Bach 2 Espiñeira 2022 Unit 5 Key

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5.1. Complete
1) government. 2) upset 3) stage 4) parachute 5) responsible
6) catastrophe 7) suspended 8) inquest 9) apologized
10) wrongly 11) wing

5.2. Answer
1. Summary
Bloody Sunday tragedy occurred in Londonderry in 1972. Northern Ireland was under
British government, and there was a demonstration to protest against it. Some British
soldiers fired and there were 14 dead. The IRA responded with attacks to the British until
1998. Then the Prime Minister apologized for the shots.

2. true/false
a) false. They marched to protest the ban.
b) True. A few weeks after the incident, the Prime Minister imposed direct British Rule.
c) false. In 1998, the Prime Minister David Cameron apologized.

3. explain the meaning

a) unionist: people in favor of the union.
b) paramilitaries: members of IRA, which was not an official army but acted as one.
c) rang out: sounded, started
d) on the behalf of the government : representing the government
e) warrant: justify
f) fired: shot
g) they likely believe: they probably believe

a) incident
b) target
c) bombs
d) helped, marched
e) violence
f) joke

5. Rewrite'
a) They didn't want them in the county.
b) If the unionist government hadn't interned suspected paramilitaries without trial,
people wouldn't have got really upset.
c) Parliament had been suspended in Belfast by the Prime Minister.


acknowledge : recoñecer
ban: prohibición
Good Friday: Venres santo
occupying forces : forzar de ocupación
stage: representar, escenificar
wing: ala, sección


I can't believe the news today

Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away
How long, how long must we sing this song?
How long? How long?
'Cause tonight We can be as one, Tonight

Broken bottles under children's feet

Bodies strewn across the dead-end street
But I won't heed the battle call
It puts my back up, puts my back up against the wall

And the battle's just begun

There's many lost, but tell me who has won?
The trenches dug within our hearts
And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart

Sunday, Bloody Sunday (x2)

How long, how long must we sing this song?
How long? How long?

'Cause tonight we can be as one,

Tonight, tonight…
Sunday, bloody Sunday

Wipe the tears from your eyes

Wipe your tears away (x2)
Oh, wipe your blood shot eyes. (Sunday, bloody Sunday)

And it's true we are immune

When fact is fiction and TV reality
And today the millions cry
We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

The real battle just begun

-Sunday, bloody Sunday-

To claim the victory Jesus won

Sunday bloody Sunday
Sunday bloody Sunday...
bloody Sunday
Sunday, bloody Sunday

Jackie, I remember your face
from a far distant place
Yes I do

Jackie, You were an innocent boy

Why did they destroy
your future owed to you?

You came from a home of nine sisters

and five brothers
Up in the Creggan you were my cousin

You worked with my brother Dustin

And after my father
Down in Springtown tending looms

Jackie, You were just 17

when they shattered your dreams
And we never got over it.
Jackie, You would find a good wife,
had a wonderful life
and raised your weans well.

In ’68 your mother Maureen she died

And with Willie your father we cried.
She was so very young.
Her sister Dolly said if Maureen had survived,
She’d have been in that coffin by your side
Your mother couldn’t have coped

Jackie, You were good in the ring

Cause that was your thing
You would have been a champion
Jackie, Your nephew John did you proud
He’s recognised by the crowd
Has fulfilling your ambitions

Your face is painted on murals down in the Bog

And I pray to God that you’ll not be forgotten
That day in ’72 that’s etched on our minds
The day that innocence died
They called it “Bloody Sunday”

Jackie, There were 13 others as well

More unfinished stories to tell
Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, Our Jackie, Jackie Duddy.

On a summers day in Derry in 2010

Thousands gathered again
and the world looked on
The British Government said “Sorry”
and admitted they were wrong
The clapping went on and on
The cheering went on and on

Jackie, Your innocence was declared

Your family’s voices were heard
after 38 years

Jackie, Now you can rest in peace

The false accusations have ceased
The truth has been set free

Paddy Doherty, Gerald Donaghy,

Hugh Gilmour and Michael Kelly,
Michael McDaid, Kevin McElhinney.
Bernard McGuigan and Gerard McKinney
William McKinney, William Nash.
James Wray. John Johnston.
John Young And Jackie Duddy


Well it was Sunday Bloody Sunday

When they shot the people there
The cries of thirteen martyrs
Filled the free Derry air
Is there any one amongst you
Dare to blame it on the kids?
Not a soldier boy was bleeding
When they nailed the coffin lids!
Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day!

You claim to be majority

Well you know that it's a lie
You're really a minority
On this sweet Emerald Isle
When Stormont bans our marchers
They've got a lot to learn
Internment is no answer
It's those mothers' turn to burn!

