Is Department Curriculum

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Ministry of Higher Education

Kabul Polytechnic University

Faculty of Computer Science


Undergraduate Curriculum and Syllabus

SEPEMBER 22, 2018

Karte Mamourin, Kabul, Afghanistan
1. General Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1
2. Mission................................................................................................................................ 1
3. Goals ……………………………………………………………………………………...1
4. Objectives ........................................................................................................................... 2
5. The expected outcomes: ...................................................................................................... 2
6. Subject Categories .............................................................................................................. 3
General and Elective Subjects ........................................................................................... 3
General Subjects ............................................................................................................ 3
Elective Subjects: ........................................................................................................... 4
Basic Subjects: ................................................................................................................... 4
Project Subjects: ................................................................................................................ 5
Core Subjects: ................................................................................................................... 5
Summary of Overall Credits .............................................................................................. 7
7. First Year (First Semester) .................................................................................................. 9
8. First Year (Second Semester) ........................................................................................... 10
9. Second Year (Third Semester) .......................................................................................... 11
10. Second Year (Fourth Semester) ........................................................................................ 12
11. Third Year (Fifth Semester) .............................................................................................. 13
12. Third Year (Sixth Semester) ............................................................................................. 14
13. Fourth Year (Seventh Semester) ....................................................................................... 15
14. Fourth Year (Eighth Semester) ......................................................................................... 16
15. Subject: General English1 – EL101 .................................................................................. 19
16. Subject: Contemporary History of Afghanistan – CO102 ................................................ 21
17. Subject: Contemporary History of Afghanistan – CO202 ................................................ 23
18. Subject: Islamic culture1 - CO101 .................................................................................... 25
19. Subject: Islamic culture2 - CO201 .................................................................................... 27
20. Subject: Islamic culture3 - CO301 .................................................................................... 29
21. Subject: Islamic culture4 - CO401 .................................................................................... 31
22. Subject: Islamic culture5 - CO501 .................................................................................... 33
23. Subject: Islamic culture6 - CO601 .................................................................................... 35
24. Subject: Islamic culture7 - CO701 .................................................................................... 37
25. Subject: Islamic culture8 - CO801 .................................................................................... 39

26. Subject: Introduction to Professional Studies (IPS) – CS104........................................... 42
27. Subject: Communication Skills (CS) – CS105 ................................................................. 44
28. Subject: Software Engineering – CS515........................................................................... 46
29. Subject: Enterprise Architecture (EA) – CS 508 .............................................................. 48
30. Subject: Distributed Database – CS811 ............................................................................ 50
31. Subject: Big Data – CS815 ............................................................................................... 53
32. Subject: Fundamentals of Programming 1 – CS101 ......................................................... 57
33. Subject: Computer Skills – CS102 ................................................................................... 60
34. Subject: Computer Fundamentals – CS103 ...................................................................... 63
35. Subject: Introduction to Programming 2 - CS201 ............................................................ 66
36. Subject: Calculus 1 – EL102............................................................................................. 68
37. Subject: Discrete Mathematics – CS202........................................................................... 70
38. Subject: Calculus – EL202................................................................................................ 72
39. Subject: General English 2 – EL102 ................................................................................. 74
40. Subject: Network Fundamentals – CS302 ........................................................................ 76
41. Subject: Technical English – EL301................................................................................. 78
42. Subject: Probability and Statistics – EL302...................................................................... 80
43. Subject: Academic Writing – EL401 ................................................................................ 83
44. Subject: Computer Networks, Course Code: CS402 ........................................................ 85
45. Subject: Diploma Project Guide - CS723 ......................................................................... 88
46. Subject: Fundamental of Information Systems (FIS) – CS205 ........................................ 91
47. Subject: Object oriented programming – CS301 .............................................................. 94
48. Subject: System Analysis and Design (SAD) - CS305 ..................................................... 96
49. Subject: Fundamentals of Web Design – CS212 .............................................................. 99
50. Subject: Data Structure and Algorithms – CS401 .......................................................... 101
51. Subject: Web Development 1 – CS404 .......................................................................... 103
52. Subject: Fundamentals of Database – CS407 ................................................................. 106
53. Subject: IT Project Management – CS408...................................................................... 108
54. Subject: Operating Systems Concept –CS501 ................................................................ 111
55. Subject: Java Programming - CS502 .............................................................................. 113
56. Subject: Web Development 2 – CS507 .......................................................................... 115
57. Subject: System Administration and Maintenance – CS506 .......................................... 117
58. Subject: Database II – CS526 ......................................................................................... 119
59. Subject: Distributed Web – CS606 ................................................................................. 121

60. Subject: Human Computer Interaction – CS609 ............................................................ 123
61. Subject: Information Security Concept – CS603 ............................................................ 126
62. Subject: Data Warehouse – CS612 ................................................................................. 128
63. Subject: Cloud Computing – CS617 ............................................................................... 130
64. Subject: Research Methods, Course Code: CS701 ......................................................... 133
65. Subject: Mobile Application Development – CO702 ..................................................... 137
66. Subject: Design Patterns – CO706 .................................................................................. 139
67. Subject: IS Strategy, Management & Acquisition (ISSMA) – CS712 ........................... 141
68. Subject: Advance Database Management system – CS713 ............................................ 144
69. Subject: Advanced Mobile Application Development – CS802 .................................... 147
70. References ....................................................................................................................... 149

Kabul Polytechnic University
Department of Information Systems

General Introduction
IS – Information Systems is a governmental academic department in the Faculty of Computer Science
at Kabul Polytechnic University. IS’s predecessor was a department called Information Technology
(IT) in which very general principles of Computer Science have been covered since 2008. Later the
market demands and the academia have become more professional and specific, it has been decided
to develop a new curriculum concentrating more on Information Systems. The aim of the Department
of Information Systems is to offer an undergraduate program that supplements the liberal education
expected of all Kabul Polytechnic University (KPU) undergraduates and convey a basic understanding
of information systems built on a foundation of physical science, mathematics, computing, and
This undergraduate program is expected to possess knowledge of the fundamentals of IS of at least
one specialty area. The graduates are expected to have the basic experimental, design, and
communication skills to be prepared for continued study at the graduate level or for entry level
positions that require a basic knowledge of IS, science, and technology.

The Department of Information Systems (IS) supports the mission of the Kabul Polytechnic
University by providing a high quality undergraduate education to students.
The mission of the IS Department is to provide a learning-centered environment that enables
students, faculty, and staff to achieve their goals and to empower our students to compete on a
global level for careers in government, industry, secondary education, and acceptance to graduate
The Department provides programs in information systems. The curricula are rich with
opportunities for students to develop a sound understanding of fundamentals as well as specialized
theories, practices, and ethics that enhance their learning.


 Provide excellent programs in Information Technology and Computer Information

 Prepare graduates for careers enabling them to compete on a global level in government,
industry, secondary education, and graduate school acceptance.
 Engage in research and other scholarly activities that enhance, promote, and support degree
programs, instructional activities, and intellectual and professional growth of students and
 Contribute to the body of knowledge in Computer Information systems.
 Provide an environment that promotes collegiality, collaboration, and the joy of learning.

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 Technical knowledge
Provide a basic knowledge of IS principle along with the required supporting knowledge of
mathematics, science, computing, and engineering fundamentals.
 Laboratory and Design skills
Develop the basic skills needed to perform and design software and IS projects. Develop the
ability to formulate problems and projects and to plan a process for solution taking
advantage of diverse technical knowledge and skills.
 Communications skills
Develop the ability to organize and present information and to write and speak effective
 Preparation for further study
Provide sufficient breadth and depth for successful subsequent graduate study post- graduate
study, or lifelong learning programs.
 Preparation for the profession
Provide an appreciation for the broad spectrum of issues arising in professional practice,
including teamwork, leadership, safety, service, economics, and professional organizations.

The expected outcomes:

On completion of this principle, the students should be able:
 To apply knowledge of mathematics, science, IS and engineering
 To design and conduct experiments, such as to analyze and interpret data
 To function in multi-disciplinary teams
 To identify, formulate, and solve IS problems
 To communicate effectively
 To engage in life-long learning
 To understand contemporary issues
 To apply the techniques, skill, and modern IS tools necessary for engineering practice
 To establish a background for admission to IS, Computer Science and other professional
postgraduate program

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Subject Categories
In this bachelor degree program, the subjects are divided into four categories according to the
requirements of Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE), Afghanistan. The categories along with
their required percentage in overall degree program, which is provided by the MoHE is given

 General Subject (should be less than 12% of the overall degree credits.)
 Basic Subjects (should be less than 30% of the overall degree credits.)
 Core Subjects (should be more than 50% of overall degree credits)
 Project (should be more than 8% of overall degree credits)

The details of each category is given below.

General and Elective Subjects

General Subjects

The subjects in General Category are the subjects which have been included in the curriculum as
an extra support for the specialization subjects. General category includes subjects which are
added by the university authority along with the elective subjects in the entire degree program.

No Subject Code Semester Credit Pre-Requisite

1 Islamic Studies-1 CO101 1 1

2 Modern History1 CO102 1 1

3 General English 1 EL101 1 2

4 Islamic Studies – 2 CO201 2 1

5 Modern History of Afghanistan – 2 CO202 2 1

6 Islamic Studies – 3 CO301 3 1

7 Islamic Studies – 4 CO401 4 1

8 Islamic Studies – 5 CO501 5 1

9 Islamic Studies – 6 CO601 6 1

10 Islamic Studies – 7 CO701 7 1

11 Islamic Studies – 8 CO801 8 1

Total 12

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Elective Subjects:
The elective subjects are included in the general subjects’ category. The subjects in first two years
of degree programs are given below.
No Subject Code Semester Credit Pre-Requisite

1 Elective -1 1 1

2 Elective -2 5 3

3 Elective -3 8 2

Total 5

Basic Subjects:
The subjects in BASIC Category are the subjects which provides basis and build up foundation
for the specialized subjects.

No Subject Code Semester Credit Pre-Requisite

1 Introduction to Programming CS101 1 4

2 Introduction to Programming 2 CS201 2 4 CS101

3 Computer Fundamental CS103 1 3

4 Computer Skills CS102 1 3

5 Calculus-1 EL102 1 3

6 Calculus-2 EL202 2 3

7 General English2 EL201 2 2

8 Discrete Mathematics CS202 2 3

9 Network Fundamental CS302 3 3

10 Technical English EL301 3 2

11 Probability and statistics EL302 4 3

12 Computer Networks CS402 3 2 CS302

13 Diploma Project Guide CS723 7 1

14 Academic Writing EL401 4 2 EL301

Total 38

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Project Subjects:
The subjects in Project Category are the subjects which are directly related to the implementation
of knowledge acquired in previous semesters. The students are required to work individually or
in small groups to complete a project which is assigned to them or have been selected by the
students themselves.

No Subject Code Semester Credit Pre-Requisite

1 Educational Practice CS503 5 2

2 Productive Practice CS601 6 2

3 Diploma Project CS801 8 12

Total 14

Core Subjects:
The subjects in Core Category are the subjects which are directly related to the specialized fields
of this degree program. These subjects are the main subjects of telecommunication engineering
and are consist of the largest portion of credits.

No Subject Code Semester Credit Pre-

1 Fundamental of Information System CS205 2 3

2 System Analysis and Design CS305 3 3

3 Object Oriented Programming CS301 3 3

4 Fundamental of Web Design CS2012 3 3

5 Data Structures and Algorithms CS401 4 3 CS301

6 IT Project Management CS408 4 3

7 Fundamental of Database CS407 4 3

8 Web Development CS404 4 3

9 Web Development 2 CS507 5 3 CS404

10 System Administration and Maintenance CS506 5 3

11 Java Programming CS502 5 3

12 Database 2 CS526 5 3

13 Operating System Concept CS501 5 3

14 Distributed Web CS606 6 3

15 HCI CS609 6 3

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16 Data Warehouse CS612 6 3

17 Information Security Management CS603 6 3

18 Cloud Computing CS617 6 3 CS501

19 Research Methodology CS701 7 2

20 Mobile Application Development CS702 7 3

21 Web Application Security CS704 7 3

22 Advance Database Management System CS713 7 3

23 IS Strategy, Management & Acquisition CS717 7 3

24 Design Pattern CS706 7 3

25 Advance Mobile Application CS802 8 3

Total 74

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Summary of Overall Credits

Subjects Credits Percentage Criteria of MoHE

General 12 8,39%

Elective 5 3,49%

Total General and Elective 17 11.89% < 12%

Basic 38 26.57% < 30%

Projects 14 9.79% > 8%

Core 74 51.75% > 50%

Total Credits 143 100% > 136 and < 168

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Semester Wise

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Department of Information System
Semesters-wise Syllabus

First Year (First Semester)

No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Introduction to CS101 Basic 4 2 4 - 6 IS -
2 Computer CS103 Basic 3 2 2 - 4 IS -
3 Computer Skills CS102 Basic 3 2 2 - 4 IS
4 Islamic Culture-1 CO101 General 1 1 - - 4 IC -
5 Modern History-1 CO102 General 1 1 - - 1 IC -
6 General English 1 EL101 General 2 - 4 - 4 FL -
7 Calculus - I EL102 Basic 3 2 2 - 4 MA -
8 Elective-1 Optional 1 - - - - - -
Total 18 10 14 4 28 - -

No Elective - 1 Code Number of Hours Teaching Prerequisite

1 IPS CS104 1 - - 1 IS -
2 Communicational Skills CS105 1 - - 1 IS -

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 5 3.40
Basics 13 8.84
Core 0 0.00
Total 18 12.24

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First Year (Second Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Introduction to CS201 Basic 4 2 4 - 6 IS
Programming 2
2 Discreet Mathematics CS202 Basic 3 2 - 2 4 MA
3 Islamic Culture-2 CO201 General 1 1 - - 1 IC
4 Modern History of CO202 General 1 1 - - 1 IC
5 General English 2 EL201 Basic 2 - 4 4 FL

6 Calculus – II EL202 Basic 3 2 2 4 MA

7 Fundamental of CS205 Core 3 2 2 - - IS
Information System
Total 17 12 8 8 28 - -

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 2 1.36
Basics 12 8.16
Core 3 2.04
Total 17 11.56

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Second Year (Third Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 System Analysis and CS305 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
2 Object Oriented CS301 Core 3 2 2 4 SE
3 Fundamental of Web CS212 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
4 Islamic culture-3 CO301 General 1 1 - 1 IC

5 Network CS302 Basic 3 2 2 4 CCE

6 Technical English EL301 Basic 2 4 4 FL
7 Probability and EL302 Basic 3 2 2 4 MA
Total 18 11 14 25

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 1 0.68
Basics 8 5.44
Core 9 6.12
Total 18 12.24

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Second Year (Fourth Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Data Structure and CS401 Core 3 2 2 4 SE
2 IT Project CS408 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
3 Computer Networks CS402 Basic 3 2 2 4 CCE
4 Fundamental of CS407 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
5 Web Development CS404 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
6 Islamic Culture -4 CO401 General 1 1 2 IC
7 Academic Writing EL401 Basic 2 4 4 FL

