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14° 79°- 33004/99

REGD. NO. D. L. - 33004/99

211-4.-a'a" Iti.V11 4410i

(t he Gcmette of 3tictia ditimitut
•ITT1 I—V1v-4 1
PART 1—Sectioti 1
colt # :mica
t 89] itRft, Man 21, 2004/411181 1, 1926

9116.- vcnicia ITV t4i9* *NM

(infEreF aft lifFrwurftilun)


. , 21*, 2004

Ti. - 371/12/2002-R.**-111.—gleircb tiq •04 -tiicito,4*311.

tict).1,'S4*t &re.11*- T10I./ fra tilrbq,l ) *M-
539/2003 *1•1391:1Ii ctp(it Tfrffr ziT w:Mf tt- 1,4(1 'RP-TR* GI till 44 licittlig tiugTEA* ( "arff)" A
-strtff Nictwicil wittrt f-wR "qtr4 -k1R 3..ta ft BRIT Nit A7171
-r-eft aial , l -gm tik ct,icri7A-.*-ku y1,441,4,./.
B ra t tit ul PTE4EW, 2002 %-1. *W- 171-0-9-0-Kett I

3TR, d, titchlt (1 Aga tictw.1 c.)a t : —

1. *---/E11:1-1kar 311711T ti(chR arellT ct) *-#1airtiftER*74:r dia tv-it et)-E 14 t4-1 ,
titchlt klIEliftMArdt istratT qt4 .gru 114Na TR** 31W4r tw.11 ,414.1 'gam* * 641 cro-1 ,11,:l Ti WET-17*
fcbtil diiit 4 aleTeIT 1:1q*Wrzi/11 *TIWAT faferd fkichig4 ANT V(4 altretT
mcoacnvillTsq-411ct.cAszt3truvr4*foR q,civitt
Tr9)-91-a- TrIT-+-Tor Rrin-f-d 1z:btu Nenacovir aTerert iiiehiqo Tterrfisip 1i Plavl *4 4T 741T4w stal
aTtrefT n
71TfrM i) 4 1

2. 11-4917 aifim-t-ur Trk tir 4;40 *wt. siche chiui TT4 .4rliztrWrzW14 31)-t qq(ut HlIgr tichal t I
-trk filchiqd t -79).t?rTFkm-t-ur r 411414 4 "wlf -ri-Ent st4.11 I

3. kliki ch 4174 liVNT;f, 1923 'WI- ftfif Nm .k- APTIV 41- 14PIVT9**31-1- "q 33 *13117Z- (V) A (TO lidird
eqfzhvii ebli 014) t)qcb aTereff raltit tog tired cs-)i zi.- 175srf-wr 9-11-fict arrw*-rir fffrura Sichachtul 14-A
tichni t I

4. tiro ikiebvio 4 fileolgoetmi -TT tEIT 'TM t '14h air3r+7171 r-P-Irtirt9d "71:t s al 10t
(i) +11)1 CI 31ftr*-{7 A TM-1M rviiwil 'FW TIT TM zit wtifqu- t 3llTEIT9t rvits; i ?mom

(ii) rzlq,itinq ,tlf 4V:411 7-Tslifrd filiwicpvrai c Trf-4 tioni•n 'TT v1111 tiriqiii-41 VT
37zr-qi Nit ark1 colgicit4 artrEfr ixamift *I an*
1305 GI/2001

(iii) 51cblq (101-Mi .Arl- 11 -T7r ttg * TITAR 13-491.ff 31f3M14 31214rd: 717 tr?ri- klq f-44*-cri
et' 11 `tqf Tff d11;1 4, t; r 3-TR117 ei icy t I 3f41- cj*-49Yd a-TN-WM -as*
171if" taii(011

(iv) - q14,1.0 -4-fit)wpf t lo-i*.cw-r Ziereir *91 -07-4591pi cIC1 rqlstIttid*

1174ft: eflmtur *rem- *TT trffr * * ;Tr* *Tezr •711•1 3Ttlfki-d*
aTimr coNfogifftiTrirtire Trr+-r# "MT 3ic6) . kuiruicii/83Eltif 314, Tcrtt-4-mur
I t:1T cht -1:9Y4d 3-111i*ri TSIF.sit 411.131*7 -Tei chk+II 3-11T 7:1WfATff MUTAT trZ-
1ff ar1-44 4)11 11ft .11c 3 f+7,11 4,1(.14qi TAT 4- 11"t *T IM lifftv1IcT * TS11 -4t 4r,1111 TT1

