Beam Design

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Design of Beam

Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid 1A-1B at second Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
1 Known Data
Overall Depth, D = 430.00 mm D = 430mm
Width, B = 300.00 mm B =300mm
Lenth of Beam, L = 7,010 mm
Considering 25mm dia bar, f = 25.00 mm
clear cover = 25mm c = 25.00 mm
effective depth ,d = D - clear cover- f/2
d = D - clear cover- f/2 d = 392.50 mm
d' = clear cover +f/2 d' = 37.50 mm

characteristic strength of concrete fck = 20.00 N/mm2

Strength of steel fy = 500.00 N/mm2
IS:13920-1993 L/D = 16.30 >4
cl. 6.1.4 2 Minimum reinforcement Hence ok
IS13920:1993 0.24 fck
Ast min  bd
cl. 6.2.1.b fy Astmin = 252.765 mm2 Astmin =252.765mm2
pt,min= 0.215%
IS13920:1993 Maximum reinforcement
cl. 6.2.2 Ast max = 0.025bd Astmax = 2,943.75 mm2 Astmax=2943.75mm2
limiting moment, Mulim = 2.76bd2 Mulim = 123.50 KNm Mulim =123.50KNm
3 Beam 1A-1B; ID B35
At left End

-2.222 kN-m -385.586kN-m

2 3
+2.262kN-m +169.433kN-m

Sp16 Table2 1. Design for Hogging Moment

Ultimate moment Mu = 385.59 KNm (Hogging moment) -ve

Mu > Mulim DoublyReinforcedSection

For Doubly Reinforced Beam
Table 54, SP16 d' / d = 0.10
Mu / bd2 = 8.34
Percentage of steel at tension zone pt = 2.062 %
Required area of steel at tension zone Ast = 2,428.00 mm2 Astmin =2428.01mm2 (Top)
Percentage of steel at compression zone pc = 1.213 %
Required area of steel at compression zone Asc = 1,428.31 mm2 Ascmin =1428.31mm2(Bot)
Since, Ascmin<Ast, Providing Ast = 1,428.31 mm2

Asc at bottom is not required but as per IS

13920:1993, cl.6.2.3 Asc must be at least 50% of Ast
Percentage of steel at compression zone pc = 1.03 %
Required area of steel at compression zone Asc = 1,214.00 mm2 Ascmin =1214.00 mm2(Bot)

Beam Design-1
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid 1A-1B at second Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
2. Design for Sagging Moment
The beam is designed as T beam
The limiting capacity of the T-beam assuming xu < Df and
xu < xu,max may be calculated as follows.
Ultimate moment Mu = 169.43 KNm (Sagging moment) +ve

IS 456: 20
cl. 23.1.2

Where Df = Depth of flange 125 mm Slab thickness

bw = width of web / rib 300 mm
bf = width of flange
Lowest of above 2

2218.33333333333 mm
Ast= 2428.00 mm2
66.13 mm
< Df
< xu,max xu,max=180.55 mm
Hence OK
But Asc must be at least 50% of Ast hence,
Asc = 1214.00 mm2
3. Required Reinforcement
Ast,Top = 2428.00 mm2
Ast,Bott = 1214.00 mm2

4 Design Shear Strength of Concrete

Tensile steel provided at left end = 2.06% pt
IS:456:2000 Permissible design shear stress of concrete
Table 19 Ʈc= 0.790 MPa
Vc = 93.02 kN
Maximun shear at left end, Vu = 225.87 kN

Design Shear
Vus = Vu – Vc 132.84 kN
Vus / d = 3.38 kN/cm
Referring to Table 62 of SP:16, we get the
required spacing of 2 legged 8φ stirrups as
160mm c/c

As per Clause 6.3.5 of IS 13920:1993, the spacing

of stirrups in the mid-span shall not exceed
d/2 = 392.50/2 = 196.25mm 196.25

Beam Design-2
Design of Beam
Concrete grade = M 20
Steel grade = Fe500 and Fe 415 for stirrups
Beam along Grid 1A-1B at second Floor
Ref. Step Calculation Output
Minimum shear reinforcement as per
Clause of IS 456:2000 is given by:
Sv = Asv x 0.87 fy /(0.4 b)
= 2 x 50 x 0.87 x 415 / (300 x 0.4)
= 300 mm.

