Block A-Footing Design

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Pu 1500 check for load tra

SBC 150
safety factor 1
column size
b 650 mm
D 650 mm
fck 20 N/mm2
fy 500 N/mm2
clear cover 50 mm
perectage of selfweight 10 %
SWt. Of footing 150
total load 1650 lower fbr
for earth quake, increase the SBC of soil by 50%
Area of footing 11

for square footing

L=W 3.3
provided L=W 3.3

net soil pressure qu 0.21 N/mm2

S1 FOR CALCULATING 'd' 681.82 equation

s2 681,818.18 1 681.82

Assume Pt for Concrete grade

Pt 0.25
Tc from code, table 19 0.36 N/mm2
for one way shear
Vc1 1188 d equation 2

calculated 'd'>= 364.644107351 mm

NOTE therefore provide 'd' 365 mm

two way shear

Vu2 2037143.59504 N
Ks 1
Tc 1.1180
S3 4.4721
S4 2906.888 for d alone
calculated 'd' fro two way shear
d' 424.10 mm
Provide d 424.00 mm
compare d calculated from one way and two way shear and take the
suitable value of depth accordingly
dia of bar 12
over all depth of footing D 480 mm
effective depth 'd' 424 mm < 365
design of reinforcement
l1 1325
Mu 598.508522727
Mu/bd2 1.00884555785
NOTE refer SP:16 table2,pg.48, interpolate the value of Pt and if it is less
than 0.25 then assumed for one way shear or take 0.25

Pt 0.25
Ast req 1060 mm2
provided dia of bar 12 mm
spacing, Sv 106.695599502 110 mm c/c

Therefore provide 12 @ 110 mmc/c

check for load transfer at the base of column

Pu 1500
A2 422500 mm2
A1 10890000 mm2
(A2/A2)^.5 1
(A1/A1)^.5 5.076923 NOTE: it the value is greater than 2, take 2
provided 2 NOTE: 2 is taken if only the former one is greater
fbr1 9 For column face
fbr2 18
compare the above two values for fbr. Take the lower value
lower fbr 9
Fbr 3802.5

NOTE: if the final Fbr value is lesser than the Pu then extend the column main bar at a 90
degree resting on mesh to transfer the extra loads.

2037143.595 < 2906.888 d 4.4721 d2


Pu 2000 check for load tra

SBC 150
safety factor 1
column size
b 650 mm
D 650 mm
fck 20 N/mm2
fy 500 N/mm2
clear cover 50 mm
perectage of selfweight 10 %
SWt. Of footing 200
total load 2200 lower fbr
for earth quake, increase the SBC of soil by 50%
Area of footing 14.6666666667

for square footing

L=W 3.8
provided L=W 3.8

net soil pressure qu 0.21 N/mm2

S1 FOR CALCULATING 'd' 789.47 equation

s2 789,473.68 1 789.47

Assume Pt for Concrete grade

Pt 0.25
Tc from code, table 19 0.36 N/mm2
for one way shear
Vc1 1368 d equation 2

calculated 'd'>= 365.925058548 mm

NOTE therefore provide 'd' 366 mm

two way shear

Vu2 2785542.38227 N
Ks 1
Tc 1.1180
S3 4.4721
S4 2906.888 for d alone
calculated 'd' fro two way shear
d' 528.52 mm
Provide d 529.00 mm
compare d calculated from one way and two way shear and take the
suitable value of depth accordingly
dia of bar 16
over all depth of footing D 587 mm
effective depth 'd' 529 mm < 366
design of reinforcement
l1 1575
Mu 979.194078947
Mu/bd2 0.9208180801
NOTE refer SP:16 table2,pg.48, interpolate the value of Pt and if it is less
than 0.25 then assumed for one way shear or take 0.25

Pt 0.25
Ast req 1322.5 mm2
provided dia of bar 16 mm
spacing, Sv 152.031704898 150 mm c/c

Therefore provide 16 @ 150 mmc/c

check for load transfer at the base of column

Pu 2000
A2 422500 mm2
A1 14440000 mm2
(A2/A2)^.5 1
(A1/A1)^.5 5.846154 NOTE: it the value is greater than 2, take 2
provided 2 NOTE: 2 is taken if only the former one is greater
fbr1 9 For column face
fbr2 18
compare the above two values for fbr. Take the lower value
lower fbr 9
Fbr 3802.5

NOTE: if the final Fbr value is lesser than the Pu then extend the column main bar at a 90
degree resting on mesh to transfer the extra loads.