Total 18 11 14 25

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 1 0.68
Basics 5 3.40
Core 12 8.16
Total 18 12.24

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Third Year (Fifth Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Web Development 2 CS507 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
2 System Administration CS506 Core 3 2 2 4 NTE
and Maintenance
3 Java Programming CS502 Core 3 2 2 4 SE
4 Database 2 CS526 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
5 Educational Practice CS503 Project 2 2 2 IS
6 Operating System CS501 Core 3 2 2 4 NTE
7 Islamic Culture-5 CO501 General 1 1 1 IC
8 Elective - 2 Optional 3
Total 21 11 10 2 23

NO Elective - 2 Code Number of Hours Teaching Prerequisite

Lecture Practical Stage Total Hours Department
1 Software Engineering CS515 2 2 4 SE
2 Enterprise Architecture CS508 2 2 4 IS
4 Recommender System CS530 2 2 4 IS

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 4 2.72
Core 15 10.20
Project 2 1.36
Total 21 14.29

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Third Year (Sixth Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Distributed Web CS606 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
2 HCI CS609 Core 3 2 2 4 IS

3 Data Warehouse CS612 Core 3 2 2 4 IS

4 Information Security CS603 Core 3 2 2 4 SE
5 Productive Practice CS601 Project 2 4 4 IS
6 Islamic Culture 6 CO601 General 1 1 1 IC
7 Cloud Computing CS617 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
Total 18 11 10 4 25

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 1 0.68
Basics 0 0
Core 15 10.20
Project 2 1.36
Total 18 12.24

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Fourth Year (Seventh Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Research Methodology CS701 Core 2 1 2 3 CCE
2 Mobile Application CS702 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
3 Application Security CS704 Core 3 2 2 4 SE
4 Advance Database CS713 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
Management system
5 Islamic Culture CO701 General 1 1 1 IC
6 IS Strategy, Management CS712 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
& Acquisition
7 Diploma Project Guide CS723 Basic 1 1 1 IS
8 Design Pattern CS706 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
Total 19 12 10 3 25 - -

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 1 0.68
Basics 1 0.68
Core 17 11.56
Total 19 12.93

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Fourth Year (Eighth Semester)
No Subject Code Category Credit Lecture Practical Stage Total Teaching Prerequisite
Hours Department
1 Diploma Project CS801 Project 12 4 24 28 IS
2 Advance Mobile CS802 Core 3 2 2 4 IS
3 Islamic Culture 8 CO80 General 1 1 1 IC
4 Optional 2 1 2 24 3
Total 18 3 28 - 36 - -

NO Elective - 3 Code Number of Hours Teaching Prerequisite

Lecture Practical Stage Total Hours

1 Distributed Database CS811 1 2 3 IS

2 E-commerce CS808 1 2 3 SE
3 Big Data CS815 1 2 3 IS

Subject Category Credit Percentage

General 3 2.04
Core 3 2.04
Project 12 8.16
Total 18 12.24

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Details of Syllabus

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General Subjects

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Subject: General English1 – EL101

Class& Semester: 1st year , 1st Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Hours: 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Class Activities and Homework 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignment or Project 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Jack C. Richards 4thCambridge University
1 Interchange 2
(2013) Press

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
3rd Oxford University
1 Practical English Usage Swan, Micheal
Mir, SurriyaShaffi;
2 Skill Worker Mansoor, Sabiha; 1st Baffalo Inc. Press
Irfan, Humaira

Course Description:
This course aims at enhancing students’ ability in four skills (reading, Writing, Listening and speaking)
to communicate effectively, to read comprehensively, to enhance students’ knowledge of grammatical
structures of English language and giving them new insight into words, sentence structure, and
essential aspects of nonverbal communication.

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Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to enhance students’ basic knowledge about four skills of English
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, Students will be able to:
 To introduce themselves and use simple present tense.
 Recognize and analyze basic parts of speech and craft effective sentences in English language
 to describe positive and negative features using degree of adjectives
 to make polite request, using model and would you mind
 to give suggestion
 to interpret body language

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Course Introduction
2 A time to Remember
3 Caught in the Rush
4 Time for a change
5 Going places
6 Let's Celebrate
7 Times have Changed
8 Midterm Exam
9 I hate working on Weekend
10 What happened?
11 What's your Excuse
12 What would you do?
13 It's really worth seeing!
14 Students Presentation
15 Students Presentation
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Contemporary History of Afghanistan – CO102

Class & Semester: 1st year , 1st Semester

Credits: 1 Credits
Hours: 1 hour

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 30

2 Final exam 70

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
‫افغانستان در مسیر تاریخ‬
1 ‫غالم محمد غبار‬
‫افغانستان در مسیر تاریخ‬
2 ‫صدیق ف فرهنگ‬

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 ‫تاریخ مختصر افغانستان‬ ‫محمد ابراهیم عطایی‬

Course Description:
Afghanistan Contemporary History has been considered important for students of universities across
the country. It has to be taught for two semesters (semester first and second). This course has been
defined by department of history and is planed according to below table.

Couse Objectives:
The contemporary history of Afghanistan should be taught to students in two semesters by
department of history.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, you would be able to:
 Undersetting the historical facts in the course of history
 Analyzing facts and gain clear insight about history
 Use their historical understanding fairly in their life

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Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 General information, definitions, historical divisions,
2 Afghanistan historical geography
3 Afghanistan borders
4 Introduction to history of neighbor countries
5 Afghanistan situation at the time foreigners occupation
6 Afghanistan situation before Ahmad Sha Abdali
7 Dorani’s and rehabilitation of Afghanistan
8 Midterm Exam
9 Kingdom of Temorsha
10 Kingdom of Zamansha
11 First term of Kingdom of Sha Mahmood
12 First Kingdom of Sha Shoja
13 Second term of Kingdom of Sha Mahmood
14 Transition of kingdom from Sadozia to Barikzai
15 Rule of Amir Dost Mohammad Khan
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Contemporary History of Afghanistan – CO202

Class & Semester: 1st year , 2st Semester

Credits: 1 Credits
Hours: 1 hour

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 30

2 Final exam 70

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
‫افغانستان در مسیر تاریخ‬
1 ‫غالم محمد غبار‬
‫افغانستان در مسیر تاریخ‬
2 ‫صدیق ف فرهنگ‬

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 ‫تاریخ مختصر افغانستان‬ ‫محمد ابراهیم عطایی‬

Course Description:
Following course of Afghanistan Contemporary History has been considered important for students
of universities across the country. It has to be taught for two semesters (semester first and second).
This course has been defined by department of history and is planed according to below table.

Couse Objectives:
The contemporary history of Afghanistan should be taught to students in two semesters by
department of history.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, you would be able to:
 Undersetting the historical facts in the course of history

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 Analyzing facts and gain clear insight about history
 Use their historical understanding fairly in their life

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 British first Invasion to Afghanistan
2 Second term of Emarate of Dost Mohammad khan
3 First Emarate of Amir Shir Ali Khan
4 Kingdom of Amir Mohammad Afzal Khan
5 Kingdom of Amir Mohammad Azam khan
6 Second Kingdom of Amir Shir Ali Khan
Kingdom of Amir Mohammad Yaqoob Khan (Gandomak’s inclusion of
8 Midterm Exam
9 Kingdom of Amir Aburahman Khan (determining borders and Duran Line)
10 Kingdom of Amir Habibullah Khan
11 Kingdom of Amanullah Khan
12 Kingdom of Amir Habibullah Kalakani
13 Kingdom of Nadirsha
14 Kingdom of Zahir Sha
15 Dawood Khan first Republic Government in Afghanistan
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Islamic culture1 - CO101

Class & Semester: Year 1st, 1st Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
‫ دارالعروبه للدعو‬,‫انتشارات‬
‫تعالیم اسالم‬ ‫علی طنطاوی ترجمه خلیل‬
1 ,‫ الهور‬,‫ منصوره‬,‫االسالمی‬
,‫احمد حامدی‬
‫ چاپ‬1380 ,‫نشراتی میوند‬
‫ مرکز‬,‫عقاید اسالمی‬ :‫ ترجمه‬, ‫سید سقایق سابق‬
2 ‫ چاپ خانه‬,‫ نشر احسان‬,‫اول‬
‫علی آقا صالحی‬
3 ‫جهان بینی اسالمی‬ ‫جعفر سبحانی‬
‫مرکز نشراتی پیغام؛ بازار‬
‫ مومن‬,‫ مترجم‬,‫سعید حوی‬
4 ‫اسالم دین فطرت‬ ‫قصه خوانی‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.

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 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 General information about Islamic culture
2 General information about Islamic culture
3 Understanding of belief
4 Understanding of belief
5 Oneness(monotheism)
6 Oneness(monotheism)
7 Belief in the unseen
8 Belief in the unseen
9 Idolatry(creature worship)
10 Idolatry(creature worship)
11 Idolatry(creature worship)
12 Anthropology in Islamic worldview
13 Anthropology in Islamic worldview
14 Anthropology in Islamic worldview
15 Review
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Islamic culture2 - CO201

Class & Semester: Year 1st, 2nd Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
‫ ابوبکر احمد بن‬,‫البیهقی‬ ‫بیروت دارالکتب العلمیه‬
1 ‫شعب االیمان‬
‫الحسین‬ ‫الطبعه‬
2 ‫االحکام الشرعیه اکبری‬ ‫ ابو محمد عبدالحق‬,‫البیهقی‬ .‫ مکتبه الرشد‬:‫الریاض‬
3 ‫ماذا خسرالعام بانحطاط المسلمین‬ )‫(ب ت‬.‫ ابوالحسن‬,‫ندوی‬ ‫چاپ دوم‬
4 ‫الحکام الشرعیه الکبری‬ ‫ ابو محمد عبدالحق‬,‫االشبیلی‬ ‫ مکتبه الرشد‬:‫الریاض‬
5 ‫بررسی ادوار تاریخ‬ )‫ (ب ت‬.‫ عبدالواحد‬,‫جهید‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her

P a g e | 27
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Philosophy of prayers
2 Philosophy of prayers
3 Definition of worship and kinds of worships
4 Definition of worship and kinds of worships
5 Wisdom of uttering prayer according to Islam’s vision
6 Wisdom of uttering prayer according to Islam’s vision
7 Fasting and Ramada’s wisdom according to Islam’s vision
8 Midterm Exam
9 Zakat’s wisdom according to Islam’s vision
10 Zakat’s wisdom according to Islam’s vision
11 Hajj’s wisdom according to Islam’s vision
12 Hajj’s wisdom according to Islam’s vision
13 Wisdom of calling for goodness and preventing from badness
14 Wisdom of calling for goodness and preventing from badness
15 Innovation in religion and its consequences
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 28
Subject: Islamic culture3 - CO301

Class & Semester: Year 2nd , 3rd Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
‫ بیروت‬.‫مطبعه المیامه دمشق‬
1 ‫تهذیب االخالق‬ ‫الحسین عبدالحی‬
‫ طبعه‬.‫ دار ابن خزیمه‬:‫طبع‬
2 ‫ اسباب و عالجه‬-‫ مظاهر‬,‫سوی الخلق‬ ‫ محمد بن ابراهیم‬,‫االحمد‬
.‫ دارانشر ادولی‬.‫ زیاض‬:‫ناشر‬
3 ‫االخالق فی شریعه االسالمیه‬ ‫احمد علیان‬
.1420 :‫الطبق‬
‫ مترجم مومن‬.‫محمد غزالی‬ .‫ مکتبه علم و فرهنگ‬:‫ناشر‬
4 ‫اخالق مسلمان‬
.‫حکیمی‬ ‫شماره چاپ دوم‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.

P a g e | 29
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Moral system of Islam
2 Moral system of Islam
3 Moral system of Islam
4 Understanding Islamic moral
5 Understanding Islamic moral
6 Courtesy and ethics with God and his prophet
7 Courtesy and ethics with God and his prophet
8 Midterm Exam
9 Good morals in Islam
10 Good morals in Islam
11 Good morals in Islam
12 Moral corruptions in Islam’s view
13 Moral corruptions in Islam’s view
14 Moral corruptions in Islam’s view
15 Review
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Islamic culture4 - CO401

Class & Semester: Year 2nd, 4th Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 ‫اخالق اسامی و آداب اجتماعی‬ ‫ نعمت هللا‬.‫وثیق‬
2 ‫االحکا السلطانیه‬ ‫الوالحسن الماوردی‬
3 ‫خالفت و ملوکیت‬ ‫ابواالعلی مودودی‬
4 ‫سیاست اسالمی‬ ‫گوهر رحمان‬
5 ‫تاریخ االمم و الملوک‬ ‫محمد بن جریر طبری‬
6 ‫دور نمای جامعه اسالم‬ ‫یوسف قرضاوی‬ ‫ تهران چاپ دوم‬,‫نشر احسان‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her

P a g e | 31
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Political System of Islam
2 Political System of Islam
3 Political System of Islam
4 General in knowing politics and history of political think
5 General in knowing politics and history of political think
6 Recognition of governments
7 Recognition of governments
8 Midterm Exam
9 Council or the legislature
10 Judiciary
11 Judiciary
12 Executive and defence force
13 Executive and defence force
14 Islam and democracy
15 Islam and democracy
16 Final Exam

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Subject: Islamic culture5 - CO501

Class & Semester: Year 3rd, 5th Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
:‫ مترجم‬,‫عبدالکریم زیدان‬ ‫ چاپ خانه‬,‫نشر احسان‬
1 ‫اصول دعوت‬
‫مومن حکیمی‬ 1382 ‫ چاپ اول‬.‫مهارت‬
‫ مکتبه نظیر‬,‫ اداره الهدا‬,‫ناشر‬
‫ فضل‬,‫ مترجم‬,‫سعید حوی‬
2 ‫اسالم شناس‬ .‫ قصه خوانی پشاور‬,‫افکار‬
‫من هللا فضلی‬
3 ‫حقوق بشر در اسالم‬ ‫عبداللطیف بن سعید عامدی‬
‫دستتاورد های تمدن اسالمی و نقش آن‬ .‫ چاپ مهارت‬,‫نشر احسان‬
4 ‫عبدهللا ناصح علوان‬
‫در رنسانس‬ ‫چاپ اول‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.

