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Nightguard Vital Bleaching: Indications and Limitations

a report by
D r Va n B. H ay wo o d , D M D

Professor, Department of Oral Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, Medical College of Georgia

Introduction and efficacy studies, as well as research on long-term

stability, its effects on teeth, and ease of use by the
The quest for whiter teeth can include a number of patient. While in-office has a long history of use, it is
treatment options, from bleaching to microabrasion, more expensive and generally requires an average of 3
bonding, veneers or crowns. By far the most application visits for maximum whiteness. Although
conservative treatment, which requires no tooth OTC products are less expensive, the patient lacks a
removal is bleaching. Bleaching can be further divided proper examination and diagnosis of the cause of
into three groups: in-office bleaching, nightguard vital discoloration. Moreover, OTC products do not have an
Van B Haywood, DMD, is Professor in
bleaching (NGVB), and over-the-counter (OTC) strips ideal barrier such as the custom tray for application,
the Department of Oral and wraps. Nightguard vital bleaching (also known as which makes the process take longer than tray
Rehabilitation, School of Dentistry, tray bleaching or at-home bleaching), was formally bleaching. However, all three techniques will ultimately
Medical College of Georgia (MCG).
He taught at the University of
introduced to the world in the classic 1989 achieve the same result if used for enough time.
North Carolina School of Dentistry Quintessence article by Haywood and Heymann. Prior
in Operative and Prosthodontics for to this, essentially the only teeth whitening option that Nightguard Vital Bleaching
12 years before coming to MCG in
1993. He teaches in the Castings
was available was in-office bleaching. Since then,
course, the Occlusion course and the bleaching involving all categories has become a billion This author has had the unusual opportunity in
Esthetics course. He is a member of dollar industry in the US alone, and is sweeping the dentistry to watch a new technique grow from infancy
the American Dental Association, the
Georgia Dental Association, the
world, partially due to the increased awareness of dental into the current status, and observe both appropriate
Eastern District Dental Association, esthetics from television and movies. This article will and inappropriate comments from research or lack of
and the Augusta Dental Society. He present the indications and limitations for NGVB. research. After using virtually every bleaching option
is in the International Association of
Dental Research, the Georgia
available, this author still prefers 10% carbamide
Association of Dental Research, the NGVB involves making an alginate impression of the peroxide in a custom fitted tray worn overnight for 2–6
American Association of Dental patient’s teeth and generating a stone cast. This cast is weeks. Patients obtain the maximum benefit per
Schools, OKU, and the Christian
Dental Society. He is a member of
trimmed such that it has no vestibule and has a hole in application when the tray can be worn overnight.
the Academy of Operative Dentistry, the palate or horse-shoe shape (Figure 1). A thin soft However, if that is not possible, day-wear should be 2–4
the American Academy of Restorative tray material is used along with a vacuum-forming hours, due to the extended peroxide release profile of
Dentistry, and the Academy of
Esthetic Dentistry. He is a Fellow in
machine to fabricate a custom-fitted tray for the carbamide peroxide. This author also prefers a product
the American College of Dentists and patient. The patient applies a bleaching solution (in that has many research papers supporting its safety and
the International College of Dentists. most cases 10% carbamide peroxide) in the tray nightly, efficacy, preferably with the ‘Seal of Acceptance’ of the
He is on the editorial board of
several peer-reviewed dentistry
and sleeps with the tray in place for a number of days American Dental Association.
journals, including the Journal of or weeks, depending on the discoloration.
Esthetic Dentistry, and was recently Tr a y D e s i g n
invited to be an Associate Editor of
the Journal of the American Dental
In comparison, in-office bleaching (also known as
Association. In 1989, he co-authored chairside teeth whitening), which has existed for over There are a variety of tray designs, and the choice
the first publication in the world on 100 years, involves the isolation of the teeth with a depends on the product used, the patient’s concerns or
nightguard vital bleaching (NGVB),
with Dr Harald Heymann, and in
rubber dam or paint-on barrier, and application of habits, their tooth alignment and their gingival status.
1997 he co-authored the first 25–38% hydrogen peroxide for up to one hour per Tray designs can be scalloped to follow the free gingival
article on extended treatment of appointment. The hydrogen peroxide is activated by margin, and contain reservoirs or spacers to reduce the
tetracycline-stained teeth using
NGVB. He has completed further
heat of light. Over-the-counter products also contain tightness of the fit of the tray. However, a non-
research and over 80 publications hydrogen peroxide, in a strip or wrap, which is applied scalloped, no reservoir tray design is the most
on the NGVB technique and the for 30 minutes, once or twice a day. comfortable to the patient, provides the best seal against
topic of bleaching and esthetics. For
the last five years, he has been
the gingival to retain the material, and uses the least
listed in the ‘Top Leaders in If safety, efficiency and cost to the patient are considered material per application for the same result (Figure 2)
Continuing Education’ by Dental for the three techniques, NGVB is the preferred Generally, reservoirs are not needed to bleach teeth, but
Products Report.`
method. This technique is supported by many safety their presence will reduce the tightness of the tray and

