Essay 3 Reflection

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Serina Brown

Professor Castro

English 1302-281

18 Apr 2024

Reflection Essay

For the first essay unit of this semester, I conducted an experiment to determine how

social media impacts college students' productivity. In writing that essay, I learned how to

organize my writing into appropriate sub-headings. This is a writing skill I have utilized in every

single one of my essays since then. In the second essay unit of the semester, I wrote an analysis

of the debate surrounding capital punishment. Since the third essay was also about capital

punishment, I used the analysis of some of my sources to form an argument for this essay.

For the first essay, which focused on social media’s impact on students' productivity, I

had to conduct a lot of science-based research. While it was a rewarding process, the skill was

unnecessary for this essay. For the second essay, I had to analyze both sides of the capital

punishment debate. For the third essay, I made the argument that a moratorium on capital

punishment should be imposed due to racial discrimination within the justice system. As a result,

the arguments favoring capital punishment were not helpful in writing the third essay.

In the third essay, I learned how to use evidence to support my argument. This skill can

be beneficial in courses like history and philosophy, which I will take next semester. These

courses are “writing intensive” and focus on taking a stance and defending it to your classmates.

When researching for the third essay, I learned a lot about wrongful convictions of African

American people. While this information was very insightful, I don’t think this knowledge will

be helpful in other classes.

Creating an argument in my writing helps me clarify my thoughts, organize my ideas, and

structure my writing. It forces me to think critically about my topic, consider different

perspectives, and gather evidence to support my position. This process leads to more coherent

and persuasive writing. This will impact how I address future writing tasks as I think more

critically about my writing.

Based on the comments I have previously received from my professor, she will identify

my thesis statement as one of my strengths. She frequently tells me that my thesis statements are

strong and well-written. On the other hand, one of my weaknesses is the need for more details.

When I have submitted drafts in the past, my instructor has left comments suggesting I add more

detail to make my writing more cohesive and understandable to the student.

The most challenging part of writing this essay was finding sources detailing stories

about wrongful convictions that were later exonerated or overturned. This is because many cases

are old, and the only sources I could see were old newspapers that were difficult to cite. The least

challenging aspect of this essay was organizing my thoughts. This is because I wrote an outline

of my essay beforehand and organized my sources based on which sub-headings coincided with


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