Spider Robot With Arduino Report

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(Session 2023-2024)


Pratistha Sharma Bhawani Shankar Kumawat(CS2017L001/180)

(Lecturer Computer Science Bilal Hussain (CS/2016001/180)
& Engineering) Bhawani Shankar Saini (CS2017L002/180)






I certify that work, which is being presented in the project entitled “COLLEGE
WEBSITE” Submitted By Bhawani Shankar Kumawat , Billal Hussain , Bhawani
Shankar Saini students of final year diploma in computer science &engineering in partial
fulfillment for award of degree of diploma is a record of my own work carried out by us
under guidance and supervision of ms. Pratistha Sharma

This work has not submitted elsewhere for award of any other degree.

Date: Name & Signature of student


This is to certify that this report embodies the original work done by Bhwani Shankar
Saini,Bhawani Shankar kumawat and Bilal Hussain during the project training as a
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the diploma in Computer Science
&Engineering, of the Board of Technical Education Rajasthan.

Mr. Sunil Sharma

HOD (Computer Science)


We express my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to the project guide Ms. Pratistha
Sharma for her valuable, encouragement and affection for the successful completion
of this work. His sincere sympathy and attitude always encouraged me to carry out the
present work firmly. I express my thankfulness to Mr. Sunil Sharma Head of the
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, of Government Ram Chandra
Khaitan Polytechnic College ,Jaipur for providing us with best facilities in the
Department and his timely suggestions. Last but not least I would like to thank all my
friends and well wishers who were involved directly in successful completion of the
present work.

Bhawani Shankar Kumawat (CS2020L001/180)

Bilal Hussain (CS20206001/180)

Bhawani Shankar Saini (CS2020L002/180)


This report consists of the work done during the summer training at Government
Ram Chandra Khaitan Polytechnic College ,Jaipur under the
supervision of Ms.Pratistha Sharma(Lecturer, CSE). The report first shall
give an overview of the tasks completed during the period f training. Report shall
also elaborate on the future works which can be persuaded as an advancement of
the current work. I have tried my best to be persuaded as an advancement of the
current work. I have tried my best to keep report simple yet technically correct. I
hope I succeed in my attempt.

Bhawani Shankar Kumawat (CS2020L001/180)

Bilal Hussain (CS2020001/180)

Bhawani Shankar Saini (CS2020L002/180)



1. Introduction ………………………………………………………………7
• ProjectTitle
• Purpose
• Scope
• Abbreviation
• Technologies

2. Detailed life cycle of project ……………………………………………21

• Requirement Analysis
• System Analysis and design
• Testing

3. Details of hardware & software used ………………………………….25

• Hardware Specification
• Software Specification

4. Data base model …………………………………………………………26

• Tables used

5. Web pages ………………………………………………………………. 30

6. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………. 40

7. References ……………………………………………………………….. 41

In today's technical world technology is overcoming each and every activity in our
daily life. Everything is getting online whether billing, getting information, giving
exams, online shopping, Admissions etc.
College website is integral web application that handles various academic and non
academic activities of a college.
The college website can be a very valuable source of information. Sometimes
looking at the information for current students is more informative than what is
included under the prospective student section.
So being a computer science student of our college we thought of providing



The main purpose to develop web application for Govt. Polytechnic College Tonk
that will provide accessible information needed by the student and users. This
website is also useful for College faculty.

This website provides useful contents to update the needed information about the
college, courses, Student Placement, announcement etc.


The main objective to develop this website is to provide useful update the
needed information about the college.


S.N. Acronym Explanation

1. HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
2. CSS Cascading Style Sheet
3. JAVASCRIPT Used for behavior of Web pages
4. SQL Structure Query Language

5. ASP.NET Active Server Page. Network Enabled Technology

6. SQL Server Relational Database Management System


Modern websites are built using a myriad of technologies. While you don’t have to
be an expert in these systems to manage your website project properly, it is a good
idea to familiarize yourself with the basics of the available technologies and their
pros and cons in order to understand the long-term impact they will have on your
website. There is no single “right technology” for building websites. Many factors
should be a part of your decision, such as your vendor’s experience, vendor’s
collective team talents, development and licensing costs, as well as your
organization’s internal guidelines, website performance, maintainability, ease of
scalability for growth and more.