Spacing of links over a length of 2d at either end

of beam as per Clause 6.3.5 of IS13920: 1993
shall be the least of:
i) d/4 = 392.5 /4 = 98.13 mm 98.13
ii) 8 times diameter of smallest bar
= 8 x 16 = 128 mm
However, it need not be less than 100 mm.
Hence, provide 2 Legged - 8 φ stirrups @100mm
c/c at left and at right end over a length of L/4=7010/4= 1752.50 Provide 8 φ stirrups @100mm c/c
2 x 392.5 =785.00mm whichever is greater. 785.00 over a length of 1822.50mm

Elsewhere, provide stirrups at 150 mm c/c

Beam Design-3
547.5092 -1891.921 6865.373 -95.43421 282.7887 11549.19 2897.275 -54.79834
734.2823 -1566.824 11755.11 -97.72625 309.9277 12992.86 3355.606 -56.11443
623.4258 -2607.106 -70122.55 -397.8686 153.0228 9114.411 -30777.29 -228.4562
551.426 100.1874 88930.72 241.5066 342.8616 11674.17 36146.26 138.6731
603.114 62181.07 11687.36 168.839 272.6738 50839.26 994.707 96.9474
571.7379 -64687.99 7120.805 -325.201 223.2105 -30050.68 4374.264 -186.7305
592.5091 -3583.979 -92542.92 -495.0437 164.1394 9949.341 -38929.95 -284.2542
502.5093 -199.8632 106273.7 304.1753 401.4379 13149.04 44724.49 174.6575
567.1193 77401.25 9719.472 213.3408 313.7032 62105.4 785.0518 122.5003
527.8991 -81185.09 4011.274 -404.2092 251.8741 -39007.02 5009.498 -232.097
373.5054 -2827.211 -95289.07 -456.87 51.02391 5329.666 -40088.86 -262.3349
283.5056 556.9053 103527.5 342.349 288.3225 8529.36 43565.58 196.5768
348.1156 78158.02 6973.323 251.5145 200.5878 57485.73 -373.8581 144.4197
308.8954 -80428.32 1265.125 -366.0356 138.7586 -43626.7 3850.588 -210.1777
734.2823 78.15802 106.2737 0.342349 401.4379 62.1054 44.72449 0.196577

267.6253 0.131051

Story Column Combo Loc P V2 V3 T M2

STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 0 -827.68 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 -142063
STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 1333.5 -820.84 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 -41872.17
STORY2 C167 DCON10-1 2667 -814 -0.12 -75.13 561.707 58319.02
-814 58.31902

