BSAB-Intro To Management Science..
BSAB-Intro To Management Science..
BSAB-Intro To Management Science..
Status :0
Core Values
Beacon of Excellence
Commitment to Inclusivity
College Vision: Balingoan College is a leading Higher Education Institution delivering quality of life in Misamis Oriental
College Mission: Balingoan College as a higher education institution promotes accountability, responsibility, social, environmental, cultural, and ethical
values through lifelong learning.
Intended Learning/Program Outcomes:
b. Proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new techniques) specific to Agribusiness.
c. Understanding of basic concepts across the domains of knowledge, with a focus on Agribusiness principles and practices.
d. Critical, analytical, and creative thinking applied to Agribusiness challenges and opportunities.
e. Application of different analytical modes (quantitative and qualitative, artistic and scientific, textual and visual, experimental, observation, etc.) in tackling
Agribusiness problems methodically.
f. Appreciation of the human condition within the context of Agribusiness, considering its impact on farmers, workers, and consumers.
g. Capacity to personally interpret the human experience in Agribusiness settings, understanding the motivations, needs, and challenges of stakeholders.
h. Ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives, with a specific focus on Agribusiness trends, policies, and practices.
i. Self-assuredness in knowing and being Filipino, and its relevance to the Agribusiness sector in the Philippines.
j. Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns in Agribusiness and think of innovative, creative solutions guided by ethical standards.
k. Ability to reflect on moral norms/imperatives as they affect individuals and society in the context of Agribusiness.
l. Ability to appreciate and contribute personally and meaningfully to the country's development through Agribusiness initiatives.
m. Understanding and respect for human rights, with a specific emphasis on labor rights and fair practices in the Agribusiness sector.
n. Ability to contribute personally and meaningfully to the country's development through sustainable Agribusiness practices.
o. Working effectively in a group within Agribusiness settings, collaborating with diverse stakeholders to achieve common goals.
p. Application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate Agribusiness research, data analysis, and decision-making processes.
q. Ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibly in the Agribusiness context, considering data privacy, cybersecurity, and digital literacy.
r. Problem-solving skills, including the ability to address real-world Agribusiness problems, such as supply chain management, market fluctuations, and
sustainability challenges.
s. Basic work-related skills and knowledge relevant to Agribusiness, including financial management, marketing strategies, risk assessment, and regulatory
Course Details
Book Quiz
II. Decision • Pre-reading Internet Score
9 Hrs
Theory • Roundtable Percentage
discussion Equivalent
for Quiz
CILO 3 Solve and III. Forecasting Book Quiz Score
analyze IV. Linear Internet Percentage
problems using Programming Equivalent
quantitative A. Graphical for Quiz
methods. Method Pre-
B. Simplex reading
Roundtable 9 Hrs
C. Special cases
of Linear discussion
D. Building of
CILO 4 Relate the V. Special- Book Quiz Score
identified Structured Linear Pre- Internet Percentage
quantitative Programming reading Equivalent
methods to Problems for Quiz
9 Hrs
managerial A. Transportation Roundtable
decision making Problems discussion
in various B. Assignment
business Problems
enviroment VI. Networks Book Quiz Score
A. PERT Internet Percentage
B. CPM Equivalent
C. Maximal Flow for Quiz
Problem-solving Pre-
Rubrics for
D. Minimal reading recitation
Spanning Tree Rubrics for
Problem Roundtable 21 Hrs reflective
E. Shortest Route discussion statement
VII. Queuing
Suggested Readings, References:
•Leven, Quantitative Approaches to Management 8th edition Singapore: McGraw Hill Book
•Render, Bond R.M. Stair.(2002) Quantitative Analysis for Management 8th edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall
Course Requirements
• Group Reports
Level of Assessment:
The students will be graded according to the following grading system:
1.Course Evaluation: Passing grade is 75%; absences more than 20% of the total number of meetings are considered a failure
Criteri Criteri
Criteri Criteri
a a
Prelim/Midterm/ a Final Term a
(Non- (Non-
(Major) (Major)
Major) Major)
Class Activities 20% 20% Class Activities 15% 15%
Participation Participation
Practical Practical
40% 35% 25% 25%
Test/Quiz/Assignment Test/Quiz/Assignment
Major Examination 35% 40% Major Examination 25% 20%
Behavior 5% 5% Final Output 30% 35%
Behavior 5% 5%
TOTAL 100% 100% Total 100% 100%
3.Grading Scale:
due to Dr Authori
≤ Inco
≥9 94- 92- 88- 85- 82- 79- 76- 7 65- Excessi op zed
6 mpl
7 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 5 74 ve pe Withdr
4 ete
Absenc d awal
1.2 1.7 2.2 2.7 3. 5.
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 4.0 AF INC DR AW
5 5 5 5 0 0
*Passing rate: Major Courses – 2.25 and GEC – 3.0
4.Last day of dropping is ___________. A student may officially drop the course on or before the deadline for dropping. Only after a dropping
slip is accomplished in the Registrar’s Office and the instructor’s copy is submitted can be considered to have the course officially dropped.
Class Policies:
1.They will be given a score of zero (0) with a corresponding grade of zero percent (0%) in a requirement which is not submitted under the
following conditions:
2.They will be given a score of zero (0) with a corresponding grade of zero percent (0) in a quiz which is given during their absence, under the
following conditions:
ii.They are offered a make-up quiz and still fail to shop-up during the given time;
iii.They are given enough time to prepare for the make-up quiz.
3.In case the students submitted a requirement given by the instructor/instructress to make-up for their lost grade, a certain percent will be
deducted on their actual grade. The deduction will be determined by the subject teacher.
B.Students who arrive beyond the allowable time for tardiness will be allowed to enter the class but are marked absent. Attendance policies
found in the Balingoan College Student Handbook applies.
C.Students not wearing the prescribed uniform/proper dress decorum will be considered absent.
E.Students under the influence of any liquor will not be permitted to enter the classroom and shall be advised to leave the campus premises
immediately to void unnecessary incidents
F.Cheating, tardiness, absences, and other violations will be dealt in accordance to the provisions stipulated in the Balingoan College Student
G.Gadgets are not allowed during class hours unless needed in class discussion with ample permission from the teacher.
*All policies (attendance, tardiness, decorum, grievances, etc) will be subject to the provisions of the latest version of the Balingoan
College Student Handbook)