ASP.NET is a web development platform, which provides a programming model,

a comprehensive software infrastructure and various services required to build up
robust web applications for PC, as well as mobile devices.
ASP.NET works on top of the HTTP protocol, and uses the HTTP commands and
policies to set a browser-to-server bilateral communication and cooperation.
ASP.NET is a part of Microsoft .Net platform. ASP.NET applications are
compiled codes, written using the extensible and reusable components or objects
present in .Net framework. These codes can use the entire hierarchy of classes in
.Net framework.
The ASP.NET application codes can be written in any of the following languages:

• C#
• Visual Basic.Net
• Jscript
• J#
ASP.NET is used to produce interactive, data-driven web applications over the
internet. It consists of a large number of controls such as text boxes, buttons, and
labels for assembling, configuring, and manipulating code to create HTML pages.

SQL Server


SQL Server is a central part of the Microsoft data platform. SQL Server is an
industry leader in operational database management systems (ODBMS). This
documentation helps you install, configure, and use SQL Server on both Windows
and Linux.Microsoft SQL Server 2012 is a full-featured relational database
management system (RDBMS) that offers a variety of administrative tools to ease
the burdens of database development, maintenance, and administration.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the main administrative console for
SQL Server installations. It provides you with a graphical "birds-eye" view of all
of the SQL Server installations on your network. You can perform high-level
administrative functions that affect one or more servers, schedule common
maintenance tasks or create and modify the structure of individual databases. You
may also use SSMS to issue quick and dirty queries directly against any of your
SQL Server databases. Users of earlier versions of SQL Server will recognize that
SSMS incorporates the functions previously found in Query Analyzer, Enterprise
Manager, and Analysis Manager. Here are some examples of tasks you can perform
with SSMS:

• Create a SQL Server database table

• Tune SQL Server performance with the Database Engine Tuning Advisor
• Configure SQL Server database auditing
• Set up SQL Server database replicatio

SQL Profiler

SQL Profiler provides a window into the inner workings of your database. You can
monitor many different event types and observe database performance in real time.
SQL Profiler allows you to capture and replay system "traces" that log various
activities. It's a great tool for optimizing databases with performance issues or
troubleshooting particular problems. As with many SQL Server functions, you can
access SQL Profiler through SQL Server Management Studio. For more
information, see our tutorial Creating Database Traces with SQL Profiler.

SQL Server Agent


SQL Server Agent allows you to automate many of the routine administrative tasks
that consume database administrator time. You can use SQL Server agent to create
jobs that run on a periodic basis, jobs that are triggered by alerts and jobs that are
initiated by stored procedures. These jobs may include steps that perform almost
any administrative function, including backing up databases, executing operating
system commands, running SSIS packages and more. For more information on
SQL Server Agent, see our tutorial Automating Database Administration with SQL
Server Agent.

SQL Server Configuration Manager

SQL Server Configuration Manager is a snap-in for the Microsoft Management

Console (MMC) that allows you to manage the SQL Server services running on
your servers. The functions of SQL Server Configuration Manager include starting
and stopping services, editing service properties and configuring database network
connectivity options. Some examples of SQL Server Configuration Manager tasks

• Starting the SQL Server Agent Service (or other SQL Server services) with
Configuration Manager
• Encrypting SQL Server database connections with SQL Server
Configuration Manager

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) provide an extremely flexible method for
importing and exporting data between a Microsoft SQL Server installation and a
large variety of other formats. It replaces the Data Transformation Services (DTS)
found in earlier versions of SQL Server. For more information on using SSIS, see
our tutorial Importing and Exporting Data with SQL Server Integration Services


HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.

• HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language

• HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup
• HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages
• HTML elements are represented by tags
• HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table",
and so on

• Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content
of the page

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is an authoring tool that is used in

creating Internet Web pages. When using HTML a block of text is surrounded with
tags that indicate to an Internet browser how the text is to appear (for example, in
bold face or italics). HTML is a collection of platform-independent styles
(indicated by markup tags) that define the various components of a Web document.
It is the preferred tool for creating Web pages because it is understood by all
Internet browsers. Many Web designers who use HTML find it simple to learn and
easy to use, because it offers a stripped-down approach to Web design that does
not rely a lot on extraneous features. Another aspect of its popularity is its ability
to deal quickly with bandwidth-friendly text documents.