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 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Social System of Islam
2 Introduction
3 Features of Islamic social
4 The basis of social relationships between individuals in society
5 The basis of social relationships between individuals in society
6 Family and its characteristics
7 Family and its characteristics
8 Family formation steps
9 Midterm Exam
10 The dissolution of the marriage and of the marriage live and its consequences
11 Public and private tights of family members
12 Public and private tights of family members
Members of the community’s relationship with Muslims living non -Muslims
14 Social instructions of Islam in dealing with the new phenomenon
15 Social instructions of Islam in dealing with the new phenomenon
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 34
Subject: Islamic culture6 - CO601

Class & Semester: Year 3rd, 6th Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
:‫ چاپ‬,‫ دفتر نشر معارف‬:‫ناشر‬
1 ,‫فرهنگ و تمدن اسالم‬ ‫علی اکبر والیتی‬
1386 ‫پنجم‬
2 .‫حقوق بشر در اسالم‬ ‫عبدالطیف بن سعید غامدی‬
،‫) ترجمه‬1369( ,‫سید قطب‬ ‫نشر موسسه کیهان‬
3 .‫ویژگی های ایدیولوژی اسالمی‬
‫سید محمد خامنه ای‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all

P a g e | 35
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Islamic Civilization
2 Islamic Civilization
3 Resources and support of Islamic civilization
4 Resources and support of Islamic civilization
Various aspects of Islamic civilization and its impact on the structure of
nations and communities
Transmission ways of culture and Islamic civilization and wester’s praise from
7 The “human” factor in Islamic civilization
8 Midterm Exam
Transmission ways of culture and Islamic civilization and wester’s praise from
10 The impact of Islamic civilization on western civilization
11 Externa and internal causes of the Islamic civilization
12 Externa and internal causes of the Islamic civilization
13 The reason of Islamic culture and civilization falling
14 The reason of Islamic culture and civilization falling
15 The Islamic awakening in Islamic world
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 36
Subject: Islamic culture7 - CO701

Class & Semester: Year 4th , 7th Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
,‫مترجم‬, ‫محمد شلتوت‬
1 ‫اسالم آیین زندگی‬ ‫ چاپ اول‬,‫مهارت‬
‫یوسف قرضاوی مترجم‬
2 ‫ویژگی های کلی اسالم‬ ‫ چاپ دوم‬,‫نشر احسان‬
.‫جلیل بهرامی نیا‬
‫موسی‬, ‫محمد یوسف‬
3 ‫ضرورت به سالم‬ ‫ انتشارات االزهر‬:‫کابل‬
‫ نعمت هللا شهرانی‬,‫ترجمه‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her

P a g e | 37
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in
all aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 General Characteristics of Islam
2 General Characteristics of Islam
3 Understanding Islam religion
4 Divinity of Islam
5 Divinity of Islam
6 Humanity in Islam
7 Comprehensiveness and perfection of Islam
8 Midterm Exam
9 Moderation balance in Islam
10 Moderation balance in Islam
11 Realism in holy religion of Islam
12 Realism in holy religion of Islam
13 Transparency in Islam
14 Establishing balance between modernism and traditionalism
15 Establishing balance between modernism and traditionalism
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 38
Subject: Islamic culture8 - CO801

Class & Semester: Year 4th , 8th Semester

Credits: 1
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 ‫کتاب قراآن و ساینس جدید‬ ‫ذاکر نایک‬
‫کتاب اعجاز قرآن در پرتو ساینس و‬
2 ‫یحی هارون‬
‫تکنالوژی معاصر‬
‫کتاب اعجاز قرآن در عصر فضا و‬ ‫روحانی کمال‬
‫کتاب موسوعه االعجاز العلمی فی‬
4 ‫جاد احمد‬
‫القرآن الکریم و السنه التبویه‬

Couse Objectives:
In this course the student will gain knowledge of the origin and history of the Islamic culture and
afterwards will be able to apply the values of Islamic culture to the everyday life.
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, the students is able to:
 Understand and discuss religious values of the community
 Committing these values.
 Easy acceptance and more eagerness of worships in different aspects of life.
 Knowledge in Islamic political ideas beside the modern technologies and recent educations.
 Creation of an Islamic, healthy, righteous and developed society in which the members,
 Live next to each other with a good, brotherhood, peaceful and human based environment.
 Know their jobs and rights in the society.
 Perform his/her role as a peacemaker human in the society.

P a g e | 39
 Muslims belief and faith on intellectual thought and this belief, will complete his/ her
adherence to Islam as a comprehensive system, it will be a factor of development of him in all
aspects of live.
 Strong believe that Quran is the Allah’s words, Quran is the unique tool for deliverance from
all adversities and bad lucks, and Quran is the heeling prescription for all kind of diseases.
 Belief in the truth of Islam and create a spirit of commitment and adherence to its instructions.
 Understand the ethical commitment of engineers.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Quran and modern technology
2 Quran and modern technology
3 Generals in recognition of miracle
4 Historical miracle of Quran
5 Historical miracle of Quran
6 The medical miracle of Quran
7 Quran’s miracle in geologies
8 Midterm Exam
9 Quran’s miracle in astronomy
10 Quran’s miracle in astronomy
11 Quran’s miracle in agriculture and zoology
12 Quran’s miracle in agriculture and zoology
13 N’s miracle in Hydrometeorology
14 Mathematical miracle of Quran
15 N’s miracle in Hydrometeorology
16 Final Exam

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Elective Subjects

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Subject: Introduction to Professional Studies (IPS) – CS104

Class & Semester: Year 1, 1st Semester

Credits: 1 Credits
Category: Optional
Lab hours : 1 hour-session in a week 45 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 NA
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 80

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
IT Department Curriculum,
Afghanistan Credit System
guidelines, Higher Education
Law, …
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Course Description:
Introduction to Professional Study (IPS) is designed to introduce students with their field of study,
Afghanistan higher education system, higher education law and procedures.

Course Objectives:
The objectives of the course is to familiarize students with higher education laws and procedures and
to enable students to understand their roles, responsibilities and their rights and privileges.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

P a g e | 42
Detailed Course Outline:
Week Contents

1 Introduction to course

History of KPU
Introduction to KPU, Computer Science faculty and IS department.

3 IS curriculum

4 Introduction to Credit system in Afghanistan

5 Credit system

6 Credit System

7 Credit System

8 Mid Term Exam

9 Exam procedure

10 Exam procedure

11 Afghanistan higher education law

12 Student’s roles and responsibilities in Afghanistan higher education law

13 An introduction to IT

Job opportunities in IT and IS

15 Course Review

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 43
Subject: Communication Skills (CS) – CS105

Class & Semester: Year 1, 1st Semester

Credits: 1 Credits
Category: Optional
Lab hours : 1 hour-session in a week 45 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 NA
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 80

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Course Description:
Communication influences all factors of your life. From daily interactions with strangers on the street
to the way you present yourself in the board room, the way you communicate is a reflection of who
you are and the way you establish relationships with those around you.

Course Objectives:
This course will not require you to have previous experience in any particular area but you should
have a high school reading level. No books will be required.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

P a g e | 44
Detailed Course Outline:
Week Contents

1 Recognizing and Understanding Communication Styles

2 Verbal Communication

3 Nonverbal Communication

4 Communicating in Writing

5 Cultivating Conversational Skills

6 Group Communication

7 Communications Technology

8 Mid Term Exam

9 Barriers to Communication

10 Cultural Aspects of Communication

11 Disagreements and Conflicts

12 Negotiation

13 Constructive Criticism

14 Group Communication

15 Course Review

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 45
Subject: Software Engineering – CS515
Class & Semester Year 3nd , 5th semester
Credits: 3 credits
Category: Core
Lecture hours: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours practice
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
1 First Evaluation 10
2 Mid-term exam 20
3 Assignments 10
4 Final exam 60
Reference Book
Publisher Name
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
& Edition
System Analysis & Design in
1 John Satzinger 6th Edition
a changing world
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Just Enough requirements
1 management: Where software Alan M. Davis 2nd Edition
development meets marketing
Introduction to digital systems:
2 Modeling, Synthesis, and John Wiley and Sons 1st Edition
Simulation using VHDL

Course Description:
This course introduces students the concept of IT management, explain its features and importance
and explain how IT supports business requirements in today’s competitive environment and
describe major IT trends. Describe systems analyst job and show students how to use various tools
and techniques to improve their skills and manage their careers, and to emphasize on the importance
of planning.

The goal of the subject is to familiarize students with basic principles of development, operation and
management of a company's IS based on modern information technologies. In tutorials, students
will gain experience in business process modeling and in IT project definition. They will solve
sampled analytical activities from an IT project in a team.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:

P a g e | 46
o Understand the software needs of an organization and develops a computer program as per
organization needs.
o Understand the life cycle of software project.
o Apply the most appropriate development process to produce software-based solution as per
needs of the organization.
o Performs software maintenance and provide adequate support to the organization.
o Understanding of software life cycle and process models.
o To be able to utilize basic techniques in software development.
o To deepen an understanding of the environment that surrounds software projects.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Lesson 1: Basic Principles (Introduction)
2 Lesson 2: Software and Software Engineering
3 Lesson 3: Software Development Processes
4 Lesson 4: Project Management Processes
5 Lesson 5: Requirements Analysis
6 Lesson 6: Software Design Techniques
7 Lesson 7: Software Testing
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Lesson 8: Software Quality
10 Lesson 9: Unified Modeling Language (UML)
11 Lesson 10: Object-Oriented Methodology
12 Lesson 11: Exercises in Analysis and Design
13 Lesson 12: Exercises in Analysis and Design
14 Lesson 13: Exercises in Analysis and Design
15 Lesson 14: Summary and the Latest Topics
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 47
Subject: Enterprise Architecture (EA) – CS 508

Class & Semester: Year 3, 5th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Elective
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Course Description:
This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise
IT solutions. The focus is on applications and infrastructure and their fit with the business. Students
learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, system administration,
data/information architecture, content management, distributed computing, middleware, legacy
system integration, system consolidation, and software selection, total cost of ownership calculation,
IT investment analysis, and emerging technologies. These topics are addressed both within and
beyond the organization, with attention paid to managing risk and security within audit and
compliance standards.
Students also hone their ability to communicate technology architecture strategies concisely to a
general business audience.

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Understand a variety of frameworks for enterprise architecture analysis and decision making.
 Evaluate the total cost of ownership and return on investment for architecture alternatives.

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 Utilize techniques for assessing and managing risk across the portfolio of the enterprise.
 Evaluate and plan for the integration of emerging technologies.
 Administer systems, including the use of virtualization and monitoring, power and cooling
 Manage proliferating types and volume of content.
 Understand the core concepts of data/information architecture and evaluate existing
data/information architecture designs.
 Plan for business continuity.
 Understand the benefits and risks of service oriented architecture.
 Understand the role of audit and compliance in enterprise architecture.
 Understand the integration of enterprise systems with interorganizational partners such as
suppliers, government, etc.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents

1 Service oriented architecture

2 Enterprise architecture frameworks

3 Systems integration

4 Enterprise resource software

5 Monitoring and metrics for infrastructure and business processes

6 Green computing

7 Virtualization of storage and systems

8 Mid Term Exam

9 The role of open source software

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10 Risk management

11 Business continuity

12 Total cost of ownership and return on investment

13 Software as a service

14 Content management

15 System administration

16 Final Term Exam

Subject: Distributed Database – CS811

Class & Semester: Year 4, 8th Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Category: Elective 2
Lab hours : 3 hour-session in a week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Springer Science &
Principles of Distributed M. Tamer Özsu &
1 Business Media; 3th
Database Systems Patrik Vlanduriez
edition (2011)
Recommended Books

P a g e | 50
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Distributed Database Bell David & Jane Addison-Wesley;1th
Systems Grimson edition (1992)
Distributed Database Pearson Education; 1th
2 Chhanda Ray
Systems edition (2012)
U.S. Patent; 1th edition
3 Distributed Database System Nakamatsu Yoshiki

Course Description:
This course introduces the fundamental concepts and issues of managing large volume of shared
data in a parallel and distributed environment, and to provide insight into related research problems.

Course Objectives:
On successful completion of this course, students will be able to
• Examine the basic components of a Distributed Database System
• Validate the Types and Properties of Transactions
• Evaluate Concurrency Control Algorithms
• Understand reliability concepts and measures in the context of Distributed Databases
• Explain the generic Architecture of a Parallel Database and an Object Database System
• Construct an interface for a database application

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to be able to manage the large volume of shared
data in a distributed environment. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to
read the reading material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant
to the topic. The students will also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project
that is most interesting to them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Distributed data processing; What is a DDBS; Advantages and disadvantages of
DDBS; Problem areas; Overview of database and computer network concepts
Distributed Database Management System Architecture
2 DBMS Standardization
Architectural Models for DDBM’s
Distributed Database Design
3 Alternative Design Strategies & Design issues
Fragmentation & Allocation
Semantic Data Control
View Management
Integrity Control

P a g e | 51
Overview of Query Processing
Processing Problems
Complexity of relational
Characterization of Query
Processors Layers of Query Processing
Query Decomposition
Query Decomposition & Localization of Distributed Queries
8 Mid Term Exam
Optimization of Distributed Queries
Query Optimization
9 Centralized Optimization
Join Ordering in Fragment Queries
Optimization Algorithms
Introduction to Transaction Management
Definition, Properties and Types of Transactions
11 Distributed Concurrency Control
12 Distributed DBMS Reliability
13 Parallel Database Systems
14 Distributed Objects Database Management Systems
Database Interoperability
Database Integration
15 Query Processing
Transaction Management
Object Orientation and Interoperability
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 52
Subject: Big Data – CS815

Class & Semester: Year 4, 8th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Elective 1

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Big Data: Principles and best
Marz, Nathan, and Manning Publications
1 practices of scalable realtime
James Warren Co., 2015.
data systems
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Data Science and Big Data
Analytics: Discovering, EMC Education
1 John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Analyzing, Visualizing and Services
Presenting Data

Course Description:
In today’s world enterprises are flooded with massive amount of data from numerous sources like on-
premises applications, cloud, location services, social and IoT devices. Enterprises can leverage this
data to learn more about their customers, markets, partners and employees, enabling them to generate
new revenue streams.

Course Objectives:
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
 Gain insights on how to run better businesses and provide better service to customers.

P a g e | 53
 Get recommendations on how to process big data on platforms that can handle the variety,
velocity, and volume of data by using a family of components that require integration and data
 Learn why Big Data is NoHadoop (“not only Hadoop”) as well as NoSQL (“not only SQL”).

Homework and class activity details

As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of
time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will
also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to
them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
Introduction to Big Data
1 Introduction to Big Data, Big Data characteristics, types of Big Data
Traditional vs. Big Data business approach, Case Study of Big Data Solutions.
Introduction to Hadoop
Hadoop Ecosystem
Physical Architecture, Hadoop limitations
What is NoSQL? NoSQL business drivers; NoSQL case studies;
NoSQL data architecture patterns: Key-value stores, Graph stores, Column family (Bigtable)
stores, Document stores, Variations of NoSQL architectural patterns;
Using NoSQL to manage big data:- What is a big data NoSQL solution? Understanding the
types of big data problems; Analyzing big data with a shared-nothing architecture; Choosing
distribution models: master-slave versus peer-to-peer; Four ways that NoSQL systems handle
big data problems
MapReduce and the New Software Stack
Distributed File Systems
6 Algorithms Using MapReduce
Finding Similar Items
Applications of Near-Neighbor Search, Jaccard Similarity of Sets, Similarity of Documents,
Collaborative Filtering as a Similar-Sets Problem
7 Mining Data Streams
The Stream Data Model
8 Mid Term Exam
Sampling Data in a Stream
Obtaining a Representative Sample, The General Sampling Problem, Varying the Sample
9 Size.

Filtering Streams

P a g e | 54
The Bloom Filter, Analysis.

