Troubleshoot GC MSMS
Troubleshoot GC MSMS
Troubleshoot GC MSMS
What to Check When Your Results
Go Wrong
Recent Chromatogram
I have a “gut
feeling.” Too vague
My results
Compared to what? don’t look
My current We can do
data doesn’t
look like my something about
typical data. that!
• High background
• Noisy background
• Too many peaks!
Noisy backgrounds or too many peaks?
• Diminished peaks
• Few or no peaks
• Poor data quality (peak
shape, etc.)
Questions to ask:
• Is it really a high background?
• Did I just pump down the instrument?
• What gas quality do I have?
10x increase in background! • Does the system have gas filters?
• Have I checked them recently?
• What do my nitrogen, oxygen and water
backgrounds look like?
• What do they normally look like?
• Do I have any leaks?
Reduced response
• Oxygen in carrier gas is detrimental to GC/MS
• Reduced response
• Elevated background
• Irreversible column damage
• Impaired electron multiplier function
• Premature filament, liner lifetime
GC/MS filter
Agilent P/N
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Let’s talk about Gas Quality and Filters:
If you used lower quality gases, how much O2 could the filter clean up?
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Let’s talk about Gas Quality and Filters:
If you used lower quality gases, how much H2O could the filter clean up?
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Let’s talk about Gas Quality and Filters:
If lower quality gases were used, how much background could the filter clean up?
GC/MS filter
Agilent P/N
Mounting bracket
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I have gas filters and high quality gas, and I still have a high
Use manual tune (before any experiments!) to check for
• Ions 18, 28, 32 m/z
What to check:
1. Verify gas fittings are leak-free.
Water/methanol mixture (external to GC/MS ONLY!)
Leak detector
Agilent G3388B
Leak Detector
What to check:
1. Verify gas fittings are leak-free.
My fittings outside of the GC/MS are leak-free, what
else is there to check?
1,1,1,2- m/z
tetrafluoroethane 69,83
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Using electronics duster to find system leaks: Manual Tune
• Use Profile tab to watch the main ions (69 and 83 m/z for my electronics duster)
• Spray short bursts at vent valve, transfer line, and side door
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Check the Transfer Line Nut for Leaks
• Using a graphite/vespel ferrule, right?
• Installed with the flat end of ferrule facing the MSD?
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I always forget to check my transfer line nut the morning after a
pump down….
• Switch to self-tightening MS column nuts
• Spring-driven piston continuously presses
against ferrule
• Easily installed by hand
• Longer column lifetime, lower column bleed
• ONLY use the short graphite vespel ferrules
– Install with flat edge TOWARDS MSD
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We’ve checked the vent valve and MSD transfer line, is there
anywhere else?
Good Habit Tip #3: Save a chromatogram from immediately after the column was installed. Overlay the
problematic chromatogram with your reference chromatogram to determine whether column bleed may be a
23 November 29, 2018
“Noisy” Background and Too Many Peaks
How do you know it’s noisy?
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 min
• Do the easy steps first! Does your liner look clean or dirty?
Is it column bleed?
Are these peaks from my solvent?
29 11/29/2018
Septum maintenance: TIC of an inlet septum
Septa contamination in wash vials or inlet liners can be diagnosed by looking for siloxane polymers in your total ion
Common ions for
siloxane molecules: chromatogram. Each peak in the chromatogram corresponds to a cyclized (ring structure) siloxane molecule. These molecules
fragment with very similar patterns.
Example spectrum:
3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 15 15.5
Counts (%) vs. Acquisition Tim e (min)
33 11/29/2018
What should I check when my peak response is diminished?
Run 1
Run 42
Where’d my response go?
• Have (at least) 2 extra filaments on hand Filament may fail soon
• More than 1 GC/MS system? Keep >2 on hand, depending on the
number of systems.
• Check filaments when you clean the source
• Look for discoloration behind the filament and unraveling of the coil
• Replace them as a pair
• End-of-life filaments may cause diminished response or odd
artifacts in TIC
• Keep them, just in case the problem is not the filaments
Careful! High Efficiency source (5977B HES single quad MS and Agilent 5977 InertPlus,
7010 HES tandem quad MS/MS) have different filament designs from Extractor, & 5975 Filament
5977B InertPlus, extractor source and older MSD designs! Assemblies: G7005-6001
Remember to re-install the ceramic tip, spring, and nut after column installation!
Ceramic tip for 5977 and 70x0 series Transfer line spring Transfer line cap
G3870-20542 G7005-20024 G3870-20543
• ~ 2.5 to 5 Hz
• Good practice: Start at gain 1 Process for testing gain levels: Do I need to
increase my gain?
• Best Practice: Choose lowest gain factor
for detection of most and least intense • Test gain factor in highest and lowest
ions over target concentration range concentration standards
• Ideal gain could be < 1 • Choose most intense compound/ion
• Lowest suggestion gain: 0.3 • Run known standard at highest concentration
with Gain = 1 (or current gain)
• Avoid high gain for long periods of time
• Is largest ion peak between 3x106 – 6x106
• High gain can shorten life of EM counts?
• If yes, run lowest concentration standard
– Are all compounds detectable?
• If no, try a different drawout lens or
increase/decrease gain (e.g. from gain 1 to
gain 2)
– Repeat process
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
• No tools needed!
43 Confidentiality Label
What steps should I follow when troubleshooting?
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
• Generate a tune report to see if the current tune is working. This does not change any
Quick MSD parameters.