Lanthanoids and Actinoids

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Sl.No. Characterictics Lanthanoids Actinoids

i. Electronic It may be represented by It may be represented by
configuration [Xe] 4f1-145d0 - 16s2 [Rn] 5 f1-146d0 - 17s2
ii. Oxidation state Show +3 only, except in few Show higher oxidation state
cases where it is +2 or +4. such as +4, +5, +6, +7 also in
They never show more than addition to +3 oxidation state.
+4 oxidation state.
iii. Atomic and ionic The ionic radii of M3+ ions in There is a greater and gradual
size lanthanoid series show a decrease in the size of atoms
regular decrease in size of or M3+ ions across the series.
ions with increase in atomic This greater decrease is known
number. This decrease is as Actinoid contraction.
known as lanthanoid
iv. Chemical reactivity These are less reactive These are highly reactive
metals and form oxides, metals especially in finely
sulphides, nitrides, divided state. They form a
hydroxides and halides etc. mixture of oxides and hydrides
These also form H2 with by action of boiling water. They
acids. They show a lesser combine with non-metals even
tendency for complex at moderate temperature. They
formation. show a greater tendency for
complex formation.
v. Binding energy Binding energy of 4f Binding energy of 5f electrons
electrons are higher are lower
vi. Shielding effect 4f electrons have greater 5f electrons have poor
shielding effect shielding effect
Reason: They have less binding
energy, hence less shielding
effect in 4f- orbital.
vii. Colour Most of their ions are silvery Most of their ions are coloured
white, but trivalent ions are U4+ (green), U3+ (red), UO22+
coloured in the solid state (yellow)
and solution. Reason: Partly filled f orbital, f-f
Reason: Partly filled f orbital, transition
f-f transition
viii. Magnetic They are paramagnetic and They are also paramagnetic
behaviour magnetic properties can be but their magnetic character is
explained easily very difficult to interpret
Reason: The shielding effect of
5f-electrons is less effective as
compared to that of 4f-
ix. Complex formation They do not form complex They have greater tendency to
easily form complex
Reason: Small charge to size Reason: The actinides
ratio, due to their large size. have a greater tendency to
form complexes than
lanthanides because their
ions have high charge and are
smaller ions.
x. Radioactivity Except Promethium , they All of them are radioactive
are non-radioactive
xi. Basic nature Their compounds are less Their compounds are more
basic basic
Reason: 5f electrons have poor
shielding effect compare to 4f
electrons hence actonoids
donate electrons easily
showing more basic nature.
xii. Oxoion formation They do not form oxocation They form oxocation. Ex :
UO22+, UO+
xiii. Uses  Lanthanide are used  Thorium is used majorly in
in the production of alloy Gas mantles.
steels for plates  Scientists and
and pipes. researchers use Actinium to
 Mixed oxides carry out scientific research
of lanthanides are used or study.
as catalysts in petroleum  Actinium is used as a
cracking industries. gamma source, indicator,
 Some lanthanum oxides and neutron source as well.
are used as phosphors in  A large number
television screens and of actinides are used for the
other fluorescing defense operations, nuclear
surfaces. weapons and for the
production of energy.

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