Q4-DLL Health 8 - Wk1-4
Q4-DLL Health 8 - Wk1-4
Q4-DLL Health 8 - Wk1-4
1. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of factors that influence cigarette and alcohol use and strategies for prevention and
Standards: control
2. Performance The learner demonstrates personal responsibility in the prevention of cigarette and alcohol use through the promotion of a
Standards: healthy lifestyle
discusses gateway analyzes the negative discusses the analyzes the negative health impact of
drugs (H8S -IVa -27) health impact of cigarette dangers of drinking alcohol
smoking mainstream, describes the harmful short - and long
describes the second hand and -term effects of drinking alcohol
3. Learning harmful short - and third hand smoke; interprets blood alcohol concentration
Competencies/ long -term effects (H8S -IVb - c -29) (BAC) in terms of physiological changes
Objectives: of cigarette in the body
smoking on the *explains the impact of drinking
different parts of alcohol on the family, and community
the body (H8S -IVb (H8S -IVe - f -31 H8S -IVg - h -32)
- c -29)
(5 mins)
C. Presenting Key to Knowing Process Questions: Match it Up! Process Questions:
examples/ Copy and complete the Aside from the harmful Direction: Match the 1. What is an
instances of the diagram below. List the effects mentioned earlier, picture to the type of Alcohol?
new lesson two gateway drugs in the can you write some of the smoke. 2. What kinds
(EXPLORE) two smaller boxes and other harmful effects of A. MAINSTREAM of alcohol do
the examples of the smoking to your B. SIDESTREAM you know? Is
dangerous illegal drugs in body? C. THIRD HAND it safe to
the bigger box. drink
Write your answers on different
the board. varieties of
(each one shall write 3. What are the
answers to the board) effects of
(10 mins) (5 mins) (5 mins)
concepts and teacher will briefly The teacher will give The teacher will discuss The teacher will
practicing new discuss about the feedback to the answers briefly the types of discuss about
skills #1 Gateway Drugs. given by the students and smoke. Alcohol.
also discuss the harmdul
(10 mins) short and long term (10 mins) (10 mins)
effects of Cigarette
(10 mins)
E. Developing Process Questions: Text Twister: Process Questions: Brainstorming!
mastery (leads 1. What are gateway Arrange the letters for 1. What harmful Ask the students to
to formative drugs? Whya re each item to decipher the chemicals are associate words
assessment) these called word(s). A hint is provided present in with alcohol.
(EXPLAIN) getway drugs? below. cigarette smoke
2. Why do teenagers 1. Too much exertion and tobacco? Have you seen a
smoke/dink of blood against 2. List the person who has
alcohol? the arteris causing implications of consumed alcoholic
3. Why do teenagers damage. (HIGH cigarette smoking beverages? What
explore on using BLOOD and chewing are your
dangerous drugs? PRESSURE) tobacco to the observations?
4. Do you think their 2. Involves the body.
reasons put their cardiovascular 3. Why are
health at risk? system (HEART mainstream,
Why or why note? ATTACK) sidestream and
3. Effects of cigarette third-hand smoke
smoke to your dangerous to
body scent (BODY one’s health?
ODOR) (5 mins)
4. Foul smell
exhaled from the
mouth (BAD
5. Inflammation of
the airways from
the traches into
the lungs
6. A chronic disease
which affects the
(5 mins)
F. Making Poster Ads! Pledge Wall The Smokers Body Check your
generalizations The teacher will group The teacher will group the Look at the picture of the knowledge
and the class with 3-4 class into 5 and make a smoker’s body ans Discuss alcohol and
abstractness to members. Each group pledge wall about answer the questions: how it enters the
the lesson shall create poster ads SMOKING body.
(ELABORATE) about the gateway drugs. 1. Types of
(see rubric a guide) (see rubric) Alcohol
(10 mins) (10 mins) 2. Examples of
3. Path of
through the
(10 mins)
Whya re this
picture presented
as such? What
can you say about
the picture?
(5 mins)
G. Evaluating ACROSTIC POEM See the rubric for The Dangers Within The Alcohol Path
learning Write acrostic poem assessment Draw a cigarette Fill in the blanks
(EVALUATION) about smoking and stick on a bond with the correct
alcohol. You may use paper. List sevral information.
words or phrases that chemicals that 1. Alcohol
describe or remind you of you think are enters the
the topic word. present in a body first
S A cigarette stick. through
M L ____.
O C 2. In the ____
K O alcohol is
I H converted
N O into water
G L and carbon
(10 mins) dioxide.
3. Most alcohol
enters the
through the
4. The ___
alcohol in the
the body.
5. Alcohol is
fitered in the
___ leaving
salts and
acids and
exits the
body through
(5 mins)
H. Additional My Health Journal No. 1 My Health Jourbal No. 2 My Journal No. 3 My Journal No. 4
activities for Make a journal explaining Make a journal explaining Gateway toa Healthy Make a journal
application and how you manage to be how you manage to be Family Life refer to page explaining how you
remediation free from gateway drugs. smoke-free. 369 amange to be
(EXTEND) alcohol-free.
E. Which of my teaching
strategy/ies worked well?
Why did these work?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other