Counting Distinct Elements in a Stream

The Count-Distinct Problem, The Flajolet-Martin Algorithm, Combining Estimates, Space

Counting Ones in a Window

The Cost of Exact Counts, The Datar-Gionis-Indyk-Motwani Algorithm, Query Answering
in the DGIM Algorithm, Decaying Windows
Link Analysis
PageRank Definition, Structure of the web, dead ends, Using Page rank in a search engine,
Efficient computation of Page Rank:- PageRank Iteration Using MapReduce, Use of
Combiners to Consolidate the Result Vector

Frequent Item sets

Handling Larger Datasets in Main Memory
Algorithm of Park, Chen, and Yu, The Multistage Algorithm, The Multihash Algorithm.
11 The Son Algorithm and MapReduce
Counting Frequent Items in a Stream
Sampling Methods for Streams, Frequent Item sets in Decaying Windows

CURE Algorithm, Stream-Computing, A Stream-Clustering Algorithm, Initializing &
12 Merging
Buckets, Answering Queries.

Recommendation Systems
A Model for Recommendation Systems, Content-Based Recommendations, Collaborative

Mining Social-Network Graphs

Social Networks as Graphs, Clustering of Social-Network Graphs, Direct Discovery of
Communities, SimRank, Counting triangles using MapReduce

15 Review
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 55
Basic Subjects

P a g e | 56
Subject: Fundamentals of Programming 1 – CS101

Class & Semester: Year 1, 1st Semester

Credits: 4 Credits
Category: Basic
Lab hours : 6 hour-session in a week 270 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 Program design including data D.S. Malik Sixth edition
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 C++ How to program Deitel & Deitel,

2 Let Us C++ yashavant kanetkar

Course Description:
The primary goal is to motivate and excite all Computer Science students, regardless of their level.
Motivation and excitement are critical factors that lead to the success of the programming student.
Algorithms and problem-solving: Problem-solving strategies; the role of algorithms in the problem-
solving process; implementation strategies for algorithms; debugging strategies; the concept and
properties of algorithms - Fundamental programming constructs: Syntax and semantics of a higher-
level language; variables, types, expressions, and assignment; simple I/O; conditional and iterative
control structures; functions and parameter passing; structured decomposition.

Course Objectives:

P a g e | 57
By the end of this course, students should be able to:
● Confidently design algorithms to solve simple problems,
● Solve basic programming problems using a variety of skills and strategies.
● Use pseudo-code and visual modeling to prepare clear and accurate program documentation and
● Be able to implement those algorithms in the Processing programming environment, be able to
correct, test and debug Processing programs, and be able to explain how algorithms and
processing programs work.
● Examine working programs to identify their structures

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to learn and practice algorithms, flowcharts and
basic programming language. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read
the reading material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to
the topic. The students will also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project
that is most interesting to them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
What Is a Computer?
Computer Programs
Task/Problem Solving
Task Solving and Algorithm:
Definition of Algorithm
Algorithm Executor
3 Algorithm Commands
Ways of writing the algorithm.
The functional scheme of the structure of the computer and the scheme and the
4 command cycle of the processor as executives for the algorithm.
The meta-language of writing the algorithm. Types of translators

Flowchart concept
Flowchart Symbols
Elements of the flowchart.
Programming languages classifications
Basic programming constructs. Programming paradigms.
6 The criteria for the classification of programming languages
Types of Translator
History of C++
7 Processing a C++ Program

P a g e | 58
Execution Cycle
Stages of the program formation
8 Mid Term Exam
Basic program in C++

Coding, testing, and debugging

Special Symbols, Reserved Words and Identifiers
Data Types
Simple Data Type
Rules of Operator Precedence
Algebra and C++ Comparisons
C++ Examples
10 Variable Initialization
Difference between pre- and post-
More on Assignment Statements

Control Structures:
If Statement
11 If and if-else Statement
If-else if Statement
The switch Statement
Using Loop Statements
For Statement
The While Statement
The Do... While Statement
break Statement
14 The continue Statement
The Go to statement
Exam preparation
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 59
Subject: Computer Skills – CS102

Class & Semester: Year 1, 1st Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Category: Basic
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Microsoft Word 2016
1 Introduction Quick B. Beezix Beezix Inc. - Publishers
Reference Guide
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Cengage Learning; 1
1 Microsoft Office 2010 Gary B. Shelly
edition (August 5, 2010)
Course Technology; 1
Microsoft Word 2013:
2 Misty E. Vermaat edition (August 22,
Course Technology; 1
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013:
3 Misty E. Vermaat edition (August 22,

Course Description:
The basic concept of this course is to enable the students to work in Microsoft Office. Although the
whole MS-OFFICS is impossible to finish in this course but the main concept is to just work in 3
main office programs, namely, Word, PowerPoint and Excel. The main objective is to enable
students to do their assignments, homeworks, presentations, etc in MS-OFFICS.

P a g e | 60
Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Create and Save documents in MS-Word
 Learn different formatting features of MS word
 Learn how to insert different entities in MS word document, namely, images, tables, charts,
header and footers, autoshapes, screen shots, etc.
 Learn how to change page layout in word documents
 Learn how to insert references, indexes, citations, etc.
 Learn how to protect word documents.
 Learn how to make presentations in MS-Powerpoint
 Learn how to apply different designing features
 Learn how to develop slide transitions and animations, etc.
 Learn how to work with spreadsheets
 Learn how the functions work in MS-Excel and know to work with pivot tables.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work in MS office programs. As a preparation
towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each student
is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will also be asked to
prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to them and present
their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
Section-1: MS-Word
1 Creating, opening, saving the documents
Formatting text and images
Creating tables and formatting them
Inserting images, screenshots, shapes, text boxes, header and footer, sections, etc
Table of contents, watermarks, footnotes, etc
Printing the documents
Protecting the documents by applying tack changes and passwords
inserting hyperlinks, book marks, captions and cross references
Inserting references, indexes, Bibliography and table of contents
Views of documents and macros
Section-3: PowerPoint
6 Creating Slides and Presentations
Designing and Formatting
Slide Transitions
7 Animations
Slide Show
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Section-1: MS-Excel

P a g e | 61
Creating, opening, saving the spreadsheets
Formatting text and images and perform conditional formatting
Work with charts and spark lines
Work with filters, sorts and data tools
Page layout ribbon in excel sheet
working with external data and connections
Work with data tools and outlines
Work with excel functions and formulas
Work with excel functions -2
Work with excel functions -3
Work with excel functions -4
Formula Auditing
Calculations and defined names
Pivot Tables
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 62
Subject: Computer Fundamentals – CS103

Class & Semester: First Year, 1st Semester

Credits: 4 Credits
Category: Basic
Lecture hours: 4 lecture-hours every week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homeworks/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Discovering Computers Vermaat M. E. et al Cengage Learning
Schaum’s Outline Series,
Carl Reynolds and
1 Principles of Computer Science, McGraw Hill, New
Paul Tymann
Delhi, 2008.
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Sanjay Silakari and
1 Basic Computer Engineering Wiley- India, 2011
Rajesh K. Shukla
Fundamental Concepts of Asiya Sultan Ali,
Computer System Amena Nudrat
3 Using Information Technology Sawyer William Second Edition

Course Description:
In this course, students will become familiar with the basic principles of a personal computer,
including the internal hardware, the operating system, and software applications. The focus of the
course is on the fundamentals, learning and using the applications, and understanding the basic roles
and responsibilities of the software, hardware, and operating system.

Course Objectives:
To provide a fundamental knowledge of Computer Science, which includes evolution of computers
and its various components and applications. This subject also gives a complete overview of fields

P a g e | 63
where computer science is used.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this module students will be able to understand about the structure of
computer, the operations of computer systems and its components.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction and Evolution of Computing
Computer Systems and its Components
Network and the Internet
Computer software
Categories of computers
Example of computer usage

3 Computer Hardware and Software

4 Operating Systems
The components of the System Unit
5 The system unit

Data representation
Expansion slots and adapter cards
Ports and connectors
7 Bays
Power supply

8 Mid Term Examination

What is input?
What are input devices?
9 Keyboard
Touch screens
Pen input
Voice input
10 Video input
Other input devices

11 What is output?
Display devices
Other output devices

13 Storage

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Hard disks
Flash memory storage
Cloud storage
Optical discs
Other types of storage

Numbers Systems
14 Decimal system
Binary system
Octal system
Hexadecimal system
Number conversion

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 65
Subject: Introduction to Programming 2 - CS201

Class & Semester: Year 1, 2nd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Pre-requisites: IS103
Lecture hours : 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes
LAB hours : 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 LAB Work 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

5 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
C++ programming: Program
1 Malik, D. S Nelson Education.
design including data structures
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 C++ How to program Deitel & Deitel,

2 Let Us C++ yashavant kanetkar

Course Description:
The aim of this course is to provide advance of programming language using C++, which is
important for application development. After completing this course the students will be able to
make medium programs.

Couse Objectives:
This course would help the students to develop programming language skills using C++.

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module the students should be able to know what is involved in creating a fully
functional structured program. This subject is just a continuation of Programming-1, and will cover

P a g e | 66
the remaining topics of structured programming.
Students are expected to achieve the following:
 Design, compile and execute C++ programs to solve basic problems.
 Describe the concept of a variable.
 Describe and use C++ control structures.
 Describe and use functions, parameters, and return values.
 Perform file input and output.
 Solve problems requiring the use of arrays.
 Use pointers to process arrays, pass arguments, and improve program efficiency.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Contents
1 Introduction to Course
2 Functions
3 Arrays
4 Overview of Arrays and Functions(2)
5 Multidimensional arrays
6 Date types and type conversion
7 Debugging
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Pointer (1)
10 Pointer (2)
11 Dynamic Variables
12 Dynamic Arrays
13 Functions and Pointers
14 Recursion
15 Course Review
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 67
Subject: Calculus 1 – EL102

Class & Semester: 1st year , 1nd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Hours: 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutesmailto:[email protected]

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Calculus with Analytic John Wiley & Sons Inc.
1 Howard Anton th
Geometry 5 edition
Recommended Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

11th edition

Course Description:
Single variable General mathematics, which is what we begin with, can deal with motion of an object
along a fixed path. The more general problem, when motion can take place on a surface, or in space,
can be handled by multivariable General mathematics. So single variable calculus is the key to the
general problem as well as real numbers, set theory, intervals and inequalities, Lines, functions and
graphs, Limits and Continuity, Differentiation, Integration and Sequence and Series.

Couse Objectives:
The purpose of the course is to study the single variable General mathematics which deal motion of
the objects.

P a g e | 68
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
 Use a variety of methods in solving real-life, practical, technical, and theoretical problems.
 Select and use an appropriate problem-solving strategy.
 Explain the limit process and that calculus centers around this concept.
 Identify the two classical problems that were solved by the discovery of calculus, the tangent
problem and the area problem.
 Describe the two main branches of calculus, Differential calculus and Integral calculus.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Function, kind of Function, Algebraic Function
2 Domain, Co- Domain of Function, Example and Practices
3 Limit, Defecation of Limit, Right and Lift Limit
4 Role of Limit, First famous Limit,
5 Continuity, Discontinuity, kind of Discontinuity
6 The Derivative, Phasics role of Derivative
7 Base role of Derivatives, Formula of Derivatives of sepal Functions,
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions, Loh-Pital Role
10 Taylor and Makloren Formula
11 Using of Derivative, (Extremome of function )
12 Search of graph of Function
13 Series, Conditional of series, ‫مشخصه های تقارب سلسله ها‬
14 Cauchy’s test, D’Alembrt test, Cauchy’s integral test
15 Leibniz test, properties of different of values series, Functionality series
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 69
Subject: Discrete Mathematics – CS202

Class & Semester: 1st year , 2nd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Hours: 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz NA

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 LABs 10

5 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Discrete Mathematics and its 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill,

1 K. H. Rosen
Applications 2002

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Discrete Mathematical Structures
Tremblay J.P, and McGraw Hill Book
with Applications to Computer
1 Manohar R Company, 1975,
International Edition, 1987
Discrete and Combinatorial Ralph P., Grimaldi Addison-Wesley Publishing
mathematics Company

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to understand and use (abstract) discrete structures that are backbones
of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introduce logic, proofs, sets, relations,
functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.

P a g e | 70
Couse Objectives:
By using Logic, Recursion, Sets, Counting and Probability a major purpose of the course is to present
material in a precise and readable manner with the concepts and techniques of discrete objects—
Objects consisting of distinct of unconnected elements. Thought this course the student will develop
mathematical maturity; it will develop their ability to understand and create mathematical arguments.
Students will learn particular set of mathematical facts and how to apply them To- achieve goals five
important themes are interwoven in the course i.e. mathematical reasoning combinatorial analysis
discrete structure algorithmic thinking and application/modeling.

Learning Outcomes:
After the completion of the course, the student will be able to understand:
 Familiarity with constructing proofs.
 Familiarity with elementary formal logic.
 Familiarity with set algebra.
 Familiarity with combinatorial analysis.
 Familiarity with recurrence relations.
 Familiarity with graphs and trees, relations and functions

Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Sets, Empty set, Equal sets, Proper set, Improper sets,
2 Power sets, Venn Diagram, Union and Intersection sets
3 Relation. Binary relation, Doman and Range
4 Invers relation, Direct and matrix Relation
5 Reflexive, symmetric, composition, Transitive Relation
6 Function, Doman, Co-domain, Injective and onto function
7 Identity, constant, Invers function, Composition Function
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Logical operation, Conjunction, Disconnection,
10 Tautology and lows, Logically Equivalence
11 Graph theory, Degree of Vertex, simple and multi graph
12 Regular, Isomorphic Graph, Euler graph
13 Trees Graph, properties of trees, spanning trees
14 Permutation, repetition permutation, Combination
15 Boolean algebra, definition, properties, DE Morgan’s laws

P a g e | 71
Subject: Calculus – EL202

Class & Semester: 1st year , 2nd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Hours: 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutesmailto:[email protected]

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Calculus with Analytic John Wiley & Sons Inc.
1 Howard Anton th
Geometry 5 edition
Recommended Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

11th edition

Course Description:
Single variable calculus, which is what we begin with, can deal with motion of an object along a fixed
path. The more general problem, when motion can take place on a surface, or in space, can be
handled by multivariable calculus. So single variable calculus is the key to the general problem as well
real numbers, set theory, intervals and inequalities, Lines, functions and graphs, Limits and
Continuity, Differentiation, Integration and Sequence and Series.

Couse Objectives:
The purpose of the course is to study the single variable calculus which deal motion of the objects.

