available product information and assistance.

Stronger Data Insights and Decision-Making:

 Sales Analysis: Comprehensive sales reports can reveal trends, identify top-selling
products, and inform marketing strategies.
 Demand Forecasting: Predicting future demand allows for better inventory planning,
optimizing resource allocation and preventing stockouts.
 Customer Segmentation: Understanding customer demographics and preferences
enables targeted marketing campaigns tailored to specific groups.

Overall Business Benefits:

 Increased Revenue: Improved customer experience and targeted promotions can lead to
higher sales.
 Reduced Costs: Automation can streamline operations, reduce labor costs, and minimize
 Improved Profitability: Streamlined processes, efficient inventory management, and
increased sales can contribute to higher overall profitability.

User Interface:-

These are the results when a

username and password for a
clothing store account are entered
into the program. If the username
and password match stored
credentials, then the program will
automatically open the interface
for the clothing store website.
These are the results when a username and password for a Gupta Ji store account are entered
into the program. If the username and password match stored credentials, then the program
will automatically open the interface for the Gupta Ji store website.
These are the results when a username and password for a Boho Bazaar store account are
entered into the program. If the username and password match stored credentials, then the
program will automatically open the interface for the Boho Bazaar store website.
* Above all results have their own username & password due to which no one can access
their store information but here is an administrator which can access all stores by its master
password and get to know about all information about each store at a time.
Advanced Automation and Integration:

 Self-Checkout Systems: Integrate with barcode scanners or RFID (Radio Frequency

Identification) technology to enable self-checkout kiosks, reducing checkout wait times.
 Inventory Management Automation: Implement automatic stock level monitoring and
reordering based on sales data and lead times. This can involve connecting with supplier
databases or e-commerce platforms for seamless replenishment.
 Smart Shelves: Explore integrating with smart shelf technology that uses weight sensors
or cameras to track product removal and trigger automatic reordering or display updates.

Enhanced Customer Experience:

 Mobile App Integration: Develop a mobile app for customers to browse products, create
shopping lists, check loyalty points, and receive personalized offers. This can leverage
push notifications for targeted promotions or in-store navigation assistance.
 Digital Signage: Integrate with digital signage displays to showcase product information,
promotions, and personalized recommendations based on customer purchase history.
 Interactive Kiosks: Implement interactive kiosks for product information lookup, recipe
suggestions, and personalized meal planning assistance.

Data-Driven Insights and Personalization:

 Customer Segmentation and Targeting: Leverage customer data to segment customers

based on demographics, purchase history, and preferences. This can be used for targeted
marketing campaigns and personalized product recommendations.
 Demand Forecasting: Utilize sales data and historical trends to predict future demand
for products, optimizing inventory management and minimizing stockouts.
 Price Optimization: Implement dynamic pricing strategies based on real-time demand,
competitor pricing, and product expiry dates.

Emerging Technologies:

 Artificial Intelligence (AI): Incorporate AI for product recommendations, fraud

detection, or even intelligent chatbots for customer service.
 Computer Vision: Utilize computer vision to automate tasks like product identification,
damage detection, or even facial recognition for loyalty program management.
 Internet of Things (IoT): Explore integrating with IoT devices like smart refrigerators
or connected kitchens to provide personalized recommendations or ingredient suggestions
based on customer needs.
This C++ supermarket management system project offers a promising solution for streamlining
operations, enhancing customer experience, and gaining valuable data insights. By automating
tasks, optimizing inventory management, and providing features like self-checkout and
personalized recommendations, the system has the potential to significantly improve efficiency,
customer satisfaction, and business profitability.

The project lays a solid foundation for further development. Exploring advanced automation,
engaging customer experiences through mobile apps and interactive kiosks, and incorporating
emerging technologies like AI and computer vision can unlock even greater benefits in the

In conclusion, this C++ supermarket management system project demonstrates the power of
technology in modernizing retail operations. By focusing on continuous improvement and
leveraging future advancements, you can ensure your system remains a valuable asset for your

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