2 U S D E N T I S T RY 2 0 0 6
Nightguard Vital Bleaching: Indications and Limitations

may reduce sensitivity. However, more material is used Figure 1: Cast trimmed such that no vestibule is
per application, and more time is required to fabricate present and a hole in the center allows for better
the tray. Scalloped trays are not as important now that adaptation of the soft tray material in the vacuum-
the softer tray materials are available, and non-scalloped forming machine.
trays provide a better seal and are more comfortable, as
well as being easier to fabricate. However, higher
concentrations of peroxide can cause gingival irritation.
A single tooth tray consists of a non-scalloped, no
reservoir tray design with the tooth mold removed on
either side of the tooth desired to be bleached. If a
sticky bleaching material is used, a ‘temporomandibular
disorder’ or ‘TMD’ tray design will only cover the facial
surfaces of the teeth and not involve the occlusal
contacts of the mouth. Although there are many tray
designs, this author prefers the non-scalloped tray with
no reservoirs or spacers as first tray of choice.


Indications for bleaching include a variety of situations.

Teeth can be stained from drinks and foodstuff, or be Figure 2: A non-scalloped, no reservoir tray in the
discolored from birth. NGVB is not only removing mouth extends 1–2 mm onto the gingival for a seal,
extrinsic stains that have become intrinsic, but is also but does not engage an undercut, encroach on a
changing the genetic color of the tooth. Mild yellow frenum, or end on a rugae.
and brown discolorations are most responsive, while
darker colors take longer, and gingival discoloration is
the most difficult to resolve. In most bleaching
situations, the teeth look very natural after bleaching,
with the incisal area normally lighter than the gingival.
Canines which may be darker than the traditional half-
shade from the lateral incisor can be lightened to more
closely match the incisor with tray bleaching. This
ability to change the color of the canine is a good
indication that the bleaching is changing the genetic
color of the tooth, rather than merely removing stains.
As patients age, the teeth become more yellow, both
from secondary dentin and from staining. Bleaching
will provide a younger appearance to the teeth for
anyone over 45 years old. tooth. After that, further treatment will not make them
any lighter. Upon termination of bleaching, the tooth
T h e To o t h i s a S e m i - P e r m e a b l e color will relapse about one half shade as the optical
Membrane qualities return to normal from the dissipation of the
oxygen from the tooth that was present during
Current research has demonstrated that the tooth is a bleaching. After this color stabilization, which takes
semi-permeable membrane, and both hydrogen approximately two weeks, the teeth will remain color
peroxide and urea (the ingredients of carbamide stable for years.
peroxide) can pass freely though intact enamel to the
pulp in five to fifteen minutes. Other research have Carbamide Peroxide vs Hydrogen
demonstrated that the passage through the tooth is Peroxide
rapid, with the dentin changing color as fast at the
pulpal interface as it does at the dentoenamel junction. To be able to compare the various products and
Hence bleaching material enter the tooth regardless of treatment times, the dentist must understand the
whether there are cracks present in the teeth, and will differences between carbamide peroxide (CP) and
pass under existing restorations to bleach the entire hydrogen peroxide (HP) and the relative percentages of
tooth.When the teeth are being bleached, they will get both. Carbamide peroxide is composed of hydrogen
lighter until they reach a “maximum lightness” for that peroxide and urea. The urea stabilizes the CP, elevates

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Figures 3: Prior to bleaching, the patient is informed of primary deterrent to bleaching, and occurs with all
the defects on the central incisor. products. There is a greater rebound after bleaching
with higher concentrations, and there is very little
research on the safety and effects on the tooth.
Generally, higher concentrations should only be used at
the request of the patient, when they have been
informed of the side effects and cautions. Regardless of
the concentration or product, all bleaching will
eventually reach the same color outcome.