Sunday bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday's the day! (x2)

You Anglo pigs and Scotties

Sent to colonise the north
You wave your bloody Union Jacks
And you know what it's worth!
How dare you hold to ransom
A people proud and free
Keep Ireland for the Irish
Put the English back to sea!
Sunday bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday's the day! (x2)

Well it's always bloody Sunday

In the concentration camps
Keep Falls and roads free forever
From the bloody English hands
Repatriate to Britain
All of you who call it home
Leave Ireland to the Irish
Not for London or for Rome!

Sunday bloody Sunday

Bloody Sunday's the day! (x6)

5.7. Listening: AFTER THE MASSACRE

1. The boy was shot when he was running away.

2. false. People in the Bogside are saying no shots Were fired at the troops.
3. hooligans
4. Three were dead
5. cans of CS gas, stones and bricks.


You've seen life through distorted eyes
You know you had to learn
The execution of your mind
You really had to turn

The race is run the book is read

The end begins to show
The truth is out, the lies are old
But you don't want to know

Nobody will ever let you know

When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you're on your own
Fill your head all full of lies

The people who have crippled you

You want to see them burn
The gates of life have closed on you
And now there's just no return

You're wishing that the hands of doom

Could take your mind away
And you don't care if you don't see again
The light of day

Nobody will ever let you know

When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you're on your own
Fill your head all full of lies

You bastard!

Where can you run to

What more can you do
No more tomorrow
Life is killing you

Dreams turn to nightmares

Heaven turns to hell
Burned out confusion
Nothing more to tell

Everything around you

What's it coming to?
God knows as your dog knows
Bog blast all of you

Sabbath bloody Sabbath

Nothing more to do
Living just for dying
Dying just for you.

5.10. READING.

1. Black Sabbath sing about horror themes, but also about social instability, political
corruption, the dangers of drug abuse and war.
2. They make heavy metal music.
3. They called it Sabbath bloody Sabbath because the Bloody Sunday in Ireland
happened at that time and the band wanted to show how they were feeling at that time,
mixed will how Ireland was.
4. The cover of the album is quite strange. There is a man on a bed and some demons
are attacking him. There is a big hull on the top of the bed, looking at him, with the
number 666 under it.



A 200 - metre-high skyscraper un rañaceos de 200 metros de altura
highly educated con estados de alto nivel
weIl- connected con los contactos
well- done ben feito, moi feito (carne)
well-dressed ben vestido
badly-behaved de mal comportamiento, maleducado
badly-wounded; mal ferido
best-selling ; superventas
easy-going: pacífico, tranquilo, que se leva ben
fast-growing: de crecimiento rápido
never-ending; interminable
bad- tempered: de mal xenio, malhumorado
blue-eyed: de ollos azuis
long-haired: de pelo longo
open-minded: de mente aberta
left-handed: zurdo
self-employed; aulamono, auto-empregado
short-sighted: corto de vista, miope



13.1. Reported speech (sin cambio a pasado)

1. She says that she wants to tell me something about her holiday in London.
2. She says that she went to London in July.
3. She says that her parents went with her.
4. She says that they spent 3 days in London.
5. She says that London is a multicultural place.
6. She says that she saw people of all colours.
7. She says that she and her parents visited the Tower.
8. She says that one evening they went to see a musical.
9. She says that she loves London.
10. She says that the people are so nice there.

(non hai 13.2)

13.3. Rewrite con reported speech. Ollo ós cambios nos tempos verbais.

1. Benjamin says that he often has a big hamburger .

2. Hannah said that they live in Boston.
3. Tyler told me that Ian doesn't invite girls to his parties.
4. Dominic remarks that she understands Japanese.
5. Sophia explains that Bella doesn't collect stickers.
6. Robert added that Dennis often downloads the latest tunes.
7. Olivia explained that Leroy was out riding his new waveboard that day.
8. Luke added that he didn't know what to do,
9. Lily thinks that Mr. Jones is rude to Samantha.
10. James and David tell me that they have to go now.
11. Idrissa hold me that she works in an office.
12. Lacoda told me that Ryan and Lucas play football.
13. Victoria told me that she likes her cat.
14. Henry asked me if I could see him.
15. Julian told me that he would have to borrow my pencil.
16. Melanie told me that her father is Jamaican.
17. Emma and Doris asked me if they could borrow my rackets.
18. Leah asked me how my journey is.
19. Isabella and Ella told me that they love their pets.
20. John said that Mandy was at home.
21. Max told me that Frank often reads a book.
22. Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
23. Simon said that David had been ill.
24. Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
25. Susan said to me that he was going to ride a skateboard.
26. Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
27. Charles remarked that he hadn't had time to do his homework.
28. Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
29. Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
30. Emily said that their teacher would go to Leipzig the following day.
31. Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
32. Robert told me that his father had flown to Dallas the previous year / last year. (last year se
cho conta no mesmo ano, the previous year se cho conta nun ano distinto).
33. Lisa said that Tom had gone to the stadium an hour before.
34. Patricia said that her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.