2785542.3823 < 2906.888 d 4.4721 d2


Pu 2850 check for load tr

SBC 150
safety factor 1
column size
b 700 mm
D 700 mm
fck 20 N/mm2
fy 500 N/mm2
clear cover 50 mm
perectage of selfweight 10 %
SWt. Of footing 285
total load 3135 lower fbr
for earth quake, increase the SBC of soil by 50%
Area of footing 20.9

for square footing

L=W 4.6
provided L=W 4.6

net soil pressure qu 0.20 N/mm2

S1 FOR CALCULATING 'd' 929.35 equation

s2 929,347.83 1 929.35

Assume Pt for Concrete grade

Pt 0.25
Tc from code, table 19 0.36 N/mm2
for one way shear
Vc1 1656 d equation 2

calculated 'd'>= 359.467231724 mm

NOTE therefore provide 'd' 359 mm

two way shear

Vu2 4048424.79797 N
Ks 1
Tc 1.1180
S3 4.4721
S4 3130.495 for d alone
calculated 'd' fro two way shear
d' 663.78 mm
Provide d 664.00 mm
compare d calculated from one way and two way shear and take the
suitable value of depth accordingly
dia of bar 20
over all depth of footing D 724 mm
effective depth 'd' 664 mm < 359
design of reinforcement
l1 1950
Mu 1766.92255435
Mu/bd2 0.87121134864
NOTE refer SP:16 table2,pg.48, interpolate the value of Pt and if it is less
than 0.25 then assumed for one way shear or take 0.25

Pt 0.25
Ast req 1660 mm2
provided dia of bar 20 mm
spacing, Sv 189.252569398 190 mm c/c

Therefore provide 20 @ 190 mmc/c

check for load transfer at the base of column

Pu 2850
A2 490000 mm2
A1 21160000 mm2
(A2/A2)^.5 1
(A1/A1)^.5 6.571429 NOTE: it the value is greater than 2, take 2
provided 2 NOTE: 2 is taken if only the former one is greater
fbr1 9 For column face
fbr2 18
compare the above two values for fbr. Take the lower value
lower fbr 9
Fbr 4410

NOTE: if the final Fbr value is lesser than the Pu then extend the column main bar at a 90
degree resting on mesh to transfer the extra loads.

4048424.798 < 3130.495 d 4.4721 d2

Design of combined footing
Data required b d
P1 3500 kN C1 700 700
P2 2509 kN C2 700 700
fy= 500 N/mm2 b/2= 350
fck(column) 20 N/mm2 b/2= 350
fck(footing) 20 N/mm2
Allowable soil pressure(qa) 150 kN/m2

Footing base dimensions

Assuming the weight of the combined footing plus backfill to constitute 15% of the column weight
A(rqd)=(P1+P2+dP)/qa 46.07 m2

Let footing centroid be located at dist. X from the centre of C1

Assune a load factor of 1 , the factored load is
Pu1 3500 kN
Pu2 2500 kN
Pu1+Pu2= 6000 kN let t= 982
Spacing b/w columns(s) 3000 mm
Dist. From centre of C1 to end 1000 mm
x=(Pu2*s)/(Pu1+Pu2) = 1250 mm

As x > 1500 mm a square footing may b provided

Therefore L= 4500 mm 6.787415

Provide L= 4.50 m 4.27 m
Width reqd B > A/L Width reqd B > A/L m
Provide B= 3.1 m

Stress resultants in londitudinal direction

Treating width beam as B= 3100 mm
quB(upward) 1333.3 kN/m

Critical section for one way shear is located at a distance d from the inside face of C2
Vu1= Eqn 1 Dist. From rt end to centre of C2=
Positive BM at the face of colunm C2 1800
Mu +ve 282 kN-m Eqn 1 700

negative moment occurs at a dist. xx from edge (near C1)of footing(at zero shear)
xx= 2.6250 m
Mu-ve= -3369 kN-m

Thickness of footing based on shear

One way shear (longitudinal) :Vu1
Assuming tc= 0.48 Mpa for M20 grade concrete
Assuming pt= 0.5 700000
Vuc= 1488 d N 2821.333
Vu1 < Vuc
d> 248 mm 250

