Case Study Ghazi Brotha Dam: Presented by

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Presented by:
Waqar Ahmed (15-ME-78)
Waleed Ikram (15-ME-88)
Hamza Pervez (15-ME-91)

 Hydro-Powerplant located located at river Indus about

10 km west of Attock in Punjab.
 Its construction started in 1999 and was inaugurated by
then President General Pervez Musharraf on 19-
 Project was funded by World Bank, Asian development
bank , Japan bank and WAPDA and funding of 2.1
Billion U.S Dollars were provided in this regard.
 Per unit cost of electricity is 1.08 Rs/-

 Located near Ghazi brotha village near Attock,

District Attock, Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
 Coordinates are as follow:
o 33* 46’ North
o 72* 15’ East
 Location is also being shown through map as

 About 1600 cubic meter per second of water is

diverted from Indus River near Ghazi into water
tunnel which is made of concrete.
 It is extended about 52 km and 100 m wide and 9 m
 Above arrangement provides 69 m head to produce
electricity before it enters Indus river.
 Transmission lines of 225 km are also provided

 There are total of 5 Turbines which are installed at

the powerplant.
 Each of Turbine has a installed capacity of 290
Mega-Watts and a total capacity of a 1450 Mega-
 Five units have outer diameter of 10.6 meters.
 Total weight of 9300 tones.

 Barrage located at 7 km from South of Tarbella

provides pond with discharge from Tarbella into
power channels.
 Barrage can pass design flood of 18,700 cumecs
equivalent to record flow.
 They are provided to pass extreme flood up to
capacity of Tarbella spillways and tunnels.

 The fuse plug has been provided to pass

the extreme flood up to the capacity of
Tarbela spillway and tunnels equaling
46,200 cumecs
 So, designed in such a way to handle floods
as well.

 Station has assembly of 295 Mega watts

Francis Turbine.
 It is inward flow reaction turbine that
combines radial and axial flow concepts.
 It is most common water turbine use now a
 Flow of water through each turbine is 485
cubic meter per second.
 Each turbine runner having a diameter of 6.5

 Channel is 51.90 km long with a concrete lining

and a design flow.
 Bottom width of 58.4 meter.
 Power channel has contour alignment with hills
on left side and naturally land draining towards
Indus river on the right side.

 The primary purpose of the project was to provide constant peak

power at times when Tarbela is generating low.
 Sole purpose of Tarbela Dam is to provide water for irrigation. At
times when irrigation requirement is low, water flow through the
channel is low and so is the power generation.
 During the months of May and June when there is reduced
generation of power from Tarbela and Mangla as a result of low
reservoir level.
 This brings us to the most outstanding feature of this project is that it
will provide power peaking capacity throughout the year with full
power generation.

 The project has negligible impact on existing

groundwater table or quality of water due to
complete length of the power channel being
concrete-based thus adding to the benefit.

 The power channel under drainage system also

helped alleviate existing water-logging problems
in this part of the region.

 Dislocation and resettlement problems

are also very small, only 110 dwellings
had to be relocated to 3 villages
constructed by WAPDA nearby.

 It is the most cost-effective power facility

in Pakistan at this time and remains valid
in retrospect due to the extremely
favorable power generation costs in
comparison with thermal power stations.

 The construction of a 225km, 500kV transmission line, a new

500/22kV substation, and the extension of two further substations was
partially funded by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development.
 The World Bank provided a 20-year loan of $350 million, and the ADB
a 25-year loan of $300 million
 A Japanese company supplied the generators. Austrian VA Tech Voest
obtained an order for penstocks.

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