Internet lingo is full of acronyms and buzzwords. When you consider what each
letter in HTML stands for, it may be easier to understand exactly what it does and
how it works.

As Joe Burns stated on www.htmlgoodies.com:

"H yper is the opposite of linear. It used to be that computer programs had to move
in a linear fashion. This before this, this before this, and so on. HTML does not
hold to that pattern and allows the person viewing the World Wide Web page to go
anywhere, any time they want.

"T ext is what you will use. Real, honest to goodness English letters.

"M ark up is what you will do. You will write in plain English and then mark up
what you wrote. More to come on that in the next Primer.

"L anguage because they needed something that started with "L" to finish HTML
and Hypertext Markup Louie didn't flow correctly. Because it's a language,
really—but the language is plain English.


HTML, along with Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) and uniform resource
locator (URL), were created by Tim Berners-Lee in the latter part of the 1980s.
Berners-Lee was collaborating inSwitzerland at the CERN physics laboratory with

another scientist by the name of Robert Calliau. When Berners-Lee was faced with
the problem of organizing his notes, he created HTML to make the information
accessible and easy to link.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)

• CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets

• CSS describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen,
paper, or in other media
• CSS saves a lot of work. It can control the layout of multiple web pages
all at once
• External stylesheets are stored in CSS files

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to style and layout web pages — for example,
to alter the font, colour, size and spacing of your content, split it into multiple
columns, or add animations and other decorative features. This module gets you
started on the path to CSS mastery with the basics of how it works, including
selectors and properties, writing CSS rules, applying CSS to HTML, how to specify
length, colour, and other units in CSS, cascade and inheritance, and debugging CSS.

How does CSS affect HTML?

Web browsers apply CSS rules to a document to affect how they are displayed. A
CSS rule is formed from:

• A set of properties, which have values set to update how the HTML content is
displayed, for example, I want my element's width to be 50% of its parent element,
and its background to be red.
• A selector, which selects the element(s) you want to apply the updated property
values to. For example, I want to apply my CSS rule to all the paragraphs in my
HTML document.
A set of CSS rules contained within a stylesheet determines how a webpage should
look. You will learn a lot more about what CSS syntax looks like in the next article
of the module — CSS Syntax.

At its most basic level, CSS consists of two building blocks:

• Properties: Human-readable identifiers that indicate which stylistic features (e.g.

font, width, background color) you want to change.
• Values: Each specified property is given a value, which indicates how you want to
change those stylistic features (e.g. what you want to change the font, width or
background color to.)
A property paired with a value is called a CSS declaration. CSS declarations are put
withinCSS Declaration Blocks. And finally, CSS declaration blocks are paired
with selectors to produce CSS Rulesets (or CSS Rules).

JavaScript is a cross-platform, object-oriented scripting language used to make web
pages interactive (e.g. having complex animations, clickable buttons, popup menus,
etc.). There are also more advanced server side versions of JavaScript such as
Node.JS which allow you to add more functionality to a website than simply
downloading files (such as real time collaboration between multiple
computers). Inside a host environment (for example, a web browser), JavaScript can
be connected to the objects of its environment to provide programmatic control over

JavaScript contains a standard library of objects, such as Array, Date, and Math,
and a core set of language elements such as operators, control structures, and
statements. Core JavaScript can be extended for a variety of purposes by
supplementing it with additional objects; for example:

• Client-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects to control a

browser and its Document Object Model (DOM). For example, client-side
extensions allow an application to place elements on an HTML form and respond
to user events such as mouse clicks, form input, and page navigation.
• Server-side JavaScript extends the core language by supplying objects relevant to
running JavaScript on a server. For example, server-side extensions allow an
application to communicate with a database, provide continuity of information from

one invocation to another of the application, or perform file manipulations on a

This means that in the browser, JavaScript can change the way the webpage (DOM)
looks. And, likewise, Node.js JavaScript on the server can respond to custom
requests from code written in the browser.

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement

complex things on web pages every time a web page does more than just sit there
and display static information for you to look at displaying timely content updates,
interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. you can
bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of
standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS) we have covered in
much more detail in other parts of the Learning Area.

What can in-browser JavaScript do?

