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Thunder Run in the Classroom-Simulation Entity Detail in Education

Stephen E. Gauthier
Michael J. Kwinn, Jr.
This paper was completed and submitted in partial fulfillment of the Master Teacher Program, a 2-year faculty professional
development program conducted by the Center for Teaching Excellence, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 2008.

Abstract out components with other armored vehicles already

In April of 2003 the American Army launched an existing in JCATS in order to create unique armored
attack into the heart of Baghdad called the Thunder Run. vehicles specifically for their design of experiments.
The 3rd Infantry Division saw most of the fighting against
sizable force of moderately well armed Iraqi Army soldiers. 2. SCENARIO
This paper provides an in depth look into utilizing the In April of 2003, the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division
Thunder Run scenario in conjunction with Joint Conflict received orders to attack into the middle of the heavily
and Tactical Simulation (JCATS) software and the Systems populated urban center of Baghdad. This attack, or
Decision Process (SDP). The comparison between two “Thunder Run”, consisted of several hundred well-armed
semesters will be made in order to determine if a difference Americans attacking into 8 million Iraqis. While the vast
in simulation entity utilization impacts the cadets’ abilities majority avoided the Americans and any possible fighting,
to learn and benefit from the course material. JCATS is an there was a sizable force of moderately well armed Iraqi
advanced military simulation program and the SDP is a Army soldiers who put up strong resistance.
methodology developed by the Systems Engineering Cadet teams consisting of 3-4 cadets recreate this
Department in order to formalize the decision making scenario in JCATS and are tasked to design a new armored
process. With these tools cadets explore the world of combat system that is lethal, survivable, and transportable.
modeling and simulation and utilize analytical processes in The basic unit of maneuver is a platoon which has the
the form of a semester long project by which to recommend constraint that a platoon must be transportable by two C-17
to a decision maker a new armored vehicle design for the transport aircraft. A constraint of up to seven C-17s may be
United States Army. The SDP utilizes problem definition, used to insert a combat-loaded company.
solution design, decision making, and solution This scenario and requirement for redesigning
implementation processes by which cadets through a serious equipment is very relevant in today’s Army. Currently the
of in progress reviews, simulation runs, factorial design Army is undergoing a period of transition and
analysis, and a final paper work through all the steps transformation unlike it has ever seen. Prior to the attacks
necessary to recommend a new armored vehicle design. on September 11th, 2001, there were only two brigades at
Fort Lewis that were undergoing “Transformation”. This
1. PURPOSE plan called for the Army reorganizing and reequipping both
The purpose of utilizing Thunder Run scenario in the a heavy and light brigade with lightly armored, heavily
classroom environment is to expose cadets to the analytical integrated, and motorized forces. Since Operations Iraqi
tools available when presented with complex problems that Freedom (OIF), the Army Chief of Staff has begun another
require multi-disciplinary solutions. Simulation coursework and much further reaching initiative. Beginning in 2003 all
is an integral part of the Systems Engineering and Army units began the process of transformation to
Engineering Management curriculums at the United States reorganize into more independent and effective
Military Academy. Future leaders in both the military and organizations.
civilian sectors must be knowledgeable in both the theory “Schoomaker's restructuring plan calls for an increase
and practice of simulation and modeling. in the active-duty combat brigades from 33 to 48, creating
In AY 07-1 cadets were required to create armored more versatile units available for rapid overseas
vehicles for use in their Thunder Run scenarios from the deployment. Each new brigade will be more self-sustaining
very most basic components. A cadet team was required to and have more combat power than current brigades,
instantiate the gun, armor, all associated factors from the enabling the Defense Department to respond to smaller-
very most basic steps in the JCATS software. In AY 08-1 scale contingencies by deploying a brigade of 5,000
the program of study was changed to were the cadets were soldiers, instead of a much larger division, with 20,000
not required to create armored vehicles “from scratch” but soldiers.” [1]
instead were able to take components off of existing In class cadets are given an Operational Requirements
armored vehicles already portrayed in JCATS and switch Document (ORD) for the project that requires that each
cadet team to develop a combat system that, when deployed AY 08-1 5 4 3 2 1
in a platoon of 3 to 5 vehicles, has the cross country
mobility of a M2 platoon, and is able to defeat all expected Learning 76.0% 24.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
ground and air threats in support of Army Transformation Thinking 70.8% 29.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
concepts. Anaylsis 64.6% 33.3% 2.1% 0.0% 0.0%
Course Objectives 58.0% 39.2% 2.3% 0.6% 0.0%
3. STUDENT ASSESSMENT Table 2. AY 08-1 Feedback
In AY 07-1 cadet teams were required to create all
facets of a candidate armored system beginning with the 3.2. Instructor Assessment
most basic steps. This resulted in a very detailed process of Throughout the course of both semesters I noticed a
which focused on intense training within the JCATS considerable difference in cadet attitudes towards JCATS.
software package. In contrast the following year this course Initially when it was required to build the vehicles from
was taught using the concept that JCATS would still be scratch there was much frustration since it required large
used, however, candidate vehicles would be constructed amounts of time to deal with the nuances of creating very
from previously created vehicles already in existence within specific and detailed attributes of an armored vehicle.
the JCATS database. This resulted in the cadets spending During the second semester when I implemented the policy
less time performing the mechanics of vehicle construction by which they can take pre-existing armored vehicles and
and more time constructing the design of experiments and switch out components with other pre-existing armored
analyzing data. vehicles much more time was spent on the design of
During course end feedback reports it was noted that experiments and analyzing the statistical outcomes of the
the percentage of “Strongly Agree” responses to questions simulation.
about the course and meeting the learning objectives Based on cadet feedback via the Likert ratings and my
increased from 46% to 66% amongst cadet opinions. This own observations I am recommending to the follow on
gives a strong indication that by reducing the tedium in course director to continue on with the course project policy
constructing the entity and instead placing the focus on the that I began in the second semester.
multiple runs of the simulation in the prescribed design of
experiments and the analysis that follows greater student 4. JCATS
satisfaction was achieved. Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation (JCATS) is an
Interesting to note is the steady state of grades. The interactive simulation program that is managed by the Joint
second years grades were not significantly different from Warfighting Center (JWFC) which is a subordinate
