Borehole Breakout Analysis From Four-Arm Caliper L

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Borehole breakout analysis from four-arm caliper logs

Article · January 2003


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3 authors, including:

Mark Tingay Birgit Müller

University of Adelaide Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


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World Stress Map Project
Guidelines: Four-arm Caliper Logs

Borehole breakout analysis from four-arm caliper logs

J. Reinecker, M. Tingay and B. Müller

Borehole breakouts are an important indicator of horizontal stress orientation, particularly in aseismic
regions and at intermediate depths (<5 km). Approximately 19% of the stress orientation indicators in
the World Stress Map (WSM) database have been determined from borehole breakouts. Here we
present the procedures for interpreting borehole breakouts from four-arm caliper log data and for
WSM quality ranking of stress orientations deduced from borehole breakouts.

Borehole Breakouts
Borehole breakouts are stress-induced enlargements of the wellbore cross-section (Bell and Gough,
1979). When a borehole is drilled the material removed from the subsurface is no longer supporting
the surrounding rock. As a result, the stresses become concentrated in the surrounding rock (i.e. the
wellbore wall). Borehole breakout occurs when the stresses around the borehole exceed that required
to cause compressive failure of the borehole wall (Zoback et al., 1985; Bell, 1990). The enlargement
of the wellbore is caused by the development of intersecting conjugate shear planes, that cause pieces
of the borehole wall to spall off (Figure 1).

Sh Schematic of Photograph
borehole shape

Hole ovalisation Zones of

caused by pieces failure
of wellbore wall that
SH spalling off have not
Conjugate shear
Sh failure planes

Figure 1: Results of a hollow cylinder lab test simulating borehole breakout (performed by the CSIRO Division
of Geomechanics). Intersection of conjugate shear failure planes results in enlargement of the cross-sectional
shape of the wellbore. SH and Sh refer to the orientations of maximum and minimum horizontal stress

Around a vertical borehole stress concentration is greatest in the direction of the minimum horizontal
stress Sh. Hence, the long axes of borehole breakouts are oriented approximately perpendicular to the
maximum horizontal stress orientation SH (Plumb and Hickman, 1985).

World Stress Map Project
Guidelines: Four-arm Caliper Logs

Four-Arm Caliper Tools

Four-arm caliper tools (such as Schlumberger’s HDT, SHDT and OBDT) are commonly run in the
hydrocarbon industry to obtain information about the formation (primarily strike and dip of bedding)
and to estimate the volume of cement required for casing. However, unprocessed oriented four-arm
caliper logs can also be used to interpret borehole breakouts. The logs needed for interpretation are
(nomenclature given on Figure 2):

• Azimuth of pad 1 (P1AZ) relative to magnetic north;

• diameter of the borehole in two orthogonal directions (‘Caliper 1’ (C1) between
pad 1 and 3 and ‘Caliper 2’ (C2) between pad 2 and 4);
• borehole deviation (DEVI) from vertical;
• azimuth of borehole drift (HAZI), and;
• bearing of pad 1 relative to the high side of the hole (RB).
Depth, C1, C2 and DEVI must be available to interpret breakouts. However, only two of P1AZ, RB
and HAZI are necessary as the missing log can be calculated using following equation:
tan RB
P1AZ = HAZI + atan
cos DEVI

b Azimuth of hole drift (HAZI)

High side of tool

Caliper tool 3
Relative bearing (RB)
Deviation 2 Reference pad 1 with
(DEVI) azimuth relative to north

Caliper 1 (C1); pad 1-3

Caliper 2 (C2); pad 2-4

Figure 2: a) The Schlumberger High-resolution Dipmeter Tool (HDT; from Plumb and Hickman, 1985). Note
the four orthogonal caliper arms. b) Geometry of the four-arm caliper tool in the borehole and data used for
interpreting borehole breakouts.

