Activity 4 Midterm

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Explain / elaborate the following

1) Crash stop and discuss valid procedure- In the maritime industry, executing a crash
stop on a vessel is a critical maneuver used to rapidly bring the ship to a halt in
emergency situations, such as avoiding collisions or mitigating potential hazards. The
procedure involves several key steps, including notifying the crew of the imminent
stop, initiating the emergency stop sequence, and deploying all available means to
reduce the vessel's speed as quickly as possible. This may include activating
emergency engine shutdown systems, engaging reverse propulsion, and deploying
emergency anchors if necessary.
To ensure the safe and effective execution of a crash stop on a vessel, crew members
must be well-trained and familiar with the vessel's emergency procedures. Regular
drills and simulations should be conducted to practice response times and
coordination among crew members. Additionally, proper communication channels
must be established to relay critical information to all personnel on board, including
the reason for the emergency stop and any potential hazards or risks involved. By
adhering to established protocols and maintaining a culture of safety and
preparedness, maritime operators can minimize the likelihood of accidents and protect
both the vessel and its occupants from harm.

2) Special Running Conditions

a. Causes of fire in scavenge air box- Fires in the scavenge air box of a vessel
can occur due to several reasons, including oil leakage or spray from the
engine's turbocharger or fuel injectors, which can ignite when exposed to high
temperatures. Poor maintenance practices, such as inadequate cleaning of the
air box or accumulation of oil residues, can also increase the risk of fire.
Additionally, malfunctioning components within the engine system, such as
faulty seals or worn-out gaskets, may lead to oil leaks or fuel spray, further
exacerbating the likelihood of ignition. Moreover, external factors such as
overheating of nearby engine components or electrical faults can contribute to
the ignition of oil or fuel vapors within the scavenge air box, leading to a
potentially catastrophic fire onboard the vessel. Regular inspections,
maintenance, and adherence to safety protocols are essential to mitigate these
risks and ensure the safe operation of the vessel.
b. Measures to be taken- To prevent fires in the scavenge air box of a vessel,
rigorous maintenance practices should be implemented, including regular
inspection and cleaning of the air box to remove oil residues and debris.
Proper lubrication of engine components, ensuring tight seals and gaskets, and
promptly addressing any signs of leakage or malfunctioning parts are essential
measures. Installation of fire detection and suppression systems in the engine
room can provide early warning and swift response capabilities in the event of
a fire. Additionally, crew members should be trained in firefighting
procedures, including the use of firefighting equipment and emergency
shutdown protocols to contain and extinguish fires effectively. Regular drills
and exercises to simulate emergency scenarios can enhance preparedness and
minimize the impact of potential fires onboard the vessel.
c. Causes of Ignition in Crankcase- Ignition in the crankcase of a vessel can
occur due to various reasons, primarily stemming from the presence of
combustible materials such as oil or fuel vapors mixing with air in the
confined space of the crankcase. Common causes include overheating of
engine components, friction between moving parts, electrical faults, or the
accumulation of hot surfaces near oil or fuel sources. Additionally, inadequate
maintenance practices, such as improper sealing of engine components, worn-
out gaskets, or leaks in the lubrication system, can increase the risk of ignition.
Moreover, external factors such as high ambient temperatures or exposure to
open flames or sparks in the engine room can also contribute to the ignition of
combustible materials within the crankcase, potentially leading to a fire or
explosion onboard the vessel. Regular inspections, maintenance, and
adherence to safety protocols are crucial to mitigate these risks and ensure the
safe operation of the vessel.
d. Hot spots in crankcase- Hot spots in the crankcase of a vessel can arise due to
several factors, including friction between moving engine components,
inadequate lubrication, or excessive heat generated by nearby machinery or
electrical systems. These hot spots can lead to the overheating of oil or fuel
residues present in the crankcase, increasing the risk of ignition. Additionally,
poor ventilation within the crankcase can exacerbate the accumulation of heat,
creating localized areas of high temperature. Regular monitoring of engine
temperatures, proper lubrication practices, and ensuring adequate ventilation
within the crankcase are essential measures to mitigate the formation of hot
spots and prevent potential fires or explosions onboard the vessel.
e. Oil mist in crankcase- Oil mist in the crankcase of a vessel can pose a
significant risk as it creates a highly combustible atmosphere within the
confined space of the engine room. The formation of oil mist occurs when oil
droplets are dispersed into the air due to mechanical action, such as the
rotation of crankshafts or the movement of pistons. This mist, when mixed
with air and exposed to elevated temperatures, creates an explosive mixture
that can ignite with the slightest spark or heat source. Factors such as
inadequate ventilation, improper sealing of engine components, or leaks in the
lubrication system can exacerbate the accumulation of oil mist. Proper
maintenance practices, including regular inspection of seals and gaskets,
ensuring proper ventilation, and promptly addressing any oil leaks, are
essential to minimize the risk of ignition and prevent potential fires or
explosions in the crankcase of the vessel.
f. Measures to be taken when oil mist has occurred- When oil mist has occurred
in a vessel's engine room, immediate action is crucial to mitigate the risk of
fire or explosion. Crew members should first activate the fire alarm system to
alert all personnel onboard. Simultaneously, they should initiate emergency
shutdown procedures to stop all machinery and engines, cutting off potential