Story Beam Combo Loc P V2 V3 T M2

STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 658.5 0 12.78 0 -349.509 0
STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 1594.5 0 40.96 0 -349.509 0
STORY2 B226 DCON10-1 2998.5 0 87.69 0 -349.509 0
-6477.618 17243.96 -4387.255
-408.3906 18479.84 -10401.39
-39805.99 10321.3 28298.68
32919.98 25402.49 -43087.33
-7391.621 17189.12 -3406.892
194.9124 18733.97 -10924.57
FZ MY MZ -49052.09 8535.806 37450.52
223.9834 -719.0268 -54.79834 41855.38 27387.29 -51781.98
245.6806 -766.3664 -56.11443 -5952.279 10004.5 -540.6005
263.8347 -34709.54 -228.4562 1634.254 11549.35 -8058.274
129.2543 33483.36 138.6731 -47612.75 1351.187 40316.82
163.2396 -932.9553 96.9474 43294.72 20202.67 -48915.69
229.8494 -293.231 -186.7305 -3620.593 17773.2 -7603.237
308.0962 -43339.59 -284.2542 -4445.872 22106.19 -9582.698
139.8706 41901.54 174.6575 -4781.25 17434.72 -6454.908
182.3522 -1118.854 122.5003 -2332.144 17935.18 -8877.408
265.6145 -319.1992 -232.097 -48496.86 9086.47 38247.89
218.5028 -43051.98 -262.3349 41383.47 26283.43 -53580.21
50.27724 42189.15 196.5768 -5151.284 17460.41 -6089.175
92.75889 -831.2437 144.4197 -2089.901 18085.99 -9117.3
176.0212 -31.58844 -210.1777 -59795.8 7025.102 49789.33
308.0962 42.18915 0.1965768 52554.62 28521.3 -64995.8
-3703.047 10351.13 -3047.88
-641.6642 10976.71 -6076.005
205.3974667 -58347.56 -84.17838 52830.63
54002.85 21412.02 -61954.51
54.00285 -59.7958 28.5213 -0.084178 52.83063 -64.9958
M3 M3 M3
-8299.18 45332.41 -28571.78
-10824.62 58380.04 -36571.21
4256.435 46702.43 -45405.75
-21575.82 46705.64 -13108.19
-9019.438 46700.47 -28815.3
-8299.949 46707.6 -29698.63
7845.982 45330.41 -48757.75
-24444.34 45334.42 -8385.812
-8748.86 45327.96 -28019.7
-7849.499 45336.87 -29123.86
11165.65 27197.44 -37329.04
-21124.67 27201.46 3042.901
-5429.188 27195 -16590.99
-4529.827 27203.9 -17695.15
-11947.81 64577.68 -46528.8
-15295.7 81426.68 -58451.55
12131.35 65286.65 -76894.19
-36604.47 64996.04 -16628.29
-12641.64 65137.46 -46263.62
-11831.48 65145.22 -47258.86
18512.08 64759.31 -84194.99
-42407.7 64396.05 -8862.621
-12454.16 64572.83 -45906.78
-11441.46 64582.53 -47150.84
23291.2 38928.24 -65583.47
-37628.57 38564.97 9748.901
-7675.037 38741.76 -27295.26
-6662.333 38751.46 -28539.31
-12524.68 65434.83 -43879.13
-15517.89 81654.83 -57660.47
17045.84 65453.84 -82661.11
-41874.46 65193.89 -9595.64
-12858.08 65319.9 -45582.58
-11970.54 65327.83 -46674.17
24300.51 65597.3 -89545.05
-49349.87 65272.36 1786.793
-13079.39 65429.88 -43196.88
-11969.96 65439.79 -44561.38
29310.38 39423.37 -71993.4
-44340 39098.42 19338.44
-8069.521 39255.94 -25645.23
-6960.091 39265.85 -27009.72
29.31038 -49.34987 81.65483 27.195 19.33844 -89.54505
853934 35 29887690 3588.34
35 4395716.5 25491973.5 25390000 -101973.5
Story Beam Load

