Jonathan Sueno Lesson Plan 10

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City

Teacher: JONATHAN B. SUEÑO Grade level: 10

Date : April 1-3, 2024 Subject: Household Services 10
(MELC):LO 3. Serve food and beverage / Code: TLE-HE HsI0HC-Iva-h-11
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge, skills,
Standards and attitude required in serving and cleaning in the food and
beverage service.

B. Performance The learners independently serve and clear the food and beverage in
Standards the table.

C. Specific At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
a. K- Identify the table service procedure and techniques,
b. S- Perform the table service procedure and techniques,
c. A- Value the importance of table service procedure and

Mathematics - Understanding measurements and proportions

when setting up a table for service.
Science - Identifying proper cleaning agents and techniques for
maintaining tableware.
English - Practicing effective communication skills when
interacting with guests during table service.

II. CONTENT Principles of Table Service

A. References Quarter 4 – Table Service Procedures and Techniques
B. Teacher’s Guide
C. Learner’s Pg, 366-371 household services-10
Material pages
D. Other Learning Laptop, LED TV and Other Instructional Materials.
A. Reviewing Previous Awareness
Lesson or Presenting
1. Prayer
the New Lesson
2. Greetings (Good afternoon class)
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Reminder Classroom Rules
5. Review (previous topic)
Who wants to do a recap about our topic last meeting?
B. Establishing a
Purpose for the
Lesson Activity
Motivation (“WHAT’S THE WORD?” Direction: The students let
them guess the words given on the screen.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City

I guess that you are familiar with those words. Right Class? With
that I am going to ask you questions.

How did you find the activity?

(Students answer)

So based on the activity, what do you think is our lesson for today?
Anyone? yes, (call student)

Very good! That is exactly what we are going to discuss today.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City
Giving of learning objectives

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

a. K- Identify the table service procedure and techniques,

b. S- Perform the table service procedure and techniques,
c. A- Value the importance of table service procedure and

Can you please read the four lesson objectives on the screen?

c. Presenting Abstraction
Examples/Instanc  Lesson proper
es of the Lesson
Now, can someone share his/her own ideas about
Principles of Table Service ? Yes , Salvoro

 . It is attractive table contributes to the success of a party.

The application of creative skills can be judged according to
how the dining table is presented

C. Discussing New
Concepts and The following are some principles to follow in table service:
Practicing New Skills

1. Place only the essential tableware depending on the style

of meal service when setting the party table to avoid too much

2. Keep in mind the comfort of the diner when setting the

table. Table appointments should be placed logically and
D. Discussing New
neatly where they are to be used. For example, forks are
Concepts and
Practicing New Skills placed at the left side of the plate since it is generally used
#1 with the left hand.

3. Have an artistic mind when setting the table. There should

be balance and simplicity in the table setting. Balance can be
achieved through the size of serving platters and the type and
color of table appointments used. Make sure that table
appointments fit the occasion and style of service.

4. Make sure that the table appointments are appropriate for

the dishes to be served. For example, teaspoons should be
laid out when serving ice cream. However, forks should be
laid out when serving cake since they are the more
appropriate to use.

5. The party table may or may not be covered depending on

its appearance. Use a tablecloth to completely cover the
surface if it is unattractive. Be sure the tablecloth is well-
pressed and creaseless except for the centerfold.

6. When laying flatware, the fork is placed with tines facing

up at the left side of the plate while the spoon is laid with
bowls up at the right. Knives are placed with the cutting edge
toward the plate at the right side. When the knives and
spoons are set, the knife is placed nearer the plate. When
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City
teaspoons are necessary, these are placed at the right of the
spoon or above the cover, with bowls up.

7. Serving flatware is generally at the right of the dish. When

two pieces are necessary, they may be placed at either side
of the dish. It is improper to have the serving flatware stuck
into the food at the start of the meal.

8. Dinner plates are placed turned up at the center of the

cover. Soup bowls are placed on the dinner plate. Cups and
saucers are placed at the top right or right side of the cover. If
a salad plate is necessary, it is placed at the top left.

9. Drinking glasses are placed at the tip of the knife or spoon

at the right side of the cover. If wine or juice glasses are
needed in a meal, these are placed below the drinking glass
in a diagonal fashion. Coasters should be set when cold
beverages are served in ordinary drinking glasses or
unstemmed beverage ware.

10. Serving dishes are placed at the middle of the table in a

manner that will not make the table look cluttered. Make sure
that serving flatware for each dish is provided and placed
near the dishes.

 What are those several styles of table service. Some ways are
formal and elaborate, others are casual and relaxed. Generally,
these styles can be classified as formal, informal, and
compromise.? class? Yes?

 1, American Service or Blue-Plate Service

 2.. English and Family Service

 3. French Style Service

 4. Russian Service

 5. Buffet Service (Smorgarbord Service)

E. Discussing New
Concepts and
Practicing New Skills

(Show video presentation about several styles of table service.)

F. Developing Mastery Application (30 minutes )
Group activity: Brainstorming (Directions: The students will be
grouped accordingly. Each group will perform correct table service
procedures and techniques. The scoring rubric below
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City

G. Finding Practical
Applications of
Concepts and
Skills in Daily -Are there any questions regarding the activity?

H. Making Now, that we are done with our discussion and activities let me ask
Generalizations you a question,
and Abstractions
about the Lesson
1. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when
serving guests in a hospitality setting?
2. How did teamwork contribute to the success of your table service
3. Why is it important to maintain a professional demeanor during
table service?

 Ethical considerations may include respecting dietary

restrictions, maintaining confidentiality, and providing
equal service to all guests to ensure a positive dining

 Each member of the team had specific roles and

responsibilities assigned to them, such as taking
orders, delivering food, refilling drinks, and
managing payments. By dividing tasks efficiently,
we ensured that each aspect of the service was
covered effectively without overlap or neglect.

 A professional demeanor enhances the overall dining

experience for customers. It creates a positive
atmosphere and makes customers feel valued and
respected, leading to higher satisfaction levels.

Okay class, are there any questions? Clarification?

I. Evaluating Assessment
Learning Activity: Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the
word that corresponds to the correct answer on your ¼ sheet of

.1. When laying flatware, the fork is placed with tines facing up at
the _________ of the plate.

Left side
Upper side
Right side
Lower side
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Dumaguete City
Dumaguete City

2.Serving flatware is generally laid at the _______ of the dish to

have the serving flatware stuck into the food at the start of the meal.

Left side
Upper side
Right side
Lower side

3.. Cups and saucers are placed at the top

Left side
Upper side
Right side
Lower side

4. Drinking glasses are placed at the tip of the knife or spoon at
___________ of the cover
Left side
Upper side
Right side
Lower side

5.Serving dishes are placed at the middle of the table in a manner

that will not make the table look cluttered. Make sure that ______
for each dish is provided and placed near the dishes.

Serving flatware

J. Additional Assignment
Activities for
 Long bond paper, Write a reflection.
Application or
Remediation  The importance of table service techniques in the
hospitality industry and how they contribute to
customer satisfaction?
 Pass on Wednesday April 3, 2024
 Late submission will be deducted.
Are there any question? Class?


Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Mentor/ Grade 9 Adviser

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