ignition sources. Adequate ventilation must be ensured to disperse the oil mist
and prevent the buildup of explosive atmospheres. Crew members trained in
firefighting should don appropriate personal protective equipment and deploy
firefighting equipment to suppress any potential fires. Additionally, efforts
should be made to identify and address the root cause of the oil mist
formation, such as leaks in the lubrication system or malfunctioning engine
components, to prevent recurrence and ensure the safety of the vessel and its
g. Causes of turbo charger surging- Turbocharger surging in a vessel can be
caused by several factors, including insufficient air supply, excessive exhaust
gas backpressure, or irregularities in the fuel supply system. Insufficient air
supply to the turbocharger can lead to a mismatch between the amount of air
entering the engine and the fuel injected, causing the turbocharger to operate
inefficiently and potentially surge. Similarly, excessive exhaust gas
backpressure, often caused by clogged exhaust systems or malfunctioning
components, can disrupt the turbocharger's operation and lead to surging.
Irregularities in the fuel supply system, such as fluctuations in fuel pressure or
improper fuel injection timing, can also affect the turbocharger's performance
and result in surging. Regular maintenance and monitoring of engine
parameters, along with proper fuel and air management, are essential to
prevent turbocharger surging and ensure the smooth operation of the vessel's
propulsion system.
h. Running with cylinders or turbo chargers out of operation- Running a vessel
with cylinders or turbochargers out of operation can significantly impact its
performance and efficiency. Operating with cylinders out of service can lead
to uneven engine operation, increased vibration, and potential damage to
engine components due to imbalance. Similarly, running with turbochargers
out of operation can result in reduced engine power, decreased fuel efficiency,
and increased exhaust emissions. In both cases, the vessel's speed and
maneuverability may be compromised, impacting its ability to navigate safely,
especially in adverse weather conditions or emergency situations.
Additionally, prolonged operation with cylinders or turbochargers out of
service can exacerbate wear and tear on the remaining components, leading to
increased maintenance costs and downtime. It's crucial for vessel operators to
prioritize the timely repair and maintenance of all engine components to
ensure optimal performance and safety at sea.
i. Running with cracked cylinder cover studs / stay bolts- Running a vessel with
cracked cylinder cover studs or stay bolts poses serious risks to both the
engine and the safety of the vessel. Cracked studs or stay bolts can
compromise the integrity of the cylinder cover, leading to potential leaks of
high-pressure gases and hot exhaust gases. This can result in loss of engine
efficiency, increased fuel consumption, and even catastrophic engine failure if
not addressed promptly. Moreover, the presence of cracks in critical
components such as studs or stay bolts can indicate underlying structural
issues within the engine, which, if left unresolved, may escalate into more
extensive damage or mechanical failures. Continuous operation under such
conditions not only jeopardizes the vessel's reliability but also poses
significant safety hazards to the crew and the environment. It's imperative for
vessel operators to conduct thorough inspections, promptly identify any
cracked studs or stay bolts, and take immediate corrective action to ensure the
integrity and reliability of the engine system.
3) Local Manoeuvring and procedures- Local maneuvering in vessels refers to the
navigation and handling of the ship in confined or restricted waters, such as ports,
harbors, or narrow channels. This phase of navigation requires precise control and
adherence to established procedures to ensure the safety of the vessel, crew, and
surrounding environment. Key procedures involved in local maneuvering include:
1. **Pilotage**: In many ports, a local pilot familiar with the area's waters and
navigational hazards boards the vessel to assist the captain and crew in maneuvering
safely. The pilot works closely with the ship's crew, providing guidance and
instructions based on local knowledge and prevailing conditions.
2. **Tug Assistance**: Depending on the size of the vessel and the complexity of the
maneuver, tugboats may be utilized to assist in docking, undocking, or navigating
through tight spaces. Tugboat operators communicate closely with the ship's crew to
execute maneuvers safely and efficiently.
3. **Communication**: Effective communication between the bridge team, including
the captain, officers, and crew, is essential during local maneuvering. Clear and
concise instructions are relayed between personnel, and communication with shore-
based authorities, tugboat operators, and other vessels in the vicinity is maintained to
coordinate movements and ensure safe navigation.
4. **Navigational Aids**: Utilizing navigational aids such as buoys, lights, and
shore-based landmarks is crucial for maintaining situational awareness and guiding
the vessel along the desired route. Electronic navigation systems and radar are also
employed to monitor the vessel's position relative to surrounding obstacles and other
5. **Speed Control**: Controlling the speed of the vessel is paramount during local
maneuvering to ensure adequate time to react to changing conditions and execute
maneuvers safely. Reduced speeds allow for better maneuverability and minimize the
risk of collisions or accidents.
6. **Emergency Procedures**: Despite meticulous planning and execution,
unforeseen circumstances or emergencies may arise during local maneuvering. Crew
members are trained to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies, including
engine failures, loss of steering, or grounding, to mitigate risks and prevent accidents.
Overall, local maneuvering in vessels demands meticulous planning, effective
communication, and precise execution of procedures to navigate safely through
confined waters and challenging environments. By following established protocols
and leveraging the expertise of the crew, pilots, and tugboat operators, vessels can
navigate local waters efficiently while ensuring the safety of all onboard and the
protection of the marine environment.