(v) f--'T'ic .c•rr• -Tr dmt 3n-Tr t-4*A-rc trfq Trt-4.rd 87RT*Tur Ti* Tr 4 6o1 t .rW aT4E74 Ti kwrztm
alererr vtzr-ar{* .perr aTRW TrITTI -.mot t .79)-91-u 8f-4m-7miTrizrr-Ard TR*R-1 fasirrr 33srEfr Vr
7:rzi-wr Trierr cb.(4 li9f4 4,14111 41' ar4T Tt*Tazi-TnIT wri=m- it :—
(*) Trwr--Ard TR*Tit 4'4 u l t*f.-z d'13€44 cOttic111-61 ./IF chtil \Mil

(V) aTer-artg*T-OT fRiffftr,* (u84-1i'R`0.1 4R°hR .Q. ri If:f la tit 4; fff(i d "

51q114 lob ct)C4-1

( TI) -911**CIY"--1 . 41t rir

eRlf-d**tra zrk(r -+il?iti' in * 3i1Ich1 1Trri- alitruiw ct)1 ell if
1-4, * Ai TizErziwr 3rrrtm-RV
- at cbt -II I

(ti) tif-TR 'qtil tr-*--4**g7timm* eht1I I

5. xpi Aimt --45ctici ct)(4 aitrIT TrIzfr-4,Th• * 4b(4 *371)49 *i *9)917 3-1c1-1*T7* Altd" qletil
ITT I1 cbt4 14 Triff 514)It t-wvli Tr4 f-
77 i4xliclk 414) TrITtf •11 1:1-{*- 1-443-Itful •t Zierlr
s*If144-)11(4i 1-014,3rifirr- 6,11 AlTir

6. -zrk 4,1 0'4 chi ftFT1*Ttaft .14 -p:r z,Trtm .tiT 4cf Fl ar* %- 34 avizi*airtTIT ITT Tftr-37 cot-ii 7E74* dti;-
icblqa Ache: kW) ! r'hilt * .q. lif;* *1-iTTITI -STT2tiT aTF&TwTur* -grrki i ,.r) 31-r-47i 41 ,-1(
(14 )att*zr2nmw 3414(1 ezreirl Gi1, 111**917 3151*714 TIRfArd VT*1* t)cict) altr4TTI( I*31*1*T*
** %ft RP-it stizjmi fitql

7- IqIct)1 411enTli * aT*9' miT 311Tair lahfxd s,1-imlt̀1 a3T qfrci *1 -zier t
,3-111Fif tizurrr fTT-mr4 */.4 tr-4-ila 1.14,--(14 Tri:e4Ta. Twit .srarwrrvii 39-*1 r 'iii
oh-4 11 I

8. . -Tf 4)14 T ATtc-i tq, 131-141*174 tq*alfer4IT I"Pect, q1 qict)tgaTET*6-9-*Ti'ff 31TRT Fl d1 a1 4Ft11.1
1171 ttqf ‘11 , 111

9. tirc Trta-17-11.11-+-m -fm-rzm atti511Td arEi* ciltdsic 74F:1'Q' Tirat t 411 I cf 3711-1 dLiTta 4,y4 3(51*

10. "r1-491-"d 8TFITTPT1 1 4-1 ci tin Zr* sict)c- ctittiTTR*41Tt 3174131:14' ct) If
(W) fti:11- 411 41(4 f-A74 ril4 tl44, z,61-1.TTR, 1850 *wf.-cTw afttrqfm- 47 tii if ici -*a a-Tikqr
rc,{1 Tim t ; ,33,1741
(•) tit -*/1 919 1( diTifTT aTf TttL 1952* cwc-1 *faR '4-AT TRIT t I
11. 17-44ff
- ,iT
- 5TT-61*flk-711*P441(1741--4? -0' IrTA- .1-1)41cfIfillit 111 urn
. 4411 ciARK a79Trr alfir+-Turf0---4 41).1<:r -k- 3.77117 trETWE *TA* TEF 1741.4* 6.;mfirf-d- ti
12. TP TlitTZT gRT 61.11 -ffW MI'Lt61 I

3f11* 441 ricilf 41

Drirt 1 —"Mut I
%Ma' : ,317RTITTIT
(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, the 21st April, 2004
No. 371/ 12/2002
-AVD-111.—Wherea.s while hearing Writ Petition (C) No. 539/2003 regdraing the muitiei zf
Shri Satyendra Dubey, the Supreme Court desired that pending enactment of a suitable legislation, suitable machinery .
should be put in place for acting on complaints from "whistle-blowers".