the first year and therefore it could be assumed that the command of the U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
change in curriculum affecting mostly the satisfaction of the located in Suffolk, Virginia. Lawrence Livermore National
students and not necessarily the understanding of course Laboratory is the original designer and developer of this
material. program and still maintains close ties to JWFC and
3.1. Likert Tabulation (Cadet Feedback) USJFCOM in order to further refine and advance JCATS as
Using the course end feedback from both semesters the an excellent simulation tool.
following data results were collected. The numbers 5-1 The primary uses for JCATS are training, analysis,
represent the “Strongly Agree”=5 and “Stongly mission planning, and rehearsal. JCATS maintains the
Disagree”=1. The questions were grouped into 4 major ability to simulate operations in urban terrain, woodland,
topics of how the course project impacted the areas of desert, artic, or jungle terrains. Units can be disaggregated
“Learning”, “Thinking”, “Analysis”, and “Course down to the individual solider or maintained as an entire
Objectives. A marked increase is noted in the second division depending on scenario requirements. JCATS
iteration of the course after changes were made to the supports non-lethal as well as conventional weapons.
method in which cadets were tasked to construct armored JCATS also has the ability to very easily modify existing
vehicles for the simulation. entities or to custom create entities should it be required.
JCATS is often part of a larger command and control
AY 07-1 5 4 3 2 1 exercise involving a myriad of other simulation software,
Learning 53.7% 33.3% 5.6% 1.9% 5.6% however, the program is flexible enough to facilitate
training at the lowest level of operations. The most
Thinking 37.0% 44.4% 14.8% 3.7% 0.0%
impressive use of JCATS is observed at the National
Anaylsis 55.6% 25.9% 16.7% 1.9% 0.0% Training Center (NTC) in Fort Irwin, California. There the
Course Objectives 51.5% 28.3% 10.1% 9.1% 1.0% program is often used in conjunction with other live, virtual,
Table 1. AY 07-1 Feedback and constructive simulations. Not only is JCATS used
extensively by the United States Army. It is also utilized by
the U.S. Marine Corps and by U.S. Northern Command Cadet teams exercise design of experiment (DOE)
(USNORCOM) in support of homeland security exercises. concepts in order to construct a full factorial design with
[2] each one of these factors set at two different levels. This is
done in order to determine which factors are the most
4.1. Simulation Description significant. Once the teams create their 213 full factorial
The simulation scenarios generated by the cadets teams design in Minitab statistical software it is then replicated
are based on their own historical research into what actually five times for a total of 40,960 design points. Results are
occurred during the Thunder Run in 2003. Based on this assigned to their identified measures of effectiveness in
information the scenarios created by each independent cadet terms of their response within their DOE. These results are
team varies, however, common threads exist throughout all provided by the instructor utilizing a Microsoft Excel and a
the teams’ simulations. weighting system by which certain factors set to different
An example of a cadet scenario of the Thunder Run is levels will generate a higher level within their measure of
shown in Figure 1. This is only a single example of one of effectiveness. After the cadet teams receive the response
the various configurations that are acceptable for the results they begin their analysis to see if they can determine
Thunder Run. Please note that in this example American which of the thirteen above listed factors are the most
forces are positioned south of the city and will ultimately significant. This is accomplished utilizing analysis of
advance toward the Baghdad International Airport in the variance (ANOVA) and graphing functions offered by
western area of Baghdad. Minitab. After the teams determine the most significant
factors they continue on with modeling their armored
vehicles utilizing these most significant factors as their
Some of these factors listed above are best analyzed
using their JCATS simulation whereas other methods may
be best analyzed using other testing sources. It is up to the
cadet teams to determine which methods are most
applicable for each factor, however, due to the weighting
scheme of the DOE response results normally each cadet
team with modify approximately six of the thirteen factors
in order to achieve proposed armored vehicle courses of
action to be entered into JCATS.
JCATS is a highly complex yet user friendly program
which greatly facilitates learning in a classroom
environment. It provides an excellent opportunity for the
Figure 1. JCATS Simulation Graphical User Interface cadet teams to utilize both analytical thought and reason in
determining a candidate armored vehicle system to
4.2. Vehicle Characteristics in Simulation recommend to a “senior Army decision maker”. The
When cadets construct armored vehicles for their process that the cadet teams use is known as the Systems
JCATS scenario, the following factors are the main Decision Process.
variables for each of their vehicle candidate types:
1. Main Weapon System The Systems Decision Process (SDP) is a methodology
2. Armor Type developed by the Systems Engineering Department at West
3. Engine Point in order to formalize the decision making process.
4. Communications System Five inherent characteristics that make the SDP an ideal
5. Weapon Sight process to utilize are:
6. Navigation System
7. Vehicle Speed “1. The SDP encapsulates the dynamic flow of system
8. Vehicle Range engineering activities and the evolution of the system state,
9. Minimum Crew starting with the current status (what is) and ending with a
10. Vehicle Suspension system that successfully delivers value to system
11. Main Weapon Reload Time stakeholders (what should be).
12. Main Weapon Rounds per Reload
13. Main Weapon Ammunition Carrying Capacity
2. It has a core focus on the needs and objectives of analyses, as educators we can enhance their learning
stakeholders and decision makers concerned with the value experience.
being delivered by the system. There are many methods to teach simulation and
decision making. By taking a real world scenario and
3. It has four major phases organized into a logical energizing the cadets with the opportunity to work as a
progression (problem definition, solution design, decision team, recreate a challenging simulation environment,
making, and solution implementation) that embrace systems perform statistical tests in varying situations, and ultimately
thinking and applies proven system engineering approaches, brief their results to a “senior Army decision maker” the
yet is highly iterative. process of education is truly rewarding for both the students
and instructor.
4. It explicitly considers the environment (its factors and
interacting systems) that systems operate in as critical to 7. REFERENCES
systems decision making, and thus highlights a requirement [1] Loeb, Vernon, “Army Expansion Could Last 5 Years
for multidisciplinary systems engineering teams. Ranks Will Swell During Restructuring”, Washington Post,
January 30, 2004, Page A19,
5. It emphasizes value creation (value modeling, solution http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61583-
enhancements, and value-focused thinking) in addition to 2004Jan29.html.
evaluation (scoring and sensitivity analysis) of alternatives.”
[3] [2] United States Joint Forces Command Website,
http://www.jfcom.mil/about/fact_jcats.htm, November
The SDP is displayed in Figure 5. 2007.

