Speed and Reading Comprehension English Materials

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of words: 249 words

God Helps Those Who Help Themselves

Ching and Lu were brothers. They lived in a four-storey building with many other families.
One early dawn in August 1968, the brothers were fast asleep in their room. Suddenly, they were
awakened by the strong shaking of the building. Both brothers knew instantly that there was a strong
earthquake. In a second, they found themselves buried under tons of bricks, cement and wood.
Ching and Lu could hardly move. “Come, Lu,” Ching said. “Let us try to get out.”
“How can I when can hardly move?” whispered Lu.
“Try, dear brother, and pray,” Ching said.
But Lu did not move. On the other hand, Ching tried to get out of the mounds of rocks and wood. He
prayed to God for help. Later, he touched the side of a wall. He got a piece of rock and tried to pound on it with
all his might.
“A miracle!” cried Ching as he heard someone pounding outside the wall. “They heard me at last! I‟ll be
After long hours of waiting, Ching saw a hole on the wall. Soon he felt strong hands drawing him out of
the wall. Ching was saved. But Lu could not be saved anymore. Help came too late for Lu. He died along with
the hundreds of people who were buried in the building by the strong quake that August dawn. Many people
were saved. Like Ching, they believed that God would not forsake them if they helped themselves. God helped
them indeed.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. What was the brothers‟ nationality?
a. Filipino b. Chinese c. American
2. How did you know their nationality?
a. by their ways b. by their looks c. their names
3. The brothers lived in a _____________.
a. two-storey building b. five-storey building c. four-storey building
4. They were awakened by a ______________.
a. strong rain b. strong wind c. strong earthquake
5. In a second, they were buried in tons of _______________.
a. leaves, trees and grass b. bricks, cement and wood c. stones, pebbles and rocks
6. Ching prayed to ______________.
a. God b. his father c. his mother
7. Ching touched the side of a ______________.
a. wall b. roof c. kitchen
8. Ching tried to pound on the wall with a piece of _______________.
a. iron b. stick c. rock
9. Why did Ching pound on the wall?
a. to break the wall
b. to frighten the rescuers above him
c. to let rescuers know he was underneath
10. What lesson can you get from the story?
a. You can do anything with your destiny.
b. God helps those who help themselves.
c. It is not safe to live in four-storey apartments.
No. of words: 276 words

Lady with the Lamp

Do you know what served as an inspiration to the founder of the Red Cross Society?
Florence Nightingale, the founder, was born in Florence, Italy in 1820. She was raised by her parents in
an English countryside. While still a little girl, Florence showed her love for nursing by caring for her dolls and
sick animals. One time, she saved the life of a dog named Cap. The dog happened to have an infected paw
and Florence treated the wound until it was cured.
She was presented to Queen Victoria when she was eighteen. Her parents wanted her to lead a gay
and sociable life and to marry a well-to-do fellow. But Florence against her parents‟ wishes trained as a nurse.
People despised nursing during that time. But when the war broke out between Britain and Russia,
Florence, for the first time in history, took with her a staff of nurses to take care of the wounded in the
battlefields. After six months of heroic work, the rate of wounded soldiers dropped from 420 per thousand to 20
per thousand.
Even during the night, Florence carrying a lamp, would go around visiting the wounded soldiers. Thus,
Florence Nightingale was known as the Lady with the Lamp. She probably saved more lives during her lifetime
than any woman in history ever did.
There are now Red Cross Societies established all over the world through the inspiration of Florence
Nightingale. They do wonderful jobs in the battlefields. They help people who are victims of fire, floods,
earthquakes and other natural calamities. They also have blood banks for those who need blood. All these we
owe to Florence Nightingale.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who served as an inspiration to the founding of the Red Cross Society?
a. Tandang Sora b. Josefa Escoda c. Florence Nightingale
2. Where was Florence Nightingale raised?
a. in a French countryside b. in an English countryside c. in a German countryside
3. How did she show her love for nursing?
a. by caring for her sick friends c. by caring for her dolls and sick animals
b. by caring for her sick mother
4. What was the name of the dog she saved?
a. Cap b. Laddie c. Brownie
5. What did her parents want her to do?
a. to study nursing b. to study medicine c. to lead a gay and social life
6. To whom was she presented when she reached the age of eighteen?
a. to Queen Anne b. to Queen Beatrix c. to Queen Victoria
7. In what profession is Florence Nightingale‟s possibly studied?
a. in the nursing profession b. in the medical profession c. in the teaching profession
8. How did the people regard nursing during the nineteenth century?
a. They honoured it. b. They admired it. c. They despised it.
9. In what war did Florence serve?
a. between Britain and Russia b. between Italy and Germany c. between France and England
10. Write down Florence Nightingale‟s profession. Underline it twice.
11. Florence Nightingale can be similar to a Filipino heroine. Name one. ___________________________
No. of Words: 251 words