Interpreting Breakouts from Four-Arm Caliper Data

The four-arm caliper tool will rotate as it is pulled up the borehole due to cable torque. However, the
tool stops rotating in zones of borehole enlargement if one caliper pair becomes ‘stuck’ in the
enlargement direction (Plumb and Hickman, 1985; Figures 3b and 4). The combined use of the six
logs listed above enables the interpreter to distinguish zones of stress-induced breakouts from other
borehole enlargements such as washouts and key seats (Figure 3 and 4). To identify zones of breakout
and the orientation of the enlargement we suggest the criteria in Table 1 (based on Plumb and
Hickman, 1985; Bell, 1990; Zajak and Stock, 1997):

World Stress Map Project
Guidelines: Four-arm Caliper Logs

Table 1: Criteria for interpreting borehole breakouts from four-arm caliper data.
1. Tool rotation must cease in the zone of enlargement.
2. There must be clear tool rotation into and out of the enlargement zone.
3. The smaller caliper reading is close to bit size. Top and bottom of the breakout should
be well marked.
4. Caliper difference has to exceed bit size by 10 %.
5. The enlargement orientation should not coincide with the high side of the borehole in
wells deviated by more than 5°.
6. The length of the enlargement zone must be greater than 1 m.

Breakout orientations can rotate in inclined boreholes and may not always directly yield the horizontal
stress orientations (Mastin, 1988; Peska and Zoback, 1995). Hence, the maximum horizontal stress
orientation can only be reliably estimated from breakouts in approximately vertical boreholes (less
then 10° deviation from vertical). All orientations measured from four-arm caliper tools need to be
corrected for the local magnetic declination at the time of measurement.

(a) In gauge hole (b) Breakout (c) Washout (d) Key seat

1 1 1 1

Caliper Caliper Caliper Caliper

increase increase increase increase

C1 C1
Bit C1


C2 C2 C2 C2

Figure 3: Common types of enlarged borehole and their caliper log response (after Plumb and Hickman, 1985).

World Stress Map Project
Guidelines: Four-arm Caliper Logs

Figure 4: Four-arm caliper log plot displaying borehole breakouts.

Caliper one (C1) locks into breakout zone from 2895-2860 m (P1AZ ≈
200°), the tool then rotates 90° and Caliper two (C2) locks into
another breakout from 2845-2835 m (P1AZ ≈ 290°). Both breakout
zones are oriented approximately 020° and suggest a SHmax direction
of 110°. The borehole is deviated 4° (DEVI) towards 140° (HAZI).

Determining the Average Maximum Horizontal Stress Orientation: Circular Statistics

Breakout orientations are bimodal data. Data between 180° and 360° are equivalent to those between
0° and 180° (SH varies between 0° and 180°). According to Mardia (1972) the mean breakout azimuth
θm (i.e. Sh) of a population of n picked breakout directions θi is derived by first transforming the angles
to the 0-360° interval. θi* = 2 θi
Then, the direction cosine and sine have to be added and averaged either by the number of
measurements (for number weighted mean) or by the total breakout length L (length weighted mean).
number weighted: length weighted:
1 n n
C= ∑ cosθ i*
n i =1
L = ∑ li
i =1

1 n 1 n
S = ∑ sin θ i*
n i =1
C= ∑ li cosθ i*
L i =1
1 n
S= ∑ li sin θ i*
L i =1

where li is the length of breakout i with orientation θi*.

The mean azimuth results from: θm = ½ arctan(S/C)

World Stress Map Project
Guidelines: Four-arm Caliper Logs

(Make sure that the angles are converted from rad into deg!)
The standard deviation so is derived as

so = 360/2π (-1/2 loge R) 1/2 with R = (C 2 + S 2) 1/2.

World Stress Map Quality Ranking

All data in the WSM database are quality ranked to facilitate comparison between different indicators
of stress orientation (e.g. focal mechanism solutions, drilling-induced tensile fractures, overcoring).
The quality ranking criteria for stress orientations determined from breakouts interpreted from four-
arm caliper logs is presented in Table 2.
Table 2: World Stress Map quality ranking criteria for breakouts ( s.d. = standard deviation) (Sperner et al., 2003).
A-Quality B-Quality C-Quality D-Quality E-Quality
Wells that have ten Wells that have at Wells that have at Wells that have Wells with no
or more distinct least six distinct least four distinct less than four reliable breakouts
breakout zones breakout zones breakouts zones breakouts zones or detected or with
with a combined with a combined with a combined a combined length extreme scatter
length > 300 m; length > 100 m; length > 30 m; and < 30 m or with
of breakout
and with s.d. ≤ 12° and with s.d. ≤ 20° with s.d. ≤ 25° s.d. > 25°
(s.d. > 40°)

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Peska, P. and M. D. Zoback (1995): Compressive and tensile failure of inclined well bores and
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Sperner, B., B. Müller, O. Heidbach, D. Delvaux, J. Reinecker and K. Fuchs (2003): Tectonic Stress in
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 World Stress Map Project, 2003

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