Report Suhawna

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Affiliated to BEU (A Govt.Tech. University) Patna, Approved by AICTE, Delhi

MBIT Campus, Industrial Estate of NH-57, Forbesganj, Araria, Bihar,854318



Submitted by: Submitted To:

Suhawna Verma Mr. Kundan Kumar Das
(20101121013) (HOD, CE)


This is to certify that the – “This Report” submitted by Suhawna

Verma (Reg. No.: 20101121013) is work done by him and submitted
during 2020-24 academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of BACHOLAR OF TECHNOLOGY in





The accompanying contextual investigation is done by on a stretch of 74 km

distance what begins from Bhakra dam in Bhakra Village, Himachal Pradesh.
The motivation behind the review was to break down how stream water is
utilized in Punjab for water system and power age purposes.

The review includes definite contextual investigation of the Famous Bhakra

Nangal Project and different specialized projects like Aqueducts and
Diversion Headworks which are developed on the method of stream of
waterway Sutlej.

The review was likewise led to examine how the water from Sutlej stream is
redirected in Nangal by developing Headworks and using that water for water
system purposes.

Under the Indus water deal endorsed in 1960 among India and Pakistan, the
waters of the streams Ravi, Beas and Sutlej came solely to the portion of
India. The country has/is going on to bridle the capability of these waterways

Bhakra Beas Complex is one of the biggest Multipurpose River Valley

Systems in India. It comprises of Bhakra and Nangal dam for water system
and power age reason.

Bhakra Nangal Project contains the Bhakra Dam, Nangal Dam, Nangal
Hydel Channel, Ganguwal and Kotla power houses. The development of the
Bhakra Nangal project was begun in 1948 and was finished in 1963.
Bhakra Nangal Project

Bhakra Dam : Bhakra dam is a straight gravity substantial construction

transcending the most reduced establishment and spreading over the crevasse
with 518.16m length at the top. It has two power generation units to be
reckoned with on one or the other side. The lake made by the dam known as
the popular Gobind Sagar named after Tenth Guru 'Master Gobind Singh' has
168.35 sq km region with gross capacity of 9621 million cum.

Bhakra Dam
The basic idea behind the construction of the dam was generated when in
1908 after hunting Sir Louis Dane ICS Officer saw a leopard jumping from
one end of the George to the other end. He was so inspired that he said “A
site made naturally made by God”. The following figures show the
construction of the dam.

Site selected for Bhakra Dam

Blasting at the site of Bhakra Dam

Foundation work at the site

Laying of Slab for the Dam

Final work at the site

The Bhakra Dam dedicated to the Nation

Beneath the highest point of the dam a 79.25m long flood spillway has been
given to pass the rising waters. The release of the spillway is constrained by
four 15.24m long and 14.48m high spiral entryways. Sixteen stream outlets
2.64*2.64m each organized in two levels of eight outlets each in the focal
spillway part of the dam, are utilized for arrival of extra water from the
supply for water system necessities. The flood spillway and the waterway
outlets together can release 8212 cumecs of rising waters.

Inside the dam around 5km long displays are given at different rises to
establishment grouting and seepage and review at the inside of the dam. A
9.14m wide street has been given at the highest point of the dam.

The information related to dam is-

1) Bhakra Dam

Concrete straight
Type of Dam
Height above deepest
Height above river bed 167.64m(550ft)
Length at top 518.16m(1700ft)
Width at top 9.14m(30ft)
Length at bottom 99.06m(325ft)
Width at base 190.5m(625ft)
2) River diversion Works

Number of tunnels 2
Length of each tunnel 0.805km(0.5 miles)

3) Reservoir-

Catchment area 56980 sqkm(22000sq mile)

Normal reservoir level EL.513.58m EL.(1685ft)
Dead storage level EL.445.62m EL.(1462ft)
Area of reservoir 168.35 sqkm(65 sq miles)
Length of reservoir 96.56 km(60 miles)
Live storage capacity at 7191 million cum(583 million
EL.1685ft acre ft)
9621 million cum(780 million
Gross storage capacity
acre ft)
2430 million cum(197 million
Dead storage capacity
acre ft)
Total cost of project Rs 245.28 crores

4) River outlets and Flood control gates-

Number of outltets 16 in two tiers of 8 each at EL.