The Honest Farmer

Twelve farmers worked on Don Lucio‟s big farm. The wide tract of land was equally divided among the
twelve. Each farmer was responsible in planting, gathering and selling his own product in the town market.
They were paid according to the money they got out of their sales.
Reynaldo, a boy of eighteen years of age, was one of the farmers. He found working on the farm a
pleasure. He was on the farm before sunrise and continued working long after the sun had set. Don Lucio
secretly admired Reynaldo for his industriousness.
One day, Don Lucio went to the farm. “Reynaldo, can you show me a plot of tomatoes from where we
can gather and give for free to some poor people?”
Reynaldo accompanied Don Lucio to the plots of tomatoes. When they came to a plot where the
tomatoes were ready to be picked, Don Lucio said, “This plot of tomatoes will do.”
“No, Sir, let‟s go just a little further,” Reynaldo replied politely.
Amuse instead of getting angry, Don Lucio walked on with Reynaldo.
“Well, this plot of tomatoes is just right for gathering,” Don Lucio said.
“If you don‟t mind, Sir, let‟s move to the next plot,” Reynaldo requested.
Don Lucio and Reynaldo moved on to the next plot. Surprised, Don Lucio looked at Reynaldo and said,
“These tomatoes are not different from those we have seen earlier. Why did we have to go this far?”
“Because, Sir, this plot of tomatoes is mine,” Reynaldo replied.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. How many farmers were employed by Don Lucio?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 15
2. How old was Reynaldo?
a. about eighteen years old b. exactly eighteen years old c. past eighteen years old
3. What could be said of Reynaldo?
a. hardworking b. carefree c. impatient
4. How were the farmers paid?
a. on monthly basis b. according to their sales c. by dividing the produce
5. Who were to be given tomatoes?
a. the poor people b. Don Lucio‟s neighbor c. Don Lucio‟s friends
6. Who admired Reynaldo secretly?
a. the poor people b. Don Lucio c. the farmers
7. What was Don Lucio looking for?
a. tomatoes to be given away free
b. tomatoes to be sold
c. tomatoes for a party
8. Who sold the farm products?
a. Don Lucio b. the farmers c. poor people
9. Did Don Lucio and Reynaldo stop at the first plot?
a. Yes b. No c. Perhaps
10. What can you say about Reynaldo?
a. boastful
b. honest
c. irresponsible
No. of Words: 252 words

The Travelers

Two good friends, Lino and Nardo, were travelling along a narrow, dusty road toward the city. They
have been travelling on foot from morning up to noontime when they decided to rest under a big mango tree by
the roadside. While they lay their weary heads on their knapsacks, they saw something half-buried in the dusty
road just in front of them.
Lino got up to get the buried thing. “See what I found. It‟s a heavy bag,” he said.
“Why say „I found‟? Why not „we found‟? Nardo asked.
Lino shook his head. “It‟s mine alone,” he said aloud as he opened the bag. “It contains clothes and
some money,” he added joyfully.
After they have rested a little, they continued on their way. Neither one was talking. Lino patiently
carried the heavy bag. Suddenly they heard heavy thuds from behind. They looked back and saw four men on
horseback. They seemed to be looking for something. They rode so fast that they caught up with Lino and
Nardo in no time at all.
“Thief! You, thief!” one of the men said, pointing at Lino. “How dare you steal the King‟s bag!” he
continued shouting.
“Sir, no sir,” Lino said with a trembling voice. “We found this bag on the road. You can have it, Sir.”
The king‟s horsemen seeing Lino‟s sincerity got the bag and proceeded to the city. When they were
gone, Nardo said, “When you were in trouble, you did not hesitate to say „we found‟, did you?”