13.4. Imaxina que repites oracións que oíches hai dúas semanas noutro sitio.

1. He said that they wouldn't sleep.

2. They said that hey were busy.
3. He said that he knew a better restaurant.
4. she said that she had woken up early.
5. the said that he would ring her.
6. They said that hay had just arrived.
7. she said that it was very quiet there.
8. she said that she hadn't said that.
9. She said that she didn't know where her shoes were.
10. He said that he wouldn't tell anyone.
11. They said that that was their book.
12. She said that she had gone to the cinema the day before.
13. He said that he was writing a test the following day.
14. You sand that you would do that for him.
15. She said that he was not hungry at that moment.
16. They said that they had never been there before.
17. They said that they had been in London the week before.
18. He said that he would have finished that paper by the following day.
19. Yesterday Barbara told me that she had to do her homework that afternoon.
20. Linda said that Max had flown to London two weeks before.
21. Grandmother said that she had lost her glasses two days before.
22. A man said that his train to Liverpool left two days later.

13.5. Reported questions.

1. She asked where her umbrella was.

2. Martin asked us how we were.
3. He asked if he had to do it.
4. The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5. She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best.
6. She wanted to know what they were doing.
7. He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema,
8. The teacher wanted to know who spoke/speaks English.
9. She asked me how I knew that.
10. My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
11. He wanted to know the time / what time it was.
12. She asked me when we would meet again.
13. She asked him whether/if he was crazy.
14. He wanted to know where they had lived.
15. She asked him whether/if he would be at the party.
16. She asked me if I could meet her at the station.
17. The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer.
18. She wanted to know why I didn't help her.
19. He asked me if I had seen that car.
20. The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room.
21. He asked her why she had been so angry at her.
22. John asked Petra why she had been spying on him in his own house.
23. She asked who those people were.
24. She asked me what I was interested in.
25. Ann asked me if I wanted to dance.
26. Betty wanted to know when I had come/gone.
27. Mark asked me whether/if John had arrived.
28. Ronald asked me where María parks her car.
29. Elizabeth asked me whether/if I had watched the latest film.
30. Mandy wanted to know whether/if she could help me.
31. Andrew asked me whether/if Mandy would have lunch with Sue.
32. Justin asked me what I was doing.



1. The teacher told Joe to stop talking.

2. She told him to be patient.
3. Her father told her to go to her room.
4. She told us to hurry up.
5. He asked her to give him the key.
6. She asked Sam to play it again.
7. He asked Caron to sit down.
8. The receptionist asked the guest to fill in the form.
9. She told us to take off our shoes.
10. She told him to mind his own business.


1. She told him not to touch it.
2. He told me not to do that again.
3. He told her not to talk to him like that.
4. She warned him not to repair the computer himself.
5. She told me not to let him in,
6. He begged her not to go out without him.
7. She told me not to forget my bag.
8. The chemistry teacher told his students not to eat in the Lab.
9. He advised her not to give herself up.
10. She told the boys not to hurt themselves.

13.8. REPORTED REQUESTS (hai fallos na numeración no libro)

1. She told me to go upstairs.

2. He told me to close the door behind me.
3. He advised us not to be late.
4. She told him to stop staring at her.
5. He asked her not to be angry with her.
6. She told me to leave her alone.
7. She warned us not to drink and drive.
8. Grandmother asked me to bring/take her a cup of tea.
9. Andrew told me to clean the blue bike.
10. Jessica told me to write the following message.
11. Nelly told me to help Peter’s sister.
12. Fred told me to wash my hands.
13. Anna told me to open the window.
14. Tom told me to come/go at 8.
15. The teacher told me to do my homework.
16. Doris told me to dance with her.
29. Sabine told me to meet Sandy at the station.
17. Victoria told me to check my e-mails.

19. Karen told me not to play football in the garden.

20. The teacher reminded me not to forget my homework./ to do my homework.
21. Mike told me not to shout at Peter.
22. Yvonne told me not to talk to my neighbour.
23. Denise told me not to open the door.
24. Marcel reminded me not to sing that song.
25. Jane advised me not to watch the new film.