4) Critical speed range- The critical speed range in vessels refers to a specific range of
speeds within which a ship's motion can become unstable due to the interaction
between its hull, propulsion system, and surrounding water. This phenomenon is
particularly relevant for vessels with certain hull designs, such as those with bulbous
bows or unconventional shapes, which may experience resonance or oscillations at
certain speeds. The critical speed range typically encompasses a narrow band of
speeds around the ship's natural frequency, where the forces acting on the vessel can
amplify its oscillations, leading to potentially dangerous motions such as excessive
rolling or pitching.
To avoid encountering instability within the critical speed range, ship operators must
carefully manage the vessel's speed and be aware of the factors that can influence its
behavior. Factors such as sea state, hull condition, loading conditions, and propulsion
system performance all play a role in determining the critical speed range for a
particular vessel. Additionally, advanced hydrodynamic analysis and modeling
techniques can help predict and mitigate the risk of encountering instability within
this range.
Operating within the critical speed range can pose significant risks to the safety of the
vessel, cargo, and crew, as well as potentially causing discomfort for passengers.
Therefore, ship operators must exercise caution and vigilance when navigating in
conditions that may induce resonance or oscillations. By understanding and respecting
the critical speed range, vessel operators can optimize their operations to ensure safe
and efficient navigation while minimizing the risk of encountering instability.