Andiswhereas the `'he Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers' Bill, 2002, drafted by the Law
Commission under examination.

Now, therefore, the Central Government hereby resolves as under :

The Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) is hereby authorized, as the Designated Agency, to receive written
complaints or disclosure on any allegation of corruption or
of mis-use of office by any employee of the Central
Government or of any corporation established by or under any Central Act, Government companies, societies or
local authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government. The disclosure or complaint shall contain as full
particulars as possible and shall be accompanied by supporting documents or other material.
The designateed agency may, if it deems fit call for further information or.particuiars from the persons making the
disclosure. If the complaint is anonymous, the designated agency shall not take any action in the matter.
NotWithstanding anything contained in the Official Secrets Act, 1923, any public servant other than those referred
to clauses (a) to (d) of Article 33 of the Constitution or any other person including any non-governmental
organisation, may make a written disclosure to the designated agency.
If the complaint is accompanied by particulars of the person making the complaint, the designated agency shall
take the following steps :

(i) The designated agency will ascertain from the complainant whether he was the person who made the
complaint or not.

The identity of the complainant will not be revealed unless the complainant himself has made the details
of the complaint either public or disclosed his identity to any other office or authority.
(id) Alter concealing the identity of the complainant, the designated agency shall
make, in the first instance,
discreet inquiries to ascertain if there is any basis of proceeding further with the complaint. For this
purpose, the designated agency shall devise an appropriate machinery
(iv) Either as a reslut of the discreet inquiry, or on the
basis of the complaint itself without any inquiry if the
designated agency is of the opinion that the matter requires to be investigated further, the designated
agency shall officially seek comments/or explanation from the Head of the Department of the concerned
organisation or office. While doing so, the designated agency shall not disclose the identity of the
informant and also shall request the concerned Head of the organisation to keep the identity of the
informant secret, if for any reason, the concerned Head comes to know the identity.
After obtaining the response of the concerned organisation, if the designated agency is of the opinion
that the, investigations reveal either mis-use of office or substantiate allegations of corruption, the
designated agency shall recommend appropriate action to the concerned Government Department or
Organization. These shall, inter alia, include following :
(a) Appropriate proceedings to be initiated against the concerned Government servant.
(b) Appropriate administrative steps for redressing the loss caused to the Government as a result of
the corrupt act or mis-use of office, as the case may be.
(c) Recommend to the appropriate authority/agency initiation
of criminal proceedings in suitable
cases, if warranted by the facts and circumstances of the case.
(d) Recommend taking of corrective measures to prevent recurrence of such events in future.

5. For the purpose of making discreet inquiry or obtaining information from the concerned organisation, the desig-
nated agency shall be authorized to call upon the CBI or the police authorities, as considered necessary, to render
all assistance to complete the investigation pursuant to the complaint received.
6. If any person is aggrieved by any action on the ground that he is being victimized due to the fact that he had filed
a complaint or disclosure, he may file an application before the designated agency seeking redress in the matter,
who shall take such action, as deemed fit. The' designated agency may give suitable directions to the concerned
public servant or the public authority as the case may be.
7. Either on the application of the complainant, or on the basis of the information gathered, if the designated agency
is of the opinion that either the complainant or the witnesses need protection, the designated agency shall issue
appropriate directions to the concerned Government authorities.
8. The machinery evolved herein shall be in addition to the existing mechanisms in place. However, secrecy of
identity shall be observed, only if the complaint is received under this machinery.
9. In case the designated agency finds the complaint to be motivated or vexatious, the designated agency shall be at
liberty to take appropriate steps.
10. The designated agency shall not entertain or inquire into any disclosure :
(a) in respect of which a formal and public inquiry has been ordered under the Public Servants'Inquiries Act,
1850; or
(b) in respect of a matter which has been referred for inquiry under the Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952.
11. In the event of the identity of the informant being disclosed in spite of the designated agency's directions to the
contrary, the designated agency is authorized to initiate appropriate action as.per extant regulations against the
person or agency making such disclosure.
12. The machinery created herein shall nperatr.till Parliampnt peeps a law on the sul*.ct.
e Arr
.1.• nn
1.11 •J V1J311L1 vrkv a
T A .4.11
ruvA, rauui. uwy.