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Lino and Nardo were __________.
a. brothers b. friends c. enemies
2. Weary from travelling, they decided to __________.
a. rest under a mango tree b. eat in a nearby restaurant c. swim in a nearby river
3. Along the dusty road, they saw a half-buried __________.
a. chest b. bag c. sack
4. The thing was full of __________.
a. gold b. food and clothes c. clothes and money
5. “See, what I found?” exclaimed ___________.
a. both b. Lino c. Nardo
6. Soon they were apprehended by ___________.
a. come policemen b. the king c. men on horseback
7. They were accused of ___________.
a. stealing the thing b. buying the thing c. owning the thing
8. Lino, with a trembling voice said, ___________.
a. “I found this by the roadside”
b. “We found this by the roadside”
c. “All of us found this by the roadside”
9. The selection tells that ___________.
a. some people keep good luck to themselves and share their troubles with others
b. some people share good luck with others and keep trouble to themselves
c. some people share everything with their friends
10. Copy the title of the selection, then write the names of the characters referred to by the title.
No. of Words: 262 words

White House

The White House is the Malacañang of the United States. Located on Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, D. C., the White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It is a large
prestone building built in 18th century colonial style and painted white.
The White House stands on six-hectare, landscaped grounds. It is two and one-half storeys high. When
it was built, its walls were not white but were gray of sandstone. It was called the “President‟s Palace”.
The first President to live in the White House was John Adams. It was in 1800 and the building had not
yet been finished. It was painted white in 1817, when James Monroe was President. It has remained white
ever since Monroe‟s time.
The White House went through many repairs until its present structure was finished and ready for use
again in 1952. It now has 107 rooms and 31 bath and wash rooms. Some of the rooms are offices where the
President works with his helpers.
The best known of the White House rooms are the East Room, the Blur Room, the Green Room, the
Red Room and the State Dining Room. If the White House were a royal palace, the Blur Room would probably
be the throne room. The State Dining Room is where the President and the First Lady treat the guests at State
dinners. This room can seat a hundred guests at a time.
Visitors are always welcomed at the White House. About a million people visit the home of the
President of the United States every year.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. The Malacañang of the US is _________.
a. the White House b. the Royal Hotel c. the Waldorf Astoria
2. It is the United States President‟s _________.
a. office b. resthouse c. official residence
3. It was built in the _________.
a. seventeenth century b. eighteenth century c. nineteenth century
4. The first President who lived in it was _________.
a. Abraham Lincoln b. John Adams c. James Monroe
5. The number of rooms in it is _________.
a. 107 b. 701 c. 31
6. If this were a royal palace, the throne room would be the _________.
a. Blue Room b. East Room c. Green Room
7. Why were the walls of the White House gray when it was built?
a. The sandstone used was gray.
b. The first President wanted it painted gray.
c. There was no other available color of paint then.
8. The White House is located in _________.
a. New York b. California c. Washington, D. C.
9. How many storeys high is it?
a. 2 ½ b. 3 ½ c. 5 ½
10. In what year was it painted white? Write your answer inside a triangle.
No. of Words: 263 words


