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EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

Department of English
EG 211 Listening and Speaking
Course Outline: Semester 2/2023
(January 8 - May 4, 2024)

Instructor’s Name: Assistant Professor Dr. Pariwat Imsa-ard

Class Date and Time: Thursday 9.30-12.30 pm Room: SC2-201 Building: SC2
Office Hours: Wednesday 10.00 – 15.00 hrs Office Room: L’Arts Room 911
Email: [email protected]

Exemption Criteria:
- IELTS (Academic) Listening and Speaking 6 and above
- TOEFL (iBT) Listening 17 and Speaking 19 and above
- TU-GET (CBT) Listening 17 and Speaking 19 and above
- Exemption interview

Course Description:
Prerequisite: -
English listening and speaking skills for everyday communication in both formal and
informal situations; grammar in spoken English; pronunciation, word stress and intonation
patterns to improve comprehensibility and fluency; listening practice through various types
of speeches; development of cultural awareness and critical thinking to promote
communication across cultures.

Course Objectives:
- Students will have both controlled and less controlled oral English practice using
various grammatical structures to express a variety of language functions.
- Students will use newspaper articles and other sources to promote extended oral
practice such as presentations and discussion of contemporary events and issues.
- Students will have regular listening comprehension practice.
- Students will be exposed to some of the features of connected speech (linking, weak
pronunciation, word and sentence stress, etc.) in order to improve their listening skills
and to encourage more correct pronunciation.
- Students will extend their vocabulary.

Course Content
Unit Listening Skill Speaking Skill
1. Business Identify main points and story Use a story example
2. Linguistics & Listen for explanations of Explain words and terms
Communication words and terms
3. Innovation & Engineering Ask questions while listening Give reasons
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

4. Visual Arts Recognize repetition of key Explain a sequence of events

5. Health & Psychology Listen for cause and effect Talk about cause and effect
6. Art & Conservation Recognize liking Ask for and give clarification
7. Education & Technology Recognize a speaker’s tone Defend a position
8. Technology Understand content-rich Explain a process

Teaching/Course Materials:
- Bonesteel, L. (2017). 21st century communication: Listening, speaking and critical
thinking. National Geographic Learning.
- Handouts and other supplementary materials based on the course content will be
prepared by each instructor.

Tentative Schedule
Week Content Date
1 Introduction January 11
2 January 18
3 Unit 1 Business January 25 *
4 February 1 *
5 Unit 3 Innovation & Engineering February 8
6 February 15 *
Unit 4 Visual Arts
7 February 22 *
Midterm Week: February 25 – March 4, 2024
(Midterm Interview—schedule to be arranged by teacher)

8 March 7
9 Unit 5 Health & Psychology March 14
10 March 21
11 Unit 6 Art & Conservation March 28
12 April 4
Unit 7 Education & Technology
13 April 11
14 April 25
15 Final Presentation and Wrap-up May 2
Add-drop without W: January 8 – 21, 2024
Withdrawal period: January 24 – March 17, 2024
Last day of class: May 4, 2023
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

January 26, 2024 (Mon) Makha Bucha (Observed)
April 8, 2024 (Mon) Chakri Day (Observed)
April 11-17, 2024 Songkran Festival

Evaluation Percentage
Classwork 60%
Students will be graded continuously throughout the semester. Part of
their class work grade will be based on presentations which will include
listening participation while other students are presenting, participation in
group discussions, active involvement in group/pair work and other
assigned tasks. The following are a suggested breakdown of classwork.
Activities Points Brief Descriptions
1. Unit 1 - 3 10 Individual or pair presentation
Select one from the unit assignments
given in the course book.
2. Unit 4 - 6 10 Pair or group presentation
Select one from the unit assignments
given in the course book.
3. Unit 7-8 10 Role-play or debate
Select one from the unit assignments
given in the course book.
4. Any time 30 As per instructor’s own activities
(quizzes, gap-fill, pronunciation,
discussion activities, listening logs,
listening quizzes, listening exercises

In assessing student proficiency, the following aspects of language are

taken into consideration:
● Range of language covered in the course
● Accuracy
● Fluency
● Pronunciation