[3] Parnell, Gregory S., Patrick J. Driscoll, Dale L.

Henderson, “Decision Making in Systems Engineering and
Management, Fall 2007 Edition”, Wiley Custom Services,
2007, Page 12.

[4] Parnell, Gregory S., Patrick J. Driscoll, Dale L.

Henderson, “Decision Making in Systems Engineering and
Management, Fall 2007 Edition”, Wiley Custom Services,
2007, Page 13.

Major Stephen E. Gauthier is an Instructor/Analyst with
Department of Systems Engineering at West Point, New
York. He teaches Combat Modeling, Computer Aided
Systems Engienering, and a Professional Engineering
Seminar. He possesses a BS in Foreign Area Studies from
Figure 2. Systems Decision Process [4]. the United States Military Academy (1993) and a MS in
Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School
(2006). Before becoming an Army operations analyst he
6. CONCLUSION was a UH-60 helicopter pilot. His past work has focused on
Simulation is an excellent tool for learning in the stochastic modeling in evaluation the Army’s Condition-
classroom environment. Not only does it provide realistic, Based Maintenance Program, budgeting models for the
hands on activities by which our cadets learn valuable Director of Army Environmental programs, and values
lessons but it also contains a deep theoretical background based modeling for assessment of the National Security
that educates the cadets as they step through the process of Strategy. He is a member of the Military Operations
creating a simulation, implementing the analytical tools Research Society (MORS), the International Council on
required in order to inform the decision maker, and Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and the Institute for
ultimately recommend a final course of action. It is Operations Research and Management Science
important to realize that we shouldn’t lose sight of the forest (INFORMS).
because we are focusing on the trees. By taking the rigor
out of simply creating simulation entities and instead Lieutenant Colonel Michael J. Kwinn, Jr., is an
focusing the cadets’ energies towards data collection and Associate Professor of Systems Engineering at the United
States Military Academy at West Point where he currently
directs the Systems Engineering and Operations Research
programs. He graduated from the United States Military
Academy at West Point in 1984. He has received a Master
of Science from the University of Arizona, a Master of Arts
in National Security and Strategic Studies (with Distinction)
from the Naval War College, and a Ph.D. in Management
Science from the University of Texas at Austin. He has
worked on systems engineering projects for over 10 years,
most recently as the Director of the Operations Research
Center (ORCEN) at the United States Military Academy.
Some of his recent work is in the areas of acquisition
simulation analysis, military recruiting process
management, condition-based maintenance implementation
and assessment systems development for combat operations.
He is President-elect for the Military Operations Research
Society (MORS), is a member of the International Council
on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), the Institute for
Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS)
and has served as an advisory member for the Army Science

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