Two great painters known all over the world were asked to portray “peace” in a painting contest. They
occupied one room each in a big house. They started painting at the same time and would stop at the same
time. There were selected onlookers that went from one room to the other as the painters were painting.
The first painter drew a beautiful sunset view over a bay with the reflection of the setting sun. A
fisherman in a small banca was smoothly sailing on the bay. A group of birds was seen flying through the sun‟s
rays. The half-hidden sun with its golden rays seemed to say goodbye as the world welcomed the coming of
the night.
The second painter drew a picture of a raging storm. Trees here and there were uprooted. Several
rooftops were blown off. The few trees left standing were with broken branches. On one of the branches of a
standing tree was a nest. In the nest was a mother bird awake while her little ones were sleeping soundly. Her
back was against the wind and her wings were tightly wrapped around her little ones. As the wind blew, the
nest swayed with the branch of the tree but the little birds continued to sleep peacefully, soundly.
When the time for the contest was up, the paintings were put side by side. All the judges selected the
picture of the raging storm with the little birds as the winner. One of them said, “Peace is so beautifully
portrayed by these birds sleeping soundly in the raging storm.”

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. What kind of a contest was held?
a. literary b. musical c. painting
2. How many were involved in the contest?
a. one b. two c. three
3. What subject will they portray?
a. love b. peace c. war
4. Where did the contestants work?
a. in separate rooms b. in a big gallery c. outdoors
5. What did the first contestant portray?
a. sunset over a bay b. rustic scenery c. homelife
6. What did the second contestant portray?
a. a beautiful sunrise b. a moonlight night c. a stormy weather
7. Which of the two entries won?
a. The first painter‟s entry b. The second painter‟s entry c. None of these.
8. What did it portray? (based on #7‟s answer)
a. children playing happily
b. birds sleeping soundly
c. men fishing quietly
9. Who were the judges?
a. the painters themselves
b. the onlookers
c. the children
10. If you were a judge, would you have chosen the same painting?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
No. of Words: 270 words

Father of the Philippine Independence

Manuel L. Quezon, born in th elittle town of Baler in Quezon Province on August 19, 1878, was the son
of Lucio Quezon and Dolores Molina, both schoolteachers. Dolores Molina Quezon gave her son the middle
name Luis after the name of the patron saint of Baler.

Young Quezon first studied at the convent in his town before he went to the San Juan de Letran
College in Manila. He was well-liked by his teachers and classmates for he was hardworking and brilliant. He
finished his studies as valedictorian at the San Juan de Letran. He graduated from the College of Law at the
University of Sto. Tomas. He won many gold medals from the Pontifical University.

Quezon became a brilliant lawyer. He held many positions in our government, serving as fiscal and
governor of his home provience, resident commissioner, ambassador, senator and President of the Phillippine
Commonwealth. He served well in all these positions.

As a leader, Quezon did many things for our country. He worked very hard for our independence from
the Americans. He led independence missions to the United States.

His voice was heard in the halls of the U.S. Congress seeking for our independence. He helped make
good laws for our people. He saw to it that the poor lived well and that they had justice. He was always kind to
the poor.

When our country became a republic on July 4, 1946, Quezon was not here to witness it for he had
died on August 1, 1944 in America during the Second World War. Today, he is remembered best as the Father
of the Philippine Independence.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Where was Manuel L. Quezon born?
a. Baler b. Soler c. Manila
2. What were his parents‟ occupations?
a. teachers b. lawyers c. doctors
3. From whom was his middle name, Luis, taken?
a. from his grandfather b. from his father c. from their patron saint
4. Where did he first study?
a. in a convent b. in a public school c. in a private school
5. How did he graduate from San Juan de Letran?
a. as an average student b. as a valedictorian c. at the tail of his class
6. What career did he take?
a. medicine b. law c. engineering
7. What did he work for as a leader of our country?
a. for the establishment of a university
b. for the independence of the Philippines
c. for the annexation of the Philippines to the U.S.
8. When did Quezon serve as President? During the
a. during the Japanese regime
b. during the First Philippine Republic
c. during the Philippine Commonwealth
9. This selection _______.
a. deals mainly about the services Quezon rendered to his country.
b. tells of the greatness of Manuel Luis Quezon
c. sums up the life of Manuel Luis Quezon
10. When did the Philippines gain its independence from the United States?
Write its year inside a circle.
No. of Words: 277 words

Free and Happy

In a little fishing village lived a poor fisherman and his beautiful and loving daughter, Laura. Laura
helped her father mend the fishing nets. She was as good as she was beautiful. She was loved by all for her
kindness. People loved her for her gentleness, too.

