Rock Specs
Rock Specs
Rock Specs
6.1.1 Scope
This specification details the requirements for the supply and installation of rock for
the construction of rubble-mound breakwaters.
6.1.2 Standards
This sections deals with the minimum requirements of breakwater works.
In case of conflict between standards and codes of practices, the most stringent code
shall apply, or execution shall be as directed by the Engineer.
All standards cross-referenced within the listed documents shall also be considered
as project standard / specification references.
Following precedence shall apply and shall supersede any other clause spelling out
precedence that may appear in this specification.
This Specification;
BS EN Standards;
British Standards;
European Standards;
American Standards;
Other Standards.
The design and construction shall also comply with the requirements of local
authorities having jurisdiction over the site. In case of conflict, the most stringent
requirements shall govern.
The design standards and codes of practice, which are referenced within this
Specification, are listed in table below. All design, fabrication, procurement and
installation shall conform to the requirements of the latest editions of the following
codes and standards of practice except as explicitly varied by this Specification
Table 6-1: Applicable Standards and Guidelines
Reference Title Description
ASTM 4355: 2015 Standard Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles by Exposure
to Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus
ASTM D4533: Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of
2015 Geotextiles
ASTM D4632: Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of
2015 Geotextiles
BS 812: 2005 Testing aggregates. Methods for the determination of density
6.1.3 Submittals
The Contractor shall provide detailed petrological descriptions of all rock types and
shall submit test results for the proposed source from an independent laboratory,
demonstrating compliance with these Specifications, to the Engineer for approval.
The Contractor shall submit with the Tender Package:
Relevant information about the rock supplier and records of the supply of similar
systems in the region;
Any notable exceptions or changes from the Drawings and this specification.
6.2 ROCK
6.2.1 Qualit y
All rock shall be naturally occurring, dense, sound material quarried from an approved
source. It shall be free from weathering, mechanical weakness and chemical
decomposition, and of such character that will resist disintegration and erosion by the
action of air, water, wetting and drying, extremes of temperature and impact due to
wave action or any other natural or climatic factors. It shall also be free from
significant discontinuities such as cracks, veins, stylolite seams, laminations, foliation
planes, cleavage planes, unit contacts or other such flaws which could lead to
breakage during loading, unloading or placing. It shall be free from dirt, soil, peat,
loam, clay or any organic matter and all holes drilled for blasting purposes. It shall be
capable of being handled and placed without fracture or damage. Quarried rock shall
not contain visually observable or chemically detectable impurities or foreign matters
in such quantities that are damaging for the constructive application of the quarried
stone or for the environment in which the quarried stone is to be placed.
6.2.2 Sources
All armour rock used on the Project shall be from the same source to provide an
approved uniform colour to the finished works. Providing the rock meets or exceeds
all specified material requirements and the rate of supply required to satisfy
programme requirements is met, rock may be obtained from either local quarries or
imported from other sources. There shall, however, be no mixing of locally obtained
and imported material unless approved by the Engineer.
6.2.4 Grading
Obtain the prior written approval from appropriate Authorities, Police and the
Engineer for the use of explosives, magazine storage arrangements and
blasting procedures, and provide safety mean for the protection of persons and
property during blasting operations. Explosives shall be used only after
obtaining the express written permission of the appropriate Authorities and the
Engineer. Nothing contained in the Contract nor shall any approval or instruction
by the Engineer relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations and
responsibilities under any Statutory Acts or Regulations.
When quarrying operations are complete, the Contractor shall leave the quarry
in a safe condition to the approval of the appropriate Authorities by, inter alia:
Barring down all faces so that no loose rock remains on any face.
Bringing down overhanging rock safely.
Ensuring that the quarry is free-draining and that no accumulation of water
can occur or, in the case of a quarry below ground level, minimising the
accumulation of water and drainage to areas approved by the Engineer.
Warning notices in Arabic and English may be required at any
concentrations of water that constitute a hazard.
Stockpiling surplus rock material to a height not greater than 3 metres with
stable side slopes.
6.3.1 General
It shall be ensured that the geotextile complies with the requirements set out in the
Specification, in particular regarding the appropriate functional characteristics, that the
geotextile is sufficiently robust to withstand, without being damaged, the working