Midterm Interview Exam 10%

Final Project (Group Project) 20%
- Research Projects: Students conduct a research project/a survey
relating to a topic covered in class (unit 1-8) and report what
they found to class
- Interview (as per instructor)
- Listening Test (as per instructor)
Attendance and Participation 10%
- Students with more than 3 absences will not be allowed to take
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

- Two points will be deducted from the class attendance score for
each absence.
- Class attendance will be checked from the first period onwards
for those whose names are on the pre-registered class list and
the second period onwards for those whose names are added
- Students should arrive on time. Coming to class more than 10
minutes late is considered “one late” and “three late” is equal
to “one absence.”
- If students show up 30 minutes after the class starts, they will
be marked as absent.
- The instructor is NOT required to give make up any activities,
quizzes, tests, or exams the student missed on the day of their
absence from class.
- Students are required to purchase the textbook for the course
(details of purchase to be advised by instructor).
- This includes 'participation in class (5%)' and 'attendance (5%)'
* The assessment criteria may be subject to change.

Grading Criteria:
90 - 100 = A
85 - 89.99 = B+
80 - 84.99 = B
75 - 79.99 = C+
70 - 74.99 = C
65 - 69.99 = D+
60 - 64.99 = D
59.99 - 0 = F

Teacher Evaluation:
Students are required to complete an online teacher evaluation form before the last session
of the course on the registrar’s website.
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

Speaking Assessment Rubric

Scores Fluency Vocabulary Grammar Details
and accent

Smooth and Pronunciation is Excellent Accuracy & Excellent level of

fluid speech; excellent; good control of variety of description;
few to no effort at accent language grammatical additional details
hesitations; no features; a structures beyond the
attempts to wide range of required
search for well- chosen
words; volume vocabulary
is excellent.

Smooth and Pronunciation is Good Some errors in Good level of

fluid speech; good; good effort language grammatical description; all
few hesitations; at accent control; good structures required
7-8 a slight search range of possibly caused information
for words; relatively by attempt to included
inaudible word well-chosen include a variety.
or two. vocabulary

Speech is Pronunciation is Adequate Frequent Adequate

relatively good; Some effort language grammatical description; some
smooth; some at accent, but is control; errors that do additional details
hesitation and definitely non- vocabulary not obscure should be
unevenness native range is meaning; little provided
caused by lacking variety in
rephrasing and structures
searching for
words; volume

Speech is Pronunciation is Weak Frequent Description lacks

frequently okay; No effort language grammatical some critical
hesitant with towards a native control; basic errors even in details that make
some sentences accent vocabulary simple structures it difficult for the
left choice with that at times listener to
uncompleted; some words obscure understand
volume very clearly lacking meaning.

Speech is slow, Pronunciation is Weak Frequent Description is so

hesitant & lacking and hard language grammatical lacking that the
strained except to understand; No control; errors even in listener cannot
for short effort towards a vocabulary simple understand
memorized native accent that is used structures;
1-2 phrases; does not meaning is
difficult to match the obscured.
perceive task
continuity in
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

A Note on the Honor Code:

The Honor Code requires that work you turn in for assessment is the product of your
own individual synthesis or integration of ideas. While secondary research is encouraged, you
must always cite in text and fully reference your sources at the end of your paper. If you do
not, it is plagiarism. Plagiarism means copying or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas or words
and presenting them as your own without proper attribution of the sources, including those
from the Internet. Other forms of dishonesty or cheating, such as using your work from one
course to resubmit in another course are also forbidden. Any students caught plagiarizing or
committing other forms of cheating will receive an F on that assignment, regardless of any
EG211 Course Outline (2/2023)

Assignment Due:

Assignments Points Due Date

Pronunciation task 5 January 14, 2024
Individual or pair presentation 10 January 25, 2024
Discussion activity (in-class) 10 February 8, 2024
Group presentation (in-class) 10 March 7, 2024
Midterm Interview Exam * 10 Online (Week: Mar 5-8)
Listening practice (in-class) 5 March 14, 2024
TED Talk: Listening talk (out-of-class) 10 March 28, 2024
Group Role Play (in-class) 10 April 4, 2024
Final Project (Group Project) 20 May 2, 2024
This is negotiable.

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