Laura helped her father mend the fishing nets and make the torches with which to fish at night. People
wondered why she always had a ready smile for everybody even when she was tired. She always had time for
anyone who was in need of help, too.

“I‟m tired of life here in our village,” Aida told Laura one day. “I‟m tired of mending nets and fishing.”

Laura smiled and said, “As long as there is something to do, life is enjoyable. Would you like to be idle
all day, just eating and sleeping?”

“Tell me your secret, Laura. Why do you seem to be happy and free all day?” Aida asked.

“Well, I‟ll tell you. First, I don‟t worry at all. I know God will take care of me. I always do my best when I
work. I enjoy anything I eat because I work hard to get it. Besides, it is what I can afford. I don‟t envy the big
house of a neighbor nor the beautiful dress of a friend. I just think they are more fortunate. I don‟t pity myself
when I don‟t get what I want. I always try to do what is right. I sing at work because I‟m happy,” Laura said.

“Do you ever cry?” Aida asked.

“Yes, I do,” Laura answered thinking deeply. “I cry when I don‟t feel happy and free.”

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Where does Laura live?
a. in a big city b. in a faraway field c. in a fishing village
2. How did she help her father?
a. by selling the fish he caught b. by mending his nets c. by washing his clothes
3. Who is very happy with her work?
a. Aida b. Laura c. both girls
4. What makes her enjoy her life?
a. attending parties c. eating and sleeping the whole day
b. doing something the whole day
5. When does she cry?
a. when she is not free c. when she does not get what she wants
b. when she loses something
6. Why is she loved by the people around her?
a. She is kind. b. She is pretty. c. She is intelligent.
7. What does she not do at all?
a. mend nets b. cry c. worry
8. Do you think Aida was influenced by Laura?
a. Yes b. No c. Maybe
9. What lesson can you get from this story?
a. Learn to love your work and you will be happy.
b. Change work often so you will not tire.
c. Work hard so you can also buy the good things your neighbors have.
10. How does Laura feel all day?
Write the answer on your paper, put a dash after it and write its opposite word.
No. of Words: 283 words

Mother’s Love

Aling Elena, a middle-aged woman, is a Metro aide in the city of Manila. She was left to take care of her
three children with the death of her husband in an accident a year ago.She has to work hard. Rosa, her oldest
chikld is nine, Jose is seven and Lilia, the youngest, is three. Aling Elena and her children live in a small house
near a busy railroad track.

Aling Elena wakes up early to prepare breakfast and her children‟s food for the whole day she was
away. She walks to her place of work in order to save her fare. The streets assigned to her are always clean
for she is a good worker.

After work, before going home, she goes to the market to buy food for her children. Her children who
wait for her at the doorstep of their little house run to meet her as soon as they see her coming.

Aling Elena starts to cook their supper as soon as she arrives. After eating supper, she washes clothes
while her children are sleeping. She is always tired at the end of the day but when she sees her lovely children,
she will smile and thank God for them.

Aling Elena sleeps like a log at night for she is always tired. She is never awakened by the roaring and
tooting of passing trains. Neither is she disturbed by the shaking of her little house as a train passes by. But
when Lilia calls “Mother” even very faintly in the middle of the night, Aling Elena will instantly wake up. Only the
movement and calls of her children can wake her up from her sound sleep.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. How does Aling Elena earn her living?
a. by selling b. by sweeping the streets c. by going to an office
2. What is Aling Elena‟s status?
a. an orphan b. a widow c. a spinster
3. How many children does she have?
a. three b. four c. five
4. Where does Aling Elena‟s family live?
a. in the squatters‟ area b. by the railroad track c. by the seashore
5. How does she feel when she sees her children?
a. irritable b. impatient c. happy
6. Why does she sleep like a log at night?
a. She is tired of living. b. She is tired of her children. c. She is tired from work.
7. Does the roaring of the train distrub her?
a. No b. Yes c. Perhaps
8. What can only wake her up at night?
a. the noise of the train b. the barking of dogs c. her children‟s call
9. What kind of a mother do you think she is?
a. cruel b. loving c. patriotic
10. What does the selection tell about mothers?
a. Mother‟s love is the greatest.
b. b. It is the duty of mothers ot feed and take care of the children.
c. Some mothers are lucky; some are not.
No. of Words: 303 words

