2ND Term Phe Exam Class JSS3

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13 SilifatAkinsanya Street/63 Martins Street, Off Omilani Street,

Ijeshatedo, Surulere, Lagos.
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this section

1. Which of the three type of group event is for women?(a) decathlon (b)
heptathlon(c) octathlon (d) pentathlon
2. The following event are common to the three type of group event
EXCEPT(a)200m race (b)javelin (c)long jump (d) 1,500m
3. Which of the group event is carried out on a day? (a)decathlon (b)
heptathlon (c) octathlon (d) pentathlon
4. Which of the following is a physical change experienced by both boys and
girls? (a)development of muscles (b) developments of round hip (c) growth
on the hair of the body (d) development of deep voice
5. Which of the following is not a health consequence of premarital sex? (a)
may lead to unwanted pregnancy(b) may lead to emotional guilt of making
a child at of wedlock (c)may lead to fulfillment of one’s life (d) possibility of
contacting STDs
6. Which of the following is not function of physical education specialist?
(a)coaching (b) health journalism (c)sport psychology (d) teaching and
physical education
7. ------ is regarded as the father of physical education in Nigeria. (a)Mr. H.J
Ekperigin (b) Prof.J.A Adedeji (c) Prof.M.O Ajisafe (d) Frederick john
8. A standard swimming pool measures? (a) 8m/2.75m (b) 9m/3.95m (c)
9m/2.97m (d) 9m/2.95m
9. In order to avoid water-borne diseases, we should ------- (a)boil and filter
drink (b) drink water taken from the stream (c)drink water from it source
(d) take water from bore holes regularly
10.The vector of disease is known as trypanosomiasis is the ----------- (a)black
fly (b)tsetsefly (c) housefly(d) mosquito
11.If our food is deficient in protein, which of the following is likely to occur?
(a) night blindness (b) ricket (c)anemia (d)kwashiorkor
12.HIV stands for ----------- (a) human infectious virus(b) human immune virus
(c) human immunodeficiency virus (d) hormone immunodeficiency virus
13.In order to be AIDs free, one need to do the following EXCEPT one (a)do not
use same tooth brush (b)do not use a used razor blade (c) have a regular
intercourse without protection (d) abstain from casual sex
14.The international taekwondo federation Canada (ITF) was founded in the
year ------ (a)1996 (b) 1966 (c) 1986 (d)1969
15.Gymnastic equipment includes all of the following EXCEPT (a) stick (b)rope
(c) parallel bar(d)mat
16.In athletics the starter’s commands for the sprint event is ________ (a) set,
go, on your marks (b) get, set, at your marks (c) set on your marks, go (d) on
your mark, set, go

17.Which of the following is NOT a jumping event? (a) shot put (b) high jump
(c) long jump (d) triple jump

18.Which of the following is not a purpose of swimming? (a) for survival (b) for
combat (c) all round development of the body (d) for pleasure

19.Which of these is not a stroke in swimming? (a) breast stroke (b) butterfly
stroke (c) top stroke (d) back stroke

20.Which of these diseases may be prevented by adequate sewage disposal?

(a) malaria (b) ringworm (c) syphilis (d) tuberculosis

21.All the following can be transmitted through contaminated water except?

(a) cholera (b) dysentery (c) ringworm (d) typhoid

22.Common sport injuries include the following except______ (a) bruises (b)
sprain (c) dislocation (d) gun shut
23.______ is the activities engaged in during leisure hours to revitalize the
body and brain(a) Physical training (b) Swimming (c) Gymnastic (d)
24.Which of the following events is not run on the track? (a) 400m (b)
Marathon (c) 200m (d)4x400m
25.Which of the following is a uses of water? (a) for drinking (b) for washing (c)
for industrial use (d) all of the above
26.To avoid injuries, learners must need _____during exercise (a)
demonstration (b) student (c) spotters (d) sitters
27.The government that fights against drug is ---------- (a) NDLEA (b) NAFDAC
(c) NFA(d) EFCC
28.Effect of drugs abuse on individual is felt in the area of --------- (a) education
(b) family life(c) health life(d)all of the above
29.Drug abuse can lead to all EXCEPT ------------- (a) death (b) accident (c) child
birth(d) mental disorder
30.Which of the following is a hard drug? (a) cocaine (b) penicillin (c) aspirin(d)
31.Mode of drug abuse include the following EXCEPT (a) sniffing (b) self -
injection (c) oral (d) doctor’s prescription
32.The following substances are natural drugs EXCEPT (a) cola nut (b) Indian
herm(c) tobacco(d)paracetamol
33. All the following are aquatic sports except______ (a) abula
game (b) water polo (c) canoeing (d) swimming

34. All but one of the following is not an infectious disease? (a)
small pox (b) measles (c) chicken pox (d) kwashiorkor
35. It is necessary to boil and filter water from the stream before
drinking (a) during the dry season only (b) during rainy season only
(c) all the year round (d) only when it is brown in colour

36. Which of the fastest swimming stroke? (a) front crawl (b) back
crawl (c) butterfly stroke (d) breast stroke

37. How many lanes have a standard Olympic swimming pool? (a)
2-3 (b) 4-6 (c) 6-8 (d) 9-10
38. Meal that contains various classes of food in the right
proportion is _________ (a) vitamin (b) proteins (c) carbohydrates (d)
balanced diet
39. The term aquatic mean__________ (a) activities preformed in
water (b) activities performed on the field (c) activities performed on
track (d) activities perform on horse

40. One of these is not an aquatic swimming (a) canoeing (b)

shooting (c) swimming (d) diving


Section B
1. List five reason a person should take drugs
b) State five ways drug abuse can be prevented
c) Mention six effect of drug abuse

2. Enumerate five boxing skills in taekwondo

b) State three effect of HIV/AIDs on human
c) Mention three signs and symptoms of AIDs on human

3 write short notes on any two sport heroines in Nigeria

b) List five safety measures and precautions in swimming
c) Define vector disease and state three values of gymnastics

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