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
v1-13'1 74° 0r.4 - 33004/99
REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

itlz1 14,11
Qahe Ga%ette of ;7India
1—TfITZ 1 •
PART I—Section 1
mifiptit stcol tin
I. 981
No. 981
fc- t11, wptAt acnt, ante 29, 2004/41111
9, 1926

tttlt "VIM eimfflq

(wrfirw 41 yawn *mg)
TfTml, 29 2004
14. 3 71/12/2002 RA:4 II
- - — 311:11VR4 f flct4 ,1 1-1M-I, INTT-5*1 > clich 21 fir,
2004 mcot q10 %Ma' titetlit
7.1 ,-ric-44 89 .47 alifqTW 4,(a -ER; * .sritfAmihr c .2a171-2 f--ifilf-Zwi **a. Fa) :
Weri-Thf> eft t1 511 T4Tif4i1 ICI vtId F :
V1414) .A1 tlY1^5% Vi Vizii • • •
'cc mirctcri t, tn.) 539;2v03 col GrKci t$'1 I, 441451i!II ail
WrgTtAt (*TM •;3,T4) A Tim ixichleicii ITT -r.lmt fchq wr-4 d41,:irt -wi .srvff
(ii) t-kic-1-1* 34frAl 1:fra**T 2 A 4 designateed ( g;)-1.1;d1s) *17 -g 'designated' ( sal 1; res ) 3if-dp.Trftra-

aftrrit clenfoq, aitiT mict


(Department of Personnel and Training)
New Delhi, the 29th April, 2004
371/1 2/2002-AVD.111.—In partial modification of the Governinent of India's Resolution No. 89, published in the
te of India Part I Section 1. Extraordinary dated 21st April, 2004, the following modifications are made in the opening
para and para- 2 of the said Resolution :
(I ) The opening parn of the Resolution is substituted as :
Whereas while hearing Writ Petition (C) No. 539/2003 regarding the
murder of Shri Satyendra. Dubey, the question
of a suitable machinery for acting on complaints from 'whistle-blowers' arose "
(ii) In para 2 the word "designateed" is substituted as "designated".


1396 CH/2004

Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Dethi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110854.
/1-4q' 740 to 70'0-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99

STREim 41M 401

The &acne of ;4n,clict
WIT I-111111- 1
PART I—Section 1
surt+cnii Tim14417

190] qc.ci , apt+4 nem, 311TRT 29, 2013/174 7, 1935

No 190] NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 2013/BHADRA 7, 1935