Most of the research on safety and efficacy has been

conducted on 10% CP. Stability up to 10 years has been
reported, and no pulpal or tooth damage was reported.
Effects on the teeth are minimal with a neutral pH
material, and appear no worse than normally ingested
Figure 4: After tray bleaching, the defect remains, and foods and cola or fruit drinks.
would need composite bonding to complete the
treatment. The Importance of the Dental

Since discolored teeth can indicate the presence of

several pathological conditions, the most important
component of the bleaching process is the dental
examination. These conditions include abscessed teeth,
caries and internal resorption. Bleaching can also mask
the indication of other problems, allowing them to
progress without treatment. The dental examination is
essential to properly diagnosis the cause of the
discolorations and prevent improper treatment The
examination should include a screening radiograph of
the anterior teeth to evaluate for non-painful abscessed
teeth, internal resportion, dissimilar pulp sizes, and
the pH during treatment and gives the CP a longer other problems. All single discolored teeth should
release of peroxide. A 10% CP solution is equivalent to receive a radiograph.Vitality testing may be appropriate,
3.5% HP and 6.5% urea. All components are naturally although a tooth with no radiographic evidence of an
occurring in the body, and can be easily handled by the abscess and no symptoms can be bleached without
body mechanisms in low doses. The more basic endodontic therapy with no risk. Once the other
difference is that HP releases all its peroxide in 30–60 pathological conditions are eliminated, the examination
minutes, hence wear times and application times for HP also determine appropriate bleaching treatment time
are in this time range. CP releases 50% of its peroxide for the type discoloration, and identifies existing
in the first two hours, and can take up to 6 additional restorations or defects that will not be affected by
hours to release the remaining peroxide for bleaching. bleaching (Figures 3 & 4). The patient often expects
Hence, CP is a time-release approach to bleaching.This bleaching to correct all problems, and must be informed
is very important because the tooth can apparently only of the additional restorative treatment that may be
change color at a certain rate, which differs between necessary to harmonize mis-matched restorations or
patients. Higher concentrations of HP or CP, thought tooth shapes after bleaching.
to shorten time, can only do so to the point at which
the rate of tooth color changes. After that point is The examination should also evaluate the translucency
reached, the tooth color cannot change any faster, of the anterior teeth. Often gray areas are discoloration
regardless of the concentration or material. More inside the tooth, but occasionally they can be the dark
specifically, the higher concentrations of CP do not interior of the mouth showing through a translucent
markedly alter the rate of tooth color change in a linear tooth. In this case, the tooth may become more
fashion. In other words, a 20% CP solution will not translucent with bleaching, and hence appear darker
bleach the teeth twice as fast as a 10% solution. rather than lighter after treatment. A simple application
Moreover, the higher the concentration of peroxide, the of the finger to the lingual of the tooth will reveal
greater the chance of sensitivity. Sensitivity is the whether the dark discoloration is translucency or

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Nightguard Vital Bleaching: Indications and Limitations

inherited. If the teeth remain translucent after Figure 5: Prior to bleaching, the color of the teeth is
bleaching, treatment options include bonding darker than the sclera of the eye.
composite to the lingual to block the light if the
occlusion allows, or facial composites or veneers.
Patients should be fully informed of the cost of the
potential additional restorations prior to bleaching.