1320and 1420ft
Size of outlets 2.64*2.64m (8.67ft*8.67ft)
Number and size of flood 4 no. 15.24m*14.5m(50ft*47.5ft)
5) Bhakra power plants-

Number of power houses 2

Installed capacity of left power 450MW-5 units of 90 MW each
Increased capacity 540MW-5 units of 108MW
Installed capacity of right 600MW-5 units of 120MW
power house each
Increased capacity 785MW-5 units of 157MW

There are two power plants at Bhakra one on the right side and other on the
left side. The all out introduced limit of these plants was 1050 MW. This has
been as of late moved up to 1325MW.
Nangal Dam and Nangal Hydel Channel: Nangal dam is arranged on the
waterway Sutlej about 13 km downstream of the Bhakra Dam. The dam is
29m high involves 26 coves of 9.14m length each. Its intended to pass a flood
release of 9910 cumecs. The dam redirects the waters of waterway Sutlej into
the Nangal Hydel Channel and Anandpur Sahib Hydel channel for power age
and water system purposes. The Nangal lake goes about as an adjusting
repository to smoothen out the diurnal varieties in lets out of bhakra power

Nangal hydel channel a 61.06 km long lined channel, takes off from the left
bank of waterway Sutlej. Its water is used at Ganguwal and Kotla power plant
for producing power. From that point it is delivered for water system

1) Nangal Dam-

Height 29m (95ft)

Length 304.8m (1000ft)

Nangal Dam
2) Nangal Hydel Channel-

Length 61.06 km(37.94

Discharge 354 cumecs(12500

Nangal Hydel Channel

3) Power houses on Nangal Hydel Channel-

Number 2
Generation 77.65MW(2 units of
capacity at 24.2MW each and
Ganguwal and one unit of 29.25
Kotla power house MW
Total generation 155.30 MW
Head of Water 28.35 m (93ft)

3) Ganguwal and Kotla Power plants-

Two electricity generation houses to be reckoned with are on the Nangal

hydel Channel. One is the Ganguwal, 19km downstream Nangal and other
is Kotla 10 km downstream Ganguwal. Both the forces to be reckoned with
are indistinguishable having 3 units with age limit of 155.30MW.

Ganguwal Power House

Kotla Power House

4) Benefits of the Project-

New areas irrigated 26 lakh hectares(65 lakh acres)

Area where irrigation improved 9 lakh hectares(22 lakh acres)
Number of towns electrified 128
Number of villages electrified 13000

Cross Drainage Works: The design which is developed at the intersection

of a waterway and a characteristic in order to securely arrange off the seepage
water intruding on the consistent channel supplies is known as a cross
drainage works.

A cross drainage work is for the most part an expensive development and to
keep away from its development to an absolute minimum channels are
adjusted along water shed lines
Cross drainage works are of two types :
1) Aqueduct
2) Superpassage and Syphon Aqueduct

1) Lahond Syphon Aqueduct-In the event that High Flood Level(HFL)

of the regular drain is higher than the lower part of channel with the goal that
the drain water goes through the reservoir conduit barrels under syphonic
activity, the construction is known as Siphon reservoir conduit. The best
illustration of the siphon water system is Lohand Siphon reservoir conduit
arranged at 5kms from Sri Anandpur Sahib.

For this situation the water from anandpur sahib hydel channel joins with
Yamuna trench and structures Sutlej Yamuna Link(SYL) and it is this
channel which goes about as channel and the Bhakra Main Line(BML)
waterway which goes about as waterway. Here the HFL of SYL channel is
above BML waterway and the BML trench goes beneath the SYL trench by
pipes which are called siphons.

Lohand Syphon
The detail of the lohand syphon is given below :

Number of 9 barrels are there

Dimension of 12*12
Discharge 12500 cs
Escape regulator 24 each

2) Sirsa Aqueduct - The design which is developed for the movement of

trench supply over a characteristic drain is called a water channel. It is
favored when the bed level of the channel is at a more significant level than
the most noteworthy flood level(HFL) in the normal seepage. For this
situation the bed level of the Bhakra Main Line(BML) channel is at more
elevated level than the sirsa water system. The BML waterway passes over
the Sirsa stream. The detail of the sirsa water channel is given underneath

Number of barrels 5 number

Length of aqueduct 500 meter
Depth of canal before and after 30-35 ft
Depth of canal at aqueduct 9 ft
Sirsa Aqueduct

1. Kumar N, 2018, Bhakra Dam – Geopgraphy Project,

2. Santhosh2121, 2014,Design-of-Aqueduct,
3. Gauravhtandon 1, 2015, Cross Drainage Works,

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