ch, *-4.. Mrt .01-4 44A1C1t1 *t71 3Tfif-974-4* -gR1 ZIT *Hcti 3 Tzuftru ebti
l 1411-1 31ETafT t.ftchit tcurii-cni EIT
( chi eh 30 121*rwur fenuTt)
Trwt c>41.14f, 1T3 aitrqr Teg-44 3rrfir*-rril*
tilchts4 7zIT trt favor * aftr*R k-1 3T1--
vvrart aTtTor *cK * WrOr
Is , 14 347TRI, 2013 3171tf * -#4%1 4 fRf-grd Picwicr tri done,'
14-4tt Nictoticr 3fiFt .1,01 T41911. 3rifilwrft *
T. 371/4/2013/7-41*-111.- 1-177 31-cfrturn
tort-11, 141111, imos 1 sicto%cr ci)cbriti 5icb 1 -ffeTi -51§11-44 vg 4 it 3rrf -t--ff 7-zrT f
TAIT * 3f-dtd DIchRiff 314trff tg*-- 1-zr Trat-dr aTtzilTr :
mcbd-f 7T iqichiticf 1:1 No-if Ti Trd 71 live
(4(4141) X17 1a 3Trir*-Tur* --KT 7 3TTFETTff co(4 to-qtrq wAn -cr.4 Ott fim 7m-4w TIT
T 4-I11104 * ticbc-44 kiistii 371/12/2002/74V-111 ?<it* 3T-Pr 11 X14 1"
21 alfrF, 2004 1:1 f"*"7 7T•
(iv) tT 7 ens, 1-14-ircifiocf if, aTTEIts:—
deiti tichcti 14,-
"7W. 7 -al fYlmlticlq,af *311 9 TR 7 Titfra
(i) 4 41 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 74 11 "TT9191V 71-971* aTrtiR 117, qic 7491-a1a 3rAT--*--t .wr 4ff 0
3TrwrErr" 7g1 it 377 if 31TR 71, Pichi ,tocnol zit *'t Zit -71 341--177*-aT
"7 3Tftwtur aTerar -4:r91917 "Sfrfirwm" Irrl 791517 3nfirwrt, 4.irtrd TR--*-T41 3rrfilwift
f41#17 rcht4f vgji-q7 icqi1r-R'qf a.)4 Riq st1 1-11 1-1 *).
•ZT 1114 c 13ITZI)1T * -M-T 3d1WIT I"
(ii) -1 111 1 71 klt,c " Sichacbtuf 342441 IYIctlItid -424-011-4
f-4-4Tur* Trrfti* 3Tzrar 3TP4 (v) 4R-I 11 *77, P1 4--IRIP-qd 4RT ,71151 3Tek:—
7I17111 7TTfi: *T (1.14 sx1I1'II;
"11*. -7 1TT
- Tia*ai 3-Trzirri ( -ft*) -1:191917 slI I1a,1t1
(iii) -41T 1 * -47 *Tr ‘311i. \11W1, "ATta F4icniqt-if trztakrIT -cra .n24if I"

" 1*. TM titq, lt * 4-17410<-{ 34?-1-41 fff141* * ti.str tf71. 7t7ff

tIrcent 73TflichiW 1-4, 41

3752 GL/2013

MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES disclosure on any allegation of corruption or

AND PENSIONS misuse of office by any employee of that
(Department of Personnel and Training) Ministry or Department or of any corporation
established by or under any Central Act.
Government companies, societies or local
New Delhi, the 14th August, 2013. authorities owned or controlled by the Central
No.371/4/2013-AVD-III — In this Ministry's Government and falling under the jurisdiction
Resolution No371/12/2002-AVD-III dated 21st April, 2004, of that Ministry or the Department.
published in the Gazette of India. Extraordinary, Part 1, 1B. The disclosure or complaint shall
Section 1, authorising the Central Vigilance Commission contain as full particulars as possible and shall
(CVC) as the Designated Agency for handling of he accompanied by supporting documents or
complaints under the Public Interest Disclosure and other materials.":
Protection of Informers. the following amendments are
(iv) after paragraph 7, the following paragraph shall
hereby made, namely:-
be inserted, namely:-
In the said Resolution,-
"7A. Either on the application of the
(i) in paragraphs 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11, for the complainant, or on the basis of the information
words "the designated agency" wherever they gathered, if the designated authority is of the
occur, the words "the designated agency or the opinion that either the complainant or the
designated authority" shall respectively be witnesses need protection, the designated
substituted; authority, shall take up the matter with the
(ii) in paragraph 1, the words "The disclosure or Central Vigilance Commission. for issuing
complaint shall contain as full particulars as appropriate directions to: the Government
possible and shall be accompanied by authorities concerned.":
supporting documents or other material. - shall (v) after paragraph I I , the following paragraph
be' o-mitted: shall be inserted. namely:-
(iii) after paragraph I , the following paragraphs shall - "I1A The Central Vigilance Commission
be inserted, namely:- (CVC) shall supervise and 'monitor the
1A, The Chief Vigilance Officers of the complaints received by the designated
Ministries or Departments of the Government authority.".
of India are also authorised as the designated
authority to receive written complaint or

R oo t e d tr th ;.1 Manager (iovernmeni of India Press Ring Road. Mayapir; Nev

and Pubilsiled b' the Controller of Pubii;:• Delhi-110054

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