Gray discolorations could also be a result of the patient

taking minocycline, a commonly prescribed
tetracycline antibiotic for facial skin conditions. There
are several reports in the literature of adult teeth
staining from minocycline ingestion in their adult years.
While these teeth will also bleach, the treatment time is
much longer. Additionally, gray discoloration can be
caused by lingual or occlusal amalgams showing
through the enamel to the facial. The decision should
be made as to whether to replace those amalgams prior
to bleaching. In some instances the gray discoloration
could not be removed after bleaching, and bleaching
resulted in the tooth having a greater mismatch of color
with the adjacent teeth. When removing the amalgam,
all the gray should be eliminated, and the tooth restored
with a very light-colored composite. After bleaching,
this restoration will blend in with the color of the
tooth. Generally, it is preferred to replace composite
restorations after bleaching for the best color match.
However, the concern for remaining gray discoloration,
or extensive decay close to the pulp with sensitivity
indicates a pre-bleaching restoration should be placed.
If the color does not match after bleaching, often the
surface of the composite can be replaced without
replacing the entire restoration. excessive fluoride, either in the naturally occurring
water, or from topical application. Brown discolorations
Other Indications and Limitations can be removed over 80% of the time, so bleaching
should be the first choice for brown stains. White
Making your patient aware of your ability to bleach discolorations cannot be removed, but the background
their teeth without insulting their current appearance is color of the tooth, upon lightening, will make the white
a delicate procedure. Having questions on the medical spots less noticeable. White discolorations often go
history about tooth color happiness, posters in the through a ‘splotchy stage’ during bleaching, where they
hygiene room where the teeth are cleaned, or asking become more noticeable. However, bleaching should be
the patient if they are happy with their smile are ways continued to lighten the remainder of the tooth, and
to introduce the subject. Patients often ask if they upon termination, the white spots will revert to their
would look better from bleaching. The photographic original color. Should the white spot be too stark, then
norm is that when the white color of the teeth matches either abrasion to remove it, with or without composite
the white sclera of the eyes, the patient looks very bonding to hide it, will be required. Generally,
normal. Evaluate the sclera of the eyes relative to tooth bleaching should be done prior to abrasion, so that if a
color, and use that match as the measure for success composite is needed after bleaching, the color has
rather than the number of shade tab changes (Figures 5 stabilized for two weeks and the bond strengths are
& 6). However, when the patients desire whiter teeth, back to normal.The only exception to this rule is when
they should be informed that the root dentin does not the surface is rough and pitted, or it is obvious the stark
bleach well. Patients with exposed root surfaces will still white discoloration is contained on the surface only.
have yellow roots after bleaching. Restorations do not
change color from bleaching, nor are they detrimentally Single arch bleaching is the preferred treatment
affected. approach, since this gives the patient a less-expensive
way to initiate the procedure, and provides a good
Brown and white discolorations are often caused by comparison for the progress.Also, since sensitivity often

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Figure 6: After bleaching, there is a better color match a time constraint for an upcoming event, since some
between the teeth and the sclera of the eye. patients cannot remember or easily see an obvious color
change. Digital photographs are essential to esthetic
dental treatment.

Nicotine stains are much more stubborn to bleach, and

generally require 1–3 months of nightly treatment.
Tetracycline-stained teeth can require from 1–12
months of nightly treatment, with an average of 3–4
months for most discolorations. The blue-gray
discolorations, especially when located at the gingival
third, are least responsive. However, research has shown
that 6 months of nightly bleaching is not detrimental to
the tooth or pulp in 7.5 year recalls, and will provide
some color improvement in almost every patient. Since
it is impossible to predict the time required, and hence
the appropriate fee, a ‘pay-as-you-go’ approach is very
successful in treating tetracycline-stained teeth. The
patient will pay the initial fee for bleaching of normal
teeth for their tetracycline-stained teeth. One bleaching
kit in a non-scalloped, no reservoir tray design will
afford about one month’s treatment of one arch. The
patient records the amount of material used daily, and
can determine the monthly need of bleaching material
from that record. After the initial dental fee, the
monthly fee will only be the material needed and the
office visit.The patient continues until their teeth cease
to change color, they have reached the desired color, or
they are no longer interested in pursuing this option
This is a reasonable goal to which the patient can better relate than to shade tabs. (Figure 7).This approach is both fair to the dentist and
to the patient, as predictions for time of treatment for
Figure 7: Tetracycline-stained teeth do not always get tetracycline staining are very difficult.There are several
very white, but can improve enough to satisfy the analogues of tetracycline that can be administered, and
patient’s esthetic needs. each gives a different color to the tooth at the time of
administration. Brown and yellow, especially in the
incisal or the tooth or uniform discoloration
throughout the tooth, are most responsive; gray and
blue at the gingival are least responsive. Banded teeth
have mixed responses, and may require some composite
bonding to cover a particularly unresponsive gray band.