Story Beam Load Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3

STORY2 B33 DCON1 2.413183 -31.19084 64.22466 5.463039 97.78738 -80.59404 0.635037 -89.08585 -41.2875
STORY2 B33 DCON2 2.413183 -40.73418 81.24786 5.463039 120.8139 -101.0839 0.635037 -111.1868 -51.6213
STORY2 B33 DCON3 2.413183 -26.04385 74.2838 5.463039 108.9864 -107.5815 0.635037 -82.40595 -20.37624
STORY2 B33 DCON4 2.413183 -39.13084 55.71278 5.463039 84.3159 -54.15265 0.635037 -95.49294 -62.21784
STORY2 B33 DCON5 2.413183 -60.16682 54.23114 5.463039 71.66666 -19.90196 0.635037 -116.5289 -101.1045
STORY2 B33 DCON6 2.413183 -5.007875 75.76544 5.463039 121.6357 -141.8322 0.635037 -61.36997 18.51044
STORY2 B33 DCON7 2.413183 -23.01147 75.83154 5.463039 113.2065 -113.9871 0.635037 -80.90649 -15.1365
STORY2 B33 DCON8 2.413183 -39.37021 52.61777 5.463039 82.3683 -47.20099 0.635037 -97.26522 -67.4385
STORY2 B33 DCON9 2.413183 -65.66518 50.76572 5.463039 66.55676 -4.387617 0.635037 -123.5602 -116.0469
STORY2 B33 DCON10 2.413183 3.283498 77.68359 5.463039 129.018 -156.8005 0.635037 -54.61151 33.47185
STORY2 B33 DCON11 2.413183 -10.53514 50.14168 5.463039 74.0915 -81.74947 0.635037 -45.27214 1.378499
STORY2 B33 DCON12 2.413183 -26.89387 26.9279 5.463039 43.25335 -14.96337 0.635037 -61.63088 -50.9235
STORY2 B33 DCON13 2.413183 -53.18884 25.07586 5.463039 27.44181 27.85 0.635037 -87.92585 -99.53185
STORY2 B33 DCON14 2.413183 15.75983 51.99373 5.463039 89.90305 -124.5629 0.635037 -18.97717 49.98685
Story Beam Loc V2 M3 Loc V2 M3 Loc V2
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -64.30317 -34.93314 2.28 2.275639 32.57567 4.335 65.27307
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -85.81389 -47.89358 2.28 3.058778 44.75495 4.335 87.07807
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -67.67757 -38.13514 2.28 2.267197 34.98877 4.335 68.39021
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -69.62466 -38.49459 2.28 2.626848 36.61916 4.335 70.93471
STOREY02 B155 0.225 0.008209 101.9173 2.28 63.22322 43.31422 4.335 141.7765
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -137.3104 -178.547 2.28 -58.32918 28.2937 4.335 -2.451545
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -63.08624 -34.70848 2.28 2.050857 31.55667 4.335 63.68276
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -65.5201 -35.15779 2.28 2.500421 33.59466 4.335 66.86339
STOREY02 B155 0.225 21.52098 140.357 2.28 78.2459 41.96349 4.335 155.4156
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -150.1273 -210.2233 2.28 -73.69462 23.18784 4.335 -24.86943
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -37.36497 -20.73523 2.28 1.140602 18.52641 4.335 37.57353
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -39.79884 -21.18454 2.28 1.590166 20.5644 4.335 40.75415
STOREY02 B155 0.225 47.24225 154.3303 2.28 77.33564 28.93323 4.335 129.3064
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -124.4061 -196.2501 2.28 -74.60487 10.15757 4.335 -50.97866
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -53.83958 -9.221638 2.28 14.88766 37.24966 4.335 83.94125
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -83.46264 -67.40809 2.28 -9.993615 34.35826 4.335 55.38366
STOREY02 B155 0.225 35.13125 173.66 2.28 94.26047 47.31462 4.335 178.9676
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -172.4335 -250.2897 2.28 -89.36642 24.2933 4.335 -39.64268
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -45.78876 1.433392 2.28 17.82644 34.38279 4.335 83.12157
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -82.81757 -71.29967 2.28 -13.27516 30.76855 4.335 47.42457
STOREY02 B155 0.225 65.42478 230.0354 2.28 117.0424 46.96399 4.335 201.9045
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -194.0311 -299.9017 2.28 -112.4912 18.18735 4.335 -71.35835
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -20.0675 15.40665 2.28 16.91618 21.35252 4.335 57.01234
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -57.09631 -57.32642 2.28 -14.18541 17.73828 4.335 21.31534
STOREY02 B155 0.225 91.14605 244.0086 2.28 116.1322 33.93372 4.335 175.7953
STOREY02 B155 0.225 -168.3099 -285.9284 2.28 -113.4014 5.157079 4.335 -97.46758

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