Modern JavaScript is a “safe” programming language. It does not provide low-

level access to memory or CPU, because it was initially created for browsers which
do not require it.

JavaScript’s capabilities greatly depend on the environment it’s running in. For
instance, Node.js supports functions that allow JavaScript to read/write arbitrary
files, perform network requests, etc.

In-browser JavaScript can do everything related to webpage manipulation,

interaction with the user, and the webserver.

For instance, in-browser JavaScript is able to:

• Add new HTML to the page, change the existing content, modify styles.
• React to user actions, run on mouse clicks, pointer movements, key presses.
• Send requests over the network to remote servers, download and upload files (so-
called AJAX and COMET technologies).
• Get and set cookies, ask questions to the visitor, show messages.
• Remember the data on the client-side (“local storage”).

Visual Studio

The Visual Studio integrated development environment is a creative launching pad

that you can use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app. An
integrated development environment (IDE) is a feature-rich program that can be
used for many aspects of software development. Over and above the standard editor
and debugger that most IDEs provide, Visual Studio includes compilers, code
completion tools, graphical designers, and many more features to ease the software
development process.

Popular productivity features

Some of the popular features in Visual Studio that help you to be more productive
as you develop software include:

• Squiggles and Quick Actions

Squiggles are wavy underlines that alert you to errors or potential problems
in your code as you type. These visual clues enable you to fix problems
immediately without waiting for the error to be discovered during build or
when you run the program. If you hover over a squiggle, you see additional
information about the error. A light bulb may also appear in the left margin
with actions, known as Quick Actions, to fix the error.

• Code Cleanup

With the click of a button, format your code and apply any code fixes
suggested by your code style settings, .editorconfig conventions, and Roslyn

analyzers. Code Cleanup helps you resolve issues in your code before it goes
to code review. (Currently available for C# code only.)

• Refactoring

Refactoring includes operations such as intelligent renaming of variables,

extracting one or more lines of code into a new method, changing the order of
method parameters, and more.

• IntelliSense

IntelliSense is a term for a set of features that displays information about your
code directly in the editor and, in some cases, write small bits of code for you.
It's like having basic documentation inline in the editor, which saves you from
having to look up type information elsewhere. IntelliSense features vary by
language. For more information, see C# IntelliSense, Visual C++
IntelliSense, JavaScript IntelliSense, and Visual Basic IntelliSense. The
following illustration shows how IntelliSense displays a member list for a

• Search box

Visual Studio can seem overwhelming at times with so many menus, options,
and properties. The search box is a great way to rapidly find what you need in
Visual Studio. When you start typing the name of something you're looking
for, Visual Studio lists results that take you exactly where you need to go. If
you need to add functionality to Visual Studio, for example to add support for
an additional programming language, the search box provides results that
open Visual Studio Installer to install a workload or individual component.


Press Ctrl+Q as a shortcut to the search box.

• Live Share

Collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless of what
your app type or programming language. You can instantly and securely share
your project and, as needed, debugging sessions, terminal instances, localhost
web apps, voice calls, and more.

• Call Hierarchy

The Call Hierarchy window shows the methods that call a selected method.
This can be useful information when you're thinking about changing or
removing the method, or when you're trying to track down a bug.

• CodeLens

CodeLens helps you find references to your code, changes to your code,
linked bugs, work items, code reviews, and unit tests, all without leaving the

• Go To Definition

The Go To Definition feature takes you directly to the location where a

function or type is defined.

• Peek Definition

The Peek Definition window shows the definition of a method or type

without actually opening a separate file.

SQL(Structure Query Language)

What is SQL?

• SQL stands for Structured Query Language

• SQL lets you access and manipulate databases
• SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) in 1987

What Can SQL do?

• SQL can execute queries against a database

• SQL can retrieve data from a database
• SQL can insert records in a database
• SQL can update records in a database
• SQL can delete records from a database
• SQL can create new databases
• SQL can create new tables in a database
• SQL can create stored procedures in a database
• SQL can create views in a database
• SQL can set permissions on tables, procedures, and views

Visual Basic.NET

Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming

language implemented on the .NET Framework. Although it is an evolution of
classic Visual Basic language, it is not backwards-compatible with VB6, and any
code written in the old version does not compile under VB.NET.