Whether or not the color change in tetracycline-

stained teeth or normally discolored teeth will satisfy
the patient’s esthetic demands is another question.
However, that cannot be determined pre-operatively, so
bleaching is the first consideration prior to any
additional restorative treatment. Even if veneers are later
indicated, placement of veneers is both easier and have
a more natural appearance when the veneers can be
involves the smaller teeth, there are less chances of placed over lighter teeth. Any improvement from
sensitivity on the maxillary arch. Surprisingly, a bleaching will enhance the appearance of the veneers,
significant number of patients chose not to bleach the especially when uneven reductions are required in mal-
opposite arch, since it does not show during their positioned teeth. Even if veneers have been placed on
smiling, even when financial constraints do not exist. unbleached teeth, the tooth color can be changed from
Each practice should have a single arch fee for entry the lingual, which sometimes gives the veneers a lighter
level patients. I always start with one arch unless there is appearance. Over time, veneers may acquire stains at the

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Nightguard Vital Bleaching: Indications and Limitations

margins. Bleaching can also be used to remove these Figure 8: Before bleaching, the patient has an
stains prior to resealing the margins with a dentin unattractive smile, but does not see the problems.
bonding agent.

Bleaching and Bonding

Bleaching and bonding offers a very conservative

approach to management of discolored and mal-formed
teeth. Often the bleaching makes the teeth light enough
that conservative composite restorations can hide the
remaining discoloration or complete the tooth shape
successfully. If more aggressive restorations are needed,
the patient can now see the benefits to their smile from
the initial treatment, and is more willing to continue
with other treatments. Bleaching often allows the
patient to visualize the additional treatment that is
indicated but not readily apparent to the untrained eye Figure 9: After bleaching, the patient is now interested
(Figures 8 & 9). A combination of conservative in closing the diastema for a more attractive smile.
treatments is most cost-effective and preserves the
natural enamel of the tooth. All other options are still
available should bleaching, esthetic recontouring, and
bonding not provide the desired esthetic outcome.


Patients should be informed that 9 out of 10 patients

successfully bleach, with the color duration 1–3 years,
or even permanent, and up to 2/3 patients may
experience some sensitivity. Sensitivity is mainly
involved with the tooth, but could be gingival.
Treatment of sensitivity may involve reducing the wear Bleaching is often the gateway to other restorative treatment needs.

time, but more effective results have been obtained with

the placement of potassium nitrate in the tray or in the • History or presence of sensitive teeth
bleaching material. Additionally, pre-brushing for two • Extremely dark gingival third of tooth visible during
weeks with a potassium-nitrate containing toothpaste smile
can be even more beneficial. Newer products like •. Extensive white spots which are very visible
amorphous calcium phosphate show promise in • TMJ dysfunction or bruxism habits
sensitivity treatment and restoring gloss to enamel. All • Translucent teeth or exposed root surfaces
side effects cease upon termination of bleaching
treatment, with no re-occurrence or additional side The only contraindications to NGVB are as follows:
• Unrealistic expectations by the patients
Overall limitations with bleaching are moderate to • Unwilling to comply with at-home treatment
severe tetracycline staining, especially the dark blue or • Excessive existing restorations not requiring
gray, and when the gingival area is discolored. With replacement
white spot fluorosis, only the background will be • Patient will not tolerate taste of product
lightened and the tooth may go through a splotchy • Pregnant or nursing mother (for psychological
stage in treatment. Often extensively restored teeth are reasons, not physical concerns).
a contraindication due to the cost and risk of
replacement restorations. In closing, bleaching or whitening is best performed in
a professionally-supervised manner, with a proper
Summary examination and diagnosis, using appropriate materials
for the patient and situation, with a fair fee for service.
A guarded prognosis for bleaching involves the Ten per cent carbamide peroxide in a custom-fitted tray
following: is generally the safest, most cost-effective whitening
treatment available. Other bleaching treatments may be

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indicated based on patient preference, lifestyle, finances,

or other limitations, but require informed consent after
presenting cost/benefit and risk/benefit ratio. ■

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