P a g e | 72
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
 Use a variety of methods in solving real-life, practical, technical, and theoretical problems.
 Select and use an appropriate problem-solving strategy.
 Explain the limit process and that calculus centers around this concept.
 Identify the two classical problems that were solved by the discovery of calculus, The
tangent problem and the area problem.
 Describe the two main branches of calculus, Differential calculus and Integral calculus.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Integral, Integral of first value Function
2 Properties of infinite Integral
3 Table of Formula, Kind of Integration of Countering
4 Solve of Questions, Use Simple Formula
5 Change of Value on Integral
6 Theorem of Chebeshow
7 ‫انتیگرال گیری توابع کسری‬
8 Mid Term Exam
9 definite Integral and their applications
10 Newton-Leibniz Formula, Specific and no Specific Integral
11 Using of definite Integral, Area,
12 Counting of volume
13 Function of to variable ‫توابع دو متحوله‬
14 Limits and Derivative
15 Extrimum (Max,Min)
16 F inal Exam

P a g e | 73
Subject: General English 2 – EL102

Class& Semester: 1st year , 2st Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Pre-requisites: EL101
Hours: 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Class activities and homework 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Thompson, A.J. ;
1 Interchange 2 Oxford University Press
Martinet, A.V.
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Jack C. Richards Cambridge University
1 Practical English Usage
(2013) Press

Course Description:
This course aims at enhancing students’ knowledge of English Language up to intermediate level. It
enhance students’ knowledge of grammatical structures, sentences structure and giving them new
insight into words, practical writing skills as a means of communication by focusing on the
grammatical basics of the language. The difficulty level of the course increases gradually and enables
the students to transfer their thoughts on paper so they may become persuasive, clear, and concise in
their writings.

Couse Objectives:
The objective of the course is to enhance students’ knowledge about English language.

P a g e | 74
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students be able to:
 State and apply the seven principles of clear writing.
 To communicate in English in the class
 To use present tenses in their speaking
 To describe events like holidays, festival...
 To write short descriptive paragraph
 To write a short report
 Identify and explain basic clause patterns.
 Understand and apply common English language writing styles
 Review the written documents for any grammatical problems

Detailed Course Outline:

1 Course Introduction
2 Food and Health
3 History Detective
4 Tradition and Rituals
5 Urban Underworld
6 Who we Are?
7 Global Warning
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Incredible insect
10 Great Explore
11 Our Bond with Animals
12 Greeting in other context
13 Talking about the weather
14 Telephone Conversation
15 Formal Conversation
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 75
Subject: Network Fundamentals – CS302

Class & Semester 2nd year, 3rd semester

Credits: 3 credits
Pre-requisites: CS206
Lecture hours: 2 Lectures and 2 Practical
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
1 First Evaluation 10
2 Mid-term exam 20
3 Assignments 10
4 Final exam 60
Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Computer Networking: A top Pearson, sixth edition,
1 Kurose and Ross
down Approach, 2013
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Pearson, Fifth Edition,
1 Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum 2011

Pearson, Eight Edition,

2 Data Communication, William Stallings

Course Description:
This course is designed to focus on computer networks specifically in Link, Network, Transport and
Application layers. The concept of MAC and IP addressing is discussed in this course. Routing
protocols such as RIP, OSPF, EIGRP and IS-IS are also covered in this course with practical exercises.
Transport protocols (TCP and UDP) along with congestion control algorithms are also discussed.
Finally this course will discuss some prominent application protocols such as HTTP, DNS, and SMTP.
Before taking this course, student must have successfully passed the Data Communication course.

Course Objectives:
The main idea behind designing this course is to familiarize computer network students about the
structures of a packet switched computer network. They need to understand and work with static and
dynamic routing in the packet switched networks, to have the knowledge how the famous application
protocols work and to know what sockets are in distributed applications.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course, student can configure different routing protocols, working
with IP networks. Students will also be able to join the Computer Networks in the next

P a g e | 76
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Introduction and definition
2 Fundamentals of computer networks:
3 Network Addressing
4 Switching in packet switched networks
5 Routing in packet switched networks (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS)
6 Routing in packet switched networks (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS)
7 Routing in packet switched networks (RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, IS-IS)
8 Midterm Exam
9 Transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP, congestion controls, etc)
10 Transport layer protocols (TCP, UDP, congestion controls, etc)
11 Application Layer Protocols (Principles of HTTP, FTP, SMTP and DNS)
12 Application Layer Protocols (Principles of HTTP, FTP, SMTP and DNS)
13 Routing in between autonomous systems: ISPs and the Internet Architectures
14 Routing in between autonomous systems: ISPs and the Internet Architectures
15 Concept of socket programming with TCP and UDP
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 77
Subject: Technical English – EL301

Class& Semester: 2st year , 3rd Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Pre-requisites: EL201
Hours: 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Class Activities and Homework 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
English for Information
1 Vahid Reza Mirzaeian 2014 Tehran
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Mir,S.S.; Mansoor,S;
1 Skill Worker

Course Description:
The course integrates the skills of reading, writing, vocabulary building and grammar usage and also
includes discrete lessons on these topics. The reading and writing lessons incorporate vocabulary
building along with description, narration, exposition and argument. Each lesson contains reading
passages followed by several exercises to comprehend the passage while utilizing all the above
mentioned techniques. The initial passages are based on factual texts on computers and their
characteristics with the focus on organization of information and description. The imaginative texts
show how writers utilize various descriptions to convey different meanings. Thus the course aims at
improving students’ skills required for learning English as a second language.

P a g e | 78
Course Objectives:

At the end of the course students will be able:

 Apply reading strategies including extracting main ideas, reading for details.
 Read the authentic text comprehensively.
 Read stories with difficult topics.
 To define and identify grammatical terms and their usage.
 To use terminology related to their field.
 To identify and predict unknown words using a variety of strategies including reading,
context clues, and knowledge of word structures, letter-sound relationships and
 To use /apply the skills and strategies of the reading process to comprehend,
interpret, and evaluate what they have read.
 To recognize the usage of reading to develop fluency and understanding of appropriate
 To produce an analytical approach to recognize grammatical errors in sentences.
 To evaluate and assess different texts and make inferences.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Course Introduction
2 Information Technology
3 Data Compression
4 Data processing
5 Storage Hardware
6 Computer Memory
7 Cache Memory
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Internet Access
10 Bandwidth
11 Local Area Network
12 Parts of Communication System
13 Use of the Internet
14 Electronic Mail and News group
15 Students Presentation
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 79
Subject: Probability and Statistics – EL302

Class & Semester: 2nd year , 3rd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Hours: 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Introduction to Statistical Mouhammad
1 2nd
Theory (Part I and II) Chaudhry and
Dr.Shahid Kamal
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Afzal Beg and Miraj
1 Statistics Theory and Methods 1st
Din Mirza
Mohammad Rauf
2 Polymer basic Statistics 1st Polymer Publication

Course Description:
Starting with the basic concepts of data and its types, this course introduces the various methods and
procedures of collecting, organizing, summarizing, presenting and analyzing the data. The regression
and correlation analysis is used to evaluate the relationship between two or more variables. The second
portion of the course focuses on the probability theory. From the basic probability rules to the
construction of all the well-known probability distributions like binomial, hypergeometric, uniform
and normal distributions are discussed in this part. The course will finally introduce the inferential
statistics which is further divided into estimation and hypothesis testing. It deals with the drawing of
conclusions about various phenomena on the basis of real data collected on sample basis. The use of
appropriate methods like Z-test, T-test, F-test, Chi-square test and ANOVA are explained with

P a g e | 80

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course, you should be able to understand:
 Different meanings of statistics and data types
 A variety of methods for collecting, presenting and summarizing data
 Methodologies for regression and correlation analysis for future perditions
 Basic concepts and rules of probability along with important probability distributions
 Sampling concept, its types and techniques
 Estimating and hypothesis testing using main distributions
 Usage of Analysis-of-variance and experimental design
 Fundamental level of skills for basic statistical computing using Calculator / Excel / Math
type etc.
 How to communicate to others the importance and relevance of statistics in the modern world
 How to be an independent learner, able to acquire further knowledge with little guidance or

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Contents
Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics
Presentation of Data
Classification and Presentation of Data (frequency distribution tables and
diagrams), Bar diagram, line diagram and circle diagram.
Histogram, polygon.
Properties of frequency distribution diagrams.
Analyse of data(central tendency, dispersion,…).
Measure of Central Tendency
4 Average & Measure, Types of Averages, Summation Notation
Arithmetic Mean, Weighted Mean, Geometric Mean, Harmonic mean.
Median, Mode, Mean deviation
Properties of central tendency.
6 Variance & standard deviation , Coefficient variation.
Multi variable population., Introduction to Probability, Counting techniques
7 Addition rule, Multiplication rule
Arrangements , Permutation , Combination
8 Mid Term Exams
Compound arrangement, Compound permutation & combination
Meaning and Sources of Probability, Random experiment
Combinatory and Probability
Combinatory, Sampling without replacement
11 Basic Terminologies of Probability, Event, Numerical question of the book.
12 Mutually Exclusive Events, Probability spaces and Sample apace and events

P a g e | 81
13 Conditional probability, Multiplication and total probability rules
Bayes Theorem, Random variable, discrete and continues variables. Probability
14 density function, Probability distributions, continues type and discrete type
distribution function.
The Bernoulli and binomial distributions, Bernoulli formula, Power series
The Poisson distribution, The hyper geometric distribution
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 82
Subject: Academic Writing – EL401

Class& Semester: 2nd year , 4th Semester

Credits: 2 Credits
Pre-requisites: EL301
Hours: 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Class Activities and Homework 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Keith S. Folse, Elena
1 Great Writing Vestri Solomon and Sherrise Roehr 2015
David Clabeaux
Recommended Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
International learning
1 Writing to communicate Cynthia A. Boardman
center (2009).

Course Description:
The writing lessons in this course incorporate vocabulary building along with description, narration,
exposition and argument. Each lesson contains reading passages followed by several exercises to
comprehend the passage while utilizing all the above mentioned techniques. The initial passages are
based on factual texts on computers and their characteristics with the focus on organization of
information and description. The imaginative texts show how writers utilize various descriptions to
convey different meanings. Thus the course aims at improving students’ skills required for learning
English as a second language.

P a g e | 83
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will be able:

 to understand parts of paragraph

 to understand purpose, audience, clarity, unity and coherence in writing a paragraph
 to understand descriptive, comparison, Cause-effect and classification paragraph
 to understand similarities between paragraph and essay
 to write cause and effect essay
 to use punctuation correctly
 understand the writer style and evaluating the text.
 to use transition words
 to paraphrase authors idea
 to site Authors idea
 to write reference

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction
2 Introduction to Paragraph
3 Five Elements of Good writing
4 Type of Paragraph
5 Signal Words
6 Punctuations
7 Moving From Paragraph to Essay
8 Mid Term Exam
9 In- text citation
10 End Text- citation
11 Paraphrase
12 Descriptive Essay
13 Comparison Essay
14 Cause and Effect Essay
15 Classification Essay
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 84
Subject: Computer Networks, Course Code: CS402

Class & Semester: 3rd Class, 5th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Type: Basics
Prerequisite: CS309
Lecture hours: 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes
Lab hours : 2 Joint-session every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz NA

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 LABs 10

5 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Computer Networking: A Top
1 Jim Kurose 6th Edition
Down Approach
Data Communication &
2 Behroz Frouzan 5th Edition
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
1 Computer Networks Pearson, Fifth Edition
& David J. Wetherall
Data & Computer
2 William Stallings Pearson, Eighth Edition

Course Description:
Computer Networks course is the supplementary/complementary course of fundamentals of data
communication. The course covers broad topics of routing algorithms/protocols, reporting and
delivery in data networks. In addition, addressing, IPv6, transport layer protocols, and application
layer protocols are the other main topics covered in this course. To ensure that students can use the

P a g e | 85
theory in practical environment, sufficient numbers of assignments and LAB are planned.
Fundamentals of data communication is the pre-requisite for this course and any student with basic
knowledge of computer science can attend and follow the course. Brief outline of the course is
explained below which will be covered during semester, but the course is not limited to this outline,
in case needed the outline can be further extended or squeezed.

Couse Objectives:
The objective of the course is to familiarize and provide deep understanding to students about
computer network architecture, routing and switching protocols, network infrastructure and design.

Learning Outcomes:
By successful completion of the course, the students will be able to design LAN & WAN network, do
the configuration of router and switches for small to medium size companies. The Computer
Networks course provides sufficient theory and practical lab knowledge and skills so that students can
implement efficient routing and switching for small to medium organization.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics

1 Lecture1: Introduction to Course

2 Lecture2: Review of OSI & TCP/IP Model

3 Lecture3: Network layer; data plane and control plane

4 Lecture4: Network layer; Addressing

5 Lecture5: Routing Algorithms

6 Lecture6: RIP, IGRP & EIGRP

7 Lecture7: OSPF

8 Lecture8: Multi-area OSPF

9 Mid Term Exam

Lecture9: Transport Layer Protocols


P a g e | 86
11 Lecture10 : TCP, UDP, SCTP

12 Lecture11: Application Layer Protocols

13 Lecture12: DHCP, DNS

14 Lecture13: SMTP, POP3, SNMP

15 Course Review

16 Final Exam

P a g e | 87
Subject: Diploma Project Guide - CS723
Class & Semester Fourth year, 7th Semester
Credits: 1 credits
Pre-requisites: NON
Lecture hours: 1 contact hour per week
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
Timely project or research topic determination and
1 10
2 Attendance and commitments 30
3 Understanding guidelines and document formatting 20
4 Readiness for conducting the project real work 40
Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
KPU’s thesis format plus
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 Hands-on books when required NA NA

Course Description:
Diploma Project Guidance (DDG) is the prep-prep course for bachelor thesis in semester eight. It is
a 1 credit course with one contact hour class.

The objective for this course is that students have to be guided to know how to select there thesis
title, supervisor and give a justification for their topics. A general guidance to academic writing and
conducting projects or research also provided to students.

Learning Outcomes:
- All and each student should choose his or her final project topic
- All and each student should choose his or her supervisor
- All and each student should have a solid justification for his or her chosen topic
- All and each student should know the format and writing requirements of his or her final
documentation and project implementation.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction to the course, and project topic selection starts
2 Brainstorming for listing suitable topics that might be appropriate for a project
3 Guidelines and discussion about how to select a good topic
4 Introduction to requirements and timing

P a g e | 88
5 Formatting of documents and structure
6 Comparison of project based topics and research based topics
7 Discussing about students suggested topics and supervisor selection
8 Students should justify their topics (justification will be marked)
9 Guideline to academic document writing
10 Discussing a scientific paper structure and writing requirements (with example)
Discussing and questions how students understood the writing points on discussed
12 Discussion on project initial document and preparation
13 Presentation of final topic by students
14 Presentation of final topic by students
15 Presentation of final topic by students
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 89
Core Subjects

P a g e | 90
Subject: Fundamental of Information Systems (FIS) – CS205

Class & Semester: Year 1, 2nd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Essentials of Management Kenneth C. Laudon,
1 Prentice Hall
Information Systems Jane Price Laudon
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Introduction to Information James A. O’Brien and
1 Paul Ducham
Systems George M. Marakas

Course Description:
Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed
to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are
used throughout global organizations. The focus of this course will be on the key components of
information systems, people, software, hardware, data, and communication technologies and how
these components can be integrated and managed to create competitive advantage. Through the
knowledge of how IS provides a competitive advantage students will gain an understanding of how
information is used in organizations and how IT enables improvement in quality, speed, and agility.
This course also provides an introduction to systems and development concepts, technology
acquisition, and various types of application software that have become prevalent or are emerging in
modern organizations and society.

