Teacher Answer Key What Is My Adaptation Worksheets

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Adaptations Unit

Haleakalā National Park

Name: ______________________________

What is My Adaptation Worksheet

Traits Plant Animal Human Does it help

me survive?

I have legs that help me run Nēnē Yes

away from danger Yes

I communicate with my species ‘Amakihi Yes Yes

by song ‘Apapane

I can help protect the plants Yes! Yes

and animals of our world

I smell sweet to attract Koa Yes
pollinating insects Māmane
I can make my own food Koa Yes
Thick bark protects my insides
from damage caused by insects Koa Yes
and other animals. It also helps ‘Ōhi‘a
keep me from drying out

I can get water from a misty ‘Āhinahina Yes


Animals like to eat my fruit. Kūkaenēnē Yes

They spread my seeds in their ‘Ōhelo

Pre-Visit Lesson Plan #2: What is My Adaptation? 1

Adaptations Unit
Haleakalā National Park

My seeds are protected by a Koa Yes

hard covering Māmane

Trait Plant Animal Human Does it help

me survive?

I migrate away from Maui ‘Ua‘u Maybe Yes

during my life

I use camouflage to protect Pūpū kani oe Yes

myself Hawaiian Wolf

I have hair to protect me from ‘Āhinahina Yes

the bright sun

I need clean water and air All All Yes Yes

Roots help to hold me up Koa Yes

My instinct is to hide from ‘Ua‘u Yes


My beak fits perfectly into ‘I’iwi Yes

flowers ‘Amakihi

I can grow a native plant Yes! Yes

I am curved so I can help feed Māmane Yes

birds with curved beaks

Pre-Visit Lesson Plan #2: What is My Adaptation? 2

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