Changed by Love

About eight o‟clock one Saturday night, two hardened criminals stepped into the bedroom of a shocked
Mr. Reno, a wealthy, respectable man. Mr. Reno already in his night clothes, was to retire for the night.

“Don‟t move of shout. This is a holdup. Give us your treasure box,” one of the criminals said in a low

Just as Mr. Reno was giving the box, the telephone rang. When he got the receiver and tried to answer,
the criminals jumped at him and beat him brutally. They kicked and slapped him. When they have finished
punishing him, he was unconscious and bloody. One of his eyes was gouged out. They bund;ed him and
jammed him behind a steel cabinet. Then they fled with the treasure box.

A housemaid who cam eout of her room to check if the doors were locked, stepped on a pool of warm
blood and slipped. Frightened, she screamed. The other members of the family came and the unconscious Mr.
Reno was found.

The case was reported to the police and the criminals were apprehended. In the meantime, Mr. Reno
had been in the hospital hovering between life and death. One eye had been totally destroyed and there was
doubt whether the other could be saved. As soon as Mr. Reno could write, he sent to the court that the
criminals be parolled under his supervision.

Mr. Reno treated them like sons. One did not respond to Mr. Reno‟s love but the other made good. He
attended college and graduated. Later, he attended a medical school. The young man said, “I want to become
a doctor, an eye surgeon.”

Completely changed, the eye surgeon became very famous. Whenever he began an operation, he
remembered Mr. Reno, the kind old man who changed his life with his love.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Mr. Reno was ______.
a. a good soldier b. a respectable man c. a hardened criminal
2. The hardened criminals were _______.
a. young b. old c. rich
3. The hardened criminals were after Mr. Reno‟s ________.
a. money b. radio c. treasure box
4. The criminals gouged out Mr. Reno‟s ________.
a. eye b. nose c. ears
5. The criminals were staging a ________.
a. holdup b. show c. play
6. The criminals ________ Mr. Reno.
a. killed b. beat c. strangled
7. When the criminals left, Mr. Reno was ________.
a. moaning b. unconscious c. crying for help
8. Mr. Reno asked the court for the criminals to be _________.
a. paroled b. executed c. imprisoned
9. Mr. Reno was ________ even to criminals.
a. cruel b. kind c. wealthy
10. Which of these is the message of the story?
a. Crime does not pay.
b. One cannot live a safe life if one is wealthy.
c. Love can change even a hardened criminal.
No. of Words: 303 words

The Unforgiven

Delia danced with delight upon receiving the invitation to Aurora‟s birthday party. She had been secretly
wishing to be invited to her wealthy friend‟s party. Now that she was invited, she would have the chance to
wear the beautiful, expensive dress that her mother sewed almost a month ago.

Aling Julia, Delia‟s mother, had been sick for about a week now. She heard a happy conversation
between Delia and Lilia, their maid. “Delia,” Aling Julia called. Delia went near her mother. “May I know what
makes you happy?” her mother asked.

“Mother, I‟m invited to the birthday party of Don Pedro‟s daughter. It‟s my chance to wear the lovely
dress you sewed,” Delia said, stroking her mother‟s hair.

The party was held the following night. Delia sat, stood, walked, danced and swayed in front of the
mirror. Meanwhile, her mother was hot with high fever. Delia could not even hear her mother‟s soft calls. She
was ready to go to the party. When she was about to go, she peeped into her mother‟s room and said loudly,
“Bye Mother. I won‟t stay long in the party.” Aling Julia looked at Delia sadly.

