RSLinx Classic Lite (Free) - 4.40.00 (Released 11 - 2023)
RSLinx Classic Lite (Free) - 4.40.00 (Released 11 - 2023)
RSLinx Classic Lite (Free) - 4.40.00 (Released 11 - 2023)
RSLinx Classic may exit if click Cancel button when adding a SLC 500 (DH485) Emulator driver.
When adding a SLC 500 (DH485) Emulator driver in RSLinx Classic, if you click Cancel on the Configure SLC 500 (DH485) Emulator Driver dialog
box, RSLinx Classic may exit unexpectedly on Windows 7 operating systems. First identified in RSLinx Classic version 2.57.00. [269134]
There is currently no work around for this anomaly.
RSWho may fail to upload and register all the EDS files from unregistered devices, if there are too many EDS files (for example, 400 files) or multiple
RSWho instances (for example, 5 instances). First identified in RSLinx Classic version 3.80.00. [357152]
To work around this problem, upload and register several EDS files (for example, 10 files) with a single RSWho instance each time, or manually
upload and register the EDS files using the EDS Hardware Installation Tool.
If an EDS file is removed using the EDS Hardware Installation Tool while RSLinx Classic is running, the EDS file cannot be uploaded and registered in
the RSWho, neither automatically nor manually. First identified in RSLinx Classic version 3.80.00. [357375]
To solve this problem, restart RSLinx Classic to upload and register the EDS file (either automatically or manually).
When running RSLinx Classic for an extended period of time (For example, two days) and a new device appears with a yellow question mark, RSLinx
Classic may not automatically upload the device’s EDS file. First identified in RSLinx Classic version 4.10.00. [144513]
To solve this problem, restart RSLinx Classic and ensure the "Enable EDS File Automatic Upload" is selected.
When creating a TCP driver (Remote Devices via RSLinx Gateway) in RSLinx Classic on workstation “A”, and use it to remotely browse an
EtherNet/IP driver in RSLinx Classic on workstation “B”, if there is no TCP connection between RSLinx Classic from workstation “B” and the devices
under that EtherNet/IP driver, the devices cannot be browsed or displayed under TCP driver in RSLinx Classic workstation “A” either. First identified
in RSLinx Classic version 4.10.00 [Jira 96767]
To solve this problem, establish TCP connection between the RSLinx Classic workstation and the devices before browsing them remotely. For
example, right-click the device to check the Device Properties dialog box, and then click Cancel.
The icons of some modules may not be updated in RSLinx Classic after and EDS is installed with a new icon. First identified in RSLinx Classic version
4.12.00. [Jira 625333]
To avoid this situation, restart RSLinx Classic or remove the previously registered EDS files, and then upload and re-register them.
Installing a very large quantity of EDS files (for example, over 25,000) or a high number of large EDS files could cause RSLinx Classic to fail during
startup. First identified in RSLinx Classic version 4.12.00. [Jira 848905]
To avoid this problem, either reduce the number of EDS files in the system or refer to Knowledgebase Document ID: BF25849 - RSLinx Crashes when
a Large Number of EDS files (over 25,000) are Registered.
FactoryTalk View Studio startup performance tends to degrade over time when there are a large number of devices on the network. First identified in
RSLinx Classic version 2.56.00. [218691]
To solve this problem, compact existing harmony topologies through RSLinx Classic:
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products and content. Please excuse the use of such terms in our content while we implement these changes.