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Foundation of Information Systems in Business
 Competing with Information Technology

P a g e | 91
 Computer Hardware
 Computer Software
 Data Resource Management
 Telecommunications and Networks
 Enterprise Business Systems and Functional Business Systems
 Securing Information Systems

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents

1 Introduction to FIS

2 Information Systems

3 Perspectives on Information Systems and Information Technology

4 e-business: Use of information Systems

5 Types of Business Information Systems

6 The Information Systems Function in Business

7 IT Infrastructure

8 Mid Term Exam

9 Computer Software’s

10 Foundations of business Intelligence

Database Approach to Data Management

12 Improving Business Performance and Decision Making

P a g e | 92
13 Telecommunications, the Internet, and Wireless Technology

14 The Global Internet and web

15 Course Review

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 93
Subject: Object oriented programming – CS301

Class & Semester: 2nd year , 3rd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Pre-requisites: CS201
Lecture hours : 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes
LAB hours : 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 LAB Work 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

5 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Kenneth Lambert and
1 Fundamentals of Java, Third Edition
Martin Osborne
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Head First Java Kathy Sierra (and Bert
1 2nd Edition

Course Description:
To teach attendees the fundamentals of Java programming syntax and how to use Java to write
object oriented. By the end of this module the students should be able to know what is involved in
creating a fully functional Object Oriented program. The main purpose of this course is to introduce
all the object oriented concepts and also learn java programing.

Couse Objectives:

P a g e | 94
This course is designed to teach Object-Oriented programming concepts, techniques, and applications
using the Java programming language.

Learning Outcomes:
To learn Object-Oriented programming concepts and techniques using the Java programming
language. To learn to write, test, and debug introductory level Object-Oriented programs using Java

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Getting Started with Java
2 Introduction to Objects Oriented programming
Dealing with Classes and Objects: Class and Object, Instance Data and Class
Data ,Methods
Dealing with Classes and Objects: Method overloading, Constructors, Access
4 Modifiers, Encapsulation, Objects and function argument, Returning objects
from functions
5 Inheritance in Java, Casting, Method Overriding, Constructor Overloading
6 Polymorphism :Super, The Object Class, Overriding member functions
7 Pointers and Functions, Pointers and Strings
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Virtual Functions and Abstract classes
10 Friend functions and class ,Static functions
11 Inheritance in Java :Inheritance, Inheritance in Java, Casting
Inheritance in Java : Method Overriding ,Constructor Overloading
,Polymorphism, Super ,The Object Class
13 Exception Handling
14 Discussion of Some Object Oriented Concepts in C++ which are not in Java
15 Course Review
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 95
Subject: System Analysis and Design (SAD) - CS305

Class & Semester: Year 2, 3rd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Course Description:
This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise
IT solutions. The focus is on applications and infrastructure and their fit with the business. Students
learn frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, system administration,
data/information architecture, content management, distributed computing, middleware, legacy
system integration, system consolidation, and software selection, total cost of ownership calculation,
IT investment analysis, and emerging technologies. These topics are addressed both within and
beyond the organization, with attention paid to managing risk and security within audit and
compliance standards.
Students also hone their ability to communicate technology architecture strategies concisely to a
general business audience.

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Understand a variety of frameworks for enterprise architecture analysis and decision making.

P a g e | 96
 Evaluate the total cost of ownership and return on investment for architecture alternatives.
 Utilize techniques for assessing and managing risk across the portfolio of the enterprise.
 Evaluate and plan for the integration of emerging technologies.
 Administer systems, including the use of virtualization and monitoring, power and cooling
 Manage proliferating types and volume of content.
 Understand the core concepts of data/information architecture and evaluate existing
data/information architecture designs.
 Plan for business continuity.
 Understand the benefits and risks of service oriented architecture.
 Understand the role of audit and compliance in enterprise architecture.
 Understand the integration of enterprise systems with interorganizational partners such as
suppliers, government, etc.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents

1 Service oriented architecture

2 Enterprise architecture frameworks

3 Systems integration

4 Enterprise resource software

5 Monitoring and metrics for infrastructure and business processes

6 Green computing

7 Virtualization of storage and systems

8 Mid Term Exam

9 The role of open source software

P a g e | 97
10 Risk management

11 Business continuity

12 Total cost of ownership and return on investment

13 Software as a service

14 Content management

15 System administration

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 98
Subject: Fundamentals of Web Design – CS212

Class & Semester: Year 2, 3rd Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Learning web design: A
1 beginner's guide to HTML, CSS, Robbins, J. N O’Reilly Media, Inc.
JavaScript, and web graphics.
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
HTML & CSS Design and Build
1 Jon Duckett John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Course Description:
The Web Design course examines the process of creating functional, standards-based content for
the Internet. This course will provide a basic and advanced understanding of the Internet, Web
Protocols, methods and techniques of developing a simple to moderately complex website. Using
the current standard web page language, students will be instructed on creating and maintaining a
simple and complex web site for different class of devices.

Course Objectives:
After Completion of this class Students will be able to:
• Make static and responsive web pages.
• Design a professional website.

P a g e | 99
Homework and class activity details
Throughout the semester, students are expected to attend the lecture hours and further more they are
asked to do class activities and assignments. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are
expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected
questions relevant to the topic.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Web Fundamentals
The Internet and Web
Principles of Application and Transport Layer Protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP,
Structure Process to develop a Web Application
Lists & Special Characters
Css selector
Web Fonts, Text Formatting
6 Background
Padding, Margin and Borders
Building Layouts
7 Media Queries
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Basic syntax
Events and Event handlers
Regular Expressions
Get and post methods
12 JQuery

13 Basic Syntax
14 Introduction to Frameworks

Bootstrap3 ,AngularJS (Optional)


16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 100
Subject: Data Structure and Algorithms – CS401

Class & Semester Second year, fourth semester

Credits: 3 credits
Pre-requisites: CS301
Lecture hours: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours practice
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
1 First Evaluation 10
2 Mid-term exam 20
3 Assignments 10
4 Final exam 60
Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Mark Stamp A John Wiley & sons,
Information Security Principles
1 San Jose State INC. Publication.
and Practice
University 2nd Edition
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 Hands-on books when required NA NA

Course Description:
Data structure is a core subject in computer science, it covers fundamentals of data organization in
computer memory. A particular way of data organization in memory is called data structure. In this
course basic ways to push and retrieve data to and from data structures also included.

This course have to be thought in 3 credits with practices based on allocated timing in associated table
of fourth semester. Successful teaching of this subject requires to make a fair balance between theory
and practice. This course should have assignments and intensive evaluation to help students to
understand the course thoroughly.

Learning Outcomes:
By successful completion of this course students should be able to
- Describe different data structures
- Compare and describe different data structures
- Describe the correct usage of different data structures

P a g e | 101
- Describe the basic algorithms that are suitable with different data structures
- Be able to implement basic data structures by own.
- Be able to understand the given codes

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introducing Data Structures
2 Arrays, Ordered Arrays, A basic sorting algorithm (e.g. selection sort)
3 Stacks, Queues and Priority Queues
4 Linked Lists
5 Abstract Data Types and Specialized Lists
6 Recursion, Applied Recursion, Merge Sort (applying recursion only)
7 Hash Table, Conflict resolution (probing and open addressing)
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Binary Tree, Binary Tree operations
10 Red-Black Trees, Red-Black Trees insertion, Balance and unbalanced tree
11 Graphs (theory), Formation of graph’s structure
12 Searching in graphs DFS, BFS
13 Path in Graph, Special cases with graph
14 Routing in a graph and routing algorithms concept
15 Branch-And-Bound and Dijkstra's Algorithm
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 102
Subject: Web Development 1 – CS404
Class & Semester: Year 2, 4th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes


S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20

2 Assignments/ Homework/Class Attendance/Group 20


3 Final exam 60

Reference Book

S. No Book Name Author(s) Name Publisher Name

& Edition

1 PHP and MySQL for dynamic Larry. Ullman Peachpit Press;4th

web sites: visual quickpro edition ( 2011)

Recommended Books

S. No Book Name Author(s) Name Publisher Name

& Edition

P a g e | 103
1 PHP Advanced and Object- Larry. Ullman Peachpit Press; 3rd
Oriented Programming: Visual edition (2012)
QuickPro Guide

2 AJAX and PHP. Tworzenie Bogdan. Brinzarea-Iamandi Helion; 2nd edition

interaktywnych aplikacji & Cristian. Darie & Audra. (2006)
internetowych Hendrix

3 Learning Laravel 4 Application Hardik Dangar Packt Publishing

Development Ltd; 2nd edition

Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students with development of dynamic website. This course
goes deeply to PHP, an open source scripting language that is most common language for web
development. The course starts with basics concepts of PHP and then continues to advanced topic
such as storing web state using cookie and session, storing data to database. It also covers how to
write program in a structured approach and debug the problems of the code.
Course Objectives:
By successful completion of the course students will learn the following:
● Students will gain basic knowledge of PHP and will be able to develop dynamic websites.
● They will get enough skills to develop website using pure PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS
or use a web framework to develop complex websites.
● They will be able to find the problems of codes.
● They will be able to capture requirements and implement it to codes.
● They will be able to develop a web application

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to design a dynamic website. As a preparation
towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each
student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will also be asked
to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to them and present
their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents

1 Web Server Concepts

2 Server side Scripting Languages

P a g e | 104
3 CGI Fast CGI J2EE(Introduction)

4 PHP (PHP Hypertext preprocessor)

Creating PHP Pages

5 Passing Variables

Conditions and Loops

6 Using PHP with MySQL

Editing the database

7 Manipulating and Creating Images with PHP

Validating User Input

Mid Term Exam
9 Cookie and Session

10 PHP pages Localization

11 Pagination

12 Access level and privileges

13 Events and Event handlers


15 MVC Model and Introduction to Frameworks

Final Term Exam

P a g e | 105
Subject: Fundamentals of Database – CS407

Class & Semester: Year 2, 4th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
An Introduction to Database Pearson Education;8th
1 Christopher J. Date
Systems edition (2006)
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Database System: The Hector. Garcia - Pearson Education; 2nd
complete book Molina edition (June 9, 2008)
Fundamentals of Database Pearson Education;
2 Ramez. Elmasri
Systems edition (2008)
Database systems: a practical
approach to design, Connolly, Thomas M., Pearson Education; 6th
implementation, and & Carolyn E. Begg edition (2015)

Course Description:
This module explores the relational model and the MySQL. It covers the practicalities of designing,
building, populating, accessing, maintaining and tuning a relational database using MySQL. It also
explores the architecture of multi-tier database systems and database interfaces.

Course Objectives:
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to
• Design and build a relational database system
• Monitor, tune and administer a relational database system

P a g e | 106
• Access and manipulate data using MySQL
• Develop stored procedures and triggers
• Make use of DBMS facilities to ensure the integrity and security of a database
• Exploit a range of management tools and interfaces provided by relational database systems

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to design a relational database system. As a
preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of time.
Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will also be
asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to them and
present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 The Evolution of Database Systems
2 Databases and Database Users
3 History of Database Applications
Data Models, Schemas, and Instances
Three-Schema Architecture and Data Independence
Database Languages and Interfaces
The Database System Environment
Centralized and Client/Server Architectures for DBMSs
Classification of Database Management Systems
Relational Model concepts
The Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Normalization
10 Functional dependencies
11 The Entity/Relational Data Model
12 Basic SQL
13 More SQL: Complex Queries, Triggers, Views, and Schema Modification
14 Relational Algebra
15 Relational calculus
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 107
Subject: IT Project Management – CS408

Class & Semester: Year 2, 4th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Fundamental of Project
Work Smart,Fourth
1 Management Joseph Heagney

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Pearson Education ,
1 Projects in Computing and Christian W. Dawson
Second edition
Information Systems

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide the students pursuing software development awards some basic
grounding in project management. This module explores further project planning and management in
a more specific IS/ICT context, partly to prepare students for their industrial placement and Final
year project but also future careers.

Course Objectives:
• Objective setting for projects
• Planning, including product/work breakdown, activity sequencing
• Project strategies and models e.g. waterfall, incremental, evolutionary
• Project execution and control, including quality control

P a g e | 108
• Project post mortems and reviews
• New development versus customization

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester, students are expected to attend the lecture hours and further more they are
asked to do class activities and assignments. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are
expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected
questions relevant to the topic.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 What are (computing) projects?
What is research and The research process
Classifying research
Choosing a project and writing a proposal
Project planning and risk management
Risk management
4 Literature searching and literature reviews
5 Software development
The stage-wise and classical waterfall models (conventional models)
Agile methods and Extreme programming (XP)
Top-down and bottom-up development
7 Verification, validation and testing
Solutions to selected exercises
8 Mid Term Exam
Controlling your project
9 Presenting your project in written form
Data presentation, Referencing material and avoiding plagiarism
Documenting software
Writing papers
Presentation skills
Demonstrating software and Viva voce examinations
Examiners and the marking of your project
Taking your project further
Introduction to Entity-Relationship Modeling
Taking your project further
14 Additional topics

P a g e | 109
The future
Top ten tips for successful projects
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 110
Subject: Operating Systems Concept –CS501

Class & Semester 3rd year, 5th semester

Credits: 4 credits
Lecture hours: 2 Lecturers each 90 minutes
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
1 First Evaluation 10
2 Mid-term exam 20
3 Assignments 10
4 Final exam 60
Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Abraham Silberchats,
1 Operating Systems Concept Peter Baer Galvin and Wiley, 9th Edition 2013
Greg Gagne
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Operating Systems: Internals Peterson, 8th Edition 2015
1 William Stallings
and Design

Course Description:
In this course, students will become familiar with the basic principles of a personal computer,
including the internal hardware, the operating system, and software applications. The focus of the
course is on the fundamentals, learning and using the applications, and understanding the basic roles
and responsibilities of the software, hardware, and operating system.

Course Objectives:
To provide a fundamental knowledge of Computer Science, this includes evolution of computers and
its various components and applications. This subject also gives a complete overview of fields where
computer science is used.

Learning Outcomes:
After completion of this course, Students should get an idea about their field of specialty and
the subjects and topics covered in their bachelor degree.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Introduction and definition
2 Computer Systems Overview
3 Operating Systems Overview
4 Virtual Machines
5 Processes

P a g e | 111
6 Threads
7 Scheduling
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Main Memory
10 Virtual Memory
11 Concurrency and Synchronization
12 Input/output Systems
13 File Systems
14 File Systems Implementation
15 Evaluation and summary
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 112
Subject: Java Programming - CS502

Class & Semester Year 2nd , 5th semester

Credits: 3 credits
Category: Core
Lecture hours: 2 hours lecture and 2 hours practice
S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution
1 First Evaluation 10
2 Mid-term exam 20
3 Assignments 10
4 Final exam 60
Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Java How To Program 10th P. J. Deitel, H. M.
Edition Deitel
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 Hands-on books when required NA NA

Course Description:
This an advanced java programming which is successors to several other programming course that
have been taught before. Herein, advance java features and specific application of java should be
taught to give a real understanding programming to students. In this course student may apply very
sophisticated java GUI application, object oriented implementation of java or java application with
web or other specific application.

To accomplish this course successfully, a well theoretical and practical schedule is required to be fixed
by lecturer and also a particular application example with clear scenarios should be given to students
at the beginning of the class. Lecturer should guide students through the course by introducing
language features, tools and lead them to use them in an appropriate way.

