Triptico Ingles

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High School Number Four

Teacher : Matilde Guerrero Escamilla

and even more...
What can be done to reduce
You too
Feed street
stray animals?

can join
the cause!!
Adoption is an alternative that benefits
everyone when it comes to acquiring a
pet: the family, animal protection entities
Don' t be
Why is it important to do
and, of course, the dog or cat itself. left so?
How can you do it?
behind and
those who
need it
Sterilization, to avoid unwanted litters;
identification, which makes it possible to
locate the owner of the animal in the
event of loss;

For more information, please visit:
Franco Palafox EDdiel Maximiliano
Guzmán Pérez Israel
Hernández Soto Lorena
Portes Zambrano Ingrid Juliana
What is a Stray Why Feed Stray There are a few
important things to
Animal? Dogs and Cats? keep in mind
"Stray" is a term given to any
domestic animal found roaming Feeding stray dogs and cats is one
freely without human supervision. of the best ways to help them, Do not feed the animals human
Strayers depend on humans for their These animals tend to go hungry, food, unless it is specifically
most essential needs, such as food, live sick, be exposed to dangers and formulated for pets.
Pet food should be of good quality,
even though it can be found in the are sometimes mistreated.
with no preservatives or additives.
waste that humans discard.
Make sure the animals is in good
health before feeding.
Do not feed the dog if other
Why are Stray animals are present, as they could
fight over food.
Animals a problem? Do not feed the animals in public
Feeding stray dogs and cats is one places, such as parks and streets, as
of the best ways to help them, These this can lead to problems with the
animals tend to go hungry, live sick,
be exposed to dangers and are
sometimes mistreated.
There is also concern about Stray
Animals themselves, disease, Benefits for
starvation, aggression between animals
animals, and persecution by humans
in the form of cruelty, abuse, and Less hunger: Feeding them can
inhumane methods of killing them. reduce their hunger and help
them stay healthy
Increased protection: Feeding
them can increase the odds that
they will stay happy and safe.
Fewer illnesses: Feeding them
can reduce the spread of "An abandoned bone is a
disease between them, as food treasure for someone like me."
helps them stay healthy

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