Two way shear

The critical section is located d/2 from the periphery of columns C1 and C2
The factored soil pressure qu=
qu= 430.1 kN/m2
Assuming d= 250 mm 0.250
Vu2= 3163 kN at column C1
2112 kN at column C2
limiting two way shear stress tc2=ks(0.25sqrt.fck)
For square columns,
ks= 1
tc2= 1.118 Mpa
Vuc= 740698 N > 3163 kN
1062132 N > 2112 kN
Hence the depth is governed by one way shear only
Assume overall depth=D= 550 mm
Dia of bar= 20 mm
Clear cover= 50 mm
Therefore d= 490 mm < 250 mm

Check base pressure

Unit weight fo concrete= 24 kN/m3
Unit weight fo backfill= 15 kN/m3
soil pressure under service loads= 452.2 kN/m2 < 150 kN/m2

Design for flexural reinf.

Max Mu-ve= 3369 0.02
R= 4.526 Mpa
Pt/100= Err:502
Pt= Err:502 < 0.5 required for 1 way shear
Astreqd= 7595 mm2 > 0.0012BD
area= 314
Bar reqd= 24.2 29 nos 28
Spacing= 106 mm acceptable
Provide 29.0 nos 20 dia at top blw the two columns

Development length
For M20 and fe415, it shud b less then 47*dia of bar
Ld= 940 mm
Adequate length is available on both sides of the peak moment section

Max Mu +ve= 282 at the face of C2 0.02

R= 0.378 Mpa
Pt/100= 0.00089
Pt= 0.0890 low
Ast min 2046 mm2 200.96 area
bar dia= 16
bar reqd= 10.18 12 nos 11
spacing= 272.0 ok

Provide 12 nos 16 dia bar at bottom

Ld= 752 mm which is available on side of C2 close to edge of footing,by placing ba
the reqd length will be available on both sides of the section of max +

Design of column strips as transerve beams

Transervese beam under C1
Factored load per unit length of beam 1129.032 kN/m
Projection of beam beyond column face 1200 mm 1.2 m
Max moment at column face=Mu= 812.9032 kNm
let dia= 12 mm above 16 mm longitudinal bars
d= 482 mm
Width of beam=width of column+0.75d
b= 1062 mm
R= 3.296 Mpa low area= 113.04
provide min Ast= 700.6 mm2
bar no= 6.20 5 nos 4
spacing= 249.875 mm
provide 5 nos 12 dia bars
Ld= 564 mm < 1150 mm available
No need to check for shear as d lies outsidw the footing from the column

Transervese beam under C2

Factored load per unit length of beam 806.4516 kN/m
Projection of beam beyond column face 1200 mm 1.2 m
Max moment at column face=Mu= 580.6452 kNm
let dia= 12 mm above 1061.5 mm longitudinal bars
d= 482 mm
Width of beam=width of column+0.75d
b= 1423 mm
R= 1.756 Mpa low area= 113.04
provide min Ast= 939.2 mm2
bar no= 8.31 7 nos 6
spacing= 226.8 mm
provide 7 nos 12 dia bars
Ld= 564 mm < 1150 mm available
No need to check for shear as d lies outsidw the footing from the column
Transfer of force at column base
0.7 Column C1
1. Column face 9 Mpa
2. footing face 9 Mpa <

Fbs= 4410000 N >

Hence full force transfer can be achieved without the need for reinf
However, it is desirable to provide some dowels
provide 4 nos 20

Column C2
1. Column face 9 Mpa
2. footing face 39.85714 Mpa >

Fbs= 4410000 N >

Hence full force transfer can be achieved without the need for reinf
However, it is desirable to provide some dowels
provide 4 nos 20

y b provided

m rt end to centre of C2= 1000

plus d 1000
plus 1.3333 d
-1.3333 d kN

for c1 950
for c2 950 850



close to edge of footing,by placing bars symmetrically wrt C2

e on both sides of the section of max +ve moment

tudinal bars

tudinal bars
9 A1 490000
A2 490000
3500 kN, ok
without the need for reinf across interface.

mm dia bar

A1 9610000
2500 kN, ok A2 490000
without the need for reinf across interface.

mm dia bar

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