Learning Outcomes:
By successful completion of this course students should be able to
- Describe java language structure
- Describe java usage in most relevant areas

P a g e | 113
- Describe advance features and APIs of java language
- Describe popular IDEs used for java application development
- Be able to use java’s feature in an example application
- Be able to use IDEs in an advance manner
- Be able to put OOP’s concepts in an appropriate manner

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction to JAVA, Programming concepts of Basic Java
2 Language Features, Data Types, Variables
3 Control Statements
4 OOPS Concepts, Writing your own Java Classes
5 Object and Classes
6 Inheritance and Polymorphism
7 Java Arrays and Strings and Wrapper classes
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Packages, Interfaces
10 Exception Handling
11 Nested Classes, Anonymous inner class
12 Lambda expression and Reflection API
13 Java Annotation and Enum types
14 Swing and Event handling
15 Packages and Interfaces
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 114
Subject: Web Development 2 – CS507

Class & Semester: Year 3, 5th Semester

Credits: 1 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 1 hour-session in a week 45 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 NA
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 80

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 William Penberthy Wrox
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Getting Started with ASP.NET Brian West, Roger Addison-Wesley
4.5 Web Forms and Visual Ireland, Norman
Studio Smith, David I.

Course Description:
The aims of this module are to enable students to design and construct effective web-based business
applications. The module will develop basic programming techniques but will then explore and apply
them in greater practical detail. The use of objects will be investigated.
The pattern of teaching envisaged would involve a briefing session (or lecture) of up to two hour each
week, when specific tasks would be set for the students. These tasks would normally be practical
computer-related tasks, but could involve information-seeking. Students will receive support in
tutorials for these tasks.

Course Objectives:
• L01 design and construct business applications including ecommerce web sites
• L02 understand and evaluate the architectural issues involved in web-based applications
and the use of objects and components.
• L03 design components for an application

P a g e | 115
• L04 evaluate the role of case tools for web development
• L05 take account of the need for good interface design

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
Getting Started with ASP.NET 6.0
Building an Initial ASP.NET Application
Designing Your Web Pages
Programming in C# and VB.NET

5 ASP.NET Web Form Server Controls

ASP.NET MVC Helpers and Extensions
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Creating Consistent-Looking Websites


Displaying and Updating Data


12 Introducing a practical ecommerce website

Finalize development of the practical project

Finalize development of the practical project

15 Course Review

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 116
Subject: System Administration and Maintenance – CS506

Class & Semester: Year 3rd , 6th Semester

Credits: 3
Lecture hours : 2 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes
Lab hours : 2 Joint-session every week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20

2 Assignments 10

3 LABs 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Vicki Stanfield Copyright © 2002
1 Linux System Administration
Roderick W. Smith SYBEX Inc.,
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Linux Administration: A
1 WALE SOYINKA Fifth Edition
Beginner’s Guide

Course Description:
The course cover the topics such as (1) basic Linux commands (2) user management (3) file and
directory permissions, (4) package management (5) process management (6) Linux as router (7) secure
remote administration (8) Linux servers (i.e. domain controller, DHCP, DNS) (9) RAID concept (10)
logical volume manager, (11) server virtualization and performance analysis, and (12) network
management and monitoring. This course is not about configuration rather than efficient usage of
different technologies available. To ensure that students can use the theory in practical environment,
sufficient numbers of LAB assignments are planned. Brief outline of the course is explained above
which will be covered during semester, but the course is not limited to this outline, in case needed the
outline can be further extended or squeezed.

P a g e | 117
Couse Objectives:
The course aims are to train the student for the following: manage and support a network
infrastructure that based on open source software; Gain skills needed to create a networking services
infrastructure design that supports the required network applications; Learn network solution
technologies: including DHCP, DNS, domain controller, server virtualization and network
management; Gain the knowledge and skills needed to design a security framework for small, medium,
and enterprise networks by using open source applications.

Learning Outcomes:
By successful completion of the course, the students will be able to design efficient network
infrastructure based on different network services. In addition, the students will learn how to manage
the network and monitor effectively.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction to Operating Systems
2 Linux Installation and Basic Commands
3 User Management
4 Directory Structure
5 File and Directory Permissions
6 Package management and process management
7 Linux as router and secure remote administration
8 Linux servers (i.e. domain controller, DHCP, DNS)
9 Mid Term Exam
10 Linux servers (i.e. domain controller, DHCP, DNS)
11 RAID concept
12 Logical volume manager
13 Server virtualization and performance analysis
14 Network management and monitoring
15 Course Review
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 118
Subject: Database II – CS526

Class & Semester: Year 3rd, 5th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 2 hour-session in a week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Database systems: a
Connolly, Thomas
practical approach to design, Pearson Education,
1 M., and Carolyn E.
implementation, and 2015.

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Microsoft® SQL Server Ray Rankins, Paul
1 2008 R2 Bertucci, Chris Gallelli, Silverstein, 2011
Alex T.

Course Description:
This course is the supplement course of Database-I. The course will introduce students to advanced
database theories, query processing, transaction management, emerging trends and practices to
develop relational databases.

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Design and implement relational databases using advanced techniques
 Understand distributed database/replication servers
 Implement various techniques to protect data within a database
 Understand advanced theories/tools related to business intelligence

P a g e | 119
Homework and class activity details
Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on given assignments based on the
given lectures. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading
material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic.
The students will also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is
most interesting to them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Enhanced ERD

2 Relational Algebra

3 Query optimization

4 stored procedure

5 stored functions

6 Triggers

7 Transaction management:- Transaction support, concurrency controls, Database recovery

8 Mid Term Exam
9 Indexing

Database administration and security:- Data administration and database administration,

Database security
Database administration and security:- Data administration and database administration,
Database security – 2
Distributed DBMSs and replication servers:- Advantages and disadvantages of DDBMSs,
Replication servers
Distributed DBMSs and replication servers:- Advantages and disadvantages of DDBMSs,
Replication servers – 2

14 Business Intelligence:- Data warehousing concepts, OLAP, Data mining

15 Business Intelligence:- Data warehousing concepts, OLAP, Data mining - 2

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 120
Subject: Distributed Web – CS606

Class & Semester: Year 3, 6th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20

2 Lab activities 20

3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Tanenbaum, A. S., &
1 Distributed systems Prentice-Hall (2007)
Van Steen, M.
Web services platform
Weerawarana, S.,
architecture: SOAP, WSDL,
Curbera, F., Leymann,
2 WS-policy, WS-addressing, Prentice Hall PTR.(2005)
F., Storey, T., &
WS-BPEL, WS-reliable
Ferguson, D. F.
messaging and more.
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Service-oriented architecture:
1 a field guide to integrating Erl, T. Prentice Hall PTR.(2004)
XML and web services.

Course Description:
This course focus on how Web services related to Service Oriented Architecture and become
familiar with the pillar Web service specifications for XML, Schema, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI.
Introduction to the concepts, technologies and techniques underlying and making Distributed

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 A sound understanding of the principles and concepts involved in designing

P a g e | 121
distributed web and research trends in future services like SaaS.
 Understand the Web service stack and RESTful services.
 Understand the concept to build practical distributed web based system.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work in distributed web. As a preparation
towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each student
is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will also be asked to
prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to them and present
their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Introduction to Distributed systems
Main concept of distributed systems
2 Type of distributed system
3 Architecture
5 Web Services and XML Syntax and XML programming
6 Web Services Stack
Service Transport HTTP,SMTP
Service Discovery UDDI
7 Service Description WSDL (Web Service Description Language) Document Structure
and components
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Service messaging SOAP
10 Service Oriented Architecture
11 Web as Distributed Systems
12 Representation State Transfer (REST)
13 REST Constraints and Architectural elements
14 HTTP and RESTful Services
15 Software as a Services (SaaS)
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 122
Subject: Human Computer Interaction – CS609

Class & Semester: Year 3rd, 6th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 2 hour-session in a week 90 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Pearson, 3rd Edition,
1 Gregory Abowd & 2004.
Russell Beale
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
The essential guide to user Wiley DreamTech, 3rd
1 Wilbert O Galitz
interface design Edition, 2007.
Designing the Obvious: A
Pearson Education,
Common Sense Approach
2 Robert Hoekman 2nd Edition, 2011
to Web and Mobile
Applications Design.
Human Computer Panayiotis Zaphiris & City University of
Interaction Chee Siang Ang London, UK, 2009

Course Description:
This course is an introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), a discipline concerned with
the design, evaluation, and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with
the study of major phenomena surrounding them. The course considers the inherently multi- and
interdisciplinary nature of HCI and situates various HCI issues in the organizational and societal
contexts. It introduces theories of human psychology, principles of computer systems and user
interfaces designs, a methodology of developing effective HCI for information systems, and issues
involved in using technologies for different purposes. It is intended to give students an overview of
the entire HCI field by covering major aspects of it. Students will have an opportunity to explore

P a g e | 123
further on topics of their interest. The course will thus provide a background for students to practice
system design, selection, evaluation, and use with the knowledge of human characteristics, interaction
styles, use context, task characteristics, and design processes.

Course Objectives:
The students are expected to learn the following objectives.
 Design, implement and evaluate effective and usable graphical computer interfaces.
 Describe and apply core theories, models and methodologies from the field of HCI.
 Describe and discuss current research in the field of HCI.
 Describe special considerations in designing user interfaces for older adults.

Homework and class activity details:

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on given assignments based on the given
lectures. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material
ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The
students will also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most
interesting to them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 History of HCI and interface technologies (paradigms and theory trends)

HCI research methods (qualitative and quantitative, i.e. lab studies, ethnography, field
HCI research methods (qualitative and quantitative, i.e. lab studies, ethnography, field
studies) - 2

4 System evaluation techniques and methods

5 Usability concepts and factors

6 Usability engineering and testing

7 Experimental Study Design and Statistical Analysis

8 Mid Term Exam
Ethical issues in HCI research and Usability (informed consent, privacy rights, effects of
technology on society)
Ethical issues in HCI research and Usability (informed consent, privacy rights, effects of
technology on society) - 2

11 Role of the use context

12 Role of user centered design for development of novel technologies, e.g. UbiComp

P a g e | 124
13 Role of user centered design for development of novel technologies, e.g. UbiComp - 2

14 Societal, ethical, and user research issues for novel technologies

15 Societal, ethical, and user research issues for novel technologies - 2

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 125
Subject: Information Security Concept – CS603

Class & Semester: Year 3rd, 6th Semester

Credits: 3
Lecture Hours : 3 Joint-hours every week 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz 10

2 Mid-term exam 20

3 Assignments 10

4 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Fundamentals of Network
1 John E. Canavan Pearson Inc.
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Network Security: The Mark Rhodes-Ousley,
1st Edition, McGraw
1 Complete Reference Roberta Bragg, Keith
Hill, 2003.
2nd Edition, McGraw
Network Security: A Beginner’s
2 Eric Maiwald, Hill Osborne Media,

Course Description:
The network security course cover the topics of (1) basic security concept, (2) threats, vulnerabilities,
attacks (3) encryption, digital signature, certificate authorities (4) Cryptography, (5) management
aspect (6) LAN security (7) technical (8) human aspects (9) policies and procedure and some recent
topic examples. Students understand of various types of Security incidents and attacks, and learn
methods to prevent, detect and react information security incidents To ensure that students can use
the theory in practical environment, sufficient numbers of LAB assignments are planned.

P a g e | 126
Couse Objectives and Outcomes:
Students attending this course shall learn following topic:
-To become able to explain various Information security threat and controls for it.
-To become able to explain information security incident response.
-To become able to explain the usage of Common Key cryptography and Public Key
-To become able to explain the mechanism to protect confidentiality and completeness of data.
-To become able to explain the mechanism to authenticate users and servers.
-To become able to analyze a security incident and develop a countermeasure.
- To become able to explain the professional ethics and law related information security.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week No. Topics
1 Introduction to Course
2 Basic Information Security Concepts
3 Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Attacks
4 Security Threats
5 Security attacks for Server and Client systems
6 Risk Management process for Information systems
7 Students exercise Risk Management process
8 Information Security Management System (ISMS)
9 Mid Term Exam
10 Law and Regulation related to Information Security
11 Security Measure Cryptography
12 Common Key Cryptography
13 Public Key Cryptography
14 Data Integrity and Digital Signature
15 Authentication and PKI
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 127
Subject: Data Warehouse – CS612

Class & Semester: Year 3, 2th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
The Data Warehouse John Wiley & Sons.
1 Kimball, R.
Lifecycle Toolkit (2008)
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
The Data Warehouse? ETL
Toolkit: Practical Techniques
Kimball, R., & Caserta, John Wiley & Sons.
1 for Extracting,
J. (2011)
Cleaning, Conforming, and
Delivering Data.

Course Description:
This course will enable students to understand the general concept of data warehousing and ETL

Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this module students should understand the following
 Data warehousing architecture and flow.
 Data warehouse applications.
 Data warehouse modeling.

P a g e | 128
Homework and class activity details
Throughout the semester the students are expected to work in data warehouse. As a preparation
towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of time. Each student
is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will also be asked to
prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to them and present
their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Introduction and background
2 Difference between data warehouse and OLAP.
3 Types and typical application of data warehouse
4 Data warehouse architecture
5 De-Normalization
De-Normalization techniques
6 Issues of De-Normalization.
7 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing (MOLAP) vs Relational Online Analytical
Processing (ROLAP)
10 Dimensional Modeling (DM)
Process of dimensional modeling
11 Issues of dimensional modeling
12 Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL)
Data extraction and transformation
13 Data cleansing
14 Issues of ETL
15 Presentation of their final projects
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 129
Subject: Cloud Computing – CS617
Class & Semester: Year 4, 7th Semester
Category: Core
Credits: 3 Credits
Pre-Requisites: TE3502
Lecture hours : 3 lecture-hours each of 135 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20

Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project

3 Final exam 60

Reference Book

Publisher Name &

S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Anthony T .Velte, Tata McGraw Hill
Cloud Computing:
1 Toby J.Velte, Robert Edition, Fourth Edition,
A Practical Approach
Elsenpeter 2010

Recommended Books

Publisher Name &

S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Cloud Computing: SaaS, PaaS,
Jones & Bartlett
IaaS, Virtualization,Business
1 Kris Jamsa Learning
Models, Mobile, Security and
Company LLC, 2013
Cloud Security: A
Ronald L.Krutz, Wiley Publishing Inc.,
2 Comprehensive Guide to Secure
Russell vines 2010.
Cloud Computing

Course Description:
Cloud Computing has drawn the attention of industries and researchers worldwide. Many

P a g e | 130
applications that are being built nowadays were developed to suit the needs of cloud environment.
Hence it becomes necessary to have course in cloud computing which deals with the basics of cloud,
different services offered by cloud, and security issues in cloud. In a nutshell, this course on cloud
computing provides information on fundamental aspects of the cloud environment.
Course Objectives:
1. Learn about different deployment models of cloud and different services offered by cloud
2. Understand the technique of virtualization through theoretical concepts and practical training
3. become knowledgeable
Homework and class activity details
Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on different Cloud Technologies and
Architectures. As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading
material ahead of time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic.
The students will also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most
interesting to them and present their contribution in the assignments.
Detailed Course Outline:
Week Contents
CLOUD COMPUTING BASICS: Cloud computing components- Infrastructure-
services- storage applications database services
Deployment models of Cloud- Services offered by Cloud- Benefits and Limitations of
2 Cloud Computing
Issues in Cloud security, Cloud security services and design principles
VIRTUALIZATION FUNDAMENTALS: Virtualization – Enabling technology for
cloud computing-
TYPES OF VIRTUALIZATION: Server Virtualization- Desktop Virtualization –
Memory Virtualization
5 Application and Storage Virtualization- Tools and Products available for Virtualization
SAAS: Getting started with SaaS- Understanding the multitenant nature of SaaS
solutions- Understanding OpenSaaS Solutions
PAAS: Understanding Service Oriented Architecture- PaaS- Benefits and Limitations of
8 Mid Term Exam
IAAS: Understanding IaaS- Improving performance through Load balancing- Server
Types within IaaS solutions- Utilizing cloud based NAS devices
CLOUD DATA STORAGE: Understanding Cloud based data storage- Cloud based
backup devices- Cloud based database solutions- Cloud based block storage
12 Client Server Distributed Architecture for cloud – Traditional apps vs. Cloud apps

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13 CLIENT SIDE PROGRAMMING MODEL: Web clients. Mobile clients- Server
15 MVC Design Patterns for Cloud Application Development
16 Final Term Exam

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Subject: Research Methods, Course Code: CS701

Class & Semester: 4th Year, 7th Semester

Credits: 2
Type: Core
Lecture hours: 1 Joint-hours every week 90 minutes
Lab hours: No Lab Hours, Case Study and Assignments.