Like all other .NET languages, VB.NET has complete support for object-oriented
concepts. Everything in VB.NET is an object, including all of the primitive types
(Short, Integer, Long, String, Boolean, etc.) and user-defined types, events, and
even assemblies. All objects inherits from the base class Object.

VB.NET is implemented by Microsoft's .NET framework. Therefore, it has full

access to all the libraries in the .Net Framework. It's also possible to run VB.NET
programs on Mono, the open-source alternative to .NET, not only under Windows,
but even Linux or Mac OSX.

The following reasons make VB.Net a widely used professional language −

• Modern, general purpose.

• Object oriented.
• Component oriented.
• Easy to learn.

• Structured language.
• It produces efficient programs.
• It can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms.
• Part of .Net Framework.



We have used Waterfall Model as Software Engineering life Cycle Process. It is

the simplest; oldest and most widely used process model for software development
.This model acquires its name from the fact that classic software life cycle is
represented as a sequence of descending steps.

sequence of descending steps.

Requirement Analysis:
This process is also known as feasibility study. In this phase, the development
team studied the site requirement. They investigate the need for possible dynamic
representation of the site and increase security features. By the end of feasibility
study, the team furnishes a document that holds the different specific
recommendations for the candidate system. It also includes personnel assignments,
costs, project schedules, target dates etc. the requirement gathering process is

intensified and focused specially on software. The essential purpose of this phase
is to find the need and to define the problem that needs to be solved. During this
phase following facts were gathered.
❖ Determined the user need
❖ Identified the facts
❖ Establish the goals and objective for the proposed system
❖ Feasibility for the new system

System Analysis and Design:

In this phase the software’s overall structure and its nuances are defined. In terms
of client server technology the no of tiers needed for the package architecture,
database design, data structure design etc are defined in this phase. Analysis and
Design are very crucial in entire development cycle. Any glitch in this phase could
be expensive to solve in the later stage of software development. Hence following
is the essential approach taken during website designing:
❖ Database Designing
❖ Form Designing
❖ Pseudo code for methods
Once the code is generated, the website testing begins. Different testing
methodologies are done to unravel the bugs that were committed during the
previous phases. Different testing methodologies are used:
❖ Acceptance testing
❖ White Box Testing
❖ Black Box Testing

Methodology used for testing

The completion of a system will be achieved only after it has been thoroughly
tested. Though this gives a feel the project is completed, there cannot be any

project without going through this stage. Hence in this stage it is decided whether
the project can undergo the real time environment execution without any break
downs, therefore a package can be rejected even at this stage.

Testing methods

Software testing methods are traditionally divided into black box testing and
white box testing. These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that
a test engineer takes when designing test cases.

1) Black box testing - Black box testing treats the software as a "black box,"
without any knowledge of internal implementation. Black box testing
methods include: equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-
pairs testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, traceability matrix,
exploratory testing and specification-based testing.
2) White box testing - White box testing, by contrast to black box testing, is
when the tester has access to the internal data structures and algorithms (and
the code that implement these).White box testing methods can also be used
to evaluate the completeness of a test suite that was created with black box
testing methods. This allows the software team to examine parts of a system
that are rarely tested and ensures that the most important function points have
been tested.
3) Grey Box Testing - Grey box testing involves having access to internal data
structures and algorithms for purposes of designing the test cases, but testing
at the user, or black-box level. Manipulating input data and formatting output
do not qualify as "grey box," because the input and output are clearly outside
of the "black-box" that we are calling the system under test. This distinction
is particularly important when conducting integration testing between two
modules of code written by two different developers, where only the
interfaces are exposed for test. Grey box testing may also include reverse
engineering to determine, for instance, boundary values or error messages.

4) Acceptance testing - Acceptance testing can mean one of two things:

1. A smoke test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a build to the

main testing process.
2. Acceptance testing performed by the customer is known as user acceptance
testing (UAT).

5) Regression Testing - Regression testing is any type of software testing that

seeks to uncover software regressions. Such regression occurs whenever
software functionality that was previously working correctly stops working
as intended. Typically regressions occur as an unintended consequence of
program changes. Common methods of regression testing include re-running
previously run tests and checking whether previously fixed faults have re-
6) Non Functional Software Testing - Special methods exist to test non-
functional aspects of software.