5) Axial vibration- Axial vibration in vessels refers to the oscillatory motion along the
longitudinal axis of the ship's propulsion system, typically associated with the main
engine, propeller shaft, or other rotating machinery. This type of vibration can occur
due to various factors, including misalignment of engine components, imbalance in
rotating parts, wear or damage to bearings, or fluctuations in engine load. Axial
vibration can manifest as a periodic pulsation or shaking sensation felt throughout the
vessel, particularly in the engine room or near the propulsion system.
Excessive axial vibration can have detrimental effects on the vessel's performance,
machinery reliability, and structural integrity. Prolonged exposure to high levels of
vibration can accelerate wear and tear on engine components, leading to increased
maintenance requirements and potential breakdowns. Moreover, axial vibration can
transmit through the ship's structure, causing fatigue and stress on hull components,
piping systems, and other equipment. In extreme cases, excessive vibration can
compromise the safety of the vessel and its occupants, as well as the integrity of the
To address axial vibration in vessels, ship operators must implement proactive
measures to identify and mitigate its underlying causes. This may involve regular
monitoring and analysis of vibration levels using onboard sensors and monitoring
systems. Additionally, proper maintenance practices, including alignment checks,
bearing inspections, and routine servicing of rotating machinery, are essential to
minimize the risk of vibration-induced failures. By understanding the factors
contributing to axial vibration and taking appropriate corrective actions, vessel
operators can ensure the reliability, safety, and performance of their vessels while
minimizing the impact of vibration-related issues.

6) Full astern- "Full astern" in a vessel refers to the command given to quickly reverse
the propulsion system to its maximum power in the opposite direction of travel. This
maneuver is typically used in emergency situations to rapidly slow down or stop the
vessel's forward motion, such as when avoiding collisions, navigating through narrow
channels, or responding to unexpected hazards.
When the "full astern" command is initiated, the ship's engine room personnel
promptly adjust the engine controls to reverse the rotation of the propeller shaft. This
action causes the propeller blades to change pitch and direction, generating thrust in
the opposite direction to the vessel's forward motion. The sudden application of
reverse thrust creates a braking effect, helping to slow down or halt the vessel's
movement as quickly as possible.
Executing a "full astern" maneuver requires precise coordination between the bridge
team, engine room personnel, and any tugboats or assisting vessels, especially in
confined or high-traffic areas. Additionally, proper communication channels must be
established to ensure that all crew members are aware of the maneuver and can take
appropriate actions to maintain the safety of the vessel and its occupants. While "full
astern" maneuvers can be effective in emergency situations, they also impose
significant stress on the propulsion system and may require subsequent inspections
and maintenance to ensure continued reliability and safety.

7) Cancel limit- "Cancel limit" in the context of a vessel typically refers to the maximum
allowable speed or draft restriction imposed on the ship due to environmental or
operational constraints. This restriction may be implemented by port authorities,
navigation authorities, or vessel operators to ensure the safety of the vessel, protect
the marine environment, or comply with regulatory requirements.
For example, a cancel limit on speed may be imposed in certain areas with heavy
maritime traffic, narrow channels, or restricted visibility to reduce the risk of
collisions and ensure safe navigation. Similarly, a cancel limit on draft may be
enforced in shallow or restricted waters to prevent grounding or damage to the
vessel's hull.
Cancel limits are communicated to the vessel's bridge team via navigational charts,
electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS), or official notices to
mariners. It is the responsibility of the vessel's officers to adhere to these limits and
adjust the ship's speed, draft, or course as necessary to comply with the specified
Failure to adhere to cancel limits can result in penalties, fines, or even legal
consequences, depending on the severity of the violation and the applicable
regulations. Therefore, vessel operators must be vigilant in monitoring and complying
with cancel limits to ensure the safety of the vessel, its crew, and the marine

8) Exhaust gas deviations- Exhaust gas deviations in vessels refer to deviations from the
expected composition or characteristics of the exhaust gases emitted by the ship's
propulsion system, typically the main engine. These deviations can manifest as
changes in exhaust gas temperature, composition, opacity, or emissions of pollutants
such as sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and
greenhouse gases (GHGs).
Several factors can contribute to exhaust gas deviations in vessels. These include
variations in engine load, fuel quality, combustion efficiency, and engine operating
conditions. For example, underloading or overloading the engine can lead to
inefficient combustion and increased emissions. Similarly, using low-quality fuel with
high sulfur content can result in elevated levels of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions.
Monitoring and controlling exhaust gas deviations are essential for ensuring
compliance with environmental regulations, maintaining air quality, and optimizing
the performance of the vessel's propulsion system. Ship operators utilize various
techniques and technologies to mitigate exhaust gas deviations, including engine
tuning, fuel management, exhaust gas cleaning systems (such as scrubbers), selective
catalytic reduction (SCR) systems, and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) systems.
Additionally, regulatory bodies such as the International Maritime Organization
(IMO) have implemented stringent regulations, such as the MARPOL Annex VI, to
limit emissions from ships and reduce their environmental impact. Compliance with
these regulations requires vessel operators to closely monitor and report exhaust gas
emissions and implement measures to minimize deviations and ensure compliance
with applicable emission limits.
By effectively managing exhaust gas deviations, vessel operators can reduce their
environmental footprint, enhance air quality, and contribute to sustainable maritime