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 First Quiz NA

2 Mid-term exam/Assignments Exam 20

3 Assignments 20


5 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Writing in the Sciences: New York: Pearson,
Penrose, Ann and
1 Exploring Conventions of 2004. [ISBN 0-321-
Steven Katz
Scientific Discourse, 2/e. 11204-0]
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
1 Handbook

Course Description:
Science Writing satisfies the University’s requirement that undergraduates complete a course on ‘real
world’ writing for situations occurring outside the classroom and for audiences other than a teacher.
Specifically designed for students interested in further study in the computer science, technology and
engineering. This course exposes students to the conventions of scientific prose in the genres of
research articles and proposals. In addition, students will learn to accommodate scientific information
to general audiences. It is expected that students taking this class will have a developing expertise in
science, writing about science, writing ethics, report writing, technical and business writing and using
technology in presentation for specific and intended audience and reader and finally bit of research

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Course Objectives:
 Understand professional writing by studying management communication contexts and
genres, researching contemporary business topics, analyzing quantifiable data discovered by
researching, and constructing finished professional workplace documents.
 Recognize, explain, and use the formal elements of specific genres of organizational
communication: white papers, recommendation and analytical reports, proposals,
memorandums, web pages, wikis, blogs, business letters, and promotional documents.
 Understand the ethical, international, social, and professional constraints of audience, style,
and content for writing situations a.) Among managers or co-workers and colleagues of an
organization, and b.) Between organizations, or between an organization and the public.
 Understand the current resources (such as search engines and databases) for locating
secondary information, and also understand the strategies of effective primary data gathering.
 Understand how to critically analyze data from research; incorporate it into assigned writing
clearly, concisely, and logically; and attribute the source with proper citation.
 Practice the unique qualities of professional rhetoric and writing style, such as sentence
conciseness, clarity, accuracy, honesty, avoiding wordiness or ambiguity, using direct order
organization, readability, coherence and transitional devices.
 Explore different format features in both print, multimedia and html documents, and develop
document design skills.
 Revise and edit effectively in all assignments, including informal media (such as email messages
to the instructor).

Develop professional work habits, including those necessary for effective collaboration and
cooperation with other students, instructors and Service Learning contact representatives

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the course the participant will be able to:
 Describe the scientific writing process and its key stages
 Reflect on what constitutes a research problem to be addressed in a scientific paper
 Organize and compose a scientific paper in accordance with the IMRAD (Introduction, Methods,
Results and Discussion) model
 Analyze and review scientific papers in terms of key message, consistency and justification
 Reflect on the benefits of working in teams in scientific writing and describe the rules of co-
 Reflect on the ethics in scientific writing.
 Will have the general understanding of research mythology
 Reflect and be able to differentiate the technical writing, business writing, email writing and scientific
 Reflect and will be able to draft a scientific paper
 Reflect and will be able to draft and write proposal
 Reflect and will be able to have effective writing communication both in business and science

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Detailed Course Outline:
Week No. Topics
1 Introduction to course policy, plane, outline and syllabus

Introduction to scientific writing, technical writing, research methodology and
general concepts

Lecture3: Analysis of Scientific Disciplines

Forums of Scientific Communication.
Lecture4: Intro Assignment #1
Lecture5: Discussion section
Discussion of Interviews

Lecture6: Emphasis
6 Tone
Collaborative editing

Lecture7: Review Articles

Lecture8: Accommodation
Audience Analysis
9 Mid Term Exam
Lecture9: Review Articles, Discussion of Topics
10 Research of Topics

Lecture10 : Research Skills, Personal Statements

Audience Analysis.

12 Lecture11: Application Materials

Concision, Procedures and Instructions
Lecture12: Proposals, Final Project

Lecture13: Presentations
Document Design

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15 Course Review

16 Final Exam

P a g e | 136
Subject: Mobile Application Development – CO702

Class & Semester: Year 4, 7th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Android Developer
Google Developer
1 Fundamentals Course
(Concept & Practical)
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Professional Android 4
1 Reto Meier 2012
Application Development
Head First Android Dawn Griffiths &
2 2015
Development David Griffiths

Course Description:
This course aims to introduce students to the design and implementation of Android applications for
mobile devices. Students will develop an app from scratch, assuming a basic knowledge of Java, and
learn how to set up Android Studio, work with various Activities and create simple user interfaces to
make your apps run smoothly.

Course Objectives:
By successful completion of the course, students will gain basic knowledge of today mobile
applications market, trends, and frameworks. Moreover, they will be able to design and
develop Android based mobile applications.

Homework and class activity details

As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of

P a g e | 137
time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will
also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to
them and present their contribution in the assignments
Detailed Course Outline:
Week Contents
Build Your First App
 Intro to Android
1  Create Your First Android App

 Layouts, Views and Resources

2  Text and Scrolling Views
Activities and Intents:
 Activities and Intents
3  Activity Lifecycle and Saving State
 The Android Support Library

4  Activities and Implicit Intents

Testing, debugging, and backwards compatibility
 Debugging Your App
5  Testing Your App
 The Android Support Library
User interface
 User Input Controls
7  Menus

8 Mid Term Exam

Screen Navigation
9  TabLayout
 Navigation Drawer

10 RecyclerView
11 Drawables, Themes and Styles
12 Providing resources for adaptive layouts
Background tasks
13  AsyncTask and AsyncTaskLoader

14 Connecting to the Internet

15 Problem Solving and Review
16 Final Exam

P a g e | 138
Subject: Design Patterns – CO706

Class & Semester: Year 4, 1st Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Head First Design Patterns Eric, Elisabeth O'Reilly

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Design Patterns, Elements of Erich, Gamma Addison-Wesley
1 Reusable Object-Oriented

Course Description:
This course introduces the concept of design patterns: their origins in architecture and how they apply
in the discipline of software design. The motivation for studying design patterns, what they are and
how to use them .After completing this course, students will be comfortable with the basics of design
patterns and will be able to start using them effectively.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, students will be able to understand what design patterns are, know why they
are useful. Students will also get familiar with several specific design patterns and how to relate them
to their day to day java programming work. What each pat-tern is, where they are used, and how they
are implemented.

Homework and class activity details

Throughout the semester the students are expected to work on case studies in the book and
assignment which lecturer will give them.

P a g e | 139
Detailed Course Outline:
Week Contents
Introduction to DP

Java Overview
What is design pattern?
Observer pattern
Cont. Observer pattern
Decorator pattern

Cont. Decorator pattern


8 Mid Term Exam

Factory pattern

Cont. Factory pattern


11 Singleton pattern

Cont. Singleton pattern

13 Command Pattern

14 Cont. Command Pattern

15 Course Review

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 140
Subject: IS Strategy, Management & Acquisition (ISSMA) – CS712

Class & Semester: Year 4, 7th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Information Systems
1 Strategic Management: An Steve Clark Routledge
Integrated Approach
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name

Course Description:
This course explores the issues and approaches in managing the information systems function in
organizations and how the IS function integrates / supports / enables various types of organizational
capabilities. It takes a senior management perspective in exploring the acquisition, development and
implementation of plans and policies to achieve efficient and effective information systems. The
course addresses issues relating to defining the high-level IS infrastructure and the systems that
support the operational, administrative and strategic needs of the organization. The remainder of the
course is focused on developing an intellectual framework that will allow leaders of organizations to
critically assess existing IS infrastructures and emerging technologies as well as how these enabling
technologies might affect organizational strategy. The ideas developed and cultivated in this course
are intended to provide an enduring perspective that can help leaders make sense of an increasingly
globalized and technology intensive business environment.

P a g e | 141
Course Objectives:
 Understand the various functions and activities within the information systems area, including
the role of IT management and the CIO, structuring of IS management within an organization,
and managing IS professionals within the firm.
 View an organization through the lens of non-IT senior management in deciding how
information systems enable core and supportive business processes as well as those that
interface with suppliers and customers.
 Understand the concepts of information economics at the enterprise level.
 Appreciate how IS represents a key source of competitive advantage for firms.
 Structure IS-related activities to maximize the business value of IS within and outside the
 Understand existing and emerging information technologies, the functions of IS and its impact
on the organizational operations.
 Evaluate the issues and challenges associated with successfully and unsuccessfully
incorporating IS into a firm.
 Understand how strategic decisions are made concerning acquiring IS resources and
capabilities including the ability to evaluate the different sourcing options.
 Apply information to the needs of different industries and areas.
 Understand the role of IT control and service management frameworks from the perspective
of managing the IS function in an organization.

Homework and class activity details

As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of
time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will
also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to
them and present their contribution in the assignments.

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 The IS function
IS strategic alignment
3 Strategic use of information
Impact of IS on organizational structure and processes
5 IS economics
6 IS planning
8 Mid Term Exam
9 Role of IS in defining and shaping competition
10 Managing the information systems function
Financing and evaluating the performance of information technology investments and
11 operations

12 Acquiring information technology resources and capabilities

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13 Using IS/IT governance frameworks
14 IS risk management
15 Managing business continuity
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 143
Subject: Advance Database Management system – CS713

Class & Semester: Year 4, 7tt Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
MongoDB: The Definitive Kristina Chodorow &
Guide Michael Dirolf
2 NoSQL Databases Christof Strauch

Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Spring Data MongoDB –
1 Reference Documentation

Course Description:
The widespread emergence of big data storage needs has driven the development and adoption of a
new class of non-relational databases commonly referred to as NoSQL databases. This course will
explore the origins of NoSQL databases and the characteristics that distinguish them from traditional
relational database management systems. Core concepts of NoSQL databases will be presented,
followed by an exploration of how different database technologies implement these core concepts.
We will take a closer look at 1-2 databases from each of the four main NoSQL data models (key-value,
column family, document, and graph), highlighting the business needs that drive the development and
use of each database. Finally, we will present criteria that decision makers should consider when
choosing between relational and non-relational databases and techniques for selecting the NoSQL
database that best addresses specific use cases.

P a g e | 144
Course Objectives:
The student should know and understand:
● The differences between a relational database and a non-relational (NoSQL) database
● How to choose a suitable database for an application
● How to program a number of NoSQL databases to store and retrieve data and perform
aggregation functions
● The concepts of replication, distribution, sharing, and resilience in a NoSQL database.
● The ability to analyze semi-structured data and choose an appropriate storage structure

Homework and class activity details

As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of
time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will
also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to
them and present their contribution in the assignments

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Comparison of relational databases to new NoSQL stores
Introduction to MongoDB
Introduction to Cassandra
3 Introduction to Neo4j installation, use and deployment.
4 MongoDB-A Database for the Modern Web
5 Practical experience with MongoDB
6 Documents and Collections
Simple Queries

7 Simple Updates and Deletes

8 Mid Term Exam
9 More Complex Types of Queries

Updates and Arrays

Indexing and aggregation

Mongo Security

Cont. Mongo Security


Mongo Replication and Sharing


P a g e | 145
Course review and problem solving

16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 146
Subject: Advanced Mobile Application Development – CS802

Class & Semester: Year 4, 8th Semester

Credits: 3 Credits
Category: Core
Lab hours : 4 hour-session in a week 180 minutes

S. No Quizzes and exams Mark distribution

1 Mid-term exam 20
Assignments/ Homework/Class
2 20
Attendance/Group Project
3 Final exam 60

Reference Book
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Android Developer
Google Developer
1 Fundamentals Course
(Concept & Practical)
Recommended Books
Publisher Name &
S. No Book Name Author(s) Name
Professional Android 4
1 Reto Meier 2012
Application Development
Head First Android Dawn Griffiths &
2 2015
Development David Griffiths

Course Description:
Advanced Mobile Application Development (AMAD) is designed to familiarize students with
intermediate to advance concepts of mobile application development.

Course Objectives:
Upon successful implementation of this course, students will be able to design and develop a native
mobile application for android handheld systems. They will understand the following:

 Save, retrieve and manipulate data using a different approach.

 Share data across applications using content providers
 Set permission and use defined permissions
 Analyze application performance and security

P a g e | 147
Homework and class activity details
As a preparation towards the lecture, the students are expected to read the reading material ahead of
time. Each student is expected to answer selected questions relevant to the topic. The students will
also be asked to prepare and present a topic related to the group project that is most interesting to
them and present their contribution in the assignments

Detailed Course Outline:

Week Contents
1 Broadcast receivers
2 Services
Triggering, scheduling, and optimizing background tasks
3  Notifications
 Alarm managers
Triggering, scheduling, and optimizing background tasks
4  Transferring data efficiently (Job Scheduler)
Data -- saving, retrieving, and loading
5  Concepts: Overview to storing data
 Shared preferences

6 App with Settings

7  SQLite primer
 Storing data with SQLite

8 Mid Term Exam

Sharing Data Across Applications
9  ContentProviders
10  Loading data using loaders
 Using loaders to load and display data

11 Permission and Performance

12 Security
13 Firebase and AdMob
14 Publish your app
15 Problem Solving and Review
16 Final Term Exam

P a g e | 148
1. IS 2010. Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in
Information Systems. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association
for Information Systems (AIS)
2. IS’15 - A Model Curriculum reflecting the emerging IS Profession. 2013
Proceedings of the Information Systems Educators Conference, San Antonio,
Texas, USA
3. CS 2013. Computer Science Curricula 2013. Curriculum Guidelines for
Undergraduate Degree Program in Computer Science. December 20, 2013.
4. SE 2014. Software Engineering 2014. Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate
Degree Program in Software Engineering. February 23, 2015.

P a g e | 149

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