• Performance testing checks to see if the software can handle large quantities
of data or users. This is generally referred to as software scalability. This
activity of Non Functional Software Testing is often times referred to as
Load Testing.
• Stability testing checks to see if the software can continuously function well
in or above an acceptable period. This activity of Non Functional Software
Testing is often times referred to as indurations test.
• Usability testing is needed to check if the user interface is easy to use and


Hardware Specification:

Disc Space : 2 GB

Processor : Intel
Memory : 2 GB RAM
File System : 32 Bit/64 Bit

Software Specification:
Operating System (Server Side) : Windows
Operating System (Client Side) : Windows, Linux
Front-End Language : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Server Side Language : ASP.Net
Database : SQL Server
Web Browser : Chrome, Firefox any browser


Tables Used

S. No. Database Table

1. Admin Login
2. Contact Us
3. Branch
4. Nodal Officer
5. Placement
6. Faculty
7. News
8. User Info
9. Add course
10. Gallery Image
11. Footer Contact
12. Notification
13. Important Links

1. Admin Login:

Field Name Field Type Description

Varchar (50) notnull Admin Login User Name
User Name
Password Varchar (50) not null Admin Password

Email Varchar(120) null Any Email for forget Password

2. Contactus

Field Name Field Type Description

Address Varchar (50) not null College Address
Phone Number int (50) not null Phone Number
Email Id Varchar (50) not null Email Id

Fax Varchar(50) not null Fax

3. Branch

Field Name Field Type Description

Branch Varchar (50) not null Branches in College

Duration Varchar (50) not null Course Duration
Commencement Year Varchar (50) not null Commencement Year
Sanctioned Intake Varchar (50) not null Sanctioned Intake

4. Nodalofficer

Field Name Field Type Description

Name Varchar (50) not null Nodal Officer Name
Designation Varchar (50) not null Designation

5. Placement

Field Name Field Type Description

Placement Id PK Int(20) Placement ID
Student Name Varchar(30) Student Name
Company Varchar(30) Company
Year of Placement Varchar(50) Placement Year
Branch Varchar(30) Stream
Package Varcahr(30) Yearly Package

6. Faculty

Field Name Field Type Description

Faculty Name Varchar(50) Name of the Faculty
Branch Varchar(50) Department of Faculty
Designation Varchar(50) Faculty Post
Faculty Id PK, Varchar(50) Faculty Id

7. News

Field Name Field Type Description

Id PK Int (20) Link Id
Title Varchar (50) News Title
Link Varchar (50) URL of news link

8. User Info

Field Name Field Type Description

User ID PK Int(20) User ID
User Name Varchar(30) User Name
Password Varchar(50) Password
Email Varchar(125) Email address of user
Location Varchar(50) Location of user

9. Add Course

Field Name Field Type Description

Course Id Varchar (50) Course Id
Branch Varchar(50) Branch
Duration Varchar(50) Duration of course
Commencement Year Int() Year of commencement
Sanctioned Intake Int() Sanctioned Intake

10. Gallery Images

Field Name Field Type Description

Id PK Int Id of Image
Name Varchar(255) Name of Image
Size Int not null Image Size
Image Data Varbinary(max) Image data

11. Footer contact

Field Name Field Type Description

Id PK Int() Id
Phone Varchar(50) Phone no
Email Varchar(50) Email address
Fax Varchar(50) Fax

12. Notification

Field Name Field Type Description

Id Int Id
Notification Varchar(500) Notification

13. Important Links

Field Name Field Type Description

Id PK Int Id
Title Varchar(50) Title
Link Varchar(50) Link

Web Pages

Home Page


About Us






Admin Panel


The project report entitled "COLLEGE WEBSITE CREATION" has come to its
final stage. The Web application has been developed with much care that it is free
of errors and at the same time it is efficient and less time consuming. The
important thing is that the Website is robust. We have tried our level best to make
the site as dynamic as possible. Also provision is provided for future
developments in the Website. The entire Website is secured.




❖ Beginning Asp.Net 3.5 in C# 2008(By: Matthew MacDonald)

❖ Professional .Net Framework 3.0(By: Joe Duffy (Wrox))

Web Links

❖ www.eggheadcafe.com

❖ www.w3schools.com

❖ www.javatpoint.com

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