9) Crankshaft deflections- Crankshaft deflections in vessels refer to the bending or

deformation of the main engine's crankshaft, which is a critical component in
converting reciprocating motion into rotational motion. Crankshaft deflections can
occur due to various factors, including uneven loading, misalignment, mechanical
wear, or thermal expansion. These deflections can lead to operational issues,
increased wear and tear on engine components, and potentially catastrophic failures if
left unaddressed.
Several factors contribute to crankshaft deflections in vessels. Uneven loading on the
engine, such as operating at different power levels or speeds, can cause asymmetrical
stresses on the crankshaft, leading to bending or deformation. Misalignment between
the engine and the propulsion system, such as shaft misalignment or coupling
misalignment, can also result in uneven distribution of forces on the crankshaft,
leading to deflections. Mechanical wear and tear, including fatigue, corrosion, or
damage to bearing surfaces, can weaken the structural integrity of the crankshaft,
making it more susceptible to deflections. Additionally, thermal expansion and
contraction due to changes in operating temperatures can induce stresses on the
crankshaft, contributing to deflections over time.
Monitoring and mitigating crankshaft deflections are essential for ensuring the
reliable and efficient operation of the vessel's propulsion system. Ship operators
utilize various techniques and technologies to detect and address crankshaft
deflections, including regular inspections, vibration analysis, and alignment checks.
Additionally, proper maintenance practices, such as lubrication, bearing replacement,
and alignment adjustments, help minimize the risk of crankshaft deflections and
prolong the service life of engine components. By effectively managing crankshaft
deflections, vessel operators can enhance the reliability, safety, and performance of
their vessels while minimizing the risk of mechanical failures.

10) Ships trial report- A ship's trial report in vessels is a comprehensive document that
summarizes the results and findings of the sea trials conducted to test the
performance, capabilities, and compliance of a newly constructed or refurbished ship.
The trial report is a crucial document that provides valuable insights into the vessel's
behavior under various operating conditions and helps verify its compliance with
design specifications, regulatory requirements, and industry standards.
The ship's trial report typically includes detailed information on the following aspects:
1. **Performance Parameters**: This section covers data related to the vessel's speed,
maneuverability, acceleration, and deceleration under different load and operating
conditions. It includes measurements such as maximum speed, cruising speed, turning
radius, stopping distance, and fuel consumption.
2. **Propulsion System**: The trial report provides information on the performance
of the ship's propulsion system, including the main engine, auxiliary engines,
propellers, thrusters, and control systems. It evaluates factors such as power output,
efficiency, vibration levels, and response to control commands.
3. **Handling Characteristics**: This section describes the vessel's handling
characteristics, including stability, seakeeping behavior, maneuvering capabilities,
and response to helm and engine commands. It evaluates factors such as roll, pitch,
yaw, heave, and the vessel's ability to maintain course and heading in various sea
4. **Safety and Compliance**: The trial report verifies the vessel's compliance with
safety regulations, stability criteria, and design standards. It includes assessments of
stability curves, freeboard measurements, watertight integrity tests, and compliance
with classification society rules and international conventions.
5. **Environmental Performance**: The report may also include data on the vessel's
environmental performance, including emissions of air pollutants such as sulfur
oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM), and greenhouse gases
(GHGs). It evaluates the effectiveness of emission control systems, such as exhaust
gas cleaning systems (scrubbers) or selective catalytic reduction (SCR) systems.
Overall, the ship's trial report provides a comprehensive evaluation of the vessel's
performance, safety, and environmental impact, serving as a valuable reference for
shipowners, operators, classification societies, regulatory authorities, and other
stakeholders involved in the shipbuilding and maritime industries. It helps validate the
design and construction of the vessel, identify areas for improvement, and ensure
compliance with applicable standards and regulations.

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