1. He said that he liked that song.

2. She asked me where my sister was.
3. She said that she didn't speak Italian.
4. They asked me to say hello to him.
5. He said that the film had begun at seven o’clock.
6. She told the boys not to play on the grass.
7. She asked him where he had spent his money.
8. He said that he never made mistakes.
9. He wanted to know if she knew Robert.
10. The stuntman advised the audience not to try that at home.
11. She said that she was very tired.
12. She told Ben to be careful.
13. She says that she will get herself a drink.
14. He wondered why I hadn't phoned him.
15. He said that he could not drive them home.
16. She asks Peter if he prefers tea or coffee.
17. She asked me where I had spent my holidays the previous year / last year.
18. He advised her not to go too far.
19. He wanted to know if we had been shopping.
20. He asksus not to make so much noise.
21. Two weeks ago he said that he had visited that museum the previous week/ the week
22. She claimed that she was the best for that job.
23. Last year, the minister send that the crisis would be overcome this year.
24. My riding teacher said that no one had ever fallen off a horse there.
25. Last month, the boss explained that none of his co-workers had to work overtime then.
26. She asked what he had said.
27. He asked her if she wanted to dance.
28. I asked him how old he is/ was.
29. The tourists asked me if I could show them the way/ to show them the way.
30. The shop assistant asked the woman which jacket she had already tried on.
31. The passenger requested the taxi driver to stop the car.
32. The mother told her son not to be so loud.
33. The policeman told/asked us to keep moving.
34. She told me not to worry.
35. The zookeeper told the children not to feed the animals.
36. She asked who was the best player there.
37. He asked her if she was going home with him.
38. She asked me what I wanted.
39. He asked me what the matter was.
40. She asked which her seat was .


1. I thought
2. going
3. he was going
4. would have to work
5. wouldn't finish.
6. had begun

1. complain : Anne complained that her parents wouldn't allow her to work after school.
2. Explain: The shop manager explained that they were closing the shop early that day.
3. Promise: The teacher promised the students that they would get extra marks if they
completed the assignment by the following week.
4. Remind: Tim reminded Sam not to forget the party the following week.

13.12. Rewrite in DIRECT SPEECH.

1. James said: " We have been working too hard since last week" .
2. " What about flying to Italy next week? ", Sandra said.
3. " Paul, we will not finish the repairs unless you pay us", the workers warned.
4. "Are you starting your new job today, Mike?", Peter asked.
5. "When are you coming home?" , Linda asked.
6. "Dan, don't eat with your mouth open", his mother said.
7. "I usually study Maths on Tuesdays, but my lesson was cancelled yesterday", her brother



1. Paul told me that he couldn't believe what I was saying.

2. She offered the girls a cup of tea.
3. He asked what time I had arrived in London,
4. She apologised for being late.
5. She thanked Jo for the postcard that she had sent her.
6. He asked what I had been doing the night before at 9.30.
7. He promised to show me when he finished. / He said he would show me when he finished.
8. She admitted stealing the wallet.
9. She insisted that I went with them.
10. My boss told me to finish the report that day.
11. Then Sean Connery said that his name was Bond, James Bond.
12. She denied killing the president.
13. She agreed to meet me after the lesson.
14. He reduced to tell them
15. She told the that they were meeting Tom the following weekend.
16. She invited John (to come/go) to the party.
17. She suggested going to the park.
18. He advised me to be more careful.
19. I recommended Joe to go to India.
20. The boy said that he was doing his homework.
21. He suggested going for a gym.
22. They advised us to tell the truth.
23. He refused to phone Mary.
24. She denied living with him
25. He offered John another biscuit.
26. They reminded us to check the tyres before leaving.
27. She apologised for interrupting me.
28. She advised Paul to go to the doctor.
29. He suggested renting a canoe.
30. The doctor warned him to be prepared for the worst.

6. Rewrite.
1. She has had this computer for a year.
2. He last ate octopus in 2019,
3. They have played/ have been playing tennis for three months,
4. I have known my husband since 2013.
5. I have been Head of the Stock Department for 4 years.
6. My mother started studying French 15 days ago.
7. She moved to Betanzos in 2009.
8. How long have you had your cow?
9. I haven't travelled to Egypt since March.
10. How long ago did you buy your watch?
11. She began packing after Tom had left.
12. They had never flown by Concorde before.
13. He waited until all the guests had left before he started cleaning,
14. He apologised for disturbing them.
15. You needn’t attend the meeting.
16. I wish I were on a deserted island right now.
17. Nothing has been heard about the worker’s strike.
18. He may have missed the last train.
19. You should renew the wallpaper.
20. "Can you wait outside, please?", she asked.
21. We may go to Coimbra next summer.
22. She asked me to close the door.
23. Shall we go to a concert tonight?
24. They were late, so they missed the train.
25. I should have told John about the party.
26. You mustn't use electronic devices on a plane.
27. He got terribly nervous, so he failed the driving test.
28. "How about going on a boat trip around the island?" he suggested.

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