Lilia stayed by Aling Julia‟s bed. She tried to keep Aling Julia‟s fever low by giving her a sponge bath.
Aling Julia tossed in bed. She was burning hot. At the party, Delia was the most attractive girl. She danced and
danced. She had no time to think of her sick mother. At the stroke of 12, she saw Lilia at the door. She rushed
to her and asked, “Is it about Mother, Lilia?” The maid nodded.

Delia ran home as fast as she could without looking back. She rushed to her mother‟s room.

“Mother, I‟m back. Forgive me, Mother,” Delia sobbed softly. Aling Julia did not answer. She was

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who was going to have a birthday party?
a. Delia b. Lilia c. Aurora
2. Who was sick?
a. Aling Julia b. Lilia c. Delia
3. Who was Lilia?
a. Delia‟s friend b. Aurora‟s maid c. Delia‟s maid
4. What kind of dress did Aling Julia sew for Delia?
a. simple dress b. expensive dress c. ordinary dress
5. When was the party held?
a. in the afternoon b. in the morning c. in the evening
6. Who went to the party to call Delia?
a. Don Pedro b. Aurora c. Lilia
7. At what time of the night did Delia go home?
a. nine o‟clock b. ten o‟clock c. twelve o‟clock
8. What was Aling Julia‟s condition when Delia arrived?
a. She was dying. b. She had recovered. c. She was unconscious.
9. Who do you think committed an unforgiven deed?
a. Aling Julia b. Delia c. Lilia
10. If you were Delia, would you still attend the party even if your mother was seriously ill?
a. Yes, because it was an opportunity for me to be with rich people.
b. Yes, because I need to wear my expensive dress and show it to everyone.
c. No, because my mother is most important than anything else.
No. of Words: 310 words

Mother and Son

Twelve-year old Renato came home one day with a bag full of onions. Giving it to his mother, he said, “I
got it from Aling Rosa‟s store. She did not notice me.”

“That was very intelligent of you, Son,” Renato‟s mother said instead of scolding or whipping him.

As Renato grew older, he began to steal things of greater value. He would steal an electric iron this
week and a bicycle the next week. He stole a watch, an electric fan and a box full of jewelry all in one day, from
a big house. Life was easy for them not long afterwards. However, the entire police force was after him.

Renato became so brave in stealing that he planned to steal a car. He was not lucky this time for he
was caught in the very act. The police arrested him. He was tried in court and was found guilty of killing the
man who owned the car he tried to steal and many other crimes. He was sentenced to die on the electric chair.

The day of the electrocution came. The guards took him from his cell and led him to the electric chair.
There were few people around to witness the electrocution. He saw his mother weeping and beating her
breast. He begged the guards to allow him to talk to his mother. His request was granted.

Within the hearing of everyone present, he said, “Why do you cry, Mother? When I was young and did
wrong, instead of punishing me, you encouraged me. Blame yourself for the punishment I am about to

The people looked at the stunned mother. “It‟s true! It‟s true! Put me to death and not him!” she cried.
But her son was already being strapped to the elcetric chair.

Copy the letter of the correct answer.

1. How old was Renato when he started stealing?
a. nine b. eight c. twelve
2. How did his mother feel about his theft?
a. joyful b. sad c. worried
3. Did she give Renato a scolding?
a. Yes b. No c. Perhaps
4. Why did Renato steal?
a. for adventure b. he had nothing to do c. to make his mother happy
5. Who were after Renato?
a. the police b. his friends c. his mother
6. When was he caught?
a. when he was resting in the house c. when he was in the church
b. when he was about to steal a car
7. What was his sentence?
a. two years in prison b. four years of hard labor c. death on the electric chair
8. Who should be blamed for Renato‟s fate?
a. his mother b. his aunt c. his grandmother
9. Why do you think so?
a. She allowed him to steal. b. She stopped him from stealing. c. She helped him steal.
10. Was Renato saved from his punishment?
a. Yes b. No c. Was not mentioned

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