modulation (ADPCM). Unlike traditional sam-pling, in which each sample shows the magnitude
of the signal at a particular time, ADPCM encodes changes in the signal. The samples are
expressed in a coding alphabet.
■ Ringing: The central office sends a ringing signal to the telephone when a call is waiting.
■ Off-hook: The telephone industry term for answering a call is going off-hook; the technical
term for hanging up is going on-hook.
CH 8
Hardware and Software Architectures
Distributed embedded systems can be organized in many different ways depending
upon the needs of the application and cost constraints. the different types of interconnection
networks that can be used.
A point-to-point link establishes a connection between exactly two PEs. shows a simple
example of a distributed embedded system built from point-to-point links. The input signal is
sampled by the input device and passed to the first digital filter, F 1, over a point-to-point link.
The results of that filter are sent through a second point-to-point link to filter F 2. The results in
turn are sent to the output device over a third point-to-point link.
A bus is a more general form of network since it allows multiple devices to be connected
to it. Like a microprocessor bus, PEs connected to the bus have addresses. Communications on
the bus generally take the form of packets.
Distributed system buses must be arbitrated to control simultaneous access, just as with
microprocessor buses.
Fixed-priority arbitration always gives priority to competing devices in the same way.
Fair arbitration schemes make sure that no device is starved. Round-robin arbitration is
the most commonly used of the fair arbitration schemes.
A bus has limited available bandwidth. Since all devices connect to the bus, communications can
interfere with each other. Other network topologies can be used to reduce communication
A crosspoint is a switch that connects an input to an output. For example, to connect in2
and out3 in the figure, we would activate crossbar A as shown. The major drawback of the
crossbar network is expense.
Many other networks have been designed that provide varying amounts of parallel
communication at varying hardware costs. Figure 8.6 shows an example multistage network.
Multistage networks have intermediate routing nodes to guide the data packets. Most
networks are blocking, meaning that there are some combinations of sources and destinations for
which messages cannot be delivered simultaneously. A cross bar is non blocking.
I2 C is designed to be low cost, easy to implement, and of moderate speed. It uses only two
lines: the serial data line (SDL) for data and the serial clock line (SCL).
This Figure shows the structure of a typical I2 C bus system. Every node in the network
is connected to both SCL and SDL. Some nodes may be able to act as bus masters and the bus
may have more than one master. Other nodes may act as slaves that only respond to requests
from masters.
The basic electrical interface to the bus is shown in Figure. Both bus signals use open
collector/open drain circuits. 1 A pull-up resistor keeps the default state of the signal high, and
transistors are used in each bus device to pull down the signal when a 0 is to be transmitted.
Open collector/open drain signaling allows several devices to simultaneously write the
bus without causing electrical damage.
Every I 2 C device has an address. A device address is 7 bits in the standard I 2 C
definition (the extended I 2 C allows 10-bit addresses). The address 0000000 is used to signal a
general call or bus broadcast, which can be used to signal all devices simultaneously. The
address 11110XX is reserved for the extended 10-bit addressing scheme.
A bus transaction comprised a series of 1-byte transmissions and an address followed by
one or more data bytes.
an address transmission includes the 7-bit address and 1 bit for data direction: 0 for
writing from the master to the slave and 1 for reading from the slave to the master.
A bus transaction is initiated by a start signal and completed with an end signal.
Fieldbus (5mks)
Manufacturing systems require networked sensors and actuators. Fieldbus is a set of
standards for industrial control and instrumentation systems.
The H1 standard uses a twisted-pair physical layer that runs at 31.25 MB/s. It is designed
for device integration and process control.
The High Speed Ethernet standard is used for backbone networks in industrial plants. It is
based on the 100 MB/s